The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and The Industrial Development Authority of the City of Tucson, Arizona (collectively, the “Authorities”) IDA of County of Pima EIN: 86-0445981 IDA of City of Tucson EIN: 86-1045487 HOMEBUYER’S SOLUTION PROGRAM – GRANT FUNDING/WIRE TRANSFER REQUEST This form cannot be handwritten. You may only submit a form that was generated from the eHousingPlus Lender Portal AFTER an Underwriter Certification has been submitted online. DPA Funding Request forms must be submitted 3 business days prior to funding to assure timely processing. WIRE TRANSFER/FUNDING REQUEST FORM Participating Lender Name: Lender Contact: Lender Contact Phone: Underwriter Certified Date: Date of Request: Loan Closing Date: A minimum three (3) business day notice to allow for the timely transfer of funds. Loan Amount: Wire Request Amount: Wiring Instructions Bank: Bank Address: Bank Phone: ABA # Closing Agent/Title Company: ATTN: Phone Number / Email: Account #: Borrower(s) Name: Reference/GF #/File Number: Property Address: US Bank Loan Number: Printed on: Wire Transfer /Funding Request Form print, sign, and fax to Community Investment Corporation to the attention of: Frank Valenzuela at 520-908-6045 (f) (if above fax# fails please email- ; The undersigned hereby represents that [he/she] is authorized to execute this Funding Request on behalf of the Participating Lender shown above and that all of the above information is true and correct. Date: Printed Name Signature of Authorized Officer Title: SERVICER LOAN # IDA’s of Pima/Tucson 2012 Program COMPLIANCE FILE CHECKLIST MORTGAGOR NAME LENDER NAME CONTACT NAME AC & Phone E-MAIL ADDRESS OF CONTACT PERSON Lender Loan # AC & Fax Binding the items below in the order indicated, assures faster processing. Compliance Review Fee of $225 Corporate Checks only made payable to eHousingPlus Include name of Borrower and Property address THIS CHECKLIST ORIGINAL HOMEBUYER CERTIFICATION AND AFFIDAVIT COPY Notice of Down Payment Assistance COPY of FINAL EXECUTED LOAN APPLICATION - 1003 COPY of EXECUTED SETTLEMENT STATEMENT - HUD1 COPY of WARRANTY DEED COPY of Homebuyer Education Certificate THE COMPLETE FILE IS SUBMITTED TO eHousingPlus : eHousingPlus, 3050 Universal Blvd., Suite 190, Weston, FL 33331 PLEASE NOTE: MORTGAGE FILE, INCLUDING CREDIT PACKAGE, AND RECORDED DOCS ARE SENT TO U S BANK. Loan # THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF PIMA AND THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF TUCSON, ARIZONA REVOLVING TAXABLE SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE PROGRAM OF 2012 “PIMA TUCSON HOMEBUYER’S SOLUTION” HOMEBUYER CERTIFICATION AND AFFIDAVIT Under the penalty of perjury, the undersigned does hereby swear or affirm as follows: 1. Requirement to Participate. Participation in the above-referenced Program created by The Industrial Development Authority of the City of Tucson, Arizona (the “Tucson IDA”) and The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima (the “Pima IDA”, and with the Tucson IDA, individually and collectively, the “Authorities”) requires the participating homebuyers to make certain representations and certifications to the Authorities. 2. Low and Moderate Income. The undersigned hereby acknowledges and certifies that the undersigned have a household income which does not exceed $65,500.00 annually. 3. No Prior Financial Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the undersigned have not received, within the 3 year period immediately preceding the date of the mortgage loan, another mortgage loan directly or indirectly financed from the proceeds of bonds issued by the Authorities, the Tucson IDA or the Pima IDA. 4. Higher Mortgage Loan Interest Rate. The calculation of the interest rate on this mortgage loan is based upon the addition of the 4% down payment and/or closing cost assistance which has been requested by the undersigned, and therefore, the interest rate on this mortgage loan is at a higher interest rate than could otherwise be obtained (or may be available) to the homebuyer if no down payment or closing cost assistance were included. The undersigned acknowledges the undersigned is paying a higher mortgage loan interest rate because of the 4% down payment and/or closing cost assistance and agrees to pay the higher mortgage loan interest rate. The undersigned has made a determination that this is in the best financial interest of the undersigned at this time. Homebuyer #1: Homebuyer #2: Signature Printed Name: Date: Signature Printed Name: Date: THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TH E COU NTY OF PI MA AND TH E I N DU STR I A L DEVELOPM ENT AUTHOR ITY OF THE CITY OF TUCSON. A R IZON A REVOLVING TAXABLE SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE PROGRAM OR 2012 PIMA/TUCSON HOMEBUYER’S SOLUTION PROGRAM To Lender: Date: The Industrial Development Authority of the Count y of Pima ("Pima I DA" and The Industrial Development Authority of the City of Tucson. Arizona (Tucson IDA ; which with the Pima IDA arc collectively the "Authorities"), each nonprofit corporations designated by statute as political subdivisions of t he State of Arizona From : Su bject: Notice of Down Payment /Closing Cost Assistance G ra nt Congratulations on participating in the "Pima Tucson Homebuyer's Solutions", the Revolving Taxable Single Family Mortgage Loa n Program of 2012 (the "Program"), offered by t he Authorities. Please be advised that the Authorities are providing a 4% down payment and/or closing cost assistance grant, with no repayment of the grant required. recognizing that the interest rate on a mortgage loan will be higher t ha n otherwise available due to this benefit : al l to be used in conjunction with t he Program as follows: Homcbuycr(s): Property Address: Amount of" Gra nt (percentage of total loan a mount): $ __ _ This grant will be funded by the Authorities. and no port ion of t hese funds was made available to the Authorities by a person or entity with an interest in t he sale or the propcr1y . The grant will be funded at time of closing of the first mortga ge loan . THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF PIMA c/o Russo. R usso & Sla nia, P.C. 6700 North Oracle Road. Suite I 00 Tucson, Arizona 85704 (520) 529- 1 51 5 : Pima IDA EIN: 86-0445981 : By:_____________________________________ Tucson I DA EI N 86-1 045487 By:___________________________________ HOMEBUYER No. 1 HOM EBUYER No. 2: Signature Signature Printed Name Printed Name Date: THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TH E CIT Y OF TUCSON A R IZONA c/o Bus ness Development Finance Corporation 335 North Wilmot Road, Suite 420 Tucson. Arizona 8571 1 ( 520) 882-5591 ext. 1 26 Date : --
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