WHITFORD CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER SPONSORS All material printed in this newsletter is done so in good faith, for the provision of information only. We take no responsibility for the content of, or material available from texts, websites or other sources suggested. We suggest at all times that you investigate further before making any commitment. Whitford Catholic Primary School 4/03/2015 NEWSLETTER Issue No 5 DATES TO REMEMBER 5th Mar – 6G Surfing, 9.00am 5th Mar – Year 3 Badminton (gym), 1.15pm 10th Mar – First Reconciliation Parent/Child W/shop 11th Mar – Year 5 to attend Mass 11th Mar - First Reconciliation Parent/Child W/shop 12th Mar – 6G Surfing, 9.00am 12th Mar – Year 3 Badminton (gym), 1.15pm 13th Mar – Assembly (4G), 2.15pm 16th Mar – KINDY INTERVIEWS COMMENCE 17th Mar – St Patrick’s Day 17th Mar – Yr 3 Reconciliation Retreat (gym) 17th Mar – School Board Meeting, 7.30pm 18th Mar – Year 3 to attend Mass 18th Mar – P&F Meeting, 7.30pm 19th Mar – 6G Surfing, 9.00am 20th Mar – Harmony Day – wear orange 25th Mar – First Reconciliation Ceremony, 7.00pm 26th Mar – 6G Surfing, 9.00am 27th Mar – Interschool Swimming Carnival (Arena) 27th Mar – Assembly (2G), 2.15pm 31st Mar – Learning Journey (K-6) 3.00 – 4.30pm 1st Apr – Easter Liturgy, 11.00am 1st Apr – LAST DAY OF TERM 1 2nd Apr – Pupil Free Day Dear Parents, Yesterday we were blessed with fantastic weather for the Year 3 - 6 swimming carnival at Craigie Leisure Centre. Such a top venue right on our doorstep! Throughout the day there were fabulous performances in both individual and team events, for which children must be congratulated. The fact that all children participated in events and contributed so well was great and seeing how the children enjoyed themselves throughout the day was a bonus. Unfortunately presentations could not be made as we ran out of time. These will now be made on Friday afternoon. Children who missed out on collecting ribbons received them today. Many thanks to Adriano D'Adamo for organising the day and to parents for coming along, either as supporters or to help out - a great team effort. I take this opportunity of thanking the P&F and friends who are helping out with directing traffic on Barradine Way during the busy pick up times at the end of the day. We know there are many families, including new families who genuinely have not understood the procedure at this time and have been very appreciative of the directions and support given. Please remember that on exiting the basketball court, cars must do a LEFT HAND TURN into Barradine Way and go around the block. Thank you for your continued support in this matter. Staff have been reminded about the importance of all children being out in the pick-up areas on time and I ask parents to remind children to make their way directly to their nominated pick-up point. The school would also like to make parents aware of an alternative collection point for students. Parents are able to park in Culwalla Close, Kallaroo and walk through the underpass under Marmion Ave to collect their students from a duty teacher. This collection point avoids the school car park and drive through. A map and instructions is attached to the school newsletter. Just on another note, I wish to remind parents of the important work of the P&F committee in not only fundraising, but in building community and supporting the growth of our school in so many ways. As parents of the school, please remember that you are all members of the Parents and Friends Association and can use this official avenue to contribute ideas, ask questions, help one another and foster a strong community spirit. I remind parents to be cautious about the use of social media in terms of what we see and what we post and expect that anything pertaining to our school be done in a professional and Christ-centered manner that supports the Catholic Ethos of Whitford Catholic Primary School. I thank you for your support as we continue to work together in creating a positive, enriching and faith-centred environment in which our community and importantly, our children can grow and flourish. Many blessings Tamara McGougan PRINCIPAL SWIMMING CARNIVAL 2015 ABSENTEE LINE: 9404 4244 TELEPHONE: 9404 4200 FAX: 9401 8090 Email Address: mailadmin@whitfordcatholicps.wa.edu.au Website: http://whitfordcatholicps.wa.edu.au ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ CORNER PROJECT COMPASSION Each family will now have a Project Compassion box to keep at home and fill with donations. You are invited to bring it back to school at any time during Lent to add to our school total or you can wait until Week 9 when we will collect them. Please fill in the panel on the box should you require a receipt. Each grade also has a large project compassion box to share between classes. We encourage the students to donate any loose change. We ask that you support the school in our aim to help Caritas Australia in this most worthwhile endeavour. Catharine Hughes & Andrew De Maio ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS SCHOOL FEES Several families have yet to advise their repayment method on school fees. Please return your form as soon as possible. 2016 KINDERGARTEN Interviews for Kindergarten 2016 will be commencing during the week 16th March. If you know of anyone who would like to enroll please let them know. Also please ensure any siblings are also enrolled. PE NEWS SWIMMING CARNIVAL Congratulations to all students from years 3 to 6 on a very successful, fun and competitive carnival yesterday at Craigie Leisure Centre. All students seemed to have a wonderful time competing in novelty events and strokes for their factions. Being the first time running a carnival with so many students and so many events in a small time frame, the teachers, parent helpers and students did a fantastic job. Thank you to all involved in helping during the trials and carnival. Your help does not go unnoticed and made the day run very smoothly. I have distributed ribbons to students throughout the day and a short assembly will be held in the gym at 2.3pm on Friday 6th March to announce our champion students and winning faction. RUNNING CLUB Running Club will commence Wednesday morning 18th March, Week 7, at 8:00am. We welcome all students from Years 1 to 6 to join in the fun and activity to start your day. Students in Pre-Primary must be accompanied by a parent. Adriano D’Adamo PE SPECIALIST CANTEEN NEWS We are still in need for more volunteers for next term on Mondays and Thursdays for the canteen. If you can help, please fill in a form at the front office or see us at the canteen. - WHEN ORDERING ONLINE PLEASE REMEMBER TO ADD 10C FOR A BAG Thursday 5th March Recess: Pizza Scrolls $1.30 Gluten Free Cupcake $1.50 Roster Rejane Sant, Tanya Ford, Lorraine Hughes-Smith Monday 9th March Recess: Chicken Wedges $1.20 Hedgehog slices $1.50 Roster Caroline Rose’Meyer, Sarah Cavanagh, Sam Butter Thursday 12th March Recess: Chicken Tostadas $1.20 Anzac Biscuit 40c Roster Veronica Lazar-Roberts, Nadine Cooperwhite, Stacey Creyk Monday 16th March Recess: Chicken Goujons $1.20 Muffin $1.50 Roster: Selena Boyle, Nicola Ryan, Nuccia Traynor Thursday 19th March Recess: Gluten Free Pikelet 70c Chicken Crackles $1.20 Roster: Jacinta Broadley, Alexa Bunschoten, Bec McKimmie Monday 23rd March Recess: Chicken Crackles $1.20 Mini Cupcakes 60c Roster: Mel Zuchetti, Wendy Scanlan, Andrea Kenny Thursday 26th March - Pastry Free Day Wrong orders will be substituted with a Salad Sandwich Recess: Pizza Scrolls $1.30 Lamington Finger 60c Roster: Tanya Ford, Carissa Tang Nian, Leanne Gott Monday 30th March Recess: Mini Pizza $1.30 Muffin $1.50 Roster: Yvette Frost, Renee Dineen, Rachel DiGirolami Kerry Craker and Nicole Waldmeier CANTEEN COORDINATORS NETBALL REGISTRATION Registration for the Winter Season at Wanneroo Districts Netball Assoc, in Kingsway is fast approaching. If your child wishes to play in a Whitford Catholic Primary School team please collect a registration form from the School Office. Netball: for children in years 2-6. Net-Set-Go: for children in Pre-Primary or Year 1. Any queries please contact Stacey Creyk on 0418909774 or tscreyk@bigpond.com Uniforms: Anyone who is not using their uniform this year, please return it to the Office ASAP. Position Vacant: Umpire Coordinator. Please contact me if you are able to take on this role. Stacey Creyk NETBALL COORDINATOR Go to the people: Listen to them. Learn from them. Love them. Catherine McAuley Kids of Mercy: Thank you to Mrs Clarke for stepping in during my absence. The ladies look forward to our visits and “strong and constant is our love.” The visits are brief, only 20 minutes, but they bring a lot of joy to the Sisters and ladies at Mercyville. Children should expect to be rostered on twice per semester. On the Fridays they do attend, they would need to meet promptly in front of the office when the second lunch bell sounds. We then proceed to Mercyville and meet with the ladies in their common room for a chat, show and tell or music performance. We leave in time to start classes at 1.40pm. If you would like your child to be involved please fill out the slip below and return it to the office or myself in the library. All participants from last year, who would like to continue, need to re-enrol. *********************************************************** KIDS of MERCY PERMISSION 2015 __________________________ from Class _________ would like to be included in the Kids of Mercy Program for 2015. I understand this entails leaving the school grounds to walk to Mercyville, next door. Signed _____________________________ Parent Signature ************************************************** This week, Week 5, the children attending are: FIACHRA MAHON 1W, NATE CAMILLERI 2B, CAOIMHE MAHON 3G, CHARLOTTE BAMPTON 3G, RILEY HALES 3G, JESSIE SCANLAN 4G, LACHY HALES 4G, MILLIE BAKER 5B, JACK BAMPTON 5G, OISIN MAHON 5G, JOSH HALES 6B AND JYE CAMILLERI 6G. Remember to bring some show and tell. It helps to keep the conversation going. LIBRARY NEWS We’re bringing books back: Well done 1G and 5B for bringing all of their books back on time last week. They are in the jelly snake raffle for Term 1. Library Days are: Tuesday: Year 6s, PP White, Year 1 Blue & White. Wednesday: Year 3 Blue, Year 2s. Thursday: Year 5s, Year 1 Gold, PP Blue & Gold, Year 4 Blue Friday: Year 4 Gold and Year 3 Gold. Library Quiz: Congratulations to Annalie Stone, 5 Gold, for correctly answering that our new cross is made of olive branches. This Week: Name a Lenten sacrifice on the Library display. See you in the Library. St Jerome, pray for us. Mrs Annette Lynch TEACHER/LIBRARIAN P&F NEWS If you have misplaced your Despicable Me 2 ticket or BBQ order form please see the attachments to the newsletter email. Tickets and BBQ orders are available until Tuesday 10th March but all tickets purchased prior to 6th March will be in the draw for a VIP package. Please take your Easter Eggs to the classroom and place them in the boxes provided. If you are a small business remember to send in your business card and $20 for the new WCPS business directory. This will be sent to all families at the end of Term 1. Nadine Cooperwhite P&F PRESIDENT BOOK CLUB Book Club orders need to be in by Friday 6th March. No late orders will be accepted. Please make cheques payable to WCPS. SCHOOL BANKING NEWS Great saving habits are being displayed by students. Well done and keep up your great savings habits. ACCOUNT OPENING MORNING – 17th March. If you are looking to get your children involved in the school banking please come to the school on the 17th March to open a Youth Saver Account. A commonwealth bank representative will be available to assist you. We will be situated in front of the school office from 8am. This will involve a small form to be filled out. Parents please bring some Identification with you. Happy Banking THE BANKING CREW SOCIAL WORKER NEWS What to do when kids catastrophise! – Michael Grose We all catastrophise from time to time, adults and children alike. We exaggerate our worries and place enormous pressure on ourselves, particularly when we are under stress. It takes a cool customer to moderate their thinking the whole time. So be mindful of your child’s need to jump to the worst case scenario from time to time. A bit of reassurance is all that’s needed in these one-off scenarios. But if you, like your child, are a serial catastrophiser, then it will be useful to challenge your unhelpful or extreme thinking when it happens. Not only will you model realistic thinking for your kids, but you will get an insight into what you need to do to change your child’s catastrophising. School-aged children need to be encouraged to keep things in perspective. Challenge your child’s propensity to catastrophise. Here are five ways you can use to challenge your child’s catastrophic thinking: 1. “What’s the most likely scenario?” Sometimes it’s useful to introduce a dose of old-fashioned rational thinking. “Yep, you could break your leg if you go skiing. But the odds are that you won’t.” 2. “Does it really matter?” “You may be right, but is it the end of the world as we know it?” One way of dealing with hard core catastrophisers is to admit that they could be right, but even if they are right and the worst case scenario does happen, the sun will still shine tomorrow. Take kids to the worst possible scenario and they may see it’s not so bad. 3. “Where does this fit on the disaster meter?” Catastrophisers get themselves in a knot about relatively insignificant things. Okay, making a fool out of themselves may not be insignificant to kids, however compared to plenty of other events…well, perspective is a good thing. Help them get some perspective by giving their worry a score out of ten, on how important the issue really is. 4. “That’s unhelpful thinking.” Sometimes kids’ thinking is so out of whack with reality that they become anxious about minor things. Thinking such as, ‘everyone must like me’, ‘I must never make a mistake’ and ‘bad things always happen to me’ are extreme and need to be replaced by more moderate, realistic thoughts. E.g. “It would be nice if everyone liked me but not everyone will. It’s important to have some good friends.” 5. Replace extreme words for feelings with more moderate descriptors: Today’s kids talk in extremes – ‘awesome’, ‘the best’ and ‘gross’ roll off their tongues easily these days. Extreme language leads to extreme thinking. So encourage kids to replace “I’m furious” with “I’m annoyed”, “It’s a disaster” with ‘It’s a pain”, “I can’t stand it” with “I don’t like it”. Sounds minor but by changing kids’ language you change how they think about events and, more importantly, how they feel. Elaine Mahon SOCIAL WORKER Available Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays REMINDER…. The Environmental Ministry would like to start a vegetable garden. If anyone has any corrugated garden tubs that they are no longer wanting, we would appreciate donations. Denise Clarke and Andrew De Maio YEAR 6 TEACHERS COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD Parents please note that the school holidays are fast approaching and the exciting new vacation care program has been attached to this newsletter for you to book in. Spaces are limited so be quick to book in so as not to be disappointed.
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