Ongoing Events Book Group - Meets Sundays at 9 am in the 4th-6th Grade Classroom. Meditation Sitting Group - Meets every Tuesday evening 5:30-6:30 pm . Contact is Allan Foster. Wednesday Book Group - Meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1 pm in Emerson Library. Hatha Yoga - Meets every Thursday 5:30-6:20 pm in the Gathering Space. Bill Lucero will facilitate. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Topeka Upcoming Events see more at Sun Sat Sun Wed Sat Sat Fri/Sat Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec 12 18 19 29 1 8 5-6 after service Crop Walk 9-noon New UU Part II 2 pm Knitwits 7 pm Wild Wednesday- Poetry Workshop 9-noon Harvesters 1 pm Rev. Sarah's Ordination/Installation Global Bazaar Lake Shawnee Fahs Chapel 136 SW Kendall Fahs Chapel 2nd & Quincy UUFT UUFT October 12, 2014 Beautiful and Abundant: Building The World We Want Presented by Bryan Welch NEW UU PART II meets on Saturday, Oct. 18 from 9 am to noon in the Fahs Chapel. Topics to be discussed include UU's and Social Justice; UU spiritual practices; how UUFT is organized and governed (how you can get involved, too!) and becoming a UU member. Worship Associate - Shannon Roy Guest Musicians - Small Potatoes The next KNITWITS gathering is Oct. 19 at 2 pm at Bailey Marable’s at 136 SW Kendall, the northeast corner of Kendall and 2nd. We will have a table at the Global Bazaar so be thinking about what you want to make to donate, and the money we make will go to a good cause. WILD WEDNESDAY - Wednesday, October 29th at 7 p.m. - Poetry Workshop with Dennis Etzel Jr. INSTALLATION AND ORDINATION SERVICE for Sarah Oglesby-Dunegan, Minister for Unitarian Unviersalist Fellowship of Topeka. To be held Saturday, November 8th at 1 p.m. A reception will follow. We will be holding the annual GLOBAL BAZAAR the first Friday/Saturday in December. If you are interested in helping plan the December 5th and 6th event, please email Kimberly Daugherty at This year we will have vendor booths as we did last year. Thanks for supporting fair trade and handmade! BIRTHDAYS this week: 10/14 A.J. Lucero-Ford, 10/16 Sean Reilly, 10/18 Garrett Chaffin & Aidan Hixson. The UUFT is proud to be a Welcoming Congregation, dedicated to the spiritual, political, and social well-being of all who are confronting oppression as lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and heterosexual allies. Next Sunday - October 19th ORDER OF SERVICE - 10:30 a.m. LGBTQ: Beyond Stonewall Prelude Ingathering Song* Come, Come Whoever You Are Welcome #188, Grey Shannon Roy, Worship Associate Chalice Lighting Sue and Scott Rothschild Opening Hymn* Small Potatoes, Guest Musicians Offertory Shannon Roy, Worship Associate Story for All Ages Vicki George The Lorax The Children & Their Teachers Exit (sing 2x) to tune of #413, Grey Go now in peace, go now in peace; May the Spirit of Love surround you, Everywhere, everywhere you may go. Joys and Sorrows Message Shannon Roy, Worship Associate Beautiful and Abundant: Building The World We Want Bryan Welch Closing Hymn* Small Potatoes, Guest Musicians Closing Words Shannon Roy, Worship Associate Postlude * Please rise in body or spirit (for hymns and other elements as requested). We invite you to join us today after service at Lake Shawnee for the annual CROP WALK, which is a fundraiser and education event for both local and international hunger organizations. There is familyfriendly entertainment for everyone, whether you walk or not. You can show up to walk or donate through those walking! October 12, 1:00 p.m. Shelter House 1 &2 at Lake Shawnee The artwork currently on display is by Topeka's very own Craftivists. Contact UUFT Members/Craftivists, Laura Burton or Sarah O-Keefe, for more information! While the fight for marriage equality has been front and center over the last year, many more complex issues threaten the lives and livelihood of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, or gender queer . . . and while the youngest generations are re-defining pro-nouns, sexual orientation denotations and other language for their experiences as sexual beings and gendered (or not!) beings, the deeper realities of discrimination and violence, mental health and medical needs are not being talked about enough or with enough information. Unitarian Universalism has engaged the dynamic campaign "Standing on the Side of Love." What are we called to do, who are we called to be, and what can we change together? Topeka Pride isn't just an event, it's a possibility we are living into. *CHAT for newcomers to follow service. Presented by Rev. Sarah Oglesby-Dunegan ANNOUNCEMENTS: BUILDING YOUR OWN THEOLOGY (BYOT) CLASS - Eight Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m., October. 14-December 2. This is a unique opportunity to explore personal beliefs, values, and spirituality. Discussions lead to the development of your personal credo statement which reflects "that core of meanings, values, and convictions out of which we live our lives." Space is limited so be sure to reserve a space. Cost is $15 for the book. Contact Don Jacobs at LAST MINUTE FOLK PREVIEW Jon Brooks in Concert - October 31st at 7:30 pm *Halloween Special: costumes encouraged THE SEASON OF GIVING...We thank everyone who has supported UUFT with their time, talent and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our members in 2015. Your pledge packets for the coming year are ready for pickup in the Gathering Space. Inside that packet you will find a pledge response form that can be completed and returned using the enclosed return envelope. You can also drop your response form in the office mailbox located outside the east door or hand it to a leader and they will see that it is forwarded to the office for processing. We are looking forward to an exciting 2015!
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