IMMANUEL LUTHERAN SCHOOL WEDNESDAY NOTES February 18, 2015 The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your forefathers when He said through Isaiah the prophet: Go to the people and say, “You will be ever hearing, but never understanding; You will be ever seeing, but never perceiving.” Acts 28:25-26 PASTA FOR PENNIES CAMPAIGN began last week and will run through February 20th . Bring in your loose change and deposit it in your class collection box. The class that raises the most money per student will receive a lunch at the Olive Garden Restaurant. Funds raised benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. SPRUCE LAKE- The deadline for the last Spruce Lake payment is March 2nd . Please make sure that all payments are in by that time. IMPORTANT TAX NOTICE – We have been advised by a CPA that tuition is not tax deductible. For this reason we do not send out tuition tax statements. If you wish a tax letter you must notify Mrs. Reiff in writing. Payments to the Extended School Program can be deductible. Tax statements for the Program were sent out at the end of January. WHAT SCRIP DO YOU HAVE ON HAND?- These are the following SCRIP cards we have in the office for sale: ShopRite, Acme, Dunkin Donuts, Wawa, Walmart, Giant, Giant Eagle, Pathmark, Wendy’s, Starbucks, Darden, Panera Bread, and Bath and Body Works. Please note that there are limited quantities and are available on a first come, first serve basis. The Scrip Order form was sent home last week if you wish to place an order for items that we do not have on hand. GOT PICTURES? – The yearbook is in need of pictures. If you have any, please feel free to send them via e-mail to Mrs. Cortes at Thanks for all of your help in order to make our yearbook a success. YEARBOOK ADS- To offset the cost of our yearbooks, we provide space for local business to place an ad. If you or anyone you know has a business and might want to advertise in our yearbook. Please request a copy of a letter that you can pass along to them. The costs are; business cards-$15, quarter page-$25, half page-$50 or whole page- $100. Remember, this is also a tax-deductible expense. Please let us know if you or someone you know might be interested in this offer. Thank you for your support. CHAPEL –Mr. Puls lead our morning worship last week. He let us know that God lifts us up as the wind on eagle’s wings. NEW STUDENT TESTING – We have begun new student testing. If you have an interest in any of the grades for another child please call the office to sign up for the testing. Limited space is available in many classes – don’t delay. REGISTRATION ALERT- Registrations for the 2015-2016 are now being accepted. This financial commitment holds a place for your child in next year’s class. The registration fee is $100.00 per child, if paid on or before Monday, March 2nd. DUE TO THE NUMBER OF APPLICANTS WE WILL NOT HOLD ANY SPACE PAST THIS DATE. The Extended School Program also continues to accept registrations for next school year. The fee is $20 per child if paid by March 2nd. STUDENT COUNCIL –Student Council is selling water, and juice, ice tea for $1.00. Girls in grades 4 – 8, the Father/Daughter Dance will be held on Friday, February 27 in Fellowship Hall from 7 – 10PM. SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE APPROACHING- Do you realize that money is not utilized by prospective parents because they do not fill in the application and turn it in on time? Applications for the Children’s Scholarship Fund, Philadelphia for students entering grades K-8 are now being accepted by the organization. The deadline is March 1st 2015. The easiest and quickest way to submit an application is online at Only families who are awarded scholarships will be notified in mid-March. Hard copies of the application are available in the office. FOX CHASE FARM HAPPENINGS - Gardening to help others. Last year 2500 pounds of produce was donated to area food banks. Call 215-728-7900. Maple Sugar Day- March 7th Noon to 4PM Admission: $3.00 IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH- Don’t forget that if you do not have a home church, Immanuel Lutheran Church would welcome the opportunity to become your church. Immanuel offers worship at 10 AM and 7 PM. Sunday School for children 3 years through 6th grade is held during the 10 AM service. We look forward to greeting you. ALL IN THE FAMILY LUNCH- It’s time to order for next month. Please make sure you have your orders and payments in by February 25th. Immanuel Church Chili Dinner Saturday, February 21st 4:00 to 7:00 PM Mild and Vegetarian available(with fixings to spice it as hot as you like!) Includes salad, cornbread, dessert and beverages Adults $8; Under age 12 $3; Age 3 and under free See Gene or Vickie for tickets or available at the door Donations of desserts welcome Snow/Ice Date February 28th PTL Wednesday Notes 2/18/15 PARENT TEACHER LEAGUE (The PTL) The PTL is designed to have teachers and parents working together for the benefit of the student. By your child attending Immanuel Lutheran School, YOU are automatically a member of the PTL. The PTL thrives off of parent participation through volunteering, fundraising and fellowship. Hello PTL and Happy Wednesday!!!! Upcoming Fundraisers Gertrude Hawk Easter Candy – February 2 nd – February th 20 This is the last week to get your orders in. all orders are due this Friday, Feb. 20th. Read-A-Thon – February 17th – March 6th The Read A Thon was a scheduled to start yesterday but, because of the weather pledge sheets and envelopes are being sent home today. Each student is being asked to participate by reading as many books as they can, while seeking pledges from family and friends for their achievements. Encourage and support your reader during this three week event. More detailed information to follow. Spirit Night @ Chick-Fil-A – Wednesday, February 25th MAR YOUR CALENDARS!! The ILS, PTL is having a fun filled “cook free night” at Chick-Fil-A, located at 9711 Roosevelt Blvd in the Whitman Square Shopping Center from 5-8pm. In addition to great food and fellowship, there will be games, prizes and an indoor playground. Please bring attached flyer in order for our school to receive the credit. Hope to see you there! Regularly Scheduled Events PTL Meetings – Every 1st Monday of every month PTL meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 7pm in the lunchroom. Various topics are covered ranging from: status of fundraisers, upcoming events, teacher’s requests, planning fellowship activities, volunteering efforts and presenting new ideas. These monthly meetings provide the time for teachers and parents to discuss the happenings in and around the school. Because every parent is a member of the PTL, it is important to try to have at least one member of your family attend these meetings. You will receive useful information while remaining abreast of what’s going on. School Store – Open every M,W,F from 8am-8:30am (only if a parent volunteer is available) The school store offers, new school logo gym t-shirts and sweat shirts, various school supplies, snacks, fun trinkets, and FREE gently used uniforms. *We also have NEW ILS MERCHANDISE!!! Although it’s a small store, the kids truly enjoy it. Come see for yourself. Monies raised help support the needs of our teachers. Volunteering at the store will take about 40 minutes of your time in the morning (open at 8am, close at 8:30am) WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS, PLEASE CONSIDER. Volunteer Schedule Pizza Lunch 2/20/15 - Michelle Braga 2/27/15 - Bill Surman 3/6/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED School Store 2/18/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 2/20/15 - VOLNUTEER NEEDED 2/23/15 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 2/25/25 - VOLUNTEER NEEDED 2/27/15 – Julie Ristine Cup Cake 2/20/15 - LaToya Thornton, Michelle Braga (2) 2/27/15 - Emily Savino, Diana Godfrey, Gloria Colon 3/6/15 - LaToya Thornton, Marie Wakefield, Brian Clark 3/13/15 – Shirley Slade- Butler, Knud Kristensen, Laura McNamee If you’re interested in volunteering for any of the above events, click on one of the links below. If you’re unable to, or are having trouble logging on, please contact Danielle Gentle. PIZZA: CUPCAKES: SCHOOL STORE: ILS-PTL on Facebook: The PTL has a facebook page on which there are links to all the signups on and a google calendar containing all important school and PTL functions. Updates and reminders are also posted on here. Please like the page to get these updates. PTL BOARD: President: Danielle Gentle (267) 304-4789 Treasurer: Ken Musser Secretary: Ken Musser You can email the entire PTL board at: Spirit Night for Immanuel Lutheran School Wednesday, February 25th 5:00pm-8:00pm Join us at Chick-fil-A of Whitman Square for a Spirit Night. In addition to great food and fellowship, there will be games, prizes and an indoor playground. Invite friends, family, neighbors and colleagues to help make this event successful. Please present this flyer and we will receive 15% of sales. 9711 Roosevelt Blvd Phila, PA 19111 (215) 969-3455 GERTRUDE HAWK EASTER CANDY SALE Easter is right around the corner. Help your family, friends and neighbors prepare by sharing your Gertrude Hawk catalog with them. Be sure to keep it close by. Prizes available to all sellers Sale Begins: Monday, Feb. 2nd Sale Ends: Friday, Feb.20th Candy Arrives: March 20th
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