BSK implementation guide e2b-format v.3.3 Banks common implementation guide based on version 3.3 of the e2b Invoice Format Version: 1.02 3. September 2012 Bankenes Standardiseringskontor Postbox 2644 Solli 0203 OSLO Tel. 23 28 45 10 Email: BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 Change log (English version) DATE VER DONE BY CHANGES 21.09.2010 1.0 Morten Krøgenes Approved BSK IG for e2b format version 3.3 (English translation) 01.02.2011 1.01 Morten Krøgenes Updated in order to open the possibility for attachements 16.04.2012 1.02 Morten Krøgenes Updated with governments requirements connected to the EHF format 3.9.2012 1.02 Morten Krøgenes Removed bullet in appendix 2, kap. 1.7.3 which was connected to mapping of attachments between the EHF/e2b format. Note: Se change log at end of the document. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 2 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 Table of contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. PREREQUISITES .........................................................................................................................5 TARGET GROUP FOR THIS DOCUMENT ......................................................................................5 EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES .................................................................................................6 Invoice - Overall description of the format ................................................................. 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 BUSINESS DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................7 INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC EXTENSIONS .............................................................................................8 TECHICAL GUIDELINES .............................................................................................................8 FILLING IN AMOUNT FIELDS......................................................................................................8 USE OF STATUS MESSAGE .......................................................................................................11 DUPLICATE CONTROL .............................................................................................................11 TEMPLATE VIEW .....................................................................................................................11 MAPPING RELATED TO THE EHF FORMAT (REF. THE GOVERNMENTS REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO ELECTRONIC INVOICE) ..................................................................................................12 3. Invoice - Structure of the message ............................................................................13 3.1 NAME STANDARD INVOICE FILES ...........................................................................................13 3.2 STRUCTURE OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................13 3.3 INTERCHANGE ........................................................................................................................15 3.4 ENVELOPE...............................................................................................................................15 3.5 INVOICE MESSAGE..................................................................................................................16 3.6 INVOICE HEADER ....................................................................................................................17 3.7 PARTY INFORMATION .............................................................................................................21 3.7.1 Supplier ............................................................................................................................ 21 3.7.2 Buyer ................................................................................................................................ 26 3.7.3 Factoring .......................................................................................................................... 31 3.7.4 Other parties..................................................................................................................... 34 3.8 INVOICE DETAILS ....................................................................................................................38 3.9 INVOICE DISCOUNT, CHARGES AND TAX ................................................................................45 3.10 INVOICE TOTALS .....................................................................................................................47 Appendix 1: Example of an invoice file.............................................................................50 Appendix 2: Advice for using the format ..........................................................................54 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.7.1. 1.7.2. 1.7.3. 1.7.4. 1.7.5. BSK THE USE OF THE FORMAT........................................................................................................54 ACTORS/ROLES.......................................................................................................................54 USE OF FIELDS IN RELATION TO REFERENCES ........................................................................54 SPECIAL FIELDS AND INDUSTRY SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS ...........................................................56 LEVELS ...................................................................................................................................57 CONSOLIDATED INVOICE ........................................................................................................58 POSTAL AND STREET ADDRESS ...............................................................................................59 MAPPINGRULES CONNECTED TO THE EHF FORMAT...............................................................59 RULE - MAPPING OF INVOICE AMOUNT AND THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID ..................................59 RULE - MAPPING OF FACTORING PARTY (E2B) AND PAYEE PARTY (EHF) ............................59 RULE - MAPPING OF ATTACHEMENTS BETWEEN E2B AND EHF..............................................59 UNIT CODES ............................................................................................................................60 DEPENDENCIES BETWEEN THE AMOUNT FIELDS.....................................................................60 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 3 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English V er s ion: 1 .0 1 Side 4 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 1. Introduction This implementation guide is prepared by BSK. This implementation guide describes how e2b version 3.3 format is to be used for sending electronic invoices in the banking network. The format can be used both for B2B and B2C. The documentation must be read in conjunction with the bank’s User Guidelines. This document is a translation of the equivalent Norwegian documentation for the BSK Implementation Guide for e2b-format ver. 3.3. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Norwegian one shall be regarded as the master version and the correct one. 1.1 Prerequisites To be able to send e-invoices in the banking network, the following prerequisites must be met: 1. Agreement with bank - both the invoice recipient and invoice issuer must enter into a service agreement with its bank 2. Addressing: - The banks offer addressing based on e-invoice ID and organisational number. The invoice issuer and the invoice receiver are responsible for exchanging the address information between them. 3. Adaptions in ERP-systems: - The addressinginformation (e-invoice ID / organisational number) for both the invoice issuer and invoice recipient must be included in the invoice file. It may therefore be necessary to make adjustments in the ERP system. 1.2 Target group for this document The target group for this document is technical personnel which is responsible for the implementation of e-invoice solutions at the organisation of the e-invoice issuer or the organisation of the e-invoice receiver. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 5 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 1.3 Explanation of the tables Below is an explanation of the columns in the tables in Chapter 3 and 6 Name of XML element refers to the actual tag name in XML Description specifies rules for data content, legal code values, etc. Fields in italics are not guaranteed delivered if the invoice recipient uses another format than e2b version 3.3. Requirement indicates whether the field is M = Mandatory (Must be part of the message) K = Optional (May be included in the message) A = Dependent (Use is dependent on specific criteria) Repetition indicates how many times the field should / can be repeated. See below: 1 Mandatory, used, only once 1..3 Mandatory, used minimum once, may be used up to 3 times 1..* Mandatory, used minimum once, may be used many times 0..1 Optional, used maximally once 0..* Optional, the field may be used many times Type specifies the type of value to be transferred to the appropriate element in the XML notation String = Alfanumeric Integer = Numbers Decimal = Desimalnumbers Date = Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Time= Time (HH:MM:SS) DateTime = Date+Time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) Attributes are marked with the prefix @. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 6 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 2. Invoice - Overall description of the format 2.1 Business Documents The implementation Guide supports the following business documents: Functional Business Document Sending role Receiving role Description Invoice Supplier Buyer An invoice is a clear and unified sales document that presents the seller's / supplier's outstanding accounts towards the Buyer and documents the Buyer’s rights to receive products and services. Credit Note Supplier Buyer Credit Note is used by the supplier to disclose information about the credit amount the Buyer has against the supplier. Reminder Supplier Buyer Reminders are used by the supplier to disclose information about the payment of outstanding claims that has not been received by the supplier as described in the invoice. The solution facilitates that the supplier may also send reminders to the Buyer. Notification of debt collection should be sent via mail (formal requirements acc. Law). Interest invoice Supplier Buyer Interest invoice is used by the supplier to disclose information about outstanding interest claim the supplier has on the Buyer Electronic invoice State Electronic invoice is an invoice in a unified structured form that is transported electronically from the invoice issuer to the invoice recipient and which can be further processed by machine at the invoice recipients in-house ERP systems. It is not sufficient that the bill is "electronic" or machine available. The data must be structured in such a way that the document can "float" between different systems. This means that a file (such as pdf or image format) that are made on the basis of a paper invoice, do not normally meet the definition of electronic invoice. Note connected to coding of the business documents in the format: The code i InvoiceType denotes if it is an invoice, creditnote og reminder. Notice that the same code is used for both invoice and reminder. The difference between these is specified in @codetext. The coding for reminder is therefore be InvoiceType=380 and @codetext “Purring”. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 7 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 2.2 Industry-specific extensions All invoices must contain a minimum of basic information on the head-, detail- and sumlevel. In addition, an invoice can contain information related to a particular industry. This information is necessary to describe the product or service that is the basis for billing. Such industry-specific extensions may also be included on the head and detail. To ensure that the structure is met in all kinds of messages, the following principles are established for using industry-specific extensions in the format: If the industry-specific extension contains information on more than one level (consolidated invoice / multi-order invoice), they must be added before the basic details so that the base details represents a sum level of the industry-specific details. If the industry-specific extension contains information on one level, this should be added directly after the base details for each invoice line. Banks do not guarantee that the information in industry-specific extensions can be distributed to the invoice recipient. 2.3 Techical guidelines Character set: Unicode UTF-8 (the banks also supports ISO-8859-1) Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Decimal character: Dot 2.4 Filling in amount fields The amount at line level that is to be added to the invoice total must be positive in the invoice and in the credit note. The amount at the line level that is to be deducted from the invoice total must have a negative sign in both the invoice and the credit note. VAT amounts, discountamounts, taxamounts and other additional amounts must to be positive. The figure below shows the relationship between the amounts in the message. It is used +, - and =. Otherwise, the summation is indicated by the cardinality / hierarchy between classes. Relation "many-to-one" means that many amounts are merged into one amount. That part of the relationship that has no symbol can be repeated several times and the amounts can be summarized in the class where the relationship is marked with "♦". The figure is best read from below. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 8 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 InvoiceDetails LineItemPreDiscountAmount + ChargesAmount - DiscountAmount + TaxAmount 0..* 0..* ChargesTotals Description Amount = LineItemAmount 0..* InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax 0..1 0..* 0..1 VatAmount 0..1 VatAmount InvoiceTax 1 0..1 VatAmount InvoiveDiscount 1 DiscountTotals Amount 0..* 1..* InvoiceCharges 1 Description VatAmount 0..1 0..* 0..* 0..* 0..* 0..* TaxTotalsInfo Description Amount 0..1 VatTotalsInfo 0..1 VatPercent VatAmount 0..* 1 0..1 LineItemTotalsAmount 1 InvoiceSummary 0..1 ChargesTotalsAmount 0..1 0..1 DiscountTotalsAmount TaxTotalsAmount 0..1 1 NetAmount 0..1 0..1 VatTotalsAmount 0..1 RoundingAmount 1 0..1 1 GrossAmount BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 9 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 The example below shows the calculation of line sums, charges / discounts and invoice totals in an e2b invoice. Calculation of line sums, charges/discounts and invoice totals Line level XML-tag <BaseItemDetails><Description> <BaseItemDetails><QuantityInvoiced> * <BaseItemDetails><UnitPrice> = <BaseItemDetails><LineItemPreDiscountAmount> <BaseItemDetails><Discount><Percent> * = <BaseItemDetails><Discount><Amount> - = <BaseItemDetails><TaxInfo><BaseAmount> <BaseItemDetails><TaxInfo><Percent> * <BaseItemDetails><TaxInfo><Amount> = <BaseItemDetails><VatInfo><VatBaseAmount> += * <BaseItemDetails><VatInfo><VatPercent> = <BaseItemDetails><VatInfo><VatAmount> += Invoice level <InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax><InvoiceCharges> <BaseAmount> <InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax><InvoiceCharges><Percent> * <InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax><InvoiceCharges><Amount> <InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax><InvoiceCharges><VatInfo> <VatBaseAmount> = <InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax><InvoiceCharges><VatInfo> * <VatPercent> <InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax><InvoiceCharges><VatInfo> = <VatAmount> += Invoice totals <InvoiceSummary><InvoiceTotals><LineItemTotalsAmount> = <InvoiceSummary><InvoiceTotals><ChargesTotalsAmount> = <InvoiceSummary><InvoiceTotals><VatTotalsAmount> += + <InvoiceSummary><InvoiceTotals><RoundingAmount> = <InvoiceSummary><InvoiceTotals><GrossAmount> BSK Product Product1 Quantity 5 Unit price 2,5 Total unit price 12,5 Discount percentage 20 % Discount 2,5 Total incl. discount 10 Environmental tax percentage 10 % Environmental tax percentage Total incl. environmental tax VAT percentage VAT Total incl. VAT 1 11 25 % 2,75 13,75 Freight basis Freight percentage 11 6% Freight 0,66 VAT percentage VAT Total incl. VAT 0,17 0,83 Linesum Additional amount VAT Sum Rounding Sum after rounding 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English 25 % 11 0,66 2,92 14,58 0,02 14,60 Side 10 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 2.5 Use of status message The use of status messages is in principle the same as the status message defined in the e2b standard. The use in the different banks may differ and the bank must be contacted for detailed user documentation. 2.6 Duplicate control Each invoice file is controlled for duplicate against previously submitted invoices. The following elements may be included in the duplicate control: Element XML element Address (eInvoiceID / organisational number) InvoiceHeader/Supplier/PartyId Invoicenumber InvoiceHeader/InvoiceNumber Invoice date InvoiceHeader/InvoiceDate Invoice type InvoiceHeader/InvoiceType Suppliers organisation number InvoiceHeader/Supplier/OrgNumber Note: Combinations of fields must be unique. The following items may invalidate the duplicate control: Element XML element InvoiceStatus InvoiceHeader/InvoiceStatus 2.7 Template view Banks have prepared a joint template view for the e2b format that users can use. Contact your bank for more information. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 11 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 2.8 Mapping related to the EHF format (ref. the governments requirements relating to electronic invoice) Governmental/public sector require (from 1. July 2012) the use of the EHF format for receipt of invoices and credit notes in the establishment of new sales contracts. This may mean that invoices and credit notes from issuers using BSK IG for e2b format in many cases will have been mapped to the EHF format. In this IG, it is added comments in information elements subject to specific requirements given in the EHF format. As a general rule, all fields that are required in the EHF e2b format should be used in this format. Contact the bank in the case of further questions. Special mapping rules related to the EHF format can also be found in Appendix 2: Tips for using the format Issuers should note the following regarding the document type for "Reminder": The banks have decided not to offer automatically mapping between e2b format and EHF format of the document type "reminder". When issuing reminder in e2b, this will be sent to e2b recipients, while other recipients will receive the reminder as agreed with own bankconnection. The reason for this is the following: It is not possible to map an EHF reminder to a valid document in e2B format. The mapping from an e2b reminder to EHF reminder is not possible because EHF do not have corresponding information fields as those presented in the e2b format. The handling of reminders is based on different routines in the issuer / receiver systems than invoices and credit notes. This, and the fact that EHF reminder only refer to a previous invoice, while a e2b reminders can be communicated in the same way as an ordinary invoice, gives unsolvable challenges related to mapping from EHF to e2b. Note: Any use of the documenttype reminder based on the EHF format and distribution towards recipients using EHF must be agreed with the individual bank. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 12 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B e-invoice V er s ion: 1 .0 1 3. Invoice - Structure of the message 3.1 Name standard invoice files Based on agreement between the bank and the bank's customer (invoice issuer / invoice recipient) 3.2 Structure Overview The invoice format (based on e2b) is built up as shown in the figure below. The contents of the coloured modules are included in the basic format and are described in subsequent chapters. Contents of the white modules are additions that are described in separate documents (industry specific extensions). Fields in italics are not guaranteed delivered to invoice recipients that use another e invoice format than e2b version 3.3. The following notation is used to define the requirements for filling in the chart below: 1 = One instance (mandatory) 1..* = One or many instances 0..1 = None or one instance (conditional) 0..* = None or many instances The use of attachement is described in a separate appendix. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 13 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Interchange 0..1 0..1 0..* MessageHeader Envelope 1..* 1 InvoiceHeader CardHeader 0..1 InsuranceHeader 1 InvoiceMessage 1..* InvoiceDetails 0..* FreeText TelecomHeader 0..1 EnergyHeader BuildingHeader CardDetails 0..1 InvoiceTotals 0..* InvoiceCharges/Allowance 0..* SubInvoice 0..1 0..1 1 1..* BaseItemDetails InsuranceDetails BSK InterchangeHeader EnergyDetails BuildingDetails 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..* TravelDetails 0..*TelecomDetails 0..* CarrierDetails 0..*TransportDetails 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 14 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.3 Interchange “Interchange” is the package of the transfer file and is just a tag that marks the start and end of the file. (There are no other elements related to this) BSK have not identified the need for making bankspecific IG’s for bankspesific use of the Interchange Header and Message Header. These documents is described in separate documents and can be collected at website. Reference to the XML style sheet that is included in your submitted file, eg. as a declaration <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"href="EHF-faktura NO 5.xslt"?> should always be passed on to the recipient, This gives the sender the opportunity to influence how the presentation of the invoice will done at the recipient and ensures that the sender's information is included in the recipient's view. 3.4 Envelope Not used. (Envelope from invoice issuer may be accepted, but the envelope functions are not used). BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 15 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.5 Invoice Message Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type Invoice M 1 @MessageOwner Fixed value: e2b M 1 String @MessageType Fixed value: Invoice M 1 String @MessageVersion @language Legal value: 3.3 Language code (ISO 639 two letter code) M K 1 0..1 String String MessageNumber Unique number that identifies the message within an interchange K 0..1 String MessageTimestamp Message date. Date and time when the message is generated. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (Timerule Rulebook) Number of detail lines in the invoice States if this is an Expense (K), Product (V) or Service (T) invoice. Legal values are: ”K”, ”V” and ”T” Codes which state what line of business the invoices are regarded as: Legal values: 1=Credit card, 2=Travel, 3=Telecom, 4=Transport, 5=Carrier, 6=Insurance, 7=Energy, 8=Building, 9=General goods M 1 K 0..1 Integer K 0..1 String K 0..1 String Code description. Optional description of attribute K 0..1 String NumberOfLines InvoiceContent LineOfBusiness @codetext BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English DateTime Side 16 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.6 Invoice header Name of XML-element InvoiceHeader Req. Repetition Type Invoice header M 1 Legal values are: 380 = Invoice (Faktura) 381 = Credit Note (Kreditnota) M 1 String Code description: Optional description in attribute: Eg. Invoice (380) Reminders (380) Interest invoice (380), Credit Note (381). Other Descriptions can be used and will be forwarded. If not completed, the codetext for the code in InvoiceType is used default. K 1 String Document status: Legal values are: 9 = Original 10 = Copy 53 = Test (between invoice issuer and invoice recipient in production) Note: When using code 10 Copy or code 53 Test, the bank must be contacted. M 1 String Code description: Optional description in attribute K 0..1 String InvoiceNumber Invoice number or Credit note number Mandatory element in the EHF format M 1 String InvoiceDate Invoice Date: Date of issue of invoice Mandatory element in the EHF format Suggested code values connected to tax: NIL = Line item net amounts, invoice level tax GIL = Line item gross amounts, invoice level tax NLL = Line item net amounts, line-level tax GLL = Line item gross amounts, line-level tax NON = Tax does not apply to this invoice M 1 Date K 0..1 String Code description: Optional description in attribute Suggested code values for discount management: K K 0..1 0..1 String String InvoiceType @codetext InvoiceStatus @codetext TaxTreatment @codetext DiscountTreatment BSK Description 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 17 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type UN = Line item unit price, net of discount UG = Line item unit price, gross of discount TN = Line item amount, net of discount TG = Line item amount, gross of discount @codetext Supplier InvoiceIssuer Buyer Invoicee OrderedBy DeliveryPart UltimateCustomer ShippedFrom BSK Code description: Optional description in attribute K 0..1 The actor who delivers the commodity or service. The content is described in Section 3.7.1, Actor Information. To be used if different from Supplier. M 1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.1) K 0..1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.4) The actor who ordered the commodity or service. The content is described in Section 3.7.2, Buyer. Invoice Recipient: The actor who receives the invoice/credit note. May be stated if different from buyer. May be stated if the procurement is made of an intermediary different from the Buyer. M 1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.2) K 0..1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.4) K 0..1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.4) Describes the actor on the place where the commodity is delivered. May be stated if different from buyer. Specification of the delivery address is required EHF format (street address, zip code, city) Describes ultimate receiver of the commodity. May be stated if different from delivery part or buyer. K 0..1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.4) K 0..1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.4) Describes the actor on the place where the goods are shipped from, or brought by the Buyer (DeliveryPart). The ”ShippedFrom” may be stated in addition to “DeliveryPart” or “UltimateCustomer“ K 0..1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.4) 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English String Side 18 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Factoring Description Req. 0..1 PartyType (ref. kapittel 3.7.3) K 0..1 InvoiceReferences Type Order number: Reference to the buyers ordernumber. Required when invoices are to be matched with the order (used for instance for electronic matching). The use of this field is recommended. Recommended element in the EHF format Reference to the buyer’s order date. Mandatory for matching. The field is recommended. K 0..1 String K 0..1 Date BuyersProjectCode Reference to the buyer’s project code K 0..1 String InvoiceNumber Reference to original invoice in a credit note. Mandatory element in the EHF format in relation wit creditnote and reminder K 0..1 String SuppliersOrderNumber Reference to the supplier’s order number. K 0..1 String DeliveryTerms DeliveryTermsCode Free text Code for delivery terms: E.g. reference to INCOTERM-code for those using this. K K 0..1 0..1 String String DeliveryTermsPlace Delivery place associated with delivery terms K 0..1 String DeliveryNoteNum Reference to the delivery note number. K 0..1 String DeliveryDate Date of delivery with reference to delivery note number. Mandatory element in the EHF format Payment information: Must occur once K 0..1 Date M 1 BuyersOrderNumber BuyersOrderDate Payment States if the Supplier uses Factoring to handle payment transactions. The content is described in Section 3.7.3, Factoring. References Repetition Type K InvoiceReferences BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 PaymentType DueDate Date when the invoice is due to payment Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 Date Currency Currency code: ISO Alpha code (3 characters) ISO 4217 Mandatory element in the EHF format M 1 String 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 19 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type KidNumber KID-number (Norwegian payment identification) Recommended element in the EHF format K 0..1 String PaymentTerms PaymentDiscount Payment terms in free text Zero or many instances K K 0..1 String DiscountPercent Discount percent M 1 Decimal DiscountDays The number of days the discount take effect from K 0..1 Decimal Overdue interestcharge in percent K 0..1 Decimal Reference to the file with attachements, for instance an image file or tickets. Zero or many instances. See separate appendix Reference: General reference field with code. Zero or many occurrences. K 0..* String K 0..* RefWithCodeType Code Code stating type of references. M 1 String Text Reference value. FreeText General information that cannot be placed in other fields. Zero or many occurences. Business specific extension on header level for credit card invoices. K 0..1 String K 0..* String K 0..1 CardHeaderInfo Type OverDuePercent Attachments Ref FreeText CardHeaderInformation 0..* InsuranceHeader Business specific extension on header level for insurance invoices. K 0..1 InsuranceHeader Type TelecomHeader Business specific extension on header level for telecom invoices. K 0..1 TelecomHeader Type EnergyHeader Business specific extension on header level for energy invoices (power and power supply). The content is described in a specific document. Business specific extension on header level for invoices related to building, electro and VA/VVS. K 0..1 EnergyHeader Type K 0..1 BuildingHeader Type BuildingHeader BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 20 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.7 Party information 3.7.1 Supplier Name of XML-element Description PartyType Actor information M 1 Actor number: Unique identifier M 1 IdentifierType PartyId Req. Repetition Type Use of either: ”efakturaId” (efakturaId is built up with a BIC and a IBAN with a hyphen between): Example: XXXXXXXXXXX-NOXX15020012345 or Organisational number (one string, do not use space or hyphen) Example: 123456789 (recommended) or NO123456789 BSK @schemeId Identification of identifier If an efakturaId is used in PartyId, then "efakturaId" shall be used. If an organisational number is used in PartyId, then "Orgnr" shall be used (if only the 9 digit organization is specified in PartyId) If NO is used in the organisation number, then "NO: Orgnr" shall be used. M 1 String @schemeName Name of identifier If an efakturaId is used in PartyId, then "efakturaId" shall be used. If an organizational number is used in PartyId, then "Organisasjonsnummer" shall be used M 1 String 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 21 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element @schemeAgencyName V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type Name of organization which administrates the identifier If efakturaId is used in PartyId, then the BIC value of the bank that have issued the efakturaId is used in this field. If organisation number is used in PartyId, then the text “Enhetsregisteret ved Bronnoysundregisterne”shall be used. M 1 Location number For example GLN (Global Localisation Number). Identification of identifier, for example GLN K K 0..1 0..1 IdentifierType String @schemeName Name of identifier, for example GLN K 0..1 String @schemeAgency Name of organization which administrates the identifier, for example GS1 K 0..1 String Name Company name Mandatory element in the EHF format M 1 String ContactInformation Contact information for the company K 0..1 PhoneNumber Company’s Telephone number K 0..1 ContactInformation Type String FaxNumber Company’s Telefax number K 0..1 String EmailAddress Company’s Email address K 0..1 String WebAddress Company’s Web address K 0..1 String Street address: Zero or one occurrence Street-/visitor address 1 K K 0..1 0..1 AddressType String Address2 Street-/visitor address 2 K 0..1 String Address3 Street-/visitor address 3 K 0..1 String PostalCode Post number related to the street address K 0..1 String PostalDistrict Post district related to the street address K 0..1 String CountryCode 2 character code in accordance with ISO 3166 K 0..1 String CountryName Name of country in accordance with code K 0..1 String LocationId @schemeId StreetAddress Address1 BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English String Side 22 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element PostalAddress Description Req. Repetition Type Zero or one occurrence PostalAdress must be included if invoice receiver uses the EHF format K 0..1 AddressType Address1 Post adress 1 Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 String Address2 Post adress 2 Mandatory element in the EHF format Post adress 3 K 0..1 String K 0..1 String PostalCode Postnumber related post address Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 String PostalDistrict Post district related to post address Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 String CountryCode 2 character code in accordance with ISO 3166 Mandatory element in the EHF format Name of country in accordance with code K 0..1 String K 0..1 String Zero or many occurrence Contact person name: Recommended format: ”Surname, First name, Middle name” Recommended element in the EHF format Contact persons First name: Recommended format: ”First name Middle name” K 0..* ContactPersonType M 1 String K 0..1 String Address3 CountryName ContactPerson Name FirstName LastName Contact persons Surname K 0..1 String Function Contact persons Function (employment, role) K 0..1 String Department Contact persons Department K 0..1 String ContactInformation Contact information for contact person K 0..1 Phone number to contact person K 0..1 ContactInformation Type String PhoneNumber BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 23 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type FaxNumber Fax number to contact person K 0..1 String EmailAddress Email address to contact person K 0..1 String WebAddress Web address to contact person K 0..1 String Organization number (9 digits). Mandatory for Supplier. Example: 123456789 or NO123456789 M 1 String K 0..1 String OrgNumber VatId Department AccountInformation AccountNumber IbanNumber SwiftNumber ProjectRef ContractNumber BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Note that this will be shown on the invoice. Required element of the EHF format Rule: Organisation number from EHF shall always be mapped to OrgNumber VAT number: Mandatory when invoicing is decucted to Vat (14 characters). Example: 123456789MVA or NO123456789MVA (the inclusion of NO is not mandatory) Rule: If the VAT number is specified in the EHF format, this must also be entered in VatID) Department within a company Information about accounts for national and international payments K 0..1 String K 0..1 AccountInformation Type The company’s domestic bank account number Note! Not used when Factoring is used. Mandatory element in the EHF format if used at this level Account number for international payments Mandatory element in the EHF format if IBAN is given Swift number/BIC for international payments K 0..1 String K 0..1 String K 0..1 String Project reference Contract number The contract number between seller and buyer that the invoice is related to. Recommended element in the EHF format K K 0..1 0..1 String String 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 24 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type K 0..* RefWithCodeType Code General reference fields with codes. Zero or many occurrences Code which states type of reference M 0..1 String Text The actual reference number K 0..1 String Ref BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 25 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.7.2 Buyer Name of XML-element Description PartyType Actor information M 1 Actor number: Unique identifier M 1 PartyId Req. Repetition Type IdentifierType B2B (between businesses): Use of either: ”efakturaId” (efakturaId is built up with a BIC and a IBAN with a hyphen between): Example: XXXXXXXXXXX-NOXX15020012345 or Organisational number (one string, do not use space or hyphen) Example: 123456789 (recommended) or NO123456789 Other id’s can be agreed between the Invoice issuer and the invoice issuers bank B2C (business to consumers): Here the einvoice reference (eFakturareferansen) is used. BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 26 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element @schemeId V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type Identification of identifier M 1 String M 1 String M 1 String K 0..1 IdentifierType @schemeId Location number For example GLN (Global Localisation Number). Recommended element in the EHF format Identification of identifier, for example GLN K 0..1 String @schemeName Name of identifier, for example GLN K 0..1 String @schemeAgency Name of organization which administrates the identifier, for example GS1 K 0..1 String B2B: either ”efakturaId”, “NO:ORGNR” (if NO is included in PartyId) or "Orgnr" (if only the 9 digit organization specified in PartyId) B2C: ”efakturaRef” Other identifiers: Must be agreed between the invoice issuer and the invoice issuers bank. @schemeName Name of identifier B2B: ”efakturaId” or “Organisasjonsnummer” B2C: ”efakturaRef” Other identifiers: Must be agreed between the invoice issuer and the invoice issuers bank. @schemeAgencyName Name of organization which administrates the identifier B2B: Receiving banks BIC or ”Enhetsregisteret ved Bronnoysundregisterne”. B2C: ”BBS” is currently used. Other identifiers: Must be agreed between the invoice issuer and the invoice issuers bank. LocationId BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 27 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type Name Company name Mandatory element in the EHF format M 1 ContactInformation Contact information for the company K 0..1 PhoneNumber Company’s Telephone number K 0..1 ContactInformation Type String FaxNumber Company’s Telefax number K 0..1 String EmailAddress Company’s Email address K 0..1 String WebAddress Company’s Web address K 0..1 String Street address: Zero or one occurrence Street-/visitor address 1 K K 0..1 0..1 AddressType String Address2 Street-/visitor address 2 K 0..1 String Address3 Street-/visitor address 3 K 0..1 String PostalCode Post number related to the street address K 0..1 String PostalDistrict Post district related to the street address K 0..1 String CountryCode 2 character code in accordance with ISO 3166 K 0..1 String CountryName Name of country in accordance with code K 0..1 String Zero or one occurrence K 0..1 AddressType Address1 Post adress 1 Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 String Address2 Post address 2 Mandatory element in the EHF format Post address 3 K 0..1 String K 0..1 String PostalCode Post number related post address Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 String PostalDistrict Post district related to post address Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 String StreetAddress Address1 PostalAddress Address3 BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English String Side 28 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element CountryCode CountryName ContactPerson Name FirstName V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type 2 character code in accordance with ISO 3166 Mandatory element in the EHF format Name of country in accordance with code K 0..1 String K 0..1 String Zero or many occurrence Contact person name: Recommended format: ”Surname, First name, Middle name” Mandatory element in the EHF format (“Deres Ref”) Contact persons First name: Recommended format: ”First name Middle name” K 0..* ContactPersonType M 1 String K 0..1 String LastName Contact persons Surname K 0..1 String Function Contact persons Function (employment, role) K 0..1 String Department Contact persons Department K 0..1 String ContactInformation Contact information for contact person K 0..1 PhoneNumber Phone number to contact person K 0..1 ContactInformation Type String FaxNumber Fax number to contact person K 0..1 String EmailAddress Email address to contact person K 0..1 String WebAddress Web address to contact person K 0..1 String Organization number (9 digits). Recommended used. Example: 123456789 or NO123456789 K 0..1 String OrgNumber Note that this will be shown on the invoice. Required element of the EHF format Rule: Organisation number from EHF shall always be mapped to OrgNumber BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 29 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element VatId Department AccountInformation V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type VAT number: Mandatory when invoicing is deducted to Vat (14 characters). Example: 123456789MVA or NO123456789MVA (the inclusion of NO is not mandatory) Rule: If the VAT number is specified in the EHF format, this must also be entered in VatID) Department within a company Information about accounts for national and international payments K 0..1 String K 0..1 String K 0..1 AccountNumber The company’s domestic bank account number K 0..1 AccountInformation Type String IbanNumber Account number for international payments K 0..1 String SwiftNumber Swift number/BIC for international payments K 0..1 String ProjectRef Project reference K 0..1 String ContractNumber Contract number Note: Contract Number between buyer and seller that the invoice is connected to is placed under the Supplier and not under the Buyer K 0..1 String Ref General reference fields with codes. Zero or many occurrences K 0..* RefWithCodeType Code Code which states type of reference For example “CustomerNumber” will be given here M 1 String Text The actual reference number For example “CustomerNumber” will be given here K 0..1 String BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 30 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.7.3 Factoring Name of XML-element Description PartyType Actor information K 0..1 K 0..1 IdentifierType @schemeId Actor number: Unique identifier The Factoring company’s ID number for the invoice issuer. Identification of identifier, for example supplier identifier K 0..1 String @schemeName Name of identifier, for example suppliers identifier K 0..1 String Name of organization which administrates the identifier, for example the supplier K 0..1 String Location number For example GLN (Global Localisation Number). Identification of identifier, for example GLN K K 0..1 0..1 IdentifierType String @schemeName Name of identifier, for example GLN K 0..1 String @schemeAgency Name of organization which administrates the identifier, for example GS1 K 0..1 String Name Company name M 1 String ContactInformation Contact information for the company K 0..1 PhoneNumber Company’s Telephone number K 0..1 ContactInformation Type String FaxNumber Company’s Telefax number K 0..1 String EmailAddress Company’s Email address K 0..1 String WebAddress Company’s Web address K 0..1 String Street address: Zero or one occurrence Street-/visitor address 1 K K 0..1 0..1 AddressType String Address2 Street-/visitor address 2 K 0..1 String Address3 Street-/visitor address 3 K 0..1 String PostalCode Post number related to the street address K 0..1 String PartyId @schemeAgency LocationId @schemeId StreetAddress Address1 BSK Req. Repetition Type 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 31 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type PostalDistrict Post district related to the street address K 0..1 String CountryCode 2 character code in accordance with ISO 3166 K 0..1 String CountryName Name of country in accordance with code K 0..1 String Zero or one occurrence K 0..1 AddressType Address1 Post address 1 K 0..1 String Address2 Address3 Post address 1 Post address 1 K K 0..1 0..1 String String PostalCode Post number related post address K 0..1 String PostalDistrict Post district related to post address K 0..1 String CountryCode CountryName 2 character code in accordance with ISO 3166 Name of country in accordance with code K K 0..1 0..1 String String Zero or many occurrence Contact person name: Recommended format: ”Surname, First name, Middle name” Contact persons First name: Recommended format: ”First name Middle name” K 0..* ContactPersonType M 1 String K 0..1 String PostalAddress ContactPerson Name FirstName LastName Contact persons Surname K 0..1 String Function Contact persons Function (employment, role) K 0..1 String Department Contact persons Department K 0..1 String ContactInformation Contact information for contact person K 0..1 PhoneNumber Phone number to contact person K 0..1 ContactInformation Type String FaxNumber Fax number to contact person K 0..1 String EmailAddress Email address to contact person K 0..1 String WebAddress Web address to contact person K 0..1 String Organization number (9 digits). Mandatory for Supplier. Recommended used. K 0..1 String OrgNumber BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 32 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type VatId VAT number: Mandatory when invoicing is deducted to Vat (14 characters). Recommended used. K 0..1 String Department Department within a company Information about accounts for national and international payments K 0..1 String K 0..1 AccountInformation Type AccountNumber IbanNumber The factoring company’s bank account number Account number for international payments K K 0..1 0..1 String String SwiftNumber Swift number/BIC for international payments K 0..1 String Project reference Contract number General reference fields with codes. Zero or many occurrences K 0..1 String K 0..1 String K 0..* RefWithCodeType AccountInformation ProjectRef ContractNumber Ref BSK Code Code which states type of reference Here ”AssignedClaused” is used. M 0..1 String Text Infringement text K 0..1 String 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 33 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.7.4 Other parties Contains information about InvoiceIssuer, Invoicee, DeliveryPart, OrderedBy, UltimateCustomer, ShippedFrom Name of XML-element Description PartyType Actor information K 0..1 Actor number: Unique identifier 0..1 0..1 IdentifierType String PartyId @schemeId Req. Repetition Type Identification of identifier, for example supplier identifier K K @schemeName Name of identifier, for example suppliers identifier K 0..1 String @schemeAgency Name of organization which administrates the identifier, for example the supplier K 0..1 String Location number For example GLN (Global Localisation Number). Identification of identifier, for example GLN K K 0..1 0..1 IdentifierType String @schemeName Name of identifier, for example GLN K 0..1 String @schemeAgency Name of organization which administrates the identifier, for example GS1 K 0..1 String Name Company name M 1 String ContactInformation Contact information for the company K 0..1 PhoneNumber Company’s Telephone number K 0..1 ContactInformation Type String FaxNumber Company’s Telefax number K 0..1 String EmailAddress Company’s Email address K 0..1 String WebAddress Company’s Web address K 0..1 String Street address: Zero or one occurrence Street-/visitor address 1 K K 0..1 0..1 AddressType String Address2 Street-/visitor address 2 K 0..1 String Address3 Street-/visitor address 3 K 0..1 String PostalCode Post number related to the street address K 0..1 String PostalDistrict Post district related to the street address K 0..1 String CountryCode 2 character code in accordance with ISO 3166 K 0..1 String LocationId @schemeId StreetAddress Address1 BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 34 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element CountryName Description Req. Repetition Type Name of country in accordance with code K 0..1 String Zero or one occurrence Post address 1 K K 0..1 0..1 AddressType String Address2 Post address 1 K 0..1 String Address3 Post address 1 K 0..1 String PostalCode Post number related post address K 0..1 String PostalDistrict Post district related to post address K 0..1 String CountryCode 2 character code in accordance with ISO 3166 K 0..1 String CountryName Name of country in accordance with code K 0..1 String K M 0..* 1 ContactPersonType String K 0..1 String LastName Zero or many occurrence Contact person name: Recommended format: ”Surname, First name, Middle name” Contact persons First name: Recommended format: ”First name Middle name” Contact persons Surname K 0..1 String Function Contact persons Function (employment, role) K 0..1 String Department Contact persons Department K 0..1 String ContactInformation Contact information for contact person K 0..1 PhoneNumber Phone number to contact person K 0..1 ContactInformation Type String FaxNumber Fax number to contact person K 0..1 String EmailAddress Email address to contact person K 0..1 String WebAddress Web address to contact person K 0..1 String Organization number (9 digits). Mandatory for Supplier. Recommended used. VAT number: Mandatory when invoicing is decucted to Vat (14 characters). Recommended used. K 0..1 String K 0..1 String Department within a company K 0..1 String PostalAddress Address1 ContactPerson Name FirstName OrgNumber VatId Department BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 35 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type Information about accounts for national and international payments K 0..1 AccountNumber The company’s domestic bank account number K 0..1 AccountInformation Type String IbanNumber Account number for international payments K 0..1 String SwiftNumber Swift number/BIC for international payments K 0..1 String ProjectRef Project reference K 0..1 String ContractNumber K 0..1 String K 0..* RefWithCodeType Code Contract number General reference fields with codes. Zero or many occurrences Code which states type of reference M 0..1 String Text The actual reference number K 0..1 String AccountInformation Ref BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 36 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 37 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.8 Invoice details Invoice details may consist of: Free text. A description/specification of an invoice line Base item details. A general invoice line containing sufficient information for most business sectors and applications The base item details are normally imported by all recipients. It is therefore important that these information elements is placed at the same place in the message structure, regardless how the rest of the message is structured. In addition to the base item details, different business sectors may require specific information to be sent on detail level. This information is defined in separate business specific extensions which are conditional to use. The following rules are applicable for the definition of business specific extension in e2b on details level (see also chapter 2.2): Business specific extensions that have multi order structure or consists of information on more than one level, is placed before the base item details Business specific extensions that consists of information on one level only, is placed after the base item details Name of XML-element Req. Repetition Type Invoice details M 1..* Zero or many occurrences Zero or many occurrences SubInvoice: General multi order structure on line level Invoice header: Standard e2b header information. K M 0..* String 1..* BaseItemDetailsType K M 0..1 1 SubInvoiceType HeaderType Details: Standard e2b base of details. One or many occurrences. M 1..* DetailsType TravelDetails Business specific extension for travel invoices. K 0..1 TravelDetailsType TelecomDetails Business specific extension for telecom invoices. K 0..1 TelecomDetailsType TransportDetails Business specific extension for transport invoices. K 0..1 TransportDetailsType CarrierDetails Business specific extension for carrier invoices. K 0..1 CarrierDetailsType InvoiceDetails FreeText BaseItemDetails SubInvoice Header Details BSK Description 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 38 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element LineItemNum Description Req. Repetition Type Line number in the invoice. Numbers in serial order from issuer. States the level in the invoice and can be used to aggregation / subinvoicing Only integer numbers is to be used: 1, 2, 3, ...etc. Se detailed description in Appendix 2, chapter 1.4 K 0..1 String K 0..1 String SuppliersProductId Supplier’s article-/product-/service number Recommended element in the EHF format K 0..1 String Description Description of a article/product/service Mandatory element in the EHF format M 1 String BuyersProductId The Buyer’s article-/product-/service number Additional product identification: Zero or many occurrences Can be a reference to a product code in a procurement portal or a trade specific code i.e. EPD, GTIN (previous EAN article number) or NOBB. K 0..1 String K 0..* AdditionalProductIdType M 1 String ProductId: Actual value. K 0..1 String Based on pricetype Mandatory element in the EHF format Price description. Will be stated if price is given in a unit different from amount. Legal values are: AAA (Net price including allowance/charge) AAB (Gross price without allowance/charge) K 0..1 Decimal K 0..1 String K 0..1 String Code description. Optional description in attribute K 0..1 String PerQuantity Price per. quantity which unit price passes for K 0..1 Decimal LineItemPreDiscount Amount Line amount before allowance/charge K 0..1 Decimal PrePaidAmount Contains amount paid in advance K 0..1 Decimal Level AdditionalProductId Code Text UnitPrice PriceDenomination PriceType @codetext BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 39 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element CommissionAmount LineItemAmount LineItemGrossAmount QuantityInvoiced UnitOfMeasure ExchangeInformation Currency Description Req. Repetition Type For instance in connection with the use of traveling bureaus Line amount without VAT, but included possible allowances/charges. Either LineItemAmount or LineItemGrossAmount must be sent. Mandatory element in the EHF format Line item amount included VAT and possible allowances/charges. Either LineItemGrossAmount or LineItemAmount must be sent. Invoiced quantity Mandatory element in the EHF format Unit in accordance with ISO standard 31 UNECE Recommendation No.20 is an extended list of unit values, based on the ISO standard 31 It is recommended that Recommendation No. 20 is used for mapping from the EHF format to the e2b format. See Appendix 1 (1.7.4). Recommended element in the EHF format (DIFI has prepared a mappingtball of the most common unit codes thta can be downloaded from their website). Information about amount in different currency. Zero or one occurrence Currency code: ISO Alpha code (3 characters) ISO 4217 K 0..1 Decimal A 1 Decimal A 1 Decimal K 0..1 Decimal K 0..1 String K 0..1 ExchangeInformationType M 1 String M 1 Decimal ExchangeRate Amount in another currency: i.e. use of bankcards in a foreign currency Exchange rate used by conversion to NOK K 0..1 Decimal ExchangeDate Valid date for exchange rate K 0..1 Date Information about the buyers order. Zero or one occurrence K 0..1 OrderAndDeliveryInfoType UnitOfMeasure If different from invoiced unit K 0..1 String UnitPrice Unit price for the ordered unit K 0..1 Decimal PriceType Price type for the ordered unit K 0..1 String ForeignAmount OrderInformation BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 40 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Description Req. Repetition Type Quantity Ordered quantity related to the ordered unit K 0..1 Decimal LineNum Reference to the order’s line number Recommended element in the EHF format Information about de delivery. Zero or one occurrence K 0..1 String K 0..1 OrderAndDeliveryInfoType DeliveryInformation UnitOfMeasure Unit delivered: If different from invoiced unit K 0..1 String UnitPrice Unit price for the delivered unit K 0..1 Decimal PriceType Price type for the delivered unit K 0..1 String Quantity Delivered quantity K 0..1 Decimal K 0..1 String K 0..1 OrderAndDeliveryInfoType LineNum Reference to the line number on the list of contents SuppliersOrderInformati Information about the supplier’s internal orders. Zero or one occurrence on UnitOfMeasure If different from invoiced unit of measure. K 0..1 String UnitPrice Unit price in the supplier’s order K 0..1 Decimal PriceType Price type in the supplier’s order K 0..1 String Quantity Quantity in the supplier’s order K 0..1 Decimal LineNum Reference to line number in the supplier’s order VAT which is calculated on the line amount. Zero or many occurrences Note: VatPercent or VatBaseAmount can not be given alone K 0..1 String K 0..* VatInfoType VAT-percent: Eg. 25 Mandatory element in the EHF format Basis for the VAT calculation for the particular rate. K 0..1 Decimal K 0..1 Decimal Amount for the particular rate Taxes on line level except VAT. Zero or many occurrences K K 0..1 0..* Decimal DiscountChargesAndTaxType Code Code for tax in accordance with contract. K 0..1 String Description Description of type of tax, ref. Code K 0..1 String VatInfo VatPercent VatBaseAmount VatAmount TaxInfo BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 41 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type Percent Tax Percent K 0..1 Decimal BaseAmount Base amount for calculation of tax K 0..1 Decimal Amount Quantity Tax amount To be used if tax is related to quantity K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal Decimal UnitOfMeasure Unit related to quantity K 0..1 String RatePerUnit To be used if tax is calculated based on rate per unit. K 0..1 Decimal VatInfo VAT which is calculated on the tax K 1 VatPercent Vat-percent Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government. K 0..1 Decimal VatBaseAmount Basis for the Vat calculation for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal Amount for the particular rate States the sequence for calculation if more than one tax Discount on line level. Zero or many occurrences K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal String K 0..* DiscountChargesAndTaxType VatAmount CalculationSequence Discount VatInfoType Code Code for discount in accordance with contract. K 0..1 String Description Percent Description of type of discount, ref. Code Discount percent K K 0..1 0..1 String Decimal BaseAmount Base amount for discount calculation K 0..1 Decimal Amount Quantity Discount amount To be used if the discount is related to quantity. K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal Decimal UnitOfMeasure Unit related to quantity K 0..1 String RatePerUnit To be used if discount is calculated based on rate per unit. K 0..1 Decimal VatInfo VatPercent VAT which is calculated on the discount Vat-percent: Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government. K K 1 0..1 VatInfoType Decimal VatBaseAmount Basis for the Vat calculation for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal VatAmount Amount for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal States the sequence for calculation if more than one discount K 0..1 String CalculationSequence BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 42 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type Charges on line level. Zero or many occurrences K 0..* DiscountChargesAndTaxType Code Code for charges in accordance with contract K 0..1 String Description Percent Description of type of charges, ref. code Charge percent K K 0..1 0..1 String Decimal BaseAmount Base amount for calculation of charge K 0..1 Decimal Amount Quantity Charge amount To be used if charge is related to quantity K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal Decimal UnitOfMeasure Unit related to quantity K 0..1 String RatePerUnit To be used if the charge is calculated based on a rate per unit. K 0..1 Decimal VatInfo VatPercent VAT which is calculated on the addition Vat-percent Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government. K K 1 0..1 VatInfoType Decimal VatBaseAmount Basis for the Vat calculation for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal VatAmount Amount for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal States the sequence for calculation if more than one charge K 0..1 String Invoicee Invoice receiver: If Invoicee must be stated on Invoice line. K 0..1 PartyType (ref. chapter 3.7) Licencee If Licensee is different from Supplier/Seller K 0..1 PartyType (ref. chapter 3.7) Duration Duration, e.g. weeks or days K 0..1 String Unit for duration. Mandatory attribute Start date for periodic invoicing K 0..1 String StartDate K 0..1 Date EndDate End date for periodic invoicing K 0..1 Date SpecialCond Special conditions. Suggested conditions are: 1 = Campaign 2 = Neither subject to bonus nor subject to commission 3 = Subject to bonus 4 = Subject to commission 5 = Both subject to bonus and subject to commission K 0..1 String Charges CalculationSequence @unitCode BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 43 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element PostingInformation Description Req. Repetition Type Code The complete posting string defined by the Buyer The content of the posting string. Zero or many occurrences. General concept, for instance a department or project. Recommended element in the EHF format Code for relevant dimension Reference: General reference fields with codes. Zero or many occurrences. Code which states type of reference. M 1 String Text The actual reference number K 0..1 String Free text: General information which cannot be placed in other fields. Business specific extension for credit card invoices. K 0..1 String K 0..1 CardDetailsInfoType K 0..1 InsuranceDetailsType K 0..1 EnergyDetailstype K 0..1 BuildingDetailstype PostingDetails Dimension PostingCode Ref FreeText CardDetailsInformation InsuranceDetails EnergyDetails BuildingDetails BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Business specific extension for invoices related to an insurance settlement. Business specific extension for energy invoices (power, power supply). The content is described in a specific document. Business specific extension for invoices related to building, electro and water, sewage and plumbing. 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English K 0..1 String K 0..* PostingDetailsType M 1 String M 1 String K 0..* RefWithCodeType Side 44 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.9 Invoice discount, charges and tax Name of XML-element Req. Repetition Type Invoice discounts, charges and tax on invoice level. K 0..1 Discounts on invoice total. Zero or many occurrences K 0..1 DiscountCharg esAndTaxType Code Code for discount in accordance with contract. K 0..1 String Description Percent Description of type of discount, ref. Code Discount percent K K 0..1 0..1 String Decimal BaseAmount Base amount for discount calculation K 0..1 Decimal Amount Quantity Discount amount To be used if the discount is related to quantity. K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal Decimal UnitOfMeasure Unit related to quantity K 0..1 String RatePerUnit To be used if discount is calculated based on rate per unit. K 0..1 Decimal VatInfo VatPercent VAT which is calculated on the discount Vat-percent: Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government. K K 0..1 0..1 VatInfoType Decimal VatBaseAmount Basis for the Vat calculation for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal VatAmount Amount for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal States the sequence for calculation if more than one discount Charges added to the invoice total. Zero or many occurrences. K 0..1 String K 0..1 DiscountCharg esAndTaxType Code Code for charges in accordance with contract K 0..1 String Description Percent Description of type of charges, ref. code Charge percent K K 0..1 0..1 String Decimal BaseAmount Base amount for calculation of charge K 0..1 Decimal Amount Quantity Charge amount To be used if charge is related to quantity K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal Decimal InvoiceDiscount ChargesAndTax InvoiceDiscountInfo CalculationSequence InvoiceChargesInfo BSK Description 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 45 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type UnitOfMeasure Unit related to quantity K 0..1 String RatePerUnit To be used if charges are calculated based on rate per unit. K 0..1 Decimal VatInfo VAT calculation based on charges Vat-percent: Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government. K 0..1 VatInfoType VatPercent K 0..1 Decimal VatBaseAmount Basis for the Vat calculation for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal Amount for the particular rate States the sequence for calculation if more than one charge Governmental tax added to the invoice total. Zero or many occurrences. K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal String K 0..* DiscountCharg esAndTaxType VatAmount CalculationSequence InvoiceTaxInfo Code Code for charges in accordance with contract K 0..1 String Description Percent Description of type of charges, ref. code Charge percent K K 0..1 0..1 String Decimal BaseAmount Base amount for calculation of charge K 0..1 Decimal Amount Quantity Charge amount To be used if charge is related to quantity K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal Decimal UnitOfMeasure Unit related to quantity K 0..1 String RatePerUnit VatInfo To be used if charges are calculated based on rate per unit. VAT which is calculated on the tax. K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal VatInfoType VatPercent Vat-percent: Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government. K 0..1 Decimal VatBaseAmount Basis for the Vat calculation for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal Amount for the particular rate States the sequence for calculation if more than one charge K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal String VatAmount CalculationSequence BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 46 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 3.10 Invoice totals Name of XML-element InvoiceSummary Req. Repetition Type Invoice totals M 1 FreeText One or more lines K 0..* InvoiceTotals Must occur once M 1 LineItemTotalsAmount Sum total line amount Required element in the EHF format. The element is recommended to always be used. If this element is not included, the invoice may be in risk of being rejected. K 0..1 Decimal DiscountTotalsAmount Sum total discounts on detail and invoice level K 0..1 Decimal ChargesTotalsAmount Sum total charges on detail and invoice level K 0..1 Decimal TaxTotalsAmount Sum total taxes on detail and invoice level K 0..1 Decimal PrePaidAmount CommissionAmount Sum total prepaid amount. For instance pay on account Sum total commission amount. For instance, the use of a travelling agency K K 0..1 0..1 Decimal Decimal GrossAmount Invoice amount included VAT Mandatory element in the EHF format M 1 Decimal VatTotalsAmount Sum total VAT amount Mandatory element in the EHF format M 1 Decimal NetAmount Invoice amount excluded VAT Mandatory element in the EHF format Rounding off to the nearest ”øre”: On total gross amount VAT-specification: Specification of total VAT per rate. Zero or many occurrences. It is recommended in addition to include sum for VAT rate 0 (zero) when the element is used. Required element if the receiver uses the EHF format (i.e. governmental organisastions). If this element is not included, the invoice may be in risk of being rejected. M 1 Decimal K 0..1 Decimal 0..* VatInfoType RoundingAmount VatTotalsInfo BSK Description 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English K String InvoiceTotalstype Side 47 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type VatPercent Vat-percent: Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government. Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 Decimal VatBaseAmount The total basis for VAT calculation for this particular rate Mandatory element in the EHF format K 0..1 Decimal VatAmount K 0..1 Decimal K 0..* TaxTotalsInfoType TaxCode Amount for the particular rate Mandatory element in the EHF format Specification of total taxes beyond VAT per code/type. Zero or many occurrences. Code for tax code in accordance with contract K 0..1 String TaxDescription Description of type of tax, ref. code. K 0..1 String TaxAmount Tax amount for this particular code. Specification of total discount per code. Zero or many occurrences. K 0..1 Decimal K 0..* Code Code for discount in accordance with contract K 0..1 DiscountCharges AndTaxType String Description Description of type of tax, ref. code. K 0..1 String Percent Discount percent K 0..1 Decimal BaseAmount Base amount for discount calculation K 0..1 Decimal Amount Discount amount K 0..1 Decimal Quantity To be used if discount is related to quantity. K 0..1 Decimal UnitOfMeasure Unit related to quantity K 0..1 String RatePerUnit To be used if discounts are calculated based on rate per unit K 0..1 Decimal VatInfo VatPercent VAT calculated on the discount. Vat-percent: Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government K K 0..1 0..1 VatInfoType Decimal VatBaseAmount The total basis for VAT calculation for this particular rate K 0..1 Decimal VatAmount Amount for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal Sequence for calculation if more than one discount (not relevant for totals) K 0..1 String TaxTotalsInfo DiscountTotals CalculationSequence BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 48 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura Name of XML-element Description Req. Repetition Type Specification of total charges per code. Zero or many occurrences. K 0..* Code Codes for charges in accordance with contract. K 0..1 DiscountCharges AndTaxType String Description Description of type of charges, ref. Code K 0..1 String Percent Charge percent K 0..1 Decimal BaseAmount Base amount for calculation of charge K 0..1 Decimal Amount Charge amount K 0..1 Decimal Quantity To be used if charges are related to quantity. K 0..1 Decimal UnitOfMeasure Unit related to quantity K 0..1 String RatePerUnit To be used if charges are calculated based on rate per unit. K 0..1 Decimal VatInfo VatPercent VAT which are calculated on the charge Vat-percent: Ref. Standing rates issued by the Norwegian government K K 0..1 0..1 VatInfoType Decimal VatBaseAmount The total basis for VAT calculation for this particular rate K 0..1 Decimal VatAmount Amount for the particular rate K 0..1 Decimal Sequence for calculation if more than one discount (not relevant for totals) To be used if payment shall be done in a different currency than invoiced amount. Mandatory element in the EHF format (mapping rules i described in appendix 2) ISO Alpha Code (3 characters) ISO 4217 K 0..1 String K 0..1 Decimal K 0..1 String K 0..1 Integer K 0..1 –nteger K 0..1 String ChargesTotals CalculationSequence ActualPayment @Currency @integerValue @decimalValue @modulus BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Integer value of real amount Mandatory element in the EHF format Decimal value of real amount Mandatory element in the EHF format Modulus code 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 49 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Appendix 1: Example of an invoice file The example shows an invoice sent from Invoice Issuer AS, PO Box 234, 0253 OSLO using a bank that is connected to a service provider to the Recipient Company AS, PO Box 12, 1370 ASKER that is using a bank that is linked to another service provider. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Interchange xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=" H:\e2b_Invoice_v3p3\Schema\e2b_Invoice_Interchange_v3p3.xsd"> <Invoice MessageVersion="3.3" MessageOwner="e2b" MessageType="Invoice"> <MessageTimestamp>2008-09-16T09:30:47.0Z</MessageTimestamp> <NumberOfLines>1</NumberOfLines> <InvoiceHeader> <InvoiceType codetext="Faktura">380</InvoiceType> <InvoiceStatus codetext="Original">9</InvoiceStatus> <InvoiceNumber>92345</InvoiceNumber> <InvoiceDate>2008-04-13</InvoiceDate> <Supplier> <PartyId schemeId="efakturaId" schemeName="efakturaId" schemeAgencyName="ESSENOKX">ESSENOKXNO0015020012345</PartyId> <Name>Fakturautsteder AS</Name> <PostalAddress> <Address1>Postboks 234</Address1> <PostalCode>0203</PostalCode> <PostalDistrict>Oslo</PostalDistrict> <CountryCode>NO</CountryCode> </PostalAddress> <ContactPerson> <Name>Ole Olsen</Name> </ContactPerson> <OrgNumber>987654321</OrgNumber> <VatId>MVA987654321NO</VatId> <Department>IT</Department> <AccountInformation> <AccountNumber>5005051234</AccountNumber> </AccountInformation> <ProjectRef>Project1</ProjectRef> BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 50 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 <ContractNumber>54125412</ContractNumber> </Supplier> <Buyer> <PartyId schemeId="efakturaId" schemeName="" schemeAgencyName="ESSENOKX">ESSENOKX-NO0000000000000</PartyId> <Name>Mottakerbedrift AS</Name> <PostalAddress> <Address1>Postboks 12</Address1> <PostalCode>1370</PostalCode> <PostalDistrict>ASKER</PostalDistrict> <CountryCode>NO</CountryCode> </PostalAddress> <ContactPerson> <Name>Hanne Hansen</Name> </ContactPerson> <OrgNumber>998877665</OrgNumber> <VatId>MVA998877665NO</VatId> </Buyer> <InvoiceReferences> <BuyersOrderNumber>54321</BuyersOrderNumber> <BuyersOrderDate>2008-04-10</BuyersOrderDate> <DeliveryTerms>Fritt levert pr. bil</DeliveryTerms> <DeliveryDate>2008-04-11</DeliveryDate> </InvoiceReferences> <Payment> <DueDate>2008-09-28</DueDate> <Currency>NOK</Currency> <KidNumber>123456789</KidNumber> <PaymentTerms>14 dager</PaymentTerms> <PaymentDiscount> <DiscountPercent>2</DiscountPercent> <DiscountDays>10</DiscountDays> </PaymentDiscount> <OverDuePercent>2.5</OverDuePercent> </Payment> <Attachments>String</Attachments> </InvoiceHeader> <InvoiceDetails> BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 51 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 <BaseItemDetails> <Level>1</Level> <SuppliersProductId>55555</SuppliersProductId> <Description>Product1</Description> <UnitPrice>2.5</UnitPrice> <PriceType>AAB</PriceType> <LineItemPreDiscountAmount>12.5</LineItemPreDiscountAmount> <LineItemAmount>10</LineItemAmount> <QuantityInvoiced>5</QuantityInvoiced> <UnitOfMeasure>Stk</UnitOfMeasure> <VatInfo> <VatPercent>25</VatPercent> <VatBaseAmount>11</VatBaseAmount> <VatAmount>2.75</VatAmount> </VatInfo> <TaxInfo> <Description>Miljøavgift</Description> <Percent>10</Percent> <BaseAmount>10</BaseAmount> <Amount>1</Amount> </TaxInfo> <Discount> <Description>Konsern</Description> <Percent>20</Percent> <BaseAmount>12.5</BaseAmount> <Amount>2.5</Amount> </Discount> </BaseItemDetails> </InvoiceDetails> <InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax> <InvoiceCharges> <Description>Frakt</Description> <Percent>6</Percent> <BaseAmount>11</BaseAmount> <Amount>0.66</Amount> <VatInfo> <VatPercent>25</VatPercent> BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 52 av 62 BSK Implementation guide B2B eFaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 <VatBaseAmount>0.66</VatBaseAmount> <VatAmount>0.17</VatAmount> </VatInfo> </InvoiceCharges> </InvoiceDiscountChargesAndTax> <InvoiceSummary> <InvoiceTotals> <LineItemTotalsAmount>11</LineItemTotalsAmount> <DiscountTotalsAmount>0</DiscountTotalsAmount> <ChargesTotalsAmount>0.66</ChargesTotalsAmount> <TaxTotalsAmount>0</TaxTotalsAmount> <GrossAmount>14.60</GrossAmount> <VatTotalsAmount>2.92</VatTotalsAmount> <NetAmount>11.66</NetAmount> <RoundingAmount>0.02</RoundingAmount> </InvoiceTotals> <VatTotalsInfo> <VatPercent>25</VatPercent> <VatBaseAmount>11.66</VatBaseAmount> <VatAmount>2.92</VatAmount> </VatTotalsInfo> <TaxTotalsInfo> <TaxDescription>Miljøavgift</TaxDescription> <TaxAmount>1</TaxAmount> </TaxTotalsInfo> <DiscountTotals> <Description>Rabatt</Description> <Amount>2.5</Amount> </DiscountTotals> </InvoiceSummary> </Invoice> </Interchange> BSK 20120903 Bank IG 1v02 e2bformatet3v3 English Side 53 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Appendix 2: Advice for using the format 1. The use of the format This appendix describes some of the information items in the format and gives advice about how to use the fields and what information to be placed in the field to ensure the precise distribution. The goal is that it should be easier for the invoice issuer to generate files and easier for the invoice recipient to receive files from different invoice issuers. Equal use of the different information elements prevents that the invoice recipient must analyze the files received from different issuers every time. 1.1. Actors/Roles Actor/Roles E2b Comment Supplier Supplier Invoice Issuer - is the part the supplies the purchased goods/services and who has entered into an agreement with its bank about the role of "Invoice issuer". Buyer Buyer Invoice Recipient - the part who is the customer and who has entered into an agreement with their bank about the role as "invoice recipient". Invoice issuer InvoiceIssuer Invoice Sender - the part that has sent the invoice on behalf of themselves or others who have signed an agreement with their bank about the role of "Invoice issuer". May be a technical part defined in the service agreement the "Supplier" has signed with its bank. Invoice receiver Invoicee Invoice Recipient - the part that receives the invoice on behalf of themselves or others and who have signed an agreement with their bank about the role as "Invoice issuer". May be a technical part defined in the service agreement the "Buyer" has signed with its bank Factoring Factoring Factoring - the part that shall receive the payment from the buyer / invoice recipient 1.2. Use of fields in relation to references Invoice issuer and invoice recipient needs to enter the various references in the invoice when communicating with each other. This may for instance be related to a customer number, an order number or project number. In those cases where the reference has a unique field in e2b format (eg. order number) the specific field shall be used. But for other required references this is not the case. The table below shows some references that have no unique field in the e2b format. For these references, the banks recommend the following use: BSK 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 54 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 Type of reference Recommended use in the common bank IG Comments Customer number The invoice issuer’s customer number for invoice receiver: InvoiceHeader/Buyer/Ref where the Code = ”CustomerNumber” and Text contains the actual customer number Supplier number The invoice issuer’s supplier number at the invoice receiver: InvoiceHeader/Supplier/Ref where the Code = ”SupplierNumber” and Text contains the value for the supplier number. Our reference (invoice issuer) InvoiceHeader/Supplier/Ref where the Code = ”OurReference” and Text contains the value for ”Our reference”. Your reference (invoice receiver) InvoiceHeader/Buyer /Ref where the Code = ”YourReference” and Text contains the value for ”Your reference”. Payment reference that is not a Norwegian KID InvoiceHeader/Ref where the Code = ”PaymentReference” and Text contains the value for the “Payment reference”. The Norwegian KID shall be given in “InvoiceHeader/Payment/KidNu mber.” The field is also used in relation with cross border invoicing. Note that information that is given in other unique fields in the format shall NOT be duplicated in this field (Payment reference). AvtaleGiro (B2C) (invoice receiver) InvoiceHeader/Buyer /Ref where the Code = ”AvtaleGiro” This is used for the B2C solution in Norway to indicate that this is an ”AvtaleGiro”. Property identification number (Gårds- og bruksnummer.) InvoiceHeader/Buyer /Ref where the Code = ”GaardsBruksNr” and Text contains the value for the property identification number (gårds- og bruksnummer). Internet address (Link) InvoiceHeader/Supplier/Ref where the Code equals ”Linknr” (for identify viewing etc.) and the linktext is the URL (eg. The supplier number identifies the supplier in the buyers internal systems. The principle for the use of ”Ref”-fields should also be followed for other references that do not have an unique field in the format. BSK 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 55 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 1.3. Special fields and industry specific solutions It is many types of businesses that have ”special fields”. Industry specific fields give for example insurance number, meter identification, card number, property identification number etc. Even if there is industry specific extensions for many of these special fields, there is very few invoice receivers that have implemented solutions in their systems for receiving and process these industry specific extensions. Therefore, it is recommended that any invoice issuers use of industry specific fields is agreed with the respective invoice receiver. If it is not possible to make an agreement or the invoice receiver cannot receive a business specific extension, it is recommended that the “special field” information is put into the general “Ref”-fields. In the e2b format (InvoiceHeader/Ref), this recommends to be used as follows: Example: <Ref> <Code>card number</Code> <Text>40061001</Text> </Ref> Note! It is important to limit the number of ”Ref”-fields to a minimum. All information elements that can be put in unique fields in the e2b standard, shall not be put in the general ”Ref”-field. It is recommended that the invoice receiver always makes ready space for additional Ref fields in their style sheet so they can view any additional references that may be given in the invoice. BSK 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 56 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 1.4. Levels The general use of Levels will be as follows: Level 1 is the least detailed product line level (Summary) and Level 4 is the most detailed level (”productline”). Level 2 and 3 is used for specifying different groupings. Level 1 is summary of all the following Levels 2, 3 and 4. o Level 2 is summary of all the following Levels 3 and 4. Level 3 is summary of Level 4. Level 4 is the actual product lines. Note: For energy invoice (LineOfBusiness=7), only Level 1 and Level 2 is used for product lines, and Level “Maalerstand” is used for reporting meter stand (B2C). Kode example: BSK 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 57 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 <InvoiceDetails> <BaseItemDetails> <Level>1</Level> <Description>Prosjekt</Description> <LineItemAmount>100</LineItemAmount> </BaseItemDetails> <BaseItemDetails> <Level>2</Level> <Description>Underprosjekt</Description> <LineItemAmount>100</LineItemAmount> </BaseItemDetails> <BaseItemDetails> <Level>3</Level> <Description>Aktivitet</Description> <LineItemAmount>100</LineItemAmount> </BaseItemDetails> <BaseItemDetails> <Level>4</Level> <Description>Tjeneste 1</Description> <LineItemAmount>50</LineItemAmount> </BaseItemDetails> <BaseItemDetails> <Level>4</Level> <Description>Tjeneste 2</Description> <LineItemAmount>50</LineItemAmount> </BaseItemDetails> </InvoiceDetails> 1.5. Consolidated Invoice The term ”Consolidated invoice” is used for different types of invoices: The e2b format implies that an invoice only has ONE (1) order number since order number is defined at the invoice level and not at the row level. If it is not necessary to include the order number, it is possible to give on order per row (InvoiceDetails/BaseItemDetails) in the invoice. An example is pizza deliveries where each delivery (order) in a certain period of time or to a specific department can be specified as one row in an invoice. A consolidated invoice that demands the use of sub rows (InvoiceDetails/BaseItemDetails/SubInvoice) should not be used/distributed. Instead, it is recommended that Levels is used, as specified in chapter 1.4 above. For the energy industry, it is only permitted one Meter ID (MålerpunktID) per invoice. BSK 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 58 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 1.6. Postal and street address In those cases when the format contains both a postal address and a street address, it will be the postal address that is selected when mapping the information to other systems and in the case of printing. It is therefore recommended that the postal address is used if the format gives an option. In e2b, address 1, 2 and 3 is used. It is not stated in the format what part of the address is to be given in the different line. In this solution, the following rule is followed: Address 1 is the street address (ex. Firmaveien 12) Address 2 is optional. Address 3 is used for the post box address (ex. Postboks 123 Solli). 1.7. Mappingrules connected to the EHF format 1.7.1. Rule - mapping of invoice amount and the amount to be paid Both invoice amount and amount to be paid requires content in the EHF format and can either contain the same amount (most commonly) or different (such as invoices related to the credit card). When mapping from the EHF to e2b, the respective amount values is put in the fields of Gross Amount (Monetary Total. Inclusive Tax Amount. Amount) and ActualPayment (Monetary Total. Payable_ Amount. Amount). Note that PayableAmount in e2b is divided into separate fields for amount and desimals and that this must be taken into account whn mapping the Payable Amount. If ActualPayment (optional element) is missing when mapping from e2b to EHF, then the same “GrossAmount” is to be mapped to both "Monetary Total. Tax Inclusive Amount. Amount” and" Monetary Total. Payable Amount. Amount" as both fields are required. Note that in ActualAmount in the e2b format is divided into separate fields for amount and desimals and that this must be taken into account in the mapping. 1.7.2. Rule - mapping of Factoring Party (e2b) and Payee Party (EHF) When mapping from e2b to the EHF format, the Factoring Party will be mapped to Payee Party in the EHF format. If the Payee Party is used in the EHF format, then the Party information must be mapped to the Factoring Party in e2b, as it is not possible to separate if the Party is related to Factoring Party or Party Payee. 1.7.3. Rule - mapping of attachements between e2b and EHF When mapping invoices with attachments between e2b format and the EHF format, the following factors has to be taken into account: The EHF format supports specified file types as attachements. e2b supports all file types, but with invoices relevant for mapping from e2b to the EHF format the relevant issuer must pay attention to which filetypes that can be sent with the EHF format. BSK 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 59 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 2 1.7.4. Unit codes Unit codes according to ISO31 are in practice not used in the e2b format. Freetext format is common practice. In other words, anything may occur as a unit code in the e2b format. In EHF, unit codes are used according to the UNECE Recommendation 20. Note that all the codes defined in ISO 31 is covered by UNECE Recommendation 20, but not the other way around. It is an advantage that users of the e2b format are used in accordance with device codes. ISO 31 or the Norwegian term specified in the mapping table published by DIFI. If the other device codes in text format are used, these will be converted according to. list defined in the agreement a bank or a default code such pieces. 1.7.5. Dependencies between the amount fields Note: In some cases, there are added a control whether the amount sum adds up correctly against the various line amounts in the EHF invoices, for example the corresponding fields for the e2b field "Invoice / InvoiceSummary / InvoiceTotals / NetAmount". Thus this control should be implemented in the e2b message for these fields. BSK 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 60 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura V er s ion: 1 .0 1 Change log Changes done in version 1.01 from version 1.0 Chapter 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.6 Change Note The following sentence is included: ”The use of attachment is described in a separate appendix.” Figure: It is opened for use of ”Interchange Header”and ”Message Header”. The following sentence is included: ” BSK have not identified the need for making bank specific IG’s for banks use of the Interchange Header and Message Header. These documents are described in separate documents and can be collected at website.” The elementet ”Attachements“ is opened for use. Changes done in version 1.02 from version 1.01 Chapter 1.1 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.3 3.5 - 3.10 General changes BSK Change Note Revised so that orgnummer is included as possible addressing mechanism. Added note related to the type of business documents. Added clarification that banks also supports ISO-8859-1 Revised elements that can be used for duplication control by adding orgnummer as an element. New chapter with regard to banks' template view New chapter with reference to the EHF format. Added reference to how process template is to be included Added reference to the information elements that are required and recommended in the EHF format. General corrections that do not affect the content meaning are made . 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 61 av 62 BSK Implementationguide B2B efaktura 3.6 Field type for ”BuyersOrderDate” is changes from ”String” to ”Date”. 3.8/3.9/3.10 Appendix 2, chap 1.7 Changed text connected to valid codes for VAT to a general text ” Ref.: Statens gjeldende MVA satser” Supplier PartyID updated in order to also handle adressing with organisastional number Buyer PartyID updated in order to also handle adressing with organisastional number It is specified that contract number between buyer and seller that the invoice is connected to, is to be placed under Supplier and not under Buyer. Note connected to mapping of unitcodes added. Included information that VatAmount must be included if the receiver uses the EHF format Included specific mapping rules between the e2b and the EHF format. Appendix 2, chap. 1.7.3 Last bulletpoint deleted. It is possible to send more than one attachment in the EHF format. Appendix 2, chap. 1.7.5 New 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.1 / 3.7.2 3.8 3.9 BSK V er s ion: 1 .0 1 ”String” is changed from e2b version 3.3 to ”Date” in version 3.4/3.4.1 2 0 1 2 0 9 0 3 B a n k I G 1 v0 2 e 2 b f o r m a t e t 3 v3 E n g l i s h Side 62 av 62
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