www.usa.siemens.com/healthcare Compliance Manual Your Responsibility. Our Integrity. Integrity requires taking responsibility and having the courage to make decisions following our inner compass. Answers for life. Siemens Healthcare USA Compliance Manual (For Use in the United States Only) Effective 2014 Tell Us Help Desk 1-855-303-9798 Toll Free in the U.S. or www.siemens.com/tell-us Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies SIEMENS Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies https://intranet.healthcare.siemens.com/cms/MedUSA/en/Processes_and_Tools/Policies/Pages/MedUSA_Corporate_Policies.aspx Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual— U.S. Policy; Directive Document ID: 0.0 Compliance Policy Owner: RC-US H CO Status: Released Effective Date: September 4, 2014 Prepared by: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Reviewed by: Regina Puls, H DX CO Released by: Gregory Warner, H L-USA-SPEC LC Kevin Royer, H DX GC Anthony D’Adamio, H CX L-USA Michael Wendt, RC-US H IM Anthonie Goudemond, H HR DX Ann Custin, RC-US H CSC Note: This document is maintained in electronic form. Printed copies are not updated. Copyright (c) Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is confidential and proprietary to Siemens. It is protected by copyright laws in the US and abroad, and should not be disclosed to anyone outside of Siemens without the owner’s specific consent. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 1 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy In consideration of the fact that the policies and procedures contained in the Compliance Manual may change from time to time, the official copy of this compliance manual is located on the intranet at the below URL address. Although updates to the Compliance Manual may be directly communicated to Siemens employees, it is imperative that employees’ behavior and actions are consistent with the policies and procedures set forth in the official copy of the Compliance Manual. https://intranet.healthcare.siemens.com/cms/MedUSA/en/About_Us/Compliance/Pages/ Compliance.aspx 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 2 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Table of Contents Page 1. Scope and Purpose ............................................................................................. 4 2. Promotion of Healthcare Products in accordance with Federal Regulations......... 7 3. Charitable Contributions .................................................................................... 10 4. Drawings, Contests, Sweepstakes, and Surveys ............................................... 13 5. Free-of-Charge Products and Services .............................................................. 14 6. Loaner Equipment and Trade-In Sales .............................................................. 16 7. Providing Discounts and Rebates ...................................................................... 18 8. Federal and State Disclosure/Aggregate Spend Laws ....................................... 19 9. Interactions with Federal, State, and Local Government Employees.................. 22 10. Prohibition on Entertainment and Recreation ..................................................... 25 11. Compliance Scorecards ..................................................................................... 26 12. Business Courtesies when Conducting Sales and Promotional Events.............. 27 13. Business Meals with Healthcare Professionals .................................................. 29 14. Business Gifts.................................................................................................... 31 15. Sales Agents and Distributor Relationships ....................................................... 34 16. Advisory Boards ................................................................................................ 35 17. Siemens-Sponsored Product Training and Education Events ............................ 37 18. Payments for Services, Speakers, Advisory Boards, and Other Fee-for-Service Arrangements ................................................................. 40 19. Siemens-sponsored Promotional Site Visits, Plant Tours, and Road Shows ...... 41 20. Grants for CME, CEU, and Third Party Educational Conferences ...................... 44 21. Professionals Week ........................................................................................... 48 22. Clinical Research and Collaborations ................................................................ 49 23. Compliance Training .......................................................................................... 51 24. Compliance Helpline and Tell Us Hotline ........................................................... 52 25. Disciplinary Standards ....................................................................................... 53 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 3 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 1. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Scope and Purpose The Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual (Compliance Manual) is for use in the United States (U.S.) only and applies to all Siemens Healthcare (Siemens) contractors and employees (inclusive of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics employees), and their interactions with U.S. Healthcare Providers (HCPs), and Healthcare Organizations (HCOs) and their employees. All healthcare delegates, contractors, and employees conducting business inside or outside the U.S. must also observe these guidelines when interacting with U.S. HCPs and HCOs. All Siemens employees are also expected to be familiar with and perform their operations and business functions in accordance with Siemens Business Conduct Guidelines. Many interactions with HCPs/HCOs require prior approval from the Compliance Department. Such requests, depending on the scope and purpose of the proposed interaction, should be entered into one of the following tools (accessible from the Compliance Department Intranet): Online Grant Systems Portal by HCPs/HCOs directly Compliance Approval Process (CAP) Tool by Siemens employees Sponsorships, Donations, and Memberships (SpoDoM) Tool by Siemens employees Note that the review and approval process for interactions with HCPs/HCOs outside the U.S. may differ from general guidance provided in this Compliance Manual. It is important that Siemens employees interacting with HCPs/HCOs outside the U.S. not only contact the Compliance Department in the U.S., but also the local Compliance Departments where the HCPs/HCOs are located and/or where the events are taking place for further guidance. In addition, it is necessary to have proper documentation/verification from the Export Control & Customs Department in advance if visiting customers are foreign nationals coming to the U.S. for events (e.g., speaker engagement, site visit, advisory board, etc.). Because the healthcare industry is highly regulated, Siemens believes it is important and necessary to provide employees with detailed guidance on how to interact with HCPs/HCOs, vendors, and government agencies in a manner that is compliant with applicable law. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 4 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies The Compliance Manual governs many aspects of Siemens’ relationships with HCPs/HCOs, including customer education and training, sponsoring customers’ attendance at professional conferences and CME programs, contracting for site visits, providing grants to doctors and hospitals, establishing personal service agreements, providing speaking engagements, entertainment, etc. It is Siemens’ policy to fully comply with all federal and state requirements in every business aspect, especially those involving Siemens products that are reimbursed by the government. Siemens employees are expected to fully comply with all federal and state healthcare program requirements, as well as requirements within the Compliance Manual. Some requirements that impact Siemens’ relationships with HCPs/HCOs are based on: Federal Anti-Kickback Statute The Federal Anti-Kickback Statute (42 U.S.C. §1320a-7(b)) establishes severe civil and criminal penalties for anyone who knowingly and willfully offers, pays, solicits, or receives any remuneration in cash or in-kind, directly or indirectly, to induce someone (e.g., physician or hospital) to purchase, lease, order, arrange for, or recommend purchasing, leasing, or ordering any item for which payment may be made under any federal or state healthcare program. Recent amendments to the law specify that a person need not have actual knowledge of the Anti-Kickback Statute or specific intent to commit a violation. To ensure remuneration to HCPs/HCOs is in accordance with the law and accepted industry practices, Siemens has adopted fair market value (FMV) guidelines for interactions with HCPs/HCOs. More information on FMV, including Siemens’ Fair Market Value Policy on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals, is accessible from the Compliance Department Intranet. Office of Inspector General Guidelines The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Guidelines state that a violation may be found even if only one purpose of the remuneration is to induce the purchase of products regardless of legitimate purposes for the payment (One Purpose Rule). In addition, there does not have to be an agreement to purchase in exchange for the remuneration, and there is no requirement the remuneration result in an increase in state or federal healthcare expenditures. Industry Organization Codes of Conduct The Compliance Manual is consistent with the AdvaMed Code of Ethics and the MITA Code of Ethics, but is tailored to address Siemens’ business models and to provide additional U.S.-specific guidance. Therefore, while Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. and its subsidiaries (including Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.) may certify adherence to such U.S. industry codes, the Compliance Manual directly governs the U.S. activities of Siemens employees’ interactions with U.S. HCPs/HCOs. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 5 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies In addition, federal and state governments have enacted laws to prevent, detect, and punish fraud and abuse of healthcare plans and programs. At the federal level, these laws include but are not limited to the Federal Civil False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. §3729-33). A person or company that violates the False Claims Act is liable for damages up to three times the amount the government is defrauded plus mandatory penalties of $5,500 to $11,000 for each false claim submitted. Many states have enacted similar laws. As stated previously, the Compliance Manual applies to Siemens employees’ interactions with U.S. HCPs/HCOs. This includes interactions with HCPs/HCOs who work in the U.S., but where the interaction occurs outside the country, such as a conference or other event. Siemens employees having questions relating to interactions, inside or outside the U.S., with international HCPs/HCOs, should contact their organization’s compliance officer for further guidance or consult MOR 3.3/01e—Compliance in the Healthcare Sector. MOR 3.3/01e—Compliance in the Healthcare Sector MOR 3.3/01e—Compliance in the Healthcare Sector provides Siemens employees with an overview of the most important compliance topics and respective corporate regulations. The MOR also specifies additional Compliance Organization regulations specific to the business. Although Siemens employees are not required to be fully versed in the laws affecting his/her responsibilities, it is the expectation of Siemens that every employee with significant responsibilities have a working knowledge of the permissible activities involved in his/her work and to seek guidance from the Compliance Department, the Legal Department, or a superior concerning matters where there is a question. Note that in the event of any discrepancies or conflicts between the Compliance Manual and any other Siemens policies, quality regulations (QRs), and/or MORs referred to herein, the Compliance Manual’s guidance takes precedence. The Compliance Manual is accessible to the public on the Siemens Internet. However, the internal policies and tools referenced in the Compliance Manual are restricted to Siemens employees and internal use only, and are not provided to external persons or parties unless deemed necessary. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 6 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 2. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Promotion of Healthcare Products in accordance with Federal Regulations Promotional materials and other information provided in writing or verbally to HCPs/HCOs about Siemens products must be accurate and consistent with all U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and regulatory requirements governing such communications. The FDA strictly regulates advertising or promoting products for uses not cleared or approved by the FDA. To ensure Siemens complies with all applicable requirements, product materials and information provided to HCPs/HCOs must have prior Regulatory Department approval and, when necessary, Legal Department approval. Quality Regulation (QR) 7 and its attachments define the basic requirements for the control of external communications, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations as well as Siemens’ business strategy. Three risks in particular must be avoided in the promotion of Siemens products: 1. Inquiries about Off-Label Use of Siemens Products Off-label promotion is promotion of a clinical application or use for which a device has not received FDA clearance or approval. If a doctor, laboratory director, or other HCP asks an unsolicited question about uses other than the approved/cleared intended use for Siemens products, employees must advise the inquirer that Siemens policy prohibits discussion of off-label uses, and may direct the inquirer to the Director of Regulatory Affairs. Employees may not solicit this type of inquiry, nor may employees provide articles or other forms of written communication discussing approved or unapproved uses to prompt questions about unapproved uses of Siemens products. Employees may also contact the Regulatory Help Desk for further assistance at: 1-610219-6100. Note that this number is intended for employees and internal use only. 2. Premature Promotion, Marketing, or Sale of a Product U.S. law prohibits the sale, promotion, and/or marketing of medical devices before such devices are 510(k) cleared or achieve pre-market approval, as applicable. For Siemens products not yet cleared or approved in the U.S., employees may not in writing or verbally make safety or effectiveness claims, set expectations, or make commitments about whether products will be cleared or approved by the FDA, when they will be cleared, or what may be their cost. Employees may not make preliminary or binding quotes for such products, or discuss such non-commercially available product features in writing or verbally even though such products may be legally sold in other countries. Employees with questions should refer to QR 7, or contact the Regulatory or Legal Departments for assistance. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 7 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 3. Guidance for Providing Reimbursement Information In general, employees may not provide advice, recommendations, consulting services, or other assistance to HCPs/HCOs regarding their submission of healthcare claims for reimbursement based in whole or in part on the use of Siemens products. The Siemens’ Policy and Strategy Office is responsible for, among other things, identifying appropriate procedural, product coding, and reimbursement information for Siemens products. This information is obtained from authoritative sources, such as the American Medical Association, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), regional and local public contractors (i.e., carriers, fiscal intermediaries, and durable medical equipment regional carriers), and private insurance contractors. It is Siemens’ policy that reimbursement information comes directly from these authoritative sources, and is provided to HCPs/HCOs to assist them in understanding and complying with CMS and other insurers’ requirements. Employees must adhere to the following guidelines when discussing reimbursement issues with customers: Siemens sales associates, distributors, and agents may only provide insurance coding, coverage, or payment information for Siemens products if the following requirements are met: o The coding, coverage, or payment information comes directly from an entity authorized to make such determinations, such as CMS or third party payers. o Siemens offers the same information, in the same format, to all purchasers or potential purchasers of Siemens products. o Siemens does not in any way add to, delete, or modify third party information, and must include a disclaimer on third party information indicating the information comes from a third party and is not advice from Siemens. Consistent with the requirements previously mentioned, Siemens may provide customers with billing codes (e.g., CPT and HCPCS) to use when submitting claims to third party payers for Siemens products. It is Siemens’ policy to promote products based solely on their effectiveness, safety, and cost. Employees may not offer unsolicited comments regarding the amount customers might receive in reimbursement from Medicare or Medicaid for Siemens products or competitors’ products. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 8 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Employees may not provide personal opinions or interpretations of coding, coverage, or reimbursement information, nor should employees offer unsolicited comments about such topics. If asked about reimbursement issues not related to specific coding, coverage, or payment by customers or other individuals, employees should inform the parties that it is against Siemens policy to provide reimbursement advice and that the parties should consult an appropriate third party, such as a Medicare carrier or private insurer. To ensure the above requirements are met, all information related to insurance coding must be obtained through or be approved by Siemens’ Policy and Strategy Office at: 1-610-448-3410. Employees with questions regarding promotion of products reimbursed by Medicare or Medicaid should contact their supervisor or the Legal Department for assistance. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 9 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 3. Charitable Contributions Siemens may make donations as outlined in this section where the proceeds are intended solely for charitable purposes. From a compliance perspective, a charitable contribution is not permitted if any of the following traits are present: It is intended as a price term or offered in place of a price concession. It is contingent on the purchase of any Siemens products. It is intended to encourage the recipient to use, purchase, or recommend Siemens products. It is intended to reward or compensate the recipient for purchasing, using, or recommending Siemens products. It is made at the request of an HCP in his/her individual capacity (e.g., request by a physician to fund his/her preferred charity). It is intended for an event that is strictly celebratory in scope. Siemens Healthcare Giving (SHG) supports Siemens in the processing of donation requests to qualified 501(c) 3 organizations. Through SHG, Siemens supports selected initiatives that focus on community and patient health education programs. SHG receives all requests directly from requesting organizations via the Online Giving Request Portal and performs the initial assessment by reviewing requests against the below criteria. Requests that meet initial criteria are reviewed by the Compliance Department and the cross-functional Healthcare Executive Advisory Committee (HEAC), comprised of Siemens executives, which select those initiatives to be supported. Certain sponsorship opportunities may also require review by Siemens’ Business Units, subsequent to requests determined to be approvable by the HEAC. Approved requests are ultimately entered by the Online Giving Request Portal Administrator into the SpoDoM Tool for organizational approvals per Siemens guidelines—CC Circular No. 2/2012 / CL CO Circular No. 2/2012—SpoDoM and MOR 3.2/08e—SpoDoM Supplementary Regulation. Due to limited annual funding, not all requests that meet criteria can be supported. SHG handles the processing of selected requests, notifications to the requesting organizations (awarded or declined), and tracking/reporting. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 10 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Siemens’ key areas for monetary donations include: 1. Initiatives that focus on community and patient health education programs, specifically in the areas of: Cardiology Oncology/cancer Breast cancer awareness Neurology/stroke Pediatrics Accessibility to medical care Diagnostics 2. Educational and philanthropic programs in the areas previously mentioned, whereby an organization is requesting donations from the healthcare community to assist in funding. 3. Initiatives involving multiple Siemens entities/organizations, and those that engage employees. 4. Funding that is direct-to-beneficiary (Siemens does not sponsor third party activities to support donation efforts; rather, Siemens sponsors beneficiary organizations directly, when appropriate). 5. The request does not fund the following: Construction or capital improvements Endowments, general operation costs, employee salaries, etc. International programs (even if the charity is a U.S. organization) Education programs for HCO employees Individuals Religious or political purposes 6. The fundraising is not accomplished via a golf outing, or other sporting event or recreational activity. 7. Any charitable fundraiser (e.g., gala) being sponsored provides, at minimum, 65% of the funds to the intended cause as opposed to administrative/event expenses. Employees may not make charitable donations on behalf of Siemens. If employees want to support charities in an individual capacity and such charities are customers or affiliated with customers, then donations must meet the following criteria: 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 11 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies The donation is made directly to the charity. The donation is made anonymously. The customer is never informed directly or indirectly about the donation. Attendance by designated employees at charitable events may be permitted in order for Siemens to demonstrate support for such charities. However, inviting customers or HCPs to these charity events is not appropriate under any circumstance. Contributions for Health Fairs/Medical Screenings Charitable contributions may be requested to support community health fairs or medical screenings intended to promote disease awareness and provide testing for early diagnosis. Examples include medical test or screening events offered free-of-charge to the community (e.g., prostate cancer screening). Siemens may contribute funds or products to third parties that qualify as taxexempt charitable organizations to support health fairs or screenings if the following requirements are met: Siemens cannot provide funds or product to a private HCP, practice group, or any charity controlled or operated by a private HCP/practice group. More than one medical group or more than one HCP, each from different medical groups, must participate in the health fair or medical screening. The health fair or medical screening must be free-of-charge to the community and open to all community members. All charitable contributions are subject to audit to ensure compliance with Siemens policies and the Compliance Manual. The government (e.g., IRS) may also request to audit/review charitable contributions. Employees with questions regarding charitable contributions should contact the Compliance Department for assistance. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 12 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 4. Drawings, Contests, Sweepstakes, and Surveys Drawings, contests, and sweepstakes, that offer the opportunity for customers, patients, HCPs, or anyone else to receive something of value, are to be generally avoided. Requests by conference organizers for Siemens to supply funds for drawings, sweepstakes, or similar situations must be approved by the Compliance and Legal Departments. Furthermore, items to be used for drawings, contests, or sweepstakes must comply with the requirements of the Compliance Manual as set forth in the “Business Gifts” section (i.e., direct patient and/or educational benefit). All requests to support third party drawings, contests, sweepstakes, or similar situations must be approved in advance by the Compliance Department by submitting a request in the Compliance Approval Process (CAP) Tool. Employee requests to conduct surveys for promotional and marketing purposes that include remuneration must be approved by the Compliance and Legal Departments. All requests to support surveys must be approved in advance by the Compliance Department by submitting a request in the CAP Tool. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 13 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 5. Free-of-Charge Products and Services Free-of-charge products and services are those items provided to customers or other third parties at no charge. Depending on the Siemens Business Unit, items may be consumable material, software and related licenses, imaging devices, or product-related services. This may also include use of free-of-charge products for research collaborations and development where devices are placed with customers to generate data (through testing of residual samples) in order to prepare FDA clearance/approval materials. Unless properly documented as a discount or promotion, or in-kind payment for personal services, Siemens may never provide free-of-charge items to customers, such as HCPs/HCOs, even if only one purpose of such action is to encourage them to use or purchase other Siemens products (One Purpose Rule). In general, free-of-charge items may only be provided for warranty/repair/replacement, dispute settlement, limited-time pre-purchase evaluation, payment for personal services, research purposes, validation, correlation or waste, etc., after evaluation by the Legal and Finance Departments. For Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, free reagents or assays provided for the purpose of pre-purchase evaluation should only be delivered in reasonable quantities. Any such transaction must be approved and documented by qualified employees as described below in the CAP Tool. The value of these materials must be disclosed to customers in writing with a reminder that the value must be considered by HCPs/HCOs in their cost reporting activities when the materials are provided to resolve bona fide disputes. Free-of-charge items provided to qualified charities should follow the guidance provided in the Compliance Manual section “Charitable Contributions.” Free-ofcharge items provided in connection with product sales (e.g., buy one, get one free) must comply with the Compliance Manual section “Providing Discounts and Rebates.” Providing free-of-charge items may be reportable to the federal government under the Physician Payments Sunshine Act (Sunshine Law) and/or to states according to state law. Siemens may agree to provide customers with free-of-charge items for purposes of conducting quality or other validation studies pursuant to written agreements when necessary. The value of such materials must be disclosed to customers in writing. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 14 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Products and/or services may be marketed as free-of-charge items. However, they must be reflected as a discount on the invoice (e.g., It is permissible to state “buy four, get one free,” however, the invoice should reflect this as a 20% discount). For additional information, employees should consult the Compliance Manual section “Providing Discounts and Rebates” and the Legal Department, as necessary. Goods or services provided as an apology for customer satisfaction or because of customer status are free-of-charge items and subject to this policy, and are not permitted. When there are bona fide warranty/service/performance issues, replacement product, service, or a credit may be offered, provided the transaction is documented with the warranty safe harbor language which must be evaluated and documented by the Legal Department. Employees with questions regarding free-of-charge items should contact the Compliance or Legal Departments for assistance. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 15 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 6. Loaner Equipment and Trade-In Sales Loaner Equipment Loaner equipment in the context of the Compliance Manual refers to equipment that may or may not have commercial value and is provided at no charge. Any loaner equipment provided (hardware and/or software) must comply with MOR 2.3/03E (Sales-related loans) and be provided pursuant to a written agreement that has been approved by the Product Loan Group or any other responsible group within the Siemens Business Unit (e.g., equipment evaluation agreement). Sales-related equipment loans are permissible if: 1. It is to bridge delivery difficulties in the case of binding order promises (e.g., product on backorder); 2. It is a pre-purchase evaluation for testing purposes in the interest of a potential customer, in order to check whether the product meets the customer’s requirements; or 3. It is a temporary replacement of a defective customer device as part of a maintenance contract. Sales-related equipment loans are limited to the durations of existing reasons and subject to a maximum of three months (90 days). In exceptional cases where longer loan periods are deemed necessary, approval for extensions must be obtained from the Compliance Department prior to the expiration of the initial equipment loans. Equipment may not be loaned free-of-charge to customers hosting demonstration site visits. Equipment loaned for charitable events must be submitted in the CAP Tool and approved by the Compliance Department. A daily loan rate, including transportation of equipment, must be captured and documented for Aggregate Spend Tracking and Reporting (ASTAR) purposes. For additional information on ASTAR reporting, employees should reference the Compliance Manual section “Federal and State Disclosure/Aggregate Spend Laws.” Loaned equipment for educational events (for either continuing medical education or non-continuing medical education purposes) does not need to be reported in ASTAR. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 16 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Trade-In Sales Because trade-in equipment represents an exchange of value designed to facilitate standardization of products by customers’ employees in clinical practice, customers must relinquish their existing inventory to Siemens. Except in certain circumstances, customers cannot receive free Siemens products and retain the ability to use their existing equipment. Trade-in equipment becomes assets owned by Siemens upon turnover of the new products to customers. Should customers have legitimate needs to delay completion of trade-ins after passing titles to Siemens (i.e., old equipment now belongs to Siemens), loan extensions must be completed. Trade-in allowances must be consistent with the fair market value of the equipment received. Any exceptions to this process must be approved by the Compliance or Legal Departments. Employees with questions regarding trade-in and loaner equipment should contact the Compliance or Legal Departments for assistance. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 17 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 7. Providing Discounts and Rebates Siemens may generally provide discounts, rebates, and other price concessions to customers provided the conditions of this section are met. In order to ensure Siemens complies with the Discount Safe Harbor provision to the Anti-Kickback Statute, the true net cost to customers of Siemens products must be transparently documented—fair market value or customer realized price (CRP)— in written contracts that notify recipients of their obligations to report the arrangements to government payors, such as Medicare and Medicaid. Side letters or price concessions offered outside of written contracts are strictly prohibited. Any unanticipated credits or price changes in contract amendments or other change orders must be approved under the Delegation of Authority Policy and properly documented in contract amendments or other change orders, and included in the contract history files. When customers trade in units toward new equipment, the value of the trade-ins is a form of discount against purchase of the new equipment and must be properly documented. Rebates are price concessions based on purchase volume or fulfillment of other established criteria where the final amount of the price concession may not be known at the time of product invoice or contract signing. If the value of a rebate is not known at the time of invoice or contract signing, the invoice or contract should reflect that additional discounts may become available at a later time. Siemens should also provide the formula for subsequent calculation of discounts, and must provide a form of written statement describing any rebates awarded to customers, notifying them they may be required to report discounts and other price concessions to the government in its annual Medicare cost reports. Employees with questions regarding discounts or other price concessions should contact the Compliance or Legal Departments for assistance. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 18 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 8. Federal and State Disclosure/Aggregate Spend Laws Federal and state laws require the annual reporting of payments and other transfers of value made by Siemens to physicians, certain HCPs and HCOs (and in some cases their employees) related to the compensation for services, payment of expenses, and other transactions other than the sale or license of goods. Such information is captured in the appropriate Aggregate Spend Tracking and Reporting (ASTAR) system (i.e., EZ Suite, ATDT, ASTAR Webform, etc.). These systems are accessible under the ASTAR Intranet. It is highly important all such transactions be timely, accurately, and completely reported to the Compliance Department to avoid the risk of government sanctions. Any ASTARrelevant transactions made by Siemens entities/employees working outside the U.S. and engaging U.S. HCPs are to be properly documented using the ASTAR Webform available under the ASTAR Intranet. Federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act Federal law requires medical device manufacturers operating in the U.S., such as Siemens, to comply with specific reporting requirements for transaction data captured in accordance with this policy and MOR 3.3/01 IN 06e—ASTAR Submission Guidance. Management must ensure appropriate training to employees on proper ASTAR processes and tools; Employees must timely (entered no more than two weeks after being incurred), completely (listing, for example, all internal and external attendees at a meal), and accurately record all ASTAR-relevant transactions in the appropriate tool (accounts payable, T&E, etc.); All payments and other transfers of value to HCPs/HCOs must be reported internally, including but not limited to: Consulting fees Educational items Expenses such as travel, lodging, and meals Grants and charitable donations Honoraria Licensing and royalty fees Payment made to another entity at the request of or on behalf of a physician or teaching hospital o Research-related expenses o Training and education expenses o o o o o o o 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 19 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Note that all transfers of value to HCPs and HCOs must be internally reported via the ASTAR process. State Reporting Requirements—Massachusetts Massachusetts has a Marketing Code of Conduct for medical device companies that interact with Massachusetts HCPs/HCOs. It is important to note that unlike Vermont’s state reporting requirements, Massachusetts’ Code of Conduct applies to all interactions with covered recipients (defined below) who are licensed in Massachusetts but practicing anywhere, regardless of whether those interactions occur in or outside Massachusetts. Covered recipients include (but are not limited to): Massachusetts HCPs Hospitals Nursing homes Pharmacists Health benefits plan administrators Employees of covered recipients With certain exceptions, Massachusetts requires Siemens to track and annually disclose the value, nature, purpose, and recipient of any fees, payments, subsidies, items of value, or other economic benefits valued at $50 or more and provided to covered recipients. Such information is captured in the appropriate ASTAR system (i.e., EZ Suite, ATDT, ASTAR Webform, etc.). Business Meals Employees may pay for occasional, modest meals and refreshments when meeting with Massachusetts HCPs. Meals must be provided with a Siemens representative present or in connection with an educational presentation by a Siemens representative to educate and inform HCPs about the benefits, risks, and appropriate uses of medical devices, disease states, or other scientific information. Product Training and Education Events Payments will only be made for travel, lodging, and other expenses associated with Siemens-sponsored product training programs for Massachusetts HCPs/HCOs. Payments for Services, Speakers, Advisory Boards, and Other Fee-forService Arrangements Siemens may reimburse individuals or entities for out-of-pocket expenses associated with providing services, which could include the cost of meals, however, written agreements are required. Accordingly, if Massachusetts HCPs are providing services, employees may take the HCPs to dinner, provided that it is covered under the agreement for services. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 20 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies State Reporting Requirements—Vermont Vermont defines healthcare providers as hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacists, health benefit plan administrators, or any other persons authorized to dispense or purchase for distribution prescribed products in the State of Vermont. Hospital foundations organized as nonprofit entities separate from the hospitals are not considered healthcare providers. Vermont defines healthcare professionals as persons who regularly practice in the State of Vermont and are authorized to prescribe or recommend prescribed products (e.g., licensed clinical social worker, licensed psychologist, etc.), as well as licensed by the State of Vermont to provide or is otherwise lawfully providing healthcare in the State of Vermont. With some exceptions, Vermont bans: Anything of value provided to a healthcare provider for free. Any payment, food, entertainment, travel, subscription, advance, service, or anything else of value provided to a healthcare provider. Certification of spend data for federal and state disclosure requirements submitted for aggregate spend purposes much be certified each quarter by appropriate Siemens management. Certifiers must state that the potentiallyreportable aggregate spend data for their portion of the business is timely, accurate, and complete to the best of their knowledge and belief. For additional information, employees should consult MOR 3.3/01E IN 06e— ASTAR Submission Guidance. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 21 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 9. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Interactions with Federal, State, and Local Government Employees Federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing gifts, business meals, speaker grants, educational grants, and travel compensation provided to federal, state, and local government employees, including part-time government employees, are much stricter and more specific than laws and regulations for private customers. Siemens employees should read this section to avoid any conduct that may present even the appearance of impropriety with any federal, state, or local government employee (government employee). Employees who are unsure whether individuals are government employees should consult the individuals or their facility/employer. For additional information, employees should consult the Siemens Government Contracting Policy. Government employees include anyone (military or civilian) employed by facilities associated with the Department of Defense (military or DoD), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Federal Public Health Service (PHS) entities, Indian Health Services, National Institutes of Health (NIH), or other federal, state, or local government entities. According to federal law, government employees include part-time employees of the government and part-time workers at government facilities. The following are considered examples of government employees: A resident while he/she is doing a rotation at the VA. A physician who works part-time at the VA and part-time at a civilian institution (the amount of time spent at the VA hospital is irrelevant). The following, for example, are not considered government employees: An individual who works at a civilian facility that has a contract with the government to treat government beneficiaries (e.g., a civilian physician at a TRICARE facility). In general, providing government employees with meals, gifts, compensation, expense reimbursement, etc., is prohibited unless Siemens employees receive prior approval from both the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool and the ethics officers with the appropriate government agencies. Various government agencies regulate commercial sales interactions with government employees. Violations of these rules can result in criminal or civil sanctions against Siemens and the individuals involved. Siemens employees engaging in government business must understand and comply with such rules. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 22 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies General Prohibition Siemens employees may not offer or provide gifts, business meals, entertainment, travel reimbursement, or anything else of value—regardless of amount—to government employees. Siemens employees may not offer or provide gifts or entertainment to government employees regardless of the amount or whether the gifts may benefit patients or provide genuine educational value. Siemens employees may not provide gifts, meals, entertainment, travel reimbursement, or anything else of value to spouses or guests of state or local government employees. For example, it is clearly not permissible for a Siemens employee to buy a government employee lunch when he/she visits with a government employee. It is permissible, however, for Siemens employees to supply modest meals to government employees if such meals are provided in conjunction with a contractually agreed upon purpose (e.g., food provided at a contractually arranged training). Such cases are very limited exceptions and must receive prior approval from the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool. Examples of limited exceptions include: Widely Attended Gatherings Government officials (and various state employees where their state policy is restrictive regarding meals, etc.) may attend certain group events of a medical or educational nature, referred to as widely attended gatherings, sponsored by Siemens. Widely attended gatherings include events sponsored by industry associations open to both government and civilian officials (e.g., third party conferences). In order to be considered as such, the events must be open to all attendees of the conference or convention, (e.g., a Siemenssponsored keynote address at the annual AACC convention). However, Siemens may not invite government employees (or state employees where their state policy is restrictive regarding meals, etc.) to attend a Siemenssponsored limited target audience event (e.g., dinner at a Siemens table at a HIMSS, RSNA, or AACC Conference). Simple Business Courtesies Government officials (and various state employees where their state policy is restrictive regarding meals, etc.) may be provided simple business courtesies such as coffee, soft drinks, pastries, cookies, or light refreshments (no sandwiches or meals). Federal, State, and Local Employee Attendance at Site Visits In general, site visits are permissible for government officials, however, prior approvals from the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool and relevant government agencies are required. Speaker and Educational Grants Grants to support government speakers may only be provided to bona fide third party organizations (e.g., Henry M. Jackson Foundation, True 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 23 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Foundation, Geneva Foundation, etc.) established for the purpose of accepting and disseminating grant funds on behalf of federal entities (including the DoD and VA). Siemens may provide funds to these organizations for educational purposes, including sponsoring government officials to speak at or attend medical conferences, only if the third party organizations, not Siemens, determine how the funds are used. Grants must be consistent with the third party organizations’ character or authority. In addition, all grant requests for funding government speakers and government attendance at medical education and training events must follow the process described in the Compliance Manual section “Grants for CME, CEU, and Third Party Educational Conferences” and require approval by the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool. The government has strict rules (e.g., potential conflicts of interest) around the hiring of their employees for personal services (e.g., speaking events, advisory engagements, etc.); therefore, the Legal Department must be involved. Siemens employees should contact the Legal Department should any planned or spontaneous interactions with U.S., state, or local government employees take place outside the U.S., or if it is believed exceptions to this general policy are warranted. Record Retention The Accounting Department must maintain payment request packages for periods of six years or longer, as required by law or the Corporate Record Retention Policy. Audits Spending for gifts and business meals or other business expenses associated with state and local government employees is subject to audit to ensure compliance with this section. Educational grants are subject to audit by the Operational Review Department to ensure compliance with these policies. The federal government (e.g., IRS) may also request to audit/review educational grant payments to state government employees at any time. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 24 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 10. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Prohibition on Entertainment and Recreation Siemens employees’ interactions with HCPs should be professional in nature and facilitate the exchange of medical or scientific information to benefit patient care. Siemens employees are prohibited from offering entertainment and/or recreational events to HCPs or HCO employees. To ensure the appropriate focus on an educational and/or informational exchange and to avoid the appearance of impropriety, Siemens will not provide or pay for any entertainment or recreational events or activities (e.g., theater performances, sporting events and equipment, golf outings, hunting excursions, trips/vacations, etc.) for HCPs who are not employees of Siemens. Such entertainment and recreation events/items should not be provided, regardless of: 1. Their value; 2. Whether the HCP provides services to Siemens under an agreement; or 3. Whether the entertainment or recreation is secondary to an educational purpose. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 25 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 11. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Compliance Scorecards The CAP and SpoDoM Tools are used by Siemens to evaluate the appropriateness of all interactions with U.S. HCPs, except for business meals and exhibits (for these activities, employees should refer to the sections “Business Meals” and “Business Courtesies when Conducting Sales and Promotional Events” for further guidance). For employees who are working outside the U.S. and engaging U.S. HCPs (public or private sector), the U.S. Scorecard may be used as a first point of reference (the U.S. Scorecard is weighted in such a way that employees using the tool are directed to contact the Compliance Department for further guidance). Siemens mandates that employees use Scorecards for gifts and business meals for the countries in which the benefits are granted and/or where the HCPs are located. Other interactions, such as non-local travel, site visits, and/or speaker engagements require approval by the Compliance Department (U.S.) via the SpoDoM Tool or from the respective local Compliance Department prior to offering or granting benefits. When the thresholds of Scorecards are exceeded, employees must consult their regional Compliance Officer before offering or granting benefits. Completed Scorecards should be signed and included with expense reports. Scorecards are accessible from the Compliance Department Intranet. Note that all economic benefits, including gifts and business meals, paid by Siemens entities/employees working outside the U.S. and engaging U.S. HCPs are to be properly documented using ASTAR. Employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Federal and State Disclosure/Aggregate Spend Laws” for further guidance on ASTAR reporting. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 26 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 12. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Business Courtesies when Conducting Sales and Promotional Events This section provides guidance for Siemens employees on the appropriate standards of conduct relating to Siemens’ sales and promotional activities and services in accordance with applicable national, state, and local laws and regulations, as well as applicable industry guidelines. In addition, this section establishes a framework of standards of conduct for employees relating to compliance and legal aspects of all Siemens-sponsored sales meetings, promotional activities, and convention services (whether directly or indirectly through distributors, agents, and sales associates, in whole or in part). Approval prior to events by the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool is required depending on the event type (routine business meals do not require submission in the CAP Tool provided the activities meet the requirements set forth in the section “Business Meals with Healthcare Professionals”). Attendee Selection Only HCPs who have a legitimate business need to attend Siemens sales meetings and promotional activities (e.g., tradeshows) should be invited. Siemens employees may not invite HCPs to sales and promotional meetings based on their purchasing habits or to reward large purchasers of Siemens products. In addition, employees may not invite guests or spouses of HCPs. If uninvited guests or spouses of HCPs attend, their meals must be at their own expense. In regard to permissible travel with HCPs, Siemens should generally purchase airline tickets and make arrangements to pay hotels so business guests do not incur these costs, and so Siemens can ensure arrangements are consistent with applicable company policies on reimbursement for business travel. Federal, State, and Local Government Employees It is generally not appropriate for Siemens to pay for meals, refreshments, or travel for government employees (e.g., military and Department of Defense). For additional information on business interactions with federal government employees, employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Interactions with Federal, State, and Local Government Employees.” 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 27 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Private Institution Rules (Non-Government) Non-government HCOs may have rules governing their employees' interactions with vendors such as Siemens (e.g., customers may place a dollar limit on provided business courtesies, such as meals, or they may prohibit acceptance altogether). Violation of customer policies can harm both the business contacts and Siemens. When in doubt, employees should ask individuals with whom they are conducting business whether they can engage in activities such as business meals. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 28 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 13. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Business Meals with Healthcare Professionals Siemens may pay for occasional, modest meals when employees meet with customers to discuss business. Siemens policy prohibits employees from offering anything of value to HCPs to encourage individuals to purchase, order, or recommend Siemens products, as this could violate the Anti-Kickback Statute and relevant state statutes. This section covers interactions with all HCPs who may purchase, lease, recommend, use, prescribe, or arrange for the purchase or lease of Siemens products. Note that the definition of an HCP is very broad and includes individuals other than physicians and nurses, such as laboratory directors, distributors, technicians, and medical office assistants. It is not necessary for business meals to be submitted in the CAP Tool, provided the following criteria are met: 1. Siemens business will be discussed. 2. The venue is appropriate, conducive to business discussions, and enables the employee to meet the criterion of modest as defined below. 3. The cost of the meal is modest and meets compliance guidelines, and includes tips, beverages, and taxes. Maximum amount per meal, per person is: Breakfast—$35.00 Lunch—$60.00 Dinner—$100.00 4. The individual(s) in attendance have a bona fide business need to be present at the discussion. 5. Business meals with the same individual(s) are infrequent. 6. The policies of the affiliated organization, including local and state facilities governing the individual’s interaction with Siemens, allow for the meal to be provided and at such cost levels (employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Federal and State Disclosure/Aggregate Spend Laws” for Massachusetts- and Vermont-specific guidance). 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 29 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 7. No employees of federal government facilities are in attendance (e.g., VA, NIH, etc.). Company policy prohibits Siemens from providing business meals to federal government employees. State and local government facility rules dictate whether employees of such facilities may be in attendance. Siemens employees should obtain written confirmation from state or local facilities that confirm the benefits acceptable. Siemens employees intending to provide such benefits to state and local employees must receive prior approval from the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool. Employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Federal and State Disclosure/Aggregate Spend Laws” for information governing attendees, and collecting and submitting proper and accurate data. Note that any deviations from the guidance previously mentioned require prior approval by the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool. Siemens employees are always responsible for ensuring that business meals are submitted timely and accurately as customer expenses per the Travel and Entertainment (T&E) Policy (also accessible from the Compliance Department Intranet), and that all relevant ASTAR information is accurately captured. Audits Spending for business meals is subject to audits to ensure compliance with this section, including proper documentation, spending limits, and company spending policy. The government (e.g., IRS) may also request to audit/review expense reports. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 30 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 14. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Business Gifts With the exception of business meals (previous section), Siemens policy and the Compliance Manual prohibit employees from offering anything of value, including business gifts, to HCPs to encourage HCPs to prescribe, purchase, or order Siemens products, or to recommend the prescription, purchase, or ordering of Siemens products. Offering or providing gifts or items of value to encourage HCPs to prescribe, order, or recommend Siemens products may violate the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute and other relevant state statutes. In most circumstances, Siemens employees cannot accept gifts from HCPs/HCOs. Employees should contact the Compliance Department before accepting gifts from HCPs/HCOs. This section covers interactions with HCPs/HCOs who may purchase, lease, recommend, use, or prescribe Siemens products. Note that the definition of HCP is very broad and includes individuals other than doctors and nurses, such as laboratory directors, technicians, and medical office assistants. This section also applies to Siemens Sales Agents who assist Siemens in selling products to customers. Acceptable Business Gifts as a General Rule All business gifts must benefit patients or serve genuine educational functions. The monetary limit is $100 per gift (other than medical textbooks; employees should refer to the sub-section “Medical Textbooks” below). There is no specified limit on the maximum amount Siemens may spend on any HCP in a 12-month period. However, employees are responsible for using good judgment to ensure the aggregate value and quantity of gifts and/or business meals to any recipient is reasonable, modest, and occasional. It is important to remember the government may view business gifts and/or meals that are provided too frequently or that are too expensive as an improper inducement to purchase Siemens products. In addition, business gifts may never include payments in cash or cash equivalents (e.g., gift cards, gift certificates, loans, savings bonds, lottery tickets, airline upgrade coupons, etc.). Prohibited Business Gifts Branded promotional items that are not educational cannot be given to HCPs, regardless of whether the items have minimal value, and are related to HCPs’ work. Examples of non-educational, branded promotional items include pens, notepads, mugs, calendars, and other items that have Siemens’ name, logo, or product name/logo. Gifts may not be received from, offered, or given to Siemens suppliers of goods or services. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 31 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Pre-Approval Requirement of Acceptable Business Gifts All business gift requests must receive prior approval from the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool (or Compliance Scorecard if outside the U.S). The following are examples of appropriate business gifts: Resident handbooks Anatomical models Educational DVDs on medical conditions and treatment Commemorative plaques provided to institutions Branded notepads and pens offered during customer training/education that are covered in tuitions or sales orders Memory sticks only for purposes of Siemens product marketing, educational, and/or training materials (memory stick size must be comparable to materials used) The following are examples of inappropriate business gifts: Personal items that do not benefit patients and do not serve genuine educational functions (e.g., tickets to a sporting event) Gifts, regardless of cost, that reward HCPs for purchasing Siemens products Multi-media devices, golf balls, sports bags, cuff links or clothes, even if they contain a Siemens logo or product logo Any dual-purpose gifts, such as televisions, Blue Ray/DVD players, computer equipment, iPads, or MP3 players, even if the cost is less than $100 and the HCP indicates it will be used for medical purposes Branded or non-branded pens, notepads, or mugs Business Gifts/Meals Provided By Healthcare Vendors/Suppliers Business gifts/meals from vendors/suppliers cannot be monetary or in the form of gift certificates. Only promotional items (e.g., pens, notepads, etc.) with a nominal value that do not exceed $25 may be accepted by Siemens employees from vendors/suppliers of healthcare goods or services. In addition, nonpromotional gifts (e.g., candy, fruit baskets, etc.) are acceptable but must be modest (under $50), infrequent, and shared with Siemens co-workers. Business Gifts Provided By Customers Business gifts that convey a personal benefit may not be received from customers. Siemens employees may not accept any gifts from customers that Siemens would not be able to provide to them. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 32 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Medical Textbooks Medical textbooks may be offered only through the Marketing Department. Textbooks valued at more than $100 may be provided only to hospitals, practice groups, or other entities where the number of physicians in the group ensures the value of the textbook does not exceed $100 per physician. Textbooks valued at more than $100 should never be given to only one individual. Note that offering gifts without prior CAP approval by the Compliance Department is not allowed, even if it is provided to a group for use by multiple individuals. Medical textbooks provided to HCPs/HCOs are considered gifts and must be reported via the ASTAR process. Note that any deviations from the guidance provided in the Compliance Manual require prior approval by the Compliance Department. Siemens employees are always responsible for ensuring that business meals are submitted timely and accurately as customer expenses per the Travel and Entertainment (T&E) Policy (also accessible from the Compliance Department Intranet), and that all relevant ASTAR information is accurately captured. Audits Spending for gifts are subject to audit to ensure compliance with this section, including proper documentation, spending limits, and company spending policy. The government (e.g., IRS) may also request to audit/review related spending. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 33 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 15. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Sales Agents and Distributor Relationships Sales Agents are an extension of Siemens’ sales force and provide sales quotes on Siemens company paper. Therefore, Sales Agents must adhere to the Compliance Manual when selling Siemens products. In addition, all Sales Agents must be properly vetted through the due diligence process as outlined in CL CO Circular No. 2/2011—Compliance Guidelines for Cooperation with Business Partners. Distributors (Dealers) are independent business partners that purchase Siemens products, take title, and resell these products on dealer paper in the market. Dealers are also subject to the due diligence process as outlined in the circular mentioned above. Unless explicitly outlined in the contract, incentives (cash or in-kind) may not be provided directly to Sales Agents and/or Dealers. Most forms of value provided to Sales Agents or Dealers must be pursuant to a contract. For ASTAR purposes, any remuneration provided by Sales Agents to HCPs is potentially reportable and must be appropriately captured as part of Siemens aggregate spend process in a form and manner directed by Siemens. Because they are independent of Siemens, Dealers’ spend does not need to be captured in ASTAR. For additional information, employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Federal and State Disclosure/Aggregate Spend Laws.” Employees with questions regarding Sales Agent or Dealer relationships should contact the Compliance or Legal Departments. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 34 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 16. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Advisory Boards Advisory boards provide Siemens with significant and valuable feedback on its products and product plans. Payments for advisory boards must be made in accordance with the following Compliance requirements, and also require review by the Legal Department: If, at the request of Siemens, an HCP visits a Siemens facility in the U.S. or another country, or some other location specifically to review and comment on a product, to discuss a research product, or explore collaborative research, a fair market value payment for time spent may be paid, provided that the HCP services are genuine and not token. If an HCP attends and actively participates in an advisory board, he/she may be paid a fair market value fee for time spent participating in the advisory board and reimbursed for reasonable, out-of-pocket expenses, provided the HCP services are genuine. When reimbursing travel, Siemens should generally purchase airline tickets and make arrangements to pay hotels so business guests do not incur these costs and Siemens can ensure arrangements are consistent with applicable Siemens policies on reimbursement for business travel. Siemens may not provide a gift of appreciation. For advisory boards, the following applies: o The purpose of the meeting must not be to promote a product. o The number of HCPs on the advisory board must be reasonable. o The Siemens employee hosting the advisory board is advised to take minutes of the meeting that are sufficient to document the time and effort contributed by participants. o The total dollar amount involved for a particular advisory board must be reasonable. Any payment to an HCP in connection with an advisory board must be made pursuant to a written agreement as described in the Compliance Manual section “Payments for Services, Speakers, Advisory Boards, and Other Feefor-Service Arrangements.” To the extent required by contract or terms of employment, participants must obtain permission from their companies prior to participating in an advisory board. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 35 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Any meals or refreshments must be provided in accordance with the Compliance Manual section “Business Meals with Healthcare Professionals.” For information regarding interactions with foreign HCPs, employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Scope and Purpose” and the Compliance Department Intranet. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 36 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 17. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Siemens-Sponsored Product Training and Education Events Siemens recognizes the importance of providing training on its products and education on topics directly relating to its products to HCPs. Within the context of the Compliance Manual, training means training on the safe and effective use of Siemens products. Similarly, education means communicating information directly regarding or associated with the use of Siemens products, such as information about disease states and product benefits to certain patient populations. In general, it is appropriate for Siemens to financially sponsor or furnish such product training and education to HCPs. Siemens-sponsored education events are typically promotional or scientific events at which presenters are speaking on behalf of Siemens. This may include Siemens-sponsored events ancillary to third party events, but that must be scheduled and organized consistent with third party rules. Siemens employees may only control and influence speakers or program content in cases when the only topics of discussion are approved uses of Siemens products. A Siemens representative must attend each program. For information regarding employee interactions with foreign/international HCPs, employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Scope and Purpose” and the Compliance Department Intranet. Payments to Speakers and Attendees Speakers may receive fair market value payments for their services, however, all payments must be made pursuant to written contracts and require review by the Compliance and Legal Departments. In addition, speaker contracts and payments must comply with the Compliance Manual section “Payments for Services, Speakers, Advisory Boards, and other Fee-for-Service Arrangements.” Attendees may not receive anything of value (e.g., cash, cash equivalent, gifts, etc.) in connection with events other than meals and refreshments. Any such meals and refreshments should be modest in value and subordinate in time and focus to the educational or training purpose of the meetings. Attendees may include Siemens suppliers and others that financially or otherwise support Siemens events. Siemens may only pay for reasonable travel and modest lodging costs incurred by attending customers if travel is necessary in order for Siemens to efficiently deliver training on its products not otherwise covered under agreements. If customers travel more than four hours door-to-door and/or Siemens covers any hotel or transportation other than modest ground transportation, it must receive prior approval from the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 37 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies In general, Siemens should purchase airline tickets and make arrangements to pay hotels so that business guests do not incur these costs, and Siemens can ensure arrangements are consistent with applicable Siemens policies on reimbursement for business travel. Payments may only be made for travel, lodging, and other expenses associated with Siemens-sponsored product training programs for Massachusetts HCPs if such payments are paid pursuant to and described under written purchase agreements for products. It is not appropriate for Siemens to pay for meals, refreshment, travel, or other expenses for guests of customers or for any other persons who do not have a bona fide professional interest in the information being shared at the training programs or education meetings. Program Topics and Location Topics must address approved uses of Siemens products and be of a scientific or medical nature. For example, training and education programs can include hands-on training, cadaver workshops, educational lectures, and grand rounds. Topics such as “Retirement Planning” or “Billing and Coding” do not meet these criteria. In addition, program agendas should not include marketing presentations or any other activities promoting Siemens products. The location of programs must be conducive to the exchange of information and the presentation format planned for the program. Training and education programs should be conducted in clinical, educational, conference, or other settings, including hotels or other commercially available meeting facilities, conducive to training. Programs providing hands-on training should be held at training facilities, medical institutions, laboratories, or other appropriate facilities. Locations that are, by their very venue, entertainment-based (e.g., dinner riverboat cruises) are not appropriate. Training staff, including Siemens employees, should have the necessary qualifications and expertise to conduct training programs. Employees who participate in training are prohibited from soliciting or providing information on unapproved uses of Siemens products. If asked to assist in specific prescribing or billing decisions, employees should not do so. HCPs who request information on an unapproved use should be directed to the Regulatory Affairs Department. CME/CEU Accreditation As a manufacturer, Siemens cannot provide ACCME accreditation. Under the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support, ACCME credits may not be issued for Siemens product training programs since these events are financially sponsored by Siemens and the program content is primarily controlled by Siemens. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 38 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies To the extent product training is undertaken for education credit (e.g., CEUs) through accreditation organizations other than ACCME, Siemens employees must adhere to guidelines set forth by those organizations. At the discretion of the Siemens Business Unit, they may charge fair market value for Siemens-sponsored business credits. However, where credits are provided free-of-charge, they must be awarded consistently and without HCP preference. For additional information on educational grants, employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Grants for CME, CEU, and Third Party Educational Conferences.” 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 39 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 18. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Payments for Services, Speakers, Advisory Boards, and Other Fee-for-Service Arrangements In order to avoid violation of the Anti-Kickback Statute, Siemens’ Fair Market Value (FMV) Policy provides strict guidelines that focus on its financial relationship with HCPs and provides a methodology to assess the maximum compensation level that must not be exceeded for rendered services. Such services include, but are not limited to, speaking engagements, training, contracting for site visits, services agreements, advisory boards, R&D arrangements, etc. As a result of continual updates in the industry’s fair market value rates, the policy and corresponding rates are published and made available on the Compliance Department Intranet. Pursuant to written agreements, Siemens may reimburse individuals or entities for out-of-pocket expenses associated with providing services, which may include the cost of meals. According to Massachusetts law, if Massachusetts HCPs are providing services, employees may take the HCPs to dinner. However, the HCPs should pay on separate checks and submit the expenses for reimbursement. Prior approval by the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool is required for such arrangements. For additional guidance, employees should consult MOR 3.3/01e—Compliance in the Healthcare Sector or MOR 3.3/03e—Collaboration Management. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 40 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 19. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Siemens-Sponsored Promotional Site Visits, Plant Tours, and Road Shows Site visits and attendance at road shows provide a significant means for customers to learn about and evaluate Siemens products that otherwise may not be practically provided in another forum. In addition, customers may visit Siemens facilities, designated customer sites, and off-site locations to learn about Siemens product capabilities and observe them in operation, including their safe and effective use. Siemens will not pay for travel and lodging expenses associated with promotional events. Payment is acceptable only if these events are necessary for evaluating products for purchase. If the customer is a U.S.-licensed HCP invited by a Siemens employee, and travel and lodging is paid by Siemens, prior approval by the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool is required. If visiting customers are foreign nationals invited by Siemens to the U.S. to attend such activities, and travel and lodging is paid by Siemens, prior approval must be obtained from the Compliance Officer for the country in which the foreign national resides or is registered. In addition, the request must be approved prior to the event by the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool. Purpose of Site Visits Current and prospective customers may visit sites to become familiar with Siemens products and observe product demonstrations in environments similar to their work environments. Such visits generally include sales presentations, product demonstrations, scientific discussions, and/or tours of manufacturing and operational facilities. For visits involving government employees, employees should refer to the Compliance Manual section “Interactions with Federal, State, and Local Government Employees.” Siemens shall not arrange for site visits and/or demonstrations where there is no legitimate business need. Reimbursement of Expenses Siemens may pay reasonable and necessary travel expenses of customers visiting sites for legitimate business purposes in cases where such a purpose cannot be achieved without a visit (e.g., demonstration of a large imaging unit). 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 41 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies In addition, Siemens may reimburse reasonable and necessary travel expenses of customers visiting Siemens sites for purposes of providing product information, education, or demonstrations. Siemens may also reimburse reasonable and necessary travel expenses of customers for product information, education, or demonstrations that occur at off-site locations, such as hotels or conference centers (e.g., regional sites). However, Siemens may not reimburse customers or pay customers a fee for taking time off from their business to attend site visits. In general, Siemens should purchase airline tickets and make arrangements to pay hotels so business guests do not incur these costs, and Siemens can ensure arrangements are consistent with applicable Siemens policies on reimbursement for business travel. In general, travel should be booked in coach class, unless flight time of any leg is five hours or more, in which case business class may be permitted if approved by the Compliance Department. Note that final approval for flights other than coach also require management approval. Siemens is not permitted to reimburse travel or other expenses for spouses or guests in connection with site visits. Siemens may never use site visits or demonstrations as pretext for reimbursing customers for trips not intended for customers’ evaluations of Siemens products for potential purchase. Specifically, Siemens may not reimburse or pay travel expenses of customers to attend or participate in third party conferences or trips of a personal nature (e.g., HIMSS, RSNA, AACC, etc.). Venue It is appropriate for Siemens employees to meet with HCPs to discuss product features, contract negotiations, and sales terms. Sales and promotional meetings should occur at locations near places of business of HCPs, at Siemens facilities, or locations selected because of their convenience to a large number of targeted HCPs (e.g., sites of well-attended conventions or educational programs), where Siemens can minimize reimbursement costs for travel, lodging, and meals. For example, it is permissible to invite an HCP from New York City to meet in Nashville for a demonstration if it was the closest location where a product could be effectively demonstrated. However, it would be inappropriate to invite the same HCP to meet in Puerto Rico for a demonstration if the product was available at a location closer to New York City. In general, it is not appropriate to conduct such meetings at resort-like locations. Promotional Site Visit, Road Show, and Plant Tour Approvals Promotional site visits, road shows, and plant tours generally require prior approval by the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool. Submissions in the tool must have appropriate documentation that provides details regarding event locations, attendee numbers, etc., for review by the Compliance Department. Additional specifications include: 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 42 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies If travel time for a visit is less than four hours one way, then it is not required to be submitted via the CAP Tool, provided that travel does not include airfare. Any travel time for a visit that is over four hours (whether land or air) must be submitted via the CAP Tool, along with appropriate documentation. All air travel must be submitted via the CAP Tool. The standard booking arrangements for customer travel is coach class. If business class travel is desired, written approval from the Compliance Department is required before booking the travel and/or committing to the customer. Also, from a compliance perspective, business travel is typically only allowed if the travel is five hours or more one way by plane. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 43 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 20. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Grants for CME, CEU, and Third Party Educational Conferences Siemens provides educational grants to third party conference sponsors solely to support independent, educational conferences and meetings that promote scientific knowledge, medical advancement, and/or efficient healthcare delivery (educational conferences). Educational grants may be paid only to support independent educational conferences sponsored by the following types of conference sponsors: National, regional, or specialty medical associations Charitable foundations or medical schools affiliated with teaching institutions Continuing medical education (CME) or continuing educational unit (CEU) providers accredited by an organization such as the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) or other relevant accreditation organization (Siemens employees must ensure compliance with ACCME guidelines where applicable). Educational conferences supported by Siemens educational grants must be for scientific or educational purposes, and not for the purpose of promoting any Siemens products. Any discussion of Siemens products at educational conferences must be objective, balanced, and scientifically focused. Any exhibit booths at such events for Siemens products must meet all sponsor and/or accreditation organization rules, and exhibitor fees must be based on reasonable rental space values. Educational grants may not be conditioned, in whole or in part, on the purchase of Siemens products or directed toward specific HCPs who are in a position to use or order Siemens products. Siemens may not contribute to programs sponsored by customers unless programs are accredited for education credits (e.g., CME, CEU, or other applicable credit), or are sponsored by charitable foundations or medial school affiliates. Terms, conditions, and purposes of educational grants must be specified in written agreements between Siemens and conference sponsors as outlined below. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 44 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Educational Grant Recipients Siemens may provide educational grants: 1. Directly to conference sponsors to reduce educational conference costs. Educational grant funds cannot be used to offset expenses not directly related to educational conferences, such as office rent for conference sponsors or other overhead costs incurred by conference sponsors. A portion of Siemens educational grants may be used by conference sponsors to defray costs of modest meals and refreshments for attendees at educational conferences. Siemens may only support CME events or other third party educational conferences or professional meetings to the extent they are held in venues appropriate and conducive to the communication and training of medical information. 2. Directly to conference sponsors to help cover reasonable travel and modest lodging expenses of HCPs in training (e.g., residents, fellows, and medical students) attending educational conferences, if conference sponsors select the attendees. Control of Conference/ Faculty Expenses Conference sponsors, not Siemens, must have independent control of and be responsible for the content, faculty, educational methods, materials, and selection of attendees for educational conferences. Conference sponsors must make all decisions regarding use of financial support from Siemens. All or a portion of Siemens educational grants may be applied by conference sponsors to pay for reasonable honoraria, travel, lodging, and modest meal expenses for educational conference faculty members selected by conference sponsors. If faculty members have financial relationships with Siemens, Siemens should ensure the financial relationships are disclosed to conference sponsors since programs presented by such faculty members may be ineligible for CME credits under ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. Siemens may not direct conference sponsors to use grant funds for specific faculty members. Siemens may also not pay individual faculty members directly. Should conference sponsors permit vendors to conduct marketing activities, Siemens may retain the services of HCPs to perform such services pursuant to written speaker or service agreements that comply with the Compliance Manual section “Payments for Services, Speakers, Advisory Board Members, and Other Fee-for-Service Arrangements.” Modest Meals and Hospitality Siemens may directly provide meals and refreshments for educational conference attendees if such meals and refreshments are: 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 45 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Provided to all attendees Provided in a manner consistent with applicable standards established by conference sponsors and, if applicable, entities accrediting the educational activities Modest in value Subordinate in time and focus to the purpose of the educational conferences Clearly separate from the educational portion of the conferences In accordance with the policies of participants’ employers. Siemens employees may conduct sales or promotional meetings with one or more attendees at educational conferences, and provide meals or refreshments, provided that meetings are conducted, and meals and refreshments supplied, in accordance with conference sponsors’ guidelines. For additional information, employees should refer to the Compliance Manual sections “Business Meals with Healthcare Professionals” and “Siemens-Sponsored Promotional Site Visits, Plant Tours, and Road Shows.” Siemens Involvement in Educational Grants Siemens employees may not be involved in the following activities associated with educational grants to third parties: Selecting content, faculty, educational methods, materials, or venues for educational conferences. Siemens may respond to unsolicited written requests from conference sponsors for suggestions of names for possible speakers only. Siemens must provide (where reasonable) names of more than one speaker, descriptions of suggested presenters’ qualifications, and disclosure of any significant financial or other relationships between Siemens and suggested presenters. Promoting Siemens or Siemens products during educational conferences funded, even partially, by educational grants. Siemens employees may participate in educational conferences supported by Siemens grant funds as attendees. If they are attendees, however, employees may not engage in formal or informal promotional activities inside or outside meeting rooms. It is acceptable for Siemens employees who are not attending educational conferences to conduct appropriate promotional activities outside program meeting rooms, such as adjacent exhibits. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 46 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Unacceptable Educational Grants Educational grants are not permitted if they are: Intended as price terms, or offered in lieu of price concessions Intended to encourage off-label use Contingent on the purchase of Siemens products Intended to encourage recipients to use, purchase, or recommend Siemens products Intended to reward or compensate recipients for having purchased, used, or recommended Siemens products Made at the request of HCPs for their individual events (e.g., request to fund pet projects). Made in return for anything of value provided to Siemens by recipients, with the exception of disclosure in program materials that the program is funded by Siemens. All educational grant requests must receive prior approval by the Compliance Department via the SpoDoM Tool. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 47 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 21. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Professionals Week Each year national, state, and local professional organizations sponsor Professionals Week to increase public understanding and appreciation of the work various non-physician professionals contribute to the patient care and healthcare industries. Customers may ask Siemens to sponsor a Professionals Week, for example, by providing breakfast or lunch for their staff. While Siemens supports the educational purpose and goals of Professionals Week, any financial support must be conducted in accordance with guidance provided in respect to such events either as noted in the Compliance Manual or provided in any communications released prior to the events. To ensure Siemens’ participation is structured appropriately, requests must meet the following requirements: Requesting organizations must provide written documentation that their internal policies permit Siemens to cover meal costs. Meals should take place at organizations’ facilities. Cost per person for meals may be no more than $10 all inclusive. A list of all event attendees must be maintained. There must be an educational/training component to the events. A Siemens employee must be present at the events (no “drop-and-go” scenarios). Activities must be submitted in the CAP Tool under the event type “Nationally Recognized Event” with all relevant supporting documentation. No additional support, such as gifts or donated items for customer-driven raffles, is allowed. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 48 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 22. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Clinical Research and Collaborations All collaborations (i.e., projects with research institutes, customers, or potential customers of Siemens in which Siemens receives non-monetary values against non-monetary or in-kind contributions) supported by Siemens should promote legitimate goals. Research support may come in the form of equipment, services and supplies, and/or monetary support. Siemens may enter into arrangements to sponsor or authorize collaborations for purposes of developing clinical information concerning Siemens products, both pre- and post-market, provided that the clinical information sought is necessary to achieve a commercially reasonable business purpose. Support for collaborations cannot be provided with the intent to induce or encourage the order or purchase of Siemens products. All Siemens employees must adhere to MOR 3.3/03e—Collaboration Management. In addition, there may be requirements unique to collaborations that involve international HCPs or that take place outside the U.S. Employees who have questions and are involved in such collaborations should contact their local Compliance Officer. In all collaborations worldwide, the following four basic compliance principles must be followed: 1. Transparency Principle—Collaboration relationships should be clearly defined in comprehensive, formal, written contracts, and approved by the Legal Department. 2. Separation Principle—Collaboration agreements may not be used to influence procurement decisions. Proposed collaborations must be evaluated and any resulting agreements negotiated and managed by Siemens employees who have no role in selling products or services to the collaboration partners. Siemens may not sponsor or authorize collaborations not intended to or that do not develop clinical information concerning Siemens products. Siemens may not compensate principal investigators/HCOs based on volume or value of business generated, or reward past purchases. 3. Equivalence (Fair Market Value) Principle—Financial or in-kind compensation must be equivalent to the deliverables and services rendered by the collaboration partners. Such equivalence should be based on predefined approved standards, such as the Siemens Fair Market Value Policy. In addition, equipment used for collaborations may not be used for reimbursable procedures. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 49 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies 4. Documentation Principle—Deliverables and services received from collaboration partners must be documented. All goods and services provided must be invoiced by both parties. Financial compensation may only be made to accounts of collaboration partners’ organizations as specified in collaboration agreements and on invoices. All collaborations in the U.S., with limited exceptions, must receive prior approval from the Compliance Department via the CAP Tool. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 50 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 23. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Compliance Training Once new hire compliance training is assigned, new employees must complete all training in a timely manner as specified. Such training may be in-person or web-based depending on employees’ job titles and levels. Employees receive compliance training each year that may cover: Siemens Compliance System State regulations and reporting requirements related to aggregate spend with U.S.-based HCPs Proper methods for marketing and selling products reimbursed by government programs Employee’s personal obligation to ensure government-reimbursed products are marketed and sold in accordance with all applicable requirements of government programs Legal rules and sanctions for violations related to products reimbursed by federal programs such as the Anti-Kickback Statute In addition, all Siemens employees receive a copy of Siemens Business Conduct Guidelines upon joining Siemens. Compliance educational campaigns (in-person or web-based training) are 100% mandatory for employees selected to be part of compliance education campaigns. Siemens’ focus, as a company, is on conducting business with the highest integrity, and complying with applicable laws and company policies. As a part of this commitment, all Siemens employees are accountable for completing and remaining current with Siemens policies through training. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 51 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 24. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Compliance Helpline and Tell Us Hotline Compliance Helpline The Compliance Helpline is a resource that Siemens employees can use to pose compliance questions that arise in a day-to-day business context. Employees may either submit their compliance-related questions directly to a compliance representative (a list of representatives can be found on the Siemens Compliance Department Intranet) or call the Compliance Helpline telephone number at: 1-610-448-4234. Tell Us Hotline Tell Us is an easy way for Siemens employees to confidentially and anonymously report actual or potential violations of law, Siemens Business Conduct Guidelines, or other Siemens policies in a secure manner, 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. The Tell Us Hotline is managed by a third party, and can be used not only by employees but by customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders as well. All reported content is handled exclusively by Siemens. The Tell Us Hotline is: 1-800-303-9798. Tell Us allows employees to disclose, confidentially and without retaliation, any identified issues, questions, or suspected violations of laws and Siemens policies, practices, or procedures. Callers are safeguarded by special regulations that protect individuals who make good faith reports to the best of their knowledge. Employees should be aware that intentional reporting of false information is prohibited by law in many countries. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 52 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 25. Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Disciplinary Standards Siemens’ focus as a company is conducting business with the highest level of integrity. Integrity requires taking responsibility and having the courage to make decisions following what Siemens terms as “our inner compass.” Each and every employee is an important element in the Siemens Compliance System, and is expected by their conduct and support, to make a contribution to its success. When violations of the Compliance Manual occur, the Compliance Department’s monitoring process ensures they are followed by disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment. 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 53 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Page 54 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA Siemens Healthcare USA Corporate Policies Change History The Change History table below describes the changes made to each revision level of the document. Revision Level Effective Date Pages Description of Change Initial publication. Document formatting changes only. Full content revision. Subsequent mandatory employee web-based training with required assessment was released to H USA employees. Full content revision. Subsequent mandatory employee web-based training with required assessment will be released to H USA employees. 1 2 July 6, 2005 November 1, 2007 All N/A 3 July 1, 2009 All 4 September 4, 2014 All 0.0 Compliance Policy Siemens Healthcare Compliance Manual—U.S. Policy Page 55 of 55 Effective Date: 09-04-2014 Author: Mark Petrille, H CO USA Order No. A912HQ-CCEC-142512-P1-4A00 Printed in USA 09-2014 | All rights reserved © 2014 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Global Siemens Headquarters Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 Muenchen Germany www.siemens.com/healthcare Local Contact Information Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. 51 Valley Stream Parkway Malvern, PA 19355-1406 USA Telephone: +1-888-826-9702 www.usa.siemens.com/healthcare Global Siemens Healthcare Headquarters Siemens AG Healthcare Sector Henkestrasse 127 91052 Erlangen Germany Telephone: +49 9131 84-0 www.siemens.com/healthcare
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