Sample Full product can be ordered by calling 1-800-333-8300 or by visiting Property of Faith Alive Christian Resources. All rights reserved. Tell the Story. Live the Story. Preschool option option option optio Y Close with prayer, thanking God for each child by name and for any helpers who are with you, as well as those who helped behind the scenes. Have the children put away their nametags. Send the children home with a smile, their take-home cards, and their magnets. Sock Ball Word Smart + OVERTIME Litany and Song of Praise 2 KNOW Make a sock ball by turning a sock inside Time out, folding it as you do. Sit in a circle. Tell Music 10 minutes Smart the children that when the ball comes to Body Smart Music Smart Word Smart them, they should name something that Materials I Old sock Tell thetoss children thatback eachtotime God made, then the ball hold Creation Story Time up everyone your index finger, they will say: “God, Be sure that is offered a turn. minutes areisaover, great God!” Practice to doing this once a 10 When theyou game the children tell you again who made the world. Introduce the action rhyme “Theask Bible,” Goal few times. Then handbeout the shakers, teaching the words and actions. You’ll Name some of theMaterials things God made: land, sea, sky, sun, moon, showing the children how to shake them using it to introduce each week Iand Shakers made with plastic filmyoung canisters filled Some 1/3 with Thethe firststory day of church schoolstars, can be a big deal—perhaps even a scary event—for children. willsand or salt, trees, flowers, so on. 1:1-19 upyou andteach down. Tell that they will also for sessions Genesis 1-4. As havethem your per child respond withit,shyness or reluctance to participate intwo activities. Your gentle encouragement and willingness to Time to do what you do. Practice with a Bible on your lap.need Song: “Come Praiseeveryone the Lord” (song 3, afile box; CD,Soon, track 3) allow a child to sit near you and watch, but notI participate, will show that this is safe place. 10 minutes few movements. Then have the children thehas reluctant child will be ready to participate. When youreven group settled intoon the set the shakers thespefloor inMaterials front of God made the world beautiful and good. cial place you havethem chosen for telling the the litany based on Psalm 95. before you begin I Hand-held mirror story each week, invite the children to put Biblein yourPicture God, you hold theIearth (crouch down) Smart on their listening earsLeader: and open their hands. I “The Bible” (action story/rhyme 1, file box) God, are a great God! watching eyes. God isAll: going toyou do someI Story pictures (poster 1, file box) Leader: The sea isthe yours, People for you made it. (knees bent, hands on knees) thing pretty spectacular! Then, using Smart Smart God! Music I Song: “That’s Good” (song 2, file box; CD, track 2) Magnets All:Story God, are a great four story pictures, read or tellyou the story. Earth Smart dry Leader: land and made the trees stand tall. (stand, arms at sides) The story text is provided onYou the shaped back of the Each child will make All:Friends, God,two youstory are amagnets— great God!Names Goal each picture. Meeting Learning one of the sun and one the night sky. belong Leader: Theofmountaintops to you.God (stand, hands formingthings a peakin overhead) Thank for the wonderful our world. When you have finished telling the story, ask the children to think about how God felt when the world looked exactly Help thewarmly children assemble thea magnets All:as God, great God! Welcome the children theyyou are Time faces, encouraging them to show how God felt about the way like Godthis: wanted it toGod, be. Hold the amirror to the(shake children’s Goal you are great God! shakers up high) arrive. Invite them to comeAll: to the table minutes such a good, good world. welcomed10 and accepted. Give each child two magnets.Feel (Magnets and pick out a •nametag. Print the chilto 1" the first verse of “Come the Lord” as it’s recorded on the CD. Then sing it through together, asking cantags be Listen cut into squares before class.) Praise Materials dren’s Introduce names on the before asking song “That’s Good.” Sing Time theonsong times, each time leaving out the repeat word “world” and inviting the children join the several parts I they remember. If you the use litany. sure to save the shakers to Addtags a bit of glue toto the topyou of each, Fridge magnets, the have kind time, that businesses for (Be advertisement, them to with few thedecorate childrenthe to insert theanames of some15ofminutes the many good things God made. use another day.) show the two per child stickers. When thethen nametags are children finished,how press a Materials I Black felt or craft foam, cut into 4" (10 cm) circles, one per child on top. ask the children tocircle put them on. Point out Children a story read well, I so Play-Doh if you read it,or read it for all it’s worth. But telling a story fromcircles, your Oncome the love yellow circle place glue,chose ItoYellow gold craft intotimes, 4" (10print cm) When youdots haveofrhymes, prayers, or litanies that youfoam wantor to felt, use cut several the words on cardboard that each time •they to class, the first I gold Items nature heart ishelp even more powerful. Prepare by from immersing yourself in the scriptural account and meditating on it children sprinkle child and place the cards where you one can per easily read them. That will free you from being tied to the file card. thing they shouldthen do is put the on their Nametags sturdy cardboard, 4" Then x 5" you will be until theon wonder andtopower ofI God’s mighty cut act of creation captured approximately your heart anew. the glue represent the sun’s I from White gluehas nametags. (Show glitter everyone where the tags (10 cminxthe 13I cm) ready to look your four-year-olds in the eye and heart, passing on not only the story, but also the testimony of brilliance. Foil stars will be kept.) I Markers your own faith.the stars on the black circle, • Glue then I Word GoldSmart and silver glitter I silver Yarn cut into 26" (66 cm) lengths, one per child When you’ve cleaned theof table, placeup dots gluedistriband sprinkle I Paper punch Ask this silly with your ute a ball of Play-Doh child. Have glittertoEnjoy toeach represent thegame sparkling Time Body Smart animals, birds, flowers Stickers assorted thepressing childrenPlayif God putIthe stars atofthe botfun squishing, rolling, and 10 minutes While shapes. thetom children areitems working, talk about the to beauty day and Song: “Hello, Everybody” 1, file box; CD, track 1) of a lake. SomeoneI will be quick tell of the (song Doh into interesting Supply Materials night sky. When areIthem finished, setGod their magnets aside to CD where player you thatthe hechildren didn’t! Ask from nature—twigs, leaves, stones, flowI None needed askput theuse children pray with you, after you the Story Drama did them. Telltothe children that repeating if you ers, shells—fordry. the Then children to to make of this prayer: something silly, they jump up, imprints. Invitephrases the children to makeactivity Creative drama issay a full-body that should then tell you where God didplay putsparkling the item. stars. But the warn them tobywatch everything you say might not be silly. shapesoffers of animals and other wonders too.really AsGoal you together, call children name,out: telling them how Thank you,natural God, the warm sun and the Amen. a great opportunity forfor expression. Realize thatthey Godare made glad you are here.our Tellworld themand thateverything today you in willit.have a Encourage your kidsDid to use their God . . . entire special the things Smart they have printed in their Timestory about someofPicture including their Invite Before bodies, class, cut the nametags to punch a the moon? • faces. putsize, the treesthe on Play-Doh. (But mostly, just enjoy getting to know each other!) 10the minutes to imagine actually the hole inchildren the top Ahead corners each one, being thread the1-6 by on • make stack the mountains sun? ofoftime, patterns tracTime things that at secure the beginyarn piece through eachcreated hole it. • and put thevery sun in cutting the sky? Before going to the story circle, introduce the song “Hello, Materials ing God them onto stiff paper and out 10 minutes ning: allowing light, stars, ortomoon. As think This will save time, you names and •write put thethey bushes onsecure the stars? Everybody.” I Masking tape several sets. Use masking tape to the about how they might that, make aon the talk freely with the children while they are working. • do put the grass hills? mightMaterials patterns at various places around theYou table. large circle on the the children floor using • put themasking moon rivers? want I Drawing paper, one sheet per child Show how to holdina the sheet of to sing If buying Play-Doh isn’t in your church tape. Thepaper circleinshould be enough forthen your group stand andshapes move inside Invite children to stand • over putlarge flowers in the ground? it to the chilItoCreation (patterns 1-6, fileyour box) place athe pattern and budget, this of. recipe works well. Mix together: with you outside circle looking into it. outIthat there istape nothing there, just like the time when God began •useput the oceans in the sky? dren today, making sure tothe each child’s name at Point least once. Masking color the of paper until the shape emerges. 4 cups flour to recorded make(Or, the on world. (It’s also the CD, track if you’d could preferplace to play itI Crayons if they prefer, the1,children 2 marker cups salt for theIn children, them to add their names.) I Black theasking cutouts on top ofnothe paper andsaid, trace the beginning, there was light. Who “let there be light”? children have responded that it was 4 TbspWhen alum thefor I bodies Construction mounting the (optional) around Oncircle the bottom of each God, invite themthem.) into the to be light, moving their as light paper might shine or dazzle orpictures shimmer or flow. I TapeAdd: or tacks mounting the pictures on the (optional) child’s pagethe print: YOU, GOD, Then step outside circleTHANK and continue the creative drama, each timefor asking, Who said, “Let there be . wall . .” water, FORmoon, [whatever child has illustrated]. plants, sun, stars,the land, flowers, and so on. After responding thatboiling it was water God, invite the group back into the cir4 1⁄2 cups cle to express that item. When finished, give God a hearty “Hooray!” 1 ⁄3 cup baby oil 1 God Made the World Scripture Focus 4 SHOW 1 HELLO GOD MADE ME! God made you! (clap, clap, point at partner) God made me! (clap, clap, point at self) I’m as thankful as can be! (clap on each word) THE ANIMALS ON THE ARK Noah stood in the door of the ark. He looked up at the dark clouds. A drop of rain splattered off the end of his nose. He watched the crowd of animals coming toward him. “Time to get on board,” he called out with a smile. “The rain’s coming. Let’s see . . . two of every animal. Are you ready?” ption option option optio 3. THE BIBLE This is the Bible, (fold hands as though praying) let’s open it wide. (open both hands so that palms show) We’ll hear God’s story (one hand behind ear) that’s written inside. (index finger pretending to write on other hand which is open) Action Stories/Rhymes 2. Patterns 1-3 1. Creation Tracings/Rubbings Walk With Me, Preschool, Session 1 Faith Alive Christian Resources published by CRC Publications. © 2004 by CRC Publications, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper. Creation Mix-up 3 GROW a few drops of food coloring Mix with a spoon until dough is cool enough to knead with your hands. Store in an airtight container. “We’re ready,” the animals shouted back, each in its own special language. And so they came, ready for God’s great adventure. (After naming each of the animals below, pause to let the children act out how they might have entered the ark.) Here come the bears. (Act like bears.) Look, it’s the waddling ducks. (Act like ducks.) Oh my, here are the slithering snakes. (And so forth.) Welcome aboard, elephants! 40 Session Plans Good to see you, hippety-hopping kangaroos. Come right in, beautiful butterflies. We’re ready for you, gorgeous gorillas! (The children might like to add to your list!) When everyone was on the ark, God shut the door. “There is so much work to do on this ark,” Noah said. “Who will help?” Who has a long neck for cleaning the ceiling? (giraffe) (Pause for the answer.) Who will give us fresh milk each day? (cow) Who will lick up the milk that we spill? (cat) Who will wake us up each morning? (rooster) Who will give us eggs each day? (chickens) Who has a long hose to give us showers? (elephants) Who has whiskers to dust under the beds each day? (cats, mice, etc.) (20 Old Testament, 16 New Testament, 2 Christmas, and 2 Easter) Who can sing us wonderful songs while we work? (birds) “What about us?” asked the monkeys. Stories/Rhymes Walk With Me, Preschool Faith Alive Christian Resources published by CRC Publications. © 2004 by CRC Publications, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper. Pa t t e r n s HELLO, EVERYBODY C © © © © © Ð © Dm7 © © © © © © © 1 If your name is 2 If you have 3 If you feel 4 If you like Dm7 © © How do you do? © © ¨ © © © © © © © © If your name is _________, yellow on, If you have an - gry, If you feel snow - flakes, If you like © © G C ©© ©© ¨ stand up. stand up. stand up. stand up. _________, on, red hap - py, sun - shine, " © © © © " © © © © Ð Ð G C ©© ©© C Ð Ð © G ©© ©© God loves you Ð Ð Ð Ð © © © © © © ¨ stand up. stand up. stand up. stand up. ¨ © ©© ¨ © 5 If you like bananas, stand up. If you like spinach, stand up. If you like carrots, stand up. If you like apples, stand up. Refrain XX to - day. XX © © © © © © © ¨ © © © © © © © © G C ©© © ¨ stand up. stand up. stand up. stand up. ¨ © ©© ¨ © ¨ G C Refrain ©© © ¨ stand up. stand up. stand up. stand up. _________, If your name is green on, If you have cheer - ful, If you feel rain - bows, If you like © © © © ÐÐ C © If your name is _________, blue If you have on, sad, If you feel If you like rain - drops, ¨ © ©© ¨ © ¨ G Щ © ©© How do you do? Ð Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ Ð Ð C Ð How do you do? G © © © © G Щ © © Ð Ð © © ©© © ©© Hel - lo, ev - ery - bod - y! ¨ © ©© ¨ © 6 If God loves boys, stand up. If God loves girls, stand up. If God loves me, stand up. If God loves you, stand up. Refrain Be creative; add your own stanzas, always ending with stanza 6. Sing the refrain before each stanza. The refrain may be used by itself as an opening song. Words and Music: Traditional Take-Home Cards Songs God Made the World Session 1 WORDSearch 1 Scripture Genesis 1:1-19 Focus God made the world beautiful and good. WORDSearch Pray About It Think About It Before this and every subsequent At the core of each lesson in this course session ask God’s Spirit to prepare is a Bible story. The Bible contains lots your heart, your words, and the of different kinds of God-inspired hearts of the children. You have the writings: prophecies, psalms, laws, awesome privilege of sowing God’s doctrinal teachings, and wise sayings. Word in their lives, but only the So why focus on stories? For a number Holy Spirit can make it take root of reasons: and produce a rich harvest of faith. • Preschoolers come to know and love God best through stories. • The Bible stories together form the central story of the gospel: how God saves us through sending us Jesus. • The Bible stories provide a starting point and the framework that gives meaning to all those other kinds of writing. • Young children love stories. We know you do too! Each lesson retells one Bible story in kid-friendly language. The way it’s told is only an example. We urge you to tell the Bible story in your own words and to be as imaginative and as concrete as you can. But in the telling remember several important things: • These are not fairy tales but actual accounts of God’s redeeming work for us. • Show the children how much you treasure these stories because they come from God’s book, the Bible. • Always emphasize what God is doing in the story before sharing what we may and should do in response. • You’re called to interpret the story in a way that makes sense to kids and helps them to respond appropriately. Read and re-read the actual story Don’t let the recurrent refrains in the from the Bible before using WordSearch and the creation story throw you. While repetilesson to round out your preparation. tion may drive teens around the bend, • Be sure that your words and emotional tones tie preschoolers love it. Where appropriin to concepts and feelings that preschoolers ate, have your class chime right on in. actually understand and experience. Repeat often the simple themes that • Don’t confuse your kids by adding names of peochildren need to understand: “God is ple that are not named in the Bible or by dreamgood,” “God loves each one of us,” ing up events that the Bible doesn’t record. “God takes care of us,” “God helps us This first lesson begins the creation account. Don’t when we’re in trouble,” and “God get off-track by trying to harmonize scientific always keeps a promise.” models with the Genesis account. Focus on the clear Tell About It CD Walk With Me, Preschool, Session 1 Faith Alive Christian Resources published by CRC Publications. © 2004 by CRC Publications, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper. (Songs & Stories) Bible Backgrounds Welcome! 1. The children will experience your group as a loving, inviting place in which to learn more about God’s care for them. 2. The children will hear the great stories of Scripture, especially those about Jesus and his love for them. 3. The children will respond with joy, growing closer to God and experiencing what it means to be part of God’s family. Getting Started You’ve agreed to teach preschoolers—and you’ll be glad you did! We hope you’ll find these materials helpful as you and the children in your care learn what it means to walk with Jesus. As you begin, here are some simple goals to guide your walk: The Walk With Me curriculum is kid-friendly, easy-to-use, and designed with your busy schedule in mind. Order today! Ð Ð Dm7 © Dm7 ÐÐ How do you do? © © C © © © © © Ð © " ©Ð G © © ©© © ©© Hel - lo, ev - ery - bod - y! " ©Ð Song 1 Refrain (one set for the teacher) Preschoolers are proud of what they’ve learned. Colorful take-home cards provide visual reinforcement of the lesson and a tie-in story for families to read to their children during the week. for a sample Bible background, session guide, and children’s take-home card! Session 1 ou’ll love the convenience of our preschool teacher’s resource box. It includes everything you’ll need to lead your little ones through age-appropriate Bible stories (40 sequential lessons including 20 Old Testament, 16 New Testament, 2 Christmas and 2 Easter). In addition to the session guides, you get Bible backgrounds, posters, songs, patterns, and rhymes that give depth and variety to your lessons. vertime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtim tion optio Everything you need, RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS… Look inside Here’s what’s in this box: Introduction Bible Backgrounds Old Testament Stories 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. God Made the World God Made Fish, Birds, and Animals God Made People Adam and Eve Disobey Noah Obeys God Abraham and Sarah Obey God God Takes Care of Joseph Joseph Helps His Brothers Moses: From Basket to Palace Moses: The Burning Bush Moses: The Exodus Moses: Manna in the Desert Joshua and the Tall Wall Hannah’s Prayer Samuel Listens David and Goliath Elisha and the Widow’s Oil Elisha and Naaman Jonah and the Big Fish Daniel and the Lions New Testament Stories 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Anna Waits Jesus Calls His Disciples Jesus Heals a Little Boy Jesus Heals a Man Who Couldn’t Walk Jesus Calms the Storm Jesus Feeds 5,000 People Jesus Heals Ten Sick Men Jesus Heals a Man Who Couldn’t See Mary and Martha The Lost Sheep Jesus and the Children Zacchaeus Jesus Changes Paul Over the Wall A Little Boy Helps Paul Shipwreck Church Season Stories 37. The Birth of Jesus 38. The Magi 39. Palm Sunday 40. Easter Posters Songs/CD Patterns Action Stories/Rhymes Introduction f a i t h f u l . f r i e n d l y. f u n To o r d e r c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 3 3 - 8 3 0 0 o r v i s i t w w w. Wa l k W i t h M e C u r r i c u l u m . o r g Po s t e r s Scripture Genesis 1:1-19 Focus God made the world beautiful and good. WORDSearch Pray About It Think About It Before this and every subsequent At the core of each lesson in this course session ask God’s Spirit to prepare is a Bible story. The Bible contains lots your heart, your words, and the of different kinds of God-inspired hearts of the children. You have the writings: prophecies, psalms, laws, awesome privilege of sowing God’s doctrinal teachings, and wise sayings. Word in their lives, but only the So why focus on stories? For a number Holy Spirit can make it take root of reasons: and produce a rich harvest of faith. • Preschoolers come to know and love God best through stories. • The Bible stories together form the central story of the gospel: how God saves us through sending us Jesus. • The Bible stories provide a starting point and the framework that gives meaning to all those other kinds of writing. • Young children love stories. We know you do too! Each lesson retells one Bible story in kid-friendly language. The way it’s told is only an example. We urge you to tell the Bible story in your own words and to be as imaginative and as concrete as you can. But in the telling remember several important things: • These are not fairy tales but actual accounts of God’s redeeming work for us. • Show the children how much you treasure these stories because they come from God’s book, the Bible. • Always emphasize what God is doing in the story before sharing what we may and should do in response. • You’re called to interpret the story in a way that makes sense to kids and helps them to respond Tell About It appropriately. Read and re-read the actual story Don’t let the recurrent refrains in the from the Bible before using WordSearch and the creation story throw you. While repetilesson to round out your preparation. tion may drive teens around the bend, • Be sure that your words and emotional tones tie preschoolers love it. Where appropriin to concepts and feelings that preschoolers ate, have your class chime right on in. actually understand and experience. Repeat often the simple themes that • Don’t confuse your kids by adding names of peochildren need to understand: “God is ple that are not named in the Bible or by dreamgood,” “God loves each one of us,” ing up events that the Bible doesn’t record. “God takes care of us,” “God helps us This first lesson begins the creation account. Don’t when we’re in trouble,” and “God get off-track by trying to harmonize scientific always keeps a promise.” models with the Genesis account. Focus on the clear Walk With Me, Preschool, Session 1 Faith Alive Christian Resources published by CRC Publications. © 2004 by CRC Publications, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper. Session 1 WORDSearch 1 God Made the World BI S BL A E M BA CK PL GR E OU ND Session 1 1 God Made the World SE SA SS M IO P N L PL E AN Scripture Genesis 1:1-19 Focus God made the world beautiful and good. People Smart Music Smart Earth Smart 1 HELLO Meeting Friends, Learning Names Welcome the children warmly as they arrive. Invite them to come to the table and pick out a nametag. Print the children’s names on the tags before asking them to decorate the tags with a few stickers. When the nametags are finished, ask the children to put them on. Point out that each time they come to class, the first thing they should do is put on their nametags. (Show everyone where the tags will be kept.) Goal Feel welcomed and accepted. Time 15 minutes Materials I Play-Doh I Items from nature I Nametags cut from sturdy cardboard, approximately 4" x 5" I I I I I I (10 cm x 13 cm) Markers Yarn cut into 26" (66 cm) lengths, one per child Paper punch Stickers of assorted animals, birds, flowers Song: “Hello, Everybody” (song 1, file box; CD, track 1) CD player When you’ve cleaned up the table, distribute a ball of Play-Doh to each child. Have fun squishing, rolling, and pressing PlayDoh into interesting shapes. Supply items from nature—twigs, leaves, stones, flowers, shells—for the children to use to make imprints. Invite the children to make shapes of animals and other natural wonders too. As you play together, call the children by name, telling them how glad you are they are here. Tell them that today you will have a special story about some of the things they have printed in their Before class, cut the nametags to size, punch a Play-Doh. (But mostly, just enjoy getting to know each other!) hole in the top corners of each one, thread the yarn piece through each hole and secure it. This will save time, allowing you to write names and talk freely with the children while they are working. Before going to the story circle, introduce the song “Hello, Everybody.” You might want to sing If buying Play-Doh isn’t in your church it to the chilbudget, this recipe works well. Mix together: dren today, making sure to use each child’s name at least once. 4 cups flour (It’s also recorded on the CD, track 1, if you’d prefer to play it 2 cups salt for the children, asking them to add their names.) 4 Tbsp alum Add: 4 1⁄2 cups boiling water 1 ⁄3 cup baby oil a few drops of food coloring Mix with a spoon until dough is cool enough to knead with your hands. Store in an airtight container. 2 KNOW Music Smart Word Smart Creation Story Introduce the action rhyme “The Bible,” teaching the words and actions. You’ll be using it to introduce the story each week for sessions 1-4. As you teach it, have your Bible on your lap. When your group has settled into the special place you have chosen for telling the story each week, invite the children to put on their listening ears and open their watching eyes. God is going to do something pretty spectacular! Then, using the four story pictures, read or tell the story. The story text is provided on the back of each picture. Goal Name some of the things God made: land, sea, sky, sun, moon, stars, trees, flowers, and so on. Time 10 minutes Materials I Hand-held mirror I Bible I “The Bible” (action story/rhyme 1, file box) I Story pictures (poster 1, file box) I Song: “That’s Good” (song 2, file box; CD, track 2) When you have finished telling the story, ask the children to think about how God felt when the world looked exactly the way God wanted it to be. Hold the mirror to the children’s faces, encouraging them to show how God felt about such a good, good world. Introduce the song “That’s Good.” Sing the song several times, each time leaving out the word “world” and inviting the children to insert the names of some of the many good things God made. Children love a story read well, so if you chose to read it, read it for all it’s worth. But telling a story from your heart is even more powerful. Prepare by immersing yourself in the scriptural account and meditating on it until the wonder and power of God’s mighty act of creation has captured your heart anew. Then you will be ready to look your four-year-olds in the eye and in the heart, passing on not only the story, but also the testimony of your own faith. 3 GROW Body Smart Story Drama Creative drama is a full-body activity that Goal offers a great opportunity for expression. Realize that God made our world and everything in it. Encourage your kids to use their entire Time bodies, including their faces. Invite the 10 minutes children to imagine actually being the things that God created at the very beginMaterials ning: light, stars, or moon. As they think I Masking tape about how they might do that, make a large circle on the floor using masking tape. The circle should be large enough for your group to stand and move inside of. Invite your children to stand with you outside of the circle looking into it. Point out that there is nothing there, just like the time when God began to make the world. In the beginning, there was no light. Who said, “let there be light”? When the children have responded that it was God, invite them into the circle to be light, moving their bodies as light might shine or dazzle or shimmer or flow. Then step outside the circle and continue the creative drama, each time asking, Who said, “Let there be . . .” water, plants, sun, moon, stars, land, flowers, and so on. After responding that it was God, invite the group back into the circle to express that item. When finished, give God a hearty “Hooray!” option option option optio Sock Ball Word Smart Make a sock ball by turning a sock inside Time out, folding it as you do. Sit in a circle. Tell 10 minutes the children that when the ball comes to Materials them, they should name something that I Old sock God made, then toss the ball back to you. Be sure that everyone is offered a turn. When the game is over, ask the children to tell you once again who made the world. The first day of church school can be a big deal—perhaps even a scary event—for young children. Some will respond with shyness or reluctance to participate in activities. Your gentle encouragement and willingness to allow a child to sit near you and watch, but not participate, will show everyone that this is a safe place. Soon, even the reluctant child will be ready to participate. 4 SHOW Picture Smart Story Magnets Each child will make two story magnets— one of the sun and one of the night sky. Help the children assemble the magnets like this: • Give each child two magnets. (Magnets can be cut into 1" squares before class.) Add a bit of glue to the top of each, then show the children how press a circle on top. • On the yellow circle place dots of glue, then help the children sprinkle gold glitter on the glue to represent the sun’s brilliance. • Glue the stars on the black circle, then place dots of glue and sprinkle silver glitter to represent the sparkling stars. Goal Thank God for the wonderful things in our world. Time 10 minutes Materials I Fridge magnets, the kind that businesses use for advertisement, two per child I Black felt or craft foam, cut into 4" (10 cm) circles, one per child I Yellow or gold craft foam or felt, cut into 4" (10 cm) circles, one per child I White glue I Foil stars I Gold and silver glitter While the children are working, talk about the beauty of the day and night sky. When the children are finished, set their magnets aside to dry. Then ask the children to pray with you, repeating after you the phrases of this prayer: on option option optio Thank you, God, for the warm sun and the sparkling stars. Amen. Creation Tracings/Rubbings Ahead of time, make patterns 1-6 by tracing them onto stiff paper and cutting out several sets. Use masking tape to secure the patterns at various places around the table. Show the children how to hold a sheet of paper in place over a pattern and then color the paper until the shape emerges. (Or, if they prefer, the children could place the cutouts on top of the paper and trace around them.) On the bottom of each child’s page print: THANK YOU, GOD, FOR [whatever the child has illustrated]. Picture Smart Time 10 minutes Materials I Drawing paper, one sheet per child I Creation shapes (patterns 1-6, file box) I Masking tape I Crayons I Black marker I Construction paper for mounting the pictures (optional) I Tape or tacks for mounting the pictures on the wall (optional) + OVERTIME Litany and Song of Praise Body Smart Music Smart Tell the children that each time you hold Time up your index finger, they will say: “God, you are a great God!” Practice doing this a 10 minutes few times. Then hand out the shakers, Materials showing the children how to shake them I Shakers made with plastic film canisters filled 1/3 with sand or salt, up and down. Tell them that they will also two per child need to do what you do. Practice with a I Song: “Come Praise the Lord” (song 3, file box; CD, track 3) few movements. Then have the children set the shakers on the floor in front of them before you begin the litany based on Psalm 95. Leader: God, you hold the earth in your hands. (crouch down) All: God, you are a great God! Leader: The sea is yours, for you made it. (knees bent, hands on knees) All: God, you are a great God! Leader: You shaped the dry land and made the trees stand tall. (stand, arms at sides) All: God, you are a great God! Leader: The mountaintops belong to you. (stand, hands forming a peak overhead) All: God, you are a great God! All: God, you are a great God! (shake shakers up high) Listen to the first verse of “Come Praise the Lord” as it’s recorded on the CD. Then sing it through together, asking the children to join you on the parts they remember. If you have time, repeat the litany. (Be sure to save the shakers to use another day.) When you have rhymes, prayers, or litanies that you want to use several times, print the words on cardboard and place the cards where you can easily read them. That will free you from being tied to the file card. Creation Mix-up Word Smart Enjoy this silly game with your group. Ask Time the children if God put the stars at the bot- 10 minutes tom of a lake. Someone will be quick to tell Materials you that he didn’t! Ask them where God I None needed did put them. Tell the children that if you say something silly, they should jump up, then tell you where God really did put the item. But warn them to watch out: everything you say might not be silly. Did God . . . • put the trees on the moon? • stack the mountains on the sun? • put the sun in the sky? • put the bushes on the stars? • put the grass on the hills? • put the moon in the rivers? • put the flowers in the ground? • put the oceans in the sky? Walk With Me, Preschool, Session 1 Faith Alive Christian Resources published by CRC Publications. © 2004 by CRC Publications, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper. tion optio time overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtim Close with prayer, thanking God for each child by name and for any helpers who are with you, as well as those who helped behind the scenes. Have the children put away their nametags. Send the children home with a smile, their take-home cards, and their magnets. TA S KE A -H M OM P E LE CA RD front (actual size) To o r d e r c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 3 3 - 8 3 0 0 o r v i s i t w w w . W a l k W i t h M e C u r r i c u l u m . o r g
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