January 1, 2000 Date of submission to Advisory Board { SAMPLE LETTER OF PROPOSAL 2 spaces 101 Nowhere Drive Arden, NC 28704 BLOCK FORMAT: (So named because everything begins at the left margin-no indentions, like a block. It is used for its formality. It is the accepted business letter format.) Your mailing address--does not contain your name { 1 space Your Eng. IV teacher’s first and last name Teena Teacher and Advisory Board T.C. Roberson High School 250 Overlook Rd. Asheville, NC 28803 { Dear Mrs. Teacher and Graduation Project Advisory Board: { Your Eng. IV teacher’s last name 1 space Set margins to 1 inch: top/bottom, left/right Use 12 point font only Use Times New Roman only Do NOT bold Do NOT italicize (unless for appropriate titles) Single space within paragraphs Double space between paragraphs Do NOT indent paragraphs 1 space Since I was a child, I have been self-conscious of my weight. While many say that I am not “fat,” I am twenty or so pounds overweight. My body image weighs heavily on my mind every day. I would like to use the Graduation Project to not only learn more about obesity but to also force myself to live a more healthful lifestyle. Ultimately, I would like very much to lose these extra pounds and improve my health as well as my self-esteem. { 1 space between paragraphs Due of the recent surge of weight-loss plans advertised on television as well as the overwhelming media reports about America being an obese nation, I would like to do my research paper on the growing number of obese children in America. I will argue that the changing American culture is directly responsible for this rise in childhood obesity which is negatively impacting not only their physical health but their mental health. To conduct my research I will use books, periodicals, and the internet as well as interview Greg Pressley, owner of WNC Barbell, to obtain the most current statistics and reasons for this growing American epidemic. For my practical experience, I will attempt to lose weight and live more healthfully. I have never been what you might say “active.” I’ve never played sports or anything like that, so my practical experience may be quite challenging for me. My parents have agreed to purchase a gym membership for me for the remainder of the semester for a total coast of $200. Brian Allison, a personal trainer at WNC Barbell, has agreed to be my mentor and work with me to build an exercise schedule and diet plan for free. I will work out at the gym approximately three days per week for ten weeks, so I will invest well over the required fifteen hours. I will also keep a daily food journal. Before I begin, I will go to my doctor for a routine physical; my insurance will pay for that. I plan to document my practical experience with my time-log; before, during, and after pictures; regular weight and measurement checks; my food journal, and exercise schedule. I know that plagiarism is using someone else’s words or thoughts as my own, which is both unlawful and unethical. To avoid plagiarism I will use proper MLA citation. If I do not, I am aware that I will fail my Graduation Project, which could result in my failing English IV. That is not a risk I am willing to take. Sincerely, { 1 space { 3 spaces allows for signature--blue or black ink only Sally Student { Type your legal name, not nickname. 2 spaces Don’t forget this line. You may type it exactly as it appears here. It is necessary because you are submitting your Evaluation and consents with your proposal. Attachments: Letter of Proposal Evaluation and Mentor and Parental Consents
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