Constitution of Nu Tau Phi Co-Ed Fraternity PREAMBLE We the body of Nu Tau Phi Solemnly affirm to uphold this constitution brought forth to assert the values for the Non-Traditional Student Body on the grounds of respect, equality and academic excellence MOTTO Achieve & Conquer SLOGAN Endure the battle, fight to the finish Article I—Name and Purpose Section 1: The name of the Co-Ed fraternity shall be Nu Tau Phi Section 2: The Objective of Nu Tau Phi is to promote lasting friendship, cultivate high scholastic and ethical standards, in the effort of unifying all non-traditional college students by exemplifying respect, equality, and the achievement of academic excellence. Article II—Laws All Nu Tau Phi members shall be governed by the Undergraduate Chapter Constitution and the respective Undergraduate Chapter By-Laws, and the Robert’s Rules of Order. Article III—Membership and Finances Section 1: Nu Tau Phi does not discriminate in any manner contrary to law or justice on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or veteran's status. Membership shall be conferred only upon non-traditional students of Nova Southeastern University who are of good moral character, and who have met the qualifications set out in Article II of the Constitution. The aforementioned must also fulfill such additional scholastic requirements as may be prescribed by this Constitution or bylaws. The organization is open to all Nova Southeastern University Non-Traditional students. Section 2: Dues shall be collected from each member to fulfill the financial obligations of the Co-Ed fraternity and shall be payable as provided by these bylaws. The amount of 1 such dues shall be suggested to the chapter by the Treasurer and shall become binding upon approval of the active members. Section 3: The privilege of holding office shall be limited to members whose current dues are paid and has a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, and is deemed in good standing by the Education Chairman and the Secretary. Section 4: Nu Tau Phi does not allow inactive member to vote. Any member who wishes to vote must be up to date with their payment of dues. Article IV—Officer, Duties, and Elections Section 1: The executive officers of this chapter shall be the president, vice president, treasurer, Executive secretary, and development director. Other offices may be approved and duly adopted in the bylaws of this chapter. Section 2: The duties of these officers shall be those set out in Section Four (Duties) of the Laws and such additional duties as may be prescribed by the bylaws of this chapter. Section 3: These officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the chapter membership present according to the bylaws of this chapter. Section 4: Elections shall take place at the first meeting of March following the Nova Southeastern University academic calendar following a month long officer transition period, nominations for the executive board offices will be accepted from the membership. The election will then be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Section 5: No one shall be allowed to leave the election meeting. Section 6: Should any office become vacant for any reason, it shall be filled by special election held at the next scheduled Chapter meeting. All members shall be notified of the impending special election. Section 7: In the absence of the President, the chain of command shall be temporarily passed down in the order of the vice president, treasurer, secretary and development director. Upon return of the President, all temporary powers and responsibilities shall be restored to its appropriate office. Failure to do so will result in removal of office and the said office shall be subject to sanctions mandated by the Nu Tau Phi Co-Ed Fraternity constitution and bylaws. Article V—Removal of Members Section 1: Any member not fulfilling the requirements as outlined in this Constitution or in the Bylaws of this organization, to the satisfaction of the voting membership or has 2 been found in violation of Nova Southeastern University Policy or the Student Code of Conduct may be deemed a "member not in good standing". The Semiannual Review Vote will determine, by vote, whether the member is maintaining their responsibilities. Section 2: The SAMRV meeting is a mandatory meeting. Section 3: The SAMRV meeting will follow the procedures set forth in the Chapter Manual. Section 4: Members, who are determined by a vote of over 75% to not be maintaining their responsibilities, are expelled from NTP. Article VI—Removal of Officers Section 1: Any officer not fulfilling his/her duties as outlined in this Constitution, or in the Bylaws of this organization to the satisfaction of the voting membership or has been found in violation of any Nova Southeastern University Policy or Student Code of Conduct, may be removed from office. A petition of 1/3 student "members in good standing" shall be necessary to bring the question of removing an elected officer before the next regular business meeting of the chapter to give notice of charges. A two-thirds majority vote of the total voting membership shall be required for removal of any officer. Section 2: The motion to remove an officer from his/her position must be presented in writing to the total voting membership at least 2 weeks before the meeting at which the removal will be approved by the Secretary and said document shall be stored for historical purposes. Section 3: The officer subject to removal shall have the right to present his/her case to the membership at the meeting in which the voting for removal is to take place. Section 4: All voting under this Article shall be done by secret ballot. Article VII—Meetings and Quorum Section 1: Regular meetings of this chapter shall be held bi-weekly during the school year. The day, time, and location shall be approved at a meeting called by the executive committee at the start of each term. E-board meets once a week. Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the president or any executive board officer, according to the bylaws of this chapter. Section 3: A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of members in good standing for the transaction of all business at any regular meeting of this chapter. 3 Section 4: Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the meetings of this chapter in all cases in which they apply. Article VIII—Committees/Chairmen Section 1: The officers of this chapter shall constitute the executive committee of the chapter. The function of this committee shall be to transact necessary business of the chapter between meetings, and to do such other business as may be imposed on it by the bylaws of this chapter, or as may be referred to it by the chapter. There shall be regular meetings of the executive committee as provided in the bylaws. Section 2: There shall be standing committees to promote the objects and interests of this chapter as are ordained by the bylaws. Their terms shall be the same and coincide with that of the officers. Section 3: Special committees may be created by the executive committee or vote of the chapter at any chapter meeting, their terms to be fixed by the appointed authority. Article IX—Advisor Section 1: This organization shall designate an advisor. The regional director shall require from each college chapter in the region the names of three resident alumni or faculty members who are qualified to serve as a chapter advisor, recommending the one it would desire appointed. From the names so submitted the regional director shall select annually a chapter advisor. In the event that a college chapter fails to submit the names of three resident alumni or faculty members for its chapter advisor within thirty days after requested to do so, the regional director, without further reference, shall appoint an advisor for the chapter (The above will be determined upon the fraternity’s expansion). Said advisor(s) shall have no voting privileges Section 2: Duties are: A. Assist the Treasurer and the President in preparation of requests for funding from the Student Government Association, and shall sign said requests; B. Consult with the officers about the organization's activities in compliance with University Policies; C. Be responsible for the proper conduct of the university chapter in all local, regional, and national fraternity matters. D. In the event of violations the advisor shall have no power to impose a penalty nor have any penal rights whatsoever; E. Have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the fraternity. 4 Article X—Amendments to the Constitution Section 1: This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the chapter by a two-thirds vote of the active members of the chapter present and voting; provided notice of the proposed amendment shall be given at the preceding regular meeting of the chapter; and provided that the amendment is consistent with the Constitution and Laws of Nu Tau Phi at Nova Southeastern University. The Bylaws of Nu Tau Phi Co-Ed Fraternity Section One: Structural Breakdown Article I: These officers are to be elected by a two-thirds majority of active members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting: A. President B. Vice president C. Treasurer D. Secretary E. Development Director Article II: Voting shall be done by a secret ballot. Article III: Elections shall take place at the first meeting of March following the Nova Southeastern University academic calendar following a month long officer transition period, nominations for the executive board offices will be accepted from the membership. The election will then be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Article IV: If a nominee loses his/her election, they are automatically eligible to be a nominee for the next office to be considered. The order of elections shall be: 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Treasurer 4. Secretary 5. Development Director. Article V: In the event of an emergency, the executive board will appoint a member to fill a vacant position until an election is held. For these emergency elections, the nominations will be held one regularly scheduled meeting in advance of the meeting at which the elections are to take place. 5 Article VI: All offices other than the five executive positions shall be appointed by the vice president and approved by a majority vote of the active members present at a regularly scheduled meeting. These officers include: A. Recruitment Chairman/Board B. Philanthropy Chairman C. Alumni relations Chairman D. IOC chairman E. Sergeant-at-Arms F. SGA/Greek Council G. Social Chairman H. Public Relation Chairman I. Archivist/Historian Chairman J. Education Chairman Article VII: By virtue of his position, the President will be the chapter's official delegate to the General Convention. An alternate delegate will be elected by majority vote of active members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting. Article VIII: Responsibility for the performance of all active members shall lie with the Development Director. Complaints regarding the performance of members shall be addressed to any executive board member. Article IX. From time to time, the campus attitude or the attitude of the chapter may require that certain miscellaneous policies be adopted and/or revised. In the case that a new policy is necessary, a proposal may be devised and voted on by active members present and voting. A policy will require a two thirds vote to pass. Any amendments will require a three fourths vote to amend. Any such policies are strictly protected by these bylaws and may be enforced by the Sergeant-at-Arms. Section Two: The Executive Board Article I: The purpose of the executive board is to facilitate the operation of the chapter, to aid in the control of its finances, to report at stated times and intervals on the condition of the chapter, to prepare business in order that chapter meetings may be as orderly and as brief as possible, to determine policy in advance for approval at chapter meetings, and to provide in all other ways possible for the businesslike administration of chapter affairs and policies. Article II: The executive board shall be composed of five voting members: The chapter president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and development director. 6 Article III: The executive board will meet once a week prior to the chapter meeting to conduct business. The day, time, and location shall be approved at a meeting called by executive board members at the start of each term. Article IV: All findings and proceedings of the board shall be reported to the chapter, and all action of the board is subject to approval by a majority of active members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting. Section Three: Dues and Bills Article I: Chapter bills shall include one or more of these items as appropriate: A. Chapter dues B. Initiation fee C. Fines & assessments Article II: Bills will be rendered at the first meeting of the month and must be paid in full within three weeks. Unless excused by the chapter treasurer, any member who has not paid by the due date will be brought before the executive board by the treasurer to decide upon necessary sanctions. In addition, any fines or interest charge imposed will be left to the discretion of the treasurer, who has the option of consulting the executive board. Article III: Chapter expenditures which involve assessments of any kind must first be discussed and approved by the majority of the active chapter present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting. Article IV. All bills shall be paid by check or credit/debit card, drawn by the treasurer and president. Approval of the president and treasurer shall be necessary for a purchase in excess of $100.00. Section Four: Duties Article I: All elected officers are required to read these bylaws and to perform their respective duties and responsibilities as set forth below. Article II: Duties of the President A. Preside over all meetings of the Chapter and Executive Board. B. Enforce the Constitution, Code, Traditions, Risk Management Policies, Chapter By-laws, and rules and levy fines. 7 C. Jointly appoint all committee chairmen and require them to carry out their duties and, with the exception of the Executive Board, remove members who may neglect their duties. D. Perform the duties and powers of a President. E. Sign and confer with the Treasurer on all checks and obligations of the Chapter. F. Override a negative vote on a bid if it was cast unfairly. Article III. Duties of the Vice President A. In the temporary absence or temporary incapacity of the president, perform all of his/her duties. B. Perform the duties and powers of a Vice President. C. Hold weekly meetings of all committee chairmen. D. His/her may, at the discretion of the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, be appointed to any standing committee. E. Announce committee openings at the beginning of each semester. F. Make committee chairmen appointments with the President and with the approval of the Executive Board. G. Regulate and oversee all chairmen positions. Article IV: Duties of the Treasurer A. Collect all monies due to the Chapter and pay all bills owed by the Chapter. B. Keep an accurate and true account of all financial transactions. C. Prepare the Chapter budget and present it to the Chapter in writing at the first meeting of each semester. D. Assist the Chapter Trustees in determining Chapter dues. E. Collect delinquent and otherwise stated fines. F. Present a financial statement at the end of each semester. G. Restrict spending within the proposed budget; to be altered only by the Executive Board. H. Bi-weekly inform the Executive Board as to the status of the budget. I. Appoint an assistant with the approval of the Executive Board. Article V: Duties of the Secretary A. Keep a permanent record of all proceedings of Chapter meetings in typewritten form. B. Mail to Executive Board, a copy of each meeting’s minutes within forty-eight hours following the meeting. C. Maintain a complete roll of the Chapter with home addresses. D. Keep the Chapter’s files in order and up-to-date on the Constitution, Code, Archives, Traditions, and all other pertinent material. E. Attend to all Correspondence of the organization. 8 F. Take charge of all Chapter publications and compile the Chapter scrapbook (in the absence of P/R). G. Act as parliamentarian and keep a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order, and bring it to every meeting. H. Appoint an assistant, with the approval of the Executive Board. I. Post Chapter minutes prior to the next meeting. J. E-mail notice of upcoming Chapter events to all members. K. Complete Chapter Awards Applications. Article IV: Duties of the Development Director Encourage the participation of all members in all of the Chapter’s activities. Plan and execute educational programs for all Chapters. Plan and execute bonding activities for all Chapters. Maintain a master calendar of events and present it to the Chapter at the beginning of each semester and post a monthly calendar by the first of each month. E. Assist the Chapter President and Secretary in planning an execution of the Semi-Annual Review vote. F. Assist the Chapter President in the planning and execution of the annual Chapter retreat. Conduct the new members’ pre-initiation meeting in accordance with the information in the Nu Tau Phi bylaws. G. Plan and implement all programs in accordance with the information in the Nu Tau Phi program Manual. A. B. C. D. Article VI: Duties of the Education Chairman A. To serve as a chairmen under the Vice President of the chapter. B. To know the academic standing of all active members and pledges and to inform those on academic probation concerning the circumstances of their situation. C. To keep the chapter informed of all important academic dates and Nova Southeastern University Undergraduate academic rules and regulations. D. To keep confidential the academic standing of all members. E. To schedule speakers on time management, interviewing skills, resume writing, writing skills, etc. F. To make members aware of various campus counseling services, academic services, tutoring services, writing labs, etc. G. Work to ensure that 90% of chapter members are in good scholastic standing within the chapter. H. Educate all members on the Merit and Need based scholarships opportunities. I. Create programs to ensure that the Chapter’s GPA is above a 2.5. J. Assist members in finding tutors if needed. K. Plan and execute study hours. 9 L. Give out awards for members with the most improved GPA. Article VII: Duties of the Social Chairman A. To serve as a chairmen under the Vice President of the chapter. B. To schedule, plan and execute social events including but not limited to parties, formals, family Weekend BBQ, football game tailgates. C. To plan and organize decorations, procurement of bands, and all other details pertaining to chapter social functions. D. To stay within budget limits and to be aware of the balance remaining at all times. E. To appoint such committees as may be deemed necessary to assist in fulfilling these duties. F. To register all chapter social functions with the Student Activities Office at least 2 weeks prior to the event. G. To enforce all campus regulations during chapter social functions. H. To maintain discipline at all chapter social functions, along with all executive committee members. Article X: Duties of the Philanthropy Chairman A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. To serve as a chairmen under the Vice President of the chapter. Plan and execute community service events. To be responsible for the organization semester philanthropic events. To oversee the coordination of any other campus, all Greek, or chapter philanthropic events. Publicize Philanthropic/Community service events in the campus and community newspapers. Work with other community service organizations on campus. Require a minimum amount of community service hours per member. To educate the chapter on the official adopted philanthropy of Nu Tau Phi CoEd Fraternity and to plan community service events to benefit the philanthropy. Article XII. Duties of the Alumni Relations Chairman A. To serve as a chairmen under the Vice President of the chapter. B. To plan and implement at least two alumni events per year. C. Create and maintain an alumni list with home address, e-mail address, and phone number D. To contact all alumni to inform them of the chapter's status and of any events that will be held in their honor. E. To draft at least two alumni newsletters each year. F. To attend all chapter alumni and house corporation meetings 10 G. Plan and execute alumni events including, but not limited to: BBQ, open house, banquet, cruise, and etc. H. Send out a monthly alumni newsletter with information about new initiates, upcoming events, and alumni information. Article XIII: Duties of the Public Relations Chairman A. B. C. D. E. F. To serve as a chairmen under the Vice President of the chapter. To develop a written public relations plan for the chapter. To maintain a list of local media sources (television, newspaper, radio). To organize an annual family event for the chapter. To invite faculty/administrators to chapter functions. To maintain proper correspondence etiquette with administration, alumni, chapter friends. Article XIV: Duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms A. B. C. D. E. To maintain order while the chapter meeting is in progress. Enforce the constitution, Code of conduct, Traditions and Chapter By-laws. Levy fines and punishments. Conduct hearings. Create Minimum Standards that all members must maintain to remain active members in good standing. Article XV: Duties of the IOC representative/ SGA/Greek Council A. Attend all IOC meetings and educate the Chapter and Executive Board on IOC events and policies. B. Represent the Chapter at IOC and vote on all issues pertinent to the Chapter’s welfare and that of the Greek Community. C. Represent the Chapter at Student Government Association as well as Greek Council meetings and vote on all issues pertinent to the Chapter’s welfare. Article XVI: Chapter Archivist/Historian Chairman A. B. C. D. E. F. Maintain a scrapbook of pictures and memorabilia. To keep all chapter historic files in working order. Record in a file Chapter officers and committee heads. Create a family tree for big and little To take pictures at chapter events. To educate the chapter on relevant Nu Tau Phi’s history. 11 Section Five -Customs & Initiation Article I: Chapter meetings A. The time and place of regular meetings shall be established by a majority vote at the first meeting of the academic year. The chapter meetings will be held biweekly. The president may change the time of a specific meeting or cancel such meetings as he/she deems necessary. B. Special meetings of the chapter may be called as the president or executive board officers if set individual/party deems necessary. Special meetings may also be called upon the written petition of three members of the executive committee or five members of the chapter. Notice will be posted and the secretary shall make every effort to be certain that all members are aware of the meeting. One-half of the entire chapter shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at a special meeting. C. Two-thirds of the chapter members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at regularly scheduled meetings. D. Meetings shall begin promptly at the announced time and shall be conducted in an orderly manner. Each member shall be recognized by the president before addressing the chapter. This procedure is to be strictly enforced by the Sergeantat-Arms. E. The parliamentary authority shall be Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised in all cases in which it is applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws, other chapter laws, rules of Nova Southeastern University, or laws of the general organization. F. Attendance will be taken at chapter meetings by the secretary. Excuses from absent members shall be presented (in writing) to the president or secretary prior to the beginning of the chapter meeting. G. Motions made at a chapter meeting may not be voted upon until a subsequent meeting. However, if two-thirds of the active members present and voting deem it necessary, this provision may be set aside and the motion considered immediately. H. Absentee votes are permitted at a chapter meeting only if approved by the president and documented by the secretary prior to the discussion and subsequent vote concerning any motion or nomination. A member is restricted to no more than two proxy votes. I. Motions pertaining to amendments to these bylaws will require approval by a three-fourths vote of the active members present and voting at a regularly scheduled chapter meeting. Article II: Initiation A. Before being initiated into the active chapter, the individual must have completed these steps: 12 a. All bills submitted, including the initiation fee, must be paid to the satisfaction of the Treasurer. b. The NTP membership application form must be completed. The Development Director should review each form, item by item, for the benefit of the candidates. c. She/he must meet the standards outlined by the Nu Tau Phi Co-Ed Fraternity Constitution and Bylaws. B. The Initiation ceremony will be conducted in accordance with the standard initiation guide approved by Nu Tau Phi. 13
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