A Transforming Force for Good in the World in the Name of Jesus Christ 3846 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 Phone: 703.931.7344 Fax: 703.931.6062 www.fpcusa.org office@fpcusa.org Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 1 Welcome! CHILDCARE for infants through 2 years old is provided in the nursery from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. (and up to age 4 on the 1st Sunday of each month). All children are welcome to remain with their parents in worship. Please see a greeter if you need directions. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Our Youth & Adult classes and Children’s Choir begin at 9:30 am. Children’s choir is held in our upstairs Fellowship Hall, and children are then escorted to Sunday School classes at 10 am. Parents should pick up children at 10:45 am. Spark: Ages 3-K (Last room on left, Christian Ed Wing) Feasting on the Word: Grades 1-3 (Room 33 Upstairs) God Squad: Grades 4-6 (Basement Fellowship Hall) Youth: Grades 7 & Up (Old Office) Adult: (Parlor) GODLY PLAY Every Sunday except Communion Sundays (1st Sunday of each month), children ages 3-8 are invited to leave the sanctuary during worship for Godly Play in the lower level common area following the children's message. Parents may pick their children up downstairs after worship. WORSHIP BAGS with engaging material for ages 3-K or young elementary school are found outside the sanctuary. Please see a greeter if you need assistance. The Symbol = Please stand in body or spirit Bold Text = Words spoken by the Congregation Bold Italics = Words sung by all Fairlington Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We seek to embrace and reflect the diversity of God's kingdom. All are welcome--no exceptions. 2 THE CHURCH AT WORSHIP WE GATHER IN GOD’S NAME PRELUDE GREETING Gary Hughes The Lord be with you. And also with you. INTROIT CALL TO WORSHIP Over the waters of creation, God spoke: Let there be light! Over the waters of the Jordan, God spoke: This is my beloved Son. HYMN No. 475 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” CALL TO CONFESSION Trusting in God’s grace, let us confess our sin and admit our frailties. (silence) PRAYER OF CONFESSION Merciful God, in baptism you promise forgiveness and new life, making us part of the body of Christ. We confess that we remain preoccupied with ourselves, separated from sisters and brothers in Christ. We cling to destructive habits, hold grudges, and show reluctance to welcome one another; we allow the past to hold us hostage. In your loving kindness, have mercy on us, and free us from sin. Remind us of the promises you make in baptism so that we may rise to new life, and live together in grace. 3 DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God. GLORY BE TO THE FATHER No. 581 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. THE PEACE May the peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. WE LISTEN FOR GOD’S WORD THE WORD WITH CHILDREN Our children collect The Joyful Noise Offering and invite you to share your loose change to benefit local mission (Alexandrians Living Ecumenically (ALIVE!), the Carpenters’ Shelter and Community Lodgings). Children ages 3-8 are invited to attend Godly Play in the lower level common area. Parents may pick their children up downstairs following worship. WELCOME AND NEWS OF THE COMMUNITY 4 PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION FIRST SCRIPTURE READING Genesis 1:1-5 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God! SECOND SCRIPTURE READING Mark 1:4-11 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God! SERMON “Home by Another Way: Beloved” HYMN No. 288 Rev. Juli Wilson-Black “Spirit of the Living God” AFFIRMATION OF FAITH adapted from Question 72 Presbyterian Church (USA) Study Catechism What does it mean to be baptized? My baptism means that I am joined to Jesus Christ forever. I am baptized into his death and resurrection, along with all who have received him by faith. As I am baptized with water, he baptizes me with his Spirit, washing away all my sins and freeing me from their control. My baptism is a sign that one day I will rise with him in glory, and may walk with him even now in newness of life. WE SHARE OUR OFFERINGS CALL FOR THE OFFERING OFFERTORY 5 PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW No. 606 PRAYER OF DEDICATION PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Response for Concerns: “Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.” Response for Joys: “Glory be to You, O Lord.” THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. 6 WE GO OUT TO SERVE HYMN No. 293 “Loving Spirit” CHARGE & BLESSING POSTLUDE Join us for Coffee Fellowship in the Parlor immediately following the service! White (often with a touch of gold) traditionally is the liturgical color for Festival days in the church year. Since white actually is not one color but the sum of all colors of the spectrum, it has become the choice of color for the greatest celebrations which embody the Faith. It is the color most commonly worn during the Christmas and Easter seasons. White has always been regarded as the color of purity and joy. The addition of gold symbolizes what is precious and valuable, and highlights the majesty, joy, and celebration of the season. 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS SERMON SERIES "HOME BY ANOTHER WAY" During this season of Epiphany, we will be hearing biblical stories each week about epiphanies—moments of discovery and realization. We will consider how these epiphanies changed the people who received them, causing them, like the wise men, to go "home by another way." And we will consider the epiphanies in our own lives that have changed us. Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Home by another way: Home by another way: Home by another way: Home by another way: Called Challenged Opposed Sent FPC MOMS' BRUNCH Mark your calendars and arrange your babysitters now for a casual gathering of FPC Moms at Carlyle in Shirlington for brunch on Saturday, January 24 at 11:30 am. Carlyle serves delicious salads, sandwiches and brunch entrees. This is a great fellowship opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet some of the new Moms at FPC. Please RSVP to Dana Andy at 571-2361648 or theandyfamily@comcast.net by January 23 to help give us a head count for the outing. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING & LUNCHEON Join us on January 25 as we gather in Fellowship Hall after worship for our Annual Congregational Meeting and luncheon. The Session would like to share 2015 goals with you for your input. Questions? Contact Pastor Juli or any member of Session. CARPENTER’S SHELTER DINNER FPC’s Deacons will be preparing and serving dinner at the Carpenter’s Shelter on Friday, January 30. Anyone who would like to join them in this worthwhile mission should contact Beth McFarland at bmcfarland@whymeridian.com. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN CHILI COOK-OFF Mark February 7, 5-7pm on your calendars for the PW Chili Cook-Off. Dust off your chili recipes and get ready to compete! We’ll dine, have games for all ages and vote for the best chili. PW events aren’t just for women anymore! Questions? Contact Karen Tokarsky at ktokarsky@gmail.com. 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP THE NEEDY ON FEBRUARY 21! If you would like to improve your spiritual well-being and that of our community at the same time, consider volunteering to deliver donated furniture to needy Alexandrians. FPC is a member of ALIVE! (Alexandrians InVolved Ecumenically), over 40 religious congregations in Alexandria who have banded together to help the less fortunate members of our community. On Saturday, February 21 our congregation will deliver furniture to those in need from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please join us. Call 703-589- 6078 or email Beth McFarland bmcfarland@whymeridian.com to get involved! CHRISTIAN EDUCATION GODLY PLAY Children ages 3-8 are invited to attend Godly Play in the lower level common area after the children’s message on all Sundays except Communion Sundays. Parents may pick their children up downstairs following worship. Many thanks to Ray Biegun and Jennifer Bretsch for leading the children today! THE NEW MEMBERS & INQUIRERS CLASS, led by Pastor Juli and Lisa Miller, began today. This class is a great opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the Presbyterian Church, meet some of the leaders of our congregation, and share your faith journey with others in this community. The class will continue to meet in the Parlor at 9:30am on January 18 and 25. Questions? Contact Pastor Juli at pastor@fpcusa.org or at 703.931.7344. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN HORIZONS STUDY “RECONCILING PAUL” The Presbyterian Women Circles will meet on Tuesday, January 13 at 10:30 am and 7:30 pm in the Parlor. This month’s study is on Lesson 5 “Reconciliation and the Whole Creation” which is based on 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:10. All women are invited and encouraged to attend. Copies of the lesson are in the Narthex. Please contact Karen Tokarsky at ktokarsky@gmail.com if you have questions. 9 CHURCH LEADERSHIP DEACON’S CORNER: Pastor Rev. Juli Wilson-Black Ruling Elders (2015) Mike Smith Susan Winckler (2016) Ray Biegun Peter Pavilionis Dawn Troutman (2017) Amy Applegate Patrick Retton No matter whether we are first-time guests, longtime visitors, or members of Fairlington Presbyterian, everyone appreciates a warm welcome Sunday mornings. Someone may have greeted us at the door, or handed us a bulletin, and there was a smile and a handshake, too. Deacons (2015) Hillary Beightel Beth McFarland (2016) Jennifer Bretsch Elaine Halchin Anne Njuguna (2017) Corinne Elgert Staff Chris Hatfield Michael Dennis Romelda Guglielmo Wes Mitchell Music Director Organist Office Manager Sexton The Deacons are looking for families, individuals, or friends who want to pay it forward---who would like to serve as greeters. Let us know, using the tear-off below, if you'd like to join us in welcoming everyone who comes to the service Sunday morning. "Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ. For he is going to say, 'I came as a guest, and you received me.'" Rule of St. Benedict GET CONNECTED Name ________________________________________ Date __________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State _______ Zip _______________________________ E-mail (please print)_____________________________ Phone __________________________ Prayer Concerns: ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ⧠ Confidential request for church staff only (continued on reverse) 10 UPCOMING EVENTS- MARK YOUR CALENDAR! January 13 Presbyterian Women Horizons Bible Study 10:30 am and 7:30 pm Parlor January 18 and 25 New Members & Inquirers Class Parlor January 24 FPC Moms’ Brunch, 11:30 am Carlyle (Shirlington) January 25 Annual Congregational Meeting & Luncheon (Tear At Perforation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GET CONNECTED I want to participate: ⧠ Become a Greeter ⧠ Provide Treats for Coffee Hour ⧠ New Members & Inquirers Class ⧠ Moms’ Brunch ⧠ Presbyterian Women Chili Cook-Off ⧠ Teach/Aide in Children’s Class ⧠ Presbyterian Women Bible Study ⧠ Serve as Acolyte ⧠ Carpenter’s Shelter Dinner ⧠ ALIVE Furniture Delivery How can we help? ⧠ I would like to talk to the pastor ⧠ Send weekly updates to my email address ____________________________________________ 11
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