Suquamish News dxseEeb syeceb V 14

Suquamish News
dxseEeb syeceb
A monthly publication of the Suquamish Tribe
Volume 14
Learning the art of filleting pg. 8
November 2014
Suquamish Opposes Kinder-Morgan Pipeline
Tribal Representatives join Canadian First Nations in testifying against expansion
Representatives from four U.S.
tribes, including Suquamish, spoke
in unified opposition on October 22,
2014 against oil giant Kinder Morgan’s new proposed trans-mountain
tar sands oil pipeline. The announcement took place in Chilliwack, a rural town of 80,000 about 50 miles
(86 kilometers) east of Vancouver,
B.C., where the elders, fishers, leaders and youth testified against the
project to Canada’s National Energy
No. 11
Tribal Council Still
Seeking Members For
Executive Boards
Several positions set to open in
the coming months
by Windy Anderson
The Suquamish Tribal Council is seeking
applications from Tribal Members for positions on several executive boards that are up
for appointment in 2015.
“The proposed pipeline, if approved, will increase the risk of oil
spills and cause more disruption of
our fishing fleet. The Suquamish
Tribe has a duty to stand up to further threats to our Salish Sea fish- Chairman Leonard Forsman, Shaylene Jefferson and Kassia Rose joined respresentatives from other
ing grounds that have sustained our US Tribes at the Fraser River for a morning ceremony before testifying against the pipeline.
people since time immemorial,” said
Suquamish Chairman Leonard Forsman. terminal in Burnaby, B.C., a suburb of Van- essence of who we are as Coast Salish, lives
Forsman, along with 17 year-old Shaylene couver, greatly increasing the traffic of oil on for generation to generation. We fight for
tankers carrying diluted tar sands bitumen our past and our future.”
Jefferson testified before the NAB.
through Canadian and U.S. waters.
“Like the sea, Coast Salish people acknowl“Will there be enough fish to harvest for the
edge no boundaries. We are united to protect
future generations? For my children and
the Salish Sea,” said Coast Salish Gathering
grandchildren? I wonder if the shellfish will
Co Speaker Ray Harris. “It’s a danger to the
be edible; if they won’t be too poisoned,”
environment, a violation of aboriginal fish“This
said Jefferson during her testimony.
with access to traditional and treaty-protect- ing rights, and a threat to all people who call
The Kinder Morgan proposed oil pipeline ed fishing areas, and put the safety of tribal this unique place home,” he said.The NAB
would roughly triple the capacity of the ex- fishers at risk—not to mention drastically is expected to make their recommendations
isting pipeline from 300,000 barrels per day increasing the chance of a catastrophic oil on the expansion of the pipeline to the Cato 890,000 per day. It would run alongside spill,” he said. My father, Bernie Gobin nadian Parliament next year. Ultimately,
an existing pipeline that stretches from the fought side by side with leaders such as Bil- the decision on the pipeline will be made by
Alberta tar sand oil fields to an oil shipping ly Frank Jr. to ensure the salmon, the very Canadian lawmakers.
Annual Health Fair Showcases Healthy Eating and Activity
Position 1 in the Tribal Gaming Commission, currently held by Hazel Pacquette.
Positions 1 and 2 of the Seafood Enterprise
Board currently held by JimBob Armstrong
and David Sigo Sr. Position 1 of the Housing Board currently held by Ed Midkiff and
a position on the Higher Education Board
held by Barbara Lawrence. The 2 positions
up for re-appointment are positions chosen
by Council from the Suquamish Foundation
and the Port Madison Board of Directors.
Terms are three years. Board members are
paid stipends as allowed by charter/ordinance. Submit letters of interest to Windy
Anderson by mail at PO Box 498, Suquamish WA 98392, fax at 360-394-3686 or
hand delivery to the Administration Front
Desk at Suquamish Village by December
10, 2014.
CORRECTION- A digital copy of the
November 2014 newsletter released before
noon on November 4, 2012 incorrectly identified the seats up on executive boards in the
coming year. The above story has been ammended and is correct. We sincerely apologize for the oversight.
Displays and vendors tout benefits of fruit and veggie filled diets along with exercise
by Kathy Kinsey
The Suquamish Tribe Community Health
Program has been promoting healthy
living through 5-2-1-0 the Suquamish
Way. Five-2-1-0 stands for five or
more fruits and vegetables, two hours
or less of recreational screen time, one
hour of physical activity and no sugar
sweetened drinks everyday as part of a
healthy lifestyle. Five or more fruits and
vegetables were emphasized and fruits
and vegetables were featured throughout
the health fair. A huge colander of fruit
and platters of vegetables with dip
were available for participants to snack
on and take with them. Participants
enjoyed the humus and guacamole dips
(these individual serving containers are
available at Costco). Door prizes included
colanders full of fruits and vegetables,
stock pots with all the ingredients to
make black bean and corn soup, and
baskets of fruit nuts, and bottled water.
A variety of displays as well as 29
vendors promoted two hours or less of
recreational screen time, one hour of
physical activity and no sugar sweetened
drinks. The Sports and Recreation staff
(Katie Ahvakana, Barb Santos, Priscilla
Preuit, and Melita Zaiss) were available to
introduce members to physical activities
available in the community. Chief
Lasnier added a new attraction featuring
both physical activity and vegetables by
demonstrating square foot gardening and
featuring winter crops. Swift Sanchez
Suquamish News
Kathy Kinsey and Marie Sanders dishing up good-for-you treats at the annual Health Fair.
They will put up posters and encourage
staff and community members to
participate in the challenge.
promoted physical activity and personal
protection with upcoming self-defense
class. Lori Glover, Lisa Thomas ( new
Wellness Director) and Peggy Snow,
LMT (Kingston Crossing) offered other
opportunities to de-stress. Lori and Lisa
talked to participants about Wellness
programs that teach new skills and Peggy
gave much needed back massages.
Our cooks, Eanie Abler and Marie
Sanders were our most powerful health
educators that day because they taught
us through our taste buds that we can
easily include five or more servings of
fruits and vegetables a day. The cooks
served a delicious kale salad, pesto
minestrone soup, raw berry crisp. The
raw berry crisp was the hit of the day
with a hundred servings served. Many
participants commented how delicious
and filling the meal was.
For a chance to win the door prize,
participants talked to our registered
nutritionist, Fran Miller about how to add
more servings of fruits and vegetables
daily and taking the 4 week 5210
Challenge- 42 individuals signed up, 14
people signed up to be 4 week challenge
champions for their department/area.
In This Issue
News................... 1
Community Calendar
................... 2
.................. 4
................... 6
Sports & Rec
................... 8
Elders................. 10
Health & Wellness
................. 11
Business................. 12
Community & Notices
................. 14
Birthdays ..................15
see “Health Fair” page 10...
Vol. 14, No. 11
New Museum Winter Hours
Oct 1 – April 30
The Suquamish Museum is changing to a
winter hours schedule. The Museum will
be open Wednesday through Sunday from
10 am to 5 pm and closed Monday-Tuesday of each week. For more information,
contact the Suquamish Museum at (360)
394-8499. A complete calendar of Museum events can also be found on page 5 of
this newsletter.
Salish Bounty Exhibit
Oct 24-Jan 5
Visit the new temporary exhibit Salish
Bounty: Traditional Native American
Foods of the Puget Sound. The one-ofa-kind exhibit depicts the revival of traditional Native Foods in contemporary
America. For more information, contact
the Suquamish Museum at (360) 3948499.
Piyo, Zumba & Insanity Exercise Classes
Nov 3-30 Times Vary
Exercise classes for all fitness levels each
weekday at different times throughout
the day. Classes are free for Suquamish
tribal members, their families and Suquamish government employees. For more
information contact Priscilla Preuit (360)
Suquamish Book Mobile Visit
Nov 3 & 17 3:00pm
Kitsap Regional Library’s Bookmobile
serves the Suquamish community every
other Monday, 3:00pm to 4:30 pm. in
the parking lot at Suquamish Village. If
you have a question about your library
account or wish to obtain a library card,
you can talk to KRL staff when the Bookmobile is present.
Family Language Classes
Nov 4-25 5:30pm
Community members of all ages are invited to learn the traditional language of
the Suquamish People. Language classes meet every Tuesday at the Suquamish
Tribe Education Department, 15838
Sandy Hook Road, Poulsbo WA, 98370.
Dinner will be served to all who attend
class. For more information contact Randi Purser in the Suquamish Education
Department office at (360) 394-8566.
Herbs For Winter Wellness Class
Nov 6 5:30pm
Join Traditional Plants Program Coordinator Julia Bennett-Gladstone to learn how
to make simple, safe and effective herbal
wintertime remedies. Supplies and dinner
will be provided. To sign up contact Julia
at (360) 394-8564 or
Salal, Devil’s Club & Cedar Herb Class
Nov 12 5:30pm
Join Traditional Plants Program Coordinator Julia Bennett-Gladstone to learn
about these three wonderful and abundant
plants, and the many ways they can heal
and enrich our lives. Supplies and dinner
will be provided. To sign up contact Julia
at (360) 394-8564 or
Movie Night at the Museum
Nov 13 5:15pm
The Suquamish Museum Honor & Sacrifice, The Roy Matsumoto Story. Standard
admission rates apply. For more information, contact the Suquamish Museum at
(360) 394-8499.
Holiday Baskets
Nov 25 11:00am
The Suquamish Tribe Human Services
Department will be distributing holiday
baskets to Tribal Member Households
from 11:00am-3:00pm at the House of
Awakened Culture. For more information
contact the Human Services Department
at (360) 394-8413.
Museum Tree Lighting
Dec 6 4-6pm
The third annual holiday tree lighting
takes place in the Story Circle. Join us
during the day for the Suquamish Artist
Bazaar, stay late for the cookies, hot cocoa and tree lighting at about 5pm. For
more information, contact the Suquamish
Museum at (360) 394-8499.
Suquamish Warriors
Nov 4 5:30pm
The regular meeting for Suquamish Warriors usually occurs the first Tuesday of every month. All veterans and their guests are
welcome at the Suquamish Warrior Veterans Center, 6353 Middle Street, Suquamish
WA, 98392. For more information contact
Chuck Wagner (360) 633-6236 or the Veterans Center Office at (360) 626-1080. The
Veterans Center is also open every Monday
9am-3pm for Veteran visiting and Thursdays for service officer work 9am-3pm.
ings are open to Suquamish tribal members
and invited guests, and take place at various
PME properties throughout the year. For
more information on PME Board of Directors meetings and locations, please contact
Brenda Stice at
Suquamish Seafoods Board Meeting
Nov 12 & 26 10am
The Suquamish Seafoods Board of Directors generally meet every other Wednesday
of the month, when Tribal Council is not in
session, at the Suquamish Administrative
Building on Suquamish Way. Meetings
are open to Suquamish tribal members.
For more information contact Suquamish
Seafoods Administrative Assistant Jessica
Ledesma (360) 394-8512 or jledesma@
PME Board of Directors Meeting
Nov 5 9am at White Horse Nov 26 9am at Kiana Lodge
Port Madison Enterprises (PME) Board
of Directors meetings usually occur every
other week throughout the year. The meet-
Suquamish News
Suquamish Tribal Gaming Commission Meetings
Nov 6 & 20
The Suquamish Tribal Gaming Commission holds regular meetings every other
Thursday throughout the year. Meetings
generally begin at 9am, at the Suquamish
Tribal Gaming Offices on Augusta Avenue
in Suquamish, WA. Meetings are open to
Suquamish tribal members. For more information on upcoming meetings, contact
Samantha Johnson at (360) 394-8652.
Tribal Council Meetings
Nov 3 & 17
Suquamish Tribal Council meetings gener-
Suquamish Tribal Council
Published monthly by the Suquamish Tribe
18490 Suquamish Way, Suquamish, Washington 98392
Leonard Forsman Chairman
Our email address is
Wayne George
Send letters to: Suquamish Newsletter Editor, PO
Box 498, Suquamish, Washington 98392-0498
Letters should include the writer’s full name address and home telephone and may be edited for
clarity and space.
Nigel Lawrence
Robin Sigo
Irene Carper
Bardow M. Lewis
Luther Mills, Jr
All photo submissions must be made in electronic JPG or PDF form, with a resolution of 300dpi
or higher.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written
permission is prohibited.
Suquamish News
ally occur every other Monday throughout
the year. Meetings are in the Suquamish
Tribal Council Chambers at 18490 Suquamish Way NE, Suquamish WA, 98392 and
are open to Suquamish tribal members and
employees of the Suquamish Tribe.
Special reports and guest speaker presentations are open to tribal members only
and key staff. For more information about
meetings, including agendas and specific
presentation times, please contact Windy
Museum Board Meeting
Nov 14 10:30 am
The Suquamish Museum Board will meet
at the museum on 6861 NE South Street
Suquamish, Wa. For more information
about meeting including agendas and upcoming meetings , contact Barbara Lawrence At (360)394-8499.
Wayne George, Editor in Chief
April Leigh, Writer/Photographer
Leonard Forsman, Contributor
Editorial Policy
Publishers of the Suquamish Newsletter reserve the
right to refuse the publication of letters to the
editor and guest editorials. While the publishers of
the Suquamish Newsletter encourage the submission
of editorials and letters, they represent the opinion of
the author and not necessarily that of the Suquamish
Tribe. As such, we reserve the right to refuse to print
Vol. 14, No. 11
by LaVada Anderson
to follow. This year, our Veterans Program would especially like to recognize our
Suquamish Tribes Eldest Female Veteran, Marjorie Napoleon, Army, 24 OCT 49 to
30 DEC 52, Army of Occupation Medal Germany; 1 yr 6 months Foreign duty, WAC
Ft. Lee and ENGR School. Thank you CPL Napoleon, we honor your service.
Each year, we dedicate November 11 to the memory of those who have given the
ultimate sacrifice for their country and for those who are still missing. This day is an
honoring day. We honor those who have served and those who are still fighting. It is
also a day where we come together and pray for our homeless to find their way home,
and for the service members still fighting to return home safe. We honor those in our
community who have served by recognizing and celebrating their service- a privilege
they rightfully deserve. When you see a Veteran on November 11, offer a hand shake
of recognition for their sacrifice and welcome them home.
There are also many other veterans of the Suquamish Tribe and we honor you all. I
only have these few pictures, but please if you have a service picture or a picture you
would like to submit, please bring them to my office and we will make copies of them
for our archives. Again thank you and we raise our hands to you. LaVada Anderson
is the Suquamish Tribe Veterans Resource Program Coordinator. She can be reached
at (360) 394-8515 or by email at November 11, 2014 will be the Veterans Honoring Dinner, for the Suquamish Tribal Veterans and the Suquamish Warriors at the Kiana Lodge at noon, with honors
Ed Carrier
Milo with the Suquamish Warriors.
Marjorie Napoleon
Kathy Kinsey
Veteran Ernest Loughtery and his wife Mary Loughtery.
Suquamish Warrior Honor Guard at Jim Pratt’s Memorial Service 14’.
Jerry Lee
Pete Hawk
Ron and Bob George.
JimBob Armstrong
Bruce Anthony, Bruce Belmont and Rich Demain.
Harvey Adams
Veterans Memorial Groundbreaking 2011.
From left, Peg Deam with Veterans Domingo Almirol, Rich Demain
and Pete Corpuz.
Frank Cordero at a Joint American Indian Veterans
Council Meeting.
Suquamish News
Keith Specht
Veteran Dwight Abler with Innie Abler.
Vol. 14, No. 11
Higher Education
Suquamish Tribal Member
Lorilee Morsette juggles fulltime college, parenting, art
and a new business in
Downtown Bremerton
If you ask Lorilee Morsette how she
manages her roles as a full-time student, mom and artist, she’ll tell you it’s
all about making positive changes and
sticking to your goals.
“Nothing makes me any different
than others. I just choose to sacrifice for what I want in life. I dropped
out of school in 7th grade and it took
me twenty years to get my GED. I
achieved my certificate in just 2 short
months at Olympic College. Life can
change like that and get better, but you
have to make the steps towards that
change even if it is just the way you
think. Think about what you want to
change and work towards it every single day,” said Morsette.
Morsette, a mother of two and jewelry
artist, spent nearly a decade working
and managing bead shops in Kitsap,
until the recession. In 2009, her employer’s final bead shop closed and she
found herself out of work.
“I tried to find a job where I could do
the same thing as a manager of bead
stores, but I couldn’t find one that was
going to pay me,” said Morsette.
That’s when she decided it was time to
go back to school. Since entering the
Higher Education Program in 2009,
Morsette has obtained her GED and
much more. In 2013, she graduation
from Olympic College with an Associate Degree in Business Management
and is currently enrolled as a full-time
Suquamish News
student at Central Washington University’s DeMoines Campus where she is
set to graduate with her Bachelor’s Degree in Spring 2015.
“I was able to see a light through education. I had Brenda (Guerrero) and
Jen (Oreiro) by my side telling me every day that I could do it,” said Morsette.
Earlier this year, Morsette added entrepreneur to her list of life accomplishments. She opened up her own jewelry
and beading shop on Pacific Avenue
in Bremerton. The store, aptly named
Chandelier, was an opportunity Morsette said she just couldn’t pass up.
“Not even a week went by between our
first look at the location, and getting
the keys in our hands. For it to work
out that fast, it was amazing,” said
Morsette has worked with beading and
jewelry for more than a decade, and
was able to outfit the shop with a full
complement of products. In addition
to offering customers beads, she also
offers classes on how to create jewelry. While teaching beading classes
at Chandelier, she keeps up in school
with a full-course load of night classes
at CWU. Spending this last year of her
undergraduate degree in night classes
allow her to keep Chandelier open 7
days a week, along with a little help
from family on the weekends.
“When opportunity knocks, you can’t
be scared, you just have to do it,” said
Since opening the story in July, Morsette says business is going well. She
plans to continue operating the store
after graduation next spring and hopes
to offer even more classes to artists.
She is particularly interested in offering small business classes to artists.
From left, Lorilee Morsette, Niomi Pavlock, Eleanor Joyce Belment and Kiomi Pavlock at Morsette’s
new bead store, Chandelier, in Downtown Bremerton.
“(As a vendor), I never came across
anyone who knew about business and
art. I’d like to be able to provide that to
people. Maybe I will go into teaching,
who knows what the future will hold”
said Morsette.
Vol. 14, No. 11
Suquamish News
Vol. 14, No. 11
Being Frank:
Respected Fishing Rights
Advocate’s Column Lives On
Through NWIFC Chair
by Lorraine Loomis
I am honored and humbled to follow in
the footsteps of Billy Frank Jr. as chair
of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission.
Of course no one can ever truly replace
our longtime chairman and friend Billy
Frank Jr. It will take all of us to do that.
Billy wrote this column for many years.
The tribes decided to keep the name to
honor him and remind everyone what
this column is about: Frank, honest talk
from the treaty Indian tribes in western
Washington who are co-managers of the
natural resources.
Like many people, I drew much strength
from Billy over the years. But the big-
gest source of strength for me has always
been my family, especially my parents.
My dad, Tandy Wilbur, was the first general manager of the Swinomish Tribe.
He and my mother, Laura, worked tirelessly to secure the funding that founded
the Swinomish tribal government. When
he passed away in 1975 my mother continued their work. She went on to serve
for 50 years in the tribal senate and was
instrumental in tribal advances in housing and health care before her passing in
I started out in the fish processing business in 1970. It was hard work and long
hours. I switched to fisheries management following the Boldt decision in
1974. I thought that maybe fisheries
management might be a little bit easier
than working 14-15 hours a day, seven
days a week.
I was wrong.
went out on the water. It was 1982 before true co-management became a reality through development of the first joint
Puget Sound Salmon Management Plan
by the tribes and state.
None of us tribal natural resources managers are working for today. We are all
working for tomorrow. We are working
to make certain there will be salmon for
the next seven generations.
As my tribe’s fisheries manager for 40
years, I’ve seen incredible advances in
salmon co-management, both regionally
and internationally.
We face many challenges in the years
to come. Salmon populations continue
to decline because we are losing habitat
faster than it can be restored.
I am especially proud of tribal involvement in developing and implementing
the U.S./Canada Pacific Salmon Treaty
that governs the sharing of salmon between the two countries. I continue to
serve on the Fraser River Panel that manages sockeye and pink salmon through
the treaty. I also continue to coordinate
tribal participation in the North of Falcon
fishery planning process with the state of
Washington. I have served as an NWIFC
commissioner for the past 30 years, most
of them as vice-chair.
As the resource continues to decline,
salmon management becomes increasingly difficult because there is less room
for error. That puts our tribal treaty rights
at great risk.
I love fisheries management. When we
have a fishery opening – and salmon fishing is not open a lot these days – you see
the happy faces of the tribal fishermen.
You know you have done your job. I live
for that. It’s my life.
My dad told me that it would take about
10 years before the Boldt decision would
operate as it should. There was a lot of
fighting with non-Indian fishermen in the
early days after the Boldt decision. You
never knew what to expect when you
We need hatcheries and habitat to bring
back the salmon. We need hatcheries to
provide salmon for harvest, support recovery efforts and fulfill the federal government’s treaty obligations.
We need good habitat because both
hatchery and wild salmon depend on it
for their survival.
We also need to work together, because
that is always best. We’ve known for a
long time that cooperation is the key to
salmon recovery, and that we must manage for tomorrow every day.
Burke Museum’s Newest Exhibit Celebrates Native Art from the Pacific Northwest
Here & Now: Native Artists Inspired showing now through July
Seattle— Northwest Native artists create
30 new works inspired by 200 years of
gram is unique in its breadth, providing
funding for artists to conduct workshops
in their own communities, and travel
funding to study collections at the Burke
Museum or other institutions that hold
collections key to an artist or researcher’s
interests. These grantees have all contributed to the current dynamism of Northwest Native art.
depicts an eagle in its closed form with
a human face inside (revealed when the
mask opens). Further research revealed
press articles from 1976 that described
this Kwakwaka’wakw mask from Vancouver Island as the source of the logo. It
is now part of the Hudson Museum at the
University of Maine’s collections.
Here & Now: Native Artists Inspired
features work by artists whose practice
has been informed by the objects in the
Burke’s collections, demonstrating how
today’s artists and art historians learn
from past generations. The exhibit will
include contemporary works in a variety Here & Now shares the results of the conof media alongside the historic pieces versations artists have with historical artworks. Celethat artists idenbrate master
tified as key to
their learning.
the past and
“The objects in
present and
the Burke’s colshare in the
lection embody
the knowledge
and creativiof their makers
ty of today’s
and they can
be a catalyst
for transferring
this knowledge
In the lead
across generaup to the
tions,” explains The mask that inspired the Seahawks Logo will be displayed
Suexhibit curator alongside contemporary art in the exhibit.
per Bowl,
Dr. Robin
director of the Bill Holm Center for the K. Wright, Curator of Native American
Study of Northwest Native Art, Kathryn Art and Director of the Bill Holm CenBunn-Marcuse.
ter for the Study of Northwest Native
Commemorating the 10th anniversary of Art at the Burke Museum and Bill Holm
the Bill Holm Center, Here & Now ex- - one of the most knowledgeable experts
plores the dynamic relationship between in the field of Northwest Coast Native
the Burke Museum and Northwest Na- art history - tracked down the origins of
tive art, artists, and scholars. In the past the Seahawk’s logo. A photo in Robert
ten years, over ninety grants have been Bruce Inverarity’s 1950 book, Art of the
awarded by the center to researchers, art- Northwest Coast Indians depicts a Kwakists, and graduate students. The grant pro- waka’wakw transformation mask which
Suquamish News
During Here & Now, the mask will be
displayed along with Native artists’ interpretations of the signature Seahawks
design and logo. The Burke is currently
fundraising through Kickstarter to bring
community experts from the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nation to the museum to
study the mask and for further preservation and mounting before it is put on
display. To meet our goal, the museum
still needs to raise about $6,000 and we
are encouraging fans to donate $12 to the
On Sunday, November 23, participate in
a panel discussion with selected artists
whose work is featured in the exhibit,
Here & Now: Native Artists Inspired; and
join them for in-gallery conversations
about their work. See the documentary
“Tracing Roots,” which offers a heartfelt
glimpse into the world of Haida elder and
weaver Delores Churchill, and visit with
her daughter and renowned weaver Evelyn Vanderhoop. Get an up close view
of tools and techniques as Burke Curator
Sven Haakanson demonstrates the process of cleaning and preparing a Kodiak
bear intestine for use in clothing.
Vol. 14, No. 11
Tribal Chairman’s Report
by Leonard Forsman
Canoe Journey Convening
The Suquamish Tribe and the Potlatch
Fund hosted a two day convening at the
Suquamish Clearwater Resort to discuss
the past, present and future of the Tribal Canoe Journey. Representatives from
several canoe families and nations came
together to discuss opportunities and
challenges facing this culturally and spiritually transformative event.
Maritime and Manufacturing
Task Force Advisory Committee
State Senator Christine Rolfes (D-Bainbridge Island) asked me to serve on an
advisory committee that will help the
legislature learn more about the maritime
industries both from an economic and environmental impact perspective.
Point No Point Reburial
Representatives from the Suquamish,
Port Gamble S’Klallam and Skokomish
Tribes held a reburial ceremony for ancestral remains inadvertently disturbed
during construction at the Point No Point
Lighthouse County Park. The Port Gamble S’Klallam hosted a meal at their tribal center after the ceremony.
Chairman Leonard Forsman with Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana). Tester is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs and recently
Elders Council-Tribal Council Meeting toured four reservations in the Puget Sound, including Suquamish. The tour was part of the Senator’s first visit to Tribes in the Northwest.
The Elders Council met with Tribal Meeting with Olympic College Academy, the Suquamish Seafood Dive a Suquamish Tribal Council meeting and
Council to discuss their budget needs in and Western Washington University
Vessel and the Suquamish Museum. Sen. toured Chief Kitsap Academy. Rep. San2015. The travel budget was discussed Suquamish representatives met with the Tester is interested in improving Indian tos is the Chair of the House Education
at length. Human Services conducted an President of Olympic College and staff Education and creating jobs on Indian Committee and a strong advocated for
Elders survey and is currently compil- from the Western Washington University reservations. Thanks to everyone who Indian Education.
ing the data. This will help Tribal Coun- (Poulsbo Campus) about higher educa- supported this tour.
Seattle Waterfront cil and the Elders Council in the budget tion opportunities on our reservation. We
Steering Committee Meeting
continue to assess the feasibility of offerI attended my first Seattle Waterfront
ing college classes in Suquamish.
9th Circuit Court of Appeals Hearing
The Seattle City Council passed a res- Steering Committee meeting in Seattle.
The Tulalip Tribes appealed a fishing Sen. Jon Tester, Chairman
olution declaring the second Monday The committee is made up of retired
rights case that affirmed Suquamish fish- Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Visit in October as Indigenous People’s Day. elected officials, artists, city activists and
ing rights in the Possession Sound area U.S. Sen. Tester (D-Montana) visited This is also Columbus Day, but the city others with a strong interest in the redeto the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The Suquamish during a tour of reservations has not recognized Columbus Day in the velopment of the Seattle waterfront after
hearing was held in Seattle. The panel in the Puget Sound area in his capacity past. Mayor Ed Murray held a signing removal of the Alaskan Way Viaduct and
was informed and engaged during the as Chairman of the Senate Committee celebration at Seattle City Hall on the completion of the seawall project. I hope
hearing, asking several questions of our on Indian Affairs. Sen. Tester visited second Monday in March that was well to instill the importance of including cullegal counsel.
our Early Learning Center, Chief Kitsap attended by native people from the urban tural elements from the our local tribal
Indian community and from local Tribes culture in the new design.
as well.
Energy Advisory Board Testimony, Chilliwack B.C.
Kitsap County I joined Shaylene George, a student at
Chico Creek Presentation
County Commissioner Linda Streiss- Chief Kitsap Academy, in testifying
guth hosted a meeting of County staff against the proposed Kinder Morgan
and other parties interested in the present oil pipeline before the Energy Advisory
environmental conditions in the Chico Board in Chilliwack B.C. Canada. This
Creek watershed. A recent assessment additional oil pipeline would increase
was completed and shows that the water- the risk of oil spills through increased
shed has many strengths, but faces many vessel traffic in the Salish Sea. Canadian
challenges. We must continue to work on First Nations, the Lummi Nation, Tulalip
land acquisition and monitoring of pro- Tribes and Swinomish Tribe were also
posed land use actions in the watershed present and testified against the project
to protect the wild run of chum salmon as well. I was very proud of the work that
that are so important to our culture and Shaylene did for our Tribe.
Budget Retreat
Seafood Board-Tribal Council Meeting Tribal Council held a daylong budget
The Suquamish Seafoods Board met workshop at the Clearwater Casino Rewith Tribal Council to discuss a study sort. Our budget outlook is fair and we do
conducted by Northern Economics on not foresee major cuts and hope to grow
the economic feasibility of diversify- our services slightly. More decisions will
ing our seafood enterprise. Council will be made after we receive further public
further analyze the study and make de- testimony.
cisions regarding implementation of the
recommendations before approval of the King County Water Quality Meeting
The King County Department of Natural
Seafood Budget.
Resources met with us to discuss water
quality issues in Puget Sound and plans
Washington Indian to unify efforts at restoration in the Green
Gaming Association-Lummi
WIGA met in Lummi to discuss issues Duwamish Watershed. This was part of
related to Indian gaming in Washington their tribal consultation on activities that
State. We have been reaching out to both affect our usual and accustomed fishing
political parties in the State Legislature grounds in King County.
to educate them about the importance of
tribal gaming to the wellbeing of our lo- Halloween Party
The Suquamish Tribal Human Services
cal and state economies.
Department hosted their annual Halloween Party at the Tribal Gym. The kids
Representative and families all had a good time with
Sharon Tomiko-Santos Visit
Rep. Tomiko Santos (D-Seattle) attended good fun, games and fun.
Suquamish News
Vol. 14, No. 11
Sports & Rec
Girls Basketball
Two teams in league
by Magdalena Turrieta
Suquamish Sports and Rec. currently
has two girls teams playing in the Poulsbo Parks and Rec. Basketball League.
There is a 7-8 grade girls team who play
their games on Sundays. There is also a
5-6 grade girls team who play during the
weekdays in Poulsbo or South Kitsap.
The 7-8 grade team does not have any
older girls on the team. In fact, the team
is made up of 6-7 grade Suquamish girls.
They show up each Sunday ready to play
always giving it their best and never giving up. They play to the fullest and their
improvement shows each game they
play. They are a small team but have the
biggest hearts out there. Each player has
their own special gift on the court and
it shows every time they play. They are
coming to the end of their season, and
will be playing in the playoffs at North
Kitsap High School times are TBA. We
are hoping to see some of you at the gym
to support these young lady athletes in
their playoff game, we will send out the
time of their playoff game as soon as we
get it.
The 6th grade girls are doing very well in
their division they are currently undefeated, playing each game like it’s a championship game. They currently have nine
players on their squad and each contributes something great to the team. They
have three games left of their season. November 3 @ Cedar Heights Jr High 6pm,
November 10 @ Poulsbo Middle School
6pm and November 12 @ Marcus Whitman Jr High 6:10pm.
The Sports and Rec Dept. hope you all Back Row Left to Right: Cassady Jackson, Layla Purser, Nika Chiquiti, Noelani Old Coyote and
have some extra time to come support Kayauna Cordero. Front Row Left to Right: Celia Williams, Kiaya Natrall, Alana Chief Stick
and Sierra Denning.
these young ladies out on the court.
Suquamish Young Leaders
Learning through lectures on higher education and life skills
At the University of Washington with Mack Strong and Zoe Higheagle Strong. Back Row left to
right Jim LaRoche, Mack Strong, Michael and Terry Johnson. Front row left to right Kate Ahvakana, Kaylayla Ives, Raven Roberts, Hailey Crow, Zoe Higheagle Strong and DJ.
Fun Filleting Salmon
At University of Washington with the Strong
Alliance. Left to right Kate Ahvakana, Zoe
Higheagle Strong, Raven Roberts, Hailey Crow
and Kaylayla Ives.
Nika Chiquiti, Kiaya Natrall, Katelynn Pratt. Kiaya Natrall
Katelynn Pratt
Some of our youth attend the Traditional Cooking, techniques and salmon filleting class held on
October 18th. With hands on learning Jay Mills teaches the students how to fillet a salmon. We
would like to thank Julia Gladstone, Jay Mills and all the other people involved in this amazing
Suquamish Youth Council, royalty, and guest
speakers at the Suquamish Museum for a
speaker’s series for youth. Back Row left to
right Terry Johnson, Sequoia Chargualaf, Gyasi Ross, Miranda Belarde-Lewis and Hailey
Crow. Front Row left to right Brittany Bakken,
Kiaya Natrall, Katelynn Pratt, Nika Chiquiti
and Devan Crow.
Suquamish Represents With Middle & High School Teams
Suquamish middle school team in the white. Above kids lining up for free throw shots. Left to Right:
#7 Kamryn Sprague, Antonia Ewing, Sierra Denning, and shooting #9 Kynoa Sipai.
Suquamish News
Vol. 14, No. 11
Festive Fun October Youth Wrap Up
Sports & Rec
Crafts, a pumpkin patch, caramel apples and a haunt of a good time
October 24, a group of youth went to the Kitsap Haunted Fairground’s to be scared. Pictured
above top row left to right Kanim Natrall, Gordy Hawk, Clae Williams, Oskar Salas, Sequoia
Chargualaf, Natawna One Star, Terry Johnson and James Abler. Second Row left to right Popeh
Chiquiti, Christine West, Melita Zaiss, Suntaya Sanchez and Kaylayla Ives. Bottom row left to
right Kynoa Sipai, Jade Jefferson and Kate Ahvakana.
October 23, a group of youth went to the Hunter’s Farm Pumpkin Patch to pick out their pumpkins for Halloween. Pictured above top row left to right: Koodzi Ross, Tatiana Lawrence, Spencer
Chausee, Shawn Jones, Joshy Bagley, Kane Chief Stick and BobbyRay Pondelick. Middle row left
to right: Alana Chief Stick, Kanim Natrall, Sho-Shyne Jones, Kaylayla Ives, Dejia Usman
Front row left to right: Stoney Chief Stick, Nika Chiquiti, Kiaya Natrall, Kailynn Usman, Antonio Boure, Terry Johnson and Billy Jones.
Marcus McLean enjoying a caramel apple.
Craft Day! Back to front Jamie Napora, Austin Wion, Matthew Wion, Stoney Chiefstick,
Christian Wion, Kane Chiefstick, Alana Chiefstick, and Kayauna Cordero.
Above left to right: Sho-Shyne Jone, Koodzi Ross, Alana Chief Stick, Billy Jones, Nika Chiquiti,
Kiaya Natrall, Kailynn Usman and Stoney Chief Stick.
From left, Alana and Kane Chief Stick.
November Sports, Recreation & Youth Center Calendar
Youth Center Reminder
Bowling League
Swimming @ BI
We are a drop in center the ages we service are 10 and up with an
allowance of 5+ if accompanied by an older sibling
Weekdays: after school to 7pm
Weekends: 10am-6pm
(Dependent on activity and subject to change with short notice)
Youth Council 12pm PIYO 5:45am
Insanity 12pm
Adult Basketball league
Youth Open Gym 4pm
Zumba 5:30pm
Pickleball 7pm
10PIYO 5:45am
Girls Basketball
Suquamish Youth
Insanity 12pm
Youth Open Gym 4pm
Zumba 5:30pm
Pickleball 7pm
Youth Open Gym 4pm Insanity 5:45am
PIYO 5:30pm
Inter-tribal BB
Adult Open Gym 7pm
Insanity 5:45am
Birthday Cake
Paper Crafts @YC
Inter-tribal BB
Youth Open Gym 4pm Insanity 5:45am
PIYO 5:30pm
Inter-tribal BB
Adult Open Gym 7pm
Youth Open Gym 4pm
PIYO 5:30pm
Inter-tribal BB
Adult Open Gym 7pm
Suquamish News
Zumba 5:30pm
Pickleball 7pm
Insanity 12:15pm
Bowling League
Youth Open Gym 4pm Youth Open Gym 4pm Swimming @ BI
Kids Salish Drawing
Kids Salish Printing
Class 4:30pm
Class 4:30pm
PIYO 5:30pm
Adult Open Gym 7pm
PIYO 5:45am
Insanity 12pm
Youth Open Gym 4pm Insanity 5:45am
Insanity 12:15pm
Bowling League
Youth Open Gym 4pm Youth Open Gym 4pm
Adult Salish Drawing Adult Salish Printing Swimming @ BI
Suquamish Youth
Class 5pm
Class 5pm
PIYO 5:30pm
Adult Open Gym 7pm
Insanity 12:15pm
Bowling League
Youth Open Gym 4pm Youth Open Gym 4pm Swimming @ BI
Song & Dance 5pm
TEEN Rock & Bowl
PIYO 5:30pm
Adult Open Gym 7pm
Thanks Giving
Dinner 5pm
Closed Closed Closed
Vol. 14, No. 11
Barbara Hoffman, RN, gave 107 flu
shots. The following people won the
Passport drawing. Irene Carper won the
free one hour massage with Peggy Snow,
Peg Deam, Dolores McConaghy, Wendy
Boure, and Kendra Martinez won $ 25gift
Health Fair cont...
All and all the health fair was a great
success with 134 participants, 63 tribal
members, and 27 tribal employees.
We are always interested in making the
health fair better. Send us your feedback
with suggestions for next year.
Suquamish Police Chief Mike Lasnier’s Master Gardening booth was popular among attendees at
the Health Fair.
November Elders Lunch Menu
Elder’s Kitchen:
Beverages Served Daily:
1% milk, or Lactose Free Milk, Coffee & Tea
Occasional substitutions may be necessary
Please call to inform the kitchen
if you would like to cancel
home delivery for the day.
3 Birthday Celebration
13 Breakfast for Lunch
Steak & Green Bean Casserole
Brown Rice
Tossed Salad
Birthday Cake & Ice Cream
Shepherd’s Pie
(ground turkey, green beans,
mashed potatoes)
Tossed Salad
Wheat Roll
Fresh Fruit
Tuna-Noodle Casserole
Brussels Sprouts
Tossed Salad
Oat Bran Raisin Muffin
Fresh Fruit
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Capri Veggie Blend
Tossed Salad
Wheat Roll
Fresh Fruit
BBQ Chicken
California Blend Veg.
Pasta Salad
Carrot-Raisin Salad
Pumpkin Cookie
Pork Stir Fry &
Asian Blend Veggies
Brown Rice
Tossed Salad
Fresh Fruit
Whole Grain Pancakes Topped
with Warm Berries
Scrambled Eggs w/
Peppers & Onions, Salsa
Fresh Fruit
24 Thanksgiving Dinner 25
Macaroni Beef Casserole
Capri Veggie Blend
Tossed Salad
Pachado Bread
Fresh Fruit
Turkey & Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes, Gravy
Brussels Sprouts
Tossed Salad
Wheat Roll
Pumpkin Pie
Suquamish News
Veterans Day
Minestrone Soup
Tossed Salad w/ HB Eggs
& Sunflower Seeds
Applesauce Muffin
Cottage Cheese & Fruit
Baked Potato Bar w/Chili,
Broccoli, & Home Made
Cheese Sauce
Tossed Salad
Blueberry Bran Muffin
Fresh Fruit
Chicken Adobo
Brown Rice
Germany Blend Vegetables
Waldorf Salad
Angel Food Cake w/
Tuna Sandwich on 9 Grain
Baby Carrots
Broccoli Slaw
Yogurt & Fruit Parfait
Baked Ham
Sweet Potatoes
Tossed Salad
Oat Bran Raisin Muffin
Fresh Fruit
Ham Hocks & Beans
Brown or White Rice
Mixed Veggies
Tossed Salad & cranberries
Pachado Bread
Geoduck Chowder
Tossed Salad w/ HB eggs
& sunflower seeds
Applesauce Muffin
Yogurt, Fruit & Granola
Indian Tacos (w/ meat,
beans, lettuce, tomatoes,
cheese, salsa, sour cream)
Fresh Baby Carrots
Fresh Fruit
Vol. 14, No. 11
Roasting Root Vegetables For Healthy Holiday Meals
by Fran Miller
Roots were an important part of the traditional Coast Salish diet. While we may
not be able to wild harvest a majority of
our food anymore, root vegetables that
are available in the grocery store have
some nutritional similarities to some of
the wild roots that made up our ancestors’
diet. They are high in complex starches
and fiber, and rich in vitamins, minerals,
and antioxidants to help our bodies stay
healthy. You will find many types of root
vegetables on store shelves this time of
year. There are potatoes, onion, and carrots, of course, but have you explored
the rich flavors of others such as yams,
parsnips, rutabaga, turnip, Jerusalem artichoke, and beets?
Roasting caramelizes the natural sugars
in root vegetables, so it is a great way to
bring out their natural sweetness. It is a
great way to introduce root vegetables to
children, and even to adults who may not
have tried them before. Here is a basic
recipe to roast root vegetables. It is adapted from
vegetables touch each other, the more
area on them will brown.
1. Preheat the Oven to 400 Degrees
You want the oven nice and hot when you
go to put the vegetables in. A less-thanhot oven will turn out less-than-browned
5. Sprinkle with Salt (optional)
Give the vegetables a sprinkle of salt before you pop them in the oven. You can
give a finishing sprinkle of salt at the end,
so just add a little bit here.
2. Cut Vegetables into Even Pieces
You want even pieces so the vegetables
cook at an even rate.
6. Roast at the Top of the Oven
Roasting the vegetables in the top third of
the oven will help the vegetables brown
the best.
3. Toss Vegetables With Oil
In the roasting pan or a large bowl or
plastic bag, toss vegetables with a tablespoon or two of olive oil or the oil of your
choice. Oil helps the vegetables brown,
so don’t skip this step. Drizzle vegetables with the oil, then toss then to coat
them as evenly as possible. You can add
coarsely chopped garlic, slices of chiles
or pepper flakes, or other seasonings at
this point, too.
Health &
the oven and move the pan to the top of
the oven.
9. “Finish” the Vegetables
Roasted vegetables are best with a final
drizzle of good quality olive oil and a
little sprinkle of salt. Other final hits of
flavor can include freshly ground black
pepper, fresh lemon juice, minced herbs
(mint, parsley, thyme, or just a wee bit of
rosemary are great choices), or balsamic
vinegar. Or try a tiny drizzle of honey, especially if you are introducing children to
a new vegetable.
7. Shake or Turn Vegetables
When the vegetables start to brown, give
the pan a good shake or use a spatula to
turn the vegetables to move them around
a bit to brown evenly.
10. Serve Vegetables Warm or Cool
Roasted vegetables are great while still
warm, but can also be served at room
temperature to great effect. If you want to
serve room temperature roasted vegetables, however, be sure to let them cool in
a single layer, uncovered or very loosely
covered, so the vegetables don’t start to
steam each other and get soggy or sad.
8. Roast Vegetables Thoroughly
You want roasted vegetables to be two
things: brown and tender. Keep the vegetables in a hot oven until they are both.
If they start to get too dark, cover them
with foil until tender, and then cook for
a final 5 minutes or so with the foil off.
If they aren’t browning, raise the heat in
4. Don’t Crowd the Vegetables
You want plenty of hot air to be around
the vegetables, all around. The less the
Traditional Foods Program Teaches Basics for Salmon Season
Community members of all ages turned
out for the Traditional Plants Program class
on salmon fileting and traditional cooking
techniques in October. Program Manager
Julia Bennett-Gladstone taught students
how to cook potatoes in a bentwood box,
while Tom and Ed Cordero showed them
how to cook clams in a rock bed.
About 30 people showed up for salmon
filleting lessons from Jay and Dave Mills.
The brothers taught students multiple ways
to fillet salmon including specific techniques for drying, smoking, baking and
barbecuing on cedar sticks.
The Traditional Plants Program wraps up
this month with two final classes, before
going on hiatus until the spring. For more
information on Traditional plants, contact
Program Manager Julia Bennett- GladSuquamish Elder and Councilman Luther (Jay) Mills II, teaches students how to fillet salmon.
stone at
Suquamish News
Elder Ardy Longway with her salmon.
Vol. 14, No. 11
PME Executive
Cage Manager attributes
success and work ethic to
early career mentors
by Lisa Rodriguez
In Dawn’s professional career, the Suquamish Tribe and Clearwater Casino are
both what launched her career and got
her to where she is today. Beginning at
the age of 16, Dawn spent 12 years with
the Suquamish Tribe in positions such as
Museum Guide, Front Desk Receptionist, Health Benefits Representative and
Health Benefits Coordinator. In 2003
Dawn became a Soft Count Team Member in the Cage, where she later advanced
to Operations Clerk, Soft Count Supervisor and the Cage Assistant Manager then
to her current position as Cage Manager.
“Throughout my career I’ve had the opportunity to learn from some very inspiring people. Among the first were Frieda
and Reid Scott. They were influences
that helped me build a strong work ethic, dedication and loyalty to my career.
Alexis Barry was my next mentor, she
increased my professional experience
by collaborating on the IHS Self-Governance Compact for the Tribe further influencing my work ethic and dedication,”
said Dawn. “Lily Stockwell, the previous
Cage Manager, opened doors for me at
PME and taught me everything she knew
about the Cage, giving me opportunities
to grow and showed her support every
step of the way. Jim Snead, the previous
CFO, strengthened my drive, guided my
ambition and inspired my dedication to
get things done. I couldn’t be where I
am today without the current Executive
Team at PME, especially Irene Carper and Barbara Griffin. They have been
instrumental in helping me develop patience, customer service and build effective interpersonal relationships. Lastly I
would like to thank my kids and parents
for always being supportive of all my endeavors and understanding the demands
of having a career in the Casino business.”
In Dawn’s professional years she completed the Dale Carnegie Leadership
Training in 2008, the PME Fundamentals
of Supervision Course in 2010 and the
UW Leadership Development program
in 2012.
With the expansion underway, Dawn is
excited about the Casino Master Plan
that includes a Cage remodel. With the
remodel, systems will be put in place to
combine the Slot and Cage functions,
giving our customers one place to process all their transactions. Dawn believes
the Casino Master Plan and expansion
will increase our presence in Kitsap
County and around the Puget Sound. She
can’t wait to see Clearwater Casino become the number one place for business
and fun!
Dawn Adams, top left, with her family.
Port Madison Enterprises
As of October 22, 2014 the following employment opportunities exist with Port Madison Enterprises.
# Of
Revenue Auditor (FT/PT)
Cashier (FT/PT) $
Environmental Services
Worker (FT)
Worker/Temp. Relief Supervisor (FT) $10.35/14.50
Carpenter (FT)
Food & Beverage
Prep Cook (FT)
Sous Chef (FT)
Banquet Server (On-call) $
Deli Cashier (FT/PT) $
Steakhouse Server (PT) $
Buffet Cashier (PT) $
Assistant Bar Manager (FT)
Assistant Restaurant Supervisor (FT)
Bartender (FT/PT) $
Host(ess)/Cashier (FT) $
Network Administrator
Cashier (PT) $
Kiana Lodge
Server (PT) $
Bartender (PT) $
Dealer (PT) $
Sales Manager (FT)
Guest Service Agent (FT)
Suquamish Village Shell Clerk (FT/PT) $
Longhouse Texaco Clerk (FT)
Masi Shop Clerk (FT/PT)
Manager (FT)
Cashier (FT/PT) $
Slot Technician (FT)
Sr. Technician (FT)
Supervisor/ Cashier (FT)
Table Games***
Dealer (FT/PT) $
Dual Rate (FT)
Floor Supervisor (FT)
Server (PT)$
Banquet Server (PT) $
Sous Chef (FT)
77 TOTAL ***Requires Class IIIA (Tribal & State) $- Tipped Position
Port Madison Enterprises applications and Letters of intent must be completed and on file with Human Resource Dept.
All Casino positions require a State and/or Tribal Gaming license; PME pays initial licensing fees for Class II positions.
We accept online applications at If you have questions please contact our Recruiter/Tribal Liaison at (360) 598-8717 or the Job line
(360) 598-1360. Port Madison Enterprises is an agency of the Suquamish Tribe and expressly supports Tribal Preference.
Suquamish News
Vol. 14, No. 11
Clearwater Casino Resort Expansion Update
Phase II well underway at PME flagship facility
by Lisa Rodriguez
Phase two of the 5 year expansion plan
for Clearwater Casino Resort is well underway with ideas, concepts and final
details changing regularly to improve the
Currently, according to Rich Purser, the
new hotel will have 98 rooms, including
suites. The resort front desk will be moving from the old hotel to the new one.
The walkway between the new hotel and
old hotel will be a half covered walkway
with glass and a shed like top. There are
plans for the future to eventually make
the walkway completely covered. The
Café will be called the Beach Glass Café
where it will be sit down and order dining; it will also have bar seating like you
would see in a diner. Directly next to the
Café will be a Coffee shop, a name for
this coffee shop is currently in the works.
The new fine dining will be named Cedar PNW, where PNW stands for Pacific
Northwest. The Cedar Steakhouse currently seats about 80 people, the Cedar
PNW will seat about 130.
Top: View of the hotel tower and new fine
dining space now under construction. The
new facility also includes meeting and office
Right: New walkway and patio in between
Remodeling of the Longhouse Buffet is the existing casino and the new hotel tower.
part of phase two. The remodeling will
begin in January, in the first four or five
days the buffet will be closed. The Buffet will also close for four or five days
around the end of February. All the days
in between, the buffet will remain open
and functional. In January phase three
will begin with the extension near the
new parking garage; there will be minimal disruption to the casino floor at this
time. The remodeling of the casino floor
is currently set to begin June 2015.
Suquamish News
Lisa Rodriguez is the Public Relations
and Media Coordinator for Suquamish
Clearwater Casino Resort. She can be
reached at or by phone at (360) 598-8731.
For more infomration about the PME expansion at Suquamish Clearwater Casino
Resort visit them online at or portmadisonenterprises.
com. Also on facebook at
Clearwater Casino Resort
Vol. 14, No. 11
50 Year Wedding Anniversary
Roger & Janis Contraro, November 14, 1964
Fifty years of raising kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. We’ve had our ups and
downs, losses, and new beginnings. You get what you put into your family, and we have
a pretty good core of support. Congratulations to you both of you for weathering the
storms of life and still being married after 50 years.
We love you,
Kim, Kelly, Phillip, Ira, Shilo, Tanner, Josh, Kaylie, Kenny, Kaci, Brittney, Cory, Trey,
and Robert.
Many Thanks
Medicare Open Enrollment
The Joe Family would like to thank everyone that came to the Peter Joe Memorial.
We had a great turn out, we had family from Canada and Yakima come and join us for
this day. We would like to thank everyone that helped make this event memorable
and a success. Thank you Tribal Council and Clearwater Casino for your help and
support to our family during this time we greatly appreciate it.
The Joe Family
Suquamish, WA
Suquamish News
Vol. 14, No. 11
Nov 1
Chalakwatud Chiquiti
Wilsie Hawk
Scot McPhee
Daniel Webster
Nov 2
Windy Anderson
Savannah Ranes
Nov 3
Antonia Ewing
Krystal George
Carlito Virella
Hali-aleetsah Deam
Nov 4
Hazel Ginn
Nov 5
Jill Howard
Sebastian Pool
Jayden Sigo
Nov 6
Nov 9
Patricia Vollenweider
Nov 19
Angelia Cordero
Alaric Jackson
Nov 11
Jason Napoleon
Jennifer Hess
Nov 20
Brenda Anderson
Madison Cordero-Edgley
Kiera Lawrence
Nov 12
Augustina Purser
George George
Vernelle Trevathan
Nov 22
Sequoia Chargualaf
Nov 13
Nov 23
Kathryn Johnston
Daniel Covarrubias
Kana’i Lawrence
Aaron Nelson
Alexander Warner
Sheri Wilson
Nov 14
Greg George
Susan Henry
Nov 15
Travis Demain
Tara McNally
Suquamish News
Nov 18
Marta Belmont
Brooklyn Ives
Quelisha Brealan-Bayes
Michael Pelch
Nov 8
Thomas Cordero Jr
Ryan George
Shawn Hawk Jr
Donna Sigo
Nov 10
Vince Peterson
Nov 7
Nov 17
Isaiah Devore
Tyler George
David Lindell
Christopher Santos
Andrew Vejar
Aliana Chiquiti
Ryan Cobb
Marlin George III
Nathanial Pratt
Ethan Willis
Joann Joe
Julian Rodriguez
Jenavieve Old Coyote-Bagley
Jordon Adams-Wickham
Krista Bogus
Michelle Brown
Patricia Jones
Amanda Stieger
Nov 26
Marilyn Jones
Nov 27
Elilai Abraham
Erik Alexander
Armando Chavez
Elijah Covarrubias
William Jones IV
Brandon Smith
Nov 28
Charles Lawrence
Luther Mills III
Cory Winnie
Nov 29
Azure Boure
Talynn Marquez
Nov 30
Rudolph Smith
Alycia Covarrubias
Nov 24
Clifford Adams
Skyler Bakken
Ethel Jones
Kristen Soy
Nov 16
Nov 25
Rachel Nellenbach
River Alexander
Vol. 14, No. 11
Suquamish News
Vol. 14, No. 11
the suquamish tribe
po box 498
Suquamish, WA 98392-0498
Permit No. 7
Suquamish, WA