PN038 Elemental Scientific APEX Sample Inlet System a high stability, high sensitivity, low-memory desolvating inlet system for ICP-AES & ICP-MS The Apex improves sensitivity primarily by increasing both sample transport efficiency and the quality of aerosol introduced to the ICP instrument. Liquid samples are nebulized with the PFA Microflow nebulizer into a heated cyclonic spray chamber and Peltier cooled condenser. This gives unsurpassed stability along with enhancements in sensitivity of between 3 – 15 times depending on the volume of sample introduced. The Apex is provided in 4 platforms: Apex Q Sample Inlet System Apex E – Low cost unit designed primarily for ICP Emission systems. The sample path is made from Pyrex and temperature settings of the heater and chiller are fixed. Apex Q – Has an o-ring-free Quartz flow path for high sensitivity and low background for samples that do not contain hydrofluoric acid. The Apex Q gives the fastest rinse-out of any high sensitivity ICP introduction system. Apex HF – Uses a high-purity PFA Teflon flow path to provide resistance to HydroFluoric acid. Apex IR – Has a quartz flow path and includes an additional mixing chamber giving the most stable signal, ideal for Isotope Ratio analysis. An optional ACM actively cooled Nafion fluoropolymer membrane desolvation module is available to remove residual solvent vapor in the sample aerosol stream. This can dramatically reduce oxide formation. Elemental Scientific Inc. 2440 Cuming St. Omaha, NE 68131 USA Phone: 402.991.7800 Fax: 402.991.7799 Email: 5 Hour Signal Stability 50 ppt 1200000 Unsurpassed Stability Signal Intensity (cps) 1000000 Enhanced stability, which can be further improved with the use of the Apex IR or the addition of the ACM to the other Apex platforms. 800000 59Co 1.3% RSD 115In 0.8% RSD 140 Ce 0.8% RSD 238U 0.8% RSD 600000 400000 200000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Se Flow Injection Time (min) Rapid Rinse Out 10000 100 Counts Counts 8000 The patent pending design of the sample flow path ensures minimal memory effects with rinse-outs comparable if not faster than simple cyclonic systems, even with initial higher count rates. 50 6000 0 545 4000 Apex 555 565 575 585 595 standard Time (secs) 2000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (secs) 60000000 50000000 Enhanced Sensitivity 40000000 Std Inlet Apex Q 30000000 20000000 10000000 Improvements in sensitivity that can range from 3x to 15x depending on the sample flow rate used. The Apex is over 90% efficient at transporting the sample analyte to the plasma. 0 In115(LR) Ba138(LR) Ce140(LR) U238(LR) 238U(LR) Matrix Tolerance 8000000 6000000 4000000 2000000 e0 10 ur in e0 08 e0 07 e0 06 e0 09 ur in ur in ur in ur in e0 04 e0 03 e0 05 ur in ur in ur in 4 e0 02 0 e0 01 cps Capable of running with high matrix samples such as 10% Urine, giving 3.2% rsd after 10 x 5 min sample replicates ur in Co59(LR) ur in Li7(LR) 3.5 Reduced Oxides Standard Scott 3.5 3 Apex 2.5 Apex/ACM-2 2 1.5 0.8 1 0.03 0.5 The addition of the ACM can further dramatically reduce the amount of water vapour in the aerosol, reducing oxide interferences. 0 CeO+/Ce+ (%) Elemental Scientific Inc. Elemental Scientific Inc. 2440 Cuming St. 2440 Cuming St. Omaha, NE USA Omaha, NE68131 68131 USA Phone: 402.991.7800 Phone: 402.991.7800 Fax: Fax: 402.991.7799 402.991.7799 Email: Email:
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