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C h u l a V i s t a P re s by te r i a n C h u rc h
940 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista, CA 91911
Are You Paying Attention??
Financial Information for CVPC
Finance Committee is recommending
a pledge goal for 2015 of $425,000,
which is deemed the minimum amount needed
to balance the budget and sustain the missions,
programs, and operations of our church, including
staffing and basic upkeep. The funds raised
through our pledge campaign are the main source
(90-95%) of operating revenue for our church.
During the last few years we have had
to draw substantially from our financial
reserves and bequests in order to make
up for shortfalls in income, and we
are currently on track to end this year
(2014) with a net loss of approximately
$41,000 at current income and
spending levels. Absent any new or
increased sources of income, operating
expenses next year are projected to
exceed expected income by as much as
$66,000. In order to achieve a balanced
and sustainable budget for next year,
we are asking all who love, care for, and attend
Chula Vista Presbyterian Church to continue to
pledge generously, as traditionally you have done,
and, where possible, to modestly increase your
annual pledges for 2015.
Thank you,
Sharron Cannon, Stewardship Elder
Presbyterian Women . . . . . . . . .
Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Christian Education . . . . . . . . . .
Session Update . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
A few weeks ago, I had one of those epiphanies
that put me in the “Captain Obvious” category. I
noticed through our worship services (Daybreak,
10:00 and Adoracion), that there were mothers in
worship who spent a great deal of time, energy,
and focus on stewarding their children – that is to
say, chasing them around. When I started thinking
about it, I also realized I have seen fathers on the
run, too.
It occurred to me how little I have expressed
thanksgiving and appreciation for their struggle.
Let me share with you this open letter from a blog
entitled “I Am Totally * That * Mom” that captures
the heart of where I believe this congregation is
in “blessing families and children in the name of
Dear Parents With Young Children in Church,
You are doing something really, really
important. I know it’s not easy. I see you with
your arms overflowing, and I know you came
to church already tired. Parenting is tiring.
Really tiring.
I watch you bounce and sway trying to keep
the baby quiet, juggling the infant car seat and
the diaper bag as you find a seat. I see you
wince as your child cries. I see you anxiously
pull things out of your bag of tricks to try to
quiet them.
And I see you with your toddler and your
preschooler. I watch you cringe when your
little girl asks an innocent question in a voice
that might not be an inside voice let alone a
church whisper. I hear the exasperation in
your voice as you beg your child to just sit, to
be quiet as you feel everyone’s eyes on you.
Not everyone is looking, but I know it feels
that way.
I know you’re wondering, is this worth it? Why
do I bother? I know you often leave church
more exhausted than fulfilled. But what you
are doing is so important.
When you are here, the church is filled with
a joyful noise. When you are here, the Body
of Christ is more fully present. When you are
here, we are reminded that this worship thing
we do isn’t about Bible Study or personal, quiet
contemplation but coming together to worship
as a community where all are welcome, where
we share in the Word and Sacrament together.
When you are here, I have hope that these
pews won’t be empty in ten years when your
kids are old enough to sit quietly and behave
in worship. I know that they are learning how
and why we worship now, before it’s too late.
They are learning that worship is important.
I see them learning. In the midst of the cries,
whines, and giggles, in the midst of the crinkling
of pretzel bags and the growing pile of crumbs
I see a little girl who insists on going two pews
up to share peace with someone she’s never
met. I hear a little boy slurping (quite loudly)
every last drop of his communion wine out of
the cup determined not to miss a drop of Jesus.
I watch a child excitedly color a cross and point
to the one in the front of the sanctuary. I hear
the echos of Amens just a few seconds after
the rest of the community says it together. I
watch a boy just learning to read try to sound
out the words in the worship book or count
his way to Hymn 672. Even on weeks when I
can’t see my own children learning because,
well, it’s one of those mornings, I can see your
children learning.
I know how hard it is to do what you’re doing,
but I want you to know, it matters. It matters to
me. It matters to my children to not be alone
in the pew. It matters to the congregation to
know that families care about faith, to see
young people… and even on those weeks when
you can’t see the little moments, it matters to
your children.
It matters that they learn that worship is what
we do as a community of faith, that everyone
is welcome, that their worship matters. When
we teach children that their worship matters,
we teach them that they are enough right
here and right now as members of the church
community. They don’t need to wait until they
can believe, pray or worship a certain way to
be welcome here, and I know adults who are
still looking to be shown that. It matters that
children learn that they are an integral part of
this church, that their prayers, their songs, and
even their badly (or perfectly timed depending
on who you ask) cries and whines are a joyful
noise because it means they are present.
I know it’s hard, but thank you for what you
do when you bring your children to church.
Please know that your family - with all of its
noise, struggle, commotion, and joy – are
not simply tolerated, you are a vital part of
the community gathered in worship. (http://
Well said.
In the same manner, let me also point out how
grateful I am for the effort required by members
of all ages. I know that many of you are challenged
and persevering through medical issues, through
spiritual crises, through stress at work, through
families problems and other things that make
getting up for worship on any given Sunday seem
almost more burden than you can endure. Let
me say it here: thank you. Thank you for taking
the time and making the effort. Thank you for
getting up and coming. Yes, God is worthy of all
our praise and worship and we should participate
together because God has commanded us to do
so; however, it is important to me and important
to us that you are here. Thank you.
Worldwide Communion Sunday
October begins with Worldwide Communion
Sunday. Christians all over the world will be
celebrating the Lord’s Supper. We take this time to
remember all of those who have gone before us,
Christians who have lived faithful lives and worked
to pass along the faith to us. We take this time to
remember all of those Christians around the world
who are celebrating along side us, some who are
suffering persecution and some who are dying to
pass along the faith to their children. We take this
time to remember our children to whom we owe
the obligation of bearing witness, persevering,
and exhibiting the love of God through our lives.
It is a witness to the world by the universal church.
As an aside, when we recite the Apostles’ Creed
on communion Sunday mornings, some of you
have wondered why we say, “I believe in the holy
catholic church.” “Catholic” in that phrase begins
with a small “c.” It does not mean that we are a
part of the Roman Catholic Church. The Apostles’
Creed was developed at a time in the Western
hemisphere when there was only one church and
the word “catholic” means “universal.” Thus, when
we say, “I believe in the holy catholic church,” it is
a reflection of our participation in the church that
Jesus founded upon Peter’s confession.
Your brother in Christ,
Bob Davis
Annual Fall
Stewardship Campaign
Sharron Cannon
Elder for Stewardship
submitted by Jean Wilson
The October 3rd Gathering of PW will be a coffee starting at 9:30am, hosted by Charity Circle.
There will be a short business meeting at 10:00am, followed by our program.
Our guest speaker will be Deb Mitchell from Presbyterian Urban Ministries (PUM).
PUM is a Christ-Centered organization dedicated to helping those in need, focusing on lending
a Hand UP (including food, clothing, ID’s, etc.) rather than just a Hand OUT! Their motto is
“providing support and connections from homelessness to hope.” Come find out more about
this great organization that CVPC and PW have been working with and supporting for many
years. Please feel free to come at any time and all are welcome.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
It’s time again for our HOLIDAY BAZAAR on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 from 9:00am to
2:00pm. This year we are honoring the memory of Jean Rucker and Bonita Borchers, so
we hope to make this a very successful fundraiser. The Crafty Crafters have been working
on holiday treasures and individuals are finishing up beautiful hand crafted items. Jam and
mustard are in the works and bakers are dusting off their oven mitts. If you have hand-made
items or baked goods for the Bazaar that we don’t know about, please contact Cindy Dumbauld
at the church office. We’ll again have the Amazing Grace Café with snacks and beverages from
9:00am to 2:00pm and lunch from 11:00am to 2:00pm. There will be something for everyone.
Opportunity Baskets and Silent Auction items will be displayed on the patio on Sunday,
October 5th and 12th. View the offerings and buy your tickets then, or wait until the day of the
Bazaar. A volunteer sign-up list will also be available on those days. Help is needed with
setup before, during the Bazaar and take down on Monday. You can be of great service even
if you sign up for only a couple hours on one of the days listed.
Annie’s Attic Boutique is looking for donations of fun things like quality jewelry, china
(especially tea cups), knick-knacks, holiday items, etc. A donation box will be available in
the Narthex. If not, please put donations in the wheelbarrow, clearly marked “Boutique”. For
information please contact Ann Diffley at (619) 623-2199. 4
ur Annual Fall Stewardship
Campaign begins this month
and runs through the end of the
year. The theme for this year’s
campaign is “The Fruit of The
Spirit – Walking Faithfully and
Generously for Christ.” In order
to respond faithfully to this call
from God, it is important that we
walk in harmony with the Spirit by continuously
reviewing how we are using the gifts and blessings
we have received.
other lives and how it changes
people. It is in those moments
we need to thank God that we
have been given the privilege of
contributing to his work. Being
generous is something we get to
do - something we want to do. It
is a choice we make as Christians
to be generous. In the words of
Paul to the Corinthians, “You will be enriched in
every way for your great generosity, which will
produce thanksgiving to God…”
Faithfulness is the essence of Christian
Stewardship. God has been faithful to us and
we are called to be faithful to Him. I Corinthians
states, “It is required that those who have
been given a trust must prove faithful.” This
is The Fruit of the Spirit. The gifts received by
our church are a blessing to the community we
have been called to serve. Each of us has a part
to play in the body of Christ for “To each is given
the manifestation of the Spirit for the common
good.” No matter how large or small your gifts,
they will have an impact, for no gift is insignificant
in the eyes of God.
As each of us begin planning for the coming
year, it is important that we choose to include a
monetary pledge to our church home. God has
blessed each of us with many talents that we use
to produce the resources available in our lives. He
asked us to use the trust, given to us faithfully,
for the common good of all. As we approach our
decision making on this subject, we should ask
ourselves this question, “What am I doing with
the resources that God has allotted to me?”
Generosity – This word is fresh and kind to our
ears and it is associated with giving something
away freely and without obligation. Generosity
focuses on the spiritual qualities of us as
individuals. Giving is a privilege. When we give
with generosity we begin to see how it touches
By now all should have received a Pledge Card for
Calendar Year 2015. Through prayer, discernment,
and walking faithfully as a disciple for Christ,
choose to be generous for Christ as you complete
your Pledge Card. In this way, while you continue
your walk in harmony with the Spirit, you will
begin to see how being faithful and generous in
your actions will create new joy and abundance
for you, your family, and your church home.
Thank you for your prayers and condolences at my Dad's passing.
The quilt is terrific and will be a great reminder of my Dad's life. I
will always appreciate the support and caring shown by the quilt
ministry and especially by Lynn Sachrison.
The Journey Continues
“This was the best evening out I have had in months!” And
brothers and sisters in Christ it was a GREAT evening. Take
a look at the pictures; see the joy expressed by those who
participated in our recent family night. Moms, dads, kids,
grandparents, friends, young adults, teens and teachers
– there was a place for all to join in. Together we began to
build the new garden that is being planned for the area next
to the playground. About 25 stepping-stones were creatively
constructed that evening - a tangible representation of our
journey together as a church. New friends were made, old
friendships were renewed and life in God was celebrated
Webb Smith
The Dalseth Family would like to say a big Thank You to our Church
Family. We appreciate your prayers and cards. A special thank
you to our Deacon Cheryl Heinz-Keeton for bringing the beautiful
prayer quilt and altar flowers to Mary. Many visitors coming into
Mary's room admired the quilt. Many thanks to those who make
the prayer quilts and especially to Lynn Sachrison.
Mary's hip-replacement surgery went well. She had six weeks of
rehab at a facility in Lemon Grove. She was so happy to return to
her home, Casa de Esperanza, at Noah Homes.
God is good!
Jay and Carol Dalseth
Thank you to the quilters for our beautiful wedding quilt. It is
stunning. We also want to thank everyone for all of your words of
encouragement and support as we begin our life together.
Brooke and Josh Russo
In case you missed a sermon, fell asleep, or just want to review!
Session In a Nutshell
Session Meeting, August 26, 2014
by Cora Gregory
Clerk of Session
Our monthly Time of Remembrance provided many opportunities to remember how we have seen
God at work in our church over the past month, including our Workday, an outpouring not only of
campus cleanup, but of fellowship; New Beginnings discussion groups; Dan’s organ concert; Albert’s
sermon; Sharron’s sermon; opportunity to assist Jackie Davis; our new church directory; Brooke and
Josh’s wedding; the special blessing that Bob and Angie are to us; Nan’s daughter signed up for Mommy
and Me for her and Ally; Claudia deeply touched by her prayer quilt (she sleeps under it nightly); Angie
has felt all our prayers for her knee surgery and recovery, and many thanks for all the meals provided
to her family!
ADORACION: Received their quarterly report of attendance and activities.
FAC. & PROP.: Tabled until September—discussion of possibly installing solar panel device to help
reduce energy expenses
Approved the financial report found elsewhere in this issue.
MEMBERSHIP: Approved Inquirer's (new member class) luncheon on Sunday, September 21st, 11:302:00 in the Family Life Center.
Approved monthly disbursements: (Amounts shown are combined July and August)
Presbytery $600; PUM $220; MOM $220; Growing Liberia’s Children (GLC) $60; Salud
y Vida $50; Stand Up For Kids $50; Presbytery for Iglesia $50; Fourth River Project
$100; Jackie Davis $95; special donation for Jackie from a church member $100; Care
House $50; Survivors of Torture $50; and Tecate Missions International $50. We also
approved a free will offering at the September 20th Baja Presbyterian Missions Fiesta
in the FLC, proceeds to go to BPM.
PERSONNEL : Approved revisions to Admin. Manual Chapter 12; job description changes for Child
Care Coordinator, Daybreak Worship Leader and Pastor Angie’s revised Terms of Call.
Interpretation &
drawings by:
Julie Porter
WOMEN: Approved sale of Bazaar Opportunity Basket tickets on the patio on October 5th and
12th (Bazaar is October 18th.)
Gifts & Memorials Explained
Please pray for healing, strength and comfort for the following members
of our church family...
by Marie Skillman
id you ever wonder what happens to the funds
donated to Gifts and Memorials?
They are administered by a six-member Gifts and
Memorials Committee, comprised of a member of
Session, a member of the Board of Deacons, and 4
members of the congregation. Members serve two-year
terms, and the committee meets quarterly. Current
members are Marie Skillman (chair), Session member
Nan Rathbun, Deacon Jil McGrievy, Sue Wright, Dorothy
Endsley, and Irene Ainza.
Gifts received are either "restricted", which means
the donor specified how the funds are to be used, or
"unrestricted" which means the fund are used as the
Committee directs.
Other committees or programs in the church can
make requests to the Committee for things they need.
Funds are used to purchase lasting, physical things,
not consumable supplies. Recently, unrestricted funds
were used to purchase 3 new computers for the church
staff and 6 stand fans for the sanctuary.
Mary Fowlkes
Randy and Linda Seaver
Address Changes
John and Wendy Morris
118 Elm
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Joel Rucker
Sunrise of Bonita
3302 Bonita Road, Apt. #231
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Phone numbers remain the same.
Georgia Ackerman
Marie Aland
Barbara Bardot
Kathleen Baxter
Margie Baxter
Judy Bernardini
Eleanor Burk
Geneva Delgado
The Devore Family
Betty Hampton
Bill Johnston's Family
Leticia Jones
Sharon & Lee Kienholz
Tami Lincoln and Family
Albert & Celeste Lopez
Helen Mapes
Joseph Medeiros
Mary Jane & Chuck Moore
Anna Nicoloff
Manuel Pacheco
Juan Carlos Paredes
Mary Peterson
Family of Nancy Reigel-Blake
Maxine Roley
Joel Rucker & Family
Alan & Lynn Sachrison
Gerald Shaw
Suarez Family
Carol Ann Vorce
Wes Wessels
Marg Wilkinson
Charlotte Wischstadt
The Zook Family
WANTED: Celtic Layout Designer Needed! CVPC is looking for a new Celtic Designer by December
2014. If we don’t find one, we won’t have a Celtic. Please help us continue this long-standing
monthly tradition. Contact Vickie in the church office if you or someone you know is interested.
August Financial Report
August '14
Year to Date
Year to Date
Total Income
Operating Expenses
Net Gain or (Loss)
August '14
Keep our men and women serving in the armed forces and their families in prayer:
Troy Beiderbeck, Aaron Cluff, Gene Douglas, Zachary Drake, Keith Ferguson, Eric Lee Fore, Matthew
Goodnight, Jake Hartson, Scott Martin, Alex Nagrampa, Justin Parker, Todd Peterson, Von Pulido,
Thomas Price, Eric Radzie, Ian Roy, Jason Struckman, Juan Carlos Torres, Nathan Tyler, Paul Witte,
David Zook, and all the crews on the various ships that are deployed.
Chula Vista Presbyterian Church
940 Hilltop Drive
Chula Vista, CA 91911
e-mail: vickie@cvpres.org
8:30 AM
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Chula Vista, CA
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Address Service Requested
Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob Davis
Associate Pastor. . . . . . . . . . Angie McClane
Daybreak Service
Youth Director . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert Lopez
9:00 AM
Director of Music . . Carolyn Terpstra-Nelson
Adult Education
Organist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Herrscher
10:00 AM
Traditional Service
10:15 AM
Handbell Choir Director . Elizabeth Laboda
Praise Band Leader . . . . . . . . Albert Lopez
Church Secretary . . . . . Vickie Countryman
Financial Secretary . . . . . Cindy Dumbauld
Educational Time
Preschool Director . . . . . . . . . Laini Brown
5:00 P.M.
Childcare Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adoracion Service
Custodian . . . . . . . . . . Cecilio Covarrubias