th 6 International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Coal Conversion and Syngas, 19-22 May 2014, Dresden/Radebeul, Germany Evaluation of an automated duplicate-sample Fischer Assay setup according to ISO/ASTM standards and analysis of the tar fraction 1 Leon Roets1, John R. Bunt1, 2, *, Hein W.J.P. Neomagus1 and Daniel van Niekerk2 Coal Research Group, Unit of Energy Systems, School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering, North West-University, Potchefstroom, 2520, South Africa. 2 Sasol Technology (Pty) Ltd, Box 1, Sasolburg, 1947, South Africa * Corresponding author: Tel.: +27 18 299-1376; Fax.: +27 18 299-1535; e-mail: The ISO 647 standard describes a method for the liquefaction/primary pyrolysis of coal that quantitatively yields water, gas, tar and char, also known as a Fischer Assay. This method has several limitations i.e. the versatility of the method is limited by the thermal properties of aluminium (the retort material); the result is operator-dependent due to manual manipulation of the retort temperature using a gas generated flame. This study evaluates an alternative method, (referred to as the automated Fischer Assay setup), which operates with a pre-programmed heating curve using two stainless steel retorts in an electrical oven. Comparison of the methods indicated a lower tar yield for the automated Fischer Assay method, whilst the water yield increased and the gas and char yields were within the same ranges. The automated Fischer Assay experiments were, however, more repeatable when compared to the standard ISO method. Simulated distillation (simdis) and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC-UV) analyses of the tar fractions found no significant differences between the tars from the two methods. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) found the tars of the automated Fischer Assay method to contain more alkyl-phenolic groups, with a decrease in the mixed compounds (compounds that exhibited both aromatic and aliphatic mass peaks in the mass spectra). It is concluded that the new method is more versatile with regards to the operating temperature control and the pre-programmed heat curve. Additionally, it provides an alternative means to generate a Fischer Assay that is not limited by the thermal properties of the retort material. It is noted, that the goal of the study was not to propose a replacement to the current ISO 647 Fischer Assay method, but to establish an automated system that can be used in pyrolysis research (qualitative and quantitative studies). Results showed that this method is adequate for qualitative and quantitative pyrolysis research and can be used as an alternative, less-biased method for ISO 647. th 6 International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Coal Conversion and Syngas, 19-22 May 2014, Dresden/Radebeul, Germany Oxidative thermal cracking of tar compounds in raw syngas from fluidized bed gasification of solid fuels. Piotr Babiński, Grzegorz Łabojko Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, 1 Zamkowa, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland email:, Tar compounds are unnecessary wastes which must be removed from raw gas from the gasification of solid fuels in a fluid bed. Modern methods utilize thermal cracking in the absence of oxygen or oxidizing atmosphere, as well as catalytic steam or autothermal reforming of tar compounds contained in the raw synthesis gas. System which could be used as a solution for this purpose is a reactor with a porous barrier. It provides heat for the endothermic tars’ decomposition reactions by the distribution of oxygen through a porous barrier. This solution also provides safety increase by reducing the partial pressure of oxygen in the reactor. Results presenting thermal and oxygen conversion of tar model compounds (toluene, α-methylnaphthalene, and their mixtures) in a model gas from coal gasification consisting of 50% CO, 25% H2, 20% CO2, and 5% CH4 are shown. The content of the model compound was about 15 g/m3 and steam about 100 g/Nm3 in terms of dry gas. The experiments were conducted in a reactor with a porous barrier used to distribute the O2 within the interior of the reactor. Research covered a temperature range of 700–1000 °C, residence time of reactants in the reactor, 1.5 s and 3.0 s, and the addition of oxygen at 5, 10, and 20 % vol. relative to the amount of process gas. The experiments have shown the increment of aromatic compounds’ decomposition rates according to increases in temperature reaching levels of loss of aromatic compounds of over 50 % for 1000°C. The experiments conducted at the same temperature level (1000 °C) and the same residence time (3.0 s) have shown decomposition intensification of aromatics with an increase in oxygen addition. Acknowledgement The results presented in this paper were obtained from research work co-financed by the National Centre of Research and Development in the task of Research No. 3 Strategic Research Programme – Advanced technologies for obtaining energy. "Development of coal gasification technology for high-efficiency production of fuels and energy” th 6 International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Coal Conversion and Syngas, 19-22 May 2014, Dresden/Radebeul, Germany INTEGRATED PROCESS OF COAL PYROLYSIS WITH STEAM REFORMING OF METHANE FOR IMPROVING TAR YIELD Haoquan Hu, Chan Dong, Lijun Jin, Yang Li, Liang Zou State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, CHINA email: A new process of integrated coal pyrolysis with steam reforming of methane (SRM) process (CP-SRM) was put forward to improve the yield of tar. Two Chinese lignites were used to confirm the validity of the integrated process. The effects of pyrolysis temperature (550-750 oC) and pyrolysis atmosphere (H2, N2, SRM) on tar yield and tar compositions were investigated. The results, see Figure 1, show that CP-SRM has the highest tar yield at the investigated temperature range and the optimum temperature for integrated process is 650 oC. The integrated process achieved lower CO and H2 yields than SRM, but higher CH4 yield than that from pyrolysis in N2. Meanwhile, the CP-SRM process can improve tar quality, especially the content of phenol, naphthalene and their C1-C3 alkyl-substituted derivatives. 16 XL-SRM XL-H2 XL-N2 Ytar(wt. %, daf) (a) 14 12 10 8 6 550 600 650 o 700 750 Temperature( C) Figure 1: Tar yields of Xilinguole lignite (XL) pyrolysis in different atmospheres at 550-750 oC th 6 International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Coal Conversion and Syngas, 19-22 May 2014, Dresden/Radebeul, Germany “Dusty” vs. “Clean” Tar Reforming of Biomass Gasification Gas – An Operational Point of View Winnie L. Eriksen1*, Rasmus M. Nielsen1, Jørgen Madsen1, Bodil Voss1, Klas J. Andersson1, P. E. Højlund Nielsen1 1 Haldor Topsoe A/S, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark *email: Gasification of biomass and other alternative carbon sources is a hot subject, as it offers the potential to produce carbon-neutral or renewable fuels, contrary to the traditional coal gasification. However, one problem with the biomass gasification is the presence of tars in the exit gas, which can foul process lines and equipment. Developing gas cleaning technologies downstream biomass gasifiers is the main focus of biomass gasification technologies. Tar reforming may be applied as part of a promising gas cleaning solution for the emerging biomass-to-chemicals and biomass-based CHP technologies. Besides removing the tars from the process stream, it is also important to ensure a good thermal utilization of the hot exit synthesis gas from the gasifier. The removal of tars from sulfurand dust-filled exit gas from the biomass gasifier is crucial for the process and may be met by “dusty” or “clean” high-temperature tar steam reforming (tar reforming), converting the harmful components to useful synthesis gas. The pros and cons of these reforming approaches will be discussed for different, pressurized or near-atmospheric, gasification applications. In “clean” tar reforming, dust is removed upstream the tar reformer, preferentially at temperatures in the vicinity of the gasifier exit temperature to minimize loss of exergy, however, requiring a high-temperature filter (700-850°C), which is not commercially available today. In contrast, in the “dusty” tar reforming process, residual dust is removed downstream the tar reformer at lower temperatures (150-300°C). In the “clean” tar reformer, pelletized catalysts, featuring a very high content of active material, can be used leading to a more compact design, whereas in the “dusty” tar reformer, monolithic catalysts, which are less prone to dust accumulation, are used. The long-term stability of our “dusty” tar reforming monoliths has been demonstrated at the biomass gasification plant in Skive, Denmark. We will present the outstanding durability observed in the specific case and that “dusty” tar reforming is a ready-to-go technology. In parallel, we have operated our “clean” tar reforming solution at Gas Technology Institute in Chicago during a wood-to-gasoline project. We will present results from the operations of the pressurized clean tar reformer. th 6 International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Coal Conversion and Syngas, 19-22 May 2014, Dresden/Radebeul, Germany Options to reach Syngas Quality Requirements by Catalytic Reforming of Tars and Methane from FB-gasification of Biomass C.Hamel1, S. Kaluza1, C. Unger1 1 Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Germany Email: Despite intensified research efforts during the past years, many technical challenges remain for large scale gasification and downstream syngas utilization. With the choice of fluidized bed processes, a reasonable compromise seems possible, regarding efficiency on the one hand and moderate tar levels in the effluent gas on the other. In the past, it was already shown, that it is feasible to attain gas qualities clean enough to be used in gas engines by a combination of primary measures such as specific choice of (partly) active bed materials and downstream catalysts. In recent years, interest in the substantial use of syngas has grown and hence allothermal gasification with its advantageous gas composition is gaining attention. These processes are operated at temperatures about 50 – 100 K lower than autothermal ones. In combination with H2S present in the gas, the activity of common, non-precious metal catalysts no longer suffices for ultra-low tar levels. Additionally, the small economic benefits of biomass CHP gasification in comparison to co-combustion in power plants limited the choice of catalysts to low cost ones. With the goal of substantial gas utilization, precious metal catalysts come into focus again, due to their increased activity at low temperatures, their better tolerance to sulphur and also their higher resistance to carbon formation combined with oxidative reactivation stability. To ensure a high operating temperature for the conversion, catalysts in large scale applications are placed directly downstream of the reactor and thus face a considerable amount of particles transported with the syngas. Therefore, for most of the samples studied within this project, monoliths were preferred as catalyst supports. The catalysts were tested in a lab scale test rig at Fraunhofer UMSICHT. As for the used test gas, a composition close to the effluent gas of allothermal steam gasifiers was mixed using mass flow controllers and two separate evaporators for aromatic hydrocarbons and water. Naphthalene and benzene were chosen as model tar substances, first, because of their high abundance in real syngas mixtures and second, as they are known for being difficult to reform. The concentrations of benzene and naphthalene were 5000 and 2500 mg/scm, respectively. The gas is fed to a quartz glass reactor placed inside a three zone vertical split-tube furnace and is heated up in a first section filled with bulk SiC material. The second section contains the catalyst and is separated by a quartz glass frit. A thermocouple close before the frit is used to measure the gas inlet temperature. Before and after the reactor, the gas can be analysed by means of an online mass spectrometer with direct inlet, resulting in the advantage of a complete and quasi-continuous composition measurement. During the research and development project, a large variety of catalysts were tested and compared regarding their performance for reforming model tar compounds in sulphur free simulated syngas. The test temperatures ranged from 700 to 900 °C and the tests were carried out at ambient pressure. Differences in performance could be found with respect to the used active metal of the catalyst and to the preparation method. With H2S added, further tests were carried out with a reduced number of selected catalysts. As expected, precious metal catalysts showed better results than catalysts with nickel as active component, especially in presence of sulphur. Within the last part of the project, which is the basis for this contribution, detailed tests about the influences of different precious metal components were performed.. Additionally, the conditions are further altered to match real syngas as good as possible to see whether the application in a large scale system is feasible. Therefore, alternating loads of sulphur and long term stability tests are also part of this project step.
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