Regency Church of Christ 501 S University Blvd, Mobile, AL 36609 March 1, 2015 “a Church after God’s own heart” NEW QUARTER BEGINS SUNDAY MARCH 1 Adult Class Choices: Auditorium: Revelation taught by Allan Eldridge Fellowship Room: A Faith Built On Sand taught by Tony Kendall Young Adult: Book Of John (Part 2) BIBLE READING CHALLENGE If you completed the Bible Challenge that began on February 1, 2014, we would like to know. Please let Leroy McGaughy or Nancy Talbot know by emailing: or calling the office at 345-8050. WE WILL MISS YOU Wanda Bridges will be moving to Selma, AL on March 4. She is moving to care for her parents we are not in good health. Please pray for Wanda as she makes this transition and that she will be able to give care to her parents. We also pray that she can worship with the church there in Selma. Ladies Day at Bellingrath Rd congregation “Come Out of Your Cocoon” March 21, 9 am - 12 noon Registration begins at 8:30 am, Lunch provided A table will be provided to advertise your business and hobby. Feel free to bring flyers or business cards. LADIES DAY AT AZALEA CITY “Fill My Cup” Saturday, March 7, 8:30 am - 11 am (brunch served) Rebecca Harrison, speaker THOSE TO SERVE - Sunday, March 1, 2015 Worship Service SONG LEADER: AM: Eddy Stephens PM: David Pahman OPENING PRAYER: AM: Leroy McGaughy PM: ATTENDANCE CARDS: Seth Smith, Edmond Booker, Dorian Curry SCRIPTURE READER: Rob Cartee LORD’S SUPPER LEADER: AM: Dale Johnson ASSIST: Al Burkett, Ken Arnold, Tony Kendall, Charles Gunter, John Barganier, John Bogle, Stuart Raine, Dick Gray PM: Tom & Jordan Aubrey CLOSING PRAYER: AM: Jerrold Eubanks PM: Ron Haynes PREPARE COMMUNION: Deborah Curry VAN DRIVER: Russ Davidson, phone 634-3853 NURSERY: AM: Toni Gordon TODDLERS: AM: Kim & Jordyn Wasden YARD MAINT.: March 7: Team 4, Russ Davidson PM: H & J Holcomb WEDNESDAY PM SERVICE - Wednesday, March 4, 2015 SONG LEADER: Jason Smith CLOSING PRAYER: Ron Haynes If you cannot serve: call Skip Burris at 454-4414. Transportation: call Tommy Wasden at 463-9007 PRAYER LIST Please notify the office with updates. MEMBERS: Jack Falls recovering kidney removal at Mob Inf; Brenda Coale now at home, recovering heart attack and stint procedure; Betty Tubb breast cancer, chemo; Carol Ashburn breast cancer, recovering surgery; Ken Wear rehab at Azalea Gardens of Mobile; Cal Cossich now at home; Cletis Bedingfield breast cancer, recovering surgery; Others with health concerns and shut-ins: Voncile Freeman, Christine Gibbs, Dale Herren, Jean & Vince Huegele, Louis Hyde, Jimmy James, Steve Lindhurst, Bill Nippert, Beatryce Thomason, Erma Patterson, Julie Terry, Pearlie Lockler, Juanita Winchester, Helen Wright , Expectant mother: Jennifer Hall (Mar) boy, Shelley Newberry (July) FRIENDS AND FAMILY: Cindy Mills (Carolyn Bailey’s daughter) knee replacement; Iyvone Bradley (Joan Bullington’s mother) Parkinson’s, broke her arm; Nathan Hunt (Bible Correspondence Course student) prayers to stay focused on God, has been released to a half-way house in north Mobile; Terry Homer (Marilyn Davis’ friend) hip problems; Allison Gilley (friend of Lori Hall) recovering spine surgery; Al Manning (Kay Findley’s uncle) blockage in carotid artery; JD Gagliano (Dean’s brother-in-law) MSA (multiple system atrophy); Sheryl Hill (Tammy Gates’ friend) recovering brain surgery to remove an aneurysm; Rickey Spence (Mary’s son) esophagus cancer; Louise Barnett (sister-in-law to Linda Littlepage and Earl Ray) cancer; David Whigham (Kathy Hall’s brother) cancer, chemo; Eloise Crews (member at Creekwood) multiple myeloma; Glenn Findley (Joe’s brother) stroke; Carolyn Kendall (Tony’s mother) shoulder replacement; Sara Sprance (Tammy Gates’ friend) Lupus & sarcoid; Darlene McZeek (MCS employee) cancer; Libby Ferguson (Frankie Williams’ niece) cancer; Mary Kathryn Harrison (JT and Rebecca’s daughter); Barbara Hagan (Gordy Gordon’s sister) bone cancer; Bill Wisener (friend of Steve Lindhurst) complications from diabetes; Penny Smith (Steve Lindhurst’s aunt); Michelle Bradley (friend of Bernice Adams) paralyzed; Kevin Langham (Joe Findley’s nephew) cancer; Katelyn Tillman (friend of Nina Stallings) age 14, cancer, had her leg amputated; Betty Jean Evans (John Bogle’s daughter) cancer; Buddy Dover (friend of Dick Gray); James Terry (Scott’s father) esophagus cancer; Taylor Hopwood (friend of Mable Redd) 13 year old, multiple tumors; Sandra Blackwood (Kay Findley’s cousin) cancer; Vernon Lewis (Deborah Curry’s brother) lung cancer; Bill Freeze (Betty Tubb’s brother); Carol Watson (Virginia Bray’s friend) and Cameron Clark (Celia Lewis’ nephew) chronic leukemia SYMPATHY EXPRESSED: Brian Hammack’s mother, Beverly Hopper passed away. Her funeral was Saturday at Serenity. SERVING IN MILITARY: TJ Thomas (DJ and Jackie’s son) Air Force, weapons training; John Horton, Jr. (Karen Hunt’s nephew) Korea; Ben Lewis (McGaughy’s grandson-in-law) Afghanistan PICKLEBALL Monday and Thursday 6 PM - 8 PM Everyone is invited to come play or come check it out to see if it is something they would enjoy. It is great exercise and a fun social event. Ages from teens to senior adults. If anyone has questions, please see Bubba Bullington. FOOD GIVE AWAY FOR MARCH Mashed Potatoes 336 packages needed by March 19 INNER CITY SUMMER INTERN NEEDS HOUSING Chuck Griffis is searching for a family to host a 22 year old male intern this summer. He will need housing from the end of May until the first week of August. To ask questions you may contact Chuck Griffis by cell phone: (251) 583-0836, or by email: EVENT SCHEDULE Mar 3: Tuesday Inner City Bible Class Mar 8: Daylight Saving Time Begins Mar 10: Tuesday Inner City Bible Class Mar 14: Senior Moments, 10 am Mar 17: Tuesday Inner City Bible Class Mar 18: Bagging groceries after evening service Mar 19: Food Give Away Mar 22: Micah Brinkley, guest speaker Mar 24:Tuesday Inner City Bible Class We Overwhelmingly Conquer Horatio Nelson, after defeating the French and Spanish fleets in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, sent a message back to the British admiralty, “The word victory is not a large enough word to describe what has happened here today.” Perhaps the words victory and conquer are not big enough words to describe what we have in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:37, “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” Paul begins Romans 8 with a reminder that there is no condemnation in Christ, he ends the chapter with the assuring words of no separation from the love of Christ, and he makes that marvelous affirmation, “we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” How can we be more than conquerors? Four words: 1. Recognition. There are certain truths we need to recognize. The ownership of God, He is in control. The stewardship of man. We are simply managers, not possessors of our time, talents and material possessions. We need to recognize the providence of God. He is at work in our lives and His main purpose is to conform us into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). We also need to be aware of the brevity of life. 2. Decision. We need to decide the master of our lives, the mission of our lives, and the mind-set of our lives. 3. Dedication. Life without a cause is purposeless. We all need a cause, a banner to march under. Romans 12:1 calls us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to God. 4. Anticipation. We live our lives with hope. Adoniram Judson was an early missionary to India. He was often persecuted, ridiculed and put into prison. One day some hecklers came by and shouted to Judson, “How bright are your prospects now?” Judson replied, “My prospects are as bright as the promises of God.” With that kind of hope, we are more than conquerors. When we recognize God’s truths, decide to live within God’s will, dedicate our lives to Christ, and anticipate a glorious future with God, we can live as more than a conqueror through Him who loved us. - Allan Eldridge MISSIONS -Eastern European Mission (Bibles) -Lima, Peru -Kemelton Harawa - Malawi, Africa - Derrick John - Moraikobai, Guyana -Vitaly Rodichev - Ukraine -Steven Lucas - Hurley, Mississippi DEACONS James Breckenridge - Communion, Disaster Relief Skip Burris - Worship Service Bubba Bullington - Audio Visual Media Randy Curry - Food Give Away Russ Davidson - Involvement, Member Board Mark Erwin - Legal, Youth Dale Eubanks - Seniors David Haynes - Worship Service, Grounds Maurice James - Finance, Audio Visual Media Tony Kendall - Missions Casey Melton - Lads to Leaders David Pahman - Education Mike Shavers - Benevolence, Communion to Shut-ins Tommy Wasden - Family Ministry, Attendance, Transportation YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTER - Andrew Howell MINISTER - Allan Eldridge ELDERS Jerrold Eubanks Marvin Dean *Jimbo Jordan George Holcomb *Chairman for the month of March OFFICE INFORMATION Nancy Talbot, Office Manager Email: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm Phone (251) 345-8050 Fax (251) 345-8051 WEBSITE - WEBMASTER Andrew Howell WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sunday Bible Class: 9 am Worship: 10 am & 6 pm Wednesday Morning: 10:30 am Evening: 7 pm FOR THE RECORD February 22, 2015 Sunday Bible Class . . . . . . . . . . 208 Sunday Morning Worship . . . . . . 342 Sunday Evening Worship . . . . . . 395 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,875 . . . Return Service Requested Regency Church of Christ 501 S University Blvd Mobile AL 36609 . . . . . . . Mar 1: Reed Findley Mar 3: Mary Spence Mar 4: Ainsley Haynes . NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID MOBILE AL PERMIT NO. 679 Happy Birthday!
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