Glenwood School’s 2013-2014 Home-School Compact Dear Parents, Glenwood is putting extra attention on reading skills this year! Our goal is to have every student reading at grade level by the end of the year. This is a huge task and we cannot do it without your help! We are pledging to do everything we can in the classroom, and hope that you pledge to do what you can at home to make Glenwood a school of readers! Sincerely, Jovo Bikic, Principal Teacher’s pledge: I will: • Create a partnership with every family in my class • Monitor student progress in reading and math and update parents monthly • Make sure all students get help as soon as it’s needed • Send home learning materials in math and reading • Assign reading that is relevant and interesting __________________________________________ Signature Date Students Pledge: I will: • Let my teacher and family know if I need help • Read on my own and with my family every day • Work on my math and reading skills at home, using the materials my teacher sends home • Write down assignments, do my homework every day, and turn it in when it’s due • Write a book report on a book that I choose each month. __________________________________________ Signature Date Parent Pledge __________________________________________ Signature Date Want to learn more to support your child’s reading skills at home? Come to our reading nights for tips on how to support your child’s reading skills at home! Kindergarten-2nd Grade: December 9th, 7-8:30pm 3rd Grade-5th Grade: December 10th, 7-8:30pm 6th Grade-8th Grade: December 11th, 7-8:30pm Look for reading tips in Glenwood’s monthly newsletter Come to our weekly parent coffee hour and speak with other parents about what they are doing with their children. Last revised: September 26th, 2013 Glenwood School’s 2013-2014 Home-School Compact I will: • Let the teacher know if my child has any problems with learning. • Ask my child about what they did in school each day • Use reading and math materials the school sends home each week to help my child. • Share books with my child for 20 minutes a day. • Keep a list of new words • Make sure my child has a library card • Help my child use reading and math to pursue his/her interests and goals
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