Organic as sic Or gani c Tex t il es Cl Page 2 Organic For us at Classic Textile of Sweden, environmental and social issues have been important from the start. This is not least because the long and close cooperation that our founder Jan Franck has had with Balaji Krishnamurthy, our professional partner in Karur in South India. Efforts to develop and improve the production methods to become more sustainable, both environmentally and socially, is constantly ongoing. Among other things, an active transition to environmentally friendly dyeing of all yarns began in 2004 where effluent is treated partly biologically and then reused. This is an important part of the work as the production takes place in a part of the world where access to clean water can not be taken for granted. Seeing that it is possible to make a difference as long as the will exists has inspired us to continue to keep these issues central. Not only for what we do today, but also what we can do better tomorrow. Page 3 OSCAR Påslakanset/Bed set MYSINGEN Grytlapp och Grillvante/ Pot holder and Oven glove MYSINGEN Köksförkläde/Apron PHILIP Kökshandduk 2 pack/ Kitchen towel 2 pcs Sov gott med härlig percale! Sleep well with wonderful percale! CARL Bäddset/Bed set CLASSIC Underlakan, finns i/ Flat Sheet, available in: 150x260 cm 180x260 cm 240x260 cm 260x260 cm 280x260 cm samt som kuvertlakan/ as well as envelope sheets SOVKUDDE/ PILLOW finns i/available in: 50x60 cm 35x55 cm STELLA Bäddset för barn/Baby bed set När du köper CT Organic bidrar du till: • Långsiktigt hållbar odling av bomullsråvaran. • Reducerad vattenförbrukning med ca 20%. • Bättre arbetsmiljö och högre lönenivåer i väveri- och sömnadsledet. When you buy CT Organic, you contribute to: • Sustainable cotton cultivation. • Reduced water consumption by about 20%. • Better working conditions and higher wages in the weaving and sewing stage. NI C TEXT I L R D L OB S TA N D A AL OR E G Global OrganicTextile Standard (GOTS) är en världsledande standard för textilier tillverkade av ekologisk bomull. Märkningen hjälper dig som kund att välja produkter som tillverkats under bra arbetsförhållanden och GOTS högt ställda miljökriterier genom hela leverantörskedjan. Den färdiga produkten måste dessutom uppfylla särskilda kvalitetskrav vad gäller tvättäkthet, krympning och slitage och får inte innehålla några hälsoskadliga ämnen. A G The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a world leading standard for textiles made from organic cotton. The labelling helps our customers to choose products made under good working conditions and according to high-level environmental criteria along the entire supply chain. The final product have to meet specific quality requirements in terms of washing fastness, shrinkage and wear and must not contain any harmful substances. Ta väl hand om dina textiler så håller de längre Följ tvättråden, använd miljömärkt tvättmedel och tvätta inte i onödan så sliter du mindre på både på dina textiler och miljön. Taking good care of your fabrics will make them last longer Follow the washing instructions, use environmentally friendly detergent and do not wash unnecessarily. This will cause less wear and tear on both your fabrics and the environment. FROTTÉ/ TOWELS gästhandduk, badhandduk & badlakan/ guest towel, towel & bath towel Framtiden… För oss är ett brett utbud av ekologiska produkter viktigt. Därför arbetar vi ständigt med att utveckla samt utöka vårt ekologiska sortiment med fler produkter såsom kuddar, täcken och frotté samt fler produkter i barnsortimentet. The future… A wide range of organic products is important for us. Therefore, we are constantly working to develop and expand our organic line with more products, such as pillows, blankets and terry as well as products in the children's line. Bra val: Ekologisk bomull CT Organic produkter har producerats med extra omtanke om människa och miljö. Good choice: Organic cotton CT Organic products are made with extra care for people and the environment. Address/Address: Gårdsvägen 14, 169 70 Solna, Sweden Telefon/Phone: +46 (0)8-12 13 40 00 Edustajamme Suomessa: CAPITEX Osoite: Klaarantie 3, 00200 Helsinki Puhelin: (09) 684 1940 Classic Textile GmbH & Co. KG Feldbergstraße 57, 61389 Schmitten Telefon: 06082-4630638 Fax: 06082-4630637
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