THE BIG BEND SENTINEL 1926 MARFA, PRESIDIO COUNTY, TEXAS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1946 Lth Late Last Library Deposit Ropers in Arena Returned at Time ;k for Former Seen By Many at Borrowing Stops •fa Postmaster Further explanation of the $2 Fairgrounds Here \l, Niccolls Lived re More Than Half of tury; Early Day Printer ly eighty-six years old, 0 . oils, an early day postmasspaper publisher in Marfa, imed by death about midriday of last week and was Saturday afternoon after a conducted at the First ,n Church by the Rev. Gilbert and the Rev. RobBristol. Niccolls had become quite recent years and had m dfast for several months. couple of years ago he familiar character in the district, making the trip ,r several hours whenever . Ice cream was a favorite and he usually enjoyed a it before he went home, carrying a sack of citrus which he was quite fond. Ian Antonio P r i n t e r , Illinois, was Mr. Niccolls* ce but he came here when twenty-seven from San Anhere he had worked as a on the San Antonio ExHe often told of having it of stock in the San Arewspaper in those early d of having worked on it the time when electricity d in the lighting of the ng room. he had lived here for a fore the turn of the cei» i. Niccolls became a buyeriper for The French Comarathon, and for eighteen ew people of that comas he served them in the store. Put! 151 deposit fee required of book-borrowers at the Public Library, which was opened Saturday, was made this week by W. H. Avinger, of the Lions Club library committee. Mr. Avinger said that the deposit is merely one that is required of a family while the members of the family are borrowing books at the library. When a family group ceases to use the library—or leaves town—the deposit is refunded. The library is being kept open from 4 o'clock until 6:30 each day except Sunday, Mr. Avinger said. Readers at the library, Mr. Avinger explained, are not subject to the payment of the borrower's fee. VOLUME 21, NUMBER 23 VISITORS IN MARFA NEED TRANSPORTATION TO SERVICES AT BLOYS Marfans' hospitality is being tested. Five persons, guests for the time being at £1 Paisano Hotel, would like to attend a Bloys Camp Meeting service. They do not have cars* Anyone who will indicate a t the hotel desk that he would be glad to have one or more of these people as a guest to and from Skillman Grove will be displaying a bit of hospitality that will be appreciated by the visitors in the Highland section. Friday Night Show Participated in by Many Prom the Highland Section Many at Bloys For Week's Series Of Church Services Dr. S. L. Joekel Speaker at Opening Service Tuesday Evening The large, rusty bell, with pull-cord just high enough to be out of reach of eager youngsters, was tolled at 7:40 Tuesday evening and again at 7:55 to call Bloys Camp Meeting worshipers to the first service of the fifty-seventh annual meeting in picturesque Skillman Grove, between Marfa and Fort Davis. A crowd thdt filled a large portion of the grandstand at the Marfa Fairgrounds "Friday night saw a large number of Highland ranchmen and cowboys compete in steer and calf roping, and in other contests that are the favorite of the people of a ranch country. Gay Howard, Marfa business man and ranchman, had little trouble with his animals in a twosteer breakaway in which Charlie A prayer by Dr. W. H. White, Stringfellow, Highland ranchman, educator and Austin minister, was his opponent. Howard got opened the service and this was his steers in a total of 15.4 secfollowed by a song, " I Love To F o r m e r Presidio Young onds and Stringfellow required Tell the Story," with the choir M a n D i e d in C a l i f o r n i a 87.8 seconds. and congregation directed by John The time of Clay Espy and A resident of Presidio until the Prude of Fort Davis, many years Hayes Mitchell in a steer roping start of his naval years, Edwin J. one of the young men who have contest was 137.4 while that of i Jack) Anderson, son of Mrs. attended Bloys Camp Meeting. during the servicetheir opponents', Lee Williams Myrtle Anderson, of Presidio, died Other prayers 1 Five of Ten Games and Burton Mitchell, was 194.4. Monday, in Santa Barbara, Calif., were by D *. Fred Brooks, pastor The complete record of Friday To Be Played At Alpine where he had been making his of the First Presbyterian Church, TRYING F O R L O U I S I A N A — J i m m i e H. Davis, Louisinight's contest, as compiled by home since his release from naval Austin, the Rev. N. R. Spann, a n a g o v e r n o r , right a b o v e , a n d d e L e s s e p s S. M o r r i s o n , Little more than a month reEmmett DeVolin, was as follows: duty. He had been in ill health minister of Laurel Heights MethN e w O r l e a n s m a y o r , a r e s a l e s l e a d e r s in a n e f f o r t t o e x mains before Highland area First Jackpot Calf Roping since his discharge from the Navy. odist Church, San Antonio, and p a n d i n d u s t r y in t h e i r s t a t e . people may see in action the Sul the Rev. Robert F. Bristol, First Jasper Kuntz—17.2; Eairl A native of Earle, Ark., Mr. Ross football team, the .first that "Christian Church minister in Grubb—18.2; Clive Acton—24.8; CREDITS TRANSCRIPTS Anderson was born January 22, has been in action for the Alpine Marfa. Murphy Bennett—no time; Ted REQUESTED OF PUPILS 1918. He came with his parents Dr. L. D. Anderson, Christian college since the beginning of the Harper—34.2; Hart Greenwoodto Presidio about twenty years war. Church minister from Fort Worth • High school pupils in Marfa no time; Lee Williams—no time; ago, where he received his early D. J. Pollock is director of ath- Ernest Acton—no time. who is Camp Meeting superinduring 1946-1947 who were in education and was graduated letics a t the state educational intendent, made announcements conschool elsewhere last year are Second Jackpot Calf Roping from high school. He did college stitution in Alpine and P. E. cerning the services during the reminded this week by W. H. Earl Grubb—16; C. Acton—36; work at John Tarleton College, Twenty acres of irrigated pasPierce is coach. Larry Klaus, Earl week. Dr. S. L. Joekel, Austin Avinger, principal, that they McElroy—no time; Ed ture is planned for supplemental Stephenville, Sul Ross College, Alformerly of Kingsville, is hand- Fowlkes—no time: Ted Harper— seminary professor, is conducting should write at once for a pine, and later attended the Unifeed on C. E. Miller ranch, a coling the publicity for the Lobo 45.2; Hart Greenwood—166; Lee a Bible study course each morntranscript of their credits. versity of Chicago. His duty with operator of the Highland Soil Congriuircn organization this year. ing. The 11 A. M. service is by The transcript should be Wiiiiams—no time. the Navy included services in the servation District. the Reverend Mr. Spann, Dr. W. The Loboes' schedule for 1946 mailed to. Mr. Avinger at Box Matched Team Tieing Mediterranean and Pacific theaLast week Soil Conservation R. White is the speaker at 3 is as follows: 773, Marfa. Murphy Bennett and Tyrrel Service personnel, assisting the ters. Before entering service he o'clock each afternoon, and ®the Sept. 20—San Angelo College Smith—176.4 (three calves: 65— . High school students will was for a time employed by Clay Highland Soil Conservation Disfour ministers alternate in the (in San Angelo); Sept. 28—Abi- 56.4—55). register the week beginning Slack in Presidio, and at the Mctrict, made a contour map of a speaking of the spiritual messages lene Christian College (in AlAugust 26 and a complete Bill Runton and Albert L. Lo- field on the ranch. This field will Donald Observatory, Fort Davis. at the night services. pine) ; Oct. 5—McMurry College gan^253.4 (three calves: 103.1— schedule of registration hours Funeral services were conducted aughters Survive be bordered, leveled, and planted (in Sweetwater); Dr. Joekel chose as the basis for for high school students will 94.3—56). in Marfa Thursday at 5 o'clock in his Tuesday night sermon theives said this week that to an improved pasture this fall. Oct. 11—Texas Lutheran Colbe announced by Mr. Avinger Team Tying the First Christian Church, with Bible words of the eleventh chapoils was the second postMr. Miller will irrigate t h n lege (in Big S p r i n g ) ; Oct. 19— next week. J. W. Rawls, Jr., Jim White— the Rev. Robert F. Bristol offici- ter of Numbers. He emphasized in Marfa. His work as New Mexico Military Institute (in 18.4 vs. Tyrrel Smith, Bill Bun- field with water from a six-inch ating, and burial was in the ceme- the need of spiritual leaders who of the New Era, estabpipe line that "picks up" the watAlpine); Oct. 26—Eastern New ton—no time. tery here. re sixty years ago, was er in a canyon at the old Fort alwould "dare to be seekers of their Mexico State College (in Alpine); Ted Harper, Clive Acton—20 nt with his work as a Other than his mother, surviown souls and those of others** Nov. 2—Texas A. and I. Col- vs. Brooks Acton, Clive Acton most a mile above the field. The employee in the postoffice. vors include two sisters, Mrs. Donwater is then stored in two steel Prophetic leaders, he mentioned, lege (in Kingsville); Nov. 9—Newiccolls was married in Mexico A. and M. College (in Las —32. ald Chaney, Port Clinton, Ohio, tanks, one of 116,440-gallon caare always chosen by God to lead Jim White, Tyrrel Smith—25 vs. pacity, and the other a smaller and Mrs. L. B. McMillan, of Arl1889, to Elizabeth A. Cruces. N. M . ) ; Nov. 16— Nanations out of the crises which bey S u l R o s s Coach A s k s B. H. Davis, N. B. Chaffin—40.2. tank of 42,066 gallons capacity. ington; and four brothers—N. H. set them. His sermon was conand children who survive tional UMrarsity of Mexico Earl McElroy, Jasper Kuntz— These two tanks are filled overF o r S u p p o r t of M a r f a n s Anderson, Presidio; Richard An- cluded with these words:— arriage are the son here, 'Homecoming'Game) (in Alpine); no time; Billy Crews, Clay Espy— De Saix B. Niccolls, another son, Nov. 23—Hardin College (in Alnight and each day this water Rotary Club members this week derson, Arlington; "The world moves forward in no time. Anderson, of Los Angeles, Calif., will be applied to the field. colls of Houston, and a pine) . heard club members tell of the the wake of prophets who dare to Hayes Mitchell, Clay Espy—50 and Thomas E. Anderson, of Fort » Mrs. Zela Ross, of Sebreak the moulds." Twenty acres can be covered in committee work which they and- Worth. vs. E. Acton, J. Kuntz—33.1. k A daughter, Mrs. their fellow committee members An interesting group in the Lee Williams, Murphy Bennett about a two-week period, and Mr. Jensen, also survives. expected to do. Mrs. Chaney will remain for congregation the opening night of —45.4 vs. Burton Mitchell, Mur- Miller will be able to apply 60 daughter of Mr. Niccolls' N. V. Morris told of the Mem- several weeks visit with her moth- this year's meeting was made Up inches of water, in addition to phy Bennett—no time. in 1504, to Miss Rose bership and Classification groups, er in Presidio, and the others left of Boy Scouts of America, and Bill Bunton, Albert L. Logan— rainfall, to twenty acres of land, A guest of her mother, Mrs. e. A. E. Ligon described the work for their homes Thursday night. their Scoutmaster, from Stratford. Louis Cartall, for several weeks, no time vs. Hayes Mitchell, Albert thus prducing a large volume of of the Fellowship committee, and in the "top o' the Panhandle." ^ves in California feed, which will be harvested by Mrs; J. E. Durst and daughter, L. Logan—42.4. S. L. Piumbley gave his ideas, and Troop 38, or at least about thir* of Mr. Niccolls, two from where they will sail on AugEarl McElroy, E. Acton—no livestock throughout the year. r than those of Rotary International, in ty of them, sat in two rows at the f he was, lives in Dana, left Tuesday for New York, time vs. Ted Harper, Hart Greenregard to the importance of memback of the tabernacle. Each boy pies. ust 20 for Naples, Italy. On their wood—no time. bers' attendance at the luncheon was in the Scout uniform. ** of the service Satur- arrival there they will go to Rome Billy Crews, B. H. Davis—no mf»etin«r e*ich week. ra A««. OCT ®on Schubert's Sere- to join Captain Durst, who is with time vs. Earl Grubb, Ed Fowlkes J. E. Gregg and H. T. Fletcher Panel N o t U s e d in Played on the violin by a the Allied * Commission. They ex- —37.3. . ' Information about Marfa will were in charge of the program. ht The annual summer round-up of « er, Mrs. Mary Nic- pect td make their home there Earl Grubb, Ed Fowlkes—no be given on the radio at 1 P. M., Those who were guests at the children who will enter school for " ^ It was a favorite about two years. , time vs. Pat Holland, Brook Ac- Sunday, August 25, according to meeting were: r the first time this fall, is being A special venire of citizens called - Niccolls. Captain Durst, in Europe dur- ton—no time. announcement by the Union Bus Judge James W. McClendon, made by members of the Marfa to report Wednesday, August 7, in h * ° served as pallbear- ing the war, recently completed a J. W. Rawls, Jr., Hart Green- Lines which operates from Del Austin; Mrs. McClendon, an aunt e Parent-Teacher Association, with clistrict court for possible jury funeral, directed by ninety-day. leave period in the wood—35; Lee Williams, Burton Rio to Van Horn, through Marfa. of Judge McClendon; Judge W. the object of advising parents to duty in the case of the State vs. --» 'ionic, were: (Continued on Page Four) United States. A request, for pertinent data M. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor; the Rev. arrange with physicians for the Juan Garcia, charged with the J " * , f. W. Jordan, 0 . has been complied with by the Francis Juaniz, Alpine; Linn Mc- children's pre-school medical ex- murder of Anastacio Gonzales, Chamber of Commerce, oiganiza- Neff, EI Paso; Tom Robinson, AI- aminations. d ; r a ^ k G o t t h o l t ' E - T. was not used for the reason that d E ' - T. Williams. tion which received news of the tus, Okla.; Postal cards are being mailed the case was continued until the W. R. Jacobs, Sedalia, Mo.; Ben f: H- W. Schutze, J. H. broadcast from Sid L. Hardin, to parents known to have children next term of court. •^•Ellison, R. E . L. attorney for the company which Simmons, Kingsville; Fred Wil- of this age group. There will be The absence of Dr. J. P. Searls, •Mitchell. P. A . Mitch- I a m a D e m o c r a t a n d p l e d g e m y s e l f t o s u p p o r t t h e n o m i n e e s ir« i tain Rio Giran-ie V.illey Di- liams, Alpine; P. E. Pierce, Alsome—unknown to P-T- A. work- summoned as a witness, was given vision headquarters at Edinburg. pine. of t h i s P r i m a r y ers—who will not be reached in as the reason for the continuance. . hris- H. A. Morrison of Mr. Pierce spoke briefly of the The program on which Marfa this manner, and they are urged Dr. Searls was in Arizona. 1946 football prospects for Sul S e c o n d P r i m a r y , A u g u s t 24, 1946 Similarly, three other district will be mentioned will be over to see that these examinations are Ross State Teachers College and Judge H KABC, 50-watt station that may given their children. Blanks will court cases involving Jose Sotelo, » R I' - o- STATE OF TEXAS , COUNTY OF PRESIDIO be urged that all Marfans attend the heard at 680 on the radio dial. be furnished to parents by the Floyd Hanna, and Jack Wofford five games that the Alpine girdEarl were continued until the next term KABC is not "beamed" in the 1.1 »** YounK, iron machine will play this, fall. physician—with the child's de- of court. "£ frank Darwood-direction of Marfa, according to Mr. Pierce is coach of the Lobo fects, if any, marked. Parents are ' Marathon. the Union Bus Line? but the prothen urged to sec that the necessquad. FOR GOVERNOR: gram may be heard here. The stasary corrections are taken care lro tion's management declares that BEAUFORD J E S T E R , Navarro* County of as quickly as possible. its programs are directed more to Mrs. Ben R. Pruett is chairman HOMER P. RAINEY, Travis County the north and east, and that it of the committee in charge of the A patient in Searls Hospital Hi( Sch001 has a potential listening audience | C l 9 «3 W*n e round-up of children. since the middle of last week, of about five million people. l w ^D ' n she A press release received by the Philotheos K. Ferney, Fort Worth, FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: l ; ^ . " Rio, Miss Ma! Sentinel from Headquarters, of showed improvement this week and ALLAN SHIVERS, Jefferson County Eighth Army, Yokohama, Japan, it was expected that he could rethe C a tells of the awarding to Col. BOYCE HOUSE, Tarrant County turn to his home. George A. A. Jones, Marfa, of the Mrs. Ferney and their daughThe ending of a business as- ter were here at the time of Mr. Distinguished 'Service Medal. Parents of a daughter, born FOR COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE: The Medal was given in recog- sociation of nearly twelve years 'sixth g, a d e Saturday, August 10, at Searls nition of Colonel Jones' ability in was announced this week by Mrs. Ferney's heart attack but ren "•TO to l,- L J. E. McDONALD, Ellis County Hospital, are AT. ami "Mrs. Wil- the supervising, procurement, and P. A. Jackson and Mrs. Frank turned to Fort Worth the latter tr 8H M h 0 l , i >Wor in K ' liam A. Shannon. The baby, who evaluation of intelligence con- J. Gottho'.t, 07vi»ftrs of "The 3tyle part of the week. They were to R. E. MCDONALD, Travis County Ferney's weighed eight pounds, arrived at cerning the strength and dispo- Shop," women's wear firm on come here, with Mr. nephew, this week to take him to 4:25 A. M., and has been given sition of enemy*forces in the Phil- Highland Avenue. g e th »s summer. Pecos where he was to complete FQRMJDGE COURT OF CRtMINir -4/^¾¾¾¾^ the name of Dawn. Mrs. UouTiCtvTIas bought Mrs. j the trip to Fort Worth by train. ippines and J&££.n. Grandparents include Mrs. Sx-kauii's interest in the buaiCok el and Mrs. TTOM L. BEAUCIIAMP, Smith County • ft Maude Shannon, of Marfa onel Jones' mother, recently went nes, established November 10, jfcSSE OWENS, Wilbarger County and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cox, to Japan to make their residence 1934, and wuT continue to operate riday a n d **«' f! s»tof San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. while he is stationed in that coun- it in its present location—the Leaving early Thursday morn» * * L w i d e I y •**• Cox, of San Antonio, are great* try. Their daughter, Mrs. Jack Glascock Building. Since its ing Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fennel! FOR SmWfr, P$ESWIO COUNTY: grandparents. Flynt, lives here. He is on the founding the store has become went to Eagle Pass. They were OTTIg W. MORROW Mrs. George A. Cox arrived staff of Lt. Gen, Robert L. Eichel- well known in the Highland area called there by the critical illness e Saturday for a visit with her berger, Commanding QeRoral; to the women and girls which i t of Mrs. Fennell's sister, Mrs. Lea * - M-, Thuraj, T. a TAYLOR Hums* has served. daughter and family. Eighth United States Army. Jack Anderson Buried Thursday Sul Ross Schedule In 1946 Announced Espy Miller at Work on Irrigated Land Undertaking Rotarians Tell Of Work in Groups Mrs. Durst, Daughter Leave for Rome, Italy Medical Check-ups Required for First Marfa Broadcast Scheduled i ear scuooi U u l d | Garcia-Gonzales Case SAMPLE BALLOT »les Resigns £LV? " *^ Resident of Fort Worth Returns Home Medal Received by Colonel George Jones William A. Shannons Parents of Daughter Mrs. Gottholt New Owner of Store Here <S£ £,"*»*»»« 'rather Go to Eagle Pass ,.H... - . « . J * - •>• \ FRIDAY, AUGuJ THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS PAGE SIX the net revenue derived by counties j M f S . B . F . G 6 a r l i a r t LEGAL NOTICE H. J. R. No. 49 ^TZ^ITTt^Entertain* Children shall never be less than the maxi HOUSE JOINT mum amounts allowed to be re-! Entertaining in her home TuesRESOLUTION POLITICAL Announcements Rents in Marfa A s Of Sunday, June 30 Rent control is still in effect in The Sentinel has been .author- Marfa. proposing an amendment to Article tained by each County and the per-j d a y e v e n i n g i Mrs. B. F . Gearhart That's the reminder that was VIII of the Constitution of the centage allowed to be retained by' was hostess for a party for her ized to irake the following an- expressed Tuesday by Joe W. State of Texas by adding thereto each County under the laws in two grandchildren, J o Nell and nouncement of candidacy for po-Toomibs, Rent Director, Marfaa new section to be known as effect on January 1, 1945. Nothing . j a c ^ Turner, daughters of Mrs. litical office, subject to the action Alpine Defense Rental Area. Mr. '•Section 7-a"; providing that sub- contained herein shall be con-Bill G. Gearhart of El Paso, who of the Second Democratic Pri- Toombs urged that all who have ject to legislative appropriation, trued as authorizing the pledging are spending the week here. The mary, August 24, 1946. property for rent contact the allocation and direction all net rev- of the State's credit for any pur- date was J o Nell's seventh birth- For Sheriff, Presidio County: Rent Control Office in the Brite day anniversary. enues derived from the taxes, ex- pose." OTTIS W. MORROW Building to be sure just what the cept gross production and ad va- Sec. 2. The foregoing AmendAfter the singing of "Happy T. C. (CREED) TAYLOR obligations a r e in regard t o the lorem taxes, levied on motor fuels ment to the Constitution shall be Birthday" by the children, the (re-election) renting of i t and lubricants and motor vehicles submitted to a vote of the qualified birthday cake was cut and served Mr. Toombs said that there has registration fees shall be used for electors of this State at the Gen- with ice cream. Colored balloons been no change in the rent reguthe sole purposes of acquiring eral election to be held in Novem- were given as favors. Mrs. Gearall property Many years a real estate agent lations and that rights-of-way for and constructing ber, 1946, at which election each hart afterward took the group to Visiting in Area should be rented at the same price as on June SO, unelss increase has been authorized under the proper procedure through the Rent Control Office. Laws are i n ^ ^ ^ Morrow ! S h « * * , *< ^ B a c k Again, Sentinel,*- adv. LIQUOR Select a t the Randy Place . . . Half Slock South of Signal —WmSKEYS —RUMS —WINES —BRANDYS —GINS and maintaining public roadways; ballot shall have printed thereon the Palace Theater where they in San Antonio, "John H. Sutherfor th<? administration of laws per- the following words: land is visiting in this section this enjoyed the current feature. taining to traffic and safety; and "FOR the Amendment to the • week, Mrs. Stuherland is accomfor the payment of principal and Constitution cf the State provid-' interest on county and road dis- panying him. The San Antonio interest on county and road dis- ing that subject to legislative; t r i c t; bonds or warrants voted ov man was quite enthusiastic about Attorney-at-Law trict bonds or warrants voted or appropriation, allocation and di-; j SSU ed prior to January 2, 1989, the pleasing way in which the issued prior to January *-, 1939,rection all net rpvpnues derived ! an<j declared eligible for debt ser- town of Marfa had been laid out and declared eligible for debt ser- from taxes, except gross pro- v i c e prior to January 2, 1945; pro- by early day residents. In his vice prior to January 2, 1945; pro- duction and ad valorem taxes, viding that one-fourth ( ¾ ) of opinion it contrasts quite favorBRITE BUILDING viding that one-fourth ( ¼ ) of levied on motor fuels and lubri- i SUCft net revenue from the motor ably in that respect to other towns such net revenue from the motor cants and motor vehicle registra- j f u e i t a x shall be allocated to theof this area. TELEPHONE 20 fuel tax shall be allocated to the tion fees shall be used for the sole j Available School Fund; providing Mexican Supper — 75c. USO available School Fund; providing purposes of acquiring rights-of-1 a n ( j insuring that each county shall and insuring that each county shall way for and constructing and j never derive less revenue from Club, 6 to 8 P. M., Aug, 24. Bene—Marfa — never derive less revenue from maintaining public roadways; ^or | m o t o r registration fees than the at Ruth Martin Guild, St. Paul's motor registration fees than the the administration of laws p e > maximum amounts and percent- Episcopal Church.—adv. maximum amounts and percent- Laining to traffic and safety; and a g e s o f s u c n fees a n 0 wed to be reSALES ages of such fees allowed to be re- for the payment of principal and tained by each county under the SERVICE tained b ,f each county under the interest on county and road dislaws in effect on January 1, 1945; trict bonds or warrants voted or laws in effect on January 1, 1943; rfe1^ i~-i negativing any interpretation of issued prior to January 2, 1939. and negativing any interpretation of this amendment as authorizing this amendment as a u t h o r i n g the and declared eligible for debt ser—\SlU»II101Mit>— the pledging of the State's credit pledging of the State's credit for Hastings Piston Rings Thermoid Brake Lining vice prior to January 2, 1945; pro- for any purpose. . . . . All Service Station Services.... any purpose; providing for the Gates F a n Belts and Hose Lockheed Brake Parts viding that one-fourth (Vi) oi •'Each voter shall strike out with submission of this amendment to BODYWORK CARW48 Exchange Fuel Pumps, Carburetors, Generators 3uch net revenue from the motor pen or pencil the clause which he the voters of this State; prescribAUTOMOBILE REPAIRING fuel tax shall be allocated to the desires to vote against so as to inClutch Plates, and Pressure Plates ing the form of ballot; and proAvailable School Fund; providing dicate whether he is voting FOR TOLTEC GASOLINE MGTOBf CALL OR WIRE FOR SERVICE viding for the proclamation of the and insuring that each county shall or AGAINST said proposed LUBRICATION election and the publication therenever derive less revenue from i a m e n d m e n t . " of. . . . Across From El Paisano Hotel in Marfa. j motor registration fees than the Sec. 3. The Governor of the Box 104 Alpine, Texas Phone 458 F 2 BE IT RESOLVED BY T H Emaximum amounts and percent- State of Texas is hereby directed LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE ages of such fees allowed to be to issue the necessary proclamaretained by each county under the tion for said election and to have OF TEKAS: Section 1. That Article VITI of laws in effect January 1, 1945; and ] s a m e published as required by the the Constitution of the State of negativing any interpretation of Constitution for Amendments Texas he amended by adding there- this amendment as authorizing the thereto. to a new Section to be known as pledging of the State's credit for any purpose. • i» a i m iw i c a u <x& i v j i v A i . "AGAINST the Amendment t^ "Section 7-a. Subject to legislative appropriation, allocation the Constitution of the State of and direction, ail net revenues re- Texas providing that subject to maining after payment of all re-legislative appropriation, allocadue to funds allowed by law and expenses tion and direction all net revenues MALARIA? of collection derived from motor derived from taxes. *>xce»t erross Made especially tor vehicle registration fees, and oil production and ad valorem taxes, Malarial Symptoms. taxes, except gross production and levied on motor fuels and lubriMrX-OHCH-WE ad valorem taxes, on motor fuels cants and motor vehicle registraCTJ'IOTI U * only as a;'"-;'ed and lubricants used to propel tion fees shall be used for the sol* motor vehicle:; over public road- purposes of acquiring rights-ofways, .shall be used for the sole • way for and constructing and purpose of acquiring rights-of-way.' maintaining public roadways; for crnstructing, maintaining, and} the administration of laws perpolicing such public roadways, and ;taining to traffic and safety; and Built To Order for the administration of such laws j for the payment of principal and as may be prescribed by the Legis-! lature pertaining to the super-' vision of traffic and safety or. such ; roads; and for the payment of the \ principal and interest on cour.iy j Roscoe Simpson and road district bonds or war- i . . . New and Used Parts . . . rants voted or issued prior to TanLicensed \tory 2. 1 ^ : \ ar.d declared eiigiMe ' State Land Survevor prior to January 2, 1945, for pay-' San Angelo 15] 1 Rio Grande ment out of the County and Road Street Texas District Highway Fund under existing law; provided, however, that —PHONE 4813-3— one-fourth (¼) of such net reveThis week we begin our second business year in Marfij West On U. S. Hy. 90 Consult me about your nue from the motor fuel tax shall A few months ago we established an Alpine business thatj MARFA surveying problems. be allocated to the Available School is operated in conjunction with our Marfa store. Fund; and, provided, however, that L. HOLLAND Highland Package Sti Jack Andrew, Owner Williams & Rector ALPINE MOTOR SUPPLY McQuay-Norris Replacement Parts EARL BOWERS, Owner evvitvs JL ^ / T T v J 2 Wf* e ~give pleasure with growing things -perhaps that's why we're so pleased by our growth during our TRAILERS Mechanic On Duty SURVEYING fIRST BUSINESS YEAR MARFA WRECKING CO. I Jimmie's Cafe ^3ua^ We are especially pleased that we have acquired affiliation with the Florists Telegraph Delivery Service ( ' T h e FTDA") during our first year. This is a tribute and honor that is coveted by many firms and one of which we are extremely proud. We are sincerely grateful to all who have had a ] in making our twelve months in business successful. It been our intention a t all times to give Marfa and Alpine J SUPERIOR type of retail store dealing in both flowers gifts. The proportion of success we have had is diR attributable to the kindness and patronage of those we haj served . . . people who have recognized, if you please,the. quality of our goods and services in the high stem we have attempted to maintain. We thank all of our friends for everything! CALLY COOLEY JUDY DEISj May we serve you often in the years to come #yt*l&ij: tf Send Nature's AT TOLTEC MOTEL AND SERVICE STATION Handicraft Telephone is now owned by ANYWHERE ANY T I M E One-One-Six CLARK RIDOUT . . . ANGUS NICCOLLS -for a satisfying: meal of delicious food, come to: ITMMIVQ Ck*™ n m \JI1 «J !tl,t«.L*JHLM.J KJ -for a soda, or a hamburger, served to you IN YOUR CAR, drive to: MARFA DRIVE INN By Telegraph (Marfa) - m i BIE.II M»UI*?**v»n*tt- Marfa GIFT and FLOWER SHOP All 7 Vfi:f AUGUST 9, 1W6 THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS Rodeo Contests in El Paso Minister Ozona August 16-17 Club Speaker Friday rAT NOTICE minister a Retirement, Disability Paso. Last week he was one of H J R- N o . 1 0 and Death Compensation Fund foi those who were active in Paisano OUSE JOINT the appointive officers and ,em Baptist Encampment programs. ployees of t h e county; provided Rodeo fans of West Texas will sain.e is authorized by a majority The place of service clubs in the Noland Kelley, new Marfa resident, was introduced as a member Constitution of the State vote of the qualified voters of such see some of the top hands in thecommunity was described Friday of the club. O. F . Lewis was in , b y adding thereto Sec- county and after such election has roping business in action in thenoon by the Rev,- Fred Cole of El charge of the program. providing a Retirement, been advertised by being published two-day show planned at Ozona Paso when he spoke to members of for Saturday and Sunday, Aug- the Lions Club. and Death Compensa- in a t least one newspaper of genust 17 and 18. The celebration is The Reverend Mr. Cole h a s for People KNOW Ottis W. Morte for the appointive offi- eral circulation in said county once sponsored by the Crockett County many years been pastor o:f therow. And he's well known ! Sheremployees of the State; each week for four consecutive Fair Association and is one of the Greenhave Baptist Church in Eliff !—adv. weeks; provided that the amount j t h e amount contributed oldest annual summer events in L to such Fund; prow* contributed by the county to such this section. investment of Fund with Fund shall equal the amount paid This year's show will feature mentions; prohibiting re- for the same purpose from the income of each such person, and calf roping, team tying, cutting rf benefits hereunder from other direct aid from the shall not exceed a t any time five horse contests, girls' flag races, hthori2ing counties to pro- per centum ( 5 % ) of the compensa- girls' barrel races, boys' calf administer such a Fund tion paid to each such person by roping, boys' calf riding and numbers of special matched ropings Uve county officers and the county, and shall in no one between outstanding calf ropers after favorable vote in year exceed the sum of One Hunof the area. A $500 Gray trailer election for such pur- dred and Eighty Dollars ($180) is being offered as a prize to the ging the amount con- for any such person, winner of the best two-day time 11,,, the county to such "All funds provided from the in the various girls' events. oviding for investment of compensation of each such person, Dances on the big open-air platcertain exceptions; pro- or by the county, for such Retireipients of benefits from ment, Disability and Death Com- form a t the fair grounds Friday ^ from receiving other pensation Fund, a s are received and Saturday evenings, August Ph. 662 'Little House of Large Service" 16 and 17, are expected to draw from the State; and pro- by the county, shall be invested in large crowds. Harrison's Texans an election, necessary bonds of t h e United States, of San Angelo will furnish the ballot, and publication on the State of Texas, or counties or music. j i o n of adoption of this cities of this State, or in bonds Mt«BEft • * issued by any agency of the United ent RESOLVED BY T H EStates Government, the payment A Portrait LTURE OF THE STATE of the principal of and interest on A Picture of Your Business House which is guaranteed by the United LS: The Finishing of Your Films Guests this week in the home of 1. That Article 16 ofStates, provided that a sufficient *&![&*' . . Let KEITH Do It . . titution of the State of amount of said funds shall be the Rev. and Mrs. Homer Gilbert amended by adding therer kept on hand to meet the immediate were L. W. Wilcox and his daughHOURS: 9:30—5:30 (Sat.: 9:30 to 6:30) 62, which shall read as payment of the amount likely to ter, Lela Faye, who live in Carlsbecome due each year out of said bad, N. W. Mr. Wilcox, a motor bus driver 2 (a). The Legislature Fund, such amount of funds to termined for the Potash Mines Transportae the right to levy taxes hi> Tr*>T»t on hand to be cU GLASCOCK BLDG. PHONE 57 ie a Retirement, Disability by the agency which may be pro- tion Co., told in enthusiastic manvided by law to administer said ner of the growth of the New Compensation Fund for ijntive officers and em-Fund; and provided that the re- Mexico town which has as its largcipients of benefits from said Fund est payroll the operating of potbf the State; provided that punt contributed by the shall not be eligible for any other ash mines. Several months ago pension retirement funds or direct the people of the Carlsbad school [such Fund shall equal the paid for the same purpose aid from the State of Texas, un- district voted bonds that are enincome of each such per- less the Fund, the creation of which abling them to improve and expand shall not exceed a t anyis provided for herein, contributed their school facilities greatly. per centum (5%) of theby the county, is released to the "He'll do to take along." Morition paid to each such State of Texas a s a condition to the State, and shall in receiving such other pension aid." row ! Sheriff !—adv. [year exceed the sum of Sec. 2. The foregoing ConstiMexican Supper — 75c. USO ndred and Eighty Dollars tutional, Amendment shall be subjar s* * • £ ' -w'j V v mitted t o a vote of the qualified Club, 6 to 8 P. M., Aug. 24. Benefor any such person, ifonds provided from the voters of this State a t an election fit Ruth Martin Guild, St. Paul's ation of such person, or to be held throughout the State in Episcopal Church.—at*. State of Texas, for Buch November, 1946, (being the 5th jnt, Disability and Death day day thereof *) a t which all ployees of the State of Texas and shall have printed thereon: authorizing counties to provide ation Fund, as a r e r eballots - the Treasury of the State "FOR the Constitutional Amend- such system for the appointive ofshall be invested in ment authorizing the Legislature ficers and employees of the coun- GROCERIES . . FRUITS . . . VEGETABLES . . . MEATS the United States, the to provide a Retirement, Disability ties of the State of Texas." . . . . We Deliver! . . . . Texas, or counties or and Death Compensation System Each voter shall scratch one of this State, or in bonds for the officers and employess of said clauses on the ballot, leaving \y any agency of t h e the State of Texas and authorizing the one expressing his vote on the [States Government, the counties to provide such system proposed Amendment. of the principal of andfor the appointive officers and em- Sec. 3. The Governor of the Ion which is guaranteed by ployees of the counties of the State State of Texas shall issue the jted States, provided that of Texas," and necesary proclamation for said ent amount of said funds "AGAINST the Constitutional election and shall have the same [kept on hand to meet the Amendment authorizing the Legis- published as required by the Con(te payment of the amount lature t o provide a Retirement, stitution for Amendments thereto. become due each year out Disability and Death Compensation * According to an opinion by the Fund, such amount of System for the officers and emAttorney General of Texas. be kept on hand to be deby the agency which may fded by law to administer id; and provided that the Js of benefits from said |all not be eligible for any ision retirement funds or |d from the State of Texas, ^e Fund, the creation of provided for herein, coilby the State, is released State of Texas as a conreceiving such other laid. LIGON Insurance Agency COMPLETE Insurance Service Carlsbad People TeB of City Growth < PAGE SEVEN Telephone operators play an important part in everyday life. Positions are open for qualified women in this permanent work. Frequent pay increases, vacations with pay. A p p l y to chief operator. 4»# 1 SOUTHWISTIttt M U U U P H O N t €0« PI IMIIIIV III IYIJII 1^1 I I IVIIUtJ VI IflMI 1MB 1 would not leave this city without expressing to you my appreciation for the many kindnesses shown to me and my family in these years and months I have lived here. Our stay in Marfa has heen a happy one. My every thought and act while here has been with the hope that we might make this a better community in which to live and that we might hold up Christ. I only hope that yon will be as kind to the next pastor as yon have been to me. Sincerely, NEW S T A R HERBERT D. DOLLAH1TE Farewell Service E &ch county shall have ft to provide for and ad- •we think MORROW The Rev. Herbert D. Dollahite will make Presidio County a faithful, hard-working --*£-«« * V J ^ A ^ A V I 1 ; ^ Sheriff , August 11 10:45 A . M. ALL are invited You'll do well to «*mvtgaBmaw&i mi - MORROW (SHERIFF) i Telephone Operators Wanted Let t h e Serve You i For Best Results - Try Sentinel Want Ads Whatever the picture job IliiitlfiE -1-3 The' Sere-rend Mr. Dollahite, pastor since May 1,1944, has accepted a call to the pastorate o H h e K o c t o r Avenuel^^liftt Church, Port Arthur, Texas and will leave with his family next week to assume the duties of his new position* (Political Advertisement) w^.-.i- ^ ^i^aiiaShA&v^' *il#,. '.!*-fcV&<«.'A.V. j^tfE' / , •** '•''V'i../'s,' r j ' T • FRIDAY,- AU<H|W THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS PAGE FOUR TM THE BIG BEND SENTINEL (Established 19U) A^no PERSONALS Library upens o 1 II ;«.»* Young Men Buyers w sOf Second Business Visiting Relatives of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. A gtte6t in the home The purchase of Jimmie's Cafe, W. H. Colquitt went to El Paso THE NEW ERA eating place at the Toltec Motel last week, where he is spending (Established 1886) and Service Station, was an•—Consolidated April 9, 192$— some time. University of Texas student. His nounced this week -by Clark Rid1 home is in Floresville.t,,dent H,sa Until Mrs. J. A. Williams of Loekhart |out and Angus Niccolls. Published every Friday at Marfa, (Continued from Pa*ge One) few month ago Mr. Murray was is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. Presidio County, Texas The two young men bought the in the Army Air Forces, serving B. Holmes, Sr. Marfa Drive Inn recently and exof classification. Fiction has been Editor-Publisher ROBERT W. JACOBS Mr. and Mrs. William Allison classified according to the Cutter- overseas. pect to operate the two business Entered as Second class matter at and son left Wednesday morning Sanborn System of Author-Marks. firms, with the one (Marfa Dnve the Postoffice in Marfa, Texas on a trip to Dallas. Inn) offering curb service and the Two card-catalogue cabinets have under the Act of Congress oi Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Easterling been bought and catalogue cards A Mexican food supper will be other, counter and table service. March 3, 1879. of Del Rio attended the Baptist for all books have been made and served on Saturday evening, AugAnchor to Ottis. Sturdy as rock. Encampment last week. placed in them. Any book in the ust 24, at the former USO buildSubscription Rates I s Texas per year $2*00 DeWitt Murray returned last library may be quickly located if ing. Sponsoring the supper are Morrow I Sheriff !—adv. (6 months . . . $1.25) the author, title, or subject is women of the Ruth Martin Guild Out of Texas, per year . . . . $2.50 week after two months visit with of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Everything you need for dupliknown. relatives in Southwest Texas. (6 months . . . $1.25) who expect to use the money cator work—paper,styli, ink—and Miss Susan Cargile, of Dallas, Marfa Girl in Charge is a guest for several weeks in the A $2.00 deposit fee is required earned for church projects. the Model L Speed-O-Print. Senhome of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mar- of each family using the library. tinel—adv. Gummed Tape. Sentinel.—adv.. shall, Jr. Books may be checked out for a Betty HI Gaye visiurig i u a iWebb, x « , » e>of Baird, is period of seven days and a fine Attorney home of her brothers, Baseom, of five cents a day will be charged Harold, Gerald, and Britin Webb. for each book not returned during Mr. and Mrs. Perry Kerr and the seven day free-loan period. — Room 5 — son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and The Lions Club's library comIF it can be fixed, we'll fix it! 20 Years Experience Mrs. Kenneth Campbell, of El mittee is made up of E. K. BeanMarfa National Paso, spent the week-end with land, president this club year, W. Bank Building Marfa relatives. H. Avinger, and the Rev. Herbert NEW '' ' ! Mr. and Mrs. W. Robbins and D. Dollahite. Light Plants and Batteries ' Home and Farm Freezers Phone 272 Fairbanks-Morse Commercial Refrigeration Chere Livingston will be* in children, Kenneth and Gail Ann, went to Lubbock last Saturday, charge at the library for the presRADIOS: Clarion F a = t h . . Adm.ral where they have been spending ent. It will be open all day tomorrow (Saturday), and thereseveral days this week. RECORD PLAYERS STORAGE BATTERIES Mrs. Sam Fowler and three after each afternoon from 1 until children. Mary Ann, Evelyn Ruth 5. Library hours after school i sJ| and Harry, of Lampasas, are the resumed will be announced later. guests of Mrs. Fowler's parents, Duplicator Supplies. Sentinel adv. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bishop. LAWYERS —Electric ServiceMrs. L. E. Brock and daughter, Marfa Morrow's known weii—and well Pick-up and Delivery Ann, have returned to their home Phone 66 in Toronto, Canada, after three known! Morrow! Sheriff!—adv. OFFICE PHONE 11 weeks visit with Mrs. Bjrock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. BunM A R F A , T E X A S ton. Mrs. J. L. Barnes, of Del Rio, M. D. attended the Paisano Encampment last week, and remained afterGENERAL PRACTICE ward for several days visit with her niece, Mrs. E. W. DeVolin, Office Hours— and family. 9 to 12 1:30 to 5:30 Mary Alice Littlejohn, of Clint, TELEPHONE 141 who was here for the Paisano Encampment, is spending this weeK —Darracott Building— with her aunt, Mrs. Rudolph MelMEETS SECOND THURSDAY lard, and Mr. Mellard at their ranch home. Miss Minnie Sue Barton, of JACK BISHOP, W. M. PHONE NO. 1 Waco, attended the Paisano E r campment, and remained afterMarfa WARE HORD, Sec. Apartment 14 ward for a visit with, her brothers, Hotel PRIVATE HOSPITAL (Second Floor) Frank Barton and 0. A. Barton, arid families. —for Mis. A. F . Gardner spent the week-end in Luling, where she was Surgical, Obstetrical joined by her daughter, Miss Mary and Medical Frances Gardner, a student at the University of Texas; she rePatients turned Monday morning. Saturday; r r o i e c t i»M<mu»»ie, «nd M* *****, DeOf Service H u b - - - - * *•— « Mexican Food Sale Fred 0. Senter, Jr. RADIO-ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION SERVICE Swearingen & Bledsoe M MAJESTIC and SENTINEL •ID/ -^Electric and F a r m Washing Machines Electric Refrigerators Gas Rang* Electric Appliances Aluminum ty, . . . ALL KINDS OF RECORDS , . . BRANSON'S RECORD STORS Across From Old Borunda Ph oat( 0'Briant PACKAGE STORE . is ready to serve people of the Highland area and others with its packaged goods . . . WHISKEY • . . Popular Brands . . . Block East of Traffic Light On U. S. High JESSE O'BRIANT, OWNER j . E. WALKER C. R. SUTTON, JI Sunnyland Fashions DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS | REMODELING MARFA LODGE No. 596 A. F. and A. M. Mrs. Mary Niccolls Gorman Mrs. H. O. Biediger Joel Wright, M. D. R A N C Hil LOANS ALPINE, TEXAS County Names Two For State Convention j BANKERS LIFE COMPANY A Market You'll Like for your FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT LIVESTOCK HOSPITAL Buyers, from Armour, Swift and other packers attend our sales each week. COME SEE YOUR LIVESTOCK SOLD! TAKE CARE of your J\ Athens People Here Mrs. W. B. Smith and son, Wil !iam Bennett Smith III, of Ath i ens, are spending several days in j the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. PSearls. Mrs. Smith, a sister of Dr. Searls, is staying with the Searls children while Dr. and Mrs. Searls are on a vacation trip. PRODUCERS SAN ANGELO Ballinger Highway CAR carefree moments- HUMPHREYS Service Station mr\ir A /-N/-* — 1IUAAL/U WestTesasUtil Company Livestock Auction Co. 2 — STORES — 2 . Top of four July 27. Make Morrow tops Aug. 24. Sheriff!—adv. And that's just one example of the bargain you get when you pay your electric bill. Yes, you're really getting twice as much electricity for your money as you did fifteen years ago, despite the fact that most other commodities cost much more *« they used to. Business-managed, tax-paying electric companies are conrinaally striving to keep on sopplying the dependable electric service you now enjoy at such a low cost Cattle Sale Every Friday SEARLS —Telephone 368— MARFA, TEXAS What's the cost of the electricity used by your radio for one evening? Well, for a single penny you can keep your many tube radio playing for three whole hours. That's a lot of entertainment for a penny. j :. M c F A R L A N D H. M. Fennel], chairman of the Democratic Committee, and H. A. Coffield, Marfa mayor, have authMARFA. T E X A S ority to represent the county at the State Democratic convention in San Antonio, Tuesday, September 10, They were elected as delegates at a recent county convention and no instructions were given the men as to their voting action at the San Antonio meeting. —Doctor on duty at hospital • Precinct chairmen from throughday and night. cut the county Saturday after —Office Hours— noon certified the results of the July 27 Democratic Primary and 10 A. M. to 12 Noon 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. the returns were ordered sent by Emergency Cases Treated Day H. M. Fennell to the Democratic Executive Committee, Dallas. 0? Night Those who attended the meetSunday reserved—by appoint^ ment—for out-of-town pa- ing of precinct chairmen were B C. Nunez. Hart Greenwood, Oscar tients; and for emergency Wells, Charlie Shannon, and Mr cases. Fennell. Entertainment for a Penny •nTjrvrvTinmn riVUL»UL>li> RECORD PLAYERS PORTABLE RADIOS (Manual . . . . Automatic) Enjoy music of the kind you want, when you want it! (Battery Electric) „ .. , . ..^.- ^,fietthe'J . Don i aemy auuu«» w - ^ i radfc to make your days happier- Card Files (Steel). Sentinel adv TO SERVE YOU BETTER —High Grade LIQUOR Of All Types . . 1 . .J • 'Ml ' * • •} m\ M" ••V.Vii "lit; 1 i BIG BKmTt^CRAGE STORES —Next to Segura, Store— —West On Highway 90— Let Us MOTHPROOF Your Suit or Dress 10-Year WRITTEN Guarantee Given Check these economical moth protection costs based on Berlou's 10-year written guarantee. Suit or dress - - - - 10c per year Men's or ladies' winter c o s t * ^ t o ^ . y e a r THE BERLOU GUARANTEED MOTH PROTECTION Crews Tailors Phone 107 Next to the Postoffice Pick-up and Delivery Need Fluorescent Tubes ? WE HAVE THEM! WAGNER CARPET SWEEPERS 20-watt and 40-watt single lights . An Ever-Useful Household Item . . Stop in at any time and hear the NEW records. Choose several to take home with you for enjoyment that evening, and many more to come. i! 1 ^&g$>«* 40Kero£«S«^^-99n>v»*uw Depend GENERAL . °" ELECTRIC S! ACK ELECmiC „„„ _i vtfXAs TH^1 —SLACK BUILDING, NEXT TO T E X A » ^ c-«*u*<f J^mt AUGUST 9, tt* THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS mmmtmmm^m PAGE FIVE fm*?* #. Parties ., . Women's Interests , . . jrs Accept Club Duties iesday Luncheon and directors of Marfa Lb were installed at the fnoon luncheon and meetLben, in the Gold Room U s Hotel. An impressive L conducted by Mrs. B. lart, member of the orL who admonished each , to the responsibility unto the acceptance of her Ld the loyalty of her serhe club. ping with the club name, (heel, the spokes of which I in a variety of colored representative of the (services required of the lers, stood on a side table. |or and what it repres s mentioned by Mrs. during the installation [colorful summer flowers pd for decoration of the . table. [gram chairman, Mrs. RobEvans arranged the pro- PERSONALS t j - the day. knowing officers and diJecepted their duties Tues'hyllis Headlee, Mrs. Robjvans, Mrs. C. L. Arthur, ithlyn Stotts, Mrs. Albert [Miss Jean Akins, Mrs. mes, Mrs. R. S. McCrackL F. Hurley, Mrs. Luygent, Mrs. Norman C. [rs. Joe C. Mitchell. [ellenic T i-mnhcwvn Q"f on Wednesday absence of the president, L. Holland presided over less session conducted durAugust meeting of the ?an-Heller:ic Association, group held their lunchticsday noon in El Paisano (fatess for the day was .. Hord. udent loan arrangements Deluded during the busition cf the program, afa icport o1 the recent [appa Gamma meeting held [inac Island, Mich., was | Mrs. Hester Rrite Dunkle Jane Dunkle, who ateptemher meeting of the enic Association has been with the next session to pe first Wednesday noon w.' atending the luncheon Bester Brite Dunkle, Mrs. Ivis, Miss Billie McKenzie, pjorie Mitchell, Miss Jane [Miss Myrtle Rawls, Mrs. avis, Mrs. E. S. Powers, P L. Holland, Mrs. W. ey, Mrs. Horace Leithead, | L . Hord, Mrs. R. H. GodRaney Casner. |im the BIG job. Will do! Sheriff!—adv. NEW P R E S I D E N T — Miss Harriet McSwean, manager of a bank savings department in Selma, Ala., recently was elected president of Pilot Club International, a unit of which will be formally established here "Saturday night. The Selma club was organized in 1921 as the third one of the nation-wide women's organization. She is active in community affairs in her home town and is president of the Woman's Society of Christian Service in the Methodist Church there. Ruth Martin Guild Members Make Plans To Purchase Organ Members of Ruth Martiu Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal Church held their August meeting Monday in the home of Miss Louise LaVanture and Miss Billie McKenzie. A report on the food sale, held July 27, was made and the group voted to send "thank you" cards to all who donated and helped in other ways to make it a success. An anonymous donation of fifty dollars—to be applied to the organ fund—was presented to the group, whose leaders' expressed their appression at the meeting. Further funds for an organ will be secured Mrs. Homer Gilbert and son, Billy, returned this week after a month's visit with her parents in Joplin, Missouri. Mrs. H. M. Fennell returned Tuesday night after three weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Lea Hume, of Eagle Pass. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Marshall, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Peevey were visitors in E] Paso Thursday and Friday of of last week. Mrs. Ernest Williams, Mrs. John Fortner and Miss Peggy Fortner left the first of the week for Temple, where they are spending several days. Mrs. Herbert D. Smith, of Marshall, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F . J. Gottholt, who met her in Van Horn Sunday. Mrs. E. D. Henrichson and son, Preston, arrived by plane Monday from Edinburg for a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Harris; Mr. Harris will join his family here next week. Mr. and Mrs. William A, Newton and daughter, Pamelia, returned to Waco Tuesday after attending the Paisano Encampment last week and visiting Mrs. Newton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Mitchell. Mrs. Owen Haynes and son, Bobby, of Artesia, N. M., are the guests of Mrs. Haynes' parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H, Yeats and Mrs. Lynn Forbes; they were accompanied here Saturday by Vestal Yeats, who returned to Artesia Sunday. Mexican Supper — 75c. USO Club, 6 to 8 P. M„ Aug. 24. Benefit Ruth Martin Guild, St. .Paul's Episcopal Church.—adv. through a Mexican food supper which the guild members arc arranging for August 24. The hostesses served iced tea and cake to the following: Mrs. J. T. Champion, Mrs. Scott Peevey, Mrs. Hugh Freaiser, Mrs. James P. Keith, Miss Florence Leonard, Mrs. John R. Kittenger, Miss Nellie Howard, Mrs. J. E. Walker, Mis. Mary Bunnell, Mrs. Ted Harper, members; Mrs. Jack Hurst of Abernathy, a guest. CUPPER GRILL FOOD IS B E T T E R . . More and more are realizing it every day. ..We'd like to show you, too! COME TO THE CUPPER —At Baygent Coaches Bus Terminal— all t h e Tuesday Night Miss Rawls Elected Program at Church President of Garden Led by Mrs. Plumbley Club For Coming Year The August meeting of FarmerGaither Circle members was held Tuesday night in the parlor of the First Christian Church, with Mrs. Fanny Secrest opening the program with a devotional—using the theme, "Making God's New World Through Aacountability." Mrs. S. L. Plumbley, as program leader, conducted a questions and answers discussion session. The program theme was "Basic Foundations and We* Look at Ourselves." Hosteses for the evening were Mrs. H. W. Schutze, Mrs. G. A. Howard, Sr. and Mrs. H. H. Kilpatrick, who served refreshments of cake and punch to the following. Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Mrs. G. W. Fuller, Mrs. Fanny Secrest, Mrs." M. J. Hughes, Mrs. L. C. Brite, Mrs, R, R. Ellison, Mrs, S. I, Plumbley, Mrs. G. A Howard, Jr. • • ' • • — — — — — family (Shoes, Tents, Tarpaulins, etc) Dry Goods Ready-to-wear —ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— "Almost Everything" {SJnrSrmntly Advertised * Jmk GARCIA'S CHUCK WAGON —Regular Meals —Mexican Foods . . and those SO GOOD HAMBURGERS The Biggest Little Eating Place in Marfa OPEN 24 HOURS—DAY AND NIGHT —On West U. S. Highway SO— (WEST SAN ANTONIO ST.) •'°S<>' NEW Pieces of Silver Have Arrived A daring flatterer in block or wild cherry plastic patent or block or brown suodene. (In Sterling, of Course) Bowls Goblets Compotes Ash Trays Shell Bowls Cigarette Urns %)0& for that lift tat* f a l l . . . —not many, and the first we've had in a long time. With detachable handle, stand, and heat control. Only— $6.50 (Plus 20% Tax) New Designs in After-Dinner Coffee Cups We have SHOES METAL TOYS FOR CHILDREN Trains—Carpet Sweepers—Cannon— PistolsWagons—Wheel Barrows in all sizes for boys and girls Come To Our Store for Shoes for School tiea/thy feet* N _ Hardware ARMY GOODS — G/VUn/Ol-WVTTC! o n . <***, UDS * RUBtms —FORT DAVIS— Travel and Household Irons— —Specializing in STURDY SHOES for Growing TENNIS TRADING POST A man to bank on! Morrow ! Sentinel.—adv. Sheriff ! Aug. 24 !—adv. Cup Dispensers. . Organization of the Marfa Garden Club was completed at a meeting in the City Hall Tuesday morning, with the following officers elected: Miss Myrtle Rawls, president; Mrs. Clark Monkhouse, vice-president; Mrs. E. B. O'Quinn, secret a r y ; Mrs. Dan Connor, treasurer; Mrs. Hayes Mitchell, librarian. Mrs. A. J. Hoffman, Mrs. Hoyle Cooley and Mrs. Joe Rector were appointed as a committee to prepare programs for the year. Meetings will be held every first Wednesday of the month at 9:30 A. M., in the City Hall. During the discussion period Tuesday, Mrs. D. A. Flynt reminded the group t h a t August is the month to separate iris, and to plant seed beds with pansies, delphinium, carnations and Canterbury bells. BRA3NDOPCS .. These are exceptionally appealing items that we know our friends will be grateful to have available to them. We urge that the selection be seen at once. SHOES for Clubs . . . Art . . . Music . . . HAPPY CHILDR& C A R RICER'8 —Where Values Are Better— ,<. > ^ M Pos©y Remember the Flower Phone "Four—Seven—Seven" lllllllllllllllllllillllllillllilllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIilllllllll As seen an Chorm... black-asnight pumps with that new high silhouette...of bright plastic patent, gabardine or suedene. Philip Dry Goods Store *!..&,^-T»jt,s*sr« r FRIDAY, AUQUi THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS Powers Again After For Best Results — Try Sentinel Elusive Golden Trout PAGE TWO Norman* Club Service: James P. Keith, Scott Peevey, Robert W. Jacobs, "The most beautiful thing that Lee Plumbley, N. V. Morris, A. E. Ligon, H. T. Fletcher, Forrest ever swam," as he says it, will be the quarry of E. S. Powers, MarHope. Classifications: Scott Peevey, fa business man, for the next three C. E. Porter. weeks as he fishes in three CalifKeith in Charge at Program: Robert W. Jacobs, ornia streams—Kearn River, CoWeekly Meeting; Date yote Creek, Golden Trout Creek— Forrest Hope, C. E. Porter. Of District Session Told Attendance: Lee Plumbley, Jt. I. for golden trout. Mr. Powers left this week to Pierce Uzzell, representative of Bledsoe. Public Information: Robert W. join two California friends, and the State Game, Fish, and Oyster a cook, and the group will fly in Commission in this area, told Ro» Jacobs. Vocational Service: Albert Lo- two planes from Lone Pine to tarians July 30 of the game Tunnel Meadows from where a preservation and restoration work gan, W. H. Thomburg. Community Service: A. E. Lig- day's pack (on horses) is required that is being carried on in the to reach their fishing spot. Trans-Pecos section by the state on, E. F. King, Jack Kelly, Rev. Mr. Powers has not been in the Nelson Wurgler, J. E. Gregg. department. Youth Service: Jack Kelly, C. L. paticular area where he will fish Mr. Uzzell, who was in the this year since fifteen years ago. Army until November, was gradu- Arthur, Houston Smith. Crippled Children: Rev. Nelson ated from Texas A. and M. College where he specialized in wild- Wurgter. Student Loan: J. E. Gregg, life conservation. Dr. International Service: C. R. U. S. Supplies Money Monroe Slack He explained that much of the Norman. Membership: N. V. Morris, B*smoney for the carrying on of the Optometrist work he described is supplied by com Webb. — •— the federal government, through Plumbley. Rotary Information: H. T. El Pais&no the Fish and Wildlife Service ofFletcher, Judge H. 0. Metcalfe. Hotel Building fice in Chicago. Antelope trapMagazine: Forrest Hope. ping late in the year, after the * Telephone 8 Sturdy, sincere, pleasant. Morhunting season of several days, is — MARFA — a major project with the animals row ! Sheriff !—adv. LOOK EACH OTHER OVER—HOWARD de SILVA being transported to the Panand ALAN LADD size each other up in Paramount^ new Esterbrook Pens. Sentinel, adv. handle section /where antelope mystery thriller, "The Blue Dahlia," Palace, Sunday and population is sparse. He told of Monday. Both men are suspected of the murder of Laud's the methods used in capturing the wife. Film co-stars Ladd with Veronica Lake and William fleet-footed, graceful animals and Bendix, and features, in addition to de Silva, two other of the peculiarities of the species. players from "The Lost Weekend"—Doris Dowling, the > A census of antelope on a ranch "natch" girl, and Frank Fayien. is conducted by airplane, after the Daily Service To and From— MUSICAL SCORE PLEASES— full orchestral and choral back- ranchman's permission is received, Although "The Caravan Trail," 'ground, Dean sings "Wagon and those places where the popuPRC's new outdoor adventure pic- Wheels," "Crazy Cowboy Song" lation is considered too large are ture starring eddie Dean at the and "You're too Pretty to Be scheduled for trapping work, RUSSELL CHURCH, Marfa Agent — Palace today and Saturday, is a Lonsesome." The musical back- Assembly August 13-14 ground is especially effective in The program was arranged by two-fisted, sixshooter action story, —Telephone 67 the special arrangement of "WagForrest Hope. James P. Keith, unusual attention was given to the musical score. In addition to a on Wheels" which opens the pic- vice-president, was in charge in ture. the absence of the president, L. S. Piatt, who is in Missouri for SPECIAL SONG ''TOPS"— several weeks. Marias The District Assembly of RoA special arrangement of "Lock HELP-YOURSELF Lomond" is performed by Eddie tary International will be in AlaLAUNDRY Heywood at his piano, accom- mogordo, N. M., August 13-14, panied by his orchestra, in "Ju- and it is expected that one or more Telephone of the Marfa club will attend. rAor Prom" Monogram's initial Rotary Club committees for the Teen-Agers filmusical at the Palwere an• ace, Tuesday only with Freddie 1946-1947 club year —TELEPHONE 202— nounced recently. They are: Monday through Friday 1 Stewart, June Preisser and Judy Aims and Objects: L. S. Piatt, Wet Wash and Dry Wash Clark in top featured roles. Chicken Self-Feeders James P. Keith, B. H. Davis, AlMorton's Salt EDWARD TARANGO bert Logan, A. E. Ligon, C. R. Screwworm Control (62) LIKES THEM BLONDES— Purina Feeds Owner and Manager Cedar Posts Paulette Goddard likes her Hay Block West of Traffic Light honey-blonde tresses so much she's going to keep them permanently Fence Supplies DDT Sprays that color. Range Minerals American Beauty Flour "And I'll tell you why," she laughed. "The boys like it. My J husband and his friends do a rave everytime they see me. So now I'm definitely an ex-brunette trying to acquire a blonde personality." Since completing Paramount's "Kitty," Palace attraction WedYour I am truly grateful to all who voted nesday, Thursday, with Ray Milfor me July 27, and to all who assisted in land as co-star, Miss Goddard has vacationing at her Santa my campaign for the office of Sheriff, been Monica beach home. ''Before T go to work again, I'll Presidio County. have had eight months rest—the' longest holiday I've ever had in The Run-off election (Second can be solved my life," the actress said. Even in the midst of relaxing, Primary) is August 24 and I will Miss Goddard maintains a busy THE ANSWER— be ever so pleased if all of my schedule. She's redecorating the I V TkM A D 1 7 A tW / T t T T O C I S house, studying ualiel ufruel the friends will continue support of supervision of Walter Saxer, and 19 keeping up a daily French lesson. me. The votes of all—on August simply: Paulette and Burgess Meredith have also joined a beach surf board 25—will be appreciated. club which meets each morning. "With all this activity, I've cerI PLEDGE CONTINUED FAITHFUL ATTENTION tainly not been bored," the actress remarked. TO THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW In "Kitty," Paulette plays the part of an illiterate Cockney waif who rise? from rags to riches SUNDAY when Sir Thomas Gainsborough, a celebrated artist, exhibits her portrait. State Department Man Speaker At Rotary Luncheon CHEATS - m , Oliver Funeral Hoini a s s u r e s cartful attentk details t h a t are i mpo , in t i m e of sorrow DAY—NIGHT Ambulan ce Chapel Available LEWIS OLIVER, ( h j B I L L ' S F E E D STORE —Selling those good B u r r u s "TEXO" Feeds Good, B r i g h t JOHNSON GRASS HAY 95c Bale — Y E S , W E H A V E HORSE F E E D L - —TELEPHONE 9 6 AT LIVINGSTON FURNITURE ^^^•"•j^^^^^^t: EL PASO KITCHENS^ K & R HOME and A U T O ACCESSOI HARDWARE Scooters . . . Skates •. RANCHERS r w u a u u 9i§|r -we HAMMOCKS -Good. Heavy Ones— Sincere Thanks $5.98 Fluorescent Light Fixtures Gasoline Camp Stoves v, , Elect*] Heav y Light Folding Cots PYREX OVEN Wi COLEMAN LANTERNS Simonize& O'Cedar Mops, Polish FOOD Problem i/ n. Segura and Sons T. C (Creed) Taylor YOUNGST01 NOfcGE APPLIANCES i I » BEND MOTOR FREIGHT MARFA £49 • ui D BRITE BUILDING - MONDAY TUESDAY 01 When You Fool Around Ladds Women MARFA, TEXAJ& Highland Headquarters LUMBER * Aermotor Windmills STOP at PLAIT'S for a quart of Borden's ice cream. Dessert enjoyment for every one of you! STATE PAPERS AVAILABLE For Home Delivery or For You To Receive At Our Store Colorado Wolf-Proof Fence i ; * * - . Whatever the Magazine Pipe and Fittings PAINT TOOLS HARDWARE -We probably Have It— •> ?•: 1*1 mm • LUMBHH MUSI COhPANY A . M. McCabe, Manager a-- .a&. w . v . v. v X FRL - SAT. BUILDING SUPPLIES r, fmmm * * A^P^ff^BP *S* 2 Features for the Price of 1 •UMf ^T ^ : DEAN mmmm m r j* A Fool! Meet thefirstof d * * ^ ^ FT MM «»London s »'« . -.,1^1 1 Tr*i ,J/' $ $V L AUGUST 9, 1 9 « THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS • • mmsm^K PAGE THBEB LEGAL NOTICE A T/^™ S.J.R. No. 5 "FOR THE CONSTITUTION- * * a , n m N e W M e X I C O A JOINT RESOLUTION AL AMENDMENT AUTHORIZ-! Rain fell in the Magdalena *••(:• MILL •• U n K proposing an amendment to the ING THE LEGISLATURE TOf Mountains section of New Mexico Constitution of the State of Texas PAY FOR BUILDING CON- last week, according to C. E. authorizing the Legislature to ap- STRUCTED FOR JOHN TARL- Pruett. Mr. Pruett was in New propriate Seventy-five Thousand ETON AGRICULTURAL COL- Mexico last week on a business «76,000.00) Dollars, or so much LEGE"; and trip thereof as may be necessary, to "AGAINST THE CONSTITUpay claims incurred by John TarlTIONAL AMENDMENT AUTH^^i******* Eager to serve, and capable. eton Agricultural College for the ORIZING THE LEGISLATURE That's Morrow ! Sheriff !—adv. by RALPH ENGLAND Hugh Bassett, El Paso, moved construction of a building on theTO PAY FOR BUILDING CONSan Carlos Miners jourcampus of such college pursuant from San Carlos,, last Sun- here last week to assume the du-to deficiency authorization of the STRUCTED FOR JOHN TARL- the expenses of such publication trounce the Presidio Tigf- ties of an operator at the local Governor of Texas on August 31, ETON AGRICULTURAL COL- and election. LEGE." the tune of 7 to 4 in a fast, West Texas Utilities Company 1937, Ueball game on the local dia- plant. He was accompanied by his BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Each voter shall mark out one of said clauses on the ballot, leavwife and baby, and they have LEGISLATURE OP THE STATE ing the one expressing his vote on moved into the company house near same was going well for the plant* OP TEXAS: the proposed amendment. "rs up to the eighth mning Section 1. Thai; the ConstituSec. 3. The Governor shall issue Mr. Bassett was reared here, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , change of pitchers in the tion of the State of Texas be the necessary proclamation for and is the son of Mrs. Dorothy lio line-up brought m an amended by adding a new section, said election and have the same Bassett, manager of the Presidio as follows: cted upset. published as required by the Con» telephone exchange of the SouthbCio (Natcho) Ornelas pit- western Bell Telephone Company. "The Legislature is authorized stitution and laws of this state. k e first seven innings to A veteran of the Navy during to appropriate so much money as Sec. 4. The sum of Five Thous[he Presidio nine to a sub- most of World War II, he has been may be necessary, not to exceed and ($5,000.00) Dollars, or so Phone 224 il lead. The visitors forged working for the past several Seventywfive Thousand ($75,000.00) much thereof as may be necessary, w h e n Santiago Hinojos month? as a refrigerator service Dollars, to pay claims incurred by is hereby appropriated out of any LaVanture Building mound to pitch a five-hit, John Tarleton Agricultural Col- funds in the treasury of the state, he man in EI Paso. about lege for the construction of a build- not otherwise appropriated, to pay m windup to bring —P-N— ing on the campus of such college ^ defeat for the Tigers. Mrs. John Young, III, and dau- pursuant to deficiency authorizaUme was played on a dusty ghter, Jan, of Alpine visited all tion by the Governor of Texas on jnderneath searing August of last week With her parents, Mr. August 31, 1937." and Mr3. E. J. Stovall. Sec. 2. The foregoing Constiprding to Presidio baseball —P-N— tutional Amendment shall be subIs, a game is scheduled h e r e Mrs. John K. Edmundson, Rui- mitted to a vote of the qualified iunday afternoon, a t which dosa, was a visifor to Presidio electors of this state at the -next lC Tigers will meet a t e a m last week. general election to be held on the aientine. All players a r e _P-N— first Tuesday after the first Mon~A 4-A attpnd dailv p r a c Joe Chemaii and Houston Smith day in November, A. D., 1946, at order to improve their batof Marfa were business visitors which all ballots shall have printed erage. to Presidio last Saturday. —P-N— —?-N— of the fishermen on the Rio Grande Top roping ta*pn of West Texas competing for Ijlax Champie of Marfa was one the first part of the week. I Fuller, commissioner pre- Cabinet Work Sash and Doors f >& —PHONE 336— ,&W£H TOM CHAMPION —In Rock Building Near East City Limit— Norman C. Davis 6:00x16 Costs Only . . . $14.78 7:00x15 __ $19.53 6:50x16 $17.64 5:50x17 _ $13.61 (all prices plus tax ) You Are Invited to the— I will get for you a new Davis tire in any of 10 popular sizes soon. Ride with confidence on the tire you can depend upon to stand up . . . to give you thousands of trouble-free miles! OZONA, TEXAS-AUG. 17 and 18 3, returned to Presidio jay of last week following to Austin where h e a n d officials of Presidio County ith the Texas Highway Com_ to present a plea f o r a ky leading from tho south f the county to a western ce of the Big Bend Iational 100 Per Cent Pure Natural Rubber liberal prize money in Is Back Again In All Our Tires! ALL SIZES of Our Tires 6:50x16 and Larger Now Pure Rayon Corded! * * Whatever the service station need, we believe you'll like the way we are prepared to render i t . . and do render it. Stop in today for— roposal to establish a route 4 iTerlingua to Casa Piedra Vanches extending-to M a r Presidio was favorably r e tby the Commission, he said. CAR LUBRICATION CAR WASHING SINCLAIR PRODUCTS Berry Wilson's the proSnce was given that a survey would be In the very near future by engineers to establish the easible route for a western loop into Presidio County Ithe National Park area. 4^4^4^4^4^444^4^44^4^^4^4^^4^4+^4 1 ^ U> I I * Calf Roping Team Tieing Girls Flag Races Boys' Calf Roping Girls' Parrel Race Boys' Calf Riding Cutting Horse Contests 4» I * a* 4» SINCLAIR Products * • 4» 4» 4» 4> 4» I Westeifi $5W0 Gray Trailer Given Winner of Finals in Girls' Events Entries in all events close at 11 A. M., Aus. 17. $ Dances Fri. and Sat, Aug. 16-17 HARRISON'S TEXANS Home Owned and Operated by Auto! i \ N. V. MORRIS Store ? —Across From the Postoffice MARFA 4> Marfa Public Library Opens Saturday Morning, August 10 — at 9 A. M 1600--Volumes»1600 ii 1¾*»s m mmxm: S£#S*«3 mm £& Good Books—Interesting Ones For sm BOYS . . GIRLS . . MEN . . WOMEN ;.\ i Mk BOOKS FOR A D U L T S : — ;<y '$m m &£>fi ;> ^ f r Biographies of President Truman, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Other Important Non-Fiction Books Are:— |W FICTION FOR A D U L T S : — \ iTWgjSjjjj ""wis—rreaenck waKeman. *en and Now"_w. Somerset Maugham. «nk Coat-Kathleen Norris. • *e Bulwark"-Theodore Dreiser. "8 Advt *tures of Wesley Jackson—William Myan. H* inT ""'—upton Sinclair. C „ Tf ium Ph"~Erich Maria Remarque. Z f ? i a h o n o' w -Jame« M. Cain. \ d to| Calvary^Alexei Tolstoi. Iun«l! u W „ R ° ° m " - M a r y *<*«•» Rinehart. S * Hill^Daphne du Maurier. Yearhns'U.Mariorie Kinnan Rawiin*. "History of World War II"—Francis Trevelyan Miller: "Runway to the Sun"—Col. Robert L. Scott. "Against These Three"—Stuart Cloete. "Last Chapter"—Ernie Pyle. "Meet the Arab"—John Van Ess. "The Arts"—Hendrik Willem Van Loon. "Woodrow Wilson and the People"—H. C. F. Bell. "Biographical Roundup"—Dale Carnegie. "Literary England"—David E. Scherman. "Top Secret"—Ralph Ingersoll. "Music Lovers Encyclopedia"—Rupert Hughes. "Talking Through My Hat"—Lily Dache. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary—G. C. Mernam Co. Encyclopedia Brittanica N E W BOOKS FOR G I R L S : — The Nancy Drew Mystery Series. The Chery Ames Nurse Series. The Judy Bolton Mystery Series. "Going on Sixteen"—Betty Cavanna. "Riding High"—Lenora Weber. " "Doctor Ellen"—Adele de Leeuw. "On the Edge of the Fjord"—Alta Seymour. "Lona of Hollybush Creek"—Genevieve Fox. "The Secret Garden"—Frances Hodgson Burnett. "Rough Riders Ho"—Rutherford G. Montgomery. "Lost Lagoon"—Armstrong Sperry. "Pecos Bill"—James Bowman. N E W BOOKS FOR BOYS:— The Hardy Boys Mystery Series. The Red Randall Series. The Yankee Flyer Series. "Stocky, Boy of West Texas"—C. W. Baker. "American Boys Omnibus"—Stanley Pashko. "The Young Trailers"—Joseph A. Altsheler. "Larry -Scott jat .the Swn"—Edward Ford, • ! ^ . ( . • • ' OTHER N E W BOOKS FOR YOUTH : "My Friend Flicka"—Mary O'Ha-ra. "Thunderhead"—Mary O'Hara. "Spike of Swift River"—Jack O'Brien. "Bayou Suzette"—Lois Lenski. "Pern'*—Felix Salten. "Bambi's Children"—Felix Salten. "The Rocket to the Moon "—The*. Von Hmrbou. ••• ••-• <•• f : 0 0 - ' : :11-..: H-y;: J | | | There are also many suitable books for small children. Fairy stories, animal stories, picture books, and other types of story books are available. A $2 deposit fee is required of each family using the library* Books may be checked out for a period of seven days. A 5c per day fine will be charged for each book not returned in the seven days free loan period. The Marfa Public Library has books for all members of the family. This is your library. Use it! !••'.! .:••!.. .-.¾. I . h : l f c l ' M '" ••?'•'. >;; :A i-'' nH' ?-IH::! I'M-- •V W,H bfei * ::•';••!**'•. •I'-'. "•:•-.. ' .v-.i'.'itt.'.-'.vr- , ^0-^:^^•U.'it-- ^$m ; '^ii«.:- t».-i*-* FRlD *Y,Au« THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MABFA, TEXAS PAGE TWELVE School Teachers Former Store Manager Completes Bank t h e Ministerial Training in Thirty Months Chosen; Housing MARFA NATION Needed for Several i WANTED—about 40,000 cubic feet of storage snaw for furniture. SIMON Tarangc's farm of about Address Box 870, Alpine, Texas. —21-2tp twenty-four acres, located in Candelaria, is for lease or sale upon If one doesn't believe that the week Mr. Stephens said:— "rt has kept me rather busy and suitable terms. Apply to J. Hum NURSES wanted for part or full securing: of 115 semester hours of phris, Marfa.—19-3tp. college work in two and one-half I'm glad it's over. I went there time work at the hospital. Call or (Continued from Page One) years doesn't keep a man busy he with nine college houre; they were write Dr. Joel Wright, Alpine. FOR SALE—One lot with doubleshould not listen to the testimony secured quite a few years ago —21-tf. 1 garage situated on corner of Thirty-nine years of careful, conservative Bachelor of Arts degree was con- of W, C. Stephens, a resident of when my parents wanted me to Block 94, Marfa. Also one steam FOR SALE—Gas table-top range; go to college, and I didn't* That Marfa until January, 1944, when ferred on him at Sul Ross. is the basis on which that request is mJ* > bath. See Mrs. O. L. Shipman lawnmower, $15; lawn chair, $8; left me 115 hours to get in the Mrs. Frank Geyer will teach he enrolled in Southwestern BapFriday between 10 A. M. and 6 vacuum cleaner, $10. Eddie Pierce, last two and one-half years. I seventh grade children a t Black- tist Seminary, Fort Worth. P. M.—-21-ltp. Lockley Apts., Marfa,—21-ltp. well. She taught the eighth grade Mr. Stephens is one of the many don't regret any of the work but I do recall vividly how much work POWER SPRAY SERVICE, DDT FOR SALE—Air compressor, aiso there in the 1942-1943 year. She that are attending: Paisano Baptist Encampment each day. While was required." Cattle-Sheep-Horses-Barns, Etc. air compressor unit, with ^ h p . is a Sul Ross graduate. Mr. Stephens was licensed to here he is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lowest cost compatible with good motor. Inquire at New Star Gro- One From Pittsburg 1IBMB1K FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCB CORP preach when a vote of confidence Pittsburg, Texas, is the home Charles Taylor, J r . work. John Gould—Inquire O. M. ceryf Marfa.—21-1 tp. MBMBEB FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Mr. Stephens will secure his was given htm by the First Bapof Miss Eunice Wallace who will Franklin Serum Co., Marfa, Phone UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY FUR SALE—Linconi electric arc be the other Blackwell seventh degree this summer and will be tist Church people a few weeks 169.—20-2tp. welder, uses 3-phase current, 200 grade teacher. She has taught at prepared to accept a full-time pas- before he left here. LOST—Saddle. Finder please noti- amp. capacity. Price $200. C. S*.Bjg Sandy the last two years and torate. During his months in colfy Mac Sproul, Fort Davis. Re- Boling, Fort Davis, Texas.—21-2tp before that was at Pittsburg, lege he preached on Sunday, and Dispensers for Tape! ward.—21-ltp. Here again! The handy way of Naples, Texas, and Robert Lee. on Wednesday evening, each week, EXPERIENCED stockman wants Her college work was done at and also had part-time work for handling Gummed Tape, or Scotch BUY REAL ESTATE NOW ! job in Presidio, Brewster or Jeff East Texas State Teachers Col- a while with a unit of Safeway Tape, is the dispenser way. See Homes and Sites That Will Please Davis counties. See Forrest Mclege. Stores, the business establishment them a t the Sentinel.—adv. Pherson at Cozy Courts, Alpine, Ask About Ranch Listings Mrs. Hilda Tittle will be theby which he was employed, as DR. A. J. HOFFMAN Phone 169 Saturday or Sunday.—21-ltp. SentiPostal Scale! Handy. third grade teacher a t Blackwell. manager, while living here. In She formerly taught in Christoval telling of his college work this we/.—adv. FOUND—Set of car keys. Owner and in the Prairie Grove School at may receive keys at Sentinel ofMount Vernon. She was a student fice in payment of Want Ad.—21dh at the Teachers College in Ada, COCKER puppies for sale: August Okla., and received her Bachelor IF WE HAVE IT . . and we delivery; $12 and $15. Jimmy try to have it . . The Sentinel has been author- of Arts degree there. Wright, Alpine, Texas.—19-tf. ized to make the following an- Mrs. Hoover to Ruidosa we'd like to sell it to you! Southwest Texas State FOR SALE—Tank and windmill nouncement of candidacy for po- A THINK FIRST OF PEEVEY WHEN YOU litical office, subject to the action Teachers College graduate, Miss XIM'f'V* oil ninAO -J«•%!«* •'J'*'' T T?f\f\£ WIV'I «&1I f/i.£S^O mviUUWUi ill gl/UU BUILDING MATERIAL OF ANY KIND "*' condition. Phone 109, Marfa—20-tf of the Second Democratic Pri- Nina S»mmy will be the Social mary, August 24, 1946. Science teacher in the Elementary ARCE'S—DRESSES School. She has taught a t GoldJUST received new stock of fall F o r Sheriff, P r e s i d i o C o u n t y : thwaite where she finished —At PHONE Marfa People Own If For OTTIS W. MORROW street dresses and evening gowns high school. The Bachelor of Keith Studio T. C. (CREED) TAYLOR 57 for women, all sizes available; also PHONE 101 Science degree will be conferred Quick Service— (re-election) 45-gauge Nylon hose. Arce's, 123 on her in San Marcos this month. W. Dallas St., Marfa.—21-ltp. Mrs. S. F . Hoover has resigned as a Casa Piedra teacher and will RANCH LOANS Wanted—4 per teach in the Ruidosa school next cent interest, pre-payment priviyear. Miss Elva Russell. who leges, any amount, any time. The establishment in Marfa of formerly taught at Casa Piedra J. C. FULLER, Sec.-Treas. ^ i w Hl succeed Mrs. Hoover. She iL MARFA XATL. FARM LOAN o y.a^i\ ct. a retaildistributor store to serve as the auth, o , T> *. J , oriaed for Singer Sew , ASSOCIATION Edmundo Rede, who has been ,...:_.JMachine ^-^.-. Co. . products i. „. in„this has been a Sul Ross student. ing WANTED—retail and wholesale area was announced yesterday by teaching in the Presidio Independealer in Marfa for leading petro- L. A. Luke, San Antonio, district dent School District, will teach at leum product; excellent opportu- manager for the sewing machine Redford in 1946-1947. Mr. Gregg said this week that nity for right man. Write Box 97, organization. Mrs. Henry Schutzc has been Alpine.—18-4tp. Mr. Luke said that a business chosen to direct the school lunch location had not been secured but ICE cream cabinet (12-hole) and program for Marfa high schod that he hoped to complete arrangeMeat, poultry, butter, eggs, and other dairy products are the principal compressor for sale; very good and elementary pupils this year. ments for such in the next few items in our stores which continue without price control hut subject to condition; real value. Phone 9532 days. The store—and "Sewing possible recontrol after August 21st. We believe Congress made a wise or 497-J. —19-3tc. Tape Dispensers (metal) SenCenter"—will serve Marfa, Aldecision in providing for a continued free market for these commodities. tinel.—adv. BEDROOM suite for sale; also pine, Fort Davis, and the county From our knowledge and experience with meat and dairy products, we Eclipse windmill, sucker rods, and trade territory of which each is was a San Antonio resident but believe that consumers and producers alike will be benefitted in the long pipe. Phone 81. Mrs. W. T. Davis. the center, has been with Singer organizarun if meat and dairy products are not recontrolled. A free market is W. E. Matthews, who has been tion during the seven months since —20-4tc the only way to assure a continuation of adequate non-black market assistant manager of the com- he was discharged from the Army. supplies at non-black market prices. SOLID steel building for sale; 97 pany's Del Rio store, will move He is married and Mrs. Matthews x 40 ft. by 20 ft. high. Harper here to be the authorized distriwill come here with him to make Rawlings.—21-2tc. butor. Mr. Matthews formerly their home. ••••Ml TELEPHONE INSTRUMENTS I t takes top quality fresh fruits NEW model, desk type for sale; and vegetables to make perfect lb. Pecos Valley Vine ripened also matching divan and chair, and salads. The lettuce must be crisp several odd chairs. Berry Wilson and tender; tomatoes must be ripe, Sinclair Products.—21-1 tc. yet firm and full flavored; every Make summertime salad-timebyit California F;incy Red — lb. eluding whole meal salads on jg ingredient must be at its peak of WURLITZER tenor saxophone for menu frequently during the wJJ goodness if the salad is to be ex* .sale; ¢100. See it at "Oasis," OjiIf you make the salads subituW actly right. Yes, salad making is Utah, Pascal Type lb. naga.—21-3tc. enough by adding hard cooked «ft just about the most severe test you seafood, cold chicken or meat 9 can make of fresh produce. That's cheese, as well as garden fresh vg. why we invite you to try Safeway Large Santa Rosas lb. tablet, then all you'll need to o* fruits and vegetables in salads. . . T h e c a r e f u l c o m p o u n d i n g of p r e s c r i p t i o n s t h a t a r e ptete the menu is a dessert We're so certain you'll find them o r d e r e d b y y o u r doctor i s of t r e m e n d o u s i m p o r t a n c e STTPER SUPPER SALAD-Co* grand, we promise your money California, Sweet, Juicy 8 ib. mesh bag in t h e p r o g r e s s of t h e p a t i e n t . W e a r e p r o u d of bine 1 cup flaked seafood, chopj* back if they ever fail! 1 1 U U t h e P r e s c r i p t i o n D e p a r t m e n t of o u r s t o r e , s e r v i n g leftover chicken or meat withlcj a s i t does s o m a n y people of t h i s a r e a . I t i s w i t h a cooked peas, 1 cup sliced, COM* carrots, 1 large sliced cucunb* p a r d o n a b l e s e n s e of p r i d e i n a t w e s t r i v e a t all —at sliced radishes and green onion m t i m e s t o m a i n t a i n h i g h s t a n d a r d s of efficiency, CREWS HOTEL and all) to taste, and 2 or 3 swe* a n d a f r e s h stock of p h a r m a c e u t i c a l s s o o u r w o r k hard-cooked eggs. Season witft J Highway _ — 19 02. can | T 1 m a y b e p r o p e r l y done. ^ ^ tap. salt and ½ tsp. sugar. TgJ 15c salad dressing seasoned with a W mustard. Serve on lettuce or cabW Grade A quick frozen, cut-up lb. | U —Everybody leaves. Garnish with tomato w«¥* Serves 6 plentifully. K I D N E Y BEAN AND VEGEFull-O-Gold _ 18 oz. can £ t j TABLE SALAD-Drain and W llllllillllllllliilllllllliillHIllJIJIillilllll Airway 1 lb. bag 1 medium-size can of « d " e »J b a k e d b e a n s . Combine 1 W Rosedale Dill t gal. can U • shredded cabbage, 2 or 3 tornaw* Edwards l lb. can cut in wedges, 2 or 3 chopped m onions, tops and all, 1 cuoj»»J ( E f f e c t i v e M a y 1, 1946) Bakers De Luxe 8 oz. box Z i U Folgsrs 1 lb. can finely diced. Season with salt aw pepper. Add beans and toss «•tart dressing. Serve in lettuce cm Del Monte 2 lb. box Oi. Tex-Sun 46 oz. can or on s h r e d d e d mixed gree» Serves 6. Velveeta _... 2 lb. box 0 w H A V E Y O U EVER TR«jjj Canterbury 4 oz. box * H o w often have you heard it said, "I've shredding raw new turnips or J !C in a salad? Raw cauhflowj" paid all my bills except tne doctor's. H e can Great Northern 2 lb bag L L Liptons 4 oz. box delectable too, sliced paper-tnw •nt-xtt shredded. LEAVE MARFA 4 A« r cacucs W h e n w e have recovered, t h e fearful urTo Odessa a n d Pecos — 4 : 0 5 Dorothys g oz, |,ox Q Freestones lb. Cosuof &uxfci- **** gency of that night call is easily forgotten. I n A . M . ; 11:30 A . M . ; 5 P . M . The Homemakers' Bureau answer to our frantic call, what if the doctor T o A l p i n e — 4 : 0 5 A. M . ; 1 1 : 3 0 Gardenside \% . | £ An Extra Safeway Servict oz c a n Breakfast Cereal .... 12 oz. A. M.; 4 P . M. had said, " O h , it's nothing serious. Wait until T o F t . D a v i s ( D i r e c t ) 5 P . M. m o r n i n g and come d o w n to the office." T h e chances are SEMB FLAVOR-PERFECT MEATS ARRIVE MARFA w e would agree to pay double if he would come at once. 11:30 A . M . ; 6 : 1 5 P . M . ; 6 : 2 0 Health is not an item for trade and barter. I n fact, the P . M . ; 12:55 A . M . only wealth is health. Consider your doctor biU as your best investment in the continued enjoyment of life. A s pharmacists, w e stand ready t o fill your prescript TO and FROM PRESIDIO ions promptly and accurately. Lv. M a r f a : 7:30 A . M.: 1 P . •WANT AD te Marfa Uatioria POLITICAL Announcements IRBY HARMON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Supplies Wiring * < r PEEVEY LUMBER §» New Marfa Store Announced Thursday Meat, Poultry, Butter — • I _._1L_I_ C ' CANTALOUPES 9 18« TOMATOES In Complete Partnership With Your PHYSICIAN CELERY 9 C PLUMS CHANEY'S ORANGES que GREEN BEANS lie SHINE • WICAL VALUES • ATSAFEWAy "* Coffee |T BUS SCHEDULES la tAN^WA Coffee FRYERS 70c ORANGE JUICE OOc PICKLES Q4c Coffee COCOA Oflc Grapefruit Juice PRUNES QOc Tea CHEESE OCc Tea BEANS QOc BISCUIT MIX Wheaties M . ; 6 : 3 0 P . M. Ar. M a r f a : 11:15 A. M.; 4:45 P . M . ; 1:15 A . M. Bavgent Coaches BUS TERMINAL HMHIIUIHIillllllllllUIIIHIIII PQHTEB DRUG COMPANY SPINACH 0c I Qc SALAMI - spiced sausage loaf . . . lb. 46c SPICED LUNCHEON - lunch meat lb. 53c , BOLOGNA-all meat Gov, in«pjssiaML. lb. 32 I Nickel Pimento, Macaroni & Cheese ( rwiLbiRIPTION DRUGGISTS'! TELEPHONE 5 6 MARFA,TEXAS Closed at 6 On Sunday— AD PRICES EFFECTIVE Friday, August 2, Through Thursday, August 8 yOU GET MORE FPU yOURMONBy AT S A F E W A Y Carol Drake detente] conalete-neal stMt
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