TOWN OF HOLLAND BOARD MEETING August 14, 2013 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Carlson, Supervisors Scott Lien, Marion Naegle, Kathy Stoen, Robert, Stupi, Clerk Marilyn Pedretti, Treasurer Marla Wagner CALL TO ORDER Chair Carlson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Notices were properly published and posted. MINUTES Motion by Naegle/Stoen to approve the July 10, 2013 minutes. MOTION carried unanimously. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Stupi/Lien to accept the Treasurer’s report of July 31, 2013. MOTION carried unanimously. CITIZENS’ CONCERNS: none REFUSE/RECYCLING Large article: Carlson asked for public input. None given. Board discussion followed. Stoen recommended that we continue with the service and noted the farmers in her coulee use it. Stupi stated he uses the service but it doesn’t seem fair that everyone is subsidizing for the few that use it. Carlson noted that in the past the landfill was not opened to the public but now anyone can drop off at a cost of 5¢ a pound. Pennie Pierce, Hilltopper Refuse & Recycling, offered several options for residents: (1) residents could have personal pick-up service for $25 a trip plus a charge per cubic yard or (2) residents could bring to their drop-off site for a flat $15 fee if under 150 lbs or 10¢ a pound over 150 lbs. Motion by Stupi/Lien to discontinue large article curbside service starting January 1, 2014. MOTION carried 4 to 1 (Stoen). Automation service: Carlson asked for public input on the designation of cart size. Gary Jagodzinski, N7141 Sunrise Lane, indicated the 95 gallon cart would be best. Doug Klenke, N6954 Sunrise Lane, suggested that if the cardboard would be recycled there would be no need for anything larger than 65 gallon cart. Pat Pedretti, W7293 County Road MH, wanted the 95 gallon cart. Lee Zimmerman, N7067 Pine Lane, asked why we were switching to the cart and could they get additional carts. Carlson explained the system and an additional cart would cost approximately $4 a month and would be paid by the resident. Mike Grimslid, W8087 Old NA, preferred the 95 gallon cart. Steve Wittwer, W7840 Park Avenue, thought a family would need the larger cart. Dawn Kastello, W8057 Prairie Meadows Street, asked if they’d still be picking up once a week and the answer was yes. She asked where the savings would go and Carlson explained that it would be returned to the resident. It was noted that if we stay with the same service, the monthly charge would have to increase. Gary Spangler, W7971 Old NA, would like the larger cart. Jeff Mackeben, W7967 Country Avenue, wanted the large 2 cart. Wanda Hutchings, W7923 Prairie Woods Street, suggested the larger cart to accommodate families. Board discussion followed. Stoen reported she went on a “garbage run” on Monday and noted 2-3 cans and other garbage piled along the road edge so it would be foolish to go with the smaller cart. Naegle asked if it would be possible for a resident to request the smaller cart but still pay the 95 gallon fee. Pennie Pierce noted that it would be a matter of inventory – they need to purchase in bulk to get the cost savings so she would have to check the cost of order 25-50 of the 65 gallon carts. Motion by Naegle/Stupi to use the large 95 gallon containers. MOTION carried unanimously. Cart ownership: Pedretti gave background on the three options: (1) Hilltopper owns; (2) Hilltopper purchases and Town gains ownership at the end of the contract; or (3) Town buys the carts outright. A chart with the cost breakdown was reviewed. Discussion followed which covered costs differences, tracking options and responsibilities. Motion by Stupi/Naegle that we have Hilltopper Refuse and Recycling own the 95 gallon carts. MOTION carried unanimously. Start date: Pennie Pierce suggested the April 2014 start date would help residents become accustomed to the carts when the weather is nicer. Stupi asked about recycling the old carts. Pierce will provide some options. Motion by Lien/Stupi we start [the cart service] on April 1, 2014. MOTION carried unanimously. Contract Extension: Motion by Stupi/Lien to approve extension Option B extending to 12/31/21 with the changes as monthly refuse at $4.02 for a 95 gallon cart and with Hilltopper Refuse & Recycling as sole ownership. MOTION carried unanimously. ZONING PETITIONS: Mary & Scott Koblitz, N7829 Bluffview Court, requested a rezone of N7757 Amsterdam Prairie Road from Rural district to Commercial district to convert the current building to storage rental units. Pedretti noted the County approved with condition that it be indoor storage only. Motion by Naegle/Stupi to approve the rezone 1.6 acres at N7757 Amsterdam Prairie Road from Rural District to Commercial District for storage rental units. MOTION carried unanimously. Amy Bartelson, N7853 Bluffview Court, explained their request to rezone 1.5 acres from Rural district to Commercial district to allow for storage rental units but they have run into some issues with setbacks. Jim Holt, N6433 Rye Bluff Road, was present to support his daughter’s request. Discussion followed. It was the consensus that they should work with the zoning office to clear-up the questions of setbacks and buildable space. DRIVEWAY VARIANCE Jim Christianson, N7026 Bice Avenue, requested a driveway variance due to an oversight. His driveway was built 32 feet wide at the road edge, which exceeds the maximum width of 24 feet 3 by Town Ordinance 3-2003. A letter from building inspector Jim Webb was reviewed. Discussion followed concerning culverts, drainage and issues with spring thaw. Motion by Lien/Naegle to approve the driveway variance with the condition that if there is a water problem it is understood that we review the variance with possible narrowing back to the limits set by the ordinance. MOTION carried 4 to 1 (Stupi). CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Pat Pedretti, W7293 County Road MH, requested approval of a Certified Survey Map that will split an adjacent 2.79 acre parcel for residential use. Pedretti explained that he has a closing set for August 30th and needed to clean up the property lines. The southern lot will be another building site. Clerk Pedretti noted this will create an issue with zoning, making the lot nonconforming. Carlson noted the 40’ access along MH. Pat Pedretti said he can access Ryan Street as well. Motion by Stupi/Naegle to approve the Certified Survey Map with the rezone to Residential being done as soon as possible. MOTION carried unanimously. ATC TRANSMISSION LINE UPDATE Stupi gave an overview of a meeting with ATC and Xcel energy held on July 23rd. He outlined the two routes and explained the various concerns that were raised during the meeting: - ATC said they cannot cross CapX2020 lines. - CapX2020 will already be dual circuited so cannot support a return line. - Outlined the crossing at 53/35. - Reviewed existing routes through the Village and ATC explained why they could not be used because of ROW would change from 80’ to the needed 120’. - ATC engineers look at route and came up with their recommendations. Carlson explained that the Town Board opposed the CapX2020 and we will do our best to oppose the proposed ATC route. He asked the public for their input and noted that all questions and concerns will be relayed to the ATC officials. Meeting opened to the public. Doug Klenke, N6954 Sunrise Lane, said he did not like another power line coming through the township. It doesn’t make sense to run it through twice. He suggested they put a work-stop on the Briggs Road station and re-engineer the route with the substation in Trempealeau County. Ed Fish, N7027 Pine Lane, asked for clarification of where the line would run along Pedretti Street. He did not think a 150’ ROW would not be possible on east side. Gary Spangler, W7971 Old NA, thanked the Board and stated this will take the public to stand up and make noise. He said this project is like building a road to the river without knowing where it would cross. Both phases should have been considered together. The proposed line goes through the middle of his farm. His questions: why not combine the two lines, why chew up more land, how will this affect tax base in years to come and why does our township have to suffer twice? He suggested everyone get involved and contact the PSC. Ben Gappa, W7997 Maple Street, asked if this goes through will we have another revaluation because values are going to decrease. He noted that the Town has already lost something – any lot being sold now will have to disclose the possibility of this power line and that will decrease property values as well. 4 Gary Jagodzinski, N7141 Sunrise Lane, said he looked at the map and saw an engineering problem. They knew they needed two lines, why would they cross? He suggested burying the line or combine the two lines. To impact to this area is foolish. Brian Meeter, W7948 Country Avenue, reported all the neighbors are upset. The valuation is a big issue and there will be lots that won’t sell. He suggested talking with our local congressman about the health factors. He was concerned also with the buzzing noise of the lines. He admired the Board for the action so far but this will require everyone’s input and action. He asked for more contact information. Barb Spangler, W7971 Old NA, said their farm has been in the family 140 years. The proposed route goes right through the middle and they are concerned about the health of their cattle. She suggested they combine the two lines onto one pole. She was also concerned that this was on no one’s radar; when was the public informed? She suggested getting more people involved. Jeff Mackeben, W7967 Country Avenue, noted this is the first time he has seen the maps. He said this will come down to negotiations and we should look at why it should go another route rather than just not through here. There is already a 4-lane highway and already a power line so incrementally one more power line wouldn’t have a significant affect. He suggested pointing out the significant cost of sending it north to then send south. Wanda Hutchings, W7923 Prairie Woods Street, noted that to go north to go south doesn’t make sense, like going to Eau Claire than to Madison to go shopping. She asked why couldn’t the CapX2020 stay on one side of the 4-lane with the outgoing line along the west side and then there would be no crossing issue. She suggested it would be cheaper to put both on one pole. Stephanie Carroll, N7004 Acorn Street, thanked the board for their opposition to the CapX2020. She stated putting two separate lines through our township was ridiculous. She was very much opposed and favored putting all onto one pole. Steve Breidel, W6988 Pedretti Street, was disturbed that we cannot put a stop to this project. He just started building his home and had he known about this route, he would not have built here. He talked with an official from Dairyland who stated they will not let these lines run parallel nor will they bury them. Jerome Pedretti, N6952 County Road XX, met with the ATC folks because the proposal would go through his property. He was told there were two options here but there is still an option to put a substation north by Blair. He noted the line through the bottoms was originally going to be removed but now they are upgrading so it will continue. He has gotten different answers depending on who he speaks with about the lines. Pedretti was told the ROW could be different if they put all the lines on one side of the pole versus both sides. Rick Paulson, N7072 County Road XX, is going through the process of ROW acquisition on the CapX2020 project. They would not move a pole 3’ for them because engineering requires the poles to be so far apart. He was told that with 140’ poles, the span would be 170’ between poles. Melissa Nevala, N7226 Bice Avenue, explained their bad luck in that they currently live along the CapX2020 route but are building in August Prairie, which is now along the ATC route. When the assessor came through last year, she asked if the assessed value would go down 5 because of the project and he said absolutely. She stated no one wants this and asked how they can stop it. Rick Hauser, W7915 Prairie Meadows Street, asked about the MVC grasslands and whether they could jog through their rather than follow the outside parcel which runs along their development. Carlson noted the DNR would most likely frown on that. Hauser noted this puts a huge area in a box surrounded by power lines right through the town, which will affect a huge tax base. Seems rather unfair to hit one town with so much. Jeff Herlitzke, W7922 Country Avenue, asked for clarification on which side of Pedretti Street. Carlson explained it was unclear due to the recent building on previously vacant lots. Barry Truog, W8807 US Highway 53, asked for clarification on which side of Highway 53. Stupi noted the CapX2020 project goes along the east side and the ATC proposes to follow the west side on the northern portion. Truog suggested they move the substation up north and that we should make a lot of noise. Mark Heilman, W8103 Old NA, reported he has a power line in his backyard and it makes a buzzing noise 24/7, especially loud when it is wet. He said this is like a pipeline and the power is not for us. David Hutchings, W7923 Prairie Woods Street, suggested that for the amount of money they will need to purchase ROW, they could bury the line or run it along with CapX2020. Carlson thanked those in attendance and reiterated that those concerns will be passed on to the ATC/Xcel representatives. ROAD AGREEMENT: CAPX2020 Pedretti explained that we are combining the Towns template with Xcel Energy’s agreement. Our attorney is working on the finer points. Motion by Stupi/Naegle to authorize the Town Chairman to sign a road agreement pending approval of our Town attorney. MOTION carried unanimously. ORDINANCE #5-2013: POOL ORDINANCE Pedretti reported that she asked for input from two pool companies, of which one responded that it looked very good while the other was not able to comment at this time. Motion by Stupi/Lien to approve Ordinance #5-2013 replacing Ordinance #2-2002 Pool Ordinance. MOTION carried unanimously. SPEED CONTROL OPTIONS Discussion took place concerning types of signs, options, budget and whether this could be shared with another municipality. It was suggested that we get a demonstration model of the All Traffic Solutions Shield 12 Speed Display. Pedretti will pursue. COMMITTEE REPORTS Plan Commission: In addition to the items covered above, they are working on conservation easements and have amended the subdivision ordinance awaiting our attorney’s approval. 6 Holmen Community Center: Stupi gave an update that they are working on a site plan, fundraising plan, and are drafting a mock-up of a lease agreement. They will give a presentation at our September meeting. Storm Water Update: Pedretti reported on a meeting held at the County on July 23rd with the work group. An education component is being drafted. Clerk’s Report: Pedretti reported that the Clerk’s Institute July 14-19th was very good. Several highlights were classes on record retention and one on technology. ANNOUNCEMENTS WTA Unit meeting August 22nd at the Town of Greenfield. FUTURE AGENDA: none suggested. APPROVE BILLS MOTION by Stupi/Naegle to approve paying the bills in the amount of $116,182.13 dated August 14, 2013. MOTION carried unanimously. ADJOURN Motion by Stupi/Naegle to adjourn. MOTION carried unanimously. Adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Marilyn Pedretti Clerk
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