Welcome! Participating in worship this morning ~

Participating in worship this morning ~
Worship Leaders: Rev. Maggie Melanson & Rev. Suzanne Sykes
Readers: Call to Worship – Thank you!
Scripture – Mary Walker-Smith
Music Director: Barbara Ackison
Organist: Sara Surjadinata
Choir: Senior
Musicians: ICO, Derek Uttley, Director (last Sunday of each month)
Welcome Desk: Thank you!
Greeters: Thank you!
Ushers: Ralph Cameron & Lynn Simon
Counters: Bert Cosman & Ken Drolet
Sound: Gord Crumpler
Refreshments: Chris & John Murray
Sunday School: Jackie Ashong & Debbie McMillan
Nursery: Heidi Krogh
and you! the congregation at BUC!
Thank you Marilyn Fishcer & Lorna Miles for folding the bulletins.
How to Reach Us at BUC
Check the website www.barrhavenunited.org & follow the links.
Call the church at 613 825-1707
Office Administrator: Deanna Lavier
office hours - weekdays 8:30 am -12:30 pm.
Minister: Rev Maggie Melanson
office hours Monday & Tuesday morning (other times by
appointment) bucminister@gmail.com
Minister of Education: Rev. Suzanne Sykes
office Hours Tuesday, 1:30 - 3:30. Other times by appointment.
E-mail is answered Tuesday, Wednesday, and either Monday or
Thursday. For urgent matters call: 613 294-9075.
Barrhaven United Church
Happening this week
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Worship Service
Congregational Meeting
Council Meeting
10:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Worship Service
Summer office hours begin
Coming up …
Coming up in July …
all day
Canada Day ~ Office closed
Perth Theatre Trip
Coming up in August …
all day
all day
7:30 p.m.
Civic Holiday
Office Closed for Stat Holiday
Camp Awesome starts
Camp Awesome ends
Council Meeting
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3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4
Life & Work – June 22, 2014
For several weeks we have been running a photographic slide show
encouraging us to enter into quiet reflection before the worship service
begins. This has been played during the Prelude to worship before the
choir and ministers enter. What has your experience been of this
experiment? Please offer your feedback to Mary Walker-Smith @
BUCWorship.chair@gmail.com or to Rev. Maggie @
Keep in your prayers.............
Max and Eva Baker Nancy Big Canoe
Edna Brown
Estelle & Ken Drolet
Shirl Kennedy
George Kennedy
Sylvia MacDonald
Sandy Maveety
Linda Mitchell
Margery Munro
Clare Peterkin
Stephanie Platt
Adriana Ribble
Please call the office, the minister or pastoral care team when family and
friends need comfort and prayer. The care ministry wants to extend the
congregation’s support. Call the office to let us know of celebrationsbirths, adoptions, engagements, weddings and anniversaries.
Lectionary Readings for June 29
Genesis 22:1-14 and Psalm 13; or Jeremiah 28:5-9 and
Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18; romans 6:12-23; Mathew 10:40-42
FOUND in Parking Lot: A "FiT BiT" pedometer for
counting steps was found in the parking lot and the
owner may retrieve it from the church office.
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(613) 825-1707
Barrhaven United Church
New: Pictorial Directory Free 8"x10" prints, already
taken: If you did NOT purchase any pictures, your Free
print has been received at the church. It can be picked up
from Mavis Mason after church, in the coffee gathering
area. Others will receive all their prints in the mail.
pool needs some swimmers........please feel free to come for a
swim, bring your children or grandchildren. Contact Mavis Mason
mavis.mason@sympatico.ca, 613-825-3387 for access
information and address. A donation to BUC operational budget
will be gratefully received......donation jar by the pool. Adults must
be present and must assume 100% responsibility for safe
Stewardship Seconds
Emptying our cups creates a space
for God’s love to fill.
The June issue of The United Church Observer (magazine)
has an article that references Greg Powell, son of Rev. Doug
Powell, former minister of Barrhaven United. Greg is studying
to become an ordained in minister of the United Church, and
there is a picture of him and his wife. Article is the News
Feature and entitled "Understanding the future".
copies of the Observer are in the display stand on the info desk
in the Narthex, if you do not receive one by subscription.
Rev. Doug Powell and his wife Evelyn will be at BUC on
Sunday June 29th (we think ;)
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3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4
Life & Work – June 22, 2014
Come and join us at Camp Awesome for Bible
stories, crafts, songs and games.
August 11-15, 10 am to 3 pm at Barrhaven United
Ages: 4 – 12 years
Cost : $55/child (includes 2 snacks) Theme: Bible
Registration forms can be picked up at the entrance to the Admin Wing
or visit the church website. For more information, contact Mary WalkerSmith at 613 823 8104 or BucBible.Camp@gmail.com. Camp Awesome
is a Ministry of Ottawa Presbytery of the United Church of Canada.
Youth (14 years or older) can volunteer to work directly with the
children as supplemental staff at BUC's Camp Awesome August
11 to 15. They are required to attend a training meeting at City
View United Church on Wed. June 18 at 7 pm. For more
information, contact Mary Walker-Smih at 613 823 8104 or
How you can help Camp Awesome
A successful Camp Awesome relies on support from the congregation.
Volunteers are needed to help with registration and snack preparation.
You can help for a morning, a day or the whole week of August 11-15.
Donations of fruit, cookies/Rice Krispie squares (no nuts or peanuts)
and drinks are also appreciated. A signup sheet for volunteers and
donations will be in the Narthex. Also toilet paper rolls are needed for
crafts. For more information contact Mary Walker-Smith 613 823 8104,
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(613) 825-1707
Barrhaven United Church
One-Day Emotional Intelligence Introductory Workshop Tuesday, July
29. 2014, 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
City View United Church, 6 Epworth Avenue, Nepean,
Facilitator: Roy M. Oswald, Executive Director: EQ-HR Center
Roy served as a senior consultant for the Alban Institute for 31 years and is
the author of 16 books.
The goal of the One-Day EI Introductory Workshops is to introduce
participants to the world of emotional intelligence and its potential for
greater personal and professional effectiveness.
Who should attend?
 Anyone wanting to know why emotional intelligence matters
 Leaders and staff in non-profit organizations
 Pastors, staff, board and committee leadership
 Denominational leaders, staff, council and committee leaders
 Introduction to and the practice of specific skills in emotional
 Expanding self-awareness and its centrality to greater emotional
 Insight into the skills of empathy and have an opportunity to practice
this capacity;
 To recognize the centrality of emotional intelligence in pastoral and
leadership effectiveness within congregations;
 To explore the attractiveness of an emotionally intelligent
congregation to outsiders.
Topics to be discussed:
 Overview of the research on emotional intelligence and its practical
implications for personal and professional effectiveness;
 Presentation on the trait of Self Awareness and its centrality to
emotional intelligence effectiveness;
 Presentation of the trait of empathy;
Register at http://www.eqhcenter.org/
Workshop Registration Tuition $155.00 (US dollars) which includes
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3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4
Life & Work – June 22, 2014
BUC Financial Review
Over the past 3 months, we have been
conducting a financial review of the Operating
Presentations to the congregation were made this
past week. We will be sending out electronic
copies of the slides for your reference. For those
who do not have computer access, let me know
and I will arrange to provide you with a paper
Later this year in October, we will follow-up
again and present an update of the status of the
Operating Budget. In November, we will
conduct a congregational ballot vote on the
issues and the results will give us a direction for
the 2015 budget year.
Alan Barlow
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(613) 825-1707
Barrhaven United Church
MARK YOUR CALENDARS – We’re going to Perth again!
Following last year’s successful Classic Theatre event, we’re going
back to see Neil Simon’s Come Blow Your Horn on Sunday, July
20 at 2:00 It should be a blast as it is a comedy satirizing the
swinging 60s. This year we will be having lunch at Michael’s
Table, which is a short distance from the theatre. There are five
menu items, including vegetarian and gluten free, ranging in price
from $9.99 to $12.99. Tickets for the play only are $33.50 and
$15.00 from each ticket sold goes to BUC. Tickets are available
now from Barry or Evelyn Finlay and must be purchased by July
13. Please arrange your own transportation. Sign up sheet in
Are you a budding musician? Are you a music teacher looking to
showcase your students? Are you a
singer wanting to lift your voice in
praise? Our wonderful choir goes on
summer hiatus on June 15th, but last
summer we were pleased to have
soloists, pianists and instrumentalists
offer a musical reflection during our
worship services. Let’s do it again this
year! Look for a sign up sheet in the
Narthex or email Rev. Maggie @ bucminister@gmail.com. Thank
you for helping the ministry of music continue in June, July, and
August services!
Office closure – Tuesday June 17
The office will be closed Tuesday June 17 due to a scheduled
power outage. For assistance, email Deanna at
bucadmin@gmail.com or call Rev. Martin Carnahan at 613-8238194.
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3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4
Life & Work – June 22, 2014
Attention Bible Study folk, Youth Group, Young Adult
Spiritual formation! Classes and groups are on
hiatus until the fall. Enjoy your summer everyone!
Rev. Suzanne
FYI - Members of Sequoia Church will be doing yard work for
Barrhaven Non-profit Housing Inc. (next door to the church) the first
week of July.
Summer Solstice Aboriginal Arts Festival and Pow Wow at Vincent
Massey Park June 20 to 22 http://www.ottawasummersolstice.ca
The Summer Solstice Aboriginal Arts Festival and Pow Wow
provides a unique opportunity to experience and celebrate the
diverse Aboriginal cultures of the National Capital Region for
National Aboriginal Day. The Annual International Competition
Pow Wow attracts hundreds of singers and dancers from across
North America for a vibrant and lively display of their living
culture. Interactive and FREE family programming will keep all
ages entertained throughout the weekend including stilt-walkers,
Canadian bird of prey show by the Canadian Raptor
Conservancy, Big Sky Animal Ranch Display and Pony rides,
face painting & body zorbs and much, much more! The Festival
also features musical performances, cultural workshops and an
Aboriginal marketplace featuring beautiful handmade creations.
If you would like to join a group from BUC at this event on Sat.
June 21, contact Liz Nieman at 613-825-8804.
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(613) 825-1707
Barrhaven United Church
The South Nepean Muslim Association asked Rev. Maggie if our church hall
might be used for early morning prayers during the month of Ramadan, a time
of fasting, prayer and self-examination. The association hoped that the mosque
being built on Woodroffe Avenue would be available, but this is unlikely. On
April 29th Council approved the request. The period is from June 28 to July
28th. Our hall will be in use from 3:45 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. from June 28 to July
17, then from July 18 to 28th from 2:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. To minimize
disruption to our neighbours, the parking lot nearest the railroad tracks will be
used and the patio entrance to the building. To learn more about the
importance of Ramadan in the Islamic faith, you are invited to attend the
“Islam 101” series being held at BUC Wednesdays May 21, 28 and June 4 th.
The Facilities Committee is seeking your support to buy
some new tools to have on hand for maintenance chores.
A donation jar will be placed in the Narthex each Sunday
to receive donations of Canadian Tire Money or regular
money to be put towards future purchases.
The Facilities Committee thanks you for your support.
Observer Magazine – Payment Due for 2014
If you are receiving by mail, the United Church Observer, a
monthly publication, you are encouraged to make a donation
to cover the cost. The 2014 annual cost is $20 – a bargain!!
Use any envelope, and put your name and address and
“Observer” on it. Persons new to BUC in 2013 have received
a “complimentary” yearlong subscription.
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3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4
Life & Work – June 22, 2014
Go Figure!!
Each Sunday our offerings need to be counted and deposited.
We work in teams of two counters each week. Schedules are
made every 6 months. Each team is responsible for 3-4
Sundays per schedule. We now have several vacancies.
Would you be able to join the Counters group? Contact Sara
after church, at 613-825-1167 or sarasur38@gmail.com. Thank
you for helping BUC by volunteering today!
A Message from the Council Restructuring Task Group:
Some time ago your Church Council proposed that a task
group be formed to examine Council structure and, based on
it's findings, possibly recommend changes. A group was
formed consisting of Diane Filby, Barry Finlay, Melanie
MacDonald and myself as it's chairperson. Information
gathering is a very important first step for us. Most Council
members have already provided their input via a
questionnaire and another questionnaire is being sent to
other United churches in the area. We'd also like to give all
members of the congregation a chance to provide their
thoughts on this subject. You can find a brief
questionnaire on the entrance table in the narthex that we
hope you will take a few minutes to fill out and deposit in the
box provided. If you have any questions about this initiative
please feel free to speak with me or any other member of the
task group. Thank you very much. Ann MacGillivray Email:
ann.macgillivray@gmail.com or Phone: 613-825-2536
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(613) 825-1707
Barrhaven United Church
During the Islam 101 series, Imam Zijad Delic mentioned some
web sites for those who are interested to check out. They are as
They will also be posted on our website.
Rev. Maggie has been invited to deliver a “Christianity 101” or
“United Church 101” series at the Mosque on Woodroffe when it
is completed. To assist her, she’d like to hear what questions you
would like responses to.
Advance notice: In late January, we are planning a series on
Judaism with rabbis from the Reform, Orthodox,
Reconstructionist, Conservative and Chabad traditions within that
faith. Rev. Maggie hopes to make contact and set some dates for
the period of Wed, Jan 28 to Wed, Feb 25 from 7 – 9 p.m. with
one evening per tradition.
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3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean ON K2J 4E4