Welcome! Participating in worship this morning ~ Worship Leaders: Rev. Maggie Melanson & Rev. Suzanne Sykes Readers: Call to Worship – Thank you. Scripture – Mary Walker- Smith Music Director: Barbara Ackison Organist: Sara Surjadinata Choir: Senior Musicians: ICO, Derek Uttley, Director (last Sunday of each month) Welcome Desk: Chris Murray Greeters: Thank you! Ushers: David Lee & Gilly Chadder Counters: Debbie & Jeremy James Sound: Adrian Benjamin Refreshments: Thank you! Sunday School: Jackie Ashong & Debbie McMillan Nursery: Heidi Krogh and you! the congregation at BUC! Thank you to Dorothy Pequegnat & Ann Moon for folding the bulletins. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How to Reach Us at BUC Check the website www.barrhavenunited.org & follow the links. Call the church at 613 825-1707 Office Administrator: Deanna Lavier office hours - weekdays 8:30 am -12:30 pm. bucadmin@gmail.com Minister: Rev Maggie Melanson is away on Sabbatical Sept 1 – Nov 30 Minister of Education: Rev. Suzanne Sykes Suzanne is working ¾ time and will be in the office this week on Tues & Wed. Life & Work – October 26, 2014 For Pastoral emergencies call: 613 -294-9075. bucedu.min@gmail.com Happening this week Sunday 26 10:00 am Monday Tuesday 27 28 Thursday 30 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Worship service Sunwich Lunch UCW Meeting Bible Study Youth Group Book Study Choir Practice Coming Up … Sunday 26 10:00 am Monday Tuesday 27 28 Thursday 30 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Worship service Sunwich Lunch UCW Meeting Bible Study Youth Group Book Study Choir Practice Sunday Monday Tuesday 2 3 4 Thursday Saturday 6 8 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Memorial Worship Service Pastoral Care Team Meeting Bible Study Youth Group Book Study Choir Practice Fall Clean Up pg. 2 (613) 825-1707 www.barrhavenunited.org Barrhaven United Church Keep in your prayers............. Edna Brown & family Sandy Maveety Linda Mitchell Adriana Ribble Louise Watt Adrian & Nadine Benjamin and family Joy Weedon Please call the office, the minister or pastoral care team when family and friends need comfort and prayer. The care ministry wants to extend the congregation’s support. Call the office to let us know of celebrations- births, adoptions, engagements, weddings and anniversaries. November 2 Lectionary Joshua 24: 1-3a, Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12 Are you a Tenor or a Bass? Would you like to join the fun and friendly Senior Choir? Sopranos and Altos would be most welcome too. If interested see Barb. pg. 3 3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4 Life & Work – October 26, 2014 BUC BOOK CLUB We welcome visitors to our meetings where we discuss the month's selection, enjoy a lively discussion, and socialize with treats. Look forward to seeing you there! Our meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each month, September - May, @ 9:30 am in the Music Room. For more information call Eileen Parent (613) 692 - 0301 Nov. 18 : Imposter Bride by Nancy Richler Wanted: Bazaar Bling… … to make our jewellery table really sparkle at the Christmas Bazaar. We’d like to have those necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, and scarves that you don’t wear anymore. We’re hoping for a fun variety of jewellery and scarves to tempt our bazaar shoppers into buying a thing or two – maybe even three! If you have any of these items to donate, please contact Debbie McMillan at 613-825-6881 OR deborah301@rogers.com Memorial Candles pg. 4 (613) 825-1707 www.barrhavenunited.org Barrhaven United Church Every November near All Saints Day, Barrhaven United Church celebrates the saints in our lives in a Memorial Service. This year the service will be held on November 2nd. If your loved one has died in the past year and you wish to have their name read during the service and remember them in the lighting of the Memorial Candle, please email the BUC office no later than Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at tempbuc@gmail.com or bucadmin@gmail.com Help Needed! Volunteers are occasionally required in the BUC Office to answer the telephone and provide administrative support. If you are able to spare some volunteer time to cover off in the office for appointments or sick leave, please contact Cathy Murphy 613-867-8267. Thank you! On the Sunday School Radar: Oct 26: Joseph Helps His Family (lesson) Nov 2: Communion – Learning Advent Song Christmas craft Nov 9: The 10 Commandments (Lesson) Embracing Adventure with God A book study with Rev Dr George Hermanson We meet Tuesday at 7pm. pg. 5 3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4 Life & Work – October 26, 2014 "God is present at the moment of our conception, guides us through the adventures of this lifetime, urging us to rejoice in embodiment and bring healing to our world, and upon our final earthly breath receives us with open arms with visions of future adventures in communion with God and our fellow creatures.” Bruce Epperly An easy introduction to Process theology considering how ~ God still speaks to us today, Our understanding and growth continues with new revelation, Christians are not alone in sharing in the Divine, God is the source of truth and healing Through respect for other religions we can grow in spiritual wisdom. Through discussion with each other and the book we will develop these themes in the context of interfaith dialogue, science and religion, understanding Jesus as the Christ, ethics and ecology. Most importantly we will examine how we can envision a God who is in relation to us throughout our lives here and in the next world. Process Theology: Embracing Adventure with God by Bruce G Epperly ISBN-13: 978-1631990021 40 pages, $5.22+HST through Chapter’s/Indigo. Free shipping if you pick it up at the Barrhaven store. cracks a festival of spirituality, art & social justice pg. 6 (613) 825-1707 www.barrhavenunited.org Barrhaven United Church there is a crack in everything - that’s how the light gets in Leonard Cohen November 7-8 Dominion Chalmers United Church Cooper Street at O’Connor Two great concerts - LeE HaRVeY OsMOND on Friday Jully Black on Saturday Plus a day of workshops with artists, musicians, writers, activists & spiritual leaders. And worship led by our Moderator Gary Patterson with Peter Woods and Brian Browne Workshop space is limited so get your pass @ www.cracksfestival.org Event organized by the Christian Development Committee of Ottawa Presbytery & Faith and Arts Ottawa Full passes (two concerts, workshops and Moderator’s Worship) day pass (workshops and Moderators worship) and single concert tickets still available. talk to Rev. Suzanne or George Hermanson for more information. pg. 7 3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4 Life & Work – October 26, 2014 pg. 8 (613) 825-1707 www.barrhavenunited.org Barrhaven United Church Please note Rev. Maggie Melanson is away on Sabbatical until December. BERRIES BERRIES BERRIES The UCW is taking orders for berries: 2 kg (4.5 lbs) Blueberries at $18.00; 2 kg (4.5 lbs.) Cranberries at $15.00 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) Raspberries at $28.00; Deadline to order: TODAY; Pick up date: Sat. Nov. 8th at 10:00 Please make cheques payable to Barrhaven UCW. Please contact: Marilyn at 613-825-5879 or June at 613825-0038 or see them after church service. Fundscrip – Orders will be placed for gift cards TODAY. Please see Barry or Evelyn Finlay or call 613-843-9934 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Barrhaven UCW will be hosting a Christmas Bazaar on Sat. Nov. 29th from 9:00 to 2:00. Signup sheets will be available in October. For anyone interested in renting a table, please contact Kateri Clark at kateri.clark@yahoo.ca or call 613-316-6693. Take a Trip? pg. 9 3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4 Life & Work – October 26, 2014 Do you want to take a trip around the world? Too busy or not in the cards right now? No trouble. Just leaf through our BUC 35th Anniversary cookbook Bless This Food – BUC@35 for recipes from Greece, Spain, Italy, Napa Valley and Kentucky, Nova Scotia, India, First Nations peoples, Czechoslovakia, Bavaria, Ukraine, China, Iceland, and Finland to name some. Don’t believe me? Well then you’ll have to get a copy (only $15.00 each) and go through the 223 delicious recipes in it – and then try some. What a journey for you and your travel-companion taste buds! See Jane or Tom Schwarzkopf before or after the service for your cookbook – or one for a gift. Sunwich Lunch - in the hall after the service TODAY. All are welcome for this special monthly fellowship time. A special welcome is extended to new comers to BUC. Towards Reconciliation Together Sat. Nov. 1, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, 299 Montreal Road You are invited to join the Outreach team at this important day in the beautiful Wabano Centre. The program includes the Blanket Exercise, drumming, a presentation by Rev. Jamie Scott, and reflections by organizers, including Elder Albert Dumont. Jointly organized by Melissa Hammell (Wabano Centre), Ed Bianchi (Kairos Canada), Elder Albert Dumont, Rev. Jamie Scott (United Church of Canada), and the Church in Society group of Ottawa Presbytery. A free-will offering is suggested to cover the cost of lunch. Registration: Desna Sulway, dmsulway@gmail.com. Contact Liz Nieman for more information or a ride, 613-825-8804. Program on narthex bulletin board. Mark your calendar for November 1st! GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER? pg. 10 (613) 825-1707 www.barrhavenunited.org Barrhaven United Church The 2014 version of this popular event is a go … an evening full of great food and good times is on!!! Guests have signed up to fill the spots that were available, and another host has been identified! We are now looking for four to six more guests to fill these new spots! Please consider joining the fun and fellowship! Each guest will pay $25 to the host/hostess to raise funds for the church. Sign-up sheets are in the narthex. You can also sign up by contacting Trish Barlow directly at 825-9697 or patriciabarlow@rogers.com Hosts will be contacted October 28th or 29th to confirm the number of guests they can expect. Guests will be contacted by email on the morning of November 1st and given a mystery address where dinner will be served. Fall Clean-Up It is that time of year again when we have to prepare for winter by cleaning up around the church. The bulk of this effort is picking up garbage and gathering leaves. Please join our work party on Sat, 8 Nov @ 830 am. Even if you can only stay for a short while, rest assured that we have a job suitable for you!! Please bring your own leaf rake if you have one. With a good turnout, the work won’t take more than a few hours – many hands make light work. For more information, contact George Macdonald at 613-692-4569. ~ Facilities The Back Page 20th Sunday after Pentecost: The Myth of Glory Days pg. 11 3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4 Life & Work – October 26, 2014 Like all churches, we at Barrhaven United are in the midst of unprecedented changes in our congregational life together. Next week we, as a congregation, will begin a visioning process that will take place after morning service. (Includes coffee! so no worries!) It’s a chance to share with others what matters about church and what your hopes and dreams are for its future. Here’s a little history to help you get started in your own visioning. —- Suzanne If you get the Observer you will have followed David Ewart’s look at the decline of The United Church. He contradicts the widespread assumption that at one time, churches were full. Church attendance has always been low. The full churches of the 50’s and 60’s were an anomaly, says Martin Marty, an historian. David’s work connects the baby boom years with those boom years in the church. Membership has never been high. Declining attendance was first traced in 1972. Never more than 25% of the population were members of mainline churches like the UCC. When we look at our growing population, membership has fallen. One reason - immigration of non-protestants since the late 1800’s. Mainline churches grew in number as cities grew suburbs but membership did not increase. Attendance did as church became the locus of friendship networks in new communities for folk who did not have a deep commitment to historic Christian faith and practices. They became the bulge which was not nurtured. There is good news! We now have a stronger core of committed and active believers who are capable of transmitting church culture across generations. We are a stronger faith community than in the mythic days of full churches. So rather than worry, celebrate what we actually have; strength and commitment. This is how we flourish: not by regretting the glory days but through having a vision who we are for ourselves and in our community. George Hermanson sources: Christian Century July 9, 2014, and David Ewart in the Observer pg. 12 (613) 825-1707 www.barrhavenunited.org
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