Executive Committee President Caroline Etter 835-4142 Vice-president Robert Dessaint 835-2608 May 2012 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 7 Treasurer Nadine Dagenais Dessaint 835-7590 Secretary François Dutrisac 835-2108 Directors Laurent Latreille 835-2214 Anne Léger 835-1625 Jeannette Caron 835-9899 Sylvaine Daoust-Sorel The Echo info@sarsfield.org Rita Dessaint Chantal Dessaint Gaëtan Campeau 835-2608 835-3727 835-2926 Sarsfield Community Centre For reservations call: Nicholas Dessaint at 613-835-7590 The Sarsfield Echo is a monthly publication that serves as a vehicle of information for the various community organizations in order to promote their meetings and activities. Deadline to register your activities for events in June: May 30 Spring well water sample drop-off schedule Test bottles can be picked up at the following locations and dropped off on May 27th at: Midori in Sarsfield between 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. J.T. Bradley in Navan between 8 a.m. & 6 p.m. Peladeau in Vars between 9 a.m. & 8 p.m. Haddad S&S in Cumberland between 9 a.m. & 9 p.m. The Sarsfield Community Association The Association would like to welcome our two newest members to our executive committee. We are pleased to present Jeannette Caron and Sylvaine Daoust-Sorel We are very pleased to have expanded our ranks and we look forward to working together to improve our community. Thank you to all who participated in our annual spring cleanup on May 5th. Our park and the village curbsides look much fresher now that our dedicated volunteers have worked their magic. The SCA is looking for families who would be willing to adopt a flower planter for the summer. The new flower planters will be placed at several spots in the village and flowers will be provided by the SCA. The planters will need care and water every once in a while. We appreciate the help of the residents of the village with this project, so please communicate with a member of the committee for more info. Community Garage Sale Sunday, May 27, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sarsfield Community Centre 3585 Sarsfield Road Rain or shine To reserve your free table, contact Nadine at 613-835-7590 Cumberland Heritage Village Museum Open from Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Famous Funnies, May 13 from 1 to 3 p.m. Cartooning lesson led by our professional artist! Families can discover early cartoon super heroes like Superman and characters like Little Orphan Annie. Young visitors can dress in their favourite character costumes. Cost: Regular admission applies plus $10 workshop fee. Rural Roots, May 26 and 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Demonstrations of heritage farm equipment and engines, planting our Depression-era gardens with heritage seeds and seedlings and the Ottawa Valley Live Steamers and Model Engineers make their season debut of scale-model train rides (weather permitting). Admission: Adults $7, Seniors and students $5, family $18 and annual family pass $35 CALENDAR OF EVENTS City of Ottawa Every Monday 8 p.m. Yoga, Sarsfield Community Centre, drop-in for $10 Farmers Markets in Ottawa ready to open Orléans Centrum: Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Open May 18th to October 5th Cumberland: Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Open June 16 to October 13th Every Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Pétanque at the Sarsfield Community Centre, $2 Come laugh and relax, everyone welcome 2-3 p.m. Bookmobile at Place Sarsfield 8 p.m. Cardio-pump, Sarsfield C.C., drop-in for $10 Every Thursday 1 p.m. Seniors club, Salle des Pionniers 7 p.m. Zumba, Sarsfield C.C., drop-in for $10 ————————– May 10 7 p.m. May 17 10 a.m. Vie Montante May 18 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Orleans Centrum Market opens May 21 7 p.m. Council on Temporal Affairs May 27 9 a.m. Garage Sale, Sarsfield Community Centre 10 a.m.-6 p.m. well water testing samples-Midori June 1 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Food Aid, Festival Plaza at City Hall June 2 UCFO 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Infant Info Day, South Fallingbrook Community Centre, Info: 613-824-0633 ext. 221 or lyne@proulx@ottawa.ca June 2&3 Doors Open Ottawa List of participants will be available in mid-May at www.ottawa.ca June 4 7:30 p.m. Parish Pastoral Council Host Families and Participants Needed The YMCA and Heritage Canada are offering an amazing opportunity to Canadian youth across the country: the Summer Work Student Exchange program is a national exchange program for 16- and 17-year-old students looking to travel, work, and better their skills in their second official language. For six weeks this summer, students from all around the country travel to another province in order to work full time in a community where their second language predominates, while participating in weekly excursions organised by the YMCA. The participants are paired up with a “twin” from another community, and will essentially trade homes with their partner. We are looking for French-speaking youth who are looking to go on the adventure of a lifetime this summer and French-speaking families who are willing to welcome a student into their home. Information can be found at www.summer-work.com or through contact with the SWSE Local Coordinator by e-mail at orleans.swse@ymcagta.org. www.ottawa.ca 3-1-1 2012 Food Aid BBQ The annual Food Aid BBQ is taking place at Festival Plaza, City Hall on Friday, June 1 this year. The BBQ will bring the Ottawa Food Bank that much closer to raising the necessary funds to sustain its beef program for a year. For only $10, hamburgers prepared by The WORKS will be served alongside chips and a drink from 11AM to 2PM. There will be plenty to see and do at Festival Plaza, with music, a live broadcast by 580 CFRA, and celebrity milking competitions at 10:30 am and 12:30 pm. As well, the Ottawa Food Bank’s Capital Beef Cookbook will be on sale for only $15 along with specialty BBQ aprons to get you ready for Father’s Day and the BBQ season. Food Aid is a program that provides nutritious protein to those who normally would not be able to afford it. All Food Aid fundraising efforts go towards purchasing and processing beef from local producers. Food Aid is an initiative which boosts the local market for cattle; since the program’s inception in 2005, Food Aid has provided more than 701,500 pounds of local beef to the most vulnerable in our community. Bike to Work Month includes various activities throughout May, including an online pledge at biketoworkottawa.com where participants input their commuter cycling distances travelled to learn how much money they saved and how healthy activities contributed to cleaning the air. All registrants will be automatically eligible to win many prizes, including a new bike. And...Physical Activity Month One of the key objectives in Ottawa Public Health’s Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy is to increase active transportation and walking. Research has shown that adults who get 150 minutes of moderate-vigorous physical activity per week reduce their risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and certain types of cancers, such as breast and colon cancer. Residents can find tips for getting active at ottawa.ca/health. Trip to Nashville & Memphis Tennessee October 17th-24th, 2012 JUST A FEW PLACES LEFT! Reserve by contacting Lise & Reynald Lafleur 613-835-2171 lise.lafleur@rogers.com
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