SAMPLE PAPER - 2014 INFORMATICS PRACTICES Class – XI Time : 3 hrs. M.M. 70 General Instructions : • All questions are compulsory. • Answer the questions after carefully reading the text. • Please check that this question paper contains 26 questions. 1. Name the basic units of a computer system. 1 2. What is an Operating System. Name any two example. 1 3. Give one point of difference between OCR and OMR. 1 4. What is a port? Name any two port types. 1 5. Write any one advantage of TFT display. 2 6. What do you understand by Computer Security? Name any two threats to computer security. 2 7. How Multi Processing Operating Systems is different from Multi Programming Operating Systems? 2 8. State the differences between hardware, software and firmware? 2 9. How is a compiler different from interpreter? 2 10. What are Malware? What type of damages can they cause to your computer? 2 11. How is ordinary compilation process different from Java compilation? 2 12. How do you set the icon that appears on the title bar of frame? 1 13. What is fall through? 1 14. What is casting? When do we need it? 1 15. Differentiate between ceil() and floor() methods. 2 16. Why IDE are useful in application development. 2 17. What is the role of JVM in platform independence in Java. 2 18. Give the syntax and example of declaring variable. 2 19. Give any two properties of TextField control in java. 2 20. Differentiate between the following : 2 (i) if and switch 21. What will be the value of following expressions if j=5, (i) 22. (ii) runtime errors and logical errors (5*++j)%6 (ii) (5*j++)%6 What are the values of i and n after the code is executed? int i = 10; int n = i++%5; 2 1 23. Identify the correct answer: i. 2x1=2 If x=300 and y=700 then what will be the output of the following expression? y - x < 500 ? 150 : 50 (a) ii. 50 (b) 400 (c) 500 (d) 150 int a,b=20; a=50%5; b=b+a; System.out.print(a); System.out.print(b); Out put will be? (a) 24. 10, 30 (b) 0, 20 (c) 50, 20 (d) 5, 20 Write the corresponding Java expression for the mathematical expression: 2 2y 2 – ye + 4y 25. What are RAD Tools? 26. Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow. 2 Teachwell Public School wants to computerize the employee salary section.The School is having two categories of employees : Teaching and Non Teaching. The Teaching employees are further categorized into PGTs, TGTs and PRTs having different Basic salary. The School gives addition pay of 3000 for employees who are working for more than 10 years. Now answer the following questions: (a) Write the code to Exit button to exit from running of the above program. 1 (b) Write the code to clear the fields where data entered and displayed for the right button. 1 (c) Write the code to calculate the Basic salary, deductions, gross salary and net salary based on the given specifications: 4 Add 3000 to net salary if employee is working for more than 10 years. Gross salary=Basic salary + DA + HRA Net salary = Gross salary – deductions 27. Find the output of the following: 2 28. Rewrite the program using for loop: 29. Find the errors from the following code segment and rewrite the corrected code underlining the correction made: 2 2 private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { integer p = 1, i; for (i=1; i<=50; i++) P = p + {; if (P = 5) Then P={ System.out.println(“P is equal to 5”); } } } 30. Write the Java code to accept two numbers and swap the numbers not using any third variable. 2 31. Write the Java code to take a number and find table of the same. 2 32. Write the Java code to find the sum of first 10 odd numbers. 2 33. Write the Java code to take the value of N and find: S = 1 + 4 + 27 + 256 +………… Nth term. 2 34. Give java codes to print first 15 numbers of the following series. 1,2,3,4,10,5,6,7,8,26,…… 2 35. Answer the following based on the interface shown below: i. Write the code for exit button. 1 ii. If you are asked to add a Clear button to the application, what code would write for it so that the text field marksTF and label resultLbl get cleared when it is clicked? 2 iii. The percentage marks are to be entered in the text field (marksTF) and upon clicking at the button (calcBTN), corresponding grade (as per following rules) should be displayed in the label (resultLbl) below command button. 4 ***
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