Regency Church of Christ 501 S University Blvd, Mobile, AL 36609 October 19, 2014 “a Church after God’s own heart” WELCOME PLACED MEMBERSHIP Ken Wear 309 Ridgelawn Drive W, Mobile, 36608 Phone 344-3833 Ken has attended Regency for a long time but now wishes to be added to the membership. TRUNK OR TREAT FAMILY NIGHT October 29, 6 pm Dinner at 6 pm. Special activities and a devotional prior to outside “trunk or treat” time. THANK YOU NOTES Dear Regency congregation, I have worshipped with you for several years, but never asked you to accept my membership. I do that today. Many of you know that the month of September has been a full month of illnesses for me. I want you to know that all your prayers, cards and good wishes by telephone calls have been appreciated. I thank you for everything and pray that God will continue to bless one and all. Sincerely, Ken Wear A note of thanksgiving. The outpouring of love from ‘my family’ has been great. The calls, cards, everything has uplifted me. Thanks for all the prayers. I am still needing them. But I now feel like the devil was trying to get a hold and being with my family I was led by God to take my burdens to my family. We have a wonderful group of elders helping me get through this difficult time. Please pray for them also. Please keep Blake in your prayers also. I love you all, Your sister in Christ, Mary Spence FOOD GIVE AWAY Macaroni & Cheese Need 336 by November 20 THOSE TO SERVE - Sunday, October 19, 2014 Worship Service SONG LEADER: AM: Wayne Rowe PM: Jason Smith OPENING PRAYER: AM: Tommy Wasden PM: John Shavers ATTENDANCE CARDS: Landon & Ryan Stewart, Andrew Crepeau SCRIPTURE READER: Harrison Foster LORD’S SUPPER LEADER: AM: David Newberry ASSIST: Charles Gunter, Thomas Davis, David Newberry, Alan Smith, Jim Wyrick, Bill Franks, Dick Gray, Mike Reimer PM: Mark Erwin, Sargent Erwin CLOSING PRAYER: AM: Marvin Dean PM: Charlie Burch PREPARE COMMUNION: Janice Shavers VAN DRIVER: Bubba Bullington, phone 753-1229 NURSERY: AM: Liz Burris TODDLERS: AM: Kristi Reimer YARD MAINT.: October 25: Team 2, Keith Hall PM: Mindy Eldridge WEDNESDAY PM SERVICE - Wednesday, October 22, 2014 SONG LEADER: David Pahman CLOSING PRAYER: Ron Haynes If you cannot serve: call Skip Burris at 454-4414. Transportation: call Tommy Wasden at 463-9007 PRAYER LIST Please notify the office with updates. MEMBERS: Mary Ellen Perkins infection in her cheek; Byron Dawes and Laura Dawes Prov; Cletis Bedingfield breast cancer, chemo; Helen Wright fell and hurt her hip and knee; Jordan Aubrey recovering knee surgery; Brady Gibbons burned his arm; Mable Redd back pain; Mary Spence vertigo; Carol Ashburn breast cancer, chemo; Gina Byrd radiation treatments; Others with health concerns and shut-ins: Blake Spence, Athelene Childs, Voncile Freeman, Christine Gibbs, Dale Herren, Jean & Vince Huegele, Louis Hyde, Jimmy James, Steve Lindhurst, Bill Nippert, Beatryce Thomason, Erma Patterson, Julie Terry, Pearlie Lockler, Juanita Winchester, Expectant mothers: Emily Richardson (Dec) boy, Jennifer Hall (Mar) FRIENDS AND FAMILY: David Whigham (Kathy Hall’s brother) cancer, chemo; Eloise Crews (member at Creekwood) severe back problems, shoulder surgery; Cara Waiswilos (Maryetta Holcomb’s niece) radiation; Carma Jiles (BCC student) fibro myalgia and shoulder replacement; Frank Powell (Bernice Adams’ and Jackie Thomas’ father) Mobile Nursing & Rehab; Joey & Sean McKnight (friends of Marvin Dean) surgeries; Danny Woodard and Vivian Hodge (friends of Frankie Williams) sick; Glenn Findley (Joe’s brother) another stroke; Shirley Vaughn broke her foot; Jean Duncan (Kathryn Lancaster’s grandmother) Crowne, stroke; Carolyn Kendall (Tony’s mother) complications from broken hip; Ruth Sikes (Tami Gates’ aunt) cancer; Sara Sprance (Tammy Gates’ friend) Lupus & sarcoid; Eli & Abby Woods (Martha Franks’ request) ages 10 and 7, in a car accident, step-mother was killed, UAB Hospital, prayers for healing; Morgan Miller (Regency summer intern) Harding Univ student, spending the fall semester in Zambia; Diane Buxton (former Univ Blvd member) cancer; JD Gagliano (Dean’s brother-in-law); Darlene McZeek (MCS employee) cancer; Libby Ferguson (Frankie Williams’ niece) cancer; Iyvone Bradley (Joan Bullington’s mother) Parkinson’s; Mary Kathryn Harrison (JT and Rebecca’s daughter) basal cell carcinoma; Barbara Hagan (Gordy Gordon’s sister) bone cancer; James Ray Martinez and Catherine Love (Bible Correspondence Course students) chemo treatments; Bill Wisener (friend of Steve Lindhurst) complications from diabetes; Penny Smith (Steve Lindhurst’s aunt); Michelle Bradley (friend of Bernice Adams) paralyzed; Kevin Langham (Joe Findley’s nephew) cancer; Katelyn Tillman (friend of Nina Stallings) age 14, cancer; Betty Jean Evans (John Bogle’s daughter) cancer; Buddy Dover (friend of Dick Gray); Khris Robinson (Kay Findley’s cousin) cancer in remission; James Terry (Scott’s father) esophagus cancer; Taylor Hopwood (friend of Mable Redd) 13 year old, multiple tumors, chemo; Sandra Blackwood (Kay Findley’s cousin) cancer; Amy Glenn Burke (Celia Lewis’ cousin) breast cancer; Vernon Lewis (Deborah Curry’s brother) lung cancer; Bill Freeze (Betty Tubb’s brother); Carol Watson (Virginia Bray’s friend) and Cameron Clark (Celia Lewis’ nephew) chronic leukemia PRAYERS REQUESTED: Dale Eubanks SERVING IN MILITARY: TJ Thomas (DJ and Jackie’s son) Air Force, weapons training; John Horton, Jr. (Karen Hunt’s nephew) Korea PLATEAU MEMBERS REUNION Sunday, November 9; Billy Lambert, emcee Pot-Luck meal planned following the Sunday morning service at Central (in Saraland) If you were a member of the old Plateau congregation in Mobile, this is for you!! BELLINGRATH ROAD FRIENDS & FAMILY DAY November 2, Worship times: 10:30 am and 2 pm Clifford Newell, guest speaker SOUTH SIDE GOSPEL MEETING October 19 - 23 Lynn Briscoe, guest speaker, See bulletin board for meeting times MARGARET STREET GOSPEL MEETING (Milton, FL) October 26-30, Barry Grider, guest speaker See bulletin board for meeting times FOOTSTEPS OF PAUL - Cruise to Turkey & Greece April 25 - May 9, 2015; Led by Calvin Warpula See bulletin board of information INTERNET SAFETY - WHAT EVERY PARENT SHOULD KNOW TO PROTECT CHILDREN FROM ONLINE PREDATORS Monday, October 20, 6:30 pm in the MCS Leopard’s Den. Presented by Mobile Christian School’s Parent University. AZALEA CITY ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL Sunday, October 26 3:30 - 5:30 pm Free afternoon of fun for the whole family. EVENT SCHEDULE Oct 19: Youth Area Wide Devo at Summerdale Oct 21: Tuesday Inner City children’s class at Regency (teens ride the bus) Oct 23: Bear Ministry work day, 9:30 am - 12 noon Oct 28: Tuesday Inner City children’s class at Regency Oct 29: Trunk or Treat. Eat 6 pm followed by a devo, then Truck or Treat in the back parking lot. Oct 30: Bear Ministry work day, 9:30 am - 12 noon Nov 7-9: Teens FUEL at Gulf Coast Bible Camp Nov 12: LifeSouth Blood Drive, 4-8 pm Dec 6-7: Teen Retreat at Gulf Coast Bible Camp Key Ingredients of Christianity If someone were to ask you, what is the Christian faith all about, how would you respond? Let me share some key ingredients of Christianity. 1. We have a supreme being to worship. He is the loving God in whom we live and move and have our being. See Ephesians 4:6 2. We have a Savior who rescued us. See Colossians 1:1314. He came down from heaven on a mission of mercy to rescue us from our sins. 3. We have a family to be part of. See 1 Timothy 3:15. We became children of God when we were baptized into Christ, and God added us to His spiritual family, the church. 4. We have a divine standard by which to live our lives and regulate our faith and worship. See 2 Timothy 1:13. It is a pattern of sound or healthy words. 5. We have an approved way to worship God. See John 4:2324. God seeks true worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth 6. We have a mission to accomplish. See Mark 16:15-16. Our overall mission is to grow up in all things to be like Christ. 7. We have a battle to be fought. See 1 Timothy 6:12. Paul calls it the good fight of faith. 8. We have a reward to receive. See 2 Timothy 4:7-8. We all look forward to hearing Him say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” - Allan Eldridge MISSIONS -Eastern European Mission (Bibles) -Lima, Peru -Kemelton Harawa - Malawi, Africa - Derrick John - Moraikobai, Guyana -Vitaly Rodichev - Ukraine -Steven Lucas - Hurley, Mississippi DEACONS James Breckenridge - Communion, Disaster Relief Skip Burris - Worship Service Bubba Bullington - Audio Visual Media Randy Curry - Food Give Away Russ Davidson - Involvement, Member Board Mark Erwin - Legal, Youth Dale Eubanks - Seniors David Haynes - Worship Service, Grounds Maurice James - Finance, Audio Visual Media Tony Kendall - Missions Casey Melton - Lads to Leaders David Pahman - Education Mike Shavers - Benevolence, Communion to Shut-ins Tommy Wasden - Family Ministry, Attendance, Transportation YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTER - Andrew Howell MINISTER - Allan Eldridge ELDERS Merrill Davidson Marvin Dean Jerrold Eubanks George Holcomb *Jimbo Jordan *Chairman for the month of October OFFICE INFORMATION Nancy Talbot, Office Manager Email: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm Phone (251) 345-8050 Fax (251) 345-8051 WEBSITE - WEBMASTER Andrew Howell WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sunday Bible Class: 9 am Worship: 10 am & 6 pm Wednesday Morning: 10:30 am Evening: 7 pm FOR THE RECORD October 12, 2014 Sunday Bible Class . . . . . . . . . . 231 Sunday Morning Worship . . . . . . 322 Sunday Evening Worship . . . . . . 163 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,875 . . . Return Service Requested Regency Church of Christ 501 S University Blvd Mobile AL 36609 . . . . . . . . NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID MOBILE AL PERMIT NO. 679 Oct 20: Peggy Hocutt Oct 21: Laurie Shearer Happy Oct 23: Georgia Walker Oct 25: Leroy McGaughy Birthday!
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