SQ003116E006 ML610Q400 Series Sample Program AP Notes For Watch Application 2nd Edition Issue Date: April 16, 2010 NOTICE No copying or reproduction of this document, in part or in whole, is permitted without the consent of LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The content specified herein is subject to change for improvement without notice. The content specified herein is for the purpose of introducing LAPIS Semiconductor's products (hereinafter "Products"). If you wish to use any such Product, please be sure to refer to the specifications, which can be obtained from LAPIS Semiconductor upon request. Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production. Great care was taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information specified in this document. However, should you incur any damage arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information, LAPIS Semiconductor shall bear no responsibility for such damage. The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of and examples of application circuits for the Products. LAPIS Semiconductor does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by LAPIS Semiconductor and other parties. LAPIS Semiconductor shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising from the use of such technical information. The Products specified in this document are intended to be used with general-use electronic equipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communication devices, electronic appliances and amusement devices). The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant. While LAPIS Semiconductor always makes efforts to enhance the quality and reliability of its Products, a Product may fail or malfunction for a variety of reasons. Please be sure to implement in your equipment using the Products safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, fire or any other damage caused in the event of the failure of any Product, such as derating, redundancy, fire control and fail-safe designs. LAPIS Semiconductor shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for your use of any Product outside of the prescribed scope or not in accordance with the instruction manual. The Products are not designed or manufactured to be used with any equipment, device or system which requires an extremely high level of reliability the failure or malfunction of which may result in a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury (such as a medical instrument, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controller, fuel-controller or other safety device). LAPIS Semiconductor shall bear no responsibility in any way for use of any of the Products for the above special purposes. If a Product is intended to be used for any such special purpose, please contact a ROHM sales representative before purchasing. If you intend to export or ship overseas any Product or technology specified herein that may be controlled under the Foreign Exchange and the Foreign Trade Law, you will be required to obtain a license or permit under the Law. Copyright 2009 - 2011 LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Table of Contents 1. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 2. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 3. DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONAL MODULES ............................................................................................... 10 3.1. 4. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................. 2 PERIPHERAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................................... 3 LCD PANEL SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 4 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................... 5 LIST OF FOLDERS AND FILES ............................................................................................................................... 6 BUILD PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................. 7 RESTRICTIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 8 RTC MODULE ................................................................................................................................................... 10 DESCRIPTION OF THE SAMPLE PROGRAM ............................................................................................... 20 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. FUNCTIONS OF SAMPLE PROGRAM ................................................................................................................. 20 COMMON SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 20 CONFIGURATION OF THE LCD PANEL ............................................................................................................... 21 KEY EVENT ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 STATE TRANSITION DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................... 23 STATE TRANSITION TABLE ................................................................................................................................ 23 DESCRIPTION OF MODE ..................................................................................................................................... 24 i 1. Overview This document describes the application programming notes (hereafter called the AP notes) arranged to help customers develop software that performs time measurements and a setting on the ML610Q400 Series MCU (hereafter called the MCU). APIs are provided for each function module. The AP notes describe the functions and operating conditions of each API and samples of use of those APIs. In connection with the AP notes, a sample program is provided that actually operates using APIs on ML610Q400 Series Demo Kit. Related Documents The following are the related documents. Read them as required. ML610Q400 Series Sample Program AP Notes For Sensor/Mesurement Application ML610Q400 Series Sample Program API Manual ML610Q431/ML610Q432 User’s Manual ML610Q411/ML610Q412/ML610Q415 User’s Manual ML610Q421/ML610Q422 User’s Manual ML610Q435/ML610Q436 User’s Manual ML610Q400 Series Demo kit Hardware User’s Manual nX-U8/100 Core Instruction Manual MACU8 Assembler Package User’s Manual CCU8 User’s Manual CCU8 Programming Guide CCU8 Language Reference DTU8 User’s Manual IDEU8 User’s Manual uEASE User’s Manual uEASE Connection Manual ML610Qxxx FWuEASE Flash Writer Host Program User’s Manual LCD Image Tool User’s Manual 1 2. System Configuration 2.1. Hardware Configuration The following figure shows the hardware configuration on which the sample software runs. LCD Power Supply PWR SW Internal lithium coin battery External power supply input terminal Internal / External Select SW ML610Q4xx reference board RS232C Thermistor IF Humidity sensor BUZZER SSIO IF 1st/2nd/3rd function Select SW I2C EEPROM RS232C IF Control switch P0/NMI/RESET ML610Q400 Series Demo Board Figure 2-1 Hardware Configuration In the above hardware configuration, the peripheral parts which are necessary for running the sample software are shown below. Peripheral parts Control switch The number of peripheral parts 4 LCD panel 1 Descriptions The switch S1, S2, S3 and S4 are used to change mode or control the application. It displays the mode and a display of time of operation. 2 2.2. Peripheral Circuit Diagram LCD Coin Cell NMI VDD COM0~3 (*) SEG0~63 (*) NMI S1 S2 P00/CAP0 EXVDDV P01/CAP1 EXGND P02 S3 P03 S4 RESET_N ML610Q4xx P30/IN0 P31/CS0 CX Cd Cc Cb Ca VDDX P32/RS0 VL4 P33/RT0 VL3 P34/RCT0 VL2 P35/RCM VL1 P44/IN1 C4 P45/CS1 C34 P46/RS1 C3 C2 1/4 Bias P47/RT1 CS0 CVR0 RS0 RT0 CS1 CVR1 RS1 RT1 C12 C1 XT0 CGL AVDD AVref XL CDL AVSS XT1 32.768KHz Xtal P22 /MD0 P20 P41 P40 P42 P43 /RXD /TXD AIN0 (Output) /SCL /SDA Buzzer ICL2332 GND R1In T1Out 4 3 V+ 2 GND TXD RXD V- WP SCL SDA 9-pin D-SUB A0 A1 CV :1uF :1uF CL0 CL1 :0.1uF :1uF C1 CX :0.1uF Ca,Cb,Cc,Cd :1uF :1uF C12,C34 : No ( 0 pF ) CGL CDL : No ( 0 pF ) Vcc 2 I C EEPROM A2 Vss RS0 CS0 CVR0 RT0 : 10 Kohm : 560 pF : 820 pF : 103AT (Semitec) thermister RS1 CS1 CVR1 RT1 : 150 Kohm : 680 pF : 820 pF : C10-M53R (Shinyei) humidity sensor (*) The number of COM/SEG pin that can be connected to LCD panel depends on the type of the LCD driver built into the MCU. Please see the chapter “LCD Driver” of the User’s Manual for your target MCU. For more detail about the peripheral curcuit, please see the “ML610Q400 Series Demo Kit Hardware User’s Manual”. 3 2.3. LCD Panel Specifications 16-segment characters: 7-segment characters: 8-segment characters: Marks for hand-held calculator: Other marks: Figure 2-2 The 4 digits on the upper part of the panel The 6 digits on the upper part of the panel The 12 digits on the lower part of the panel 7 32 Layout of the LCD Panel Table 2-1 Pin Assignments (COM/SEG) Specifications of Operation Clock for bias generation circuit voltage multiplication: Bias of the bias generation circuit: Duty: Frame frequency: 4 1/16 LSCLK (2 kHz) 1/4 1/4 duty 73 Hz 2.4. Software Configuration Figure 1-1 shows the software configuration. Figure 2-3 Software Configuration 5 2.5. List of Folders and Files The folders and the files are as listed below. [watch] ├ [_output] │ ├ [_hex] │ ├ [_lst] │ ├ [_obj] │ └ [_prn] ├ [clock] │ ├ clock.c │ ├ clock.h │ ├ clock_sysFunc.c │ └ clock_sysFunc.h ├ [irq] │ ├ irq.c │ └ irq.h ├ [key] │ ├ key.c │ ├ key.h ├ [lcd] │ ├ LCD.c │ ├ LCD.h │ ├ U8_Sample.tac │ └ U8_Sample.tbc ├ [main] │ ├ mcu_large │ │ └ mcu.h │ ├ mcu_small │ │ └ mcu.h │ ├ eepromMap.h │ ├ main.BAK │ ├ main.c │ ├ main.h │ ├ S610431SW.asm │ └ S610435LW.asm ├ [rtc] │ ├ rtc.c │ └ rtc.h ├ [t1k] │ ├ t1k.c │ └ t1k.h ├ [tbc] │ ├ tbc.c │ └ tbc.h ├ [timer] │ ├ timer.c │ └ timer.h ├ readme.txt ├ U8_watch_Sample_Large.PID └ U8_watch_Sample_Small.PID … Build result output folder … Clock control module folder … Interrupt control module folder … Key input control module folder … LCD display control module folder … Sample program main folder …Real time clock module folder … 1 kHz timer control module folder … Time base counter control module folder … Timer control module folder … Description of compile options … Project file for large model MCU … Project file for samll model MCU 6 2.6. Build Procedure 1 Start IDEU8, select the menu “Open” and open the project file (PID file). In the case that MCU memory model is small model, the project file is “U8_watch_Sample_Small.PID”. In the case of large model, the project file is “U8_watch_Sample_Large.PID”. Correspondence of MCU and PID file is shown below. Table 2-2 Correspondence of MCU and PID file Supported MCU U8_watch_Sample_Small.PID ML610Q431/432 ML610Q421/422 ML610Q411/412/415 U8_watch_Sample_Large.PID ML610Q435/436 2 In the default setting, ML610Q431 is set as the target MCU. If your target MCU is different, follow the procedure below to change the setting. (1) Select the menu “Project” -> “Options” -> “Compiler/assembler”. (2) In the displayed window, select the target MCU from the “Target microcontroller” list in the “General” tab. (3) Remove the startup file “S610431SW.asm“ registered in the file tree of IDEU8. Instead of that, register your target MCU’s startup file. (In the case of ML610Q432, it is S610432SW.asm.) (4) Define the macro that represents the target MCU. Select the menu “Project” -> “Options” -> “Compiler/assembler” -> ”Macro”tab. In the displayed window, define the macro like following name. _ML610Q4XX About the “XX” part, replace with the type number of MCU For example, if ML610Q432 is used, define the following macro. _ML610Q432 In the case that the macro other than the type number in the above Table 2-2 is defined, the case that macro such as above is not defined, or the case that the memory model that is supported by PID file is different from the memory model of MCU that is defined by the above macro, the compiler issues the following error at the beginning of the output messages. Error : E2000 : #error : “Unknown target MCU” (5) If necessary, modify other macro definitions. About the available macro definitions, see the “readme.txt” in the sample program folder. - For ML610Q43X series MCU LCD_TYPE = 1 _RTC_TYPE or _SOFTWARE_RTC - For ML610Q42X series MCU LCD_TYPE = 1 _SOFTWARE_RTC - For ML610Q41X series MCU LCD_TYPE = 0 _SOFTWARE_RTC 3 Select the menu “Project” -> “Rebuild”. Then the build procssing for the sample program starts. 4 When the build processing is completed, .abs file is generated in the project folder and .hex file is generated in _output¥_hex folder. 7 2.7. Restrictions 2.7.1. About Available Functional Modules In the functional modules that compose this sample program, the available functional modules are different by target MCU, due to the difference of MCU peripherals. In the case that these functional modules are applied to user application, available functional modules on each MCU are shown below. Table 2-3 List of available functional modules Supported MCU LCD Display Control Module *2 Key Input Control Module *2 Functional modules RTC Control Module Hardware RTC Software RTC Timer Control Module *2 Clock Control Module *2 1 kHz Timer Control Module *2 Time Base Counter Control Module *2 ML610Q43X ML610Q42X ML610Q41X ML610Q48X ○ ○ *1 ○ *1 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ : Available × : Not available *1: All display area of LCD panel can not be available, because the number of SEG pin that is connected to LCD panel is not enough. *2: For the details of these modules, please see the “ML610Q400 Series Sample Program AP Notes For Sensor/Mesurement Application”. 2.7.2. About Functions of Sample Program This sample program is available on only ML610Q43X, ML610Q42X and ML610Q41X series MCU. Note: This sample program is not available on ML610Q48X series MCU, because it does not have LCD driver, which are required for operating the application. 8 2.7.3. About Display Area of LCD panel The display area of LCD panel is different by each MCU as follows, because of the specification difference of LCD driver. * It is requred for displaying all areas of LCD panel that LCD driver supports 64seg×4com pins at least. The number of COM/SEG pin that LCD driver in each MCU supports is listed in parenthesis. ML610Q43X: All area can be displayed. (ML610Q431: 64seg×16com, ML610Q432: 64seg×24com) ML610Q42X: Only the area of 1, 2 and 4 can be displayed. (ML610Q421: 50seg×8com, ML610Q422: 50seg×16com) ML610Q41X: Only the area of 1 and 2 can be displayed. (ML610Q411: 36seg×4com, ML610Q412: 44seg×4com, ML610Q415: 36seg×4com) ML610Q48X: All area can not be displayed, because ML610Q48X does not have LCD driver. 9 3. Description of Functional Modules 3.1. RTC Module This sample program provides two methods to realize the real time clock (RTC). One method is the hardware RTC and another is the software RTC. The hardware RTC is enabled by default. The software RTC is enabled when the macro “_SOFTWARE_RTC” is defined. The software RTC can realize the RTC function even if MCU doesn’t have the RTC function. About MCU that has the real time clock (RTC) function The following shows the configuration of the RTC in MCU. Data bus Control circuit RTCCON Alarm 0/1 Control circuit RTCINT (Periodic interrupt) Periodic interrupt control 0.5 sec T2HZ T1HZ Operation control 1 sec AL0INT, AL1INT (Alarm interrupt) 1 min. Day counter WEEK, DAY, MON, YAER Time counter SEC, MIN, HOUR Data bus RTCCON: Real time clock control register * For details, refer to the chapter “Real Time Clock” of the User’s Manual for your target MCU. 10 About MCU that does not have the real time clock (RTC) function The RTC function is realized by the software RTC. The following shows the functional block diagram of the software RTC. About the detail of each function, please see the secton “3.1.1 Function Overview”. Application Set time rtc_setTime function Current time data Get time rtc_getTime function Set Alarm 0/Alarm 1 rtc_setAlarm0/rtc_setAlarm 1 function Alarm 0/Alarm 1 setting data Get the setting of Alarm 0/Alarm 1 rtc_getAlarm0/rtc_getAlarm 1 function Update time rtc_updateTime function Count date and time Alarm control Alarm 0 callback Alarm 1 callback Alarm 0 Application processing Alarm 1 Application processing 11 3.1.1. Function Overview The RTC module mainly sets the settings for the counting functions of the real time clock of the MCU. Table 3-20 lists the RTC module APIs that the sample program uses. Table 3-1 List of APIs Function name rtc_setTime function rtc_getTime function rtc_start function rtc_stop function rtc_setRegularInt function rtc_setAlarm0 function rtc_setAlarm1 function rtc_getAlarm0 function rtc_getAlarm1 function rtc_updateTime function rtc_calcWeekday function Hardware RTC Description Sets date (year, month, day, day of the week) and clock time (hour, minute, second). Obtains date (year, month, day, day of the week) and clock time (hour, minute, second). Starts RTC operation. Stops RTC operation. (*2) (*2) Selects the interval between periodic interrupts. Sets Alarm 0(day of the week, hour, minute). Sets Alarm 1(month, day, hour, minute). Obtains the setting of Alarm 0(day of the week, hour, minute). Obtains the setting of Alarm 1(month, day, hour, minute). Updates date (year, month, day, day of the week) and clock time (hour, minute, second). Calculates day of the week. Software RTC (*2) (*1) (*1) Not available for the hardware RTC. (*2) No need to use for the software RTC. These functions do not execute any processing in the software RTC. 12 3.1.2. Operating Conditions This section describes the operating conditions and valid range of this module. It also describes the restrictions on this module. The RTC is stopped immediately after an MCU reset. Year values settable with the date counting function Month values settable with the date counting function Day values settable with the date counting function Day of the week values settable with the date counting function Hour values settable with the clock time counting function Minute values settable with the clock time counting function Second values settable with the clock time counting function Year range in which day of the week can be calculated 00–99 01–12 01–31 1–7 00–23 00–59 00–59 2000–2099 Note: The parameters used in each of the APIs above must be specified by binary-code decimal (BCD) values, except for day of the week. Day of the week, which is calculated by rtc_calcWeekday function, is represented by the following values. day of the week value Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 The timing that the alarm occurs is different between the hardware RTC and the software RTC. ¾ Hardware RTC: Alarm interrupt (AL0INT、AL1INT) ¾ Software RTC: Main routine (rtc_updateTime function call) 13 3.1.3. Sample of Use The subsection below describes the procedure for setting date and clock time using RTC module. Date and Clock Time Setting Procedure (Hardware RTC) The figure below shows the procedure for setting date (year, month, day, day of the week) and clock time (hour, minute, second) using the hardware RTC function in RTC module. Main Routine 1) Stop RTC operation rtc_stop function 2) Set date and clock time in RTC rtc_setTime function 3) Start RTC operation rtc_start function 4) Obtain date and clock time of RTC rtc_getTime function Figure 3-1 Date and Clock Time Setting Procedure (Hardware RTC) 14 [Main Routine] 1) Stop RTC operation (because date and clock time have to be set with the RTC stopped) 2) Set date and clock time ¾ Stop RTC operation using the rtc_stop function. ¾ Set date and clock time using the rtc_setTime function. 1 Second data (0–59) 2 Minute data (0–59) 3 Hour data (0–23) 4 Day-of-the-week data (1–7) 5 Day data (1–31) 6 Month data (1–12) 7 Year data (0–99) *By resetting the low-speed time base counter, clear the internal counter used to count for less than one second. 3) Start RTC operation ¾ Start RTC operation using the rtc_start function. 4) Obtain the date and clock time of RTC ¾ Obtain the current date (year, month, day, day of the week) and clock time (hour, minute, second) using the rtc_getTime function. 15 Date and Clock Time Setting Procedure (Software RTC) The figure below shows the procedure for setting date (year, month, day, day of the week) and clock time (hour, minute, second) using the software RTC function in RTC module. Main Routine Figure 3-2 1) Calculate day of the week rtc_calcWeekday function 2) Set date and clock time rtc_setTime function 3) Update date and clock time rtc_updateTime function 4) Obtain date and clock time of RTC rtc_getTime function Date and Clock Time Setting Procedure (Software RTC) 16 [Main Routine] 1) Calculate day of the week ¾ Calculate day of the week using the rtc_calcWeekday function. 2) Set date and clock time ¾ Set date and clock time using the rtc_setTime function. 1 Second data (0–59) 2 Minute data (0–59) 3 Hour data (0–23) 4 Day-of-the-week data (caluculated value by rtc_calcWeekday function) 5 Day data (1–31) 6 Month data (1–12) 7 Year data (0–99) 3) Update date and clock time ¾ Update the current date (year, month, day, day of the week) and clock time (hour, minute, second) by calling rtc_updateTime function at regular intervals (every second). 4) Obtain the date and clock time of RTC ¾ Obtain the current date (year, month, day, day of the week) and clock time (hour, minute, second) using the rtc_getTime function. 17 Alarm 0 Setting Procedure (Software RTC) The figure below shows the procedure for setting alarm 0 using the software RTC function in RTC module. Main Routine 1) Set alarm 0 rtc_setAlarm0 function Update date and clock time rtc_updateTime function 2) When the current time reaches the time of alarm 0, callback function is executed 3) Obtain the alarm 0 setting rtc_getAlarm0 function Figure 3-3 Alarm 0 callback processing (callback function) Alarm 0 Setting Procedure (Software RTC) [Main Routine] 1) Set alarm 0 ¾ Set date and clock time using the rtc_setAlarm0 function. 1 Minute data (0–59) 2 Hour data (0–23) 3 Day-of-the-week data (1–7) 4 Address of callback function ¾ If you do not use the day-of-the-week data as comparison data of alarm 0, set “0x00” as its data. For example, in the case of setting 8:30 in the morning to alarm 0, set “0x00” to the day-of-the-week data, then set “8(hour)” and “30(minute)” to the hour and minute data respectively. 2) Update date and clock time ¾ Update the current date and clock time by calling rtc_updateTime function. ¾ If the current time reaches the time that is set to alarm 0 (day of the week, hour, minute) when the second of current time overflows (from 59 to 00) and the minute is raised up, the callback function specified in above “Set alarm 0 (rtc_setAlarm0 function)” is executed. 3) Obtain the alarm 0 setting ¾ Obtain the current alarm 0 setting data (day of the week, hour, minute, address of callback function) using the rtc_getAlarm0 function. 18 Alarm 1 Setting Procedure (Software RTC) The figure below shows the procedure for setting alarm 1 using the software RTC function in RTC module. Main Routine 1) Set alarm 1 rtc_setAlarm1 function Update date and clock time rtc_updateTime function 2) When the current time reaches the time of alarm 1, callback function is executed 3) Obtain the alarm 1 setting rtc_getAlarm1 function Figure 3-4 Alarm 1 callback processing (callback function) Alarm 1 Setting Procedure (Software RTC) [Main Routine] 1) Set alarm 1 ¾ Set date and clock time using the rtc_setAlarm1 function. 1 Minute data (0–59) 2 Hour data (0–23) 3 Month data (1–12) 4 Day data (1–31) 5 Address of callback function ¾ If you do not use the month and day data as comparison data of alarm 1, set “0x00” as its data. For example, in the case of setting 8:30 in the morning to alarm 1, set “0x00” to the month and day data, then set “8(hour)” and “30(minute)” to the hour and minute data respectively. 2) Update date and clock time ¾ Update the current date and clock time by calling rtc_updateTime function. ¾ If the current time reaches the time that is set to alarm 1 (month, day, hour, minute) when the second of current time overflows (from 59 to 00) and the minute is raised up, the callback function specified in above “Set alarm 1 (rtc_setAlarm1 function)” is executed. 3) Obtain the alarm 1 setting ¾ Obtain the current alarm 1 setting data (month, day, hour, minute, address of callback function) using the rtc_getAlarm1 function. 19 4. Description of the Sample Program The following shows the functional specification of the sample program. 4.1. Functions of Sample Program The sample program offers three functions shown below. Function Time display Calendar setup Time setup 4.2. Function outline The present time (hour, minute and second) and a calendar (date and day of the week) are displayed. Operation duty and contrast are adjusted by key operation. Date is set up by key operation. Calendar (year, month and day) is set up by key operation. The place during setup blinks. Also during a calendar setup, time is updated and the newest time is displayed on LCD. Time is set up by key operation. Set up time (hour and minute) by key operation. The place during setup blinks. Also during a time setup, time is updated and the newest time is displayed on LCD. Common Specifications 1) System clock • SYSCLK=LSCLK (32 kHz) 2) Timer • Base time (1s) creation Software RTC: 1 kHz timer, operating clock LSCLK, 1Hz mode Hardware RTC: RTC 1 second interrupts. • Operation duty creation Timer0, 1(16bit mode), operating clock LSCLK, overflow interval: It is dependent on a setup of duty of operation (refer the table below). * It is not used when the operation duty is set to 100% 3) LCD driver • Bias voltage multiplying clock: 2 kHz, bias : 1/4 bias, 1/4 duty • Frame frequency: 73 Hz 4) MCU operation duty • 10~100%, in units of 10%. Duty ratio(%) Opereation time(ms) HALT time(ms) 10 100 900 20 200 800 30 300 700 40 400 600 50 500 500 60 600 400 70 700 300 80 800 200 90 900 100 100 const - 20 4.3. Configuration of the LCD Panel The following subsections describe the LCD panel configuration and types of display. The LCD panel has two types of display patterns depending on the type of the LCD driver built into the MCU: one with the display allocation function and the other without it.This sample explains as the display allocation function. 4.3.1. LCD Display Image with Display Allocation Function The display allocation function is available if DSPMOD1’s DASN (bit 2) can be set to “1”. The display image in this case is shown below. Day of the week Operation duty 3 T H U Clock time 2 3 2 0 0 9 Day of the week Clock time Year Month and day 5 9 : 5 9 1 2 3 1 Year Name Operation duty : Month and day Content to be displayed The mark of "1" - "10" on either side shows the sample program operation duty. Duty ratio 10% : “1” Duty ratio 20% : “2” : Duty ratio 100% : “10” The day of the week applicable to the present date is displayed in left justified format. Sunday: SUN Monday: MON Tuesday: TUE Wednesday: WED Thursday: THU Friday: FRI Saturday: SAT Displays the current time in 24 hour format. Displays current year. Upper place of year is fixed to “20”. Displays current month and day. 21 4.4. Key Event The key event that the sample program handles is only a short-press release. Short-press release: Polling is performed at 128-Hz intervals from the time a key was pressed, and a short-press release is confirmed if a match occurs four times but the key is released in less than 2 seconds. Priority: Key S1 > Key S2 > Key S3 > Key S4 22 4.5. State Transition Diagram Power-on Reset by RESET_N pin or reset by WDT overflow Initialization Short S1 press Short S1 press Short S2 press Short S2 press Calendar setup mode Short S4 press Time display mode Short S3 press Short S3 press Short S4 press Short S2 press Time setup mode Short S4 press Short S3 press Short S1 press Figure 4-1 4.6. State transition diagram(Whole) State Transition Table Mode S1 State Short S1 press Time display Calendar setup Time setup Key S2 Short S2 press S3 Short S3 press Normal [State change] Shifts to Duty adjustment state - - Duty adjustment [State change] Shifts to Contrast adjustment state Parameter UP Parameter Down Contrast adjustment [State change] Shifts to Normal state Parameter UP Parameter Down [Setting (blink) place change] Shifts to place of “Month” [Setting (blink) place change] Shifts to place of “Day” [Setting (blink) place change] Shifts to place of “Year” [Setting (blink) place change] Shifts to place of “Minute” [Setting (blink) place change] Shifts to place of “Second” [Setting (blink) place change] Shifts to place of “Hour” Parameter UP Parameter UP Parameter UP Parameter UP Parameter UP Parameter UP Parameter Down Parameter Down Parameter Down Parameter Down Parameter Down Parameter Down Setting place “Year” Setting place “Month” Setting place “Day” Setting place “Hour” Setting place “Minute” Setting place “Second” : : : : : : 23 S4 Short S4 press [Mode change] Shifts to Calendar setup mode [Mode change] Shifts to Time setup mode [Mode change] Shifts to Time display mode 4.7. Description of mode Mode Time display mode Calendar setup mode Time setup mode Description Renewal of time is performed for every second using RTC (software/hardware) function, and the present time and a date are displayed. Moreover, duty of operation or LCD contrast of MCU is changed by key operation. Calendar (year, month, day) is set up by key operation. * Day of the week is calculated by the sample software side. Time (hour, minute, second reset) is set up by key operation. 24 4.7.1. Time display mode Change of a display of time, duty of operation, and LCD contrast is performed. ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Description of operation Date, Time and the mark of the operation duty are displayed after clearing LCD display. The operation duty of MCU and contrast are changed by the key input. The initial value of calendar time is 0:0 0 second on January 1, 2000. The initial value of the operation duty is 100%. The initial value of the contrast of LCD is 8. LCD is switched off when key operation is not performed during 1 minute. (Normal state only) Description of screen There are three kinds of states, a time display, duty adjustment, and contrast adjustment, in the time display mode. And there is a screen corresponding to each state (state is changed by short S1 press). 1. Time display mode (usually) screen Day of the week Operation duty 3 T H U Clock time 2 3 2 0 0 9 Name Operation duty Day of the week Clock time display Year Month and day 5 9 : 5 9 1 2 3 1 Year Figure 4-2 : Month and day Time display mode (usually) Content to be displayed Mark of "1" - "10" on either side shows the sample program operation duty. Duty ratio 10% : “1” Duty ratio 20% : “2” : Duty ratio 100% : “10” The day-of-the-week applicable to the present date is displayed in left justified format.. Sunday: SUN Monday: MON Tuesday: TUE Wednesday: WED Thursday: THU Friday: FRI Saturday: SAT Displays the current time in 24 hour format. Displays current year. Upper place of year is fixed to “20”. Displays current month and day. 25 2. Time display mode (duty adjustment) screen Operation duty Mode display Clock time D U T Y 2 3 : 5 9 : 5 9 4 Figure 4-3 Name Operation duty Time display mode (duty adjustment) Content to be displayed The mark of "1" - "10" on either side shows the sample program operation duty. Duty ratio 10% : “1” Duty ratio 20% : “2” : Duty ratio 100% : “10” Mode Clock time "DUTY" is displayed. Displays the current time in 24 hour format. 3. Time display mode (contrast adiustment) screen Operation duty Mode display C O N T Clock time 2 3 : 5 9 : 5 9 4 1 F Contrast display Figure 4-4 Name Operation duty Time display mode (contrast adjustment) Content to be displayed The mark of "1" - "10" on either side shows the sample program operation duty. Duty ratio 10% Duty ratio 20% : Duty ratio 100% Mode display Clock time display Contrast display : “1” : “2” : “10” "CONT" is displayed. Displays the current time in 24 hour format. The contrast (value of a contrast register) of LCD is displayed. 26 Description of key operation Key event uses only short press. Long press of key is no effect. 1. Time display mode (usually) screen When one of keys is pushed during LCD putting out lights, LCD lighting is performed but operation of a key is not performed. Key Operation S1 Short press Shifts to duty adjustment state. S2 Short press No effect. S3 Short press No effect. S4 Short press Shifts to calendar setup mode. 2. Time display mode (duty adiustment) screen Key Operation S1 Short press Shifts to contrast adjustment state. The operation duty of MCU is adjusted. S2 Short press Whenever it pushes once, duty ratio is added 10%. When duty ratio is 100%, it sets up to 10%. The operation duty of MCU is adjusted. S3 Short press Whenever it pushes once, duty ratio is subtracted 10%. When duty ratio is 10%, it sets up to 100%. S4 Short press Shifts to calendar setup mode. 3. Time display mode (Contrast adiustment) screen Key Operation S1 Short press Shifts to normal state. Contrast of LCD is adjusted. S2 Short press Whenever it pushes once, contrast is added 1. When contrast is maximum (*), it is set as 0. * Maximum value varies in MCU. Contrast of LCD is adjusted. S3 Short press Whenever it pushes once, contrast is subtracted 1. When contrast is maximum (*), it is set as 0. * Maximum value varies in MCU. S4 Short press Shifts to calendar setup mode. 27 4.7.2. Calendar setup mode Calendar (year, month, day) is set up. Description of operation ¾ Date is displayed after clearing LCD display. ¾ Renewal of time is performed also during edit. But renewal of the date place by the carry from the time place is not performed. (edit: 2009/12/31 23:59:59 ´ 2009/12/31 00:00:00) ¾ The blinking place is moved in the order of the year -> month -> day -> year … by the key input. (Blink cycle: 1 Hz) ¾ The present date is edited. Description of screen 2 0 0 9 1 2 3 1 Year display Figure 4-5 Month and day Calendar setup mode Name Content to be displayed Year display Displays current year. Upper place of year is fixed to “20”. Month and day Displays current month and day. * The place during setup blinks. Description of key operation Key Short press Operation The place of date which is set up (blinking place) is changed (in the order of year -> month -> day). S1 If it goes around, it will return to the place of year. The count rise of the place during setup is carried out. In the case of maximum value, it returns to the minimum value. Short The range of a count rise: S2 press Year 00~99 Month 01~12 Day 01~31 The countdown of the place during setup is carried out. In the case of the minimum value, it returns to maximum value. Short The range of a countdown: S3 press Year 00~99 Month 01~12 Day 01~31 It shifts to the time setup mode after calendar decision. Short *When date setting value is unexpected date (when February 30 is set up etc), date is reset to 1st S4 press date of the next month. *A day of the week is calculated using date that has been set. *Long press of key is no effect. 28 Validation of date input In this sample software, the validity of user input value is judged in the following procedure, and unexpected input value is corrected. 1) Setup of a date ¾ Date (year, month, date) is set up using S1, S2, and S3 key. 2) S4 key input ¾ When S4 key is inputted, the day-of-the-week set up with the rtc_calcWeekday function is calculated. 3) Success or failure of a day-of-the-week calculation result ¾ When the setting value of day is more than the final day (28~31) of month, it judges as an unexpected input with an rtc_calcWeekday function. (A leap year is also taken into consideration.) ¾ When it succeeds in day-of-the-week calculation with an rtc_calcuWeekday function, the setting value of date is accepted. ¾ When it fails in day-of-the-week calculation with an rtc_calcuWeekday function, it judges with an error and the following date compensation is performed. 1 Advance the place of the "month" for one month. 2 The place of a "day" will be set up on "the 1st." 3 Perform day-of-the-week calculation again. [Example] ¾ Though it is not a leap year, date is set up to February 29. 1 Date Input by User. 2 0 0 9 0 2 2 9 Month and day Year 2 S4 key input (to time setup mode). Day of the week Clock time S U N : 2 0 0 9 0 0 : 0 0 3 Year Month and day 29 1 ¾ When a date is set up on November 31. 1 Date input by User. 2 0 0 9 1 1 3 1 Year 2 Month and day S4 key input (to time setup mode). Day of the week Clock time T U E : 0 0 : 0 0 2 0 0 9 1 2 Year Month and day 30 1 4.7.3. Time setup mode Time (hour and minute) is set up. Description of operation ¾ Date is displayed after clearing LCD display. ¾ Renewal of time is performed also during edit. But renewal of the date place by the carry from a time place is not performed. (edit: 2009/12/31 23:59:59 ´ 2009/12/31 00:00:00) ¾ The blinking place is moved in the order of hour -> minute -> second -> hour by the key input. (Blink cycle: 1 Hz) ¾ The present time (hour, minute, second) is edited. The edited contents are immediately set to RTC. ¾ When S2/S3 key is short-pressed during the place of "second" is selected, a second is set as 00. Description of screen Day of the week Clock time T H U 2 3 5 9 : 2 0 0 9 Name Day of the week 5 9 1 2 3 1 Year Figure 4-6 : Month and day Time setup mode Content to be displayed The day of the week applicable to the present date is displayed in left justified format. Sunday: SUN Monday: MON Tuesday: TUE Wednesday: WED Thursday: THU Friday: FRI Saturday: SAT Clock time Year Month and day Displays the current time in 24 hour format. *The place during setup blinks and is displayed. Displays current year. Upper place of year is fixed to “20”. Displays current month and day. 31 Description of key operation Key S1 Short press S2 Short press S3 Short press Operation The place of time which is sets up (blinking place) is changed (in the order of hour -> minute -> second). If it goes around, it will return to hour. The count rise of the place during setup is carried out. In the case of maximum value, it returns to the minimum value. The range of a count rise: Hour 00~23 Minute 00~59 Second 00fix The countdown of the place during setup is carried out. In the case of the minimum value, it returns to maximum value. The range of a countdown: Hour 00~23 Minute 00~59 Second 00fix Short It shifts to the time display mode. press *Long press of key is no effect. S4 32 4.7.4. Cautions when Using Hardware RTC (About time setting timing) The time which RTC holds is updated for every count for 1 second by the low-speed time base counter. Moreover, the event of S2 or S3 key performs processing which updates the time of RTC in this sample program. If the timing by which the value of RTC is updated overlaps during processing of a time setup by this program, the old time (1 second before) which the program holds may be set to RTC.In this case, a display of clock time will be delayed for 1 second. In this sample program, as the measure for the clock time delay at RTC setup, key events are suspended on the following condition and it is made not to perform RTC setup. The suspended key event is re-set when it returns to the calendar edit mode or the time edit mode. The key event holds the key event that is occurred latest. Condition: LTBR (the low-speed time base counter) is more than 0xF0. (RTC interrupt occurs within 62.5ms.) Usually, although the processing time of a time setup is about 10ms, since key interrupt will occur several times also during a time setup if a key is hit repeatedly, it takes about 60ms by the maximum. A time setup and RTC interruption are made not to overlap by preparing the prohibition time of a time setup. Figure 4-7 Time setup outline flow 33 Revision History 34 Revision History Page Edition Date 2 2010.4.16 Previous Edition Current Edition – – Description Initial Edition 35
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