STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report Capacity Improvement Projects The following information is for the month of November 2014. Generally, the RTC requires contractors to maintain at least one travel lane in each direction. Motorists are encouraged to drive with caution and pay close attention to traffic controls and flag persons. Occasionally, driveways will be temporarily closed one to three hours. Before driveways are closed, the contractor will provide 18-24 hours advance notice to property owners. ITS Network Master Plan Pyramid / McCarran Intersection Pyramid Highway / US 395 Connector RRIF Program Overview SE McCarran Widening -- Mira Loma to Greg SouthEast Connector Traffic Engineering Spot 3 Traffic Engineering Spot 4 North McCarran at North Virginia Intersection Project Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report ITS Network Master Plan PWP No. TBD / RTC Project No. 542028 RTC Project Manager (PM): Jim Poston RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 332-2139 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: Iteris (949) 270-9400 Construction Contractor: To be determined Project Description & Purpose The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) network will allow all transportation agencies to share resources and coordinate responses. The network will include traffic signals, freeway ramp meters, video cameras, dynamic message signs, advisory radio, roadway weather stations, and traffic flow meters. Related Documents The Master Plan will establish how the network will connect to the various agencies, specifications for hardware and software, and maintenance and operations agreements. Procurement, installation, and buildout will occur in follow-on projects. Schedule Public Meeting: Design: Advertise: Bid Opening: Construction Start: Construction Complete: To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined Latest News Project Finance Plan Funding Source: Amount RTC Approved: Total Project Estimate: CMAQ $360,000 $155,000 Final reports will be submitted this month. Project is expected to be complete by November 2014. Construction Traffic Control and Work Schedule Updates For current traffic control information, please see the RTC’s weekly Traffic Control Report at: Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report Pyramid & McCarran Intersection RTC Project No. 540082 RTC Project Manager (PM): Scott Gibson, P.E. RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 335-1874 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: HDR (775) 337-4700 Construction Contractor: To be determined Project Scope • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) including alternative selection, alignment selection, public outreach, and agency coordination. • Acquire right-of-way sufficient to build the necessary improvements. • Increase the capacity of the intersection to Policy Level of Service (LOS) “E” without degrading LOS at other intersections within the study area below LOS “E” through year 2030. Purpose and Need • This project is proposed to meet the short- and long-term transportation needs of the project area in response to regional growth. • The purpose of the project is two-fold: o Decrease traffic congestion to meet community LOS standards o Improve Safety • The purpose of the project is based on the existing and projected transportation needs and deficiencies in the Pyramid and McCarran corridors. Latest News The FHWA has issued a Record of Decision for the Pyramid/McCarran Intersection Improvement Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) advancing the project into the final design and construction phase. This concludes eight (8) years of work on the EIS and provides federal authorization and funding for the project. The project is estimated to cost $70M and will require the acquisition of approximately 70 homes. Construction activities are expected to begin in the summer of 2015, with final completion in 2017. A community working group has been convened to continue community coordination and communication for the duration of the project on issues such as landscaping and aesthetics, site preparation, and construction. Public meetings will also be held periodically to keep the community informed of project activities and progress. Related Documents Pyramid Hwy Corridor Management Plan (Nov 2001) I-80 to US-395 Connector Project Study (2003) RTC Regional Transportation Plan (Nov 2008) Current Reg. Trans Improvement Plan (RTIP) FEIS and Record of Decision (Nov 2013) Pyramid McCarran Highway Safety Audit (Dec 2013) Schedule Draft EIS: 4th Qtr 2012 Record of Decision: 4th Qtr 2013 Final Design Complete: 3rd Qtr 2014 Begin Construction: 2nd Qtr 2015 Project Finance Plan Funding Sources: CMAQ*, Fuel Tax, RTC-5 Bonds, Federal Pyramid Highway Corridor Earmarks Amount RTC Approved: Total Project Estimate: $29M $61M-$71M Note: Eligible for RTC-5 Bond funding. All costs in 2009 Dollars *CMAQ – Congestion Mitigation Air Quality **EDC – Engineering During Construction (Construction Management, Inspection, Testing) A demolition project for 30 properties is being awarded and demolition work will begin mid to late November 2014. Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report Pyramid Highway / US 395 Connector EIS Study RTC Project No. 520062 RTC Project Manager (PM): Doug Maloy, P.E. RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 335-1865 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: Jacobs Engineering (775) 850-5100 Construction Contractor: To be determined Project Description & Purpose • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) including alternative selection, preliminary engineering, public outreach, agency coordination, environmental analysis, and documentation. • Conversion of approximately six miles of existing Pyramid Highway (SR 445) from an arterial to a 6-lane controlled access arterial. • Development of new controlled access arterial from US 395 to Pyramid Highway with improvements on Disc Drive east to Vista Boulevard. • Project will alleviate current and future congestion in Sparks and Spanish Springs, serve future growth areas, and provide additional east/west connectivity. Latest News The recommended preferred alternative was presented to the RTC Board at the April 18, 2014 meeting. In May the RTC Project Manager provided presentations at the local agencies on the status of the study and the recommended preferred alternative. Review of the projected traffic volumes based on updated population and employment forecasts is complete. Some minor preliminary design revisions will result. This will delay completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) until 2015. Information on this project can be found on the website Related Documents Pyramid Corridor Master Plan 2001 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Schedule Administrative Draft EIS: Final EIS: Record of Decision: Final Design: Construction Start: Complete 2nd Qtr 2015 To be determined To be determined To be determined Project Finance Plan Funding Source: State Gas Tax Federal SAFETEA-LU Amount RTC Approved: $8.2M Total Project Estimate: $1.1B Notes: Preliminary Design & Environmental Clearance estimated $8.2M. Final Design, Right-of-Way, and Construction estimates unknown pending completion of Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Construction Traffic Control and Work Schedule Updates Not Applicable Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report Regional Road Impact Fee Program Overview RTC Project No. 241001 RTC Project Manager (PM): Julie Masterpool, P.E. RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 335-1897 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: TischlerBise (301) 320-6900 Construction Contractor: Not applicable Project Description & Purpose The objective of the RRIF Program review is to evaluate the current system in light of State law impact fee requirements, national case law standards, and current best professional practice, and to identify potential changes that could improve the system in terms of legal defensibility, technical accuracy, and ease of administration and updates. Specific tasks will include an evaluation of existing methodologies, assessment of the impact fee credit program, and recommendations for the inclusion of a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) adjustment fee. Latest News The RTC Board approved the 5th Edition of the RRIF General Administrative Manual (GAM) and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) at the September 19th Board Meeting. In addition, the Board has also approved the 1st Amendment to the RRIF GAM to allow for the extension of the credit expiration dates for an additional 10 years. The proposed 5th Edition RRIF GAM and CIP and the amendment are to be presented for approval to the Planning Commissions and Elected Boards of the participating local governments over the next couple of months. Related Documents Regional Road Impact Fee (RRIF) General Administrative Manual Regional Road Impact Fee (RRIF) Capital Improvement Plan Schedule Notice to Proceed: Complete: Oct 2011 Dec 2014 Project Finance Plan Funding Source: Amount RTC Approved: Fuel Tax $216,286 The RRIF TAC meetings are suspended until further notice. Construction Traffic Control and Work Schedule Updates: Not applicable. Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report South McCarran Boulevard – Phase II Mira Loma Drive to Greg Street PWP No. WA-2014-207/RTC Project No. 542017-P2 RTC Project Manager (PM): Brenda Lee, P.E. RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 335-1863 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: Wood Rodgers, Inc. (775) 823-4068 Construction Contractor: Q&D Construction, Inc. (775) 786-2677 Project Description & Purpose The overall project is to provide the improvements needed as identified in the SE McCarran Corridor Study and to incorporate NDOT’s pavement rehabilitation project. This phase of the project will include the following: • Pavement rehabilitation from Mira Loma Drive to 200’ south of Equity Avenue. • Widening from 4 lanes to 6 lanes between Mira Loma Drive and Greg Street. • Addition of a shared use path on the south/east side between Alexander Lake Road and Greg Street, including a pedestrian bridge over the Truckee River. • Aesthetics and Soundwalls between Longley Lane & Greg Street. The pavement rehabilitation will upgrade the pavement conditions for the future years to come. Widening of the roadway will relieve congestion, increase safety, and improve air quality and aesthetics. Latest News The contract was awarded to the lower bidder, Q&D Construction, Inc. Construction is planned to begin by late November, weather permitting. The first order of work will include extension of culverts and foundation for the pedestrian bridge which mainly occurs outside the travel lanes. An informational meeting is planned as follows for the public to learn more about the project and how construction may impact their drive: Time: 4pm - 6pm on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Place: Dodson Elementary School, 4355 Houston Drive, Reno Related Documents Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) SE McCarran Corridor Study Schedule Planning: Preliminary Design: Final Design: Advertise: Construction: Complete Complete Complete July 2014 Fall 2014 to Fall 2015 Project Finance Plan Funding Source: RRIF (RTC-5) & NDOT funds Amount RTC Approved: $25,000,000 Amount by NDOT: $6,000,000 Total Project Estimate: $31,000,000 Notes: Design is estimated at $1.0M; Right-of-Way is estimated at $6.1M; Construction costs (including utility relocation and construction administration) are estimated at $23.9M. Construction Traffic Control and Work Schedule Updates For current traffic control information, please see the RTC’s weekly Traffic Control Report at: Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report SouthEast Connector RTC Project No. 532011 & 532013 RTC Project Manager (PM): Garth Oksol, P.E. RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 332-2137 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: CH2M HILL (Phase 2) (775) 329-7300 Construction Contractor: Project Description & Purpose The SouthEast Connector (SEC) is a regional roadway that will run from the intersection of Sparks Boulevard and Greg Street in the north, to South Meadows Parkway and Veterans Parkway in the south. It is a six lane non-elevated roadway with multi-use paths. The SEC is a vital link that connects the south part of the Truckee Meadows with the east part of the Truckee Meadows. The only other continuous link that serves this purpose is US-395 to I-80, which is reaching critical capacity. All other regional roads in the southeast part of the Truckee Meadows are also reaching critical capacity. The SEC provides much needed relief to the entire transportation network. The SEC is a regional roadway that has been planned and discussed for over 40 years. Developments in south Reno and Sparks have been approved because the SEC is on the Regional Transportation Plan. Existing new roadways have been approved for future capacity needs assuming the SEC is built. If the SEC is not built, those roadways do not have the ability to handle additional capacity without major impacts to homes, apartments, businesses, etc. Latest News Phase 1 construction is Complete. The Section 404 and 401 Clean Water Act permit for Phase 2 was submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers on July 19, 2013. The RTC responded to the comments received during Public Comment on February 21, 2014. The permit and responses to comments are available for public viewing/downloading at Related Documents Plan Line Study for the SouthEast Connector (January 20, 2009) Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Schedule (Phase 2) Planning: Prelim. Engineering: Final Design: Advertise: Construction: January 2009 Fall 2011 Summer 2014 Winter 2014 Winter 2014 Project Finance Plan Funding Source: RTC-5 Fuel Tax Bonding Preliminary Engineering: $3,236,000 Final Design: $15.6M Right-of-Way: $23M Construction: $230M Total Project Estimate: $270M Construction Traffic Control and Work Schedule Updates For current traffic control information, please see the RTC’s weekly Traffic Control Report at: Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report Traffic Engineering (TE) Spot 3 RTC Project No. 512011 RTC Project Manager (PM): Blaine Petersen, P.E., PTOE RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 335-1871 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: Traffic Works (775) 322-4300 Construction Contractor: Titan Electrical Project Description & Purpose • The TE Spot 3 project focuses on smaller improvements to increase the efficiency of traffic signal operations. • Replaces malfunctioning video detection cameras with inground loop detectors. • Installation of radios or fiber optic cables to allow communication to traffic signals. • Planned intersections include: McCarran at Nichols McCarran at Lincoln McCarran at Plumas McCarran from Plumas to Greensboro (fiber optic) Latest News Project is substantially complete. Related Documents Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Schedule Planning: Final Design: Advertise: Construction Start: Project complete Complete Winter 2013 Winter 2013/2014 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Project Finance Plan Funding Source: Amount RTC Approved: Total Project Estimate: RRIF $500,000 $500,000 Construction Traffic Control and Work Schedule Updates For current traffic control information, please see the RTC’s weekly Traffic Control Report at: Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report Traffic Engineering (TE) Spot 4 RTC Project No. 247001 RTC Project Manager (PM): Blaine Petersen, P.E., PTOE RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 335-1871 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: Solaegui Engineers (775) 358-1004 Construction Contractor: To be determined Project Description & Purpose The TE Spot 4 project focuses on smaller improvements to increase the efficiency of traffic signal operations. Planned intersections: • • • • • • • • • McCarran at S. Virginia – replace video detection with loops McCarran at Kietzke– replace video detection with loops McCarran at Talbot– replace video detection with loops McCarran at Plumb– replace video detection with loops McCarran at Northtown– replace video detection with loops McCarran at Sullivan– replace video detection with loops McCarran at Probasco– replace video detection with loops Veterans at Rio Wrangler – install traffic signal Steamboat at Marketplace – install FYA for EB left turn Latest News Design will take place August 2014 through December 2014. Related Documents Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Schedule Final Design: Advertise: Construction Start: Project complete Fall 2014 Winter 2014 Spring 2015 Summer 2015 Project Finance Plan Funding Source: Amount RTC Approved: Total Project Estimate: RRIF $750,000 $750,000 Construction Traffic Control and Work Schedule Updates For current traffic control information, please see the RTC’s weekly Traffic Control Report at: Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs. STREETS & HIGHWAYS Project Summary Report North Virginia / North McCarran Intersection Sierra to N McCarran PWP No. TBD / RTC Project No. 512010 RTC Project Manager (PM): Blaine Petersen, P.E., PTOE RTC PM Contact Information: (775) 335-1871 RTC Engineering Department: (775) 348-0171 (775) 348-0170 fax Design Firm: Parsons Brinckerhoff (775) 853-7400 Construction Contractor: To be determined Project Description & Purpose The North Virginia Street at North McCarran Boulevard intersection delay has increased and this intersection has appeared on the top ten high crash location list numerous times. This project will at dual left turns for eastbound, northbound and westbound traffic at North Virginia and North McCarran intersection along with associated traffic signal improvements. The project will also add a dual left turn for eastbound Sierra to northbound Virginia Street. Latest News Preliminary design plans are complete. Final design is underway with advertisement scheduled for Spring 2015. Updates regarding the Virginia Street Corridor Study may be found at: Related Documents Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) 2005 Conceptual Study by KHA Schedule Public Meeting: Fall 2014 Design: Fall 2014 Advertise: Spring 2015 Bid Opening: Spring 2015 Construction Start: Summer 2015 Construction Complete: Fall 2015 Project Finance Plan Funding Source: Regional Road Impact Fee Amount RTC Approved: Preliminary Design: Final Design: Construction: Total Project Estimate: $4,000,000 $308,000 $255,000 To be determined $4,000,000 Construction Traffic Control and Work Schedule Updates For current traffic control information, please see the RTC’s weekly Traffic Control Report at: Information is current for: November 2014 Subscribe to at to receive e-mail updates about this project and other RTC services and programs.
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