Apparatus for Sample Concentration Recommended by EPA Protocol The Kudema-Danish apparatus was developed for concentrating materials dissolved in volatile solvents. It has been widely used in pesticide analyses . To prepare, charge the flask with material to about 40% to 60% of nominal capacity.. Initial small losaes of material can be prevented by wetting the column with about 1 ml of solvent before concentration is begun. Typical solvents are petroleum ether and hexane, although many others can be used . Boiling chips should be added and the assembly set over a vigorously boiling water bath . Maintain the water level just below the lower joint, with the apparatus mounted so that the lower rounded surface of the flask is bathed In steam . With volatile solvents, use the apparatus in a hood . Heavier fractions reflux and concentrate in the receiving vessel . Plastic Ciips/TeflonW Sleeves Maao Kud.rna-Danish Corrcentretor, 6-48a6 Macro Kuderna-Danlsh Concentrator. 6-4704 Macro Kuderna-Danish Concentrator with ground glass joints Includes a 310mm, 3-ball Snyder column, 500ml flask, and 15ml receiving vessel graduated from 0-4ml in 0 .1 ml units, 5ml line, 6-15m1 in 0.5ml units . 6-4685 Macro Kudema-Danish concentrator $156 Macro Kuderna-Danish Concentrator with micro connectors Includes a 218mm, 3-ball Snyder caF umn, 500m1 flask, 15mi receiving ves• sel, and 2 micro connectors (Cat . No. 6-4700) . Receiving vessel is graduated in 0 .1 ml units to 4m1, 5ml line, 0 .50 units from 6m1 to 15m1 . 6-4704 Macro Kudema-Danish concentrator $158 Replacement Parts and Other Components for 6-4685 Concentrator Plastic clips fit over ground glass joints to ensure secure connections. Use full length Teflon sleeves in ground glass joints for inert, tight seals without the possibility of frozen joints . Clips fit the connections on our Kudema-Danish apparatus, and Teflon sleeves fit the Kudema-Danish or Soxhlet apparatus . Cat No. Prkce 310mm . r 24/40 8-4728 $37 Description $72 Macro Condenser, m . 20mm screwthreads Macro Snyder column . 2 ball, 170mm, Mecro Snyder column, 2 ba8, 230mm, ii24/40 Macro Snyder column, 8-4727 3 baN, 310mm . ><24/40 8-4893 $95 Flesk, 260ml, top i 24/40, bottom f 19/22 6-4729 $42 Flask, 600m1, top ii 24/40, bottom t 19/22 8-4710 $48 8-4730 $68 24/40, bottom f 19/22 Receivinp .vessel, 4m1, if 19/22 Receiving vessel . 1 oml, j 19/22 Receiving vessel, INTERNATIONAL 6-4724 $511 8-4705 f17 ~ ; 20mm screwthreads 8-470a fN 1 1 8-4887 $38 20mm acrewthreads 6-4706 S611 6-4895 $38 lask, 20mm screwthreads 6-4709 $51 $38 Receiving vsssel, 4ml . 20mm screwthreads 6-4702 0 8-4884 6-4731 $39 Teflon full length sleeves . I 19/22, pk. of 6 8-4782 $30 Receiving vessel, m . Teflon full length steeves . >f 24/40, pk. of 6 8-4781 $34 Microconnector. iC 19/22, pk. of 6 8-47t93 $13 Plastic clips, if 24/40, pk. of 6 6-4764 $13 Plastic ciips, 182 1 20mm screwthreads Flask, 5 mi, Springs, 1/2', pk . of 20 SLti'Ck-C 0 r(' 8-4725 f39 , Macro Snyder column, 3 balt, 218mm, 20mm screwthreads Receiving vesa , , 20mm screwthreads Receiving vessel, 16ml, 20mm screwthreads Receiving vessel, 26ml, i 19/22 Cat. No Flask, 250m1, Flask. 1000m1, top I 16ml, iF 19/22 Order plastic clips and Teflon sleeves from the 91sts of replacement parte on these two pages. Replacement Parts and Other Components for 6-4704 Concentrator Desalptlon Macro Condenser, 20mm screwthreads 20mm to 20mm, pk . of 8 8-4703 fM 8-4707 $4 8-4728 fii 8-4700 fN } , Apparatus for Sample Concentration Recommended by EPA Protoco l 20mm Micro Connecto r 13mm -0- Micr o Connecto r 20mm Screw Thread -+ I Micro 8nyder Column 8-4894 Micro Kuderna-Danlah Concentrator. 6-4718 Micro Kuderna-Danish Concentrator with ground glass joint s Includes a 135mm micro condenser, 40m1 flask and 2m1 receiving vessel graduated from 0 to 0 .3m1 in 10µI units, 0 .4ml line, 0 .5 to 2 .Omt in 100µ1 units . 6-4718 Micro Kudema-Danish concentrator $98 Description Micro Condenser, Cat. No. Prk e 135mm, 819/22 6-4721 $3 7 2 ball, 137mm, ir 19/22 Micro Snyder column , 3 ball, 188mm, 719/22 Flask. 40m1, if 19/22 8-4894 $7 2 8-4720 $6 9 6-4722 Flask . 250m1, ir 19/22 Receiving vessel, 2m1 , if19/22 6-4719 $4 2 $42 8-4723 $3 7 6-4687 $3 8 6-4695 B-4711 $38 6-4762 $3 0 Micro Snyder column . Receiving vessel. 4m1. Receiving vessel, 10ml, i 19/22 Springs, 1/2', pk . of 20 Teflon fulllength sleeves , >T 19/22, pk . of 5 Plastic dipa, 819/22, pk of 5 Micro Snyder Column, 6-469 6 Micro Kuderna-Danish Concentrator with micro connector s Includes a 112mm micro condenser, 40ml flask, and 2ml receiving vessel graduated from 0 to 0 .3m1 In 10µl units, 0 .4ml line, 0.5 to 2 .Oml in 100µl units . Positive, grease-free connections. Only Teflone contacts the sample. 8-4888 Micro Kudema-Danish concentrator $10 0 Replacement Parts and Other Components for 6-4718 Concentrator 619/22 Micro Kuderna-Danish Concentrator, 8-468 8 8-4763 $2 5 $13 Replacement Parts and Other Components for 6-4688 Concentrato r Description Micro Condenser, 112mm, 20mm scrowthresds Micro Snyder column, 2 bell, 126mm, 20mm screwthreads Micro Snyder coiumn, 3 ball, 168mm, 20mm scrowlhnrads Cet . No. Price 8-4897 $3 9 8-4717 $5 9 Working to make science work for you . 8-4696 $5 9 8-4898 $2 6 6-4708 $4 6 8-4889 $3 8 0-4702 $3 9 8-4703 $39 1 8-4899 $5 2 20mm to 20mm6 pk of 8 8-4700 $6 5 Micro connector, 13mm to 20mm, pk, of 8 6-4701 $5 2 Flask, 40ml, 13mm and 20mm screwthreads• Flask, 260ml, 20mm screwthreads Receiving vessel, 2ml, 13mm screwthreads Receiving vessel, 4m1 , 20mm screwthreads Receiving vessel, 10m1 , 20mm screwthreads Micro connector, 13mm to 13mm, pk . of 8 Micro connector, AWhen joining Cat . Nos . 6-4702 or 6-4703 to the 40m1 flask lCat. No. 8-4698), use 13mm to 20mm mloro connectors (Cat. No. 8-4701). 18 3 INTERNATIONAL
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