INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION Social Security number _____N/A_________________________ Name in full________Hong_______Seunghee___여권과 동일하게 표기할 것_____________________________________________ Male □ 남 Last First Middle Female ▣ 여 Home address____123 Kongnung 2-dong, Nowon-ku, Seoul, Korea 456-789 __________________________________________________ Address Phone ( 02 City State ) _____345-567__________________ Zip E-mail address: Permanent Temporary address________임시주소가 만약 있다면 _________________________________________________________________________ (if not at home for an extended time) Address City State Zip 임시주소 At temporary address until: _________________ Phone ( 임시주소 유효기간 Applying for: Date □ Early Action I Planning to enter: ) ______________________________________________________________ Temporary □ Early Action II Fall __2009____ □ Regular Admission Deadline □ Spring 이부분은 표시하지 마십시오. Interterm________ Year Spring _________ year Summer________ year year Age __19_______ Date of birth _____6/20/1989______________ City, state and country of birth ____Seoul, Korea______________________ Month Have you ever previously applied to Biola? Day □ Yes Year ▣ No Attended Biola? □ Yes ▣ No If so, which semester? ____________ 바이올라에 입학원서를 낸 적이 있습니까? U.S. citizen: □ Yes ▣ No □ If no, citizen of _____Korea________________ 미국시민 입니까? Permanent Resident # ____________________ 영주권 번호 (만약 있다면) 아니면 어느나라 시민입니까? Do you consider the English language your native tongue? □ Yes ______ ▣ No Other U.S. immigration status _____ 영어가 모국어 입니까? (만약 있다면) Ethnicity 민족 : (optional: requested for statistical purpose only) ▣ 1. Asian or Pacific Islander Marital status: ▣ Single 결혼상태 □ 2. African American □ Married 미혼 F-1 Student Visa # 학생 비자번호 □ 3. Native American □ 4. Latin American □ 5. White Number and ages of children _______ N/A _________________________________________ 기혼 자녀수와 자녀들 나이 Date of marriage ________ N/A ________________________ Separated or divorced (indicate date) ______ N/A ______________________ 별거 혹은 이혼 (날자를 적어주십시오.) 결혼날자 FAMILY BACKGROUND 가족 Father’s name _____Hong, Jungyoung_____________________________ If deceased, when? _____ N/A __________________________ 아버지 성함 돌아가셨다면, 언제? Home address _____123 Kongnung 2-dong, Nowon-ku, Seoul, Korea 456-789 _________________________________________________ 집주소 Where employed? __Crown Company _____________________________ Position _____Manager________________________________ 직장 직위 E-Mail address: 이메일 주소 If father attended college, where? __Seoul National University__________ Number of years ______4_______________________________ 대학에 다녔다면, 어떤 대학? 몇년간? (Include maiden name) Mother’s full name __Choi, Eunyoung______________________________ If deceased, when? ______ N/A _________________________ 어머니 성함 돌아가셨다면, 언제? Home Address _____123 Kongnung 2-dong, Nowon-ku, Seoul, Korea 456-789 _________________________________________________ Where employed? __Soong Eui Junior High School__________________ Position _____Teacher_________________________________ E-Mail address: ______________________________________________________________________________ If mother attended college, where? ___ Yonsei University __________ Number of years _________4________________________________ If parents are separated, give date of separation ________ N/A _______________________________________________________________ 만일 부모님이 헤어지셨다면 헤어진 날자 Month Year If parents are separated, with whom do you live? ________ N/A _______________________________________________________________ 만일 부모님이 헤어지셨다면 누구와 함께 살고 계십니까? Names and ages of children older than yourself: Brothers ____Osup, 21________________ Sisters ____none_____________________ 형,오빠,누나,언니의 이름과 나이 Names and ages of children younger than yourself: Brothers ____Beomsup, 17____________ Sisters _____none____________________ 남동생,여동생의 이름과 나이 Members of your family who have attended Biola: _____none_________________________________________________________________ 바이올라에 다녔던 가족이 있다면 몇명? WHY BIOLA? Which was the most significant factor influencing your choice to attend Biola University? Check one square only. 바이올라 대학을 선택한 이유중 가장 큰 영향을 끼친것은? (하나만 표시해 주십시오.) ▣ □ □ □ Pastor’s referral □ Biola faculty contact □ Alumni University Day □ Relative attending □ Campus Visit Phone contact with Biola staff □ Biola counselor visited school/college Financial Aid workshop □ Hume Lake □ Parent □ Magazine advertisement ___________________________ □ Biola Web Site □ Biola Bound □ Present Biola student/friend □ other ___________________________________________ Additional comments__________________________________________________________________________________________________ 쓰고 싶은 말 Are you applying to other colleges or universities? If so, please list ______none___________________________________________________ 다른 대학에도 입학신청서를 냈습니까? 있다면 그 학교 이름을 써 주십시오. EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Name of High School __Ehwa Girl’s High School__________________________________________________________________________ 고등학교 이름 Anticipated (or past) graduation date from high/secondary school __________ February____2008____________________________________ 고등학교 졸업한 날자/졸업 예정일 Month Year Address of high/secondary school __11-1 Daehyon-Dong, Sodaemun-Ku, Seoul, Korea___________________________________________ 고등학교 주소 City Were you home-schooled during high school? □ Yes State or Country ▣ No If yes, please list dates: _______N/A_____________________________ 고등학교를 홈스쿨 하였습니까? 했다면 기간을 적으십시오. What school/ organization, if any, was overseer of your home-school high school education? ________N/A_____________________________ 어떤 학교/단체가 홈스쿨을 감독했습니까? If you have graduated from high/secondary school, list in chronological order your activities since high school graduation (schools attended, employment, military service, extended travel, etc.). Schools must be listed even if you do not expect to transfer credit. Please include Biola extension courses, if applicable. 고등학교 졸업후 다른 학교에 다닌 것, 일한 경력, 군생활, 여행 경력등을 연대순으로 기록해 주십시오. SCHOOL, WORK, TRAVEL DATES __Work at Computer Company________________February 2008-Present____________________________________________________ __Art School_______________________________ March-July 2008_________________________________________________________ __Travel to England _________________________August 2008_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you earned a B.S. or a B.A. degree from any college or university? □ Yes ▣ No If yes, complete the following: 대학/대학교에서 학사학위를 받았습니까? 주십시오. 먼약 있다면 해당란에 적어 College _________________________________________________ Degree ___________________________________________________ 대학이름 학위 Major ___________________________________________________ Date Conferred ____________________________________________ 전공 졸업날자 Have you ever been dismissed or placed on academic or disciplinary probation? □ Yes □ No 정학이나 퇴학을 맞은 적이 있습니까? 주십시오. If yes, explain the circumstances: 있다면 그 이유를 설명해 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) is REQUIRED, unless as a transfer you will have sophomore status (requires a minimum of 27 accepted units). International students may submit Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores. Please indicate the testing date on which you plan to take (or have taken) the: SAT ___N/A___________________________ Month ACT ____N/A_______________________ Year Month Year TOEFL ____N/A________________________ Month Year Note: Regardless of transfer status, any nursing major must take the SAT. Indicate your possible major: ____Education_____________________________ Alternate major: ____Psychology____________________ 원하는 전공 Nursing majors: See catalog for procedures for acceptance into the School of Nursing. Are you currently □ A Registered Nurse? □ A Licensed Vocational Nurse? □ or enrolled in a nursing program? Additional departmental applications will need to be filed for admittance into the following programs after enrollment: business, music, nursing and psychology. 비지니스, 뮤직, 간호학, 심리학 전공은 그 전공과의 Application 을 따로 그 디파트에 제출해야 합니다. TRANSFER STUDENTS If you are transferring from another school, please explain your reasons for wanting to transfer. 편입생일 경우 학교를 옮기기 원하는 이유를 설명해 주십시오. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCING YOUR EDUCATION AT BIOLA How do you plan to meet University expenses? ___________My parents will cover all expenses.____________________________________ 바이올라에 다니는 동안 학비, 생활비를 어떻게 충당하겠습니까? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you a dependent of your parents? ▣ Yes □ No Do you or your parents own a home? ▣ Yes □ No Did you (or will you) apply for priority financial aid by submitting the FAFSA by March 2? □ Yes ▣ No Please indicate ALL sources of financial assistance for which you MIGHT be a candidate: ▣ Parent contribution □ Other family assistance (grandparents, trust fund, etc.) □ Personal income □ Off-campus scholarship (community, parent’s employment, high school award, etc.) □ Church matching scholarship □ MK/PK/Christian worker dependent scholarship □ Low-interest loans (Stafford, Perkins) ▣ On-campus work □ California residents: Cal Grant program (application deadline: March 2) □ Federal grant programs: Pell Grant, SEOG □ International Grant □ Other: ______________________________ □ Biola University Scholarship (check all that apply) □ Academic □ Community Service □ Music □ Athletic □ Other departmental □ University Award ACTIVITIES (SCHOOL, CHURCH, COMMUNITY) 활동사항 (학교, 교회, 사회) List the major school, community and church activities (music, athletics, work) to which you have devoted much time and effort. If you have received special recognition in any of these activities, please describe. If necessary, continue listing on a separate page. ACTIVITY POSITIONS HELD AND/OR HONORS WON 활동사항 LENGTH OF PARTICIPATION 한일/상받은 것 활동기간 rd ___Sunday School Teacher__3 grade______________________December 2007-Present_____________________________________ ____Art Contest_____________First Place____________________2006_____________________________________________________ ____Missions_______________Group Leader_________________Summer of 2005____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHRISTIAN COMMITMENT Biola University seeks Christians who are serious about their faith. The following questions, as well as the pastor’s reference, will help us understand your Christian background and how Biola University can impact your faith. Do you consider yourself to be a Christian? ▣ Yes □ No 당신은 기독교인이라고 생각하십니까? Do you regularly attend church? ▣ Yes □ No How often? ___2-3 times a week_____________________ 정기적으로 교회에 출석하십니까? 몇번? Name of your church __Grace Presbyterian Church______________________ Denomination __Presbyterian________________________ 출석교회 이름 교파 Address __123 Yunji 1-Dong, Chrongro-Ku, Seoul, Korea 678-900________________________________________(02) 987-6543_______ 주소 Street City State Zip Phone ESSAY QUESTIONS On a separate sheet of paper, completely answer the following questions in your own words. One page maximum per question. Type-written essays required. 다른 종이에 아래의 세가지 질문에 대해 적어 주십시오. 각 질문당 한장을 넘지 않게 답해야 하며 프린트 한 것을 제출해 주십시오. Essays will be evaluated on content as well as form and style. 세가지 질문을 모두 약 한장반-두장 정도의 길이로 작성하기 바랍니다. (Single space) 1. How and why did you become a Christian? Use Scripture to share the basis for your assurance of salvation and eternal life. 언제, 어떻게 기독교인이 되었습니까? 구원과 영생의 확신을 가진 것에 대해서 성경 말씀을 인용하여 써 주십시오. 모태신앙이라고 쓰지 마세요. 2. Using specific examples, describe your spiritual growth during the last three years. 지난 3년간 어떻게 영적으로 성장했는지 구체적으로 써 주십시오 3. How will you contribute to the Biola community and how can Biola assist you in your continual growth as a Christian? 당신은 바이올라 커뮤니티를 위해서 무엇을 할 수 있으며, 당신이 성숙한 기독교인이 될 수 있게 바이올라 대학이 어떻게 도와 주는게 좋겠습니까? STANDARDS OF CONDUCT IN THE PAST TWO YEARS, HAVE YOU: 지난 2년간 당신은 Used tobacco? 담배를 피웠습니까? Gambled in any form? 도박을 했습닜까? □ Yes ▣ No □ Yes ▣ No Used alcoholic beverages? 술을 마셨습니까? □ Yes ▣ No Used illegal drugs? 마약을 했습니까? □ Yes ▣ No Have you been convicted of a felony within the last seven years? □ Yes ▣ No 지난 7년 동안에 중죄를 범한 적이 있었습니까? If yes, describe in full including date(s) and disposition of case (a conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from admission): 만일 있다면 날자 포함해서 자세한 설명을 해주십시오. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AGREEMENT FOR ALL APPLICANTS Biola University has long recognized the value in maintaining certain behavioral standards that contribute to the atmosphere on campus, foster fellowship with a wide range of Christians, and strengthen our Christian testimony to our community. In this light, Biola University requires that its students fully comply with its behavioral standards (summarized below) both while on campus and off campus. This institution is for earnest Christians who are sensitive to the principles of Christian living found in the Bible. The institution also states certain standards of conduct for its students. Although such standards are not the basis of one’s standing in Christ and are not a necessary consequence thereof, they can be beneficial to the life and testimony of both the individual and the institution. To this end, Biola requires that students refrain from gambling and the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Also, Biola does not allow social dancing at University-related or sponsored activities (that is, any activity that involves an identifiable University group, is publicized on-campus, and/or has the appearance of being University-related, whether held on or off campus). Members of the Biola student body are expected to exercise discernment and abstain from all activities that tend to be morally degrading. This includes, but is not limited to, individual decisions regarding movies and television programs viewed and other entertainment, recreational and social activities. Biola University does not presume to be a censoring agency for all activities; however, it does expect tangible evidence of maturing Christian convictions and discerning judgment from its members. Biola reserves the right to discipline or dismiss a student who, in its judgment, does not conform either to the stated standards governing student conduct or the expressed principles, programs and expectations of the University as set forth in the catalog, student handbook and other University publications. I have read and understood the University standards of conduct as summarized above, and I agree to abide by these standards while a student at Biola. (The complete published statement of the standards of conduct can be found in the Biola Student Handbook, which is available on-line at or a hardcopy can be obtained upon request.) I certify that the information provided by me in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. In the event of my acceptance, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application, interview(s) or material information omitted therefrom may result in revocation of my acceptance or dismissal from the University. Upon acceptance and enrollment, I agree to abide by all the rules, regulations and standards of Biola, and that the University retains the right in its sole discretion to modify any of its rules, regulations and standards at any time. _________반드시 사인하고 날자를 적어 주십시오.___________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s signature (required) Date TRANSCRIPTS Please have your high school send a transcript of your record. We must also have transcripts from any schools attended subsequent to high school. Applicants currently enrolled in school must have transcripts sent upon completion of enrollment. Please indicate the approximate total of college semester credits you hope to transfer. ____ HOUSING Applicants under 21 are expected to live on campus unless married or living at home with parents and within commuting distance of the campus. Reservations for on-campus housing will be sent when the student is accepted for admission. No reservation is complete until both deposits (room and enrollment) are made. Do you wish on-campus housing? ▣ Yes □ No If no, please indicate your housing arrangements. 기숙사에 입주하기 원합니까? 만약 아니면 어디서 생활할 것인지 적어 주십시오. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLASS LOAD I plan to study: ▣ Full time □ Part time The average full-time class load is 15 or 16 units. You must carry at least 12 units to be classified as a full-time student. Those carrying between seven and 11 units are classified as part-time students. Those carrying six units or less are classified as special students. The University reserves the right to impose limits upon the number of units a student may take. REFERENCES You are required to furnish two references: one from your pastor or youth pastor and one from your high school counselor, principal or another high school administrator who knows your record. If you are transferring from another college, you should have a college professor or administrative staff member complete the form. The school reference form may be given to your employer if you have been out of school and employed for some time. Please indicate the name, addresses and phone numbers of the individuals to whom you give the reference forms.추천인들의 이름과 주소를 적어주십시오. Pastor _Kim, Angduk 987 Kwangjong-Dong, Sun-Ku, Seoul, Korea 654-321 (02) 111-2345_________________________________________ 목사 Academic _Oh, Yungjoo 111 Dongchung-Dong, Kwanak-Ku, Seoul, Korea 3456__________________________________ 234-567 (02) 111- 교사/교수 At the discretion of the University, references from others may be advisable. Give full name and address information of two additional individuals from whom references may be secured. 추천인 두사람을 더 적어 주십시오. Hong, Daniel __________Uncle__________12345 Starry Street, Los Angees, CA 90007_________________ (323) 123-4567______________ Name Relationship to applicant Address City State Zip Code Phone Choi, Chulha____Sunday School Tacher_ 53-2 Sinsul-Dong, Dongdaemun-Ku, Seoul, Korea 123-456___(02) 123-4567_______________ Name Relationship to applicant Address City State Zip Code Phone ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s name (Please Print) Biola App. ID# ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature (Required) Dat
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