WHITFORD CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER SPONSORS All material printed in this newsletter is done so in good faith, for the provision of information only. We take no responsibility for the content of, or material available from texts, websites or other sources suggested. We suggest at all times that you investigate further before making any commitment. Whitford Catholic Primary School 18/03/2015 DATES TO REMEMBER NEWSLETTER Issue No 7 Best wishes to all our Irish Friends and Families who celebrated St Patrick’s Day yesterday. This St Patrick’s prayer captures the wonderful spirit that made him Ireland’s patron Saint and one of the church’s most beloved missionaries: 18th Mar – P&F Meeting, 7.30pm 19th Mar – 6G Surfing, 9.00am 20th Mar – Harmony Day – wear orange 25th Mar – First Reconciliation Ceremony, 7pm 26th Mar – 6G Surfing, 9.00am 27th Mar – Interschool Swimming Carnival (Arena) 27th Mar – Assembly (2G), 2.15pm 31st Mar – Learning Journey (K-6) 3 – 4.30pm 1st Apr – Easter Liturgy, 11.00am st 1 Apr – LAST DAY OF TERM 1 2nd Apr – Pupil Free Day Dear Parents, Farewell Mrs Mary Rafferty I take this opportunity of informing the school community that Mrs Mary Rafferty, who has been a teacher at WCPS for the past 25 years, has notified the School Board of her intention to retire at the end of this term. As Mary is currently on Long Service Leave, we will celebrate her many contributions to the life of our children and community at a school mass next Wednesday 25 March @ 9.00am. An invitation can be found further in this newsletter. Mrs Phillips and Mrs Hannaford will continue in their roles in the Year 2W class until the end of the year. This year Whitford Catholic Primary School has been asked by the Catholic Education Office to participate in the School Climate Survey conducted by Insight SRC in schools from 28 April – 8 May. Staff, students, School Board members and sixty parents who have been randomly selected will be asked to complete the survey. Information attained from this survey in regard to our school culture will help to determine important future focus areas for our school. As such, if selected, your support in completing the survey would be very much appreciated. Thank you in anticipation. It was fantastic to see just how engaged our Year 3 children were during their Reconciliation Retreat on Tuesday. They are such a gorgeous little group and we wish them and their families well when they make their First Reconciliation next Wednesday evening. VIP WINNERS – FLORIAN HAIGH (KINDY W) AND FAMILY I am currently conducting Kindergarten interviews for new families hoping to join our school in 2016. If you know of anyone who has not enrolled as yet, please encourage them to do so as soon as possible. As the term continues to quickly disappear, there are a few important dates to remember: Year 2G Assembly, Interschool Swimming Carnival, Learning Journeys and our Easter Liturgy. On a finishing note, a huge thank you must go to the P&F committee for their organisation of Despicable Me 2 last Friday evening. Although the weather wasn't conducive to the outdoors, the school hall was an excellent venue and the evening was well attended. A fabulous night all round with a special visit from Dave to just add to the excitement! Are you dropping your children off on Marmion Avenue? On Monday we were yet again advised by a local resident that there are parents of school children still pulling out of traffic on Marmion Avenue to drop children off on the sidewalk behind the school. Apparently the police have been alerted and if it applies to any Whitford parents, we suggest that you refrain from contributing to this traffic hazard. DAVE AT THE MOVIE NIGHT WITH FRIENDS!! Locked gates……. Just a reminder that the school gates will be locked at 9.30am each morning and then unlocked by 2.30pm each day. All parents entering the school grounds between these times will need to do so through the front entrance. WINTER UNIFORM A reminder to all parents that the full winter school uniform is to be worn from the first day of Term 2. The Uniform Shop will be open for the next 2 Thursdays, March 19th and 26th, from 8.15am until 9.30am. You can also download an order form from the school website and hand in to your child’s class for the uniform shop to complete and return prior to 26th March. If by any chance you are driving or walking past the school and notice that the gates either on Barradine Way or by the oval are not locked, please contact the front office. Thank you for your support in helping us keep your children safe. Many blessings Tamara McGougan PRINCIPAL ABSENTEE LINE: 9404 4244 TELEPHONE: 9404 4200 FAX: 9401 8090 Email Address: mailadmin@whitfordcatholicps.wa.edu.au Website: http://whitfordcatholicps.wa.edu.au P&F NEWS Thank you to all the families who came along to the Despicable Me 2 screening in the gym last Friday. It was a great turn out and all involved had fun. We are currently arranging a WCPS screening of the new release "HOME" during the school holidays at the Whitford Cinemas so watch this space in coming weeks for more information. CANTEEN NEWS Please remember to bring in your Easter Eggs, raffle tickets and business cards for the WCPS Business Directory. Nadine Cooperwhite P&F PRESIDENT Thursday 19th March Recess: Gluten Free Pikelet 70c Chicken Crackles $1.20 Roster: Jacinta Broadley, Alexa Bunschoten, Bec McKimmie SOCIAL WORKER NEWS Michael Grose – Managing Sibling Conflict www.parentingideas.com.au Children in families often tell stories or tales about each other to their parents. And they are not always complimentary. Tale telling is often an attempt to draw you into children’s disputes. And don’t they work as the ‘good parent’, comes to the fore and wants to solve kids’ issues. It is useful to acknowledge their feelings but not to become too involved in an issue that should belong to them. Avoid being the White Knight repeatedly rescuing victims, Judge Judy (or Josh) who passes judgement on one or either of the perpetrators or the Concerned Cop who always tries to keep the peace. The key is to place the onus back on kids to resolve their own disputes. This is a BIG FAMILY strategy. If you had six or eight kid you would be too busy to respond to children’s tales of the less than serious variety. Here are some responses to try when a child comes to you with tale or story about the dastardly, terrible things that his or her sibling did or said to them: 1. Point to the Disaster Scale: “Where does this fit on the disaster scale from 1 to 10?” Kids can easily blow issues out of proportion so that a child taking a siblings’ sock is suddenly two rungs above an axe murderer and losing socks is suddenly the worst thing that can happen. The Disaster Scale helps kids gain a little perspective. 2. Invite them to solve the issue themselves: “Can you handle this yourself? Is this something you can deal with?” You’ll never know if you don’t give them a go! Put the issue back on the kids to resolve. It’s not that you don’t want to help but really some things don’t need your help! 3. Use the shock tactic: “What would you like me to do about this?” This is my favourite response as it puts the onus back on to the child. Be prepared for surprises though as some kids just want you to lock their sibling in a tiny room and for you to throw away the key! 4. Work out problem-ownership: “Does this problem really involve you?” Some children just love to get involved in disputes that don’t involve them but they love to get a certain ‘sibling into trouble’. Don’t be drawn into such disputes or else you will soon be doing the ‘sibling dance’ with them, with the ‘tell taler’ taking the lead. 5. Put them in the same boat: “I’ll listen to both of you when you can tell me the same story.” This is the first step in the conflict resolution cycle. If two children have a tale of woe, get them to agree on the story they tell. This is usually enough to resolve the dispute. 6. The pen and paper approach: “Can you write down what happened? Give one child and pen and the other a piece of paper and invite them to write down exactly what happened. A considered written response will be taken very seriously by parents. We all have our own responses to kids’ annoying behaviours. Some are learned from our own family and some we just develop all by ourselves. It’s good sometimes to come out of ‘left field’ with the things you say and do. It helps keep life interesting as well as keep your kids on their toes. Spontaneity and curiosity are healthy qualities to promote in families. Responding to annoying, repetitive tales gives you a chance to be a little spontaneous and creative. Just make sure you maintain your children’s dignity and yours in the process. Elaine Mahon SOCIAL WORKER Available Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays mahon.elaine@cathednet.wa.edu.au A huge thank you to everyone who started ordering online. It makes it a lot easier for us. WHEN ORDERING ONLINE PLEASE REMEMBER TO TICK THE BOX - UNDER EXTRAS - TO ADD 10C FOR A BAG Monday 23rd March Recess: Chicken Crackles $1.20 Mini Cupcakes 60c Roster: Mel Zuchetti, Wendy Scanlan, Andrea Kenny Thursday 26th March - Pastry Free Day wrong orders will be substituted with a Salad Sandwich Recess: Pizza Scrolls $1.30 Lamington Finger 60c Roster: Tanya Ford, Carissa Tang Nian, Leanne Gott Monday 30th March – End of Term Special Dominos Pizza 1/4 Pizza & Juice box $5.00 Your choice of: - BBQ Meatlovers – bacon, pepperoni, ham, beef, sausage, mozzarella, BBQ Sauce - Hawaiian - ham and pineapple - Simply cheese - just cheese Please send money and BAG with name, class and choice of order into school via your class message box or Canteen no later than Wednesday 25th March 12pm. No late orders will be accepted after this date. (If you do not have a bag please send extra 10c for bag). No other lunch orders will be available on the day. Recess will be as normal. If ordering online you will find it under End of Term special, plus add 10c for a bag. Recess: Mini Pizza $1.30 Muffin $1.50 Roster: Yvette Frost, Renee Dineen, Rachel DiGirolami Kerry Craker and Nicole Waldmeier CANTEEN COORDINATORS SCHOOL BANKING NEWS WOW, thank you to all who came on Tuesday and signed their children up to the School Banking program. Before we can give your children their student numbers to link their accounts to the school, the Commonwealth Bank will need to input the accounts into their system. The children are still able to start banking next week, just leave the student number blank and we will fill that out for you as this information comes to hand. To encourage regular savings behaviour the program offers an exciting Rewards Program. Every deposit earns your child a Dollarmite token, and once they’ve collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for a reward. The reward items available during 2015 are: ET DVD, released Term 1 Planet Handball, released Term 1 Invisible Ink Martian Pen, released Term 2 Intergalactic Rocket, released Term 2 Glow-in-the-Dark Solar System, released Term 3 Cosmic Light Beam Torch, released Term 3 Outer Space Savers Money Box, released Term 4 Lunar Light Band, released Term 4 There are quite a few students who have not filled in their request for rewards. If you have reached ten deposits please fill it in so we can order a reward for you. Happy Banking THE BANKING CREW Go to the people: Listen to them. Learn from them. Love them. Catherine McAuley Don’t Miss His Voice: Father Joe spoke this week of how the hustle and bustle of our lives can cause us to miss God’s voice in the midst of everyday life. In Harmony week we are especially reminded that we see God in every face we encounter. Imagine that the person you are looking at, engaging with, is Jesus. Listen for God’s guidance before you speak. As Elijah found, God is heard, not in the wind, not in an earthquake, not in a fire…but in the soft whisper of a voice. 1Kings 19:11-13 Kids of Mercy: It is so lovely to see the new Year 1 children embracing the experience of visiting the ladies. Smiles all round. The visits are brief, only 20 minutes, but they bring a lot of joy to the Sisters and ladies at Mercyville. Children should expect to be rostered on twice per semester. On the Fridays they do attend, they would need to meet promptly in front of the office when the second lunch bell sounds. We then proceed to Mercyville and meet with the ladies in their common room for a chat, show and tell or music performance. We leave in time to start classes at 1.40pm. If you would like your child to be involved please fill out the slip below and return it to the office or myself in the library. All participants from last year, who would like to continue, need to re-enrol. Slips are available at the office. This week, Week 7, the children attending are: XAVIER ZUCHETTI 1B, MOLLY JONES 2B, HUGH GORMAN 2G, CALIN PURSELL 2W, SAMANTHA McKIMMIE 3B, JASMINE FROST 3G, EDWARD JONES 4B, SAMUEL ZUCHETTI 4G, TIARNI BUTTER 5B, CARLA DIGIROLAMI 5G, OLIVER FROST 5G AND FAYE DOHERTY 6B. Remember to bring some show and tell. It helps to keep the conversation going. PE NEWS INTERSCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVAL 27TH MARCH @ ARENA JOONDALUP Our Interschool swimming team has been training very hard in preparation for the Interschool Carnival. I encourage all Interschool swimmers to attend as much training as possible and a reminder that breakfast is provided back at school for those students who attend training. Any parents who are attending the carnival and would like to help out on the day, please see me a.s.a.p. RUNNING CLUB Due to bad weather this morning, Running Club was cancelled and will return next Wednesday morning at 8 am (providing the weather is fine!). Faction Captains and Sports Ministry students are asked to assist with the Running Club in the morning. YEAR 6 OUTDOOR EDUCATION WALK @ NEIL HAWKINS PARK – MONDAY 30TH MARCH All Year 6 students will be attending a walk trail in the beautiful Neil Hawkins Park in Joondalup. Students will depart school at 8:45am and return to school at 12:30pm for lunch. Information will be given to students today and I am still in need of 2 parent helpers for the day. Please see me a.s.a.p if you are able to attend. Adriano D’Adamo PE SPECIALIST ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ CORNER PROJECT COMPASSION The green cordial stall coordinated by Student Leaders and the Christian Ministry to commemorate St Patrick’s day was a great success. All in all we raised $89 which will go towards our Project Compassion total. A special mention must also go to 3 Gold who last week raised an amazing $137. Our target is still $930 and we are well on the way to that. Remember to look at this week’s Lenten calendar to see how you can help. Remember to wear orange for Harmony Day this Friday. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION A reminder the ceremony will take place on Wednesday the 25th March at 7:00pm. Catharine Hughes & Andrew De Maio ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS LIBRARY NEWS Technology Ministry: Come into the library and get to know your Technology Ministry leaders. Rosie, Olivia, Georgia, Aphie, Jacob and Josh are available to help you with any computer questions and teach board games to those who would like to learn. This week the great paper plane fly off took place with much excitement and just a little bit of wonder and awe. Year 4 vs Year 5: Year 5G and Year 4B have done it again. This is becoming a battle royale. The jelly snakes are nervous. All classes can bring their books back on time to be part of the action. Library Days are: Tuesday: Year 6s, PP White, Year 1 Blue & White. Wednesday: Year 3 Blue, Year 2s. Thursday: Year 5s, Year 1 Gold, PP Blue and Gold, Year 4 Blue Friday: Year 4 Gold and Year 3 Gold. Library Quiz: Congratulations to Tina Algeri 5G, for correctly naming St Patrick as having his feast day on 17th March This week: How many months of the year have 30 days? See you in the Library. St Jerome, pray for us. Mrs Annette Lynch TEACHER/LIBRARIAN GELATI DAY The gelati van will be at our school on Friday 20th March to help celebrate Harmony Day. Children from Pre-Primary to Year 6 can enjoy many yummy flavours of gelati for $3.50 each. Money is to be sent to your child’s class on the day only. The van will be available after school for anyone who would like extra ice cream. Antonietta D’Alessandro ITALIAN SPECIALIST HBF Run for a Reason - Nate's Mates Our school team has been set up - Whitford Catholic Primary School Nate's Mates. http://hbfrunfundraising.com.au/event/hbfrun2015 The link above takes you to a page where you can ENTER the team for the run &/or DONATE (search Whitford Catholic Primary School) to Nate's cause. Nate's story is on the fundraising page and details the struggles and courage shown by Nate and his family since last year. So get on board, tell all your family and friends to join our team (we would love to win largest school team again) and support Nate as well. COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD Institute of Technical Football is running School Holiday Skills Clinics in the Easter School Holidays from Tuesday 7th – Friday 10th of April run by Head Coach Daniel Buhagiar! Venue: Charles Riley Reserve, Williamson Way, North Beach Cost is $55 per player for 4 days! To register: Fill in the application form at www.technicalfootball.com.au Limited spots available so get in quick! For more information contact ITF: Daniel – 0413 303 652 or www.technicalfootball.com.au or daniel@technicalfootball.com.au JUNIOR FISHING CLINIC April 2015 3 Day Clinic Cost $200 Age 9 – 16, Tuesday 7th 9am to 12pm - Learn how to rig a rod, casting practice and games, safety on the water and on boats. Wednesday 8th 7am to 1pm - Boat Fishing, Sausage Sizzle. Thursday 9th 7am to 1pm - Boat Fishing, Sausage Sizzle, Weigh In Competition and prizes. Contact Mel - T 9246 2833 E development@hillarysyachtclub.com.au www.hillarysyachtclub.com.au CONGRATULATIONS To Ella McCaughey 5 Blue & Zac McCulloch 6 Blue for being cast in the upcoming Musicals in Concert at Perth convention centre on the 17th of May starring the amazing Rhonda Burchmore.
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