PTL CSL Parsons Trucking Ltd./CSL Services Ltd. Employee Orientation Manual Revised January 24th, 2013 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1 OUR VISION ................................................................................................................................................... 1 ORGANIZATION & OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................................... 1 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE ................................................................................................... 1 EMPLOYMENT POLICIES ........................................................................................................................... 2 CORPORATE HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY ............................................................................................................... 2 QUALITY POLICY ............................................................................................................................................. 2 INSPECTION POLICY ......................................................................................................................................... 2 EARLY & SAFE RETURN TO WORK POLICY ............................................................................................................ 3 HARASSMENT POLICY ...................................................................................................................................... 3 WORKPLACE VIOLENCE POLICY .......................................................................................................................... 3 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ....................................................................................................................... 3 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES............................................................................................................................... 4 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................ 5 YOUR THREE BASIC RIGHTS ............................................................................................................................... 5 EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................. 5 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................. 6 SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................... 6 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................................... 6 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN ............................................................................................................................ 6 REPORTING AN EMERGENCY .............................................................................................................................. 7 FIRST AID ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS.......................................................................................................................... 7 ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORTING ............................................................................................................. 1 INCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORTS .................................................................................................................... 1 REPORTING UNSAFE ACTS & CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................... 1 SAFE WORK PRACTICES ............................................................................................................................ 1 VEHICLE SAFETY .......................................................................................................................................... 1 HOUSEKEEPING .......................................................................................................................................... 1 GENERAL SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................... 10 OTHER MENTIONABLES .......................................................................................................................... 10 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY ACT & REGULATIONS ..................................................................................... 10 LUNCHROOM & WASHROOM FACILITIES ........................................................................................................... 10 TOOL BOX TALKS .......................................................................................................................................... 10 PAYROLL ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 COMPANY CONTACTS .................................................................................................................................... 10 INTRODUCTION This Orientation is designed to acquaint you with Parsons Trucking Limited/CSL Services Limited (PTL/CSL) and provide you with information about working conditions, benefits, and policies affecting your employment. The information contained in this Orientation applies to all employees of PTL/CSL. Following the policies described in this Manual is considered a condition of continued employment. However, nothing in this Manual alters an employee’s status. The contents of this Orientation shall not constitute nor be seen as a promise of employment or as a contract between the Company and any of its employees. The Orientation is a summary of our policies, which are presented here only as a matter of information. You are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with the provisions of this Manual. For more details, refer to the company ISO and Health & Safety Manuals. Our objective is to provide you with a work environment that is constructive to both personal and professional growth. Our Vision PTL/CSL believes that all incidents and lost time injuries are Preventable, and our primary objective is to avoid any incidents affecting human life, health, property, the environment or materials. Organization & Objectives The Management of PTL/CSL has the overall responsibility for Safety. We are responsible for planning the implementation of the necessary safety measures for all jobs. These responsibilities include: Inspections Identifying risks associated with different tasks and implementing controls to either eliminate the risk or reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Training of Workers which is an essential part of creating a skilled workforce. Continuously monitoring the External Environment Reporting and Investigating All Incidents and Near Misses Occupational Health & Safety Committee PTL/CSL has an established and active health and safety committee that is in compliance with the Newfoundland and Labrador Health and Safety Act and Regulations. The purpose of this committee is to maintain a safe and healthy workplace by sharing information and being directly involved in day-to-day operations. Members shall participate in such activities as inspections, accident/incident investigations and so on. The minutes of meetings will be posted in the workplace as well as the names of the committee members. Everyone has a role to play when it comes to Safety. 1 EMPLOYMENT POLICIES Corporate Health & Safety Policy PTL/CSL is committed to promoting a strong Health, Safety and Environment program, and safe and healthy working conditions within the company. Protection from accidental loss of any resources including all personnel and physical assets is a priority. In order to fulfill this commitment to protect both people and property, management will provide and maintain a healthy and safe work environment in accordance with all industry standards and in compliance with all legislative requirements. Management will also, strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards or situations that may result in property damage, accidents or personnel illness/injury. All personnel will be equally responsible for maintaining healthy and safe workplaces that will minimize the potential for accidents or incidents. Safe work practices and procedures will be clearly defined in the Health and Safety manual for all personnel to follow. These practices and procedures will be continually monitored and enforced. All Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) worn on company projects will meet CSA standards and applicable government legislation. To ensure all equipment, vehicles, machines, materials, tools, and PPE are in good repair and safe to operate, PTL/CSL has an inspection, maintenance and repair program. All employees are oriented to the company’s general safety rules upon hire and will abide by these rules. Disciplinary action will be implemented for failure to obey these rules. Due to the changing workplace dynamics, ergonomic issues will be dealt with as they arise. As part of ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for all its employees, PTL/CSL has a policy of zero tolerance toward any employee harassment. All employees will work in accordance with established safe work practices, procedures, applicable government legislation and will take all reasonable care to protect their own health and safety, the safety and health of their co-workers and other persons at or near the workplace. Safety must be a way of life! Quality Policy It is the policy of PTL/CSL management to fully support and provide the necessary resources for continual implementation of the Quality Assurance System. All levels will participate in quality assurance activities as incorporated into daily functional requirements. PTL/CSL is committed to continuous improvement of our Products and Services and will review this policy annually to ensure suitability. No product/service will be delivered to the customer until its quality and conformance to customer requirements as well as statutory and regulatory requirements can be assured. PTL/CSL management is committed to the Quality Assurance System outlined in this Manual and supporting documents, and shall ensure this policy is communicated, understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the organization. Inspection Policy It is the policy of PTL/CSL that workplace inspections are carried out on a regular basis to identify aspects of the workplace that may be unhealthy or unsafe. This policy will provide procedures that will identify hazards and practices that can be eliminated or controlled to avoid injury, illness, and machine/property/environment damage. Inspections will be carried out on an ongoing basis at worksites and will consist of inspections as required for that worksite, or requested by management. 2 Routine inspections will be carried out by supervisory and management staff of any particular area at any given time. Planned monthly inspections will be carried out at respective workplaces by the Safety Advisor and OH&S committee members. Early & Safe Return to Work Policy PTL/CSL is committed to assisting workers who have been injured on the job to return to work in a timely and safe manner. PTL/CSL will fulfill this commitment by contacting the worker as soon as possible after the injury and offering employment that is consistent with the worker's functional abilities. Harassment Policy PTL/CSL in cooperation with our employees is committed to a healthy, harassment-free work environment for all our employees. To this extent, PTL/CSL has developed a company-wide policy intended to prevent harassment of its employees and to deal quickly and effectively with any incident that might occur. Harassment is any unwelcome physical, visual or verbal conduct. It is against the law and may include verbal or practical jokes, insults, threats, personal comments or innuendo. It may take the form of posters, pictures or graffiti. It may involve touching, stroking, pinching or any unwelcome physical contact. Any behavior that insults or intimidates is harassment if a reasonable person should have known that the behaviors was unwelcome. The Newfoundland Human Rights Code protects everyone within provincial jurisdiction from harassment and other forms of discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, (including pregnancy and sexual orientation), marital status, physical disability, mental disability, political opinion, color or ethnic, national or social origin and age. PTL/CSL will not tolerate harassment on the basis of any of those protected grounds. Workplace Violence Policy PTL/CSL maintains a zero tolerance standard of violence in the workplace. The purpose of this policy is to provide PTL/CSL employees guidance that will maintain an environment at and within Parsons Trucking Ltd. and events that are free of violence and the threat of violence. Violent behavior or any threats of violence either implied or direct are prohibited at PTL/CSL. Such conduct by a PTL/CSL employee will not be tolerated. An employee who exhibits violent behavior may be subject to criminal prosecution and shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. PTL/CSL will investigate all complaints filed and will also investigate any possible violation of this policy. Retaliation against a person who makes a complaint regarding violent behavior or threats of violence made to him/her is also prohibited. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT The work rules and standards of conduct for PTL/CSL are important, and the company regards them seriously. All employees are urged to become familiar with these rules and standards. In addition, employees are expected to follow the rules and standards faithfully in doing their own 3 jobs and conducting the Company’s business. Any employee who deviates from these rules and standards will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. The following are examples of rule infractions or misconduct that may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Smoking in places other than designated areas. Cell Phones usage in immediate work area. Consuming or being in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs on company premises, or on any company job-site is prohibited. Fighting, horseplay, practical jokes or otherwise interfering with other workers is prohibited. Theft, vandalism or any other abuse or misuse of company property is prohibited. Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment Operating equipment when you are not trained to do so. Not wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment Negligence resulting in a major injury/death and/or property damage Deliberate violation of the Company’s Safety Policy Fraud, Theft, or a Criminal Code Conviction Falsification of sick benefits or WHSCC claims An accumulation of Warnings Disciplinary Procedures In the operation of our safety program, non-compliance can result in near misses and serious accidents, which may cause injury and loss to people, materials, equipment, property and the environment. The following guidelines are intended to promote compliance to our safety rules and also an incentive to work safely. Disciplinary Process: 1. The employee will be told that a rule has been violated. 2. The purpose of the rule and the danger involved is discussed. 3. An Employee Reprimand Form is completed. 4. The employee is advised of the consequences of further violations. Sequence of Disciplinary Actions Step 1: VERBAL WARNING(S) Step 2: WRITTEN WARNING(S) 4 Step 3: SUSPENSION Step 4: TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Your Three Basic Rights Right to Refuse As an employee, the Occupational Health and Safety Act gives you the right to refuse unsafe work. You not only have a right to refuse unsafe work but you have a responsibility to do so. Every employee has the responsibility to identify and report all hazards. If the hazard is of a serious nature, then work must stop until there are controls implemented to either eliminate it or the risk is reduced to an acceptable level. If you fail to report it or ignore it then you have committed a safety violation and therefore disciplinary action shall result. Right to Know As an employee, you have a right to know about any health or safety hazards that may be present in your place of work. You have a responsibility under the Occupational Health and Safety Act to do everything possible to protect yourself and your fellow workers. Right to Participate As an employee, you have a right to participate in our Health and Safety program by being a member of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee who are actively involved in workplace inspections, investigations, receiving complaints from workers and co-operating with management to resolve any health and safety issues that may arise. Employer Responsibilities Provide and maintain a workplace and the necessary equipment, systems and tools that are safe and without risk to the health of his or her workers; Provide the information, instruction, training and supervision and facilities that are necessary to ensure the health, safety and welfare of his or her workers; Ensure that his or her workers, and particularly his or her supervisors, are made familiar with health or safety hazards that may be met by them in the workplace; Conduct his or her undertaking so that persons not in his or her employ are not exposed to health or safety hazards as a result of the undertaking; Ensure that his or her workers are given operating instruction in the use of devices and equipment provided for their protection; Consult and co-operate with the occupational health and safety committee on all matters respecting occupational health and safety at the workplace. 5 Employee Responsibilities Carry out all the company’s safety program, including understanding and committing to the philosophy of a safe work environment; Know and actively follow all company policies, standards, procedures, rules and legislative/regulatory requirements that relate to his/her job; Know all the hazards that are associated with his/her work and perform his/her work in a safe and healthy manner; Follow security measures, which apply to your work. Never start any work that you do not understand or know. Advise management accordingly so that you may receive the appropriate training and instruction; Ensure that Personal Protective Equipment is worn and maintained; Report all incidents and near misses. Get First Aid as soon as possible if needed; All employees must act with reasonable precautions in carrying out any duty, to protect themselves, fellow employees, company property and the environment from loss and injury; Initiate action, when safe to do so, to correct any defect in any equipment or protective devices, or any substandard condition, practice or behaviour that he/she observes. When corrective actions are outside the authority of the employee, he/she is expected to followup with his/her supervisor; Participate in incident investigations to determine their basic/root causes and to implement corrective actions; Participate in workplace inspections, risk assessments, Job Safety Analysis (JSA) etc.; Participate in Safety Meetings (Tool Box Talks); Maintain good Housekeeping practices in the area that he/she works. Supervisor Responsibilities Ensure where it is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all workers under his or her supervision; Advise workers of the hazards that they may encounter at the workplace; Provide proper written and oral instructions regarding precautions that need to be taken for the protection of all workers under his/her supervision; Ensure worker uses and wears protective equipment, devices or other apparel that is required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations and also according to CSA standards. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Emergency Response Plan All workers shall be trained in emergency procedures including: Evacuation Procedures Designated Muster Stations Designated Responsibilities in case of an emergency Emergency Telephone Numbers These Emergency Procedures shall be posted for all of our workers to understand and follow. 6 If an employee sees or is aware of any type of emergency situation, they shall notify management immediately. Reporting an Emergency When Reporting an Emergency Situation, give the following: Your Name If there is anyone that requires medical attention A description of what happened If anything has been done to prevent the situation from escalating First Aid The First Aid requirements must meet or exceed the Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. First Aid Kits are provided in the office and names of employees that are trained in first aid will be posted in a prominent place on the worksite. NOTE: If you use the First Aid Kit keep a record of it on the log book that is located in the kit and report the incident to your immediate supervisor. Emergency Phone Numbers NORTH ATLANTIC 463-8811 ext. 100 or Radio Channel 7 BULL ARM 463-0911 or Radio Channel 1 LONG HARBOUR 752-3111 or Radio Channel 1 WHIFFEN HEAD (Security) 463-4740 AMBULANCE, POLICE, FIRE 911 Fire Department Southern Harbour 463-2250 Fire Department Arnold’s Cove 463-8888 Fire Department Clarenville 466-7777 Dr. G.B. Cross Hospital Clarenville 466-5555 Bull Arm Health Centre 631-8867 RCMP Clarenville 466-3211 Fewers Ambulance 466-3468 PTL/CSL Head Office 463-8540 PTL/CSL Site Office 463-8510 7 Kevin Parsons, President 682-7564 / 463-2254 / 549-2227 Mike Parsons, Construction Manager 685-9997 / 466-9997 / 549-9997 Marc Woolfrey, Project Manager 425-2567 / 466-4456 / 463-8573 Lloyd Parrott, Operations Manager 682-7356 / 466-1434 / 463-8540 ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORTING All employees are responsible to IMMEDIATELY report any accident/incident that results in injury or property damage or has the potential of doing so. The Safety Advisor will participate in investigating all such accidents/incidents that result in lost-time or has the potential to cause lost-time. Any employee(s) who experience or become involved in a job related accident will report to Management. Management will initiate proper medical treatment, record and conduct an applicable investigation. Should the employee require medical treatment other than first aid, Management will take the appropriate action. If you become injured or ill or know of someone else who has sustained an injury or illness you must report it IMMEDIATELY! The prime objective for reporting and investigating accidents is to prevent recurrence. To Report a Serious Injury, Illness or Loss: 1. Call for Help. Request an Ambulance. Give the following information: Location of sick/injured person(s) or where the loss occurred Nature of sickness, injury or loss Your name 2. If you are trained in first aid, apply appropriate treatment. 3. Wait for emergency response personnel to arrive. Incident Investigation Reports Incident Investigation reports must be completed for all incidents that occur, including any near misses. The employee or his/her supervisor shall commence an investigation for all incidents. All details shall be compiled into an Accident/Incident Report by the reporting individual. The actual loss associated with the incident and/or the potential for loss will determine the extent of the investigation that will be conducted. Reporting Unsafe Acts & Conditions UNSAFE ACT- Performance of a task or other activity that is conducted in a manner that may threaten the health and/or safety of workers. Examples are: 1 Operating without Qualification or Authorization. Lack of or improper use of PPE. Failure to Tag out/Lockout. Operating Equipment at Unsafe Speed UNSAFE CONDITION- A condition in the work place that is likely to cause property damage or injury. Examples are: Poor Housekeeping Defective Tools, Equipment, or Supplies. Poor Ventilation. Inadequate Supports or Guards. An unsafe act or condition must be immediately reported to your supervisor. The supervisor must then instantaneously investigate the report and take corrective action, as necessary, to mitigate or correct the unsafe condition. SAFE WORK PRACTICES Safe Work Practices and Procedures have been developed through the combined efforts of PTL/CSL senior management, supervisors, our health and safety committee and our workers. They are intended to ensure that all operations are being performed in a safe manner. Refer to the company H & S Manual for a complete and detailed listing of all company safe work practices. Each employee is responsible for reviewing these practices and becoming familiar with locations of fire extinguishers, eye wash stations and first aid kits. Compliance to Safe Work Practices and Procedures will strengthen our overall safety program and will ensure that all employees are performing their daily tasks and duties safely. WHEN IN DOUBT-ASK! VEHICLE SAFETY Check all vehicles and equipment before and after each use to ensure they are in proper operating order. Operators are required to fill out Pre-Inspection Checklists daily and at every operator change. NO EXCEPTIONS! Do not operate any piece of equipment unless you are trained and authorized by your supervisor. Always wear Seatbelts. No Smoking in vehicles. No cell phone use while driving. Obey all speed limits that are posted on site. Operators must always work cautiously and ensure that at no time is the operation of their vehicle placing themselves or others in danger. Under no circumstances is a worker to ride on any piece of equipment. HOUSEKEEPING Good Housekeeping must be practiced at all times in the working area. That also includes vehicles, equipment, lunchrooms, etc. Clean up any waste. Keep all walkways, stairs, platforms and accesses to emergency and firefighting equipment free from obstructions. 1 Store materials in their proper place when not in use and at end of each day. Coil up hoses and cables when not in use and store in their proper place. GENERAL SAFETY Employees will be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) to do their jobs - All employees must wear the required PPE. Plan your work well so as to avoid injuries when handling heavy materials and while using equipment. Workers will be provided with tools and equipment necessary to do the job and shall be trained accordingly in their safe use and maintenance. Use the Right Tool for the Job! Never do anything that is unsafe in order to get the job done. If a job is unsafe, report it to your supervisor. We will find a safer way to do the job. Obey all safety Warning Signs. Make sure that fire exits, fire extinguishers, aisles, and stairs are not blocked in any way. When in doubt about any job assignment, ask your supervisor for a clear explanation before you start work. Many accidents occur due to lack of knowledge about the job or inadequate instructions. OTHER MENTIONABLES Occupational Health & Safety Act & Regulations The Act and Regulations are found in the main office at the refinery and at the garage. Lunchroom & Washroom Facilities During Orientation workers will be advised as to the locations of both the lunchrooms and the washroom facilities. Tool Box Talks PTL/CSL conducts tool box talks on a regular basis. They include a variety of topics including: incident reporting, PPE, weather conditions, etc. Workers are encouraged to participate in these meetings by sharing any observations or experiences that they may have had. Payroll The pay period for PTL/CSL runs from Sunday to Saturday and all employee timesheets must be handed in to Janice or April on Monday (see attached). Paydays are each Thursday. Company Contacts Kevin Parsons, President Michael Parsons, Construction Manager Marc Woolfrey, Project Manager Lloyd Parrott, Operations Manager 463-8540 ext 204 463-8510 463-8573 463-8540 ext 202 10 PTL PARSONS TRUCKING LTD/CSL SERVICES LTD Employee Orientation Date: _________________________ CSL Person delivering orientation: __________________________ Employee’s Name: ___________________________________ Date Hired: ______________________ Employee’s title: ____________________________________ PTL CSL Job site Manager: ___________________________________ Topics to be covered (Put check beside each as covered) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OH&S Committee Employment Policies Corporate Health & Safety Policy Quality Policy Inspection Policy Early & Safe Return to Work Policy Harassment Policy Workplace Violence Policy Standards of Conduct Disciplinary Procedures Rights and Responsibilities Your Three Basic Rights Employer Responsibilities Employee Responsibilities Supervisor Responsibilities Emergency Procedures Emergency Response Plan Reporting an Emergency First Aid Emergency Phone Numbers Accident/Incident Reporting Incident Investigation Reports Reporting Unsafe Acts & Conditions Safe Work Practices Vehicle Safety Housekeeping General Safety Other OH&S Act & Regulations Lunchroom & Washroom Facilities Safety Meetings Payroll Company Contacts Forms Timesheet Vacation Request Form Signed by: ____________________________________ Employee ____________________________________ Trainer PARSONS TRUCKING LIMITED Employee Information NAME: __________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ SIN #: __________________________________________________________________ PHONE #: __________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ____________________________________________________________ TAX CODE: __________________________________________________________________ NEXT OF KIN: ____________________________________________________________ DRIVERS LICENSE #: ______________________________________________________ KILOMETERS FROM SITE: DATE HIRED: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ DATE LAYED OFF: ____________________________________________________________ EMPLOYEE: __________________________________________________________________ Signature SUPERVISOR: ________________________________________________________________ Signature Employee Information Name: ________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________ Date Hired: ________________________________________ Trade: ________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________________ SIN: ________________________________________ Size Date Received Signature Date Returned Signature Coveralls Hard Hat Safety Glasses Rain Gear Winter Coat Rubber Boots Comments: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
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