! ! 2015 Reference Manual April 3, 4 and 5, 2015 Bible Bowl/Bible Quiz: Luke Theme: Give It Up ! ! Convention Sites: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Dallas Hilton Anatole DFW Airport Hyatt Regency Downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency ! STATEMENT OF PURPOSE North Texas Leadership Training for Christ is a duly recognized association of youth groups of the Churches of Christ and parachurch youth groups affiliated with the Churches of Christ. The purpose of NTLTC is to plan, organize, promote, and execute programs that assist young Christians to develop their knowledge of the Bible and biblical principles, enhance their communication and leadership skills, and orient their energies and abilities to areas of Christian service. !! CODE OF ETHICS FOR CHURCH COORDINATORS 1. LTC is for the growth and spiritual development of our youth. The LTC preparation must be the student's own work. Guidance, resources, and encouragement must be provided so students can develop their own ideas. 2. Church Coordinators must place their emphasis on participation and effort rather than on competition and winning. Lesser value comes from winning; maximum value comes from hard work and best efforts. 3. Church Coordinators must emphasize servant leadership. It is not enough to teach public communication skills, but additionally, we must model and teach leadership through servanthood. 4. Church Coordinators must find important and needed areas for our youth leaders to be integrated into the overall leadership of the church. Our youth need responsibilities now that give them important roles and contribute to the church. 5. Church Coordinators must communicate these ideas to all parents and church leaders. !! A BRIEF HISTORY OF LTC The first LTC Convention was help in Dallas, Texas in 1989. This convention has now expanded to three sites in the Dallas area. It became known as North Texas LTC in 1997 as other conventions were beginning. Other LTC conventions have begun in various parts of the country. Each LTC convention is a separate organization. The organizations cooperate in many areas for the benefit all the students, but have local control to tailor the program to regional differences. Other LTC conventions are: ! LTC Southwest in Chandler, AZ (1993 to present) Midwest LTC in Indianapolis, IN (1996 to present) LTC West in San Jose, CA (1996 to present) Central Texas LTC in Houston, TX (1997 to present) Great Plains LTC in Tulsa, OK (1997 to present) Southeast LTC in Mobile, AL (2000 to present) Black Hills LTC in Spearfish, SD (2000 – 2002) Heart of America LTC in Kansas City, MO (2002 to present) Eastern Region LTC in Charlotte, NC (2004 to present) LTC Northwest Region in Prineville, OR (2006 to present) !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! 2015 Church Behavior Agreement ! ! The church coordinator agrees to communicate the following to all attendees with their group: All Participants and Attendees: • Be courteous to the hotel staff and the convention workers. • Be aware of your noise level in the hallways, foyers, and rooms. • Always walk in the corridors and other public places. • Allow access to public facilities by properly using elevators and corridors. • Do not throw or drop ANYTHING off of the interior or exterior balconies of the facilities used for NTLTC. • Curfew for all convention participants and attendees is 11:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. ! All Participants: • Stay on the hotel property unless accompanied by an adult sponsor. • Wear NTLTC name tags even when not involved in an event. ! Other Items: • No food or drinks may be brought into Bible Bowl or Bible Quiz. Only water from the hotel’s water stations will be permitted into Bible Bowl and Bible Quiz. • Do not bring coolers to distribute food or drinks to your participants in public areas of the hotel, i.e. hallways, lobby, parking lot, public meeting space, etc. • Each Convention Site has a specific room set aside that allows your group to bring in and distribute your own food and drinks (this does not include catered meals): ! • Hilton Anatole – Chantilly West • Downtown Hyatt – Marsalis • DFW Hyatt – Filmmakers ! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! • A church group may bring in food from a restaurant, but they must bring it in themselves; food from a restaurant cannot be delivered or catered to the hotel and served in any room. • You may not eat food in the public areas of the hotel, i.e. hallways, lobby, parking lot, public meeting space, etc. • Do not bring cooking appliances to use in a hotel room or suite. This includes but is not limited to: Roaster, microwave, large coffee pot, electric skillet, crock-pot, hot plate, steam table, or chafing dish. If you can plug it in you cannot use it in the hotel. • Sale of food is prohibited. • Only approved vendors may sell items or distribute information during the convention. ! ! ! Friday !3:00 - 5:40 PM 3rd - 12th Turn in for Display Entries: Children’s Book, Christian Art and Scrapbook !4:00 - 5:40 3rd - 4th 3rd - 6th 3rd - 12th 7th - 8th 9th - 10th 11th - 12th Drama Small Chorus Signing for the Deaf (make- up) Song Leading Small Chorus Puppets 7:00 - 10:00 3rd - 12th Bible Bowl/Bible Quiz/Bible Reading 11:30 Curfew !Saturday !8:00 - 9:40 AM 3rd - 6th 7th - 8th 9th - 10th 9th - 10th 11th - 12th Large Chorus Puppets Signing for the Deaf Speech Large Drama 3rd - 4th 5th - 6th 7th - 8th 7th - 8th 9th - 10th 11th - 12th Puppets Song Leading Signing for the Deaf Speech Drama Large Chorus 3rd - 4th 3rd - 4th 5th - 6th 7th - 8th 9th - 10th 11th - 12th Signing for the Deaf Speech Large Puppets Large Chorus Large Chorus Song Leading !9:50 - 11:30 !11:50 - 1:30 !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Saturday (continued) !1:40 - 3:20 PM NTLTC Convention Schedule 5th - 6th 7th - 8th 9th - 10th 11th - 12th 11th - 12th Drama Small Chorus Song Leading Signing for the Deaf Speech 3:00 Deadline for Display Entry Pickup: Children’s Book, Christian Art and Scrapbook !3:30 - 5:10 3rd - 4th 5th - 6th 5th - 6th 7th - 8th 9th - 10th 11th - 12th Song Leading Signing for the Deaf Speech Drama Puppets Small Chorus 5:20 - 7:00 5th - 6th 11th - 12th 11th - 12th Small Puppets Medium Chorus Small Drama 9:00 Awards Office closes 11:30 Curfew !! !Sunday !8:30 AM Chorus/Drama Presentations !9:30 AM Worship Assembly !! ! ! !! 2015 NTLTC Student Registration Form Use this form to collect data to complete online registration Do NOT send this form to NTLTC First Name __________________________________ Last Name __________________________________ Male or Female Grade _________ !! Preconvention Events Choose all that apply p Audio Broadcast p Essay p Fiction p Impact Video p Poetry p PowerPoint Presentation p Short Film p Song Writing p Video Bible Drama p Web Page !! Challenge Events Choose all that apply p Bulletin Board p Daily Devotion p Leadership p Outreach p Reading p Scripture p Service p Song Leading (3-6 only) p Teaching !! Display Events p Children’s Book p Scrapbook !! Christian Art Choose one art medium only p Computer Generated p Drawing p Mixed Media p Painting p Photography p Sculpture !! !! !! T-shirt size: YS YM YL S M L XL 2X Convention Events Important! You may enter only one event in each time period. Friday 4:00-5:40 p 3-4 Drama p 3-6 Small Chorus 3-12 Signing for the Deaf Make-up p Level 1 p Level 2 p Level 3 p Level 4 p 7-8 Song Leading p 9-10 Small Chorus p 11-12 Puppets !! ! Friday 7:00-10:00 p Bible Bowl p Bible Quiz p Bible Reading – English p Bible Reading – Spanish !! ! Saturday 8:00-9:40 p 3-6 Large Chorus p 7-8 Puppets 9-10 Signing for the Deaf p Level 1 p Level 2 p Level 3 p Level 4 p 9-10 Speech p 11-12 Large Drama !! ! Saturday 9:50-11:30 p 3-4 Puppets p 5-6 Song Leading 7-8 Signing for the Deaf p Level 1 p Level 2 p Level 3 p Level 4 p 7-8 Speech p 9-10 Drama p 11-12 Large Chorus !! !! !! ! Saturday 11:50-1:30 3-4 Signing for the Deaf p Level 1 p Level 2 p Level 3 p Level 4 p 3-4 Speech p 5-6 Large Puppets p 7-8 Large Chorus p 9-10 Large Chorus p 11-12 Song Leading !! ! Saturday 1:40-3:20 p 5-6 Drama p 7-8 Small Chorus p 9-10 Song Leading 11-12 Signing for the Deaf p Level 1 p Level 2 p Level 3 p Level 4 p 11-12 Speech !! ! Saturday 3:30-5:10 p 3-4 Song Leading 5-6 Signing for the Deaf p Level 1 p Level 2 p Level 3 p Level 4 p 5-6 Speech p 7-8 Drama p 9-10 Puppets p 11-12 Small Chorus !! ! Saturday 5:20-7:00 p 5-6 Small Puppets p 11-12 Medium Chorus p 11-12 Small Drama ! 3X ! Convention Events Section ! Art Bible Bowl Bible Quiz Bible Reading Children’s Book Chorus Drama Puppets Scrapbook Signing for the Deaf Song Leading Speech ! Art 2015 ! Purpose: To communicate faith and beliefs through art. Process: • Monitor participants to confirm that each submits only one Christian Art entry (e.g., one sculpture, one photograph, one painting, one drawing, one computer-generated, OR one mixed media/collage). • Register each entry by artistic medium and the participant's grade level. • Each church must provide one judge for every four entries registered in Art. • Deliver entries to the Christian Art desk between 3 and 5:40 p.m. on Friday, April 3, 2015. • Pick up entries by 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 4, 2015. ! General Rules: 1. A student may submit only one art piece. 2. The entrant shall tape a 3 x 5 inch card on the back or underside of the artwork. Information on the card must include artist's name, grade level, LTC church number, and home congregation. Not adhering to these guidelines will affect your rating. 3. Entries must interpret one of the following passages taken from the Life of Moses. You may use the entire passage or you may choose to illustrate part of the passage: ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Luke 2:4-7 Luke 9:10-17 Luke 14:33 Luke 21:1-4 Luke 22:39-46 Luke 23:44-47 ! Christ’s Birth Feeding the Five Thousand Give It Up Widows Two Mites Praying in the Garden Jesus’ Death on the Cross 4. Each entry must include the scripture reference (ie, Exodus 3:1-22) and 2-5 sentences explaining the participant’s thoughts connecting the art to the passage. This explanation must be typed or written neatly, and matted with art on front, or placed and taped neatly on the back or beneath. 5. Entries must make a clear point and should visually represent the chosen passage. 6. Adult assistance shall be limited to that of advice and supervision. The participant submitting the art shall be the sole artist of that entry. Assist freely (or in the case of lower grades, do framing for) in framing of art. 7. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! Sculpture Rules: 1. Sculptures must be self-supporting, i.e., supported or braced as needed for display. However, sculptures and supports/ braces must remain movable. NOTE: Special lighting will not be permitted. Not adhering to these guidelines will affect your rating. 2. The base of a sculpture shall fit into a 12 x 12-inch square and shall not stand over 18 inches in height; smaller entries are permissible. Your rating will be affected for exceeding these limits. 3. The use of materials is not restricted, with the understanding that all displays must be in good taste. Event coordinators reserve the right to make final decisions in this area. ! Photography Rules: 1. The total size (photograph plus frame/matboard) shall not exceed 16 x 20 inches. Smaller entries are permissible. You are encouraged to use photo paper to make your entry have the look of a photograph. 2. Photograph must be framed or matted. Any/all matting and/or self-supporting frames are admissible--no easels and no glass. Scripture reference/identification is part of presentation. 3. Photographs may be taken in either black and white or color. ! Painting Rules: 1. The total size (painting plus frame/matboard) shall not exceed 16 x 20 inches. Smaller entries are permissible. 2. Paintings must be framed or matted. Any/all matting and/or self-supporting frames are admissible--no easels and no glass. Scripture reference/identification is part of presentation. 3. All surfaces must be two-dimensional; paper, canvas, masonite, illustrator's board, etc., applied with oils, acrylics, watercolors, transparent inks, gouache, alkyds, etc. ! Drawing Rules: 1. The total size (drawing plus frame/matboard) shall not exceed 16 x 20 inches. Smaller entries are permissible. 2. Drawing must be framed or matted. Any/all matting and/or self-supporting frames are admissible--no easels and no glass. Scripture reference/identification is part of presentation. 3. All surfaces must be two dimensional: paper, illustrators board, etc., applied with crayons, colored pencils, chalk, pastels, conte crayon, charcoal, scratch board, markers, etc. Mixed Media/Collage Rules: 1. The total size (collage plus frame/matboard) shall not exceed 16 x 20 inches. Smaller entries are permissible. 2. Mixed Media/Collage must be framed or matted. Any/all matting and/or self-supporting frames are admissible--no easels and no glass. Scripture Reference/identification is part of presentation. 3. Collage must be two-dimensional surfaces, boards, paper, etc. Combinations are not limited. (Note: An oil painting with an under drawing in pencil is not a mixed media.) Suggestions: string, magazine cutouts, cardboard, glue, foam core, paint, buttons, cross-stitch, fabric applications, etc. Anything can be attached. ! Computer-Generated Rules: 1. The size of computer-generated pieces entered, including mat, shall not exceed 16 x 20 inches. Smaller entries are permissible. Exceeding these limits will affect your rating. 2. Computer-generated entries must be framed or matted. Any/all matting and/or self-supporting frames are admissible-no easels and no glass. 3. Computer-generated entries may be in color or black and white. Each entry will be judged upon its own merit, regardless of its type. 4. All entries must be original work. It is considered plagiarism to use another's work. This includes scanning in an image and adding words to it. Any scanned images used must be clearly manipulated. ! Awards: Awards are given to reward preparation and hard work as well as to recognize excellence in presentation. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. ! Judging Criteria: • Presentation - Mounting, scripture reference, explanation. • Interpretation of Story - Does the entry interpret one of the five passages? • Theme - Does the entry interpret this year's theme? • Art Elements - Does the entry use line, shape, texture, space, value, color, etc.? • Texture/Space/Color - Does the entry show a mastery of contrast? • Design Principles • Unity/Balance/Rhythm • Neat and Orderly • Overall Impact - Does the presentation enhance the overall impact of the entry? • Mastery of Tools - Does the entry show that the artist has a mastery over the tools of his trade? !! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! Bible Bowl 2015 ! Purpose: To challenge students to achieve in-depth knowledge of God's Word. ! Process: • Enroll four-member teams in grade level of oldest member. • Select one adult scorer for each Bible Bowl team. • The study material for Bible Bowl 2015 is “Luke”. All questions will be drawn from the text of The Holy Bible, New International Version, Copyright 2011 by Biblica. Any information in the text may be asked, and some questions may cover information from more than one verse. • The Bible Bowl Event is a tournament consisting of four rounds. • Scores in all rounds will be used to determine individual and team awards. ! Team Requirements: 1. A team consists of four members. a. If you do not have enough team members, you are responsible for finding the additional team members. The best way to find other members is to contact other congregations in your area. b. If you have extra team members, please contact the Bible Bowl coordinator before LTC weekend. c. At the convention, completion of teams will take place at a table outside of the event area. d. Teams with extra members or teams in need of extra members must report to the check-in table outside of the event area no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 3, 2015. e. If a complete team is not formed and a team of less than 4 members takes part in the event, there will be no adjustment to the team’s score either by adding points for the missing participant or using a percentage of the correct answers of the competing participants. 2. To play in any round, each team must have: a. An adult scorer. b. Official LTC name tag on each participant with the Bible Bowl team number written on the front. c. The team's completed team sheet, including the name of the scorer and the team number. ! Rules: 1. A congregation may enter any number of teams in any number of grade levels. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. 2. A participant may be a member of only one team during a convention. 3. A participant may participate in any grade level above his own, but may not participate in a lower grade level. 4. Game time is forfeit time. 5. Participants may have no materials on their tables during the event. 6. Teams will sit at tables arranged in the front of the room. The audience will be seated in the back of the room. 7. Team members will sit in single file with their backs to the audience, facing a scorer. 8. Each participant will have a cube with the letters A-E. Cubes will not be uniform in letter arrangement. A team will have the same color letters. The cubes measure 3 inches on each side. 9. Spectators are not allowed to enter or leave the room during the event. Spectators are allowed no speaking privileges regarding an event. ! Questions: 1. All questions are objective, calling for specific facts, order of events, or chapter locations. Question will not call for interpretation. Each question will have a Scripture reference. Questions are taken from the text of the Life of Moses, not a study guide. NTLTC does not endorse, recommend, or utilize any study guide. 2. Each participant receives a printed copy of the questions. No marks will be made on the copy of the questions. 3. The Quizmaster will read each question aloud one time only. 4. After each question, the Quizmaster will give the correct answer. 5. If the Quizmaster or any Scorer hears an answer spoken by anyone, the question will be voided. No substitute question will be asked. 6. If a question is disqualified by spoken answer or by protest, credit on that question will be given to all participants. 7. After play has started, a participant will be disqualified for talking. ! Answers: 1. After the reading of each question, each participant will have five seconds to think about his answer. 2. After five seconds, a tone will sound. The participant will then have five seconds to prepare his cube for display of his answer. 3. After five seconds, a second tone will sound. Each participant will reveal his answer (one of the letters A-E on the cube) to the scorer at that time. A participant who reveals his answer after that time receives no credit on the question. Scoring: 1. A scorer may not keep score for a team from his/her home congregation. 2. After each question, the scorer will record the individual answer of each participant on a standardized score sheet. 3. The scorer will then record the correct answer and determine the team's combined score on that question. 4. Each team scores one point for each participant who answers a question correctly. 5. No bonus or adjusted points are given for any reason. 6. By raising a card with a number on it, each scorer will display his team's score on each question. 7. After all scores are recorded and displayed, the Quizmaster will ask the next question. ! Protests: 1. All protests will be lodged with the floor judge at the back of the event area. 2. Protests are received only from adult coaches. 3. Protests are to be made at the end of the round in question. After the Quizmaster's protest closure at the end of a round, no protests will be heard concerning that round. ! Bible Bowl Tournament: 1. No team is ever eliminated from Bible Bowl; all teams take all quizzes. 2. There will be four rounds of 25 questions each. Breaks will occur between rounds and not during them. 3. The scores of each individual team member will be added together to achieve a team score. 4. 3rd - 6th grades will take the first 3 rounds for a total of 75 questions. 5. 7th - 12th grades will take all 4 rounds for a total of 100 questions. 6. The scores in each grade division will be compared to determine the award level. !! ! ! Awards: Individual Bible Bowl Awards are determined by the score of the individual participant in all 4 rounds. ! ! Gold - 90% - 100% of the top score in the grade division Silver - 80% - 89% of the top score in the grade division Bronze - 50% - 79% of the top score in the grade division Team Awards are determined by the adding the scores of the 4 individual participants in all 4 rounds. ! Gold - 90% - 100% of the top score in the grade division Silver - 80% - 89% of the top score in the grade division Bronze - 50% - 79% of the top score in the grade division Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Bible Quiz 2015 Purpose: To challenge students to achieve in-depth knowledge of God's Word. Process: • Read and understand rules for the current year. • Enter teams consisting of one to five members in the grade level of the oldest member. • Be certain that the teams are registered for Bible Quiz and only Bible Quiz for the given time period. • Provide one adult facilitator for each Bible Quiz team entered. ! Pre-Event: The subject of study for the 2015 Bible Quiz will be “Luke”. The text of The Holy Bible, New International Version, Copyright 2011 by Biblica, including all footnotes, will be the source of all quiz questions and answers. ! Event: Team Requirements: 1. A congregation may enter any number of teams in any number of grade levels. 2. A team may be entered in any one of five levels: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. 3. Each team (1 to 5 members) must be entered in the grade level of the oldest member. A team member may participate in a grade level above, but not below, his own grade level. 4. To allow time for processing, each team and adult facilitator is to report to the event area 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the event. 5. To check in at the session, a team must have the following: 1) All team members 2) The adult facilitator that the team is providing for the Bible Quiz event. 3) The team’s completed team sheet with the names of the team members listed. 6. No substitutions will be allowed during the event. Team members must participate on the same team throughout the entire event. 7. If a team member misses the beginning of a round, his team must participate without him for that round. No substitution is allowed. He may participate in the next round. ! Space: 1. The quiz will be administered in an area with table space and chairs for each team. 2. Teams from the same congregation may not share a table. ! Bibles: 1. Biblical texts may be marked in any way desired. 2. Photocopies of the Biblical text are allowed but no papers may be added to the text, and extra papers must be removed. Writing/listings on the back of a photocopied text is considered extra paper. 3. No helps, other than the text of the Bible may be used. Charts, concordances, maps, etc. included in the Bible may not be used. 4. For Round One, Bibles may not be opened, and may not be on the testing tables. In subsequent rounds, each team member may use the text of a printed Bible to complete the quiz. ! Quizzes: 1. Round One will feature a 50-question closed-Bible comprehensive quiz requiring team members to identify chapter numbers of selected topics and quotations. 2. Each subsequent round will be an open-Bible quiz. Third- through sixth-grade teams will have 40 questions divided into 4 units of 10 questions, each having a different testing method. For 7th-12th graders, the quizzes will have 50 questions - 10 questions in each of five sections, each with a different testing method. ! Questions: 1. Questions will vary in degree of difficulty and in method. Answer in any order. 2. No question will call for interpretation. ! Answers: 1. In finding and recording answers, each team may work in open conference and assistance. 2. All questions call for short, objective answers. Each answer in Round One will be in the form of a chapter number. In subsequent rounds, answers will be in the form of a numeral, a letter, a combination of letters, a Scripture reference, or a circle. 3. Each team must write all of its answers on the one colored quiz sheet by the end of each round. 4. Answer keys will be placed in the congregation take-home packets. Quiz Instructions: At the Quiz event, the Quizmaster will give instructions on physical procedures, but will not explain the testing methods. Understanding of testing methods is part of your pre-convention preparation. ! Rounds: Each round will consist of pre-quiz instructions and quiz. Subjects and Times of rounds: Round One 9 minutes Luke Round Two 12 minutes Luke 1-5 Round Three 12 minutes Luke 6-10 Round Four 12 minutes Luke 11-18 Round Five 12 minutes Luke 19-24 No team is ever eliminated from Bible Quiz; all teams take all quizzes. ! Procedure: 1. When each team registers in the Quiz room by turning in its team sheet, the team will receive a large envelope with five pencils and five sealed envelopes inside. 2. At the beginning of each test you will be instructed which envelope to open (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) and when to open it. Inside you will find five copies of the quiz (four white, one colored). Final answers go on the colored answer sheet. ! Facilitators: 1. All spectators and coaches will be seated in the area behind or around the testing area. 2. Others will leave the testing area to go to the scoring area. ! Protests: 1. Protests will be received only from adult coaches or facilitators. 2. All protests must be lodged with the Event Coordinator by the end of the round in question. No protest regarding a given round will be heard after the end of that round. 3. The Event Coordinator’s judgment will, in all cases, be final. ! Scoring: 1. In 3rd- 6th grades, a maximum of 50 points may be scored in Round One and a maximum of 40 points in rounds two through five. A maximum of 210 points may be scored during the entire Bible Quiz. 2. In 7th- 12th grades, a maximum of 50 points may be scored in each round. A maximum of 250 points may be scored during the entire Bible Quiz. ! Awards: A conversion factor will be added to all cumulative scores of each grade level. The conversion factor in each grade level is determined by subtracting the highest actual cumulative score in that grade level from the highest possible score of the grade level. Awards in this event are for teams, not individuals. ! 3rd - 6th grade Bible Quiz teams will receive ratings based upon the cumulative five-quiz scores after the conversion factor has been added. Gold 90-100% (190 – 210 points) Silver 80-89% (167 – 189 points) Bronze 50-79% (105 – 166 points) ! 7th - 12th grade Bible Quiz teams will receive ratings based upon the cumulative five-quiz scores after the conversion factor has been added. Gold 90-100% (225 – 250 points) Silver 80-89% (200 – 224 points) Bronze 50-79% (125 – 199 points) ! Rule Enforcement: To process the large number of Quiz teams in the limited amount of time, and to insure fairness to all teams, all officials (including facilitators) are expected to enforce all of the rules. LTC will not be responsible for Event Manual neglect by church coordinators. ! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. ! ! Bible Reading 2015 Purpose: To provide an opportunity for young people to develop skills through the oral reading of Scripture. Process: • Choose a reading from Old or New Testament for each participant. • Choose reading from a standard translation, no paraphrases. • Register students for Bible Reading and only Bible Reading for the given time period. • Each church must provide one judge for every four students registered in Bible Reading. ! Rules: 1. A brief introduction is required. The entire presentation of the introduction and Scripture reading is not to be less than one minute or more than two minutes in length. The student's rating will be penalized for any time less than one minute or over two minutes. Therefore, aim for one minute and thirty seconds. After the two-minute time limit, the reader will be stopped. 2. The participant should not attempt to explain or interpret the passages. Participants should place major emphasis on the actual Bible reading and not on prepared statements. The identification of the passage, the translation, and the setting of the passage together shall not exceed 20 seconds. 3. Participants will be penalized if the identification and introduction exceeds 20 seconds. Participants will also be penalized if they omit identification of the passage and translation. Memorization is neither required nor encouraged; your ability to read the passage is what is being judged. 4. Each participant will be rated by at least one judge. 5. Spectators may not leave or enter the room while participants are speaking. This is not a come-and-go event. 6. Any video or audio equipment must be set up prior to the session and must be stationary. No participant may be taped without his advance approval and appropriate notification of the judges. 7. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. 8. Reading may be done in English or Spanish. ! Awards: Awards are given to reward preparation and hard work as well as to recognize excellence in presentation. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Poise - Proper composure and self-confidence while reading will be rated. • Posture - Proper posture while reading will be rated. One should stand straight with both feet firmly on the floor. Any movement done should be to emphasize a point. • Voice Tone - The proper voice tone will be rated. • Voice Volume - The proper voice volume will be rated. Can the speaker be heard clearly in relationship to the room size and audience? • Rate and Flow - Does the reading flow well? • Articulation and Enunciation - Are the words pronounced clearly and distinctly? • Eye Contact - Proper gestures and eye contact will be rated. To give emphasis to the reading, does the reader have the ability to look away from his text and look at the audience? • Introduction to the Passage - The effectiveness of the participants in: (1) the identification of the passage, (2) the translation, and (3) the setting of the passage will be rated. The identification and introduction should not exceed 20 seconds of the total time. • Reading Time - The entire presentation of the introduction and Scripture reading is not to be less than one minute, nor more than two minutes in length, including the introduction. • Overall Impression - The overall impression of the reader and reading will be rated. This will include appropriate dress. !! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! !! ! ! Children’s Book 2015 Purpose: To encourage the use of creative writing and drawing in a Christian arena. Process: • Write a children's story that reflects the current year's LTC theme. • Label your work as fiction or non-fiction. • Deliver entries to the Children’s Book desk between 3 and 5:40 p.m. on Friday, April 3, 2015. • Pick up entries by 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 4, 2015. • Provide one judge for every children’s book entered. ! Rules: 1. The story must be submitted in book form (bound with staples, thread, glue, etc.). Handwritten work is admissible if legible and neatly presented. 2. The story may be written in any form of fiction/non-fiction (e.g. mystery, action, humor, fable, etc) so long as it reflects the current year's LTC theme. The theme may be reflected anywhere in the story, climax or conclusion, so long as it is clearly and accurately taught or presented. 3. The story should use correct grammar (including spelling) and proper punctuation. It should also include elements appropriate for fiction/non-fiction, such as plot and character development. 4. Adult assistance should be mainly verbal. Adults may discuss the theme and its possible applications and make verbal suggestions on content and style. Adults may also note editorial corrections on the participant's written work. 5. Each participant may submit only one entry. 6. The book must be illustrated (drawing, cartoon, photographs, or computer-generated). All illustrations must be original work. It is unlawful to use copyrighted works. 7. This may be a team event, with one person may writing the story and the other illustrating. A team is limited to two people in this event. 8. There will be five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze, or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Theme - Is the LTC theme clearly and accurately taught or presented in the story? • Usage - Does the participant use correct grammar (including spelling) and proper punctuation? • Readability - Is the story readable? Does the plot flow easily? Does the story catch and hold the reader’s attention? • Illustration - How do the illustrations enhance the story line? • Format/Submission - Did the participant follow instructions for formatting and submitting the entry? !! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Chorus 2015 Purpose: To present a cappella music in order to encourage believers, witness to unbelievers, and praise our God. Process: • Select and prepare group with appropriate a cappella music. • Be certain that their choruses are registered for chorus and only chorus for the given time period. • Determine that students are performing in no more than two choruses, though not in the same time period. • Register no more than three chorus teams per age group, regardless of size category. • Check in at the Chorus desk as soon as possible following your arrival at the convention location. • Some choruses will be chosen to perform before worship service on Sunday morning. These choruses will be notified by phone on Saturday evening after the conclusion of all events. These choruses will be asked to provide a written copy of their program to aid the interpreters. • Provide one judge for each chorus registered. ! Rules: 1. A congregation may register no more than three (3) choruses per grade level, regardless of size category. 2. Each chorus will have eight (8) minutes to set up, sing, and clear the stage. Full credit will be awarded for completions within the time limit. A penalty may be assessed for performances above this limit. 3. Each performance room will be equipped with microphones and a sound system. Individual choruses may not use additional sound equipment. 4. Lighting levels in the performance rooms may not be altered. 5. Music stands will not be provided. 6. Each chorus will be rated on overall appearance. This is not to say that dress must be formal or uniform. 7. Each chorus will be rated on stage presence. This area includes the use of appropriate facial expression and body movement, as well as the group's visible ease at performing on stage, and/or in front of an audience. 8. The chorus will also be rated on how well their voices blend, on diction so that words may be understood, and on the use of contrast to express mood and feeling. 9. The chorus shall also be rated on how effectively the overall spiritual message is delivered. While not strictly limited to it, the current year's LTC theme shall be the center of each chorus's presentation. 10.Choruses need to arrive at least 15 minutes before their performance. Chorus leaders must present the team sheet to the room monitor before the performance. The team may leave after they complete their performance. 11. Spectators may enter rooms between performances only. No one will be allowed to enter a room after a chorus has started its performance. 12.There are four grade levels in this event: Grades 3-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12. The 3-6, 7-8 and 9-10 grade levels have two size categories: small (2-8 members) and large (9+ members). The 11-12 grade division has three size categories: small (2-8 members), medium (9-16 members) and large (17+ members). ! Awards: Awards will be given to all chorus members based on each chorus' rating. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. ! Judging Criteria: • Time Limit • Appearance • Stage Presence • Blend of Voices • Diction (understandability of the words) • Dynamic Contrast • Overall Spiritual Message • Adherence to Theme • Overall Impact !! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! ! ! Drama 2015 Purpose: To encourage students to dramatize modern-day life applications of Christian truths. Process: • Select an appropriate modern-life application drama of the current year's theme. • Provide costumes, props, and lighting if desired. • Determine that the team is registered for drama and only drama for the given time period. • Determine that drama participants are performing in no more than two dramas, though not in the same session. • Determine that the congregation has registered no more than four drama teams per age group. • Check in at the Drama desk as soon as possible at the convention location. • Provide one judge for each drama team that you register. Rules: 1. Congregations may register no more than four drama teams per age group. 2. The drama is a modern-day application of any Christian truth, with respect to the current year's theme. This is not a Bible story re-enactment. 3. The maximum length of the drama is eight minutes. Each team shall have eight minutes to set up, perform and exit the stage area. Full credit will be awarded for completions within the time limit. A penalty may be assessed for performances above this limit. A participant may be in only one drama during a given time period. 4. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. 5. The 11-12 grade level will have two size categories: Small (up to 8 members) and Large (9 or more members). 6. The drama will be judged in the level of the oldest participant. 7. Adults may help in set-up and break down of props. Adults shall be clear of the stage area during the performance. 8. Stages will tentatively be 16' wide and 12' deep; this may change due to conditions beyond our control. Be prepared to adapt. 9. All music players and special lighting must be powered by battery; no plug-ins will be allowed. There are to be no fireworks of any kind (smoke bombs, etc.). Lighting levels in the performance rooms may not be altered. ! Awards: Awards will be given to all drama members based on each drama's rating. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. ! Judging Criteria: • Time Limit • Effect of Audience • Clarity of Principle - Creativity • Delivery/Interaction - Facial expression, gestures, choreography, enunciation • Originality - Script • Dramatization - Characterization • Set Design/Props - Props adequate to portray setting • Costumes - Wardrobe representing characters portrayed !! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Puppets 2015 ! Purpose: To encourage the presentation of Biblical stories through the use of puppets. ! Process: • Select appropriate puppet script, related to the current year's LTC theme, and present it live. • Be certain that puppet teams are registered for puppets and only puppets for the given time period. • Check in at the Puppet desk as soon as possible at the convention location. • Determine that students are performing in no more than two puppet teams, though not in the same session. • Determine that each congregation has registered no more than four puppet teams per age group. • Provide one judge for each puppet team entered. ! Rules: 1. A congregation may register no more than four (4) puppet teams per grade level, regardless of size category. 2. Each team will have 10 minutes to set up, perform and exit the stage area. Full credit will be awarded for completions within the time limit. A penalty may be assessed for performances above this limit. 3. Each team will enter with props and puppets from room door after they are announced. The time shall begin at that time. Time will stop when all puppeteers have cleared the stage. 4. Adults may help in set-up and take down of props. Adults shall be clear of the stage area during the performance. 5. Each play shall be presented live. Recording of special effects is allowed, but no recording of dialogue will be allowed. 6. The puppet teams may use no electrical plugs; all players and lights need to be run by battery. There are to be no fireworks of any kind (smoke bombs, etc.). Lighting levels in the performance rooms may not be altered. 7. Performance stage dimensions shall be four feet in height, twelve feet in width, and three feet deep. A stage will be provided. If another stage is to be used, the take down and set-up will be included in the ten-minute time limit. Diagrams of the stage will be available online at the NTLTC website: www.ntltc.org. 8. All forms of puppetry are acceptable, i.e. marionettes, karaoke, etc. 9. Each puppet skit needs to present or incorporate this year's theme. 10.There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. 11. The 5-6 grade level will have two size categories: Small (up to 5 members) and Large (6 + members) ! Awards: Awards will be given to all team members, based on each team's rating. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. ! Judging Criteria: • Sound - Voices must project well. • Speech Clarity/Lip-Sync - Words must be pronounced clearly and be in sync with the puppet’s mouth motion. • Animation/Mannerisms - Puppets should appear life-like in movements and actions. • Puppets' Appearance - Costumes should be appropriate for the characters being portrayed. • Use of Theme - Scripts must incorporate this year's theme. • Stage Interaction - Puppets must appear to interact with one another and must not sink while on stage. • Bible Story/Modern Day Application - The play must be accurate to the Bible. If it is a modern day application, it must use a biblical story or Scripture reference. • Creativity - Props, effects, humor, style, noise, and any extras that add to the skit. • Teamwork - Team members must have cooperative interaction with each other from set-up to take down. • Effect on Audience - Attention will be given to the impression upon the audience and how well they respond. ! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! !! !! !! ! Scrapbook 2015 ! Purpose: To provide a pictorial and written documentation of leadership development within a congregation. ! Categories: A) Describe and record activities from April 2014 through April 2015. Describe LTC work, but other activities should be included. B) Describe and record the history of your church for the calendar year 2014. ! Process: • Properly register each scrapbook in correct age level. • Submit scrapbooks to judges between 3-5:40 p.m., on Friday, April 3, 2015. • Pick up scrapbook by 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 4, 2015. • Determine that each student is registered on only one scrapbook team (Students may participate in a higher age division but not in one below their grade level). • Determine that his/her congregation has registered no more than three scrapbooks per age group, with a maximum of 10 participants per scrapbook. • Provide one judge for every entry in Scrapbook. ! Rules: 1. Participating groups may include students from any grade or more than one grade, however, the scrapbook will be judged in the level of the oldest participant. 2. The scrapbooks shall contain a cover sheet stating the name of the congregation, age division, name and grade of the students, and name of adult advisor(s). This information shall be located on the first page of the scrapbook. 3. Scrapbooks shall be no smaller than 8.5 x 11 inches and no larger than 13 x 16 inches in size when closed. 4. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! Awards: Awards will be given to all team members based on each team's rating. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Required Standards - How well does the scrapbook meet the required standards? • Service Projects and Outreach - How well does the scrapbook depict growth of skills outside and inside the church? • Edification Activities - How well does the scrapbook depict growth of skills such as retreats and devotionals? • LTC Work - How well does the scrapbook depict LTC related work? • Cover - How well does the scrapbook show creativity in designing the cover? • Description of Events - How well does the scrapbook show creativity in the description of events? • Display of Pictures - How well does the scrapbook show creativity in the display of pictures? • Neatness - How aesthetically pleasing is the scrapbook with regard to visual neatness and readability of texts? • Colors and Textures - How aesthetically pleasing is the scrapbook regarding the use and blending of colors and the use of texture and attractive materials? • Overall Impact !! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! !! !! !! !! ! Signing For the Deaf 2015 ! Purpose: To develop the ability to interpret for the deaf/hard of hearing, as well as provide services to the deaf/hard of hearing to glorify God and his church. . Process: • Insure participants get a complete and current copy of the event rules. • Determine proper grade division and level. • Insure that students are registered for signing only for given time period. • No one will be allowed to participate in an event if he/she has a conflict with another event. • A student may move up a grade level or participate in the final makeup signing time slot to avoid conflict. • Please move up grade levels if possible before signing up for the makeup signing time slot. • Provide a judge or an event helper for every 4 students registered in Signing. • Register judges and door monitors on the NTLTC Portal or email their name, phone number, and desired day/ time to the event coordinator no later than 3 weeks prior to the convention. • Spectators may not enter or leave the room while a participant is signing or interpreting. • Applause is appropriate as a display of appreciation. • Please note on registration if interpreting services are needed and at what specific event/time. • IF YOU HAVE A CHILD WITH A DISABILITY (I.E. Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Downs), please contact the signing coordinator for selections appropriate for their special needs. • Signing participants may be nominated to interpret the Sunday morning service. Please inform the interpreting participants of this opportunity ! Grade and Experience Levels There are five grade divisions in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12. ! Participant Rules: 1. A participant may not watch other participants in the same event until he/she has completed his/her event. 2. The Event Coordinator will provide the recordings for the convention. No other recordings may be used. No recording will be distributed in preparation for the event. 3. Participants must sign to the recording provided by the event coordinator at the convention. 4. No signs or coaching instructions can be given to the participant while performing. 5. A solid color blouse/shirt/dress contrasting with skin tone or LTC shirt shall be worn while signing. Sleeves should not extend past your wrists. 6. All participants will be pre-registered by their churches in thirty-minute time slots in specific rooms. If the participant’s name is not on the list and other changes need to be made, then go to the signing registration office for resolution. 7. All participants must meet at their assigned room 10 minutes prior to their schedule time. ! Event Rules 1. The participant will fingerspell name and fingerspell the selection being signed. On selections chosen by the judge, the participant will fingerspell the name and the selections chosen by the judges. 2. The participant will sign the selections to a recording provided by the event coordinator at the convention. 3. Ensure the version of the song follows the publication in this year’s Signing Rules. 4. Once the judge has announced the selection, no changes will be made in the selection. 5. Participant may choose to bring and use a copy of the words for the song and/or scripture. The event coordinator will not provide words. 6. Ensure that the participant is ready to interpret the selections as described below. ! ! ! ! Signing 1 Select 1 Song or 1 Scripture from the following Selections: ***Words from “Songs of Faith and Praise” Howard Publishing Co. All verses are to be signed. !! !! ! • 100 Holy Ground • 791 On Bended Knee • Romans 12:1-2 (NIV11) Signing 2 ! ! Each participant will learn ALL of the following Songs and Scriptures. The judge will pick 1 song AND 1 scripture for the participant to sign. ***Words from “Songs of Faith and Praise” Howard Publishing Co. All verses are to be signed. • 662 All to Jesus I Surrender • 764 Teach Me Lord to Wait • 555 Seek Ye First • Luke 18:28-30 (NIV11) • Deuteronomy 6:4-6 (NIV11) ! ! Signing 3 Each participant will learn all of the Songs and Scriptures in Signing 1 and 2. Prior to the song and scripture selected, a recorded 30 second introduction will be played prior to the beginning of the song. The participant will sign the introduction and then 1 song and 1 scripture as selected by the judges. The introduction will not be scored, but this will allow the participant to experience interpreting unpracticed material without being penalized. SAMPLE INTRODUCTION: Good Morning and welcome to LTC signing for the deaf. We are happy you are here and hope you are blessed by this event. I will now sign a song and a scripture from the bible as directed by my judges. **THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE! The actual introduction will be different at the LTC convention. ! Signing 4 ! Participant will interpret two minutes of Communion Thought SIMILAR to the ones included below and one Level 2 song selected by the judge. SAMPLE COMMUNION THOUGHT “This is the time in our worship when we look back to the cross and what Jesus did for each of us there. We think of the way HE suffered for our sins, the pain and agony that was caused by our thoughts and actions. We think of this bread, HIS body offered for us. As we eat this bread, let us remember that HE died so that we might live. HE suffered for our sins, so that we might not die a spiritual death. And as we drink from this cup, the cup containing the fruit of the vine, which represents his blood shed for us, let us remember that HIS blood covers our sins and makes us clean and pure in God’s sight. Jesus died so that we would not have to be separated from God for eternity. But more importantly, Jesus rose so that we could live with HIM forever. As we participate in this Lord’s Supper, let us think of all that means to us. By partaking of this feast, we remember Jesus’ death and its significance for us until HE comes again to take us home to Heaven” **THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE! The actual communion thought will be different at the LTC convention. ! Signing 5 ! ! ! Interpret a four-minute devotional thought on “Give It Up”. Judging Categories Listed In Order of Importance S-1 Preparation Movement Fingerspelling Understandability Confidence Expression !! S-2 Preparation Movement Understandability Expression Confidence Fingerspelling S-3 Vocabulary Movement Preparation Understandability Process Confidence Expression S-4 Vocabulary Understandability Sign Clarity Movement Process Expression Confidence Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. ! Song Leading 2015 ! Purpose: To encourage the development of song leading skills. ! Process: • Register each participant, or group of participants, in proper age level. • Be certain that their song leaders are registered for song leading and only song leading for a given time period. • Each church must provide one judge for every four students registered in Song Leading. ! Rules: 1. Participants will choose one song from the songs listed below. 2. Only two stanzas of the chosen song are to be led If a song has only one stanza, sing the song twice. 3. Songbooks will be provided for the audience at the event. 4. This is not a come-and-go event. Plan to stay for the session you are attending. 5. There will be separate divisions for boys and girls. 6. There are five grade levels in each division event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. 7. Grades 3-6 may participate in this event at their home church. Results will be submitted as a Challenge Event. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Pitch - The correct pitch is important and affects your rating. • Tempo - The tempo should reflect the mood of the song. • Musical Transition - If one verse is a different tempo, the transition should be smooth. • Volume - The song leader's voice should have good volume and diction as he announces and starts the song. Also, the leader should follow the dynamic markings of the music, which indicate if the music should be soft or loud. • Beat - The leader should indicate the beat of the song. It does not have to be in a 4/4 or 3/4 type pattern, but the beats in the song should be indicated in some manner by the hand. • Verse Transition - The leader must move well from one verse to the next while letting the audience know his intention. (Two stanzas and only two stanzas of the chosen song are to be led.) • Leadership - Leadership is the ability of the leader to show confidence in what he is doing and to get the audience to follow his direction. He is expected to set the tone, mood, and atmosphere for the audience. Assertiveness is expected. • Overall Effectiveness - This is the judge's assessment of the overall effectiveness of the song leader. ! ! The songs listed are from the “Songs of Faith and Praise,” Howard Publishing Company. 100 Holy Ground 213 He Is Able 371 And Can It Be That I Should Gain? 414 Anywhere With Jesus 490 It Is Well with My Soul 555 Seek Ye First 655 Poured Out like Wine 662 All to Jesus I Surrender 678 More about Jesus 691 Make Me New !! 694 Servant Song 695 None of Self and All of Thee 722 Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen 736 To Christ Be True 764 Teach Me Lord to Wait 766 Open Our Eyes, Lord 768 Jesus, Let Us Come to Know You 790 Lord, Take Control 791 On Bended Knee 833 I Want to Be Where You Are Rules for all Convention Events In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. 1. !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Speech 2015 Purpose: To develop verbal communication talents and public speaking skills as they relate to biblical principles. Process: • Register by proper grade level. • Be certain that their speakers are registered for speech and only speech for the given time period. • The speaker must arrive at the proper room before the event begins. • Each church must provide one judge for every four students registered in Speech. ! Rules: 1. Each speech shall be related to the current year's theme. However, students in 3rd-6th grades may choose to speak about a Bible character as the topic of their speech. 2. Speeches shall be three to six minutes in length. Full credit will be awarded for completions within the time limit. A penalty may be assessed for speeches above or below the time limits. 3. Parent or coach's involvement in the conceptualization and writing of the speech will differ as participants grow and develop. It is permissible for parents or coaches to assist younger participants (3rd - 6th grades). However, it is expected that participants will be heavily involved. By 7th - 8th grade, the work should primarily be that of the participants. By 9th grade and above, all work should be researched and written by the participant. Church coordinators and parents will be expected to set the example for participants by enforcing this principle. 4. This event is not a dramatic interpretation. Props will not be allowed. Any article, either carried or worn, that is referenced in the speech will be considered a prop. The Bible is not a prop. 5. Note cards will be allowed. Consideration will be given to participants who demonstrate thorough preparation by memorizing their material. 6. Another speaker may not repeat a speech. 7. Spectators may not enter or leave the room while participants are speaking. Any video or audio equipment must be set up prior to the event, and must be stationary. 8. Judges may not know the participant they are evaluating. 9. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Content - The content should relate to the type of facts, examples, etc., used to lead to a logical conclusion. • Illustrations • LTC Theme - The message shall be related to the current year's LTC theme. • Grammar - The speaker should use good grammar, descriptive words or word pictures, similes, metaphors, and other colorful techniques to bring out his message. • Voice - The speaker should show good variety in voice tone and word speed. He should speak clearly and pronounce words properly. His voice should show sincerity and enthusiasm. • Delivery - A good speech flows naturally and continuously, but there is room for dramatic pauses. Memorized speeches should be given with feeling. • Gestures - Gestures should also be natural and flowing. They should enhance the words and message of the speech rather than be an obligatory, unfeeling act. • Personality and Attitude - The speaker should allow his personality to show through the words he uses, the smile on his face, the sincerity in his eyes, the tone of his voice, and eye contact with the audience. • Overall Impression !! Rules for all Convention Events 1. In a team event a participant may move up to an older level, but an older participant may not move down to a younger level. Each team in each event will participate at the grade level of the highest graded member. 2. A participant may be in only one individual or team event during a given time period. !! !! !! !! ! Challenge Events Section ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! !! !! Challenge Submission Form Bulletin Board Daily Devotion Leadership Outreach Reading Scripture Service Song Leading Teaching ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! Challenge Submission Form (Submit one form per church per Challenge Event) Church LTC Number: ___________ Church:_________________________ City: _________________ ! ! !! ! ! Event: _____ Bulletin Board _____Daily Devotion _____ Outreach _____ Reading _____ Scripture _____Service _____ Song Leading _____ Teaching _____ Leadership (This event does not have a level. Please circle Gold) Student’s Name Award 1. G S B 2. G S B 3. G S B 4. G S B 5. G S B 6. G S B 7. G S B 8. G S B 9. G S B 10. G S B 11. G S B 12. G S B 13. G S B 14. G S B 15. G S B 16. G S B 17. G S B 18. G S B 19. G S B 20. G S B _____ _____ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! Totals _____ ! ! Bulletin Board Challenge 2015 Purpose: To develop the ability to use creative ideas and techniques to communicate a thought or theme. Process: • Complete all requirements by 2015 NTLTC Convention. • At the convention, submit all individuals completing Bulletin Board Challenge on the Challenge Submission Form to registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. A maximum of three students may work on one board. 2. The board must be displayed in a class room or other public area at the church building. 3. When assisting a teacher or ministry leader, the board can be about anything and does not need to be the idea or creation of the student. 4. A picture of any completed bulletin board may be brought to the convention for display. You are not required to bring a picture of any board. !! ! ! ! ! ! Awards: Gold - One bulletin board on the theme and assist a teacher or ministry leader on a board. Silver - One bulletin board on the theme. Bronze - Assist a teacher or ministry leader on a bulletin board. Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be submitted. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Daily Devotional Challenge 2015 ! ! Purpose: To promote the habit of daily Bible reading and prayer. Process: • Complete all requirements by 2015 NTLTC Convention. • At the convention, submit all Daily Devotional entries on the Challenge Submission Form to registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. This event is open to 3rd - 12th grade students. 2. The participant must read the Bible following a set plan. Two possible plans are outlined below. The church coordinator may develop additional plans. 3. The participant must spend time in prayer each day and keep a journal of things he/she prays about. This journal will allow the participant to observe how the Lord works in his/her prayer life. 4. The Church Coordinator may produce a blank journal to aid the students in this effort. Participants also may use a purchased journal. ! ! Awards: Plan 1 !! Plan 2 7TH - 12TH GRADES Gold - Read 60 days in 63 total days Silver - Read 45 days in 47 total days Bronze - Read 30 days in 31 total days 3RD - 6TH GRADES Gold - Read 40 days in 43 total days Silver - Read 30 days in 32 total days Bronze - Read 21 days in 22 total days 7TH - 12TH GRADES Gold - 15 minutes a day 5 days a week for 3 consecutive months Silver - 15 minutes a day 4 days a week for 3 consecutive months Bronze - 15 minutes a day 3 days a week for 3 consecutive months ! ! !! 3RD - 6TH GRADES Gold - 10 minutes a day 5 days a week for 3 consecutive months Silver - 10 minutes a day 4 days a week for 3 consecutive months Bronze - 10 minutes a day 3 days a week for 3 consecutive months Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be completed. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Leadership Challenge 2015 ! Purpose: To promote the leadership of older participants in the training of younger participants. ! Process: • Complete all requirements by the 2015 Convention. • At the convention, submit all Leadership Challenge entries on the Challenge Submission Form to registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. This event is open to 9th - 12th grade students. 2. The participant shall lead a group of students in their training for the 2015 NTLTC Convention. The students led must be in grades 3 - 8. 3. The participant must meet with these students for a minimum of six sessions. 4. The participant will coach or co-coach a team event or three individuals preparing for an individual event. The teen may work with an adult, but must take a major leadership role in the training. No more than three teens may work together with one team. 5. The participant will work under the guidance of the Church Coordinator who will certify completion of this event. The Church Coordinator may further define these requirements for his local congregation. ! !! Awards: A recognition plate will be awarded for completion of this event. Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be completed. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Outreach Challenge 2015 Purpose: To provide the opportunity for young people to share their faith. Process: • Complete all requirements by the 2015 NTLTC convention. • At the convention, submit all individuals completing Outreach Challenge on the Challenge Submission Form to registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. The two grade levels in this event are 3rd-8th and 9th-12th. 2. Participants may choose from the following list of outreach projects, or may create new ones. 3. Pre-approval by the church coordinator is required for any project added to the list below ! Suggested Projects: a) Teach or help with Vacation Bible School at your home church. b) Teach or help with a Vacation Bible School on a mission trip. c) Participate in a door knocking or flyer campaign for a local church. d) Receive training in or develop an evangelistic Bible study. e) Participate in a service mission trip. f) Send letters or cards or make a personal visit to a church or class visitor. g) Invite 7 people to a worship or church youth event. h) Hold a practice Bible study with a parent or teacher. i) Lead a Bible study or devotional at your school, church or home. j) Give a Bible correspondence course (such as WBS). k) Help organize a youth rally designed to reach out to the community. l) Attend two missions committee meetings and/or a missionary presentation. m) Write two letters of encouragement to a missionary. You may receive up to 2 projects for this if you write two or more letters to at least two active missionaries. ! Awards: There will be three levels of recognition in the Grades 3rd - 6th Gold - 6 projects Silver - 4 projects Bronze - 3 projects There will be three levels of recognition in the Grades 7th - 12th Gold - 7 projects Silver - 5 projects Bronze - 4 projects ! !! Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be completed. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Reading Challenge 2015 Purpose: To provide an opportunity for young people to develop skills through the oral reading of the Scripture. Process: • Choose a reading from Old or New Testament for each participant. • Choose reading from a standard translation, no paraphrases. • Complete the Bible Reading before coming to the convention, judged at the student’s home congregation. All Bible Readers are to be submitted on one Challenge Submission Form at registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. A brief introduction is required. The entire presentation of the introduction and scripture reading is not to be less than one minute or more than two minutes in length. Student's rating will be penalized for any time less than one minute or over two minutes. Therefore, aim for one minute and thirty seconds. After the two-minute time limit, the reader will be stopped. 2. Participants should not attempt to explain or interpret the passages. However, participants should place major emphasis on the actual Bible reading and not on prepared statements. The identification of the passage, the translation, and the setting of the passage together shall not exceed 20 seconds. 3. Participants will be penalized if the identification and introduction exceeds 20 seconds. Participants will also be penalized if they omit identification of the passage and translation. Memorization is neither required nor encouraged; the ability to read the passage is what is being judged. 4. Each participant will be rated by at least one judge. 5. Reading may be done in English or Spanish. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Poise - Proper composure and self-confidence while reading will be rated. • Posture - Proper posture while reading will be rated. One should stand straight with both feet firmly on the floor. Any movement done should be to emphasize a point. • Voice Tone - The proper voice tone will be rated. • Voice Volume - The proper voice volume will be rated. Can the speaker be heard clearly in relationship to the room size and audience? • Rate and Flow - Does the reading flow well? • Articulation and Enunciation - Are the words pronounced clearly and distinctly? • Eye Contact - Proper gestures and eye contact will be rated. To give emphasis to the reading, does the reader have the ability to look away from his text and look at the audience? • Introduction to the Passage - The effectiveness of the participants in: (1) the identification of the passage, (2) the translation, and (3) the setting of the passage will be rated. The identification and introduction should not exceed 20 seconds of the total time. • Reading Time - The entire presentation of the introduction and scripture reading is to be neither less than one minute, nor more than two minutes in length including the introduction. • Overall Impression - The overall impression of the reader and reading will be rated. This will include appropriate dress. !! Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be completed. !! !! !! !! !! !! Scripture Challenge 2015 ! ! Purpose: To promote the habit of memorizing scripture. Process: • Memorize 100 verses of scripture. • Submit all Scripture entries at the convention on the Challenge Submission Form to registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. First-time participants may select the scriptures to be memorized. Repeat participants may learn the 100 suggested scriptures or 100 scriptures approved by their church coordinator. 2. The student may use any translation except those referred to as paraphrased or condensed. 3. Memory work shall be quoted verbatim (within reason) to the chosen text. 4. The participant may use a list of scriptures during the sittings, but may have no other notes. 5. The Church Coordinator will specify one or more individuals to listen to students and verify their accomplishments. This adult may not be related to the student. He/she must certify that the student has memorized and recited 100 verses. ! Awards: Individual awards will be given to participants who memorize 100 verses and recite them at one of the following award levels: ! ! 7TH - 12TH GRADES Gold - 100 verses at 1 sitting Silver - 25 verses at 4 different sittings Bronze - 10 verses at 10 different sittings 3RD - 6TH GRADES Gold -- 50 verses at 2 different sittings Silver -- 25 verses at 4 different sittings Bronze -- 10 verses at 10 different sittings ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! Suggested Scripture Challenge Verses (Remember, your church coordinator can approve alternate verses) All verses are from “Luke” Luke 2:1-21 (21 verses) Luke 5:1-32 (32 verses) Luke 12:13-21 (9 verses) Luke 14:33 (1 verse) Luke 19:1-10 (10 verses) Luke 21:1-4 (4 verses) Luke 24:13-35 (23 verses) Total of 100 verses Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be submitted. !! !! !! !! Service Challenge 2015 ! ! Purpose: To encourage students to make Christian service an integral part of their lives. Process: • Complete all requirements by 2015 NTLTC Convention. • Confirm that students have completed all projects. • At the convention, submit all Service Challenge entries on the Challenge Submission Form to registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. Participants may choose from the following list of service projects or may create new ones. A major project such as a mission trip, VBS, work camp, etc. can count as a maximum of two projects but must cover at least three separate days. 2. Pre-approval by the Church Coordinator is required for any projects added to the list below. 3. When creating their own projects, participants are encouraged to meet the needs of individuals, assist their immediate family, build up their church, or improve their community. ! ! Suggested Project Descriptions for Grades 3 - 6 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Spend one hour picking up trash somewhere in the community. Write five notes of encouragement to shut-ins, sick, etc. Help a shut-in from your congregation with chores at his/her home. Work on a recycling project for at least one month and donate the money to a non-profit organization. Write three letters to missionaries encouraging them in their work. Read a book of the New Testament on tape to be given to a person who has difficulty reading. At a cemetery in your community help with the never-ending fight against litter and weeds. Contact a children's home and arrange to be a pen pal for one of the children. (Send at least six letters during a threemonth period.) i) Arrive early and set up for a church event that isn't related to the children's or youth ministries. ! ! Suggested Project Descriptions for Grades 7 - 12 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Baby-sit free of charge for a total of ten hours. Locate a needy family and put together and deliver a "care package" of food, toys, etc. for them. Help three shut-ins from your congregation with chores at their home. Visit a local nursing home and read devotional literature or the Bible to the residents. Write ten sympathy notes to individuals or families. Write five notes of appreciation to Bible class teachers who have made a difference in your life. Volunteer ten hours to help church staff (i.e., maintenance, secretaries, or ministers). Volunteer to either pick up groceries for an elderly person or to take him/her shopping with you. Volunteer to work an hour a week for one month in the church library or workroom. Assist in a children's Bible class for one complete quarter or trimester. Find a local children's home and assist with a food/supply drive or service project at the home. You can locate a list of Church-affiliated homes at http://www.ccfsa.org/directory/. l) Make a bedroll for a homeless person. m) Make receiving blankets and diaper shirts for a hospital mission. Awards: ! Method 1 Grades 3 - 6: Gold -- 10 projects Grades 7 - 12: Gold -- 12 projects Silver -- 8 projects Silver -- 10 projects Bronze -- 6 projects Bronze -- 8 projects Method 2 Grades 3 - 6: Gold -- 20 hours Grades 7 - 12: Gold -- 30 hours Silver -- 16 hours Silver -- 25 hours Bronze -- 12 hours Bronze -- 20 hours ! !! Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be completed. ! ! Song Leading Challenge 2015 3-6 grades only Purpose: To encourage the development of song leading skills. Process: • Choose a song to lead for each participant. • Complete the Song Leading before coming to the convention, judged at the student’s home congregation. All Challenge Song Leaders are to be submitted on one Challenge Submission Form for at registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. Participants will choose one song from the songs listed below. 2. Only two stanzas of the chosen song are to be led If a song has only one stanza, sing the song twice. 3. This Challenge Event is open to 3-6 graders only. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Pitch - The correct pitch is important and affects your rating. • Tempo - The tempo should reflect the mood of the song. • Musical Transition - If one verse is a different tempo, the transition should be smooth. • Volume - The song leader's voice should have good volume and diction as he announces and starts the song. Also, the leader should follow the dynamic markings of the music, which indicate if the music should be soft or loud. • Beat - The leader should indicate the beat of the song. It does not have to be in a 4/4 or 3/4 type pattern, but the beats in the song should be indicated in some manner by the hand. • Verse Transition - The leader must move well from one verse to the next while letting the audience know his intention. (Two stanzas and only two stanzas of the chosen song are to be led.) • Leadership - Leadership is the ability of the leader to show confidence in what he is doing and to get the audience to follow his direction. He is expected to set the tone, mood, and atmosphere for the audience. Assertiveness is expected. • Overall Effectiveness - This is the judge's assessment of the overall effectiveness of the song leader. ! ! The songs listed are from the “Songs of Faith and Praise,” Howard Publishing Company. 100 Holy Ground 213 He Is Able 371 And Can It Be That I Should Gain? 414 Anywhere With Jesus 490 It Is Well with My Soul 555 Seek Ye First 655 Poured Out like Wine 662 All to Jesus I Surrender 678 More about Jesus 691 Make Me New !! 694 Servant Song 695 None of Self and All of Thee 722 Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen 736 To Christ Be True 764 Teach Me Lord to Wait 766 Open Our Eyes, Lord 768 Jesus, Let Us Come to Know You 790 Lord, Take Control 791 On Bended Knee 833 I Want to Be Where You Are Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be completed. !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! Teaching Challenge 2015 Purpose: To encourage young people to develop creative teaching skills. ! Process: • Complete all requirements by 2015 NTLTC convention. • At the convention, submit all Teaching Challenge entries on the Challenge Submission Form to registration by 6 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015. ! Rules: 1. This is an individual event, not a team event. 2. The participant should be at least three years older than the class he/she is teaching. 3. As a helper, the participant must aid the teacher in preparing for the class. This would include things such as cutting out handwork, coloring and preparing visual aids, preparing artwork, etc. 4. As a helper and teacher, the participant must aid the teacher in preparing for the class and teach a small portion of the class such as the Bible lesson or the application story, etc. 5. As a teacher, the participant would be responsible for preparing for the class and teaching the whole class time. 6. Participants should complete these tasks with the same class. Participants are encouraged to complete these tasks within consecutive weeks. ! Awards: There will be three levels of recognition in the Grades 3 - 6 division: Bronze - one class period as a helper and one class period as a helper and teacher (two weeks) Silver - two class periods as a helper and one class period as a helper and teacher (three weeks) Gold - two class periods as a helper and two class periods as a helper and teacher (four weeks) ! There will be three levels of recognition in the Grades 7 - 12 division: Bronze - one class period as a helper and one class period as a helper and teacher (two weeks) Silver - one class period as a helper and two class periods as a helper and teacher (three weeks) Gold - one class period as a helper, two class periods as a helper and teacher, and one class period as a teacher (four weeks) !! Rules for all Challenge Events 1. All challenge events must be turned in to registration upon arrival at the convention. 2. One Challenge Submission Form per congregation will be completed. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! Preconvention Events Section ! Audio Broadcast Essay Fiction Impact Video Poetry PowerPoint Presentation Short Film Songwriting Video Bible Drama Webpage ! ! Audio Broadcast 2015 Purpose: To encourage outreach through the presentation of Biblical messages through the audio medium. Categories: • Category A. Radio Message - Share a brief devotional thought based on the current year's LTC theme. Participate as an individual or on a team of no more than three people. • Category B. Audio Drama - Create a theatrical script based on the current year’s LTC theme and record the drama. The team size is not limited to a specific number. ! Process: • Participate as an individual or on a team. • In Category A, a team is limited to three people. In Category B, a team is not limited by number. • Use the following file format: .mp3. • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit an Audio Broadcast Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located at ntltc.org/precon-submission.html ! Rules: 1. For Radio Message, the participant's submission shall not be shorter than 30 seconds or longer than 60 seconds. For Audio Drama, the participant’s submission shall not be longer than 10 minutes. 2. Full credit will be awarded for completions within the time limit. A penalty may be assessed for performances above this limit. The voices in the message must be within the time frame. 3. Background music, special effects, etc. are permissible. 4. No adult voices shall be on the tape, only student voices will be on the tape. 5. Include a typed script of the Audio Broadcast. 6. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Appropriate Details - Music, background noise, etc., if needed for submission. • Continuity • Adherence to theme • Timing • Creativity • Special Effects • Voice Inflection/Control • Clarity of Sound ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Essay 2015 Purpose: To develop written communication skills in conveying biblical ideas. Process: • Write an article with the content addressing the current year's LTC theme. • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit an Essay Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located at ntltc.org/precon-submission.html Rules: 1. The essay length shall be 250 to 500 words. 2. The essay shall be typewritten and double spaced. For students sixth grade or younger, handwritten work is admissible. It must be, in the minds of judges, legible and neatly presented. 3. The essay shall start with the title of the essay followed by the text. 4. Copies of an oratory speech will not be accepted as an essay. 5. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Theme - The essay will be rated on the use of the assigned LTC theme. • Creativity - The essay will be rated on the blend of your creativity with the theme, the ability to hold reader’s interest, and relevance to today. • Spelling - The essay will be rated on the proper use of the English language, word usage, and spelling. • Grammar - The essay will be rated on its grammar and punctuation. • Readability - The essay will be rated on readability. This concerns the correct use of paragraphs, pagination, the absence of typographical errors, and structure as an essay. • Thesis Statement - The current year’s LTC theme must be clearly introduced in the beginning of the paper with the thesis statement. A thesis statement declares what you believe and what you intend to prove. The thesis statement is typically located at the end of your opening paragraph. • Supporting Points - The main idea (thesis) should be supported by three to five points in the body of the article. • Conclusion - The essay should be closed by a conclusion that restates your thesis and is sustained by the previous material. • Use of Scripture – The essay will be rated on how well scripture is used to support the thesis, including the accurate quotation and use of biblical passages. ! ! Note: The criteria of Theme, Thesis Statement, Supporting Points, Conclusion, and Use of Scripture will be judged with greater merit and will have a greater effect on the award. Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Fiction 2015 Purpose: This event encourages those who enjoy creative writing to use their skills in a Christian arena. Process: • Write a short story that reflects the current year's LTC theme. • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit a Fiction Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located at ntltc.org/precon-submission.html Rules: 1. Include a heading to the front page of the story with student’s name and grade. 2. The story should be type written, 12 point Arial, Helvetica or Verdana font, double-spaced with 1" margins, and two to seven pages in length. 3. The story may be written in any form of fiction (e.g., mystery, action, humor, fable, etc.) so long as it reflects the current year's LTC theme. The theme may be reflected anywhere in the story, climax, or conclusion, so long as it is clearly and accurately taught or presented. 4. The story should use correct grammar (including spelling) and proper punctuation. 5. The story should include elements appropriate for fiction, such as plot and character development. 6. Adult assistance should be mainly verbal. Adults may discuss the theme and its possible applications and make verbal suggestions on content and style. Adults may also note editorial corrections on the participant's written work. 7. Each participant may submit only one entry. 8. There will be five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Theme - Is the LTC theme clearly and accurately taught or presented in the story? • Language - Does the participant use correct grammar and correct spelling? Do word choices enhance the story? • Punctuation and Mechanics - Does the participant use proper punctuation as well as paragraph and sentence structure? • Readability - Is the story readable? Does it include elements appropriate for fiction, such as plot and character development? Does the plot flow easily, or is the story confusing? Does the story catch and hold the reader’s attention? Do descriptions help you see the story unfold? Does the introduction make you interested in reading more? • Creativity - How unique is the story in plot, form or expression? Does the story offer a unique perspective of the LTC theme? • Format - Did the participant follow instructions for formatting the entry (length, style of presentation, etc.)? • Submission - Did the participant follow instructions for submitting the entry (supplying entry form with necessary information, sending necessary copies, meeting deadline, etc.)? ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! Impact Video 2015 ! Purpose: Produce a short video that illustrates the current year's LTC theme. The entry encourages faith in a format that is capable of being easily and widely shared online within the different social media networks. ! Process: • Participate as an individual or on a team. • Film and edit a short video about the LTC theme. • Upload the video to YouTube with NTLTC 2015 somewhere in the video description. • Promote your video through various online methods (Twitter, Facebook, email, etc). • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit a Impact Video Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located on ntltc.org/precon-submission.html ! Rules: 1. Maximum length of the Impact Video is 2 minutes. Videos that exceed the time limit will be penalized. 2. Video must incorporate the current year's LTC theme. 3. Video should appeal to an online audience. 4. Video should be creative and unique. 5. All actors/narrators/participants must be students. 6. Royalty free background music, special effects, etc. are allowed. 7. Each submission form requires the following information: LTC church number, church name, church city, site you will attend, participants names and grades, number of students and the link to the submission. 8. Each email submitted shall include the following documentation: Participants Names and Grades Church name and LTC Church number Link to video and brief description of video Type of camera used and editing software Name of Editor 9. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 10.The video may include students from more than one grade division; however, the video will be judged in the division of the oldest participant. ! Awards: Awards will be given to all team members, based on each team's rating. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. ! Judging Criteria: • Theme - Is the current year's theme subtly or obviously displayed? • Creativity - Does the video display creativity? • Uniqueness - Is the video unique in content, presentation, or style? • Length - Is the video 2 minutes or less? • Picture - Does the video have good picture quality? • Sound - Are all actors, sound effects, music, etc. clearly heard and understood? • Copyright - Are all copyright rules followed? • Video Editing - Is the video properly edited? • Acting (if applicable) - Do the participants show effort put into acting? • Views - Has the participant attempted to gather views by cross-promotion on social media? ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Poetry 2015 Purpose: To develop the ability to express spiritual feelings and thoughts in the form of poetry and verse. Process: • Write a poem that reflects the current year's theme. • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit a Poetry Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located at ntltc.org/precon-submission.html ! Rules: 1. The poem may be written in any meter or rhythm. It does not have to rhyme. Poems that do rhyme can adhere to any rhyme scheme. 2. Poems shall start with a title line. 3. The story should be type written, 12 point Arial, Helvetica or Verdana font and shall not exceed one page. 4. Adult assistance shall be essentially verbal. Adults may discuss the theme and possible poetic applications, make verbal suggestions on content and style, and note editorial corrections on the participant's written work. 5. Only one poem per participant will be accepted. 6. Poetry is an individual event. 7. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Creativity - Unique or unusual expression of ideas. • Theme - LTC theme should be clearly and accurately presented. • Scheme - Uses rhyme schemes, meter or non-rhyming schemes that achieve a poetic effect. • Readability - Appropriate use of "poetic license," desired effect, easy flow. • Overall Effect - Words, style, meaning, attention getting. ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! PowerPoint Presentation 2015 Purpose: To develop and demonstrate creative and technical talents by creating a PowerPoint presentation. Categories K) Scrapbook of your church’s youth ministry for the past year or a Scrapbook of your church’s preparation and participation in LTC for the past year. L) Devotional Meditation based on this year’s LTC theme. M) Songs and Sermon Notes centered on this year’s LTC theme. N) Bible Story Telling ! Process: • For Category A, create a presentation of activities from April 2014 through March 2015. • For Category B, develop a presentation of a devotional thought based on the current year’s theme. It should be suitable for use in the corporate worship time or during personal devotions. • For Category C, the entry must be suitable for presentation at a Sunday morning assembly. • Category D should tell a Bible story that relates to the current year’s theme. • The PowerPoint Presentation should be self-explanatory. You may provide additional descriptions of the pictures and a short narrative about the activities for the judges in a one-page attachment. • Submit the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit a PowerPoint Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located on ntltc.org/precon-submission.html ! Rules: 1. Presentations must be not less than 10 slides or more than 40 slides. The first slide must include participants’ name(s) with their grade(s), church name with church number, convention site, category, and copyright information. You must name your file with your team number. 2. The slides themselves and all features within the slide should advance automatically. The maximum time for the presentation is 7 minutes. 3. Due to the variety of fonts and features within PowerPoint itself, presenters should check their presentation on different computers to ensure compatibility. Presentations will be judged on computers running PowerPoint 2000 or better on both Windows and Macintosh platforms. 4. A maximum of three students may work on a presentation. Each student may participate on only one team. 5. The presentation will be judged at the level of the oldest participant. 6. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12. 7. Adult assistance shall be limited to that of technical advice and supervision only. ! Awards: Awards will be given to all team members, based on each team’s rating. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze, and honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. ! Judging Criteria: • Depicts Theme - Viewer’s understanding of the theme and its impact on people’s lives is enhanced. This includes activities outside of LTC preparation that show real life application of the theme. • Displays Creativity - Fonts, colors, graphics, sounds, and animation are used in creative, tasteful, and aesthetically pleasing ways. • Neatness/Legibility - Slides are not “cluttered,” but display a well-organized, informative presentation of the material. • Description of Events - Descriptions which accompany pictures should be succinct, yet informative. • Follows Required Standards - Follow procedures and rules outlined above. • Overall Impact - Does the presentation glorify God? ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! ! ! ! Short Film 2015 Purpose: To provide those in the community of believers and those in the larger community with a dramatic presentation designed to encourage a faith response or to deepen existing faith. Process: • Participate as an individual or on a team. • Create a theatrical script based on the current year’s LTC theme and act it out. • Use one of the following file formats for electronic submission: .mov, .mp4, .wmv. • Short Film is not to be a filming of a drama intended to be preformed at the convention. • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit a Short Film Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located at ntltc.org/precon-submission.html ! Rules: 1. Maximum length of the Short Film is 20 minutes. Films that exceed the time limit will be penalized. 2. Background music, special effects, etc. are both permissible and strongly encouraged. 3. Adults may be on camera if they are featured as part of a documentary or their role is not a major one in the film. 4. Each submission form requires the following information: LTC church number, church name, church city, site you will attend, grade level of oldest participant, number of students and the filename of the submission. 5. The title of the film, the writer, the actors, director, camera operator, and editor should be included in the a title sequence or credits of the film. 6. Participating groups may submit more than one entry, but each film submitted individually. 7. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 8. The film may include students from more than one grade division; however, the film will be judged in the division of the oldest participant. ! Awards: Awards will be given to all team members, based on each team's rating. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. ! Judging Criteria: • Adherence to Theme • Creativity • Overall Technical Expertise • Musical Effects • Video Editing • Special Effects • Sound Editing • Costumes • Acting • Art Design (if applicable) ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! Song Writing 2015 Purpose: To develop the ability to express spiritual thoughts and feelings in the form of song. Process: • Write an original a cappella composition relating to the current year's theme. That is, write a song for voices only; do not include instrumental accompaniment. • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit a Song Writing Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located at ntltc.org/precon-submission.html ! Rules: 1. Write an original melody and original lyrics. Do not write words to be sung to the tune of an existing melody. No awards will be given for lyrics only. The lyrics must adhere to this year's LTC theme. You may, instead of writing original lyrics, set a scripture text to music, in which case you must note that fact on your title page. 2. When you have finished your composition, sing your song in someone else's hearing to be sure it is as singable as you think it is. Then try teaching it to someone. 3. Harmony is not required, although proper harmonic chords may enhance the composition. Two-part harmony at least is encouraged in the older grade levels. A composition will not be penalized for being melody only. Improper harmonic chords may result in lower ratings. 4. More than one person may work on a composition, but the song will be judged in the division of the oldest participant. It is intended that all writers of both words and music be student participants. 5. Submit your entry on paper that is 8-1/2" x 11". It is acceptable to do the scoring by hand or by using computer software. If you do not use preprinted staff paper, take extra care to make your work neat and readable. 6. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Music - Pleasing to the ear. • Range - Comfortable range, high to low (if parts, each range appropriate.) • Intervals - Easy to master. • Originality/Music - Creative use of accidentals. • Lyrics - Syllables, stress on right beat, etc. • LTC Theme - Adherence to the theme. • Originality/Lyrics • Aesthetic Value and Fit Melody • Comply to Form - Participant name, address and grade level; congregation name, phone number; song title; scripture text if used. • Song Copy - Neatness, readability of copy, adherence to size requirement. ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! Video Bible Drama 2015 Purpose: To dramatize a Bible story that illustrates the current year's LTC theme. Process: • Select an appropriate Bible story that illustrates the current year's LTC theme. • Create the script based on the scripture. Provide costumes, props, and student actors. • Use one of the following file formats for electronic submission: .mov, .mp4, .wmv. • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit a Video Bible Drama Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located at ntltc.org/precon-submission.html ! Rules: 1. The Bible drama stories are to be selected from either the Old or New Testament. 2. The video play must incorporate a dramatization of a Bible story that illustrates the current year's LTC theme. Additionally, it may include a modern-day application, if desired. 3. Maximum length of the Bible drama is 10 minutes. Dramas that exceed the time limit will be penalized. 4. Participating groups may submit more than one entry, but each drama submitted must be recorded on a separate file with pertinent documentation for the drama. 5. There are five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. 6. The drama may include students from more than one grade division; however, the drama will be judged in the division of the oldest participant. 7. All actors and narrators must be student participants. ! Awards: Awards will be given to all team members, based on each team's rating. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. ! Judging Criteria: • Theme - Adherence to the current year's theme is clearly and easily perceived. • Biblical Accuracy - Story re-enactment will adhere to the details from the text. Although some liberty may be required for smooth dialogue, understanding action, etc., the facts as described in the Bible may not be altered. • Continuity - Story line and dialogue should flow smoothly, particularly in the transition that must occur when a modern application is included. • Delivery - Speaking and interaction between characters should be smooth and natural. • Poise - Movement and reactions of the characters are appropriate for the story and seem "real" to the observer. • Costumes - Clothing shall be appropriate for story and lend authenticity to roles the characters portray. • Set Design - Sets and props need not be elaborate. However, creative use of setting and props make the situation believable and adds to the overall effect. • Clarity of Picture - Characters and action should be clearly discerned, not fuzzy or indistinct. Transition between scenes or "takes" should be smooth. • Clarity of Sound - All actors, sound effects, music, etc. should be clearly heard and understood. • Special Effects - Creativity in lighting, camera angles and other different approaches can greatly enhance the production. It is important to note that editing out mistakes can also improve the final product. • Audience Appeal - When the play is finished, notice the observers' responses to the production as a whole. ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! Web Page 2015 Purpose: To develop creative and technical talents by the creation of a Web site on the Internet. Process: • Create a web site on the Internet. • Upload the entry on or before February 27, 2015. • Submit a Web Page Submission Form. • A link to the form and a link to upload your file is located on ntltc.org/precon-submission.html Rules: 1. The entry must reflect the current year’s LTC theme. 2. The site shall be of a format that is generally accessible to most users of the Internet. Each site may consist of one or more pages with links from the site to the individual pages. 3. Each submission form requires the following information: LTC church number, church name, church city, site you will attend, participants names and grades, number of students and and complete URL for the site with a list of pages or URLs within the site that are to be judged. 4. Adult assistance shall be limited to advice and supervision. The site shall be the work of the participants only. 5. There will be five grade levels in this event: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. ! ! Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze, or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed. Judging Criteria: • Glorifies God - How well does the entry make use of the Internet to glorify God through text, graphics, or animated graphics? • Depicts Theme - How well does the entry depict the theme and uplift the reader? • Displays Creativity - How well does the entry display creativity through text, graphics, or animated graphics? • Site is Legible - Is the site legible? • Site has Well-Planned Look - Does the site look well planned and professional? • Pages Load Quickly - Do the pages load quickly? • Intuitive - Does everything work as it appears it should - intuitively? • Copyright Laws Observed • Credit Given to Authors • Impact ! Use of Materials Submitted to NTLTC Ownership of work submitted to NTLTC as a part of NTLTC events remains the property of the submitter. The participant authorizes use of the entry by the NTLTC Board of Directors in any way the Board may deem appropriate. This may include but is not limited to promotion, fund-raising, or training for the purpose of Christian leadership training of youth. !! !! !!
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