Aberdeen & District Newsletter Volume 42 Issue 2 February 2014

Aberdeen & District Newsletter
Volume 42 Issue 2
February 2014
Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
207 Main Street, PO Box 130, Aberdeen, SK S0K 0A0
Phone: (306) 253-4311 Fax: (306) 253-4201
Mayor, Bruce Voldeng
(306) 253-4701
Deputy Mayor, Dan Fletcher
(306) 253-4245
Councilor, Floyd Wudrick
(306) 253-4659
Councilor, John Procyshyn
(306) 253-4304
Councilor, Brian Vandenberg
(306) 220-7045
Councilor, Chad Ekren
(306) 291-6216
Councilor, Ryan White
(306) 220-6891
Chief Administrative Officer:
Susan Thompson (306) 253-4311 / (306) 260-4270
CLOSED 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Town Council meetings are open to
the public. We meet at the ABERDEEN
COMMUNITY HALL, 202-2nd Avenue,
7:00 pm every 3rd Tuesday of the Month.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
February 18, 2014.
Any Delegations wishing to address Council
are required to complete a Delegations
Policy form and have it submitted to the
Town Office no later than the Thursday
prior to Council meeting date. You may
obtain these from the Town Office. These
forms are also available on our website
Office Assistant:
Lori Sopotyk (306) 253-4311
Public Works/Maintenance Manager:
Bradley Oleksyn (306) 230-8249
Mural Hingston (306) 230-8267
Bylaw Enforcement Services, EPS Management
Ensure that you have proper signage placed
visibly on your house or business. By posting
your civic address at your property you are
also helping your Fire Department and First
Responders in emergency situations.
sponsored by the
Town of Aberdeen & RM of Aberdeen 373
4 End Funspiel – No Entry Fees
Aberdeen Rec Complex
SCHEDULE for February 2014
Friday, February 28th & Saturday, March 1st
To Register or Donate Prizes Call:
Town of Aberdeen (306) 253-4311
RM of Aberdeen
(306) 253-4312
February 4
February 11
Blue Bin (Recycling)
Black Bin (Waste)
February 18
February 25
Blue Bin (Recycling)
Black Bin (Waste
FOR 2013:
We NEED your help! Do NOT flush your
baby wipes, TAMPONS, cotton swabs, diapers
and personal wipes. This is causing major
trouble at our lift station.
New Dwelling Permits – 5
House Addition Permits – 1
Basement Development Permits - 4
Deck Permits – 4
Garage Permits – 4
Foundation Repair Permit - 1
Commercial Warehouse Permit – 1
All dog and cat registrations are due annually. During the
month of February, our Bylaw Enforcement will be door to door
checking on each home to make sure that ALL animals are
Non Restricted Dogs
Restricted Dogs
$ 25.00
There are no registration fees for cats,
but failure to register could result in a
Bylaw 01/07 states that failure to register your animals
can result in fines of $50.00 per animal.
Old refrigerators are inefficient and waste electricity and money. Save over $100 a year on your power bill by
recycling your old fridges and freezers through our Refrigerator Recycling Program. We’ll even do all the work for
you – we’ll pick up and responsibly recycle your old appliances for free! See
http://www.saskpower.com/efficiency -programs-and-tips/ for more details.
Taxes are imposed the first day of January in each year and are due July 31.
Please remember there is NO discount for the School Portion of Taxes
For prompt payment of taxes the
following discounts are allowed:
Payments received in January 6.5% discount
Payments received in February 5.5% discount
Payments received in March 4% discount
Payments received in April 3% discount
Payments received in May 2% discount
Payments received in June 1% discount
Payments received in July .5% discount
Penalties for 2013 Tax arrears are
as follows:
August 1 (compounded monthly)
September 1
October 1
November 1
December 1
January 1, 2014 12% penalty
102 4th Avenue (Box 40)
Aberdeen, SK. S0K 0A0
(306)253-4312 fax (306) 253-4445
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am -4:30 pm
Reeve: Martin Bettker
Deputy Reeve: Kevin Kirk
Div 1: Graham White
Div 2: Corey Geransky
Div 3: Kevin Kirk
Div 4: Real Hamoline
Div 5: Paul Martens
Div 6: Jim Korpan
Email: rm373@sasktel.net
Administrator: Gary Dziadyk
Office Assistant: Lois Lange
Office Assistant: Bridgette Morin
Road Crew Foreman: Roy Lozinsky
Road Crew: Christopher Lozinsky
Road Crew: Dwayne Ens
Road Crew: Lawrence Dyck
Road Crew: Roger Furi
Next Council Meeting: February 13, 2013. Council meetings are now being held
on every second Thursday of the month, unless changed by council. Meeting starts at
9:00 am.
2013 Citizen of the Year
The municipality is accepting nominations for the Rural Municipality of Aberdeen No.
373 Annual Citizen of the Year Award for 2013. The award will be presented at the
Annual Ratepayers Supper in April. Deadline for Nominations will be the March 2014
Council Meeting.
Custom Work 2014 Rates
RM Shop 253-4330 (please leave a detailed phone message)
Ratepayers $115 per hour $55.00 Minimum Charge
Non Ratepayers & Developers $160 per hour $80.00 Minimum Charge
Municipal Works will be unable to execute ANY Custom work prior to receipt
of Work Authorization Forms. The Work Authorization Form is to allow the
Municipal Works permission to enter your property however they will not do any work
until a request has been made.
Beginning in 2014, the RM council meeting minutes will be available on our website.
If you wish to continue receiving them by mail, you will be charged a mail out fee.
The 2012 Financial Statement is now available for viewing on our website.
Pest Control Officer/Weed Inspector
The RM of Aberdeen is currently seeking a friendly individual to take on the position
of Pest Control Officer and Weed Inspector. Please inquire at the RM Office if you are
Building Permits
The RM of Aberdeen would like to remind all of you that have OPEN outstanding
permits that permits are valid for 12 months from date of issue. To avoid an order
being placed on your property, please ensure all deficiencies have been corrected and
final inspections conducted. We appreciate your prompt co-operation on closing all
open permits in a timely manner.
9-1-1 Be Prepared
RM of Aberdeen would like to encourage all ratepayers to be prepared for
emergencies. During time of crisis, seconds can make a difference between life and
death. As emergency situations are stressful, even the most level headed people
can become flustered. To avoid giving incorrect or confusing directions to
emergency workers, it is recommended to WRITE out directions and post them in a
drawer or on the inside of cupboard door near your phone. Be sure to add the
LEGAL LAND LOCATION with detailed directions on how to reach your property.
Please be aware that a CIVIC address in country residential areas (ie:
street name) will NOT be enough information to get emergency workers to
your door. Being able to READ the directions will ensure emergency personnel are
given a direct route to your home. Please feel free to contact the RM office to
confirm your land location if you do not have it readily available.
Plowing of Snow on Municipal Right of Way
As the snow begins to arrive, please be advised the practice of plowing snow ONTO
or ACROSS municipal right-of-way is NOT a permitted practice. Guilty Parties will
be subject to Fines. This practice can cause serious safety issues for motorists and
municipal road crew. Snow piles being left can cause drifting on the roadways,
create ridges that settle and harden thus creating serious hazards to motorists and
grader operators, and potential damage to graders. Individuals in contravention
will have the snow removed by municipal road crews and all expenses incurred shall
be borne solely by the responsible party.
Road Closures
Parts of the Aberdeen South Grid and Gordon Road are still under water and will
remain closed until further notice. The RM does not condone driving on any ice road
or road that may have water over it. Road Closed signs are placed for your
protection and are not to be ignored.
The Municipality would like to extend our gratitude for your tolerance and
understanding as we deal with impassable roads, and road closures. Your
assistance in reporting problem areas is appreciated and we request your continued
patience as our road crew continues to fight the elements to provide roads that we
will all be happy with.
Tip of the Month
Use tension rod to hang spray bottles under your sink. This will help create more
space for other important items.
berdeen Christmas Miracles
The generosity of the Aberdeen and area people is heartwarming! It
leaves Mrs. Claus speechless, again! Mrs. Claus and the Elves wish you all a
peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
All those listed are donors, although many more wish to remain anonymous. (A
special thank you to all those I forgot to add to the list ) A VERY special thank
you to all the elves that made this possible, and to all those “Angels” who
arrived on my doorstep with armloads of gifts, clothes and other goodies.
RM of Aberdeen,
Hold On
Lelond Kimpinski,
Ab Comp. School SRC,
Ab. Comp. School Teachers,
Aberdeen Seniors,
Affinity Credit Union,
Affinity CV-Gloria Handell,
Leonard Hamoline & Family,
The Western Producer,
Sask Can-Horizon,
Eugene Mcleod,
Wendy Campbell & Family,
John & Wilma Marissen,
Steven & Tina Stalker,
Dave & Tammy Retger & Family,
Barry & Shirley Huffman,
Cliff & Ruth Embury,
Dawn Marie King & Family,
David & Susan Henry,
Hill Country Farms,
Ray & Nicole Janssen
Daniel-Santa's Helper,
The Carolers,
.Elvin Dyck
Affinity Community spirit fund
Deanne &Shawn Letkeman
Janessa & Daniel
Town of Aberdeen,
Steven Marissen
Tryhuba family
Lisa & Curt Buhler & Family,
Theordare's Bakery-Martensville,
Denis & Lenore Kuchirka,
Maple Leaf Mills
Alma Wutzke
Randy Friesen and family
Eric & Karla Bruner,
Jerry Shulty & family Debbie Kozac,
,Polka Fest
Laura Matheson & Family,
Aberdeen Parks & Rec,
Mike & Ann Maille & Family,
Marc & Tracey Grand'Maison,
Harold & Carol Wudrich,
Kevin & Sheri Kirk,
The Malinowski Family,
Hallmark-Michael Kinar,
Aberdeen Agencies,
Gido's Corner,
Joey & Crysta Lalonde,
Jackie & Jim Britton
Dan & Darlene Martens,
First Responders
James and Carol McGunigal
Nancy McCrea
Ken and Mary Kruger
Don and Ann Jones
Clothing club
Don Wehoge & sons
Karen & Logan Eden
Agnes Brown
David & Suzanne Henry
Theodore’s Bakery Martensville
Crusaders in Action
Western Producer
Dolores & Bill Dyck
Trans Gas
Paulinas Café and Concession
All anonymous donors
We would like to extend a warm invitation to any children who will
be 5 years old by December 31, 2014 (a 2009 birthday) to attend
Aberdeen School.
Please contact Mrs. Lalonde at (306) 253-4333 if you would like to register your child.
Parents will be contacted in the spring regarding our Kindergarten Orientation Day for the
2014 – 2015 school year.
If you know of friends or neighbors who have Kindergarten age children, please share this information with
Our biggest loser contests are a great way to help you keep on
track with weekly weigh in’s. It is a good fundraiser for the
library when we have lots of participants. Not to mention the
great cash prize the winner gets!
We will have registration night on February 5th at 4:00 – 6:30
The cost is 100.00 per person. First weigh in will be February
5th and the last weigh in will be April 23
We need a minimum of 10 people in order to run this.
Grab a friend and get in on the fun! Help yourself keep that
new year’s resolution you made.
Thank you
The Dyck family would like to thank you all for the love &
kindness shared this last year. Barb really loved the company.
We would also like to thank you for the cards, food, funds, flowers
& words of comfort after her death.
Lawrence & family
News from the Aberdeen & District Charities Board
The Aberdeen District and Charities, Inc held its Annual
General Meeting on November 10, 2013. The new Board of
Directors are: Blaine Tomolak, President, Allison Fletcher,
Vice-President, Cecilia Forsyth, Secretary, Dana Madsen,
Treasurer, Floyd Wudrick and Real Hamoline, Members-atLarge.
The meeting passed a motion of appreciation to Grace
Wudrick, who retired after nine years of service on the Board,
most recently as President. Her service to the Complex and
thus, to the community is deeply appreciated. We wish Grace
well in her future endeavours.
“Light Thee Tree 2013” has been successful again this year as a fundraiser for the First Responders. We would like to Thank:
Canada Post, Darlene, Donna, Gido’s, Barry for all the support you continue to give us. It is really appreciated.
The Aberdeen First Responders are: Bernadette Hamoline, Kim Barnes, Tammy Lynchuk, Gail McLeod, Pat Laberge, Helena
Hart, Brett Hart, Bonnie Doige and Shirley Huffman. A big Thank you to everyone for your continued support and we wish you
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lance Berg
Lawrence Dyck
Roman & Jinnie Hyshka
Wayne & Brenda Wutzke
Nicky & Ray Janssen
Len & Donna Lozinsky
Bill & Dolores Dyck
Wayne & Maggie Procyshyn
Kim & Carol Huffman
Larry & Diane Brereton
Dennis & Shelley Boyenko
Mary & Gus
Harold & Carol Wudrich
Ben & Dorine Mintzler
Paul & Julie Martens
Randy Tayler
Erma Friesen
Stan & Helen Friesen
Shannon & Stacey Zbeetnoff
Debbie Kozack
Menno Janzen
Larry Schindel
Ralph & Nora Rogne
Diane & Darryl Kacher
Gary Dziadyk
The Malinowski’s
Kelly & Ben White
Anne McFall
Jackie & Travis Boyenko & Family
Dan & Darlene Martens
Kevin & Sherry Kirk
Graham & Irene Bartlett
Willy, Iris,& Kevin
Bill & Pearl Aitken
Suzanne & David Henry
Lenore & Dennis Kuchirka
The Marissen’s
Paulette Hudon
Allen & Carolyn Hoffert & Family
Natalie & Eugene Slywka
Curtis Strom
Pat & Julie Kozak
Logan & Karen Eden
Jacquie Griffiths& Bob Sass
Ryan Boyle
Michael Kinar
Ken & Mary Kruger
Elma Wutzke
Andrew & Janet Fehr
Brad Olexysn
Paige Friske
Renee & Seth Francis
Audrey Bateson
Nettie Thiessen
Bob & Sandra Shutiak
Eugene McLeod
Jim & Jackie Britton
Randy & Marilyn Balzer
John & Martha Dyck
Tom & Bobbie Mackintosh
Len & Ardel Hautzinger
Tomalak Family
Colette & Mel Fischer
Jim & Brenda Tryhuba
Floyd & Grace Wudrick
Enos & Velma Willett
Don & Ann Procyshyn
Lori, Adison,Austin Hamoline
Angus Braun
Danyeal & Kale Nahorniak
Cameron & Vanda Wutzke
Bob & Chris Banman
Lyle Chisan
Les & Susan Thompson
Jim & Nancy McCrea
Jim & Heather Korpan
Tina Friesen
Don & Anne Jones
Floyd McMartin
Ken & Tammy Guse
Billie Thompson
Christie & Tylor Kramchynski
Greg & Liz Wills
Eric & Kalya Brunner
Jake & Lorraine Neufeld
Dennis & Jackie Thiessen
Jacob & Tina Neufeld
Raymond & Bridget Hamoline
Dawn & Allan Brezinski
Dale & Barb Friesen & Family
Lil Moysuik
Richard Sherban
Steve, Tina, Cole & Daniel Stalker
Kaelan, Tatjana, Twyla Baha
Rick & Jessica/kids
Joel, Adison & Austin Hamoline
Mike Kalinocha & family
Pat, Todd, Garret Laberge
Jo, Brian, Tyler & Jeff Britton
Isaac & Norma Schellenberg
Paul & Connie Newton
The Sapieha
Douglas & Kathy Button & Family
Sandra & Arnold Schneberger
Brett & Helena Hart
Gail McLeod & Graham White
Barry & Shirley Huffman
Laura, Dana,Walter & William Madsen Forbes Gibb
Pat & Sandy Procyshyn
Shawn, Deanna & Jenna Letkeman
Margaret Button
Vera Thompson
Donna & Marty Guigon
Philip & Luanne Loiselle
Brian, Renee ,Grayson & Jax
Tammy, Jeff,Kyle & Colten Lynchuk
Bernadette & Bernie Hamoline
Dave, Tammy, Makayla & A.J. Rettger
Walter & Catherine
Christopher, Sarah, Bohdi & Beck Thompson
Shane, Bobbilee, Makenna, Kyra & Carter Loralynn , Madison, Kathrina, Chase & Rayne
Deder, Lisa, Lauren & Paige& Mia
Alex & Awhina
Bonnie, Randy, Harper, Jackson Doige
Tonia, Trevor, Maeve & Regan Meier
Kent Huffman & Allison Sullivan
Kim, Glen, Jordon & Mack Ogilvy
Chester, Maggie, Amanda & Jace Ehnisz Joey, Crysta,Evan, Parker, Skyler Lalonde
Bart, Terra ,Brett, Ty, Nolan Holmes
Esther Krahn
The Heusdens
Bill & Jackie Busby
Elaine Hulse
Worship Service
Sunday 11:00 A.M. Phone 253-4457
Sarah Edwards: Owner/Broker
Evelyn Edwards: Owner/Broker
Vanda Wutzke: Broker
Residential & Commercial Foundations
Concrete Foundations & Gradebeams
ICF Foundations & Gradebeams
Pilings, Excavation & Garage slabs
Engineered Truss packages available
Carl 270-7131 Chad 380-3303
Aberdeen Branch 207 Main St N, Aberdeen, SK S0K 0A0
Shane Zhao
Branch Hours:
Tuesday and Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
P:306.253.3440 f:306.253.3442
TeleService 866.6237
922 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, Sk S7N 1B7
TeleService 306.934.4000
Toll free 866.863.6237
St. Paul’s Bergheim
Lutheran Church
Worship Services
Sunday School 10:15am
Rev. Howard Ulmer-373-9630
Blood pressure or foot care is a free service. You can talk to a Registered Nurse about vitamins or
prescription drugs, any other questions you may have, will be answered.
The clinic is held from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon, at the Aberdeen Seniors, as posted.
For an appointment contact: Nettie Thiessen 253-4447 or Wilma Thompson 253-4264
Please bring a towel if you are receiving foot care.
Next Clinic Date is: February 26 2014, March 26th 2014
Our facility is available for rent, at any time, for $35.00. For more information, contact the above
phone numbers.
Chris Kozak
Library News
Booktalk@yourlibrary will be on February
6thfrom 12:00 – 1:00. Bring a bagged lunch,
spend some time with friends both old and new.
Share all the great books you’ve been reading
Knifty Knitters! Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 8:00
It’s such a great place to spend your Wednesday evening.
You can bring your knitting or leave it home. Come out to
visit with friends, share your ideas and get new ones.
Storytime Wednesdays from 10:00 – 11:00 bring your
little one down for some fun!
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!
Dr. Seuss
I can read in red. I can read in blue.
I can read in pickle color too.
I can read in bed, and in purple. and in brown.
I can read in a circle and upside down!
I can read with my left eye. I can read with my
I can read Mississippi with my eyes shut tight!
There are so many things you can learn about.
But…you'll miss the best things
If you keep your eyes shut.
The more that you read, the more things you will
The more that you learn, the more places you'll
If you read with your eyes shut you're likely to
That the place where you're going is far, far
SO…that's why I tell you to keep your eyes wide.
Keep them wide open…at least on one side.
Dates to remember
February 5th - Biggest loser registration 4:00 –
Business hours
4:00 – 8:00
Wednesday 4:00 – 8:00
February 5 – Board meeting at 7:00
February 6 - Book talk at your library – 12:
February 10th- Valentine’s day craft 6:30 -7:30
10:00 – 3:00
Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00
Car Wash
Gas Bar
Open Mon. to Sat. 8 am. To 8 pm.
Sunday & Holiday Mon.
Noon to 8 pm.
Fresh fruit & vegetables available
305 Main St. Aberdeen Sask.
(306) 253-4713
Epicure Selections
Bridgette Morin
Independent Consultant
(306) 292-8747
Improving quality of life by radically reducing
the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning
For all your NORWEX needs call
Renee Francis 253-4321 or
e-mail at sr.francis@sasktel.net
The Aberdeen & District Newsletter is a free publication for the residents of Aberdeen and district
made possible by funding from Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Aberdeen, the RM
of Aberdeen, advertisements, subscriptions, and donations.
How do I subscribe?
Black and white copies are provided for free to anyone who rents a post office box from the
Aberdeen post office. Don’t have an Aberdeen post office box but want to receive a copy in the
mail? You can subscribe for $20/year. You can also subscribe to the electronic version (in colour)
for free. Call or email the editor to be added to the mailing and/or electronic distribution list.
How do I submit an ad?
If you have an ad that is currently in print that you need to make changes to, please make
changes and re-submit as a new ad. When submitting your ad make sure it is print ready as it will
appear how you submit it. Please note that there may be minor changes to your ad for formatting
There are two ways to submit your advertisement:
Drop off a hard copy of your ad to the Aberdeen Post office
Email your ad as an attachment (preferred method)
Accepted formats: Microsoft Publisher (.pub), Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), JPEG (.jpeg)
Narrow margins page set up.
How much does it cost to run an ad?
Business Card size $25.00/10 issues
1. Quarter page or less $8.00/issue
2. Half page or less $15.00/issue
3. Full page or less $30.00/issue
4. ** payment due upon submission **
5. Preferred payment is cheque
Submission deadline: 20th of every month
(Except July & Aug)
Distribution date: 27th of every month
(Except July & Aug)
Contact the Editor:
Ann or Mike Maille:
253-4885 or email aberdeen.newsletter@gmail.com
Picture 1.0
Not print-ready
Add $20 to
Any submission that
Picture 2.0
requires formatting
(with the exception of
basic classified ads) will
be charged an additional
$20 on top of the
submission fee. To
No additional
avoid additional charges
ensure that you submit
your print-ready ad as
an email attachment in
Word .doc, .xls, .jpeg,
.bmp, .tiff.
Picture 2.1
Example (left): Picture
1.0 is not print-ready
and would be charged
the additional $20 fee.
Picture 2.0 & 2.1 is a
print-ready, formatted
submission and would
not be charged an
additional fee.