Q-TOF PTM Analysis Submission Form

Q-TOF PTM Analysis Submission Form
Purpose: To characterize the post-translational modification state of proteolytically or
chemically cleaved protein fragments
Customer Details
Contact Name:
Billing Address:
Principal Investigator:
Customer #:
Sample Details
Sample name:
Type of PTM suspected:
Sample format: solid/liquid//gel
c phosphorylation
Approximate MW:
c glycosylation
Approximate pI:
c other
Additional Notes: (Please provide any additional details relevant to the sample)
Quantity of protein
pmole. Concentration
µM. Estimated purity(%)
Method of purification:
If purified by electrophoresis please state stain used:
If the sample is a liquid, what solution is the sample in? Please state buffer and salt
# Of suspected PTM sites:
Cleavage agent: eg. Trypsin, CNBr, etc.
Special handling of sample:
For database searching please include the chemicals used for reduction and alkylation, if any:
Send Sample To:
Dr. David Hyndman
Protein Function Discovery Facility
Queen's University
614 Botterell Hall, Stuart St.,
Kingston, ON Canada
E-mail: protein@post.queensu.ca
Phone: 1-613-533-2944
Fax: 1-613-533-2497
I have read and understood the PFD Mass Spectrometry Price List and agree to the charges. I
have also prepared the sample(s) according to PFD’s guidelines (available upon request)
Print Name
Sign Name
Samples are placed in a queue upon receipt with the completed form. For urgent and other
services, please contact us via e-mail protein@post.queensu.ca. Payment by credit card preferred.