Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 140: Linear Circuits Fall Term 2011 PEOPLE: Name Mohamed-Yahia Dabbagh Ramadan El Shatshat Ajoy Opal Andrew Kennings Name Nizar Messaoudi Mike Foulger Class CE/EE Section 001 CE/EE Section 002 CE/EE Section 003 SE Section 004 Duty LAB/CDT LAB/CDT ECE 140; Linear Circuits; Fall 2011 Instructors Office EIT 4019 Ext 37446 Email EIT 4021 37063 EIT 4104 35302 EIT 4102 36909 Lab Instructors Office Ext E2-3340 33733 E2-3349 36135 Email Page 1 of 8 Name Abdel Wahab, Wael Mahmoud Omar Abou Saleh, Jamil Akram Allec, Nicholas Aly Atteya Mohamed, Haytham Azizi, Mostafa Costa, Thilan Daif, Sally Dashmiz, Shadi Heidarpour, Mohammed Reza Huang, Fengxi Munoz Guerrero, Juan Carlos Nadertehrani, Mohsen Saad, John Farid Hanna Shah, Jaspal Singh Sharma, Isha Zidan, Aboelsood Ali Abdelrohman Duty LAB/CDT Teaching Assistants Office Ext E5-4020 31416 Email LAB/CDT E5-5103 31461 LAB/CDT LAB/CDT DC-3577R EIT-4112 35025 37451 LAB/CDT LAB/CDT LAB/CDT LAB/CDT LAB/CDT EIT-4118 E3-3176 EIT-4109 ERC-2017 EIT-4148 37457 38429 37449 38838 37511 LAB/CDT LAB/CDT EIT-4117 EIT-4151 37456 38036 LAB/CDT EIT-4148 37511 LAB/CDT EIT-3155 37437 LAB/CDT LAB/CDT LAB/CDT E5-4131 EIT-4151 CPH-???? 31439 38036 37060 ECE 140; Linear Circuits; Fall 2011 Page 2 of 8 LECTURE SCHEDULE Day of Week Mon Tues Wed Thurs LEC 001 2:30-3:20 4:30-5:20 (Dabbagh) RCH301 RCH301 LEC 002 2:30-3:20 4:30-5:20 (El Shatshat) RCH302 RCH302 Lectures* LEC 003 4:30-5:20 3:30-4:20 4:30-5:20 (Opal) B1-271 B1-271 B1-271 LEC 004 2:30-3:20 2:30-3:20 (Kennings) EV3-1408 EV3-1408 *There are scheduled make-up lectures throughout the term. Check your schedule. Type Type Section Section LEC 001 (Dabbagh) Make-up Lectures LEC 002 (El Shatshat) LEC 003 (Opal) LEC 004 (Kennings) Fri 2:30-3:20 RCH301 3:30-4:20 RCH302 2:30-3:20 EV3-1408 Date #1 Sept 22 11:3012:20 RCH 301 Sept 23 4:30-5:20 RCH 301 Sept 23 4:30-5:20 B1-271 Sept 21 4:30-5:20 EV3-1408 ECE 140; Linear Circuits; Fall 2011 #2 Oct 6 11:3012:20 RCH 301 Oct 7 4:30-5:20 RCH 301 Oct 7 4:30-5:20 B1-271 Oct 5 4:30-5:20 EV3-1408 #3 Oct 20 11:3012:20 RCH 301 Oct 21 4:30-5:20 RCH 301 Oct 21 4:30-5:20 B1-271 Oct 19 4:30-5:20 EV3-1408 #4 Nov 3 11:3012:20 RCH 301 Nov 4 4:30-5:20 RCH 301 Nov 4 4:30-5:20 B1-271 Nov 2 4:30-5:20 EV3-1408 #5 Nov 17 11:3012:20 RCH 301 Nov 18 4:30-5:20 RCH 301 Nov 18 4:30-5:20 B1-271 Nov 16 4:30-5:20 EV3-1408 #6 Dec 1 11:30-12:20 RCH 301 Dec 2 4:30-5:20 RCH 301 Dec 2 4:30-5:20 B1-271 Nov 30 4:30-5:20 EV3-1408 Page 3 of 8 TUTORIAL/LAB/CDT SCHEDULE Type Section Mon Tues TUT101 TUT102 TUT103 TUT104 Day of Week Wed 8:30-10:20 MC4041 8:30-10:20 MC4058 10:30-12:20 MC4041 10:30-12:20 MC4058 Thurs TUT105 Tutorials 8:30-10:20 MC4041 8:30-10:20 MC4058 8:30-10:20 MC4064 10:30-12:20 MC4041 10:30-12:20 MC4058 TUT106 TUT107 TUT108 TUT109 TUT110 9:30-11:20 DWE3516 TUT111 Type Section 9:30-11:20 DWE3516 Mon Tues LAB201 LAB202 Labs/CDTs Fri LAB203 ECE 140; Linear Circuits; Fall 2011 Thurs Fri 10:30-12:20 E2-1310 8:30-10:20 E2-1310 LAB204 LAB205 Day of Week Wed 8:30-10:20 E2-1310 10:30-12:20 E2-1310 2:30-4:20 E2-1310 Page 4 of 8 COURSE OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this course is to introduce basic circuit elements including resistors, capacitors, inductors and sources. Basic circuit analysis techniques for both DC and AC linear circuits are also introduced. COURSE CONTENTS: Week 1 Date Sept 12-16 2 Sept 19-23 3 4 5 6* Sept 26-30 Oct 3-7 Oct 10-14 Oct 17-21 7 Oct 24-28 8 9 10 Oct 31-Nov 4 Nov 7-11 Nov 14-18 11 Nov 21-25 12 Nov 28-Dec 2 Topics Voltage, Current, Power Resistors, Ohm’s Law Basic circuit concepts KVL, KCL Series and parallel circuits Nodal analysis Mesh analysis Superposition Source transformation Text 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Milestones CDT Intro 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 LAB 1 3.4-3.8 4.1, 4.2 4.3, 4.4 5.1, 5.2 Thevenin & Norton Equivalents Maximum Power Transfer Delta-Wye circuits Operational Amplifiers Capacitors and Inductors Sinusoidal circuits, complex numbers, phasors Phasor analysis AC circuits Sinusoidal power 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 CDT 1 LAB 2 CDT 2 CDT 3 (MIDTERM Oct 18 911AM) LAB 3 6.1-6.3, 6.5, 6.6 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.5 10.1, Appendix 5 LAB 4 CDT 4 LAB 5 10.2-10.10 CDT 5 11.1-11.6 LAB 6 *Week 6 is midterm week and there are no lectures this week. Missed material is covered during makeup lectures scheduled throughout the term. TEXTBOOK: W. H. Hayt, J. Kemmerly, S. M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7-th Edition, McGraw-Hill 2010 (Custom Publication for University of Waterloo). OTHER RESOURCES: UW-ACE Coursebook ECE 140; Linear Circuits; Fall 2011 Page 5 of 8 COMPUTER-DELIVERED TUTORIALS (CDTs): The Computer-Delivered Tutorials (CDTs) are active learning sessions which help, encourage, and reward you for keeping up with the problem-solving component of the course. They are basically open-book automated quizzes during which you have access to tutorial assistance. Students in groups of two answer questions delivered by a computer and are allowed to use textbooks/notes and discuss the solution methods with TAs and peers. The CDTs will use numerical value questions based on the course concepts and the end of chapter problems. The questions will have random properties making each group’s CDT unique. All CDTs take place in the WEEF lab (E2-1310) and will occur when there is not a scheduled laboratory. LABORATORIES: The course includes 6 Lab experiments to be performed in groups of two in the WEEF Lab (E21310). Your time table should indicate your lab time slot. One prelab per group for each of the 6 lab experiments will be due by 8:00AM in the day of the lab experiment. Each group will submit their observation data prior to the end of the lab session. One report per group is due by 4:30PM one week following the experiment for Labs 1-5. The report for Lab 6 will be due by 11:59PM on the day of the experiment. Course book ( will used for prelabs, lab data and lab submissions. If you are absent for a lab, you are required to catch up on the missed work. A separate report from your partner must be submitted based on your own lab observations. Lab procedures and experiments are described and available at WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS): All students taking courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering must have appropriate instruction on issues of safety. The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training satisfies this requirement. This requirement must be satisfied before students can be allowed to engage in lab work. In ECE140, this means it must be satisfied before the first lab session. For more info, please read QUIZZES: There are weekly quizzes that will happen in the last 20 minutes of each tutorial. Quizzes are done individually and are closed book. Each quiz will be one problem similar to one of the assigned problems (see below for assignment problems). Marked quizzes will be handed back by the TAs in subsequent tutorials. ECE 140; Linear Circuits; Fall 2011 Page 6 of 8 ASSIGNMENTS: There are weekly assignments in the course which are based on end-of-chapter problems from the course textbook. Assignment problems are intended to help you learn the course material and prepare you for quizzes, CDTs, laboratories and examinations. There are no grades for assignments. Number 1 2 3 Week 2 3 4 Date Sept 19-23 Sept 26-30 Oct 3-7 4 5 6 5 7 8 Oct 10-14 Oct 24-28 Oct 31-Nov 4 7 9 Nov 7-11 8 9 10 10 11 12 Nov 14-18 Nov 21-25 Nov 28-Dec 2 Topics Voltage, Current, Power: Ch 2: 4, 5, 8, 9, 15, 18, 19 Resistors and sources: Ch 2: 20, 22, 23, 25, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 43 KVL, KCL, Resistive circuits: Ch 3: 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21; Series and parallel circuits: Ch 3: 45, 50, 56, 58, 64, 65 Nodal analysis: Ch 4: 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24 Mesh analysis: Ch 4: 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45 Superposition and Source transformation: Ch 5: 4, 8, 11, 14, 16, 22, 24, 26, 30, 35 Thevenin & Norton Equivalents, Maximum Power Transfer: Ch 5: 43, 46, 47, 49, 54, 56, 58, 61, 68, 69; Delta-Wye Connections: Ch 5: 73, 75 Operational Amplifiers: Ch 6: 3, 10, 18, 20, 23, 25, 28, 38, 39, 41, 70, 72 Capacitors and Inductors: Ch 7: 2, 8, 12, 16, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 34, 35, 36 Sinusoidal circuits, phasors: Ch 10: 20, 32, 35, 37, 41, 50, 63, 67, 72, 79, 81; Sinusoidal power: Ch 11: 12, 15, 17, 41, 43, 46, 53. COURSE EVALUATION: In addition to labs, CDTs, and quizzes, the course has a midterm and final examination. All examinations are closed book and individual. The marking scheme for the course is detailed below. Item Final Exam Midterm Exam Labs CDTs Quizzes Total: ECE 140; Linear Circuits; Fall 2011 Weight 50% 20% 15% 7.5% 7.5% 100% Page 7 of 8 Academic Integrity, Grievance, Discipline, Appeals and Note for Students with Disabilities: see The text for this web site is listed below: Academic Integrity: In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of Waterloo community are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. [Check for more information.] Grievance: A student who believes that a decision affecting some aspect of his/her university life has been unfair or unreasonable may have grounds for initiating a grievance. Read Policy 70, Student Petitions and Grievances, Section 4, When in doubt please be certain to contact the department’s administrative assistant who will provide further assistance. Discipline: A student is expected to know what constitutes academic integrity [check] to avoid committing an academic offence, and to take responsibility for his/her actions. A student who is unsure whether an action constitutes an offence, or who needs help in learning how to avoid offences (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) or about “rules” for group work/collaboration should seek guidance from the course instructor, academic advisor, or the undergraduate Associate Dean. For information on categories of offences and types of penalties, students should refer to Policy 71, Student Discipline, For typical penalties check Guidelines for the Assessment of Penalties, Appeals: A decision made or penalty imposed under Policy 70 (Student Petitions and Grievances) (other than a petition) or Policy 71 (Student Discipline) may be appealed if there is a ground. A student who believes he/she has a ground for an appeal should refer to Policy 72 (Student Appeals) Note for Students with Disabilities: The Office for persons with Disabilities (OPD), located in Needles Hall, Room 1132, collaborates with all academic departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities without compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If you require academic accommodations to lessen the impact of your disability, please register with the OPD at the beginning of each academic term. ECE 140; Linear Circuits; Fall 2011 Page 8 of 8
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