PhonBank Manual A Guide to the PhonBank Database Web access: PhonBank CHAT data: PhonBank Phon data: PhonBank media: CLAN Application: Phon Application: Document prepared by Carla Peddle In collaboration with Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose Last revised: August 25, 2014 Table of Contents Dutch-Levelt & Fikkert ................................................................................................3 Dutch-Zink ..................................................................................................................4 English-Chiat ...............................................................................................................5 English-Compton & Streeter ........................................................................................6 English-Davis ..............................................................................................................7 English-Inkelas .......................................................................................................... 10 English-Smith ............................................................................................................ 11 English-Stanford ....................................................................................................... 12 French-Goad & Rose ................................................................................................. 13 French-Kern .............................................................................................................. 14 French-Stanford ........................................................................................................ 15 German-PAIDUS........................................................................................................ 16 German-Stuttgart/TAKI ............................................................................................. 18 Japanese-Ota ............................................................................................................ 21 Japanese-Stanford .................................................................................................... 22 PAIDOLOGOS-Cantonese/English/Greek/Japanese .................................................... 23 Portuguese-Lisbon .................................................................................................... 24 Portuguese-Freitas .................................................................................................... 26 Romanian-Kern ......................................................................................................... 27 Spanish-PAIDUS ........................................................................................................ 28 Swedish-Stanford...................................................................................................... 30 Tunisian-Kern ........................................................................................................... 32 2 Dutch-Levelt & Fikkert Project Name: Dutch-CLPF Investigators: Claartje Levelt Paula Fikkert Contact: Location: Leiden & Groningen, NL Number of Participants: 12 Nature of the Study: babbling, full word, naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): wave files Citation Information: Fikkert, Paula (1994). On the Acquisition of Prosodic Structure. HIL Dissertations in Linguistics 6. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics. Levelt, Clara (1994). On the Acquisition of Place. Leiden: HIL Dissertations in Linguistics 8. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Catootje David Elke Enzo Eva Jarmo Leon Leonie Noortje Robin Tirza Tom 1988-10-24 1987-11-23 1988-04-06 1987-11-30 1988-06-06 1988-05-03 1987-12-10 1986-05-07 1988-02-10 1988-05-27 1988-04-13 1988-10-05 1;10.10 - 2;07.04 1;11.07 - 2;03.27 1;06.24 - 2;04.28 1;11.08 - 2;06.11 1;04.12 - 1;11.08 1;04.18 - 2;04.01 1;10.01 - 2;08.19 1;09.15 - 1;11.18 1;07.14 - 2;11.00 1;05.10 - 2;04.29 1;07.09 - 2;06.12 1;00.24 - 2;03.02 Number of Sessions 16 6 19 16 12 23 23 7 21 23 20 25 Sex F M F M F M M F F F F M Recordings were made in the child’s home during natural, spontaneous, interactive sessions with one or both of the experimenters and occasionally with one of the parents. Typically a researcher or parent would interact with the child by reading books or playing with toys and occasionally asking the child what s/he saw in books or what s/he was doing. During transcription, unintelligible utterances were left out, however, false starts, errors, breakdowns, etc. were transcribed since they may provide valuable information about the child’s competence. If the child’s utterances contained more than one word, boundaries were placed between the words. No boundaries were placed if it was unclear whether the child knew the different words of which the utterance consisted, such as “what is that?”. This corpus was converted from the original CLPF database. We extend many thanks to Claartje Levelt and Paula Fikkert for their assistance with the conversion process. The transcripts have been linked to the available audio clips for five children: Catootje, Enzo, Eva, Robin, and Tirza. We hope to add the audio for the other children at a later date. 3 At this stage, the data have not been entirely rechecked from the original transcriptions. Careful spot-checking however suggests that the conversion is accurate. Please feel free to contact us or the original authors in case you have questions. The following lists illustrate some child-specific forms and onomatopoeia present in the childrens’ speech. Child-specific forms Bertje Bumba Dribbel Jules Willy Zina Lola Tiny Bambi Musti Sofie Samson Sjoewie Referent piglet clown dog boy animal dog chicken girl deer cat crocodile dog dog Onomatopoeia mei pok hi kwak ia huuu woef miauw kukeleku Referent Sheep, goat chicken horse duck donkey horse dog cat rooster In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. Dutch-Zink Project Name: Dutch-Zink Investigators: Inge Zink Contact: Location: Leuven, Brabant and Antwerp, BE Number of Participants: 4 Nature of the Study: naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): Mini DV Cassettes (later digitized to DVDs) Citation Information: Zink, I. (2005). De verwerving van de klankproductie tijdens de brabbelperiode bij vier Vlaamse kinderen. Logopedie, 18,4, 13-20. Kern, S., Davis, B., Zink, I. (2009). From babbling to first words in four languages: Common trends across languages and individual differences. In: d'Errico F., Hombert J. (Eds.), Becoming Eloquent. Advances in the emergence of language, human cognition, and modern cultures (pp. 205-232). Philadelphia:. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 4 Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Number of Sessions Sex David 2002-09-03 08.04 – 2;02.14 38 M Judith 2003-06-13 08.03 – 2;00.26 39 F Laurien 2002-03-08 08.07 – 2;01.26 37 F Meinder 2002-05-07 08.14 – 2;02.05 38 M The recordings for this corpus were made in Leuven, Brabant, Belgium (3 children: Meinder, Judith, Laurien) and Antwerp, Belgium (1 child: David). The participants were recorded every two weeks from 8 months to 25 months of age. Each recording session lasted approximately 60 minutes. The team made recordings using a Panasonic Digital Video Camera (NV-GS180) and a Sennheiser ew100 microphone on 60 minute fuji Mini DVCassettes. The video files were later digitized to DVDs. During the recording sessions, the child interacted with his/her mother (or both parents) and a speech therapist and/or a master’s student of speech-language pathology was present. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. English-Chiat Project Name: English-Chiat Investigator(s): Shula Chiat Contact: Location: UK Number of Participants: 3 Nature of study: clinical, naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): Audio files (wave files) Citation Information: Chiat, S. (1983). Why Mikey’s right and My key’s wrong: The significance of stress and word boundaries in a child’s output system. Cognition, 14, 275-300. Chiat, S. (1989). The relation between prosodic structure, syllabification and segmental realization: Evidence from a child with fricative stopping. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 3, 223-42 Chiat, S. (1994). From lexical access to lexical output: What is the problem for children with impaired phonology? In M. Yavas (Ed.), First and second language phonology. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group. 5 Participant Name Date of Birth Age range DI 1983-04-06 5;05.16 – 5;05.28 Number of Sessions 4 SB 1982-11-27 5;05-26 – 5;07.09 4 M SR 1976-01-30 5;07.21 – 5;08.12 3 M Sex M Recordings for this project were carried out in a quiet room at school or a clinic. Each child can be considered its own single case study. Utterances were spontaneous in nature through play sessions with the researcher. There were also some elicited repetitions of real words, non-words and phrases to sample the realization of segmental targets in different prosodic positions at the word- and phrase-level. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. _____________________________________________________________________________ English-Compton & Streeter Incomplete Project Name: English-Compton & Streeter Investigator(s): A. J. Compton & M. Streeter Contact: Joe Pater Location: U.S.A. Number of Participants: 4 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal, monolingual Media Type (if any): TBA Citation Information: Compton, A. J., and M. Streeter. (1977). Child Phonology: Data Collection and Preliminary Analyses, in Papers and Reports on Child Language Development 7. Stanford University, Stanford, California. Pater, Joe. (1997). Minimal Violation and Phonological Development. Language Acquisition, 6:3, 201-253. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Derek Julia Sean Trevor TBA TBA TBA TBA 1;06 – 3;02.01 1;02.21 – 3;01.03 1;01.25 – 3;02.20 0;8 – 3;01.08 Number of Sessions TBA TBA TBA TBA Sex M F M M A team, under the direction of A. J. Compton, in the 1970s originally collected these data. The method of data collection and some preliminary analyses, were presented in Compton & Streeter 6 (1977). The project was undertaken to map out, as precisely as possible, the development of children’s sound systems. With this goal in mind, a diary method of data collection was chosen, with parents keep track of their children’s utterances by recording them in notebooks at least four days a week and scattered throughout the child’s waking hours, covering about four hours a day. The parents were speech pathologists and received additional training in the phonetic transcription of child speech prior to the study. All of the children were learning American English as spoken in California. None of the children had any language or learning-related impairments. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. _____________________________________________________________________________ English-Davis Project Name: English-Davis Investigator(s): Barbara Davis Contact: Location: Austin, TX Number of Participants: 21 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): Reel-to-reel and DAT Audio tape Citation Information: Davis, Barbara L., Peter F. MacNeilage & Christine L. Matyear. (In Press). Acquisition of Serial Complexity in Speech Production: A Comparison of Phonetic and Phonological Approaches to First Word Productions. Phonetica. Dolata, Jill K., Davis, B L. & MacNeilage, P F. (2008). Characteristics of the Rhythmic Organization of Babbling: Implications for an Amodal Linguistic Rhythm, Infant Behavior and Development, 31, 422-431. Serkhane, J.E., Schwartz, J.L., Boë, L J., Davis, B. L., Matyear, C.L. (2007). Infants’ vocalizations analyzed with an articulatory model: A preliminary report, Journal of Phonetics. MacNeilage, P.F. & Davis, B.L. (2005). Invited submission, Functional Organization of Speech Across the Life Span: A Critique of Generative Phonology, Linguistics Review, 22 161181. Davis, B. L., MacNeilage P.F. & Matyear, C. (2002). Acquisition of serial complexity in speech production: A Comparison of Phonetic and Phonological Approaches to First Word Production. Phonetica, 59, 75-107. Serkhane, J., Schwartz, J-L., Boe, L.J., Davis, B.L., Bessiere, P., & Matyear, C. (2002). Premiere etude comparative de vocalizations de bebes humains et de bebes robots, Journées d'Etudes sur la parole, 22-28. Davis, B.L. & MacNeilage, P.F. (2002). The Internal Structure of the Syllable: An Ontogenetic Perspective on Origins in Givon, T. & Malle, B (Eds.) The Rise of Language out of Prelanguage. John Benjamin Publ. MacNeilage, P.F & Davis, B.L. (2002). On The Origins of Intersyllabic Complexity. In Malle, B. (Ed.) The Rise of Language out of Pre-language, Benjamin MacNeilage, P.F. & Davis, B.L. (2001). Commentary: The role of rhythmic cyclicities in infant 7 action development, Developmental Science. 4 (1) 79-83. MacNeilage, P.F. & Davis, B.L. (2000). Origin of the Internal Structure of Words. Science. 288, 527-531. Davis, B.L. & MacNeilage, P.F. (2000). An embodiment perspective on the acquisition of speech perception. Special Issue. Phonetica. 57, 229-241. MacNeilage, P.F. & Davis, B.L (2000). Deriving speech from non-speech: A view from ontogeny, Special Issue, Phonetica. 57,284-296. Davis, B.L., MacNeilage, P.F., Matyear, C.L. & Powell, J., (2000). Prosodic correlates of stress in babbling: An acoustical study. Child Development. Vol. 71, (5) 1258-1270. Gildersleeve-Neumann, C.E., Davis, B.L. & MacNeilage, P.F. (2000). Contingencies governing production of for fricatives, affricates and liquids in babbling. Applied Psycholinguistics. 21-341-363. MacNeilage, P.F., Davis, B.L., Kinney, A. & Matyear, C.M. (2000). The motor core of speech: A comparison of serial organization patterns in infants and languages. Invited submission to Special Millenium Issue. Child Development. 71 (1), 153-163. MacNeilage, P.F., Davis, B.L., Matyear, C.M. & Kinney, A. (2000). Origin of Speech Output Complexity in Infants and in Languages. Psychological Science . 10 (5) 459-460. Vihman, M.M., DePaolis, R. & Davis, B.L. (1998). Prosody in early word productions: A study of Trochees and Iambs, Child Development. Redford, M.L., MacNeilage, P.F. & Davis, B.L. (1997). Perceptual and motor influences on final consonant inventories in babbling. Phonetica. 54, 172-186. Davis, B.L. & MacNeilage, P.F. (1995). The articulatory basis of babbling. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 38, 1199-1211. Davis, B.L. & MacNeilage, P.F. (1994). Organization of Babbling: A case study. Language & Speech, 37 (4), 341-355. MacNeilage, P.F. & Davis, B.L. (1990). Acquisition of speech production: Achievement of segmental independence. In Hardcastle, W.I. & Marchal A. (eds.) Speech Production and Speech Modeling, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 55-68. MacNeilage, P.F. & Davis B.L. (1990). Acquisition of speech production: Frames, then content. In Jeannerod, M. (ed.) Attention and Performance XIII; Motor Representation and Control, Hillsdale, N.J.: LEA, 452-468. Davis, B.L. & MacNeilage, P.F. (1990). The acquisition of vowels: a case study. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 33, 16-27. 8 Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Aaron 1981-01-14 1;08.01 – 2;01.03 Number of Sessions 11 Anthony 1981-05-03 1;08.05 – 2;01.15 13 M Ben 2002-04-06 0;11.21 – 2;04.02 21 M Cameron 1992-02-15 0;07.11 – 2;11.24 52 F Charlotte 2002-10-29 0;10.12 – 2;11.22 44 F Georgia 2002-08-27 0;08.25 – 2;11.05 45 F Hannah 2002-08-23 0;11.14 – 2;04.24 29 F Jodi 1981-09-07 1;00.29 – 1;07.09 14 F Kaeley 2002-11-21 1;00.24 – 2;01.23 13 F Kate 1981-05-29 1;03.02 – 1;07.25 10 F Martin 1993-02-22 1;05.19 – 2;02.09 13 M Micah 1988-09-13 0;08.01 – 1;06.19 29 M Nate 2001-08-06 0;10.07 – 2;09.07 26 M Nick 1991-12-09 0;10.20 – 3;01.02 46 M Paxton 1992-03-19 0;08.02 – 2;00.02 47 M Rachel 1992-01-30 0;08.04 – 1;10.02 40 F Rebecca 1983-09-17 1;01.24 – 1;07.17 41 F Rowan 2001-11-11 0;10.23 – 2;10.19 41 M Sadie 1992-04-14 0;07.11 – 1;07.03 33 F Sam 2001-08-24 0;10.07 – 2;01.03 26 M Will 1992-03-27 0;07.29 – 1;04.13 24 M Sex M Data analyzed for this study were collected as a part of a longitudinal project tracking early normal speech development from the onset of canonical babbling through age 3.5 years. Subjects were located by informal referral from the surrounding community. Normal development was established through parent case history report. In addition, each infant was administered the Battelle Developmental Screening Inventory (Guidubaldi, Newborg, Stock, Svinicki, & Wneck, 1984) and hearing screening using sound field techniques. Video and audio recordings were gathered in the children’s homes during natural interactions and situations that occurred in their daily lives. The children were interacting with their parent or others present in their home setting. The experimenter sometimes interacted with the child and parent and sometimes observed as seemed natural in the setting. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9 English-Inkelas Project Name: English-Inkelas Investigator(s): Sharon Inkelas Contact: Location: Northern California Number of Participants: 1 Nature of study: naturalistic, diary, longitudinal Media Type (if any): none Citation Information: Inkelas, Sharon & Yvan Rose. 2003. Velar Fronting Revisited. In Barbara Beachley, Amanda Brown & Fran Conlin (eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 334-345. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Inkelas, Sharon & Yvan Rose. 2008. Positional Neutralization: A Case Study from Child Language. Language 83, 707-736. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Eli 1997-12-22 0;06.08 - 3;09.28 Number of Sessions 200 Sex M This study is based primarily on a new longitudinal corpus from E, a typically developing monolingual learner of English with no history of hearing problems or language delays. E has one sibling, a brother who is two years and five months older and who also exhibited normal phonological development. E’s mother is a native speaker of American English. E’s father is a native speaker of Turkish, but fluent in English; his slight Turkish accent is unlikely to have been a factor in E’s phonological patterns. During the course of language development, E was raised in a monolingual English-speaking environment. He was exposed to minimal amounts of Turkish but was virtually never addressed directly in this language. As of age 2;7, due to his sibling’s entry into a Spanish immersion school program, E began to be exposed to some Spanish, including the word hola, but not by native Spanish speakers. The data from E were gathered in a naturalistic, diary setting primarily by his mother, a trained phonologist. E’s father, also a phonologist, participated in the data collection as well. Data collection was performed as often as possible, during unstructured sessions and regular family activities. The period of data gathering spans E’s ages 0;06.09 to 3;09.29, with most of the data collected prior to the last year of the study. Between ages 0;06.09 and 2;09.09, a span that corresponds to E’s phonological development peak (i.e. during which most aspects of the target grammar were acquired), a total of 3,267 words (distributed over 1,713 utterances) were transcribed phonetically. An additional 113 words were transcribed over the last year of the study, during which E’s mother was attending mainly to the development of /l/. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10 English-Smith Project Name: English-Smith Investigator(s): Neilson Smith Contact: Heather Goad Location: U.K. Number of Participants: Tania Zamuner 1 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal, monolingual, diary. Media Type (if any): occasional tape recordings Citation Information: Smith, Neilson V. (1973). The Acquisition of Phonology: A Case Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Amahl 1967-06-04 2;2.00 – 3;09.13 Number of Sessions 29 Sex M The child in the case study, Amahl, is the son of an English father with some derivations from “received pronunciations” and Indian mother who speaks English only as a fourth language (following Hindi, Bengali, Marathi). Amahl was born in Boston, Massachusetts and moved to the U.K. at approximately one year of age, which may have influenced his late speaking. The child lived with his paternal aunt from 19 months to 2 years, and started attending day nurseries and play groups in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire at 30 months. The data discussed were recorded in IPA transcriptions on index cards. Some tape recordings were made occasionally, however, most of the description is based on non-recorded material. There were instances of spontaneous speech, however the majority of the words were elicited with phrases such as “can you say “zink” for me?”. This corpus was retyped and adapted from the original diary study. A significant portion of this work was undertaken by Tania Zamuner; additional work was performed under an FCAR grant to Heather Goad. The recording dates in the corpus correspond to the first date of Smith's (1973) descriptive stages. Please note that the data have not been entirely rechecked from Smith's original transcriptions. Careful spot-checking however suggests that the conversion is accurate. Please feel free to contact us in case you have questions or if you notice any errors. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by the above reference. 11 English-Stanford Incomplete Project Name: English-Stanford Investigator(s): Marilyn Vihman Contact: Location: Stanford area, CA Number of Participants: 5 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): audio cassettes and/or reel-to-reel/VHS video Citation Information: Vihman, M. M., Macken, M.A., Miller, R., Simmons, H. & Miller, J. (1985). From babbling to speech: a reassessment of the continuity issue. Language, 61, 395-443. Vihman, M. M., C.A. Ferguson & M. Elbert. (1986). Phonological development from babbling to speech: Common tenden-cies and individual differences. Applied Psycholinguistics, 7, 340. Boysson-Bardies, B. de & Vihman, M. M. (1991). Adaptation to language: Evidence from babbling and first words in four languages. Language, 67, 297-319. Vihman, M. M., Kay, E., Boysson-Bardies, B. de, Durand, C. & Sundberg, U. (1994). External sources of individual differences? A cross-linguistic analysis of the phonetics of mothers' speech to one-year-old children. Developmental Psychology, 30, 652-663. Vihman, M. M., DePaolis, R.A. & Davis, B.L. (1998). Is there a “trochaic bias” in early word learning? Evidence from English and French. Child Development, 69, 933-947. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Deb TBA 0;09.17 – 1;03.24 Emi Mol Sea Tim TBA TBA TBA TBA 0;10.07 – 1;02.39 0;08.17 – 1;02.20 0;10.00 – 1;03.23 0;10.08 – 1;04.22 Number of Sessions 6 6 6 6 6 Sex F F F M M In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. 12 French-Goad & Rose Project Name: French-GoadRose Investigators: Heather Goad Yvan Rose Contact: Location: Québec City & just outside Montréal, QC Number of Participants: 2 Nature of the Study: babbling to full word, naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): wave files Citation Information: Rose, Yvan (2000). Headedness and Prosodic Licensing in the L1 Acquisition of Phonology. Ph.D. Dissertation. McGill University. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Clara Théo 1996-03-26 1994-11-25 1;00.27-2;07.19 1;10.26-4;00.00 Number of Sessions 34 45 Sex F M The participants in this project were recorded in their homes in a naturalistic setting, generally in the absence of siblings, approximately every second week. Clara was recorded by her mother, a sociolinguist and Théo was recorded by a female French-speaking family member who was a linguistics graduate student from McGill. During the recordings the children typically looked at picture books and played with toys. The interviewer encouraged spontaneous word productions by the child to avoid speech sample repetition, and repeated the words produced by the child to facilitate identification of data for extraction and transcription. The recordings were made using an analog recording machine and a multidirectional microphone, which was set up near the child on a foamy cushion the floor to reduce interfering noises from movements and toys. The tapes were digitized using SoundEdit 16v2 in 16 bit sample size at a rate of 22050 kHz. This corpus was converted from the original database of Québec French used by Rose (2000). The data were collected under an FCAR grant to Heather Goad. Please note that the data have not been entirely rechecked from the original transcriptions. Careful spot-checking however suggests that the conversion is accurate. Please feel free to contact the contributor in case you have questions. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by the above reference. 13 French-Kern Project Name: French-Kern Investigator(s): Sophie Kern Contact: Location: Lyon, FR Number of Participants: 4 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal, monolingual Media Type (if any): digital video (.mov, .mp4) Citation Information: Kern, S, B.L. Davis, & I. Zink. (2009). From babbling to first words in four languages: Common trends, cross language and individual differences. In Francesco d’Errico & Jean-Marie Hombert (eds) Becoming eloquent: Advances in the Emergence of language, human cognition and modern culture. John Benjamins' Publishing Company. Kern, S. & B.L. Davis .(2009). Emergent complexity in early vocal acquisition: Cross-linguistic comparisons of canonical babbling. In F. Pellegrino, E. Marsico, I. Chitoran & C. Coupé (eds), Approaches to phonological complexity. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter. Kern, S. (2005). De l'universalité et des spécificités du développement langagier précoce. In Hombert, J.M. (ed) Aux origines du langage et des langues. Fayard Davis, B., S. Kern, A. Vilain & C. Lalevée (2008). Des babils à Babel: les premiers pas de la parole. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée. 13(2), 81-91. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Baptiste Emma Esteban Jules 2000-09-11 2000-10-12 2001-10-23 2001-03-28 0;09.07 - 02;00.12 0;08.16 - 2;01.08 0;07.15 – 2;00.24 0;09.13 - 2;00.28 Number of Sessions 35 36 30 28 Sex M F M M Five types of data were collected. First, one hour of spontaneous vocalization data was audio and video recorded every two weeks from 8 months of age through 25 months of age. Recording took place in children’s homes. The parents were told to follow their normal types of activities with their child. Second, minimally 1,000 dictionary entries from the ambient language employed by the parents of each child participant were analyzed for comparison with the child data for that language. Parental reports were administered using adaptations of the MacArthur Development Inventories (Fenson et al., 1993) respectively elaborated for Dutch for French participants. Mothers filled out the questionnaire once in a month. For the remaining languages there is no adaptation yet, but one could imagine using the spontaneous data to elaborate the same instrument. An object manipulation categorization task was administered every two months. This task was conceived to evaluate the children’s spontaneous nonverbal categorization abilities. Several toys, which were consistent across the language groups served as stimuli. Each task involved a contrast of objects from two different categories (animal, means of locomotion, furniture). Children were developing normally by community standards as well as reports from parents and physicians regarding developmental milestones were observed in the normal daily environment. 14 These children were becoming monolingual speakers of French, Romanian and Tunisian Arabic. Languages were chosen to include different language families as well as for the contrasts they show in phonetic and phonological features of interest for early language development. These characteristics include word length, syllabic types as well as phonemic inventory diversity One hour of spontaneous vocalization data was audio and video recorded every two weeks from 8 months of age through 25 months of age. Recording took place in children’s homes. The parents were told to follow their normal types of activities with their child. After collection, data was phonetically transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Broad phonetic transcriptions were used, supplemented by some diacritics (mainly for palatalized, pharyngealized, nasalized sounds and duration of sounds). Tokens considered as single utterance strings were bounded by one second of silence, noise or adult speech. This work was supported by the EUROCORE Program “The Origin of Man, Language and Languages” (OMLL) and the French CNRS program “Origine de l’Homme, du Langage et des Langues” (OHLL) In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. French-Stanford Incomplete Project Name: French-Stanford Investigator(s): Marilyn Vihman Contact: Location: Paris, FR Number of Participants: 5 (or 6) Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): audio cassettes and/or reel-to-reel/VHS video Citation Information: Vihman, M. M., Macken, M.A., Miller, R., Simmons, H. & Miller, J. (1985). From babbling to speech: a reassessment of the continuity issue. Language, 61, 395-443. Vihman, M. M., C.A. Ferguson & M. Elbert. (1986). Phonological development from babbling to speech: Common tenden-cies and individual differences. Applied Psycholinguistics, 7, 340. Boysson-Bardies, B. de & Vihman, M. M. (1991). Adaptation to language: Evidence from babbling and first words in four languages. Language, 67, 297-319. Vihman, M. M., Kay, E., Boysson-Bardies, B. de, Durand, C. & Sundberg, U. (1994). External sources of individual differences? A cross-linguistic analysis of the phonetics of mothers' speech to one-year-old children. Developmental Psychology, 30, 652-663. Vihman, M. M., DePaolis, R.A. & Davis, B.L. (1998). Is there a “trochaic bias” in early word learning? Evidence from English and French. Child Development, 69, 933-947. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Number of Sessions Sex 15 Car Cha Kur Lau Mar TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 0;10.15 – 1;02.05 0;10.16 – 1;03.19 Noe 1985-12-28 0;09.26 – 1;05.15 0;11.21 – 1;07.24 6 7 2 6 7 F M M M F 0;10.06 – 1;05.23 6 F In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. German-PAIDUS Project Name: German-PAIDUS Investigator(s): Conxita Lleó Antonio Maldonado Contact: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Location: Hamburg, Germany Number of Participants: 5 Nature of study: naturalistic, babbling, first words, spontaneous, informal testing Media Type (if any): Wave files Citation Information: Lleó, Conxita, Christliebe El Mogharbel & Michael Prinz (1994). Babbling und FrühwortProduktion im Deutschen und Spanischen. Linguistische Berichte 151, 191-217. Lleó, Conxita & Michael Prinz (1996). Consonant clusters in child phonology and the directionality of syllable structure assignment. Journal of Child Language 23, 31-56. Lleó, Conxita, Michael Prinz, Christliebe El Mogharbel & Antonio Maldonado (1996). Early phonological acquisition of German and Spanish: A reinterpretation of the continuity issue within the Principles and Parameters model. In C.E. Johnson & J.H.V. Gilbert (eds.), Children's Language, Volume 9, 11-31. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lleó, Conxita & Michael Prinz (1997). Syllable Structure parameters and the acquisition of affricates. In S.J. Hannahs & M. Young-Scholten (eds.), Focus on Phonological Acquisition, 143-163. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Kehoe, Margaret & Conxita Lleó (2003b). The acquisition of nuclei: a longitudinal analysis of phonological vowel length in three German-speaking children. Journal of Child Language 30 (3), 527-556. Kehoe, Margaret & Conxita Lleó (2003c). A Phonological Analysis of Schwa in German First Language Acquisition. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48 (3/4), 289-327. Lleó, Conxita, Imme Kuchenbrandt, Margaret Kehoe & Cristina Trujillo (2003). Syllable final consonants in Spanish and German monolingual and bilingual acquisition. In N. Müller (ed.), (In)vulnerable Domains in Multilingualism, 191-220. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Kehoe, Margaret, Conxita Lleó & Margaret Rakow (2004). Voice Onset Time in Bilingual German- Spanish Children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 7, 71-88. Lleó, Conxita (2006). The Acquisition of Prosodic Word Structures in Spanish by Monolingual 16 and Spanish-German Bilingual Children. Language and Speech 49 (2), 207-231. Lleó, Conxita & Javier Arias (2006). Foot, word and phrase constraints in first language acquisition of Spanish stress. In Fernando Martínez-Gil & Sonia Colina (eds.), Optimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology, 470-496. John Benjamins. Lleó, Conxita & Martin Rakow (2006). The prosody of early two-word utterances by German and Spanish monolingual and bilingual children. In C. Lleó (ed.), Interfaces in Multilingualism: Acquisition and representation, 1-26. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Lleó, Conxita, Martin Rakow & Margaret Kehoe (2007). Acquiring rhythmically different languages in a bilingual context. In Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVI), 1545-1548. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Bernd 1989-12-15 0;08.22 – 3;02.24 Number of Sessions 34 Britta Johannes Marion Thomas 1989-08-10 1989-10-31 1989-08-14 1989-08-06 0;09.01 – 3;03.15 0;09.00 – 2;10.10 0;08.27 – 3;03.11 0;09.26 – 3;05.12 38 30 35 38 Sex M F M F M The project BIDS/PAIDUS was carried out at the University of Hamburg (Department of Romance Languages) with the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under the direction of Conxita Lleó. The project began in 1990 first as BIDS, with the goal of comparing the phonetic characteristics of babbling in German and comparing it with babbling in Spanish. With this purpose, a collaboration with Antonio Maldonado of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Dept. of Psychology) was started and we applied for a joint grant from “Acciones Integradas”, so that the two teams could visit each other. The German data were collected in Hamburg, Germany, and the Spanish data in Madrid, Spain. All five German children had been born in Hamburg and lived there. Their parents were all German and spoke the Northern variety of German. The children were visited from very early on, before they began to produce their first words, as we wanted to study their babbling. Some informal tests, in order to figure their (passive) vocabularies were conducted. After the children began saying words, we continued recording them within the project PAIDUS, which had as its goal to finding out how phonological parameters were possibly fixed for German as opposed to Spanish. The German children were visited every 2 weeks at first, and later on once a month. Recordings were done at the children’s homes by two project research assistants. At first, the mother used to be present, but later on, we made most of the recordings with the child alone interacting with one research assistant. We tried to record the child under spontaneous conditions, playing, chatting, etc. We also brought some objects (little animals or toys) in order to elicit certain words from all children, making their phonetic and phonological characteristics comparable. The mother tried to keep a record of possible new words that were new in the child’s vocabularies, and we tried to elicit them, as well. We also used books with pictures, which belonged to the child and others that we brought. The recordings were audio recordings, and in order not to miss the ambient setting and context, one of the researchers was writing down all possible details, including what the child was doing, while the other assistant was interacting with the child. Both projects, BIDS and PAIDUS, were financed by the DFG with grant to Conxita Lleó, BIDS from 1989 until 1991 and PAIDUS from 1991 until 1994. Research Assistants in the project BIDS were Christliebe El Mogharbel and Kerstin Feuge. Research Assistants in the project PAIDUS were Christliebe El Mogharbel and Michael Prinz. 17 Reserachers using the BIDS/PAIDUS data should send a copy of their publication based on the data to the contributor of the data. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. German-Stuttgart/TAKI Project Name: German-Stuttgart/TAKI Investigator(s): Bernd Möbius Contact: Britta Lintfert Location: Stuttgart area, Southern Germany Number of Participants: 11 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal, spontaneous, parental interaction, naming Media Type (if any): DAT tapes Citation Information: Allen, G. D. (1980): Development of Prosodic Phonology in Children’s Speech: Further Evidence from the TAKI Task. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Phonology Meeting. Grimm, H. and H. Doil (2004): ELFRA, Elternfragebögen für die Früherke nnung von Risikokindern. Hogrefe, Verlag für Psychologie. Stoel-Gammon, C. (1989): Prespeech and early speech development of two late talkers. First Language 9, 207–224. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Maarten (MS) Lena (LL) Tjark (TS) 1998-09-08 1999-03-23 2000-11-19 3;9 – 8;0 3;3 – 7;6 1;6 – 2;4 Number of Sessions 40 46 42 Evelyn (ED) 2002-02-21 2;3 – 4;7 105 F Robin (RL) Emma (EL) Hannah (HH) Olli (OZ) Bennie (BW) Nils (NB) Rike (FZ) 2002-02-21 2002-06-22 2003-08-02 2004-03-01 2004-04-22 2004-08-20 2005-09-05 3;2 – 4;7 0;5 - 4;3 0;4 – 3;1 0;8 – 2;9 0;11 – 2;11 0;8 – 2;8 1;0 – 2;6 58 M F F M M M F 7 11 10 32 32 14 Sex M F M The Stuttgart Corpus was constructed as part of a study on the acquisition of stress in German founded by the German Research Foundation. In this project the researchers recorded and analyzed acoustic data of 11 children from 6 months up to 15 years to develop an exemplarbased model of stress acquisition in German and to build up a prosodic annotated speech corpus of babbling, first words and meaningful speech from German speaking children. The following table summarizes information about the children and the recordings. 18 Child MS LL TS ED RL EL HH OZ BW NB FZ First Recording 2002-05 2002-06 2002-05 2004-05 2005-04 2002-11 2003-11 2004-11 2005-03 2005-04 2005-09 Babbling Mixing 1;6-2;4 0;5-1;6 0;4-1;6 0;8-1;6 0;11-1;6 0;8-1;6 1;0-1;6 1;6-3;0 1;6-2;9 1;6-2;9 1;6-2;11 1;6-2;8 1;6-2;6 Taki-task 3;9-8;0 3;3-7;6 2;4-7;6 2;3-4;7 3;2-4;7 3;0-4;3 2;9-3;1 The recordings were made at the children’s homes in familiar play situations with their parents. We recorded using a Sony DAT TCD-D100 and a high-quality wireless microphone NADY LT-4 (Lavalier) E-701 (600 Ohm). We tried to keep the distance between the microphone and the mouth as constant as possible during the entire session to obtain high-quality recordings for acoustic analysis. The recorded data were transferred to a computer and down sampled to 16 kHz. 1. Babbling and first words: 5–18 months of age Between 5 and 18 months of age, the speech data from six children (3boys, 3 girls) were collected. The infants were audio-recorded every 6–8 weeks, starting between five and seven months, when first CV-syllable productions occur, at their homes in familiar play situations with their parents. No person unfamiliar to the child was present during the recordings. During a recording session a parent (normally the mother) played with the child and later on, at the oneword stage, looked and talked about a picture book and picture cards. Before the recordings started, the parents were instructed on how to use the recording equipment. The parents’ utterances were recorded and analyzed as well. All of the infants lived in monolingual Germanspeaking families and had no unusual prenatal, sensory or developmental concerns or hearing problems. At the age of 12 months, the speech development of all infants was tested using a parental questionnaire for early recognition of children at risk (Grimm & Doil, 2004). 2. Mixing-phase: 18–36 months of age Between 18 and 36 months of age, we collected speech data every 6–8 weeks. Because we have different recording tasks developed for this age we called this phase mixing. The recordings were done until the third birthday in the way described for the babbling phase. The children born in 2004 (OZ, BW, NB, FZ) were also tested at each recording session for their use of stress in multisyllabic words. 3. Card Naming (from 18 months of age) We created picture cards representing two- and three-syllable German words with stress on the first, second and third syllable with the vowels /a/, /i/, and /o/ in stressed and unstressed position. From the age of 18 months, children were tested with these cards. With this task, the development of different stress schemes can be tested and described. The words were: Akrobat, Anorak, Banane, Bikini, Buchstabe, Eisenbahn, Elefant, Eskimo, Fliege, Flughafen, Fotograf, Gardine, Giraffe, Gitarre, Gorilla, Kamel, Kanone, Kobolde, Kokosnuss, Korkodil, Lastwagen, Lawine, Malerin, Matrose, Mikrofon, Müllwagen, Paket, Papagei, Pinguin, Pistole, Polizei, Postauto, Postbote, Prinzessin, Pullover, Radfahrer, Rennfahrer, Sandale, Saxophon, Schmetterling, Skifahrer, Spiegel, Stadion, Teddybär, Tomate, Trampolin, Trompete, Vulkan(e), Wohnwagen, and Zitrone. 19 4. TAKI task: from 36 months of age Beginning at 36 months, recordings were made each 10–12 weeks using the TAKI task proposed by Allen (1980). We created five pairs of animal toys and assigned nonce names to each. Within each pair, the nonce names differed only in terms of the position of main stress. For example, in a pair with a brown bear and a polar bear. Both were called “bimo”, but the stress was on the first syllable for the brown bear and the second syllable for the polar bear. The nonce names were all bi-syllabic or tri-syllabic and consisted of consonant-vowel (CV) syllables formed from vowels /a i o/ and consonants /b d m n/. All of these stress patterns are possible in German, although stress on the second or third syllable is much less common than stress on the first syllable. Annotation labels 1. CV coding (.cv). To study the development of syllable structure, we marked the beginning and ending of each vowel and consonant. 2. Stable Vowel (.marks). The beginning and end of the stable phase of the vowel is marked. No influence of the surrounding context should be hearable. The stable phase of a vowel is characterized by parallel formants (observable in the spectrogram) and a constant waveform (observable in the time signal). VA (Anfang) marks the beginning of the vowel and VE (Ende) the ending. The indixes “u” are used for unstressed (unbetont), “b” for stressed (betont) vowels. 3. Stress (.stress): Perceptual prominence for each syllable: no prominence (0), most prominent (1), prominent but not most (2). 4. Orthographic transcription (.trans). Each utterance was annotated on the syllabic level by two trained transcribers. 5. Cover Symbol Transcription (.phones–cover). Manner and place of articulation describes the consonantal structure: L=labial, A=Alveolar, V=velar, G=glottal, O=other; P=plosive, N=nasal, F=fricative, G=glide O=other. Tongue height and manner describes the vocalic structure: H=high, M=medium, T=low, tief. V=front, vorne, Z=central, zentrale, H=back, ? 6. Narrow transcription in XSAMPA (.phones). 7. Syllable structure coding (.sylstr): Syllable structure, words and syllable marker. Aw = beginning of utterance (Anfang) Ew = end of utterance (Ende) S = syllable border 1 = precanonical babbling 2 = reduplicated babbling, CV-syllable with real consonants ([mamma], [dae]) 3 = one or more CV-syllables with real consonant with different articulation place and/or manner ([min], [dajaep]) W = meaningful utterance M/V = utterance of mother/father In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. 20 Japanese-Ota Project Name: Japanese-Ota Investigator(s): Mitsuhiko Ota Contact: Location: Washington, DC Number of Participants: 3 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): Audio cassette tapes, and video super 8 cassette tapes Citation Information: Ota, Mitsuhiko (2003). The development of prosodic structure in early words: Continuity, divergence and change. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Hiromi Kenta Takeru 1982-12-09 1982-05-15 1982-03-26 1;00.21 – 2;00.07 1;05.18 - 2;06.07 1;04.23 – 2;00.19 Number of Sessions 22 26 15 Sex F M M The participants were from a Japanese community in the Washington, D.C. area. All children were at the beginning of the one-word period and living in a family that spoke only Japanese among themselves. The children had varying degrees of exposure to English. The data were collected through a series of recordings, in two to three week intervals, of spontaneous utterances rather than by controlled elicitation techniques. Audio recordings were made on standard cassette tapes with a Sony WM-D6C analog tape recorder and a Sony ECM909A microphone. There were also video-recordings made on super 8 cassette tapes with a Samsung SCX915 camcorder The data were transcribed using a stantard Romanization system for Japanese and IPA. The target adult form was determined from the context of the utterance. Indeterminable utterances were removed from the analysis. Spontaneous speech and imitations of the adult’s utterances were coded for. In the case of imitations, the full adult utterance is provided. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by the above reference. 21 Japanese-Stanford Incomplete Project Name: Japanese-Stanford Investigator(s): Marilyn Vihman Contact: Location: Stanford, CA Number of Participants: 6 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): audio cassettes and/or reel-to-reel/VHS video Citation Information: Vihman, M. M., Macken, M.A., Miller, R., Simmons, H. & Miller, J. (1985). From babbling to speech: a reassessment of the continuity issue. Language, 61, 395-443. Vihman, M. M., C.A. Ferguson & M. Elbert. (1986). Phonological development from babbling to speech: Common tenden-cies and individual differences. Applied Psycholinguistics, 7, 340. Boysson-Bardies, B. de & Vihman, M. M. (1991). Adaptation to language: Evidence from babbling and first words in four languages. Language, 67, 297-319. Vihman, M. M., Kay, E., Boysson-Bardies, B. de, Durand, C. & Sundberg, U. (1994). External sources of individual differences? A cross-linguistic analysis of the phonetics of mothers' speech to one-year-old children. Developmental Psychology, 30, 652-663. Vihman, M. M., DePaolis, R.A. & Davis, B.L. (1998). Is there a “trochaic bias” in early word learning? Evidence from English and French. Child Development, 69, 933-947. Participant Name Date of Birth e TBA Number of Sessions 2 TBA 0;10.14 – 1;04.07 4 F 1;01.14 – 1;06.07 5 M F emi har TBA Age range Sex TBA kaz TBA 1;00.17 – 1;03.15 5 ken TBA 1;00.04 – 1;05.26 6 M tar TBA 1;02.07 – 1;11.02 1 M In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. 22 PAIDOLOGOS-Cantonese/English/Greek/Japanese Incomplete Project Name: PAIDOLOGOS Investigator(s): TBA Contact: TBA Location: TBA Number of Participants: TBA Nature of study: naturalistic/experimental, longitudinal/cross-sectional Media Type (if any): TBA Citation Information: TBA Participant Name Date of Birth Age range TBA TBA TBA Number of Sessions TBA Sex TBA The characters for the target vowel in the WorldBet and the WorldBetb.seg tiers differ because the representation in the WorldBet tier denotes the vowel phoneme whereas the representation in the WorldBet.seg tier designates the (potentially larger) "vowel class" that we set up to be able to compare the effects of coarticulatory context on initial consonant accuracy across the four languages. Here are the five groups that we set up for English: "I" includes both long tense [i:] and short lax [I] (so, e.g., "ti" is elicited in <teepee> and <teacher> and also in <tickle>) "E" includes both long tense [eI] and short lax [E] (e.g., "te" is elicited in <taste> and <tail> and also in <tent>) "A" includes both (or all three of) low back [A] (and low-mid back rounded [O], which does not contrast with [A] in most Ohio dialects) and low-mid [^] (e.g., "ta" is elicited in <taco> and <tall> and <tongue>) "O" is just the long tense [oU] "U" is both [u:] and [U] Now, for the vowel classes, in Cantonese we had seven, because we wanted to be able to compare the contrastively front rounded vowels of Cantonese to the analogous classes in French (e.g., to contrast the effect of "u" versus "y" on accuracy of the preceding dental consonants, where the high back vowel is phonotactically illegal in Cantonese). Also, in Cantonese, the tones have spaces after them. The following are the seven vowel classes that were set up for Cantonese: "i" includes long [i:] both as a simple vowel and as the nucleus of a diphthongs, so, e.g., "khi" is elicited in the morpheme "khi:u23" as well as in morphemes "khi:n21" and "khi:t3" (I'm writing just 23 the first zi in all three words) "e" includes both long [E:] and short [e] and the latter both as a simple vowel and as the nucleus of the diphthong [ei] "a" includes both the short low central vowel "ax" (in WorldBet" and the long low back rounded vowel that should be "5:" in WorldBet, but which we're writing as the easier to read "a:", and it includes both of these vowels as both as simple vowels and as the nuclei of diphthongs "o" includes both the short high-mid [o] (as the simple vowel or as the nucleus of the diphthong [ou]) and the long low-mid [>:] (This ">" is how I should have designated the analogous vowel in English which is included in the English "a" class instead, since in most Ohio dialects it doesn't contrast with [A], so here's a place where it was impossible to set up optimal vowel class comparisons.) "u" includes long [u:] both as a simple vowel and as the nucleus of [u:i] "oe" includes both the long low-mid rounded front vowel that is called "8" in WorldBet and the mid-central rounded vowel (IPA "squashed theta") as the nucleus of the non-back rounded diphthong "oxy" "y" includes only the long high front rounded vowel [y:] In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. Portuguese-Lisbon Project Name: EP_Mono Investigator(s): Susana Correia Teresa da Costa Contact: Location: Lisbon and area, Portugal Number of Participants: 5 Nature of study: naturalistic, spontaneous, longitudinal, monolingual Media Type (if any): QuickTime movie files (.mov) Citation Information: Correia, S. (2010). The Acquisition of Primary Word Stress in European Portuguese. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Lisbon. Costa, T. (2010). The Acquisition of the Consonantal System in European Portuguese. Focus on Place and Manner Features. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Lisbon. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Number of Sessions Sex Clara 01-Jun-2005 0;11 - 1;10 12 F Inês 19-Nov-1992 0;11 - 4;2 30 F 24 Joana 22-Jun-1995 0;11 - 4;10 33 F João 02-May-2004 1;0-2;0 22 M Luma 24-Oct-2003 0;11-2;6 55 F This corpus contains data from 5 European Portuguese monolingual children during 134 recording sessions. The children’s speech was recorded every other week in the case of João and Luma, and monthly in the case of InInês, Clara and Joana. The data were recorded at the children’s homes, during spontaneous speech. The mother and/or caretaker and the researcher were present during the recording sessions. The data from Clara, João and Luma were recorded in a Canon MV210 digital video camcorder a nd videotaped in analogue format (Hi8 cassettes), between 2004 and 2007. Inês and Joana were recorded on a Sony Handycam Video 8, AF Hi‐ Fi Stereo, during the 1990's. In all cases, the anal ogue format was imported to digital format using iMovie© software, and compressed for 320x240 (.mov) format. The data were manually entered into the Phon application. Orthographic and phonetic transcriptions were made of the target and children's actual forms. The sessions were transcribed and exchanged between two transcribers for revisions. Each transcriber was responsible for transcribing 50% of the children's speech and revising the other 50%. In dubious cases, a third researcher carried out a blind transcription and, in the case of persistent indecision, that utterance was marked with an asterisk (*) as unintelligible. All of the specific research questions formulated within this project were related to the development of segmental properties (place and manner features) in Portuguese children. The analytic tools available through the Phon application enabled the researcher to extract information on the general order of acquisition of the EP consonantal inventory and the segmental shape of early words. The analytic features used in the study were: (i) searching and analyzing consonantal place and manner features in onset position; (ii) discriminating between homorganic and non-homorganic feature combinations at the word-level; (iii) searching and analyzing consonantal place and manner features, discriminating between stressed and unstressed syllables; (iv) searching/analyzing consonant harmony and metathesis in children's speech. The research questions underlying this project deal with the identification of and order of acquisition for primary word stress and the study of the early shape of prosodic words in Portuguese children. The analytic features used in this study were: (i) searching for and analyzing the number of words uttered by the children; (ii) searching for and analyzing the number of syllables within a word; (iii) searching for and analyzing the syllable structure in different word positions; (iv) searching for and analyzing stress patterns. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. 25 Portuguese-Freitas Project Name: Portuguese-Freitas Investigator(s): Maria João Freitas Contact: Location: Lisbon area, PT Number of Participants: 7 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal & cross-sectional samples Media Type (if any): Video with Hi-Fi stereo Citation Information: Freitas, M. J. (1997). Aquisição da Estrutura Silábica do Português Europeu. Ma, Universidade de Lisboa. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Number of Sessions Sex Inês João Laura Luís Marta Pedro Raquel 1992-11-19 1992-03-29 1991-03-20 1991-12-23 1992-11-03 1991-03-27 1991-06-01 0;11.13 – 1;10.29 0;10.02 – 2;08.27 0;02.29 – 3;03.10 1;09.29 – 2;11.02 1;02.00 – 2;02.17 2;07.00 – 3;07.24 1;10.02 – 2;10.08 12 23 12 12 12 12 10 F M F M F M F The recordings for this project were made in the child’s home, normally in the child’s bedroom. Naturalistic data were collected both longitudinally and cross-sectionally. Each child was videotaped for a period of one year longitudinally (João was videotaped for a period of 2 years). The age of recordings for all sessions were from 0;10 onward and 3;7 onward. Each recording session lasted from 30 to 60 minutes. The recordings were made using a Sony Handycam video 8, AF Hi-FI Stereo. Digital recordings will be made available through Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa by December, 2010. The data collection was supported by Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia, research project PCSH/C/LIN/524/93. The data transcription was first compiled within the CHILDPHON database, developed at the Max-Planch Institut for Psycholinguistics in 1990 and first used by Fikkert (1994) and Levelt (1994). All sessions from João, Inês and Marta were transcribed in full. All sessions from Luís, Raquel, Laura and Pedro were partially transcribed from the 10 minute to the 25 minute mark in each session. Transcriptions were performed by a native speaker of European Portuguese. All problematic transcriptions were noted and listened to by at least two other judges. In case of remaining doubts on transcription, the utterance was not included in the database. Due to the goals of the original research project, the corpus represents only isolated words or sequences containing external sandhi phenomenon. 26 See Costa 2010 and Correia 2010 for full access to the Inês corpus, and for documentation of early stress patterns. Transcription of stress in reduplicated forms was not revised in this corpus. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. Romanian-Kern Project Name: Romanian-Kern Investigator(s): Sophie Kern Contact: Location: Bucharest, RO Number of Participants: 4 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal, monolingual Media Type (if any): digital video (.mov, .mp4) Citation Information: Kern, S, B.L. Davis, & I. Zink. (2009). From babbling to first words in four languages: Common trends, cross language and individual differences. In Francesco d’Errico & Jean-Marie Hombert (eds) Becoming eloquent: Advances in the Emergence of language, human cognition and modern culture. John Benjamins' Publishing Company. Kern, S. & B.L. Davis .(2009). Emergent complexity in early vocal acquisition: Cross-linguistic comparisons of canonical babbling. In F. Pellegrino, E. Marsico, I. Chitoran & C. Coupé (eds), Approaches to phonological complexity. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter. Kern, S. (2005). De l'universalité et des spécificités du développement langagier précoce. In Hombert, J.M. (ed) Aux origines du langage et des langues. Fayard Davis, B., S. Kern, A. Vilain & C. Lalevée (2008). Des babils à Babel: les premiers pas de la parole. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée. 13(2), 81-91. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Alice 2000-11-08 0;07.04 – 2;00.04 Number of Sessions 31 Anna 2000-11-22 0;08.11 – 1;02.10 10 F Matei 2000-11-09 0;08.10 – 2;01.11 34 M Vlad 2000-09-08 0;08.28 - 2;00.27 28 M Sex F Five types of data were collected. First, one hour of spontaneous vocalization data was audio and video recorded every two weeks from 8 months of age through 25 months of age. Recording took place in children’s homes. The parents were told to follow their normal types of activities with their child. Second, minimally 1,000 dictionary entries from the ambient language employed by the parents of each child participant were analyzed for comparison with the child data for that language. Parental reports were administered using adaptations of the MacArthur Development Inventories (Fenson et al., 1993) respectively elaborated for Dutch for French participants. Mothers filled out the questionnaire once in a month. For the remaining languages there is no 27 adaptation yet, but one could imagine using the spontaneous data to elaborate the same instrument. An object manipulation categorization task was administered every two months. This task was conceived to evaluate the children’s spontaneous nonverbal categorization abilities. Several toys, which were consistent across the language groups served as stimuli. Each task involved a contrast of objects from two different categories (animal, means of locomotion, furniture). Children were developing normally by community standards as well as reports from parents and physicians regarding developmental milestones were observed in the normal daily environment. These children were becoming monolingual speakers of French, Romanian and Tunisian Arabic. Languages were chosen to include different language families as well as for the contrasts they show in phonetic and phonological features of interest for early language development. These characteristics include word length, syllabic types as well as phonemic inventory diversity One hour of spontaneous vocalization data was audio and video recorded every two weeks from 8 months of age through 25 months of age. Recording took place in children’s homes. The parents were told to follow their normal types of activities with their child. After collection, data was phonetically transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Broad phonetic transcriptions were used, supplemented by some diacritics (mainly for palatalized, pharyngealized, nasalized sounds and duration of sounds). Tokens considered as single utterance strings were bounded by one second of silence, noise or adult speech. This work was supported by the EUROCORE Program “The Origin of Man, Language and Languages” (OMLL) and the French CNRS program “Origine de l’Homme, du Langage et des Langues” (OHLL). In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. Spanish-PAIDUS Project Name: Spanish-PAIDUS Investigator(s): Antonio Maldonado Conxita Lleó Contact: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Location: Madrid, ES Number of Participants: 5 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal/cross-sectional, babbling, first words, informal testing Media Type (if any): Wave files Citation Information: Lleó, Conxita, Christliebe El Mogharbel & Michael Prinz (1994). Babbling und FrühwortProduktion im Deutschen und Spanischen. Linguistische Berichte 151, 191-217. Lleó, Conxita & Michael Prinz (1996). Consonant clusters in child phonology and the directionality of syllable structure assignment. Journal of Child Language 23, 31-56. Lleó, Conxita, Michael Prinz, Christliebe El Mogharbel & Antonio Maldonado (1996). Early phonological acquisition of German and Spanish: A reinterpretation of the continuity 28 issue within the Principles and Parameters model. In C.E. Johnson & J.H.V. Gilbert (eds.), Children's Language, Volume 9, 11-31. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lleó, Conxita (2001). The Transition From Prenominal Fillers to Articles in Spanish and German. Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, 713-737. Donostia (Spain), Juli 1999. Kehoe, Margaret & Conxita Lleó (2003a). The acquisition of syllable types in monolingual and bilingual German and Spanish children. In B. Beachley, A. Brown, & F. Conlin (eds.), BUCLD 27 Proceedings, 402-413. Somerville, Ma: Cascadilla Press. Kehoe, Margaret & Conxita Lleó (2003b). The acquisition of nuclei: a longitudinal analysis of phonological vowel length in three German-speaking children. Journal of Child Language 30 (3), 527-556. Kehoe, Margaret & Conxita Lleó (2003c). A Phonological Analysis of Schwa in German First Language Acquisition. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48 (3/4), 289-327. Lleó, Conxita, Imme Kuchenbrandt, Margaret Kehoe & Cristina Trujillo (2003). Syllable final consonants in Spanish and German monolingual and bilingual acquisition. In N. Müller (ed.), (In)vulnerable Domains in Multilingualism, 191-220. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Kehoe, Margaret, Conxita Lleó & Margaret Rakow (2004). Voice Onset Time in Bilingual German-Spanish Children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 7, 71-88. Lleó, Conxita, Martin Rakow & Margaret Kehoe (2004). Acquisition of language-specific pitch accent by Spanish and German monolingual and bilingual children. In T. Face (ed.), Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology, 3-27. Berlin, New York: Mouton. Lleó, Conxita (2006). The Acquisition of Prosodic Word Structures in Spanish by Monolingual and Spanish-German Bilingual Children. Language and Speech 49 (2), 207-231. Lleó, Conxita & Javier Arias (2006). Foot, word and phrase constraints in first language acquisition of Spanish stress. In Fernando Martínez-Gil & Sonia Colina (eds.), OptimalityTheoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology, 470-496. John Benjamins. Lleó, Conxita & Martin Rakow (2006). The prosody of early two-word utterances by German and Spanish monolingual and bilingual children. In C. Lleó (ed.), Interfaces in Multilingualism: Acquisition and representation, 1-26. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Lleó, Conxita, Martin Rakow & Margaret Kehoe (2007). Acquiring rhythmically different languages in a bilingual context. In Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVI), 1545-1548. Lleó, C. & J. Arias (2009). The role of Weight-by-Position in the prosodic development of Spanish and German. In Janet Grijzenhout & Baris Kabak (eds.), Phonological Domains: Universals and Deviations, 221-247. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Ines 1991-02-23 0;09.27 – 1;06.12 Number of Sessions 7 Sex F Jose 1991-06-17 0;09.16 – 2;06.12 21 Juan 1990-12-30 0;09.17 – 2;01.13 Maria 1990-10-17 0;09.15 – 2;07.17 11-12 (Bruder) M 16 F Miguel 1990-08-13 0;10.04 – 3;01.28 22 M M The project BIDS/PAIDUS was carried out at the University of Hamburg (Department of Romance Languages) with the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under the direction of Conxita Lleó. The project began in 1990 first as BIDS, with the goal of comparing the phonetic characteristics of babbling in German and comparing it with babbling in Spanish. With this purpose, a collaboration with Antonio Maldonado of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Dept. of Psychology) was started and we applied for a joint grant from “Acciones Integradas”, so that 29 the two teams could visit each other. The German data were collected in Hamburg, Germany, and the Spanish data in Madrid, Spain. All five German children had been born in Hamburg and lived there. Their parents were all German and spoke the Northern variety of German. The children were visited from very early on, before they began to produce their first words, as we wanted to study their babbling. Some informal tests, in order to figure their (passive) vocabularies were conducted. After the children began saying words, we continued recording them within the project PAIDUS, which had as its goal to finding out how phonological parameters were possibly fixed for German as opposed to Spanish. The German children were visited every 2 weeks at first, and later on once a month. Recordings were made at the children’s homes by two research assistants of the project. At first, the mother used to be present, but later on, we made most of the recordings with the child alone interacting with one research assistant. We tried to record the child under spontaneous conditions, playing, chatting, etc. We also brought some objects (little animals or toys) in order to elicit certain words from all children, making their phonetic and phonological characteristics comparable. The mother tried to keep a record of possible new words that were new in the child’s vocabularies, and we tried to elicit them, as well. We also used books with pictures, which belonged to the child and others that we brought. The recordings were audio recordings, and in order not to miss the ambient setting and context, one of the researchers was writing down all possible details, including what the child was doing, while the other assistant was interacting with the child. Both projects, BIDS and PAIDUS, were financed by the DFG with grant to Conxita Lleó, BIDS from 1989 until 1991 and PAIDUS from 1991 until 1994. Research Assistants in the project BIDS were Christliebe El Mogharbel and Kerstin Feuge. Research Assistants in the project PAIDUS were Christliebe El Mogharbel and Michael Prinz. Reserachers using the BIDS/PAIDUS data should send a copy of their publication based on the data to the contributor of the data. In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. Swedish-Lacerda Cornelia was born 23-SEP-2004. Ebba was born 02-SEP-2004. Teresa was born 17AUG-2004. Session c06 c08 c09 c10 c12 c13 e05 e06 e07 e08 Date 2005-OCT-10 2005-DEC-05 2006-JAN-13 2006-FEB-17 2006-DEC-18 2007-MAY-07 2005-OCT-10 2005-NOV-08 2006-JAN-16 2006-FEB-06 Age 1;0.17 1;3,02 1;3.21 1;4.25 2;2.25 2;7.14 1;1.08 1;2.06 1;4.14 1;5.04 30 e09 e10 t02 t03 t05 t06 t09 t10 2006-NOV-14 2007-MAY-29 2005-SEP-12 2005-OCT-04 2005-DEC-06 2006-JAN-09 2006-NOV-16 2007-MAY-09 2;2.12 2;8,27 1;0.26 1;1.17 1;3.18 1;4.23 2;2.30 2;8.22 Sound files are named for session. There were separate WaveSurfer transcript files for the child, caregiver, and the investigator and these were merged to create the CHILDES transcripts. Swedish-Stanford Incomplete Project Name: Swedish-Stanford Investigator(s): Marilyn Vihman Contact: Location: Stockholm, SE Number of Participants: 4 (or 5) Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal Media Type (if any): audio cassettes and/or reel-to-reel/VHS video Citation Information: Vihman, M. M., Macken, M.A., Miller, R., Simmons, H. & Miller, J. (1985). From babbling to speech: a reassessment of the continuity issue. Language, 61, 395-443. Vihman, M. M., C.A. Ferguson & M. Elbert. (1986). Phonological development from babbling to speech: Common tenden-cies and individual differences. Applied Psycholinguistics, 7, 340. Boysson-Bardies, B. de & Vihman, M. M. (1991). Adaptation to language: Evidence from babbling and first words in four languages. Language, 67, 297-319. Vihman, M. M., Kay, E., Boysson-Bardies, B. de, Durand, C. & Sundberg, U. (1994). External sources of individual differences? A cross-linguistic analysis of the phonetics of mothers' speech to one-year-old children. Developmental Psychology, 30, 652-663. Vihman, M. M., DePaolis, R.A. & Davis, B.L. (1998). Is there a “trochaic bias” in early word learning? Evidence from English and French. Child Development, 69, 933-947. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range cur TBA 0;09.03 – 1;04.05 Number of Sessions TBA Sex M 31 did TBA 0;09.16 – 1;04.18 3 M F han TBA 0;09.15 – 1;05.10 3 lin TBA 0;09.07 – 1;04.12 3 F 0.09.25 – 1;06.29 3 M sti TBA In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. Tunisian-Kern Project Name: Tunisian-Kern Investigator(s): Sophie Kern Contact Information: Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage Location: Tunis, TN Number of Participants: 4 Nature of study: naturalistic, longitudinal, monolingual Media Type (if any): digital video (.mov, .mp4) Citation Information: Kern, S, B.L. Davis, & I. Zink. (2009). From babbling to first words in four languages: Common trends, cross language and individual differences. In Francesco d’Errico & Jean-Marie Hombert (eds) Becoming eloquent: Advances in the Emergence of language, human cognition and modern culture. John Benjamins' Publishing Company. Kern, S. & B.L. Davis .(2009). Emergent complexity in early vocal acquisition: Cross-linguistic comparisons of canonical babbling. In F. Pellegrino, E. Marsico, I. Chitoran & C. Coupé (eds), Approaches to phonological complexity. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter. Kern, S. (2005). De l'universalité et des spécificités du développement langagier précoce. In Hombert, J.M. (ed) Aux origines du langage et des langues. Fayard Davis, B., S. Kern, A. Vilain & C. Lalevée (2008). Des babils à Babel: les premiers pas de la parole. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée. 13(2), 81-91. Participant Name Date of Birth Age range Fereyel 2002-04-09 0;08.09 – 2;00.21 Number of Sessions 26 Iyed Malek Zaidaan 2002-01-30 2002-02-24 2002-01-24 0;08.22 - 2;00.00 0;10.11 – 2;00.04 0;04.15 – 2;00.10 30 24 31 Sex F F M F Five types of data were collected. First, one hour of spontaneous vocalization data was audio and video recorded every two weeks from 8 months of age through 25 months of age. Recording took place in children’s homes. The parents were told to follow their normal types of activities with their 32 child. Second, minimally 1,000 dictionary entries from the ambient language employed by the parents of each child participant were analyzed for comparison with the child data for that language. Parental reports were administered using adaptations of the MacArthur Development Inventories (Fenson et al., 1993) respectively elaborated for Dutch for French participants. Mothers filled out the questionnaire once in a month. For the remaining languages there is no adaptation yet, but one could imagine using the spontaneous data to elaborate the same instrument. An object manipulation categorization task was administered every two months. This task was conceived to evaluate the children’s spontaneous nonverbal categorization abilities. Several toys, which were consistent across the language groups served as stimuli. Each task involved a contrast of objects from two different categories (animal, means of locomotion, furniture). Children were developing normally by community standards as well as reports from parents and physicians regarding developmental milestones were observed in the normal daily environment. These children were becoming monolingual speakers of French, Romanian and Tunisian Arabic. Languages were chosen to include different language families as well as for the contrasts they show in phonetic and phonological features of interest for early language development. These characteristics include word length, syllabic types as well as phonemic inventory diversity One hour of spontaneous vocalization data was audio and video recorded every two weeks from 8 months of age through 25 months of age. Recording took place in children’s homes. The parents were told to follow their normal types of activities with their child. After collection, data was phonetically transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Broad phonetic transcriptions were used, supplemented by some diacritics (mainly for palatalized, pharyngealized, nasalized sounds and duration of sounds). Tokens considered as single utterance strings were bounded by one second of silence, noise or adult speech. This work was supported by the EUROCORE Program “The Origin of Man, Language and Languages” (OMLL) and the French CNRS program “Origine de l’Homme, du Langage et des Langues” (OHLL). In accordance with CHILDES rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. _____________________________________________________________________________ 33
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