St. Paul’s Cross Roads A Monthly News Publication of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ Informing Members and Friends ~ Encouraging Fellowship and Spiritual Growth October 2014 Our Annual Turkey Supper Craft & Bake Sale And Quilt Raffle Will be held on Sunday, October 5th! 6:30 pm Wednesdays October 8th & October 22nd November 12th Feed My Starving Children November 26th Confirmation Class Schedule 6:30 pm Wednesdays October 1st & October 15th November 5th & 19th St. Paul’s UCC Mission Trip tradition continues! Women’s Guild Movie Night will be at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, October 8 at 6:30 at the home of Peggy Schumaker. Peggy will be leading devotions. She and Sherri Heise will be our hostesses for the evening. The movie has not been announced, but Peggy promises that it will not be scary or sad. Katie Fuchs and Dylan Greske have offered to coordinate the 2015 Mission Trip to Waterloo, Iowa July 19, 2015 - July 25, 2015. A brief information meeting was held on Sunday, September 21st after worship. If you were unable to attend the Meeting and are interested in the trip, please contact Katie at or Dylan at All Church Soup, Sandwich & Game Night Saturday, November 15th! Soup & Sandwiches 6pm Games at 7pm The Gobbler's Gallop 5K/1K Family Fun Run will take place Thanksgiving Day (November 27th) at 8:00am. The Gobbler's Gallop is a fundraiser for the Youth Group's 2015 Mission Trip. Entry is $20/ person with a $50/ family max. The entry fee includes a tee shirt (registration forms must be received by November 18th to ensure you receive a tee shirt). Inside this issue: Interim Minister Article 2 Church Family in the News 3 Prayer Concerns 4 Worship Leaders 4 Calendar 5 AS WE DO OUR FALL PLANNING Ministry in the “Interim Time” For Your Consideration: In their book ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church, Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch make this critique of the 21stcentury church: “To be sure, we do not like gatherings (speaking of church services) of strangers who never meet or know each other outside of Sundays, who sit passively while virtual strangers preach and lead singing, who put up with second -rate pseudo-community under the guise of connection with each other, who live different lives from Monday to Saturday than they do on Sunday, whose sole expression of worship is pop-style praise and worship, who rarely laugh together, fight injustice together, eat together, pray together, raise each other’s children together, serve the poor together or share Jesus with those who have not been set free.” Eugene Peterson on the difference between Peter and Judas in Leadership (Vol. 4, No. 1): “Among the apostles, the one absolutely stunning success was Judas, and the one thoroughly groveling failure was Peter. Judas was a success in the ways that most impress us: He was successful both financially and politically. … And Peter was a failure in ways that we most dread: He was impotent in a crisis and socially inept. At the arrest of Jesus, he collapsed, a hapless, blustering coward; in the most critical situations of his life with Jesus, the confession on the road to Caesarea Philippi and the vision on the Mount of Transfiguration, he said the most embarrassingly inappropriate things. “Time, of course, has reversed our judgments on the two men. Judas is now a byword for betrayal, and Peter is one of the most honored names in the church and in the world. Judas is a villain; Peter is a saint. Yet the world continues to chase after the successes of Judas, financial wealth and political power, and to defend itself against the failures of Peter, impotence and ineptness.” The authors level a sharp criticism of the church. If what they say is true, can we do better? How will we more fully be the people of God in this place? I invite you to join us whenever you can for worship, Sunday school and others activities. I invite you to become members if you have not already done so. I invite you to talk with me and share with one another your hope and aspirations for St. Paul’s UCC. What else can we do individually and together? What else will you do? Hope yours has been a blessed summer and that we’ll see you soon. 2 Our Church Family - in the News More Pierce County Fair winners have been announced: Marshall Funk- Champion Bantam Pullet Kaden Funk-Champion Entomology 2, Champion Mechanical Projects Models Grade 3-4, Champion Pair of Ducks, Champion Meat Duck, Grand Champion Cat Marissa Schumaker-Champion Theater Arts and Champion in Youth Leadership Zoe Larson-Champion Foods and Champion in Food & Nutrition Riley Schumaker-Champion Child Development 2, Champion Intermediate Showman Kim Hudson- Grand Champion for her 142 lb. market lamb, Champion Shropshire Ewe, Champion Shropshire Ram Isabelle Hudson-Champion Pair of Turkeys, Champion Meat Turkey,Champion Pygmy, Boar Fainting Goat Jr. Doe, Champion Meat Kid Goat Congratulations to all who participated. I am sure that all fair attendees enjoyed seeing your displays and your animals. October MJ be in the office Monday —Thursday mornings 9:15—12:15 "The Church Basement Ladies 'Last (Potluck) Supper" The play will be at the Sheldon Theater in Red Wing on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending please contact Denise Blaisdell at 715-273-3399 or Pam Enger at 715-273-0310. All are welcome, friends and family, too. $317.00 raised towards parish house repairs. Thank you for your generosity towards coffee hour treats. Thanks to those who donated goodies for the coffee hours. While the Ice Cream Social was not well attended, we still made a profit of $263.86. We have some fun activities coming up with Movie Nite on Wednesday, October 8 at 6:30 at the home of Peggy Schumaker. She will also be leading devotions and along with Sherri Heise will be our hostesses for the evening. The movie has not been announced, but she promises that it will not be scary or sad. Saturday, November 15th is All Church Soup and Sandwich at 6:00 followed by games. Please bring your favorite game to share and a friend or two or more. Sunday, December 7 Advent Brunch and Bake Sale. Join us following the worship service for brunch and to get some Baked treats to fill your Christmas tins for the holiday. Thank you to Dolores Waltz for leading our devotions and to Marlene Gutting for the sinful dessert. We met in Dolores Waltz's barn to enjoy a wonderful breakfast followed by work on Prayer Shawls and on crafts for the Bazaar. October 18th will find us traveling to Elmwood for breakfast and stitching at the home of Lanie Hauschildt. A car pool will be leaving Church at 9:00. Please let Lanie know if you plan to attend (715-639-5413) and let Pam Enger know if you wish to car pool (715273-0310). Thank you to those who have made Prayer Shawls to replenish our supply. We will continue to accept them whenever you plan to make them. We have instructions for knitting and crocheting and yarn as well. 3 Money Maers Prayer Concerns: Merlin Blaisdell, Allison Graham, Ron Reeverts, Bill Huber, Eric Fischer, Albert Maine, Westal Maine, Wanda Stromstad, Greg & Laura Arends & those in the military: Austin Blodgett, Jake Huber and Ben Leonard. In Care or at Home: Leon Langer, Connie Gotzman, Vi Magadanz, Frances Ostrander, Marjorie Peterson, Dorothy Schulte, Ed Greske, Daryl Feuerhelm, Ida Holden, Earl Kinneman If you would like to add someone to the prayer concerns list, contact the church office. For our 2014 ANNUAL BUDGET to be “in the black,” our offerings need to average approx. $2,280.00/week, or $9,120.00/ month (if we were at a zero balance). For August 2014 St. Paul’s UCC General Fund Beginning Balance was $1,675.99 General Fund Income Total was $8,309.26 General Fund Expense Total was $3,958.72 As of 8/31/2014 Our General Fund Balance was $6,026.53 October Worship Leaders Acolytes Oct 5–Kylin McEathron, Tucker Larson Oct 12-Clair Larson, Libby Larson Oct 19-Isaiah Kasay, Brady Baier Oct 26-Jacob Waltz, Walker Baier Ushers Oct 5–Sarah, Emily & Ginger Leonard Oct 12-Jim & Glory Luebker Oct 19-Steve & Linette Lundborg Oct 26-Becky, Liz & JR Matzek Video Technician Oct 5–Bruce Schumaker Oct 12-Denise Blaisdell Oct 19-Gayl Greske Oct 26–Maria Stress Worship Readers Oct 5-Julia Larson Oct 12-Dolores Waltz Oct 19-Merlin Blaisdell Oct 26-Steve Ottman 4 Coming up in November Nov 6-8—EHS Musical—Shrek Nov 11—EMS—Veterans Day Program Nov 13-15—EHS Muscial—Shrek Nov 15—Prayer Shawl Potluck Nov 15—All Church Soup, Sandwich & Card Night Nov 15– Youth led worship with Potluck to follow Nov 16—Council Meeting Nov 26—Feed my Starving Children (all church event) Nov 27—Gobbler’s Gallop Sun Mon 2014 Tue Wed 1 Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 6:30p Confirmation 5 6 7 8 9a Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 2:30p Care Center Worship 10a Worship 6:30p Guild Mtg. 3p Octoberfest Bazaar & Turkey Supper 6:30p Youth Group 12 13 Columbus Day 14 9a Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 15 6:30p Confirmation 9:30a Prayer Shawl 10a Worship 19 20 9a Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 6p Council 21 22 23 24 30 31 Halloween 25 6:30p Youth Group 1p-4p Church Development and Renewal - River Falls 10a Youth-led Worship with potluck to follow 6:30p CE Meeting 26 27 28 29 9a Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 10a Worship St. Paul’s United Church of Christ W5706 St. Rd. 72, Ellsworth, WI 54011 Phone 715-273-3118 Interim Minister Dr. Delbert Permann 715-222-9344 E-mail (Mary Jane) Home page: Facebook: Youth Ministry: Confirmation: SS Superintendents: Music Ministry: Custodians: Bookkeeper: Administrative Assistant: Peggy Schumaker Dr. Delbert Permann & Maria Stress Merlin Blaisdell & Tammy Waltz Elaine Bennett, Kris Webster, Youth Marlene Gutting, Dawn Gutting Brenda Boley Mary Jane McEathron 5 ST PAULS UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST W5706 ST RD 72 ELLSWORTH WI 54011 Place stamp here Check here and return unopened if you wish to be removed from our mailing list Lectionary October 5—Proper 22 Ex 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 • Ps 19 OR Isa 5:1-7 • Ps 80:7-15 Phil 3:4b-14 Ma 21:33-46 October 12—Proper 23 Ex 32:1-14 • Ps 106:1-6, 19-23 OR Isa 25:1-9 • Ps 23 Phil 4:1-9 Ma 22:1-14 The mission of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ is to welcome, worship, and serve, while sharing our faith in Jesus Christ with all God’s children. October 19—Proper 24 Ex 33:12-23 • Ps 99 OR Isa 45:1-7 • Ps 96:1-9, (10-13) 1 Thess 1:1-10 Ma 22:15-22 October 26—Proper 25 Deut 34:1-12 • Ps 90:1-6, 13-17 OR Lev 19:1-2, 15-18 • Ps 1 1 Thess 2:1-8 Ma 22:34-46 6
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