Document 286582

Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
303 16th Street Mall, Ste. 250
Denver CO, 80202
Fax (303) 595-0583
DCDC provides its educational services in compliance with applicable federal, state and
local non-discrimination laws.
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................4
ACCREDITATION AND APPROVALS...........................................................4
ADMISSION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ..............................................4
Entrance Requirements........................................................................................................... 4
Enrollment................................................................................................................................. 4
Postponement of Start Date ................................................................................................... 4
Reservation of Rights .............................................................................................................. 5
PROGRAM ..............................................................................................................5
Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................ 5
Course Title ............................................................................................................................... 5
Occupational Objective .......................................................................................................... 6
Career Opportunities............................................................................................................... 7
American Dental Assistings’ Association ........................................................................... 7
ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ................................................7
Academic Records-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act..................................... 7
Persons Protected ..................................................................................................................... 7
Rights of Inspection ................................................................................................................ 7
Education Records: Definition .............................................................................................. 7
Request for Review.................................................................................................................. 9
Limitations on Student Rights .............................................................................................. 9
Waiver of Student Rights ....................................................................................................... 9
Consent Provisions .................................................................................................................. 9
Institutional Record of Disclosure ..................................................................................... 11
Redisclosure of Student Records ........................................................................................ 12
Challenge of Contents of Education Records ................................................................... 12
Destruction of Records.......................................................................................................... 13
Grading System ...................................................................................................................... 13
Transcript Policy .................................................................................................................... 14
Attendance Requirements .................................................................................................... 14
Class Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 15
Standards of Satisfactory Progress ..................................................................................... 15
Career Services ....................................................................................................................... 15
Graduation .............................................................................................................................. 15
TUITION AND FEES ..........................................................................................16
Late Payments ......................................................................................................................... 16
Refund Policy ......................................................................................................................... 16
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Refund Table .......................................................................................................................... 16
CAMPUS POLICES .............................................................................................17
Campus Conduct .................................................................................................................... 17
Classroom Conduct/Disruption .......................................................................................... 18
Code of Student Professional Conduct.............................................................................. 18
Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures ............................................................................ 20
Smoking ................................................................................................................................... 21
Alcohol, Drugs, and Other Controlled Substances ......................................................... 21
Sexual Harassment Policy .................................................................................................... 22
Student Complaints ............................................................................................................... 23
Professional Decorum ........................................................................................................... 24
Use of Technology Resources .............................................................................................. 24
Intellectual Property .............................................................................................................. 25
Copyright Compliance .......................................................................................................... 26
Facilities and Equipment ...................................................................................................... 26
Campus Closure ..................................................................................................................... 26
Off Campus Activities .......................................................................................................... 27
Academic Calendar 2009 & 2010 .......................................................................28
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................29
Location .................................................................................................................................... 29
Map to DCDC ......................................................................................................................... 29
School Governance ................................................................................................................ 29
Board Members ...................................................................................................................... 30
Officers of the Corporation .................................................................................................. 30
Administration ....................................................................................................................... 30
Faculty ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix I - Safety Policy..................................................................................31
Appendix II - Safety Protective Clothing and Equipment Policy ..............32
Appendix III - Bloodborne Infectious Disease Policy..................................33
Appendix IV – Patient Policy ............................................................................35
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Recognizing that healthcare will continue to evolve in both knowledge and technology,
Denver College of Dental Careers (”DCDC” or “College”) strives to engender in students a
commitment to lifelong learning that will enable them to continually adapt to the changing
demands of their profession. With this goal in mind, our program is designed to develop in our
students’ critical-thinking skills, self-evaluation, ethical and moral integrity, and a high degree
of compassion in patient care. This is achieved through the transmission of scientific knowledge
acquired from formal didactic and clinical study, self-directed research, and client care. Our
faculty demonstrates leadership in health care education, consultation, and community service.
They share their expertise through practice, continuing education, and political action to
improve the delivery of health care services and the health status of the community.
The DCDC Certificate Programs in Expanded Duties Dental Assisting, is approved and
regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School
Entrance Requirements
The College does not unlawfully discriminate in admissions or educational services.
Prospective students must have a high school diploma or equivalency diploma to be accepted
for enrollment. If applicants are beyond the age of compulsory school attendance in Colorado
and do not possess a diploma or equivalency diploma, they may complete an ability to benefit
test approved by the Colorado Department of Higher Education. The College does not
administer the test, but will provide information on availability when requested.
New student applicants must submit the following materials to the College:
• A completed application for admission;
• Tuition payment
• A dental assisting certificate or equivalent to one
Students may apply at any time.
Postponement of Start Date
Postponement of a starting date for a course, whether at the request of the College or the
student, requires a written agreement signed by the student and the College. The agreement
must set forth:
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
1. Whether the postponement is for the convenience of the College or the student, and;
2. A deadline for the new start date, beyond which the start date will not be postponed.
If the course is not commenced, or the student fails to attend by the new start date set forth in
the agreement, the student will be entitled to an appropriate refund of prepaid tuition and fees
within 30 days of the deadline of the new start date set forth in the agreement, determined in
accordance with the College’s refund policy.
Reservation of Rights
The College reserves the right to deny admission, continued enrollment, or re-enrollment, to any
applicant or student whose personal history and background indicate that his or her presence at
the College would endanger the health, safety, welfare, or property of the members of the
academic community or interfere with the orderly and effective performance of the College's
functions. The College reserves the right to deny, revoke, and alter the academic records, degrees,
awards, and other credentials, change the standing, and inform professional or disciplinary
agencies of such changes, of any person who while a student or applying for admission to the
College, engages in, submits, or who has engaged in or submitted false, dishonest or inaccurate
credentials, coursework, or other information or violated College policies, rules or regulations.
Programs Offered
Certificate in Expanded Dental Assisting
Occupational Objective: The graduate should be able to acquire an entry-level position in a
dental office as an Expanded Duties Dental Assistant.
Program Hours: 40
The College reserves the right to terminate or modify program requirements, content, and the
sequence of program offerings from term to term for educational reasons which it deems
sufficient to warrant such actions.
Certificate in Expanded Duties Dental Assisting Program
EDDA 101- Rubber Dam Placement
A. The Dental Dam
B. Preliminary Impression Materials
C. Final Impression Materials
D. Temporizations Materials
EDDA 102- Final Impressions
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
A. Retraction Cord Placement
B. Final Impression Techniques
C. Fabrication of Temporaries
EDDA 103- Fabrication and Cementations of Temporary Crowns
A. Prefabricated Temporaries
B. Cementation and Removal
EDDA 104- Tooth Anatomy and Occlusion
A. Introduction to Restorative Materials, Supplies and Instruments
B. Tooth Anatomy and Occlusion
C. Terminology
D. Pulp Protection, Bases, and Liners
EDDA 105- Amalgam Restorations
A. Class I and Class V Amalgam
B. Class II Amalgams
EDDA 106- Composite Restorations
A. Composite resin properties, components and bonding
B. Instruments and Sealants
C. Class I and Class V Composite Restorations
Occupational Objective
The Denver College of Dental Careers offers a 10-week Certificate Program in Expanded Duties
Dental Assisting (“Expanded Duties Dental Assisting Program”) emphasizing hands-on
learning in a clinical environment. Taught in a state-of-the-art dental office, the Expanded
Duties Dental Assisting Program has at its disposal modern equipment and supplies needed for
a sound education to become an expanded duties dental assistant. This course is also suitable
for students interested in going on to become dental hygienists or even dentists, as it would
give them experience and technical knowledge in the dental field.
Career Opportunities
The registered expanded duties dental assistant has many different career options, including
research, public health, education, marketing or clinical practice.
American Dental Assisting Association
All students in the Dental Assisting Program are automatically enrolled as student members of
the American Dental Assisting Association (ADHA). “Student Member” of the American Dental
Assisting Association, is a category of membership within the American Dental Assisting’
Association. ADHA is an association dedicated to the advancement and promotion of dental
assisting. ADHA is the association of the dental assisting profession. Membership in this
professional association demonstrates commitment to excellence and the highest standards of
preventive oral health care.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Academic Records- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (the "Act"), is a federal law
which requires that (a) a written institutional policy must be established regarding treatment of
Education Records, and (b) a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of
students must be made available. The College shall maintain the confidentiality of Education
Records in accordance with the provisions of the Act and shall accord all the rights under the Act
to eligible students who are or have been in attendance at the College.
Persons Protected The rights of privacy provided herein are accorded to all students who are
or have been in attendance at the College. The rights do not extend to persons who have never
been admitted to the College.
Rights of Inspection The Act provides students with the right to inspect and review
information contained in their Education Records, to challenge the contents of those Records
which students consider to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy
or other rights, to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory, and to
submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their Records if the decision of a hearing officer
or panel is unacceptable. The Education Director has been assigned the responsibility to
coordinate the inspection and review procedures for Education Records.
Education Records: Definition The term "Education Records" encompasses all recorded
information, regardless of medium, which is directly related to a student and which is maintained by the College. Education Records include, but are not limited to, admissions, personal,
academic, certain personnel, financial aid, cooperative education, and placement records, and
may also include appropriate information concerning disciplinary action taken against the
student for conduct that posed a significant risk to the safety or well-being of that student,
other students, or other members of the school community. Education Records do not include
the following:
1. Records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel, and ancillary
educational personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker and are not
accessible or revealed to any other individual except a substitute who may
temporarily perform the duties of the maker;
2. Records of a law enforcement unit of the College which are maintained separate
from Education Records, are maintained solely for law enforcement purposes, and
are not disclosed to individuals other than law enforcement officers of the same
jurisdiction, provided that Education Records of the College may not be disclosed
to the law enforcement unit;
3. Records relating to individuals who are employed by the College which are made
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
and maintained in the normal course of business, relate exclusively to individuals
in their capacity as employees and are not available for another purpose.
Note: Employment records of persons who are employed solely as a consequence
of College attendance (e.g., work-study students, student interns) are Education
4. Records created and maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other
recognized professional or paraprofessional, acting or assisting in a professional
capacity, such as student health records, to be used solely in connection with the
provision of treatment to the student and not disclosed to anyone other than for
treatment purposes, provided that records may be disclosed to a physician or
professional of the students' choice.
Note: Treatment in this context does not include remedial education activities or
other activities which are part of the program of instruction at the College.
5. Records of an institution which contain only information relating to a person after
that person is no longer a student at the institution; e.g., accomplishments of
Request for Review Students who desire to review their Education Records must present a
written request to the College, listing the item or items to be reviewed. Only those Education
Records subject to inspection under this policy will be available for review. The items
requested which are subject to review shall be made available for review no later than 45
calendar days following receipt of a written request. Students have the right to a copy of an
Education Record which is subject to review when failure to provide a copy of the Record
would effectively prevent the student from inspecting and reviewing the Education Record, as
determined in the reasonable discretion of the College. A copy of an Education Record
otherwise subject to review may be refused if a "hold" for non-payment of financial obligations
exists. Copies will be made at the student's expense. The fee for making copies of an Education
Record is $1.00 per page and must be paid at the time copies are requested.
Limitations on Student Rights There are some limitations on the rights of students to
inspect Education Records. Students shall have no right of inspection or review of:
1. Financial information submitted by their parents;
2. Confidential letters and/or recommendations associated with admissions,
employment, or job placement or the receipt of an honor or honorary recognition if
the student has voluntarily waived his/her right to inspect the confidential letters
and/or recommendations in writing.
3. Education Records containing information about more than one student. In such a
case the College will permit access only to that part of the Education Record
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
pertaining to the inquiring student.
Waiver of Student Rights A student may waive any or all of his/her rights under this Policy.
The College does not require waivers and no institutional service or benefit shall be denied a
student who fails to supply a waiver. All waivers must be in writing and signed by the student.
A student may waive his/her rights to inspect and review either individual documents (e.g., a
letter of recommendation) or classes of documents (e.g. an admissions file). The items or
documents to which a student has waived his/her right of access shall be used only for the
purpose for which they were collected. If used for other purposes, the waiver shall be void and
the documents may be inspected by the student. A student may revoke a waiver in writing, but
by revoking it, the student does not regain the right to inspect and review documents collected
while the waiver was validly in force.
Consent Provisions No person outside of the College shall have access to, nor shall the
College disclose any personally identifiable information from a student's Education Records
without the written consent of the student. The consent must specify the Education Records to
be disclosed, the purpose of the disclosure, the party or class of parties to whom disclosure
may be made, and must be signed and dated by the student. A copy of the Education Record
disclosed or to be disclosed shall be provided to the student upon request.
There are exceptions to this consent requirement. The College reserves the right, as permitted
by law, to disclose Education Records or components thereof without written consent to:
1. "College officials" who have a "legitimate educational interest." "College officials"
shall mean any person who is an owner, member, manager, agent or employee of
the College. "Legitimate educational interest" shall mean any authorized interest, or
activity undertaken in the name of the College for which access to an Education
Record is necessary or appropriate to the proper performance of the undertaking. It
shall include, without limitation, access by a student's instructor, The Education
Director an owner, member, manager , the custodian of DCDC records, legal
counsel, charged with maintaining Education Records, the staff and subordinates of
the foregoing, and others authorized by the College to the extent the foregoing
persons are acting within the course and scope of their employment or authority.
2. Officials of other educational agencies or institutions in which a student seeks to
3. Officials of other educational agencies or institutions in which the student is
currently enrolled.
4. Persons or organizations providing student financial aid in order to determine the
amount, eligibility, conditions of award, and to enforce the terms of the award.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
5. Accrediting organizations carrying out their accrediting functions.
6. Authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the
Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, and state or local educational
authorities, only if the information is necessary for audit and evaluation of federal,
state or locally supported programs and only if such agencies or authorities have a
policy for protecting information received from redisclosure and for destroying
such information when it is no longer needed for such purposes (unless access is
authorized by federal law or student consent).
7. State or local officials to whom disclosure is required by state statute adopted prior
to November 19, 1974.
8. Organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of educational agencies or
institutions to develop, validate, and administer predictive tests, to administer
student aid programs, or to improve instruction, so long as there is no further
external disclosure of personally identifiable information and the information is
destroyed when no longer necessary for the projects.
9. Persons in order to comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena
provided a reasonable effort is made to notify the student in advance of
10. Appropriate persons in a health or safety emergency if the information is necessary
to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
11. An alleged victim of any crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of
title 18, United States Code), but only the results of any disciplinary proceeding
conducted by the College against the alleged perpetrator of such crime with respect
to such crime.
12. With respect to appropriate information concerning disciplinary action taken
against a student for conduct that posed a significant risk to the safety or well-being
of that student, other students, or other members of the college community, to
teachers and college officials within the agency or institution who the agency or
institution has determined have legitimate educational interests in the behavior of
the student or to teachers and college officials in other colleges who have been
determined to have legitimate educational interests in the behavior of the student.
13. To a parent or legal guardian of a student, information regarding any violation of
any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution,
governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance, regardless
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
of whether that information is contained in the student's education records, if (A)
the student is under the age of 21; and (B) the institution determines that the
student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or
14. To the Attorney General of the United States or his designee in response to an ex
parte order, based on “specific and articulable facts” that the education records
sought are relevant, in connection with the investigation or prosecution or terrorist
With respect to items 2 and 3, above, the student shall be entitled to receive a copy of any
disclosed Education Record upon request.
Institutional Record of Disclosure The College shall keep a written record of all Education
Record disclosures and the student shall have the right to inspect such record. The record shall
include the names of parties or agencies to whom disclosure is made, the legitimate reason for
the disclosure, and the date of the disclosure. No record of disclosure shall be required for
those disclosures made to a student for his/her own use, disclosures made with the written
consent of a student, disclosures made to the Education Director with a "legitimate educational
interest," disclosures of "Directory Information," disclosures to persons or parties identified in
the section entitled "Consent Provisions," item 6, disclosures made for purposes of auditing the
College's recordkeeping practices, or disclosures made to federal law enforcement officials in
connection with a terrorist investigation.
Records of disclosure prepared pursuant to this section or the following section shall be subject
to review only by the student, the custodian and his/her/its staff, "College officials" as defined
in the section titled "Consent Provisions," item 1, and federal, state or local government officials
conducting audits of compliance by the College with the Act.
Redisclosure of Student Records Any disclosure of Education Records authorized under
this Policy (whether with or without student consent) shall be made on the conditions that the
recipient shall not redisclose the Education Records without consent or authorization as
required herein, and shall not permit or condone any unauthorized use.
Authorization for redisclosure, without consent, for purposes and to persons and parties
permitted by law, may be given to a person or party designated in the section titled "Consent
Provisions," above, provided, such authorization must include a record of:
1. The name of the person or party to whom redisclosures can be made; and
2. The legitimate interests which the additional person or party has for receiving the
information and the purposes for which it may be used.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Such redisclosures must be on the conditions set forth in the first paragraph of this section.
Challenge of Contents of Education Records Any student who believes that his/her
Education Records contain information that is inaccurate or misleading or is otherwise in
violation of his/her privacy or other rights may discuss his/her concerns informally with the
College. If the decision of the Education Director is in agreement with the student's request, the
appropriate Education Records shall be amended and the student shall be notified in writing of
the amendment. If the decision is not in agreement, the student shall be notified within 30
calendar days that the Education Records will not be amended and the student shall be
notified by the officer or official of the student's right to a hearing.
Student requests for a formal hearing must be made in writing within 5 calendar days after
receipt of the notice from the College. Within 5 calendar days after receipt of the written
request the College shall notify the student of the date, time and place of the hearing which
shall not be held sooner than 15 calendar days after issuance of said notice.
The student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the
issue(s) raised. If the student desires, he/she may be assisted or represented at the hearing by
one or more persons of his/her choice, including an attorney, at the student's expense.
The hearing shall be conducted by a person (or persons) designated by DCDC who does not
have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing. The decision of DCDC shall be final, shall
be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, and shall be in writing, summarizing
the evidence and stating the findings of fact and conclusions which support the decision. The
written report shall be mailed to the student and any concerned party no later than thirty (30)
calendar days after the date of the hearing.
If the College determines that the Education Records at issue are inaccurate, misleading or
otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student, the Education Records shall
be amended in accordance with the decision and the student shall be so informed in writing.
If the College determines that the Education Records at issue are not inaccurate, misleading or
otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student, the student may place in the
Education Records a concise statement commenting on the information in the Education
Records, or a concise statement setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decision of
the College. The College reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of any statement.
The statement shall be placed in the Education Records and shall be maintained as part of the
Education Records so long as the Education Records are maintained and shall be disclosed
whenever the Education Records in question are disclosed.
Note: Rights of challenge cannot be used to question substantive educational judgments which
are correctly recorded (e.g., course grades with which the student disagrees).
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Destruction of Records
Each school shall maintain for a minimum of six years from the date the student discontinues
his/her training at the school. Please refer to the Colorado Division of Private Occupational
Schools at
Grading System
Achievement may be measured by a variety of criteria, including, tests, mock boards,
textbook/workbook exercises, class participation, class projects and clinical performance.
Satisfactory completion of courses requires a student to achieve a 70 percent or better overall
The instructor is responsible for whatever grade symbol (A, B, C, D, F, I) is to be assigned.
Special symbols (NC, W and V) are indication of registrations or grade status and are not
assigned by the instructor. Pass/Fail designations are not assigned by the instructor but are
automatically converted by the grade application system, as explained under Pass/Fail
90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
Under 60 = U
Above Average
Below Average
Grade reports will be issued at the end of every course.
If a student receives a grade of “D,” “F” or “W,” the course must be retaken and satisfactorily
completed with a passing grade of 70 (“C”) percent or greater. Students shall be dismissed from
the College upon failure to pass the same course twice. Repeated courses may delay a student’s
completion date and result in additional tuition and related costs. A student may need to
wait until the next program session and pay additional 10% of the course.
Transcript Policy
Students who have fully completed the Program will receive his or her certificate. Official
transcripts will not be available until approximately four weeks after the Program completion.
Requests for copies must be in writing and must include the following:
• Student’s full name.
• Student Social Security.
• Date of birth.
• Agency, College, or individuals to whom transcripts are to be sent. Complete mailing
addresses must be included.
• Student’s original signature. This is the student’s authorization to release the records to
the designee.
Transcripts are prepared only at the student’s request and only upon pre-payment of transcript
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
fees as established by the College from time to time. A student with financial obligations to
DCDC that are due and unpaid will not be granted a transcript and all credits will be
“unearned” until all financial obligations have been satisfied as determined in the discretion of
the College.
The School does not guarantee the transferability of its credits to any other institution unless
there is a written agreement with another institution.
Attendance Requirements
Students are required to arrive on time for class with proper materials. An overall attendance
rate of 100% is required. DCDC may require your withdrawal from a course or program due to
absence or tardiness as determined in the discretion of the College.
Students who are unable to continue classes for medical reasons or severe personal problems
will be required to take a leave of absence until they are able to return to class. Proper
documentation will be required to substantiate a student’s return.
Any student may be dismissed for violations of rules and regulations of the College, as set forth
in College publications. A student also may be dismissed from courses and the program if he or
she does not prepare sufficiently, neglects assignments, or makes unsatisfactory progress.
The DCDC may temporarily suspend students whose conduct is disruptive or unacceptable.
After appropriate counseling, students who demonstrate a genuine desire to learn and conform
to college standards of conduct, may be allowed to resume attendance. The DCDC will review
each case and decide upon re-admittance in its sole discretion.
Class Schedule
Classes are scheduled on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm in accordance with the class
Schedule published by the College. The schedule may be changed by the College due to
weather, unavailability of facilities, instructor unavailability or other reasons good and
sufficient to the College.
Standards of Satisfactory Progress
Students must maintain a grade point average 70% (“C”) in all courses and in the Program. A
student who fails to meet this standard may be dismissed or required to retake a course, courses
or the Program.
Career Services
DCDC offers a Job Interview and Placement Assistance Course as well as employment
assistance to graduates. Consisting of job lead referrals. While assisting in your job search,
the College makes no guarantee, expressed or implied, of future employment.
Current law prohibits any school from guaranteeing job placement as an inducement
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
to enroll students. Any representation of job placement results is unauthorized and
may not be relied on.
Students who have fully completed the Program will not be certified to graduate until final
grades have been evaluated and all financial obligations fully satisfied.
A student who has not completed all requirements or who has an estimated failing or
incomplete grade who obtains approval from The College of a plan for remediation of the
deficiencies that will allow a timely completion of all graduation requirements will receive a
letter, rather than a certificate, inside the certificate, cover. After completion of all graduation
requirements, the student will be mailed his or her certificate.
DCDC will bill in advance for the entire tuition cost of the Program. Arrangements for payment
for tuition, fees, and other charges must be completed prior to the student’s program start date.
Rates are subject to increase.
The introductory rate for the The Expanded Duties Dental Assisting Program is $999. After
September 15, 2011 The Expanded Duties Dental Assisting Program is $1,600. Material cost is
estimated at $250. The tuition, fees and other charges described above are good faith projections
for the Program year. They are, however, subject to change from one Program session to the
next at the discretion of the College.
Late Payments
DCDC will assess a late payment fee of 5% on all charges paid after the due date. In the event
that charges are not received within 90 days of the due date, interest will be applied to the
unpaid balance at a rate of 1.5% per month. DCDC reserves the right to suspend registration
and course attendance or institute a dismissal from the Program for students with unpaid
charges or other financial obligations to the Academic transcripts will not be issued to any
student with outstanding charges until satisfactory payment arrangements have been made.
A student who does not pay any financial obligation whatever owed to the College when due
agrees to pay all costs of collection, including without limitation, costs incurred by the College
in the form of personnel and staff time and administrative expenses, collection agency fees,
court costs, litigation expenses, and attorney fees.
Refund Policy
Students not accepted to the school are entitled to all moneys paid. Students who cancel this
contract by notifying the school within three (3) business days are entitled to a full refund of all
tuition and fees paid. Students who withdraw after three (3) business days, but before
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
commencement of classes, are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees paid except the
maximum cancellation charge of $150.00 or 25% of the contract price which ever is less In the
case of students withdrawing after commencement of classes, the school will retain the
cancellation charge plus a percentage of tuition and fees, which is based on the percentage of
contact hours attended in the Program/Stand Alone Course, as described in the table below.
The refund is based on the official date of termination or withdrawal
Refund Table
Tuition refund
Within first 10% of program
90% plus cancellation charge
After 10% but within first 25% of program
75% plus cancellation charge
After 25% but within first 50% of program
50% plus cancellation charge
After 50% but within first 75% of program
25% plus cancellation charge
After course 8
NO Refund
1. The student may cancel this contract at any time prior to midnight of the third
business day after signing this contract.
2. All refunds will be made within 30 days from the date of termination. The official
date of termination or withdrawal of a student shall be determined in the following
a. The date on which the school receives notice of the student’s intention to
discontinue the training program; or
b. The date on which the student violates published school policy, which
provides for termination.
c. Should a student fail to return from an excused leave of absence, the effective
date of termination for a student on an extended leave of absence or a leave of
absence is the earlier of the date the school determines the student is not
returning or the day following the expected return date.
3. The student will receive a full refund of tuition & fees paid if the school discontinues
a course/ program within a period of time a student could have reasonably
completed it, except that this provision shall not apply in the event the school ceases
4. The policy for granting credit for previous training shall not impact the refund
Campus Conduct
The College enforces a zero tolerance policy for disruptive or unprofessional behavior. All
students, faculty and staff of the College are required to behave in a professional, businesslike
manner on DCDC premises, and at DCDC-sponsored events and activities. All visitors to the
College are also required to behave in a professional, business-like manner. The College prohibits
violence or threats of violence. This prohibition includes but is not limited to threatening or
abusive language, both verbal and written, threatening gestures, hazing, and/or actual physical
fighting. College representatives are authorized to take the following actions to encourage
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
cessation of prohibited conduct:
a. Ask the individual(s) to cease engaging in the prohibited conduct.
b. If the prohibited conduct continues, the College representative may request
that the individual(s) leave the College premises.
c. If the individual(s) refuses, the College representative may call security if
available or contact the local police to direct the individual(s) away from the
College premises.
d. The College may refuse to readmit individual(s) directed away from the
College premises by security or police until a meeting is held between
individual(s) and the Education Director to discuss the individual(s) conduct
and how it should be addressed. The College maintains absolute discretion
regarding whether to allow the individual(s) to re-enter College premises.
Classroom Conduct/Disruption
If a student engages in conduct in the classroom or in the course of any other educational
activity of the College that is disruptive or otherwise unreasonably interferes with orderly
educational processes, the faculty member(s) observing the conduct is granted authority to take
the following actions:
a. Ask the student to cease doing whatever it is that is disruptive or that is
causing interference.
b. If the disruption or interference continues, the faculty may request that the
student leave the class or other educational activity setting.
c. If the student refuses, the faculty member may dismiss the educational
activity. A report of the incident must immediately be submitted to the
d. The faculty member may refuse to readmit the student to the educational
activity until a meeting is held between the student, the faculty member and
the Education Director, the student’s conduct is addressed and the student is
authorized to return to participation in the educational activity.
e. If the student persists in disrupting or interfering with the educational
activity, the faculty member may permanently dismiss the student from the
class or educational activity. In such case, the faculty member shall refer the
matter to the College for further action which may include dismissal.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Code of Student Professional Conduct
The College Honor Code sets the highest standards of integrity and professionalism for its
students. It sets forth rules, standards and procedures related to academic dishonesty. Each
student is given a copy of the Code upon enrollment and is bound to follow it. The College
Honor Code is also posted on the College web site. Failure to follow the Code may result in
immediate action, up to and including dismissal.
Just as allied health professionals are expected to adhere to the highest standards of
professional behavior, DCDC expects its students to adhere to high standards of behavior
conducive to a learning environment and to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. The
Honor Code is adopted in recognition that DCDC is a student’s first step toward becoming a
member of the allied health professions.
The Honor Code prohibits Academic Dishonesty and Unprofessional Conduct by any student
in any course, educational activity, informational submission, dealings with the College and
members of the academic community, and dealings with professional organizations or
regulatory bodies that approve, supervise or regulate the student’s entry to professional
standing or performance of activities that are a part of or related to the educational, clinical or
other programs of the College.
The specified terms shall have the following meanings:
a. Academic Dishonesty: No student may engage in any activity that gains or is
intended to gain an unfair advantage in any College activity or academic
matter, either on behalf of the student personally or for another. An unfair
advantage is one that is not generally available to all students. Such conduct
shall include, but is not limited to the following:
1. All work, whether written or oral, submitted or presented by students at
the College as part of course assignments or requirements or for College
sponsored activities must be the original work of the student unless
otherwise expressly permitted by the instructor. Any use of the specific
thoughts, ideas, writings or phrasings of another person (whether that
person be a student, an acquaintance, a relative, a journalist, a
recognized scholar or any other individual) must be accompanied in
each instance by use of some form of attribution to the source.
2. The provision or receipt of unauthorized assistance in the taking of
examinations, tests, quizzes or in the preparation of any other performance requirements of a course or educational activity. Such restrictions
shall include, but not be limited to, the following practices or activities:
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
the use of any unauthorized material in the taking of an examination,
test , quiz or in the preparation of course, program, educational activity,
or clinical work; the solicitation or use of a proxy test taker or the taking
of a test, examination, quiz or the preparation or presentation of a
course, program, educational activity, clinical assignment or
requirement on behalf of another; obtaining or providing assistance to
another person or group of persons without the instructor's express
prior permission during an examination, test or quiz; the submission or
presentation of a falsified excuse for an absence from a course
requirement, examination, test or quiz either directly or through another
source; and, the presentation of false identification or credentials in
order to gain admission to a course, examination, test, quiz, program,
educational, clinical or College sponsored or related activity.
3. The provision of false or misleading information on any form
submitted to or in response to any request for information from the
College or any of its educational affiliates, or regulatory or
professional bodies.
4. The submission of any misrepresentation as to work toward
satisfaction of the requirement(s) for courses or activities.
5. The falsification of an attendance record or misrepresentation of
actual attendance.
b. Unprofessional Conduct means any act by a student that violates any rules of
conduct promulgated by the College, ethical standards promulgated by the
College or generally accepted norms of conduct. Such conduct shall include,
but is not limited to, the following:
Disruptive behavior in the classroom.
Violation of the provisions of professional decorum.
Failure to observe any library regulations or rules governing
appropriate behavior within the College premises.
Physically or verbally abusive behavior toward instructors, staff,
visitors, affiliate personnel, clinical personnel or students.
Knowingly making a false report.
Providing false or misleading information about facts material to a
violation of the Honor Code.
Unauthorized use of, interference with, or damage or destruction to
property of the College or a member of the academic community.
Violation of any other policy, rule or standard of The College.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
Administrative responsibility for disciplinary action rests with the College and decisions are
made as appropriate to the situation in the discretion of the College.
Any College community member (student, staff, instructor, administrator) may initiate charges
of misconduct against a student or group of students by presenting a written summary of
charges to The Education Director. When a conduct violation is alleged, the student(s) will be
notified in writing by The Education Director. The written notice will contain: (a) the exact
charges being made; (b) a summary of the evidence being presented; and (c) the time, date and
place of the student’s opportunity to be heard.
The hearing will be informal and held before the Education Director or his designate. The
hearing may include counseling, discussion and questions. The student may bring an advisor
from the College community, present a defense including witnesses and evidence, and speak on
his or her own behalf. The hearing will be closed. Following the hearing the Education Director
will issue a report containing findings, conclusions and a specification of disciplinary action if
appropriate. All decisions by the Education Director are final and binding.
A student has the right to waive a hearing before the Education Director upon notification that
she/he has violated the College policy. By exercising that right, the student agrees to the validity
of the charges.
All penalties imposed under the Honor Code shall take effect immediately upon rendition of a
final decision by the Education Director.
The College is a non-smoking establishment; smoking is prohibited in all College facilities
and at all College activities.
Alcohol, Drugs, and Other Controlled Substances
The College encourages all members of its community to learn proficiently, think logically and
critically, identify and choose personal standards of values which are socially responsible, and
develop the skill and leadership abilities necessary for distinguished professional performance and
significant contributions to the improvement and transformation of society.
In consonance with this mission, the College is committed to preventing the use of illegal
substances by students, faculty, and staff and to encouraging responsible behavior regarding
alcohol and legal addictive substances through policy, needs assessment, education, and treatment.
The College shall, at least annually, distribute to each employee, and each student who is taking
one or more courses for any kind of academic credit, a copy or summary of the DCDC Drug Free
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Campus Policy, a description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the
abuse of alcohol, a description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, State, or Federal law
for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol, and a description of any
drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs that are available to
employees or students.
The College provides referral and short-term counseling to students who are experiencing
substance abuse problems. A student may seek these services on his/her own initiative or an
instructor or the Education Director may direct him/her to the service when a decline in
performance is observed.
The College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession,
consumption, sale or use of controlled substances and alcohol on or in College owned or controlled
property or in the course of College business or activities. Individuals including, but not limited to,
students, employees, contractors, agents, volunteers, or invitees who violate this policy shall be
subject to discipline, termination/dismissal, debarment, arrest or citation, and referral by College
officials for prosecution, as applicable. Additionally, employees or students who violate this policy
may be required to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program
approved by the College.
Any employee or student guilty of violating a local, State, or Federal law pertaining to unlawful
possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol must notify the Education Director, in
writing, no later than five (5) calendar days after conviction. Failure to comply with this
notification requirement will result in immediate termination or dismissal.
No later than thirty (30) calendar days after receiving notification of such conviction from an
employee or student the College shall:
1. Take action against the student to include any range of authorized disciplinary
actions up to termination/dismissal; and/or
2. Require the employee or student to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse
assistance or rehabilitation program approved by the College as a condition of
continued employment or enrollment.
3. If the employee or student is authorized to work on a grant provided by the Federal
Government at the time of the incident, the College shall notify the agency which
awarded the grant within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of notification from the
The College will review this policy and the relevant education assessment, and treatment
programs annually to determine their effectiveness and to ensure that sanctions are consistently
enforced. The College reserves the right to implement changes at any time.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Sexual Harassment Policy
The College's ability to achieve its mission is dependent on the cooperative efforts of its staff and
employees. For cooperation to exist, an atmosphere of professionalism, marked by mutual trust
and respect, is essential. It is imperative that members of this community be able to pursue their
endeavors on behalf of the College in reliance on those common attributes. That atmosphere is
damaged whenever the expectation of trust and common interest is abused in pursuit of personal
interests which are not in concert with the interests of the College or the best interest of the coworker.
Generally sexual harassment involves conduct which violates common expectations, is
unprofessional, illegal and unethical. The College prohibits such conduct by any member of the
staff, or by any person, organization or entity which partakes of the benefits or privileges of this
Sexual harassment is defined as sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly
or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or receipt of services, (2)
submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or
decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably
interfering with an individual's work or performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive working environment.
Individuals who believe they have been the subject of sexual harassment may obtain redress
through the established informal and formal procedures of the College. Complaints about sexual
harassment will be responded to promptly. Confidentiality will be provided to the extent possible.
Any person who, or entity which engages in sexual harassment will be subject to discipline or
debarment in accordance with the policies and procedures of this institution.
Supervisory employees are required, as a condition of their employment, to enforce this policy
statement by seeking to eliminate sexual harassment in the work environment under their
jurisdiction, by reporting incidents of sexual harassment to the College, and by periodically
informing supervised employees about this policy statement and their obligations hereunder.
Students are required, as a condition of their enrollment at or participation in activities of the
College, to abide by this policy statement. Students have the right to be free from sexual
harassment during the pursuit of their educational and social activities at the College. Students
are encouraged to report incidents of sexual harassment to the College.
Instructional personnel are prohibited from making or participating in decisions affecting a
student's progress or standing or which may reward or penalize a student with whom the staff
member has, or has had, a sexual or romantic relationship.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Student Complaints
In the event a student believes his/her rights have been violated by College instructors,
administrators or staff, the following procedures should be followed:
1. The student must first attempt to informally resolve the matter with the instructor,
administrator for or staff member involved.
2. If the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the student should schedule a meeting
with the Education Director.
3. The Education Director shall investigate the complaint and make a final decision which
will be reported to the student in writing. The decision shall be final.
4. The student may file a written complaint online with the Colorado Division of Private
Occupational Schools at or by requesting a complaint form
at (303) 866-2723. All student complaints submitted to the Division must be in writing
and shall be filed within two years after the student discontinues training at the school.
Professional Decorum
Students are required to conduct themselves at all times when in attendance at College activities
or sponsored events in a manner that is befitting of the health profession that they are preparing
to enter. Accordingly, students are required to cooperate with and show respect for all College
personnel and affiliated personnel. Students are therefore required to provide information,
identification, statements or reports when requested to do so by College officials. These officials
have the right to request such information from students at any time, including but not limited
to, instances when they believe a violation of College policies, the Honor Code or applicable
federal, state or local laws or ordinances may be implicated by conduct of the student or
information that the student holds. Further, students shall not hinder, delay, provide false
information, or otherwise obstruct College officials in the performance of their official duties.
Students who fail to provide assistance to College officials as noted above, who provide false
information, or who otherwise hinder, delay or obstruct College staff in the performance of
their duties are subject to being charged with violating the Honor Code. They may also be
required to leave College premises, or other premises where College activities are taking place,
be detained for further investigation, or detained for referral to security or law enforcement
Use of Technology Resources
College technology resources are to be used to advance the College’s mission. Instructors,
students, and staff may use these resources for purposes related to their studies or research,
their teaching, the execution of their duties as instructors, their official business with or for the
College, or other College-sanctioned activities. The College encourages the use of technology
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
resources for these primary activities. These resources include, but are not limited to, hardware
(including telephones, computers, and traditional media equipment) either owned or leased by
the College, software, and consulting time (and expertise) of the staff. Unless approved in
advance by the College, use of College technology resources for other purposes, including
commercial purposes, is prohibited.
Many of the College’s technology resources are shared. The use of these may not violate law or
the rights of others. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
Activities that violate copyright or other intellectual property rights of others.
Activities that obstruct usage or deny access to technology resources.
Activities that could be considered as harassing, libelous or obscene.
Activities that violate College policies.
Activities that violate local, state or federal laws.
Unauthorized use of computer accounts.
Impersonating other individuals.
Attempts to explore or exploit security provisions, either at the College or elsewhere.
Activities that invade the right to privacy of others.
Destruction or alteration of data belonging to others.
Creating, using or distributing computer viruses or other computer parasites.
Allowing other individuals to use one’s account/password.
Disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications or of
computer accounts.
Academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating).
Inappropriate and/or widespread distribution of electronic communications (e.g.
The creation and propagation of anonymous or identified websites such as “blogs”
for the purpose of disparaging, denigrating, harassing damaging or defaming the
College or any of its students, employees, officers or board members in their
College-related roles or positions.
Publishing anonymous information through the use of College technology resources that
violates any of the foregoing provisions is strictly prohibited. All publications must contain the
electronic mail address of the person making the information available. For example, active
information such as e-mail must contain the e-mail address of the sender in the FROM: field.
Passive information, such as that found on the World Wide Web, must contain the e-mail
address of the author, owner or sponsor at the bottom of the page.
Intellectual Property
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
The College disclaims any ownership interests and rights in and to copyrights in any creative
works of students. As a condition of each student’s enrollment in the College, each student
consents and agrees to the policy provisions of this section.
The College has developed and operates unique educational programs and services based upon
discoveries, research and know-how, and utilizing methods, techniques, designs, devices,
proprietary, confidential and trade secret information which are unique to the College. In
performing services and conducting business with clinic clients, the College regularly is given
access to the trade secret and confidential information under condition that the College, its
employees, students and agents will not improperly disclose those trade secrets or confidential
information to others (hereinafter collectively referred to, along with any additions or
modifications thereto, as "Protected Information"). Students are given access to some or all of
the Protected Information from time to time in the course of their pursuit of educational
activities under the auspices of the College. Each and every student, by enrolling at the College,
covenants and agrees that he/she will not, without the prior consent of the College, disclose,
directly or indirectly, to any unauthorized person or entity, or convert to his/her own advantage
or the advantage of another, at any time during her/his matriculation or thereafter, any of the
Protected Information or any other confidential or trade secret information of the College or any
of its clients that a student acquires or that comes to the attention of a student through any
means or in any manner whatsoever.
No student or student organization may use the logos, images, name, insignia, lists of names of
students, alumni, benefactors, or any other commercial rights of the College for any purpose
without the prior written consent from the College.
Copyright Compliance
All students are required as a condition of their enrollment and access to College facilities to
conduct their activities on behalf of the College, including but not limited to any photoreproduction, research or writing activities, in such a fashion so as to meet and comply with all
the requirements of the United States copyright laws and regulations (Title 17 U.S.C.).
Facilities and Equipment
The College facilities, equipment and supplies are provided for the use of students in the
legitimate pursuit of their studies and educational activities under College auspices. Use for
purposes other than those authorized is prohibited unless specific authorization is obtained
from the College.
Campus Closure
When a decision is made to close offices and/or cancel classes, or postpone opening, the
cooperating news media will be notified immediately by the College and the College’s website
and phone messages will be updated to reflect the closure. Students, staff and faculty members
are advised to monitor standard media outlets, the College’s website and main phone extension
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
for such information.
Classes are not held on the following holidays:
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Weekend
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Off Campus Activities
Students and faculty are encouraged to take advantage of the diversity of educational
opportunities and experiences available within the vicinity of the College. Students may be
encouraged to attend campus events or engage in off-campus activities as a supplement to oncampus instruction and activities. Students are required to provide their own transportation to
and from off-campus activities and events indicated within the Denver-metro area. The College
will generally provide assistance with transportation from the off-campus site upon request by
a student, but assumes no obligation to do so. Students are required to assume all liability
associated with their transportation to and from, and attendance at, off-campus experiences
whether for required or voluntary activities.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Academic Calendar 2013
February 23
March 2
March 9
March 16
March 23
April 6
April 13
April 20
April 27
May 4
Fall 2013 semester TBA
Administrative Location
Denver College of Dental Careers is located at 303 16th Street Mall, Suite 250, Denver, Colorado
Class Location
Class location is in the Republic Plaza Building at 370 17th Street, Conference Room, Denver,
Colorado 80202
If you are interested in visiting the DCDC campus, please call our office.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Map to DCDC
School Governance
The Articles of Organization invest the legal control and governance of Denver College of
Dental Careers, LLC in its officers. A Board of Members establishes the mission and general
policies of the College and members oversees its operations.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Board of Members
Charles Barotz, DDS
David J. Figuli, J.D.
Officers of the Corporation
Charles Barotz, DDS, CEO
David J. Figuli, J.D., President
Charles Barotz, DDS., Secretary
Charles Barotz, DDS, Education Director
April Smith, CDA, EDDA, Dental Assisting Instructor
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Appendix I-Safety Policy
DCDC students are responsible for following all applicable Federal, State, and local
environmental laws and regulations, as well as all College policies and procedures. Students are
also required to:
Report all instances of unplanned environmental releases to the Education
Notify the Education Director of conditions that have the potential to become
environmental hazards.
Complete all required safety training.
It is the policy of the College to use, store, transport, and dispose of all chemicals in a manner
that will not adversely affect:
The health and safety of students, employees or visitors.
The College’s compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws,
regulations, or permits.
The environment.
It is the policy of the College that all accidents and emergencies involving hazardous chemicals
be immediately reported to the Education Director.
It is the policy of the College to provide a safe workplace and to minimize potential hazards and
risks to employees, students, patients and visitors. It is also the College's policy that employees,
students, patients and visitors will accept and follow all safety rules and procedures while at the
College facilities or under College jurisdiction.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Appendix II - Protective Clothing and Equipment Policy
Employees, students, patients and visitors will use appropriate personal protective clothing and
equipment when conducting, or engaging in, activities that require use of personal protective
clothing and equipment as dictated by Federal regulations, State regulations, or the Education
Director acting as Officer of Environment, Safety, & Health (OESH).
The College’s policy is to provide employees and students’ access to the personal protective
clothing and equipment required for conducting College approved activities that require
personal protective clothing and equipment.
Students are responsible for becoming informed and complying with requirements for use of
protective work clothing and personal protective equipment.
Students are responsible for assuring that their protective work clothing and personal protective
equipment are visibly in good working order before use.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Appendix III – Bloodborne Infectious Disease Policy
Because adherence to current and accepted infection control procedures provides adequate
protection for patients and health care providers from bloodborne infectious diseases, students
and instructors are required to provide dental assisting services to and work with persons who
have a bloodborne infectious disease. Instructors or students refusing to work will be counseled
as to current medical information. A continued refusal to provide dental hygiene services to or
work with persons who have a bloodborne infectious disease could cause an instructor or student
to be dismissed from employment or the program.
Students with HIV/AIDS will be allowed unrestricted classroom attendance, employment
opportunities and participation in curricular and extracurricular activities as long as they are
physically and mentally able and meet admission requirements.
The policy of the College for determining the mental and physical status of any dental assisting
student with a positive HIV test or a positive test for HBsAg and HBeAg requires that any dental
assisting student who learns that he or she has a positive HIV test or a positive test for both
HBsAG and HBeAg is to refrain from providing dental assisting services until his or her infection
status is reported to the Education Director.
The following procedures shall be undertaken by the Education Director:
1. The student's personal physician or primary health care provider will be contacted within
seven days to determine:
a. the date of the initial positive test result.
b. an estimated date of initial infection.
c. the student's current medical status with special emphasis on presence or absence of
exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis and cognitive,
emotional, behavioral or neurologic impairment.
2. The Education Director will review the student's records to determine if the student has
ever been non-compliant with the dental assisting clinic's infection control procedures and
whether there was a substantial likelihood that a patient received a substantial exposure to
the student's blood.
3. Confidentiality of the student shall be maintained during this investigation.
4. The Education Director shall convene a meeting of the advisory board to make
recommendations regarding the student's continued practice in the dental assisting clinic.
The identity of the student will not be revealed to any of the board except for the Education
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
The board may recommend one or more of the following:
1. Restrictions on specific procedures.
2. Monitoring of the student's practice for compliance with the recommendations of the panel.
3. Medical monitoring.
4. Frequency with which the board should reconvene to reconsider its recommendations in
light of the changing medical condition of the student. The board shall furnish the student
with a draft of its recommendations and an opportunity for comment. Before finalizing its
recommendations, the board shall take into account any comments from the student.
Notification of patients as to their possible exposure to HIV or Hepatitis B shall not occur except
in any of the following circumstances:
1. HIV or Hepatitis B transmission from student to at least one of his or her patients has
2. The patient to be notified has had a substantial exposure to the student's blood or body
3. The student has had significant violations of infection control practices which resulted in a
significant risk of a substantial exposure to the patient being notified;
4. The identity of the HIV-infected student shall not be explicitly disclosed during the
notification process.
Persons admitted to the program are provided information regarding Hepatitis B and the vaccine
for Hepatitis B.
Persons admitted to the Expanded Duties Dental Assisting program should receive Hepatitis B
immunization if they are not already immune. (Students must provide the Education Director
with verification of the Hepatitis B status after acceptance into the program and prior to
commencing clinical activities.)
The College policy and procedures for faculty or staff who learn he or she has a positive HIV test
or a positive test for both HBsAg and HBeAG is identical to the College policy and procedures
governing students who test positive for HIV or both HBsAG and HBeAg.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC
Appendix IV – Patient Privacy
The medical history of all patients is to be kept strictly confidential. The written health history is
only to be removed from the dental assisting reception area and taken to the clinic during the
treatment of a patient. It is to be immediately returned to the reception area following dismissal
of the client from the clinic. The written health history is never to be removed from the clinic or
reception area. Names of patients must never be used when discussing significance of a health
history. Breach of confidentiality is grounds for dismissal from the program.
Copyright, 2009, Denver College of Dental Careers, LLC