SUQUAMISH CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES September 4, 2008— 6:30-8:45 p.m. Suquamish Elementary School Library BOARD MEMBERS: Members Present: Louise Barbee, Kevin McDonald, Tom Curley, Sharon Nichols, Bruce Goodrich, Frances Malone, Gail Petranek, Craig Curtis, Sandra Senter, Larry Goodwin and Barbara Blumenstein (new members) Members Absent: Lydia Sigo Quorum Yes Others Present: Heather Adams, DCD, Dick D’Archangel, Friends of Miller Bay, Jo Ann Gass, resident (Urban Ave.) PROCEEDINGS Opening: - Louise Barbee, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. The July 10, 2008 minutes were approved. The chair briefly discussed the agenda and new members, Barbara Blumenstein and Larry Goodwin were asked to present a brief personal biography. Subsequently, all members introduced themselves and discussed their background. Louise noted that Allie Barbosa will discuss the Green and Global Holiday Faire at the Oct. SCAC Bd. mtg. Correspondence: None Business: 1. Heather Adams, DCD discussed changes in by-laws. Should SCAC elect to make changes they need to be filed with Jan Koske of Kitsap County. There was a discussion as to who should appoint new members; the county or SCAC. It was decided to continue having County Commissioner Steve Bauer appoint new members. It was decided to wait for Scott Diener, DCD mgr., to appear before SCAC addresses zoning issues. 2. Park Blvd. “Safe Routes to School discussion – Craig discussed the reason for the project and the fact that normal two way/sidewalk construction would trigger storm water construction which is beyond the budget of project. Tom noted that the Tribal Elders may not be that supportive of the project if there is not strong community support. Craig, Tom and Gail drafted a letter discussing the project to be sent to adjacent property owners and to be accompanied by a postcard. The card will be in the form of a “negative confirmation” which means property owners need not respond if they support the project. It was decided to add the “one-way” discussion to the SCAC “Open House” to give all Park Blvd. residents an opportunity to ask questions. SCAC will set up a separate table just for “Safe Routes to School.” A question was raised about adding additional residents to the ltr. who live on adjacent streets but may be impacted. It was decided to restrict the mailing to those on Park Blvd. There were additional questions concerning how residents would be informed of the “Open House,” particularly in reference to the “Safe Routes to School” project. It was agreed we could SCACMINUTES Sept. 4, 2008 final.doc 1 mention the project on the flyer and, if there is room, add info. to the “Open House” postcard that is to be sent by the County. 3. SCAC “Open House” – Louise noted the date has been set – Oct. 9th. She noted that it was important to get the post cards mailed out in time. Heather mentioned that there may be $ available in the Commissioner’s bucket fund ($10,000) to assist in producing flyers, etc. She estimates the county’s mailing maximum is approximately 1,500 cards. Louise estimates 11 tables but more may be added. Last year 31 groups were invited to participate. Kevin noted that Kitsap Transit needs to be on the list. Other ideas are tribal display for the 2009 Journey plus displays showing the new dock, longhouse, museum, etc. Louise volunteered to be chair of Open House committee with members Kevin McDonald, Barb Blumenstein, Larry Goodwin and Gail Petranek. It was suggested that we have a drawing at the door to attract more residents. Pending action: • • • • • Barbara agreed to contact Agate Pass Café, the Casino and other business for door prizes for the drawing. Bruce to bring prior signs and photos of Suquamish cleanup, etc. Sandy to monitor SCAC table with pictures of Photo Voice Barbara and Louise to set out “sandwich” sign boards Gail to check with the United Church of Christ re: overflow parking 4. At Louise’s request, Barbara Blumenstein volunteered and was elected SCAC’s new vicechairperson. 5. Yard waste amnesty days currently free at Emu in Hansville. County is expected to have free furniture days in the spring. 6. Road Ends and Trials - Bruce Goodrich has agreed to serve as chair of the new “Road Ends and Trails” committee. Other members are Craig Curtis, Louise Barbee, Kevin McDonald and Sharon Nichols. Bruce has completed the Urban Avenue trail application and has submitted a draft to the County. Kevin, Sharon, Dick D’Archangel were instrumental in getting the needed documents to complete the application. Tom Curley has agreed to provide technical assistance in putting together the original and six copies of the application. He also provided an aerial photo map. Upon Kevin’s recommendation, It was agreed that the final application for Street Ends and Trails will need to be presented to SCAC for approval. Other Matters: • Senior and Youth committee is currently without a chairperson after Frances’s resignation. It was agreed to wait to see if there is enough interest to reform the committee and select a chair. • Emergency Preparedness – Sandy expressed interest in this area but wants to seek further information including contacting the tribe who, apparently, has hired a person to spearhead this effort. • Publicity – Open House, etc. Bruce mentioned the difficulty getting SCAC meetings mentioned in the N. Kitsap Herald. Frances expressed interest in pursuing ways of publicizing SCAC events. Larry mentioned that he would talk to Donna Etchey at Rotary re: notices in the Herald. SCACMINUTES Sept. 4, 2008 final.doc 2 Subcommittee Reports: Parks and Open Spaces – Sharon noted that she appeared before tribal counsel and asked about ivy removal at Chief Seattle’s grave. The tribe agreed to provide $400. The ivy pull is scheduled on Sept. 27 and 28 at 9 am. Sharon complained about the lack of County involvement in getting the name change for Angeline Park and work at the sports court. She also mentioned that the Suquamish Garden Club drew up a plan for Angeline park. . Youth & Seniors - No longer active. Transportation/Infrastructure – (See Park Blvd. one-way and Street Ends and Trails discussions above.) Action Items: - Submit Application for Use/ or Improve County Right of Way for Urban Street access to Cowling Creek property. Green and Global Holiday Faire presentation at next meeting. Also, Code provisions to be discussed assuming Scott Diener is in attendance. Meeting adjourned at 8: 45 p.m. The next meeting will be on October 2nd, 2008 at 6:30 pm at the Suquamish Elementary School Library. The Community Open House is October 12th. MINUTES SUBMITTED BY RECORDER, BRUCE GOODRICH MINUTES APPROVED: _______________________________ (Chairperson’s signature) ____________________ (Date) SCACMINUTES Sept. 4, 2008 final.doc 3
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