RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY The Weekly Calendar for the Events & Happenings at Riverdale Presbyterian Church October 9, 2014 Riverdale Presbyterian Church 4765 Henry Hudson Parkway West Bronx, NY 10471 www.riverdalepc.org Phone: 718-796-5560 E-mail: rpcbronx@verizon.net Happenings Wednesdays Bible Study @ 7PM Sundays Sunday School for All Ages @ 9:30 Worship @ 10:30AM Riverdale Presbyterian Church welcomes our new Organist Heather Hyemin Kim Please join the entire RPC family in welcoming our new organist Heather Hyemin Kim on Sunday October 12th! Heather brings her extensive experience, passion for music, and impressive resume to Riverdale Presbyterian Church in service as our new organist. Heather is a graduate of Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea earning her BA in Music; her MA in Piano Performance at the Manhattan School of Music, and is now completing her Doctor of Music at Florida State University. Heather is well versed in Christian liturgy as she has served as Organist/Pianist at Fellowship Presbyterian Church in Tallahassee, FL as well as at the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More.You are welcome to learn more about Heather at heatherhyeminkim.com A special word of thanksgiving for all the hard work of the Organist Search Committee and the Personnel Committee for your extraordinary work throughout the Summer and Autumn! RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY To my wonderful Church Family: I can’t begin to tell you, how thankful I am to all of you for my magnificent celebration for my 20th Anniversary here at RPC. I can tell you, that I am still floating on air and walking on Sunshine. It was great to be Queen for a day and I thank you for all the gifts, the memory book, the caricature, the flowers, the food and drink and especially the beautiful purse, it sure will come in handy. But most of all, I thank you for the joy you gave me with all your kind words about me and your thankfulness for my service. But, it is really I who have been blessed with all of you in my life. You truly are my family and I truly love each and everyone of you. Thanks for everything and here’s to the beginning of the next 20 years together. Love, Lucretia Gratitude to George Dunbar With hearts overflowing with thanksgiving, the entire RPC family expresses our love and deepest gratitude to George Dunbar for his faithful and extraordinary service as Church Organist! A short description cannot fully express the depth of what George has meant and continues to mean to RPC. In that light, there will be a celebration of George’s ministry as organist here at RPC (and the details will be finalized and given to you as soon as possible) allowing all of the congregation to acknowledge the fullness of George’s ministry to RPC. Thank you George for sharing with us who you are, your amazing talents in ministry, and your faithfulness as friend and your love for God and all of God’s people. RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY Save the Date: Women’s Retreat, Friday, October 31 – Sunday, November 2, Holmes Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center. Pictures of Lucretia’s 20th Anniversary celebration will be in next week’s Eweekly! RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY Christian Education for the Fall Sunday School PRE-K to 3RD GRADE DURING WORSHIP 10:30AM The Pre-K to 3rd Grade classes will go to Sunday School class following the Children’s Sermon during the worship hour. 4TH GRADE to ADULT CLASSES WILL MEET AT 9:30AM ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 1. The Five Love Languages of Children Meets in the Library of the Duff House 2. The RPC Book Group– Duff House ADULT EDUCATION THROUGH THE WEEK Wednesday Night Bible Study: The Gospel of John. 7:00PM in Duff House Saving Jesus Redux. See page 6 for a description. 1st, 2nd, and 4th Thursdays from 7:30-8:45PM in Duff House RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY FAMILY APPLE PICKING; ALL ARE WELCOME! MONDAY OCTOBER 13th, COLUMBUS DAY MEET AT THE CHURCH AT 9:30 AM TO CARPOOL! MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW!! PLEASE CONTACT MARIANNE MONTERO AT MONTERO.MARIANNE79@GMAIL.COM OR IN PERSON FOR QUESTIONS. RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY WICKS We’re Involved Crafting Knitting Socializing will be meeting Tuesday October 7 and October 14 from 11am1pm in the Duff House. All are welcome to for fellowship, fun, and craft making. Riverdale Presbyterian Church is on: You can now hear RPC services online! Click the picture to the right to begin hearing our weekly worship services Click Pinterest logo to see RPC page RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY Our Annual Stewardship Campaign is upon us. Here are some great Q & As with the Stewardship Committee Q: Why should I pledge? A: There are many biblical injunctions to support the church with one’s time, talent and treasure – yes all three, not one or two. But the quick “worldly” answer is that the church, like any other organization, must draw up an annual budget. The Finance Committee apportions expected income among various budget items, e.g., salaries for the pastor and staff, Christian education, property maintenance and repair, and expenses such as heating, electricity, and telephone and snow removal. A pledge indicates that the church can expect a given dollar amount which can therefore be allocated to some part of the budget. If pledges don’t come in, then expenses cannot be planned for and programs cannot be expanded. Some even must be cut. The Finance Committee cannot assume that money will come in to support the church’s mission and programs unless it is pledged. Q: What is a pledge? A: Each year, we ask members and friends of RPC to make a thoughtful, prayerful, and intentioned commitment to support financially the ministry and mission of our church. Pledging is simply promising to give a certain amount of money to RPC in the following year. This is accomplished by completing a pledge form indicating the amount of your pledge and in what intervals (weekly, monthly, etc.) that you intend to give the money. Q: What happens if I cannot fulfill my pledge? A: This question comes up frequently. The short answer is that most pledges are fulfilled. A few are not, and almost always with good reason. We live in insecure and stressful times, when job losses, medical bills and other reversals of fortune seem more common and daunting than they once were. If you are afraid to pledge because you’re worried you cannot fulfill it, fear not. The pledge is not legally binding, and the Stewardship Committee is, as are all such committees, populated by compassionate souls. If you are not able to fulfill your pledge, a simple phone call to the church office or a word to a member of the Stewardship Committee is all that is needed. No elaborate explanation is necessary. It is taken as a matter of faith that any person who is unable to fulfill a pledge has a reason that’s important to his or her circumstances. Q: What does my pledge support? A: Personal growth through Christian education, baptism, confirmation, and marriage preparation. Choir -- for youth and adults. Clergy and staff who provide uplifting worship, sermons, music, pastoral care, and church administration. Maintenance and preservation of our building, property, and grounds. Routine building operating expenses, e.g., utilities, insurance, roof, and organ and piano maintenance. Contribution via the apportionment to the New York Presbytery. RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY Q: Does my individual pledge make a difference? A: ABSOLUTELY. RPC appreciates the contributions from the plate offerings, but this is only a small portion of our annual income. If you are new to RPC or to pledging, we hope you will make a pledge to support the church in the upcoming year. Even if you pledge a minimum amount, please take the step of pledging as part of your spiritual practice for giving. Our hope is to have 100% participation. Every dollar supports and promotes our ministry and mission and is deeply appreciated. Q: Can I just put my offering in the plate without pledging? A: Many people find this the most comfortable way to give to RPC. HOWEVER, it has drawbacks that negatively affect the church’s ministry. Making a pledge tells our church how much money we will have to carry our ministry for the coming year and, thereby, helps us to set our budget. The amount pledged is critical information for the RPC Finance Committee and the Session as they make careful decisions about church activities, ministry, worship, music, and building maintenance throughout the year. On a personal level, pledging help transform giving into a spiritual practice. You make a commitment, and fulfilling it becomes a regular practice, like coming to worship. However important pledging is, it is not a requirement for church membership or attendance. We welcome all who come to share in celebrating our faith, regardless of one’s agreement to pledge or the amount. Pledging allows us to make intentional decisions about financial giving, just as you might give regularly to a 401(k) or other retirement plan. When you plan ahead for giving, you make conscious choices about spending money in ways that reflect you values and faith. Q: How do I determine the amount that I should pledge? A: The traditional measure of giving to the church is the tithe, which is the biblical principle whereby a person or family gives 10% of what they earn back to God through the church. The tithe seems daunting, and if this is your reaction, consider Proportional Giving. To do that, start with your expected income for the coming year and determine a percentage that feels right for you spiritually and as a practical matter. From ancient times, people have given “the first fruits of their labor.” So, a good start to Proportional Giving might be 2.5% of your income, which is approximately the first hour’s pay for a 40-hour workweek. Determine the percentage amount of income you have given in the past, consider your expected income for the next year, and prayerfully consider increasing the percentage. RIVERDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E-WEEKLY Q: How do I make a pledge? A: Make a pledge by completing and returning a paper pledge card. It can be mailed to the church, handed to a member of the Stewardship Committee, or placed in the offering plate. Q: Can I change my pledge if my financial circumstances change? A: YES. We know that circumstances change, sometimes overnight. People sometimes need to reduce or even cancel their pledges. To do this, simply contact the church office. Q: When is my pledge due? A: Although a pledge can be made at any time, we hope you will communicate your pledge by the last Sunday before Thanksgiving, which in 2014 is Sunday, Nov. 23. We call it Stewardship Sunday. This allows the Finance Committee enough time to present a realistic budget in January. Q: How is a pledge campaign different from a capital campaign? A: At RPC, we have done both. However, the pledge campaign is initiated every fall to provide the church with its operating expenses. In contrast, a capital campaign is a request for financial support for an extraordinary need over a defined period, such as a campaign to make part of the building handicapped accessible or to provide a new roof or organ. A capital campaign could last a few months or several years. Other questions? Please ask your Stewardship Committee or Pastor Mike. The Stewardship Committee comprises John Cline, Judith McVey, and Carmen Leon.
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