2014-2015 Member Committee Officers’ Manual To: 2014-2015 Committee Officers From: Kathy Grant, Director of Member Services Date: May, 2014 Re: CBA Committee Officer Support Congratulations on your appointment as a Cincinnati Bar Association committee officer for the 2014-2015 Bar year, which runs from May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015. Your commitment of time and energy are valuable contributions to the CBA and the legal community. Your ideas and plans for the 2014-2015 year will continue to positively impact the CBA members. The CBA staff will provide you with support during the year for: • Sending out committee meeting notices, agendas and minutes. (Contact Dorothy Schultz at 699-1404 or djschultz@cincybar.org) Note: See guidelines for how to include other committees in your meeting notice. • Enhancement of your committee website and LinkedIn page for CBA members. (Contact Laura Gaffin at 699-1391 or lmgaffin@cincybar.org) • Meeting logistics: Locating speakers, arranging meetings at off-site locations, electronic surveys, networking events and arranging lunches (one free lunch is provided during the 2014-2015 fiscal year). • CLE (at a special $10 per hour rate) at one regularly scheduled meeting during the 2014-2015 fiscal year. (Contact Dimity Orlet at least 60 days in advance of your program at 699-1401 or dvorlet@cincybar.org) The CBA members and staff appreciate your leadership. Please feel free to contact me at (513) 699-4016 or at kagrant@cincybar.org if I may be of assistance. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 1 New Mission, New Vision The Cincinnati Bar Association’s Board of Trustees has adopted new organizational mission and vision statements. The Board of Trustees focused on evaluating the mission of the Bar at their biannual retreat in October. The mission and vision statements approved at the December Board of Trustees meeting read as follows. Mission statement To promote professional excellence, foster justice, serve our members and educate the public. Vision statement To be an invaluable resource to our legal community by: •encouraging a culture of collegiality and professionalism; •providing opportunities for leadership and community service; •maintaining a diverse and inclusive membership; and •empowering the success of our members. Table of Contents Member Committee Guidelines and Sample Meeting Agenda/Minutes..................................................................7 Committee Officer Duties & Responsibilities............................................................................................................. 11 Communications............................................................................................................................................................... 15 • Media Resource • LinkedIn Tool Kit • Social Media Policy • Email Communications Policy CLE Guidelines.................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Committee Officer Address List and Meeting Dates................................................................................................. 37 Who to Contact at the CBA............................................................................................................................................. 47 • CBA Board of Trustees • Other Committees/Programs at the CBA Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 3 Member Committee Guidelines and Sample Meeting Agenda/Minutes Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 5 Guidelines I. Meetings A. Scheduling •Please see the enclosed 2014-2015 Committee Officers and meeting schedule. Please note: unless you notify Dorothy Schultz (699-1404) at the CBA of an alternative meeting schedule, your committee meetings will be held on the dates assigned at 12:00 noon. A notice will be emailed to members at least one week before each regularly scheduled meeting. For special meetings or changes to your schedule, call Dorothy as soon as possible to reserve space. •To request another committee be included in the invitation to your meeting, you must first contact that committee’s Chair to confirm their interest. Once the other chair agrees, please email Dorothy to let her know. Note that the number of additional committees may be limited by the CBA. B. Agenda, Minutes and Materials The designated officer from your committee should send your agenda, minutes, topic/speaker information, and any other enclosures at least two weeks before your meeting to Dorothy. This timeframe will ensure that your committee’s meeting notice is sent in a timely manner. Listed below are guidelines for constructing a committee mailing: • Agenda Identifies topics and speakers • Minutes Follows the agenda and provides a brief synopsis of the discussion and any action taken. This will ensure that the minutes are clear for those who did not attend. • Materials Committee notices are emailed to members. Handouts need to be sent to Dorothy at least two days prior to the meeting. If handouts are brought to and distributed at the meeting (not copied by the CBA), a copy needs to be given to Dorothy immediately following the meeting to retain in that committee’s file. C. Attendance List At each meeting you will be given a printed list of all registered attendees. Please encourage all attendees to sign in. Membership Services & Development will update your committee attendance records following your meeting. This attendance list is important for managing your programs for this year and determining your committee’s needs, and anticipating programming for the following year. D. Audio-visual equipment The following audio-visual equipment is available to use at committee meetings: • Slide projector • TV/VCR • Overhead projector • Table top podium • Laser pointer • Lavaliere mike • LCD Projector • Laptop Computer Please contact Dorothy at least one week in advance to schedule the A-V equipment. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 7 Guidelines (continued) E. Budgeting The CBA’s fiscal year runs May 1- April 30. Meeting notices, minutes, limited copying of materials and refreshments are provided for in the budget for committee meetings. To request additional budget items for the next fiscal year, please contact Kathy Grant by January. The requests (i.e. a survey, reception) are forwarded to the Budget Committee for review and recommendation to the CBA Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees approves the budget in April of each year. Budgeting for CLE programs is handled separately from the committee budget. Unbudgeted requests Any expenditures of funds not already budgeted in the current CBA budget must be approved in advance by the Board of Trustees. Requests for unbudgeted expenditures should include detailed expenses as well as the anticipated source of funding (even if that is only general bar revenues). Please send requests to Kathy Grant at least five weeks prior to the date of expending the funds. The request will be reviewed by the Member Services & Development Committee and a recommendation made to the Administration and Finance Committee which will make a recommendation to the CBA Board of Trustees. The Board will not consider requests with less than one week’s notice except for emergencies. II. Speaker Conduct at Continuing Legal Education Seminars and Committee Meeting Racial, sexist or off-color jokes and stories are never appropriate at CLE presentations or at regular committee meetings. While we cannot guard against everything a speaker might say, it is very important to advise them that we do have prohibitions for this type of conduct. What is humorous to one individual may be offensive to another, so please caution your speakers to be careful and appropriate with the content of their presentations. 8 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Meeting Notice Example Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 9 Meeting Minutes Example Cincinnati Bar Association Bankruptcy Committee Minutes March 19, 2013 Casey M. Cantrell-Swartz, Chair called meeting to Order 1. Business Meeting: General Announcements Casey announced that new committee positions have been filled starting May of 2013. Cara Hurak will be the new Secretary. Brian Flick will be the new Program Coordinator. Shawn Ryan will be the new CLE Assistant Coordinator. They will be joining Susan Argo who will be the new Chair, Frank Dicesare who will be the new Vice Chair, and Rick Enriquez who will be the new CLE Coordinator. Subcommittee Reports: a. Judge Hopkins by Neal J. Weill No report. b. Judge Buchanan by Neal J. Weill No Report. c. Judge Perlman by Elizabeth Hils One case: In re: Christopher D. McKinney, Chapter 7, Adversary case by Trustee Field avoiding Well’s Fargo mortgage upon debtor’s half interest in the property. Summary of case with full citation attached. d. Bankruptcy Appellate Panel by Rick Jones No report. e.Sixth Circuit by Paul J. Minnillo Two cases: 1. Connor v. Carroll, Chapter 13, personal injury proceeds pending at time of filing not deemed disposable income… 2. Alfes v. Educational Credit Management Corporation, Default granted in adversary against Sun Trust for student loan. However, ECMC held separate and distinct rights as guarantor from Sun Trust Bank, so default judgment against Sun Trust had no effect on guarantor’s right to collect. 10 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Committee Officer Duties & Responsibilities Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 11 Officer Duties & Responsibilities No committee officer shall serve longer than two years in each position, except as approved by the Member Services & Development Committee. Contact Kathy Grant at kagrant@cincybar.org for more information. Chair 1. Establishes a regular committee meeting schedule and coordinates all dates with Dorothy Schultz at the CBA. 2. Sets the agenda for each meeting and sends it to Dorothy at least two weeks prior to the meeting. 3. Presides over meetings, ensuring that the meetings follow the agenda and stay on schedule. 4. Notifies Kathy Grant, Membership Director for the CBA of any action that the committee has taken, or will take, which requires approval by the CBA Board of Trustees. 5. Sets the committee’s goals and objectives for the year along with the other committee officers including establishing a CLE seminar date. 6. Prepares a report and recommendation to MS&D and CBA Board of Trustees to nominate a candidate to serve as Vice Chair, Secretary and CLE Coordinator for the succeeding Bar year to assure appropriate succession of officers and continuing committee growth. 7. Has ultimate responsibility for CLE seminars. Vice-Chair Automatically succeeds to the position of chair, if recommended and approved by the Board of Trustees. 1. Recruits speakers for meetings, in collaboration with committee leaders. 2. Responsible for recruiting new committee members and enhancing the participation of current committee members. 3. Acts as CLE Coordinator in the absence of an appointed CLE Coordinator. 4. Presides over committee meetings in the absence of the chair. 5. Works with the chair to assist in proposing a candidate to serve as Secretary and CLE Coordinator for the succeeding Bar year. 6. Sets the committee’s goals and objectives for the year along with the other committee officers including establishing a CLE seminar date. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 13 Officer Duties & Responsibilities (continued) Secretary Automatically succeeds to the position of vice chair, if recommended and approved by the Board of Trustees. 1. Prepares minutes of each meeting and sends them to Dorothy at least two weeks prior to the next meeting. 2. Communicates with Dorothy about any special correspondence to the committee members. 3. Sets the committee’s goals and objectives for the year along with the other committee officers including establishing a CLE seminar date. 4. Works with the chair to assist in proposing a candidate to serve as Secretary and CLE Coordinator for the succeeding Bar year. CLE Coordinator 1. Familiarizes him or herself with the CLE procedures & guidelines, statements of general CLE policies, and CLE co-sponsorship policy contained herein. 2. Performs duties as noted in the CLE procedures & guidelines 3. Contacts CBA CLE representative at the beginning of the bar year to set a meeting of the committee officers and/ or CLE planning committee to discuss CLE goals, time table, and budget for the year. 4. Is observant of opportunities to serve members through new CLE programming, sharing ideas and suggestions with the CBA CLE staff during the year. 14 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Communications Guidelines Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 15 MEMORANDUM To: Committee Leaders From: Laura Gaffin, Director of Communications Date: May, 2014 Re: Media issues The Board of Trustees of the Cincinnati Bar Association authorized a media policy in 2007. It sets the expectation that only the Bar president or those designated specifically by the Bar president will represent the Bar to the media. The policy is enclosed for your convenience. In 2012, we also adopted a social media policy which outlines some guidelines for interacting with the CBA on Facebook and LinkedIn. This is also included. However, the media sometimes calls the Bar or a member, particularly one in a committee leadership role, for expert advice or input on a legal matter. Most reporters do call the CBA directly when they are looking for an expert. Should a member of the media contact me and have a question related to your practice area, I may be calling on you to field the request. In this case, you are not representing the Bar. You are representing yourself and can feel free to respond directly to the media or make a reference to another committee member. Recognizing the tight deadlines the media often experiences, the goal is to help in a timely manner. You can always contact me for information on the reporter or the publication; for “rehearsal” of the questions that the media may ask; or for help in finding someone more appropriate to answer the questions. By serving as resources, we not only can provide the media with timely, accurate information, but also help foster better relationships, which ultimately builds a more positive public image of the profession. The more we help the media, the more likely the media is to help the CBA. There are many other communication efforts at the Bar that are more internal. We want to help you keep your committee connected! So we use an email tool called Constant Contact for committee notices. This reduces the likelihood that such information will go in a spam folder and includes directions for how to register for meetings online. We also have committee pages on our website for each committee. Please send to me any news items you would like included. We try to post all agendas and minutes there too. We also have a Facebook page that committees may find useful. Please let me know of anything you would like posted. Finally, we have implemented LinkedIn Groups for committees. Your committee members will receive an invitation to join with all the instructions. This is another important tool that can facilitate communication across your committee. Are you new to LinkedIn? Not to worry, our attached tool kit will show you how to use this space to foster committee engagement. We appreciate your willingness to share your expertise in this capacity. Should you have any questions regarding communications, speaking with the media and/or media interviews, please contact me. Thank you again and I wish you a successful year in your committee leadership role! — Laura Gaffin (513) 699-1391 lmgaffin@cincybar.org Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 17 Communication Policy & Procedures Approved December 2007 In an effort to effectively communicate internally and externally, and to position the CBA as a professional and beneficial organization in the community, the CBA will: • Internal communication: For internal messages, the association president will review and approve copy to be sent to members except for routine staff-generated materials (CLE announcements, Committee notices, E-news, the CBA Report). Preparing these messages, in concert with the Director of Communications who handles the logistics of the letter, e-mail or other publication, MAY include the following: - Discussion with the director of communications on developing the key messages on a topic - Discussion with other members of the executive committee for input on the content of the message - Discussion with the executive director for input on the content of the message and background material • Utilize One Spokesperson: The CBA will use one consistent spokesperson. - The spokesperson will always be the association president unless the current president, as in the case of a judge, opts to appoint a designee. • The only exception will be in grievance matters in which case, since so little public information is available, staff will provide timelines, procedures, rules, etc., to the media. • In the role of external spokesperson, the president will ensure that prior to a media interview he/she has prepared answers including the organization’s key messages. Preparing for this interview SHOULD include the following: - Discussion with the director of communications who can assist in developing the key messages on a topic, rehearse the media conversation and otherwise prepare background information for the spokesperson. In the event the director of communications is unavailable, the spokesperson will discuss the matter with the executive director and/or any relevant staff. It may also include the following: - Discussion with other members of the executive committee for input on the content of the message. - Discussion with the executive director for input on the content of the message and background material. • The spokesperson shall remain available to the media at all times. If the spokesperson is not available, then he or she will assign another person to speak on the CBA’s behalf and will inform the director of communications. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 19 Communication Policy & Procedures (continued) When Relating to the Media, the CBA’s Spokesperson Will: Know The Key Messages: • The CBA will always accommodate requests and inquiries from the media. • Simply answering questions will allow the media to control the message. • The spokesperson should stick as closely as possible to the messages and should not be afraid of silence. • The spokesperson should convey the message in answer to a question, then stop. • The spokesperson should be aware of leading questions and stick to the key messages. Rehearsal with the director of communications can enable the spokesperson to be more comfortable with the key messages. • All inquiries should be channeled through the Communications department prior to the interview in order to determine the appropriate messages. - If the reporter calls for an interview an appropriate response from CBA members and staff would be, “Thank you for your call. We absolutely want to accommodate your request.” Tell the reporter the staff/member will get back to them with the name and number of the spokesperson. - If time is needed to develop the key messages, then the response to the reporter would be: “Thank you for your call. I absolutely want to answer your questions and help any way that I can. What is your deadline? May I call you back at a more convenient time?” Never Talk “Off The Record” • The CBA should never talk off the record. There is no reason to do so as “off the record” means that the information given to the reporter cannot be used at all. An organization devoted to supporting justice and education would not share information that cannot be used by the reporter. For clarification, here are the terms that reporters use and what they mean: - “Anonymity” requires a contract and there can be litigation that results from it. - “Deep background” means that a journalist will not identify the source, but will use the information to find another means of reporting the story. - “Off the record” means that information cannot be used at all. Know Your Audience • The CBA should always get as much information on the reporter and the media outlet as possible. Ask questions like “How did you hear about ....?” or “Who else will you be interviewing?” If the reporter originally calls the executive director or the communications director, then these questions may be addressed at that time. After being filled in by the staff member, this allows the spokesperson to focus on the interview itself. Always Remain Positive • The CBA is a positive organization helping the community. All key messages should be positive. • If the CBA spokesperson disagrees with the reporter it is okay to do it firmly but with professional conviction. Avoid criticism of a person, a policy, a law, etc., unless it is a board-approved position. • Present the facts clearly. • The CBA spokesperson should always avoid rudeness under any circumstance. • Be detached from the reporter. The relationship with the press is not adversarial nor is it friendly. It is a business relationship and it is not personal. Always Control The Interview • The spokesperson should always tell truth. • It is always okay to say nothing. • Repeat the key messages more than once if needed. • It is important for the CBA spokesperson to remain cool, calm and polite during the interview. • It is acceptable for the spokesperson to answer, “I don’t know but I will find out.” • The spokesperson NEVER says “No Comment.” • The spokesperson may offer help in finding the answer or refer the question to someone else. 20 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual CBA Report Manuscript Submission Guidelines The CBA Report is a membership publication designed to inform readers about issues and concerns of the local legal community. When submitting an article for publication, please keep in mind the following guidelines: Type of Article CBA Report The Report focuses on current events in the law, as well topics of general interest to the Greater Cincinnati legal community. Articles should focus on practical issues, not theoretical or esoteric points. The editor will consider running articles previously published, but as a general rule prefers articles that have not been previously published. The CBA gives preference to CBA members submitting articles for publication, but will also consider articles written by non-members as long as the article is of general interest to the local legal community. The editor will review all documents submitted and reserves the right to edit content for clarity and/or reject any submissions. Any major revisions necessary will be discussed with the author. Writing Style Write concisely and clearly. Avoid copying the style of law reviews, academic journals or legal briefs. Only under special circumstances will the Report publish scholarly articles. Length Departmental columns, such as the President’s Brief,LegalEase and other regular columns, should be no longer than 600 words. Feature articles, including citations, should be no longer than 1,800 words (approximately 7 double-spaced, typed pages). Shorter columns and anecdotes are also welcome. Please include a 2-3 sentence biography to run at the end of the article. Editing All articles will be copyedited to conform to house style. Benefits of Being Published Given the CBA’s non-profit status, writing for the CBA Report is done on a volunteer basis. Benefits of being published include writer attribution, marketing exposure to members of the Greater Cincinnati legal community, and the opportunity to earn CLE credit from the Ohio Continuing Legal Education Commission. Additionally, an electronic copy of your published article (PDF format) can be provided for your marketing/distribution use. Copyright In submitting an article to the Report, authors grant to the Cincinnati Bar Association First North American serial rights together with non-exclusive print and digital republication and reprint rights. The author warrants that the article is her/ his original work and that its publication by the CBA will not infringe upon the copyrights or other rights of any other person or entity. Format When submitting a manuscript, the preferred format is electronic, either on disk or by e-mail to lmgaffin@cincybar.org, in a Microsoft Word document (.DOC), Word Perfect file (.WPD) or Rich Text File (.RTF). Do not format into columns, boxes or use color. When submitting a hard copy, either by mail or fax, the manuscript needs to be: Double-spaced 1” margin on all 4 sides Standard typeface A cover letter with the author’s name, address, phone number, brief bio of no more than 45 words, and where appropriate, disclosure of interest, should accompany the manuscript. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 21 CBA Report Guidelines & Deadlines Graphics/Photos Please include a color photo of the author The CBA Report will obtain appropriate artwork or photos, where necessary, to illustrate an article. Suggestions are welcome. Any artwork or photos submitted to the Report will be used at the discretion of the editor and graphic artist. All photos submitted must include a cut line identifying the people included in the picture. The graphic artist reserves the right to make whatever layout changes that are necessary to enhance the visual appearance of the publication. Deadlines The CBA Report is a monthly publication. It is distributed on the first of each month. Articles to be considered for publication must be submitted to the editor at least 4 weeks prior to the publication date, i.e., an article for the March publication should be submitted at the very latest by February 1. Due to the amount of material received, time and budget constraints, there will be no exceptions to this deadline. Please see attached schedule. Please submit manuscripts to: lmgaffin@cincybar.org Or: Laura Gaffin, CBA Report Cincinnati Bar Association 225 E. Sixth Street, 2nd Floor Cincinnati, OH 45202-3209 Phone: (513) 699-1391; Fax: (513) 381-0528 2014-2015 Schedule The CBA Report runs on a six-week time frame. All requests for information to be included in the publication must be given in writing to the editor and graphic artist six weeks prior to the publication date. This is the request date. All articles must then be submitted to the editor two weeks later, which is four weeks prior to the publication date. The current CBA Report schedule is listed below. Request Date Submission Date Publication Date July 18, 2014 August 1, 2014 September 1, 2014 August 15, 2014 August 30, 2014 October 1, 2014 September 17, 2014 October 1, 2014 November 1, 2014 October 15, 2014 November 1, 2014 December 1, 2014 November 17, 2014 November 29, 2014 January 1, 2015 December 18, 2014 December 31, 2015 February 1, 2015 January 19, 2015 January 31, 2015 March 1, 2015 February 16, 2015 February 28, 2015 April 1, 2015 March 18, 2015 April 1, 2015 May 1, 2015 22 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual MEMORANDUM To: Committee Leaders From: Laura Gaffin, Director of Communications Date: May 2014 Re: Website The website for the CBA has a “home” for committee information. In order to post information for your committee on its page, here is what you need to do. 1. Send the info to lmgaffin@cincybar.org at least 7 days before you want it to be posted. The info can be directly in the email. It may be edited before posting for style and clarity. 2. You may include attachments in either Word or in a pdf format. Some ways you might want to consider using your committee pages: • Post attachments from a meeting or CLE so that everyone can access them, even a year later. • Post information there and include a link to www.cincybar.org in e-mails to committee members so that they do not have to deal with attachments or so that e-mails do not get eliminated by spam filters. • Post agendas and minutes for meetings. • Post items of interest such as a rule change from the State Supreme Court. Please note that these pages will only be accessible to those who have access as members. Please let me know if you have any ideas that we can help you with; this is a work in progress and depends on information from you! —Laura Gaffin (513) 699-1391 lmgaffin@cincybar.org Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 23 Social Media Policy and Guidelines The CBA provides social media communication channels as a benefit to membership. Members are encouraged to interact with the CBA on facebook and LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the primary vehicle for committee communications and is available only to members. While these tools give members the ability to communicate freely, it is important for all of those using the CBA’s social media pages to maintain a proper online decorum. To help foster a positive environment that enables the quick sharing of information, the CBA has developed the following guidelines: • In instances of user posted content on any social media channel, if the posting is abusive, profane, vulgar, offensive, malicious, fraudulent, misleading, in violation of another law or regulation, infringes on the intellectual property right of another or not pertinent to the CBA or its members, it will be promptly deleted. • In instances of unfavorable postings on a social media channel, the CBA will publicly respond to the posting with general information and give the user a chance to contact the CBA directly with more information. • Any posts promoting non-CBA businesses or campaigns will be removed from all social media channels regardless of the poster’s membership status. • Advertisements and job postings from outside companies and organizations will be removed. • LinkedIn groups are for members only. The CBA will remove members from groups if their membership lapses. If you have any questions about this policy or the acceptability of any post, please feel free to contact Laura Gaffin, CBA communications director, at lmgaffin@cincybar.org or (513)699-1391. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Email Communication Policy Effective February 2013 At the Cincinnati Bar Association, we use email to communicate with our members regarding events and resources that we sponsor. We respect our members’ time and privacy. Therefore, we strive to make efficient use of this communication tool and never sell our members’ phone, fax, or e-mail information. Additionally, our policy is to greatly limit the number of e-mails that we send to the entire membership other than our monthly e-news. Only in extraordinary circumstances will we communicate by e-mail to the entire membership and then only at the direction of the president of the CBA or the executive director. We do not forward e-mails from non-members to any segment of the membership under any circumstances. Nor do we promote non-CBA sponsored CLE programs or the activities of commercial or for-profit entities via email. Any promotion of non-CBA sponsored events or resources shall be minimized. However, several opportunities exist for organizations wishing to share such information with CBA members. They include: CBA Member Data Rental Reach more than 6,500 members of the Cincinnati legal community through our direct mail data rental. Through our extensive database, lists/labels can be generated according to a variety of criteria, including practice committee, gender, date of birth, date admitted to first bar, and zip code. Data rental does not include CBA members’ phone, fax, and email addresses. Contact Andrew Wells, IS Manager, at amwells@cincybar.org for more information. CBA Report Advertising For more than 50 years, the CBA Report has served as the flagship publication of the CBA. It is the prime source for news on the local legal community and issues in the legal profession. With a circulation of 4,400, the CBA Report is published monthly and mailed to the entire CBA membership. The CBA welcomes display and classified advertising from individuals and groups interested in reaching our membership. Ads must be booked 45 days prior to the cover date and must be ready for print by the first of the month preceding publication date (i.e., October 1 for the November issue). Contact George Quigley at camargo@fuse.net for more information on placing an ad. CBA Legal Directory Advertising The CBA’s legal directory, produced in May each year, is a 500 page “storehouse” of information used daily by over 7,000 attorneys and affiliate members and the business community. Reach this audience with your display or classified ad. Contact George Quigley at camargo@fuse.net for more information on placing an ad. 1 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 25 Linked In Tool-Kit Thank you for your enthusiasm to help build our LinkedIn Groups. With this great tool, committees can stay in touch in between meetings and get out important information to the group instantly. Below we will go over some of the most important features of your LinkedIn group and give you some tips to help you successfully integrate this into your committee’s communications. Discussions/Polls To have effective groups on LinkedIn, the CBA is looking to engage members as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is through discussions and polls on each groups LinkedIn page. By committing to post to your group’s page frequently, you’re showing users this is a place to communicate—not just post announcements. Ideally, we would like to see committee members posting questions related to their field of practice, interesting news stories and other information they find pertinent to the committee once or twice a week. The key to this portion is to give users a reason to return and frequently check your group’s page. To Post LinkedIn works much like other social media tools in the discussion tab. You simply type your message into the blank box below the Start: Discussion line. Once the message is complete, press enter and it will be visible to all group members. Group members can now respond and like your post. 26 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Cincinnati Bar Association CLE Planning Guidelines Cincinnati Bar Association — Continuing Legal Education Department 225 E. Sixth Street, Second Floor Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Phone: (513) 699-4028 Fax: (513) 381-0528 www.cincybar.org Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 27 MEMORANDUM To: Committee Leaders From: Dimity Orlet, Assistant Counsel & Director of CLE Date: May 2014 Re: Committee CLE Opportunities Did you know that the CBA offers more than 100 CLE programs each year? Thanks to the contributions of committee leaders like you, committee seminars have always been at the heart of our CLE offerings. You provide a valuable service to your colleagues by giving them access to timely information on significant topics. I, along with CLE team members Angela DeMoss, Monica Kittrell, Kate Christoff-Scheetz and Michelle Tucker, look forward to working with you. We strive to assist each committee in hosting at least one CLE program per year. To help us along that path, I have attached a copy of the CBA’s “CLE Planning Guidelines,” which detail the planning process. Please review the planning guidelines to familiarize yourself with the process. The biggest take away is that advance planning is crucial. Because of the lead time required to properly plan and market a quality program, we should begin working on full-day and half-day seminars at least six months before the event is set to occur. Shorter programs can be planned with a bit less lead-time in some instances, but earlier is always better! And, as a way to thank your members for their engagement, please consider taking advantage of our “special committee CLE offer,” which allows each committee to offer one hour of CLE credit to its members at the reduced rate of $10 per credit hour in place of one of the committee’s regular meetings each bar year. So long as the topic meets CLE requirements, handouts will be provided, and we have 60 days lead time, we are happy to work with you to obtain CLE credit. Thank you again for your support of the CBA. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Dimity Orlet, CLE Director/Assistant Counsel.......(513) 699-1401 or dvorlet@cincybar.org Angela DeMoss, CLE Assistant................................(513) 699-4010 or ardemoss@cincybar.org Monica Kittrell, CLE Administrator....................... (513) 699-4015 or mlkittrell@cincybar.org Kate Christoff-Scheetz, CLE Administrator........... (513) 699-4015 or kbchristoff-scheetz@cincybar.org Michelle Tucker, CLE Program Coordinator .........(513) 699-1397 or mrtucker@cincybar.org Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 29 CLE Procedures & Guidelines Please follow the guidelines and procedures below to produce a successful CLE seminar: I. Preliminary Steps Before you begin to plan a CLE seminar, contact your CBA CLE staff contact to discuss possible dates, formats, the budget and timetable. Seminar pricing and administrative policies are set per the CBA Board of Trustees as detailed in the Statement of CLE Policies, attached as Appendix 1. In addition, co-sponsorship of CLE programs is governed by the CBA’s CLE Co-Sponsorship Policy, attached as Appendix 2. Please review both of these documents. Please notify your staff contact of all seminar planning committee meetings so she can assist in the planning process. Your staff contact is an integral member of the planning committee and should be copied on all correspondence regarding the seminar. She will assist with setting planning meetings and keeping planning and administration of the program on track. II. Timetable Because of the lead-time required to prepare a quality program, market the program, and obtain CLE credit, a seminar date should be selected as early as possible. A six month lead-time is recommended. 6 Months prior to the seminar Select date and location. Begin working on agenda. 4 Months prior to the seminar Provide CBA staff contact with a status report on the seminar. 3 Months prior to the seminar send the following to your CBA staff contact: • the final seminar schedule including a list of topics (with a brief description of each) and speakers • Biographical sketches for each speaker Production of marketing materials will begin at this time to ensure receipt of the brochure by CBA members and non-members 8 weeks before the seminar. Once the seminar agenda is finalized, the CBA staff contact will send confirmation to all speakers noting the time, date and location of the speaker’s presentation and the deadline for the submission of handout materials. An “AV Request Form” will be included with the communication. If the speaker has not yet forwarded a biographical sketch to the CBA, the staff contact will request that he or she do so at this time. 2 Months prior to seminar Provide your CBA staff contact with a brief article about your seminar that can be featured in the Report, the CBA’s monthly member magazine. (Provide a brief description of the topics that will be covered; indicate the benefits that people will receive from attending this seminar, e.g., gain a new skill, learn new information. And, tell why someone should attend this seminar rather than another seminar on the same topic.) At least 45 days prior to the seminar The CLE staff must apply for CLE credit for the seminar. 3 Weeks prior to the seminar course materials for seminars are due. The seminar chair (or another planning committee member) should touch base with each speaker to confirm that the speaker is readying his or her presentation and is familiar with the event details (time, location, etc.) 30 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual CLE Procedures & Guidelines (continued) III. Seminar Day The seminar chair or moderator and the first speaker should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the seminar. Members of the seminar planning committee and the speakers are invited to attend the seminar at no charge. In their introductory remarks, the seminar chair or moderator should: • make a plug for engaging with the committee and note upcoming activities • advise the attendees of the procedure for asking questions • introduce the first speaker The seminar chair or moderator is responsible for keeping the speakers on schedule. After the last speaker is finished, CLE staff will: • provide the CLE activity code • remind the attendees to complete and return the evaluation form at the end of the program IV. Videotaping Various seminars will be videotaped. If the seminar is videotaped, questions should be entertained at the end of each speaker’s presentation or at the end of the seminar. The speaker should repeat the question before answering it. V. Post-Seminar Responsibilities The CBA staff will contact the speakers thanking them for their participation. Within 30 days of the seminar, the CLE staff will tabulate the evaluations and transmit them to the seminar chair and planning committee members. The CBA staff contact, in consultation with the planning chair, decides if the speakers should receive a copy of the evaluations. VI. Tips for Producing an Effective Seminar • Use different formats, such as a panel discussion, demonstration, etc. Involve the audience as much as possible in the seminar. • Teach the attendees a new skill or a new way of doing something that will save them time, money, etc. Give practical advice on the way a matter or situation should be handled. • Prepare detailed written materials that the attendees can refer to and use back in their offices. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 31 Appendix 1 Statement of General CLE Policies CLE Accreditation The CBA accredits the vast majority of its programs for CLE in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Pennsylvania. However, due to variations in CLE rules across jurisdictions, CLE credit may not be available for all of these states for every program. The amount and type of credit available for a specific program will be published on the promotional material and/or on the CBA website for that program. At the attendee’s request, the CBA will provide documentation for self-reporting to other jurisdictions. It is the CBA’s policy to comply with the above stated jurisdictions’ deadlines for the submission of CLE applications. The filing of untimely applications reflects poorly on the CBA and has the potential to negatively impact the CBA’s status as an established CLE sponsor. Therefore, it is the CBA’s policy not to file late applications for CLE credit. Live CLE Program Pricing Registration fees for live CBA CLE programs shall be based on the following minimum pricing established by the CBA Board of Trustees effective January 2008: CBA Members: $35/credit hour Non-Members: $50/credit hour For seminars involving extraordinary expenses such as speaker honorariums, speaker travel, or meals other than continental breakfast, the registration fee for the seminar shall be adjusted upwards if no sponsorship exists to underwrite the additional expense. Registrations fees for specific programs will be as published by the CBA via its website or printed promotional material. Pro-rated fees and complimentary fees for auditing a program without claiming CLE credit are not available. Special Pricing for Live CLE The following discounts are approved as exceptions to the CBA’s regular CLE program pricing: CBA Young-Lawyer Member: $15 for No Brown Bag CLEs CBA New-Lawyer Member: Starting at $15/hour CBA Law-Student Member: -Full-Day/$50 -Half-Day/$25 -Less than Three Hours/Free 1 32 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Non-Attorney Support Staff: 50% off the applicable member or non-member attorney registration fee Complimentary Registration: Members of the program faculty and planning committee for a particular program are invited to attend that program at no cost. CBA Committee CLE Offer: Once per bar year, each CBA committee may offer one one-hour CLE program in place of its regular committee meeting. Members of the committee may earn one hour of CLE credit for $10 or may opt to attend at no cost if they do not wish to claim credit. The CLE Director shall retain the discretion to extend discounted pricing or complimentary registration to specific individuals in special circumstances. For example, an invitation for discounted or complimentary registration may be made on occasion to contributing members of the CBA or to members of board level committees. Self-Study CLE The CBA offers self-study CLE programming through collaboration with the Ohio Metropolitan Bar Association Consortium. Pricing for self-study programs is set by agreement of members of the consortium in consultation with a third-party provider. Cancellations/Refunds The CBA’s default cancellation policy is as follows: Cancellations received by noon the business day prior to the seminar will be refunded less a $25 cancellation fee. Individuals who cancel after this time, or who are no-shows, will receive course materials in lieu of a refund. The CBA’s policy for cancellations and refunds for a specific program will be stated on the promotional material for the program. Where such language differs from the CBA’s default cancellation policy, the policy stated on the promotional material is controlling. The CLE Director and the CBA CLE staff shall retain the discretion to permit individual exceptions to the cancellation/refund policy in special circumstances such as illness or family emergency. Such discretion includes the authority to transfer an individual to another program without penalty. Substitutions The CBA will generally allow the substitution of one attendee for another at any time and without penalty. Approved by the Cincinnati Bar Association Board of Trustees on January 25, 2012. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ 2 Manual 33 Appendix 2 Cincinnati Bar Association Policy on Co-Sponsored CLE Programs The Cincinnati Bar Association’s primary method of offering continuing legal education is through sole sponsorship of programs created and presented on a voluntary basis by attorneys. Often, however, the CBA is approached with requests to co-sponsor CLE programs. In order to review these requests on a consistent basis, the CBA adopts the following policy. I. Co-sponsorship shall be limited to non-profit organizations whose practices and policies are consistent with the mission of the CBA. However, the CLE Advisory Committee shall have the authority to approve co-sponsorship with for-profit organizations whose practices and policies are consistent with the CBA’s mission statement. II. All requests for co-sponsorship shall be made in writing and shall be delivered to the CLE Director of the CBA at least six months prior to the proposed program date. This period may be shortened at the discretion of the CBA’s CLE Director. Each request shall include the name of the potential cosponsor; the subject matter to be covered; the projected date and time of the seminar; the program topic(s); the names of speakers, if known; the anticipated division of responsibilities for the seminar, including financial; and a proposed budget. Upon receipt of request, the CLE Director shall determine if the proposed seminar overlaps with the area of responsibility of a member committee of the CBA. If such overlap exists: A. The CLE Director shall forward all information regarding the request to the chair of the member committee concerned, who shall bring the cosponsorship question before the members of the committee to determine if there is sufficient interest within the committee to warrant cosponsorship. If the committee does not have such interest, it is expected that the CBA will decline co-sponsorship. B. If the member committee has an interest in co-sponsoring the seminar, the co-sponsorship application shall be brought before the CLE Advisory Committee, which shall consider the educational value to attorneys, interprofessional relationships, the existing CBA curriculum, timing of the seminar, development and financial obligations, and staffing requirements for the seminar in making a decision on recommending cosponsorship. C. The request shall require the approval of the CLE Advisory Committee and the Executive Director of the CBA. 1 34 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual D. If there is no overlapping member committee, the request should be referred to the CLE Advisory Committee as outlined above. III. The CBA shall exercise control of the planning and administration of a cosponsored program. IV. Registration fees for a co-sponsored seminar shall be consistent with current pricing for CBA seminars for CBA members and non-members. The price for a seminar may be discounted to CBA members. The CBA shall share equally in profits for a co-sponsored seminar after payment of direct out-of-pocket expenses. If each sponsor contributes an equal amount of staff time and volunteer effort to the project, the CBA shall waive reimbursement of its overhead contribution. However, if the CBA is required to bear a majority or more of the staff time and effort involved in conducting the seminar, the CBA shall be reimbursed for its overhead utilized in planning and conducting the seminar. If the program shows a loss, the CBA shall, at a minimum, receive payment of all out-of-pocket expenses, unless otherwise agreed by the CLE Advisory Committee for good–cause shown by a non-profit co-sponsor. V. The CBA reserves the right to own solely or jointly the copyright for the written materials for a co-sponsored program. VI. This policy shall not preclude the CBA CLE staff from contracting for the services of experts when deemed appropriate to provide programs. VII. This policy shall not prevent the CBA CLE staff from listing an organization on promotional materials for a seminar if necessary to receive continuing education credit for another profession or marketing support for a fully sponsored program, provided that such listing enhances the educational value of the seminar and inter-professional relationships. VIII. Where a co-sponsorship request is approved, a representative from the cosponsoring organization shall execute a CBA CLE Co-Sponsorship Agreement acknowledging the terms of the co-sponsorship and their assent to the terms of the CBA’s co-sponsorship and CLE policies. IX. This policy shall not affect the existing arrangements the CBA has with the following organizations: Greater Cincinnati Minority Counsel Program (Annual Meeting), Federal Bar Association, GE Aviation, Hamilton County Municipal Court (Annual Judges Program), Midwest Regional Bankruptcy Seminar, Potter Stewart Inn of Court, Volunteer Lawyers for the Poor, and the Cleveland Intellectual Property Law Associations. Approved by the Cincinnati Bar Association Board of Trustees on January 25, 2012. Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 35 Committee Officer Address List and Meeting Dates Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 37 Practice Committees ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolutions) Bankruptcy Mariann Yevin, Chair Phone: (513) 564-7330 E-mail: mariann_yevin@ca6.uscourts.gov Susan M. Argo, Chair Phone: (513) 621-6464 E-mail: sargo@graydon.com Ryan M. McLane, Vice Chair Phone: (859) 341-1881 E-mail: rmclane@dbllaw.com Francis J. DiCesare, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 621-4488 E-mail: fdicesare@cinn13.org Random Strom, Secretary Phone: (513) 946-5950 E-mail: rstrom@cms.hamilton-co.org Cara R. Hurak, Secretary Phone: (513) 629-2801 E-mail: churak@graydon.com Maria T. Williams, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 241-3100 E-mail: mwilliamsphotography@yahoo.com Rick J. Enriquez, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 842-1906 E-mail: rje@oal-law.com (1st Wednesday, bi-monthly) May 7, 2014 July 2, 2014 September 3, 2014 November 5, 2014 January 7, 2015 March 4, 2015 Shawn R. Ryan, CLE Asst. Coordinator Phone: (513) 581-5516 E-mail: shawnryanlaw@insightbb.com Appellate Practice (formerly Court of Appeals) Richard A. Magnus, Chair Phone: (513) 731-2889 E-mail: rmagnus2@juno.com Mark E. Combs, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 946-3500 E-mail: mcombs@cms.hamilton-co.org Mark H. Klusmeier, Secretary Phone: (513) 260-2453 E-mail: MarkKlusmeier@gmail.com Brian D. Flick, Program Coordinator Phone: (513) 718-7176 E-mail: bflick@mmfllaw.com (3rd Tuesday, monthly) May 20, 2014 June 24, 2014 (Town Hall Meeting) No July August 19, 2014 September 16, 2014 October 21, 2014 November 18, 2014 December 16 (CLE?) January 20, 2015 February 17, 2015 March 17, 2015 April 21, 2015 Bruce K. Hust, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 338-1975 E-mail: brucehust@aol.com (2nd Monday, Quarterly) May 12, 2014 August 11, 2014 November 10, 2014 February 9, 2015 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 39 Business/Corporate Law Domestic Relations Brian C. Judkins, Chair Phone: (513) 977-8200 E-mail: brian.judkins@dinsmore.com Timothy A. Tepe, Chair Phone: (513) 977-8200 E-mail: tim.tepe@dinsmore.com Paul H. Spitz, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 258-2062 E-mail: phs@spitzbusinesslaw.com Ralph P. Ginocchio, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 977-5570 E-mail: rpg@sgmlawfirm.com Robert Lesan III, Secretary Phone: (513) 579-6400 E-mail: rlesan@kmklaw.com Trista Portales Goldberg, Secretary Phone: (513) 241-9844 E-mail: tpgoldberg@slovinlaw.com 2nd Tuesday, quarterly June 10, 2014 September 9, 2014 December 9, 2014 March 10, 2015 Ralph P. Ginocchio, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 977-5570 E-mail: rpg@sgmlawfirm.com Construction Luke J. Busam, Chair Phone: (513) 651-6800 E-mail: lbusam@fbtlaw.com (1st Tuesday, quarterly) May 13, 2014 August 5, 2014 November 4, 2014 February 3, 2015 (3rd Wednesday, monthly) May 21, 2014 June 18, 2014 July 16, 2014 August 20, 2014 September 17, 2014 October 15, 2014 November 19, 2014 December 17, 2014 January 21, 2015 February 18, 2015 March 18, 2015 April 15 – seminar? Elder Law Ashley Shannon Burke, Chair Phone: (513) 621-2100 E-mail: aburke@beckman-weil.com Amy L. Kurlansky, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 345-4160 E-mail: akurlansky@proseniors.org (3rd Thursday, bi-monthly) May 15, 2014 July 17, 2014 September 18, 2014 November 20, 2014 January 15, 2015 March 19, 2015 40 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Employee Benefits Co-Chairs Nicholas J. Ziepfel Phone: (513) 621-6464 E-mail: nziepfel@graydon.com Nicole M. Hanna Phone: (513) 977-8200 E-mail: Nicole.hanna@dinsmore.com (2nd Thursday, Monthly) May 8, 2014 August 14, 2014 September 11, 2014 October 9, 2014 November 13, 2014 December 11, 2014 January 8, 2015 February 12, 2015 March 12, 2015 April 9, 2015 Environmental Law Thaddeus H. Driscoll, Chair Phone: (513) 651-6115 E-mail: tdriscoll@fbtlaw.com Erica M. Spitzig, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 898-1542 E-mail: espitzig@mdllp.net Diana R. Christy, Secretary Phone: (513) 352-6992 E-mail: Diana.christy@cincinnati-oh.gov Neal A. Frink, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 746-5445 E-mail: neal.frink@frinklaw.com Estate Planning & Probate Karen A. Rolcik, Chair Phone: (513) 777-7400 E-mail: krolcik@rolciklaw.com Julia E. Tarvin, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 381-2838 E-mail: tarvin@taftlaw.com Kenneth P. Coyne, Secretary Phone: (513) 618-7800 E-mail: kcoyne@gscfirm.com James A. Singler, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 693-4880 E-mail: jsingler@calfee.com (4th Tues., Monthly) May 16, 2014 - Institute June 24 July 22 No August September 23 October 28 November – Basic EP Institute December 16 or 23 January 27, 2015 February 24 March 24 April 28 Health Care Law (Officers not confirmed) 1st Tuesday, quarterly September 9 (2nd Tuesday), 2014 December, 2014 – Seminar March 3, 2015 June 2, 2015 Hispanic Affairs (Officers not confirmed) (3rd Thursday, quarterly) June September December March Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 41 Immigration Law Jt. Committee w/Board of Realtors Maria T. Schneider, Chair Phone: (513) 381-8472 E-mail: m.schneider@muimmigration.com Roccina S. Niehaus, Chair Phone: (513) 852-6000 E-mail: rsniehaus@woodlamping.com Bryan Scott Hicks, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 228-1111 E-mail: hickslawoffice@gmail.com John E. Stillpass, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 936-0800 E-mail: jstillpass@stillpass.com Staci M. Jenkins, Secretary Phone: (513) 352-6700 E-mail: staci.jenkins@thompsonhine.com Meetings held at the Board of Realtors – determined by Board of Realtors Mary (Peggy) Godar, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 651-6115 E-mail: mgodar@fbtlaw.com (2nd Thursday, monthly) May 22, 2014 – on calendar June 12, 2014 July 10, 2014 August 14, 2014 September 11, 2014 October 9, 2014 November 13, 2014 December 11, 2014 January 8, 2015 February 12, 2015 March 12, 2015 April 9, 2015 Juvenile Law @ 800 Broadway 12:30-1:30 Karen Falter, Chair Phone: (513) 946-3036 E-mail: Karen.falter@hcpros.org Elizabeth Sundermann, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 946-3000 E-mail: betsy.sundermann@hcpros.org Intellectual Property Litigation (4th Wednesday) September 24, 2014 October 22, 2014 November 19, 2014 (3rd Wednesday) January 28, 2015 February 25, 2015 March 25, 2015 April 22, 2015 May 27, 2015 John F. Bennett, Chair Phone: (513) 698-5000 E-mail: jbennett@ulmer.com Paul J. Linden, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 241-2324 E-mail: plinden@whe-law.com (4th Tuesday, bi-monthly) June 24, 2014 August 26, 2014 October 28, 2014 December 16, 2014 (3rd Tuesday) February 24, 2015 April 28, 2015 42 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Labor & Employment Law LGBT Interests Michael A. Manzler, Chair Phone: (513) 373-4865 E-mail: Manzler@buckleyking.com Joshua Stevens, Chair Phone: (937)356-9933 E-mail: josh.steves@nbabiweekly.com Stephen A. Simon, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 241-8137 E-mail: steves@tktlaw.com J. Thomas Hodges, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 421-8454 E-mail: tom@jthlaw.com Faith Whittaker, Secretary Phone: (513) 977-8491 E-mail: faith.whittaker@dinsmore.com Lauren Creditt Mai, Secretary Phone: (513) 352-3333 E-mail: lauren.mai@cincinnati-oh-gov Andrew R. Kaake, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 703-6938 E-mail: andrewrkaake@gmail.com Jennifer K. Miller, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 977-8200 E-mail: Jennifer.miller@dinsmore.com (Last Thursday, Monthly) May 29, 2014 June 26, 2014 July 31, 2014 August 28, 2014 September 18, 2014 (3rd Thursday) October 30, 2014 November 20 (3rd Thursday) January 29, 2015 February 26, 2015 March 26, 2015 April 30, 2015 (3rd Tuesday, quarterly) May 19 – 1 hour cle August 19, 2014 November 18, 2014 February 17, 2015 Lawyers for the Arts Local Government Law Kevin K. Frank, Chair Phone: (513) 852-6000 E-mail: kkfrank@woodlamping.com Daniel McCarthy, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 721-5525 E-mail: dmccarthy@manleyburke.com Mary K. Newman, Chair Phone: 977-8200 E-mail: mary.newman@dinsmore.com Jeffrey D. Forbes, Secretary Phone: (513) 852-6000 E-mail: jdforbes@woodlamping.com Allison Marie Minton, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 898-2874 E-mail: Allison.minton@specialcounsel.com Julia Carney, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 621-2120 E-mail: jbcarney@strausstroy.com Diane Nicole Cross, Secretary Phone: (513) 556-0081 E-mail: diane.cross@uc.edu (1st Wed., monthly) June 4, 2014 July 2, 2014 August 6, 2014 September 3, 2014 October 1, 2014 November 5, 2014 December 3, 2014 January 7, 2015 February 4, 2015 March 4, 2015 April 1, 2015 (dates TBD) Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 43 Municipal Court-Civil Practice C. Edward Noe, Chair Phone: (513) 381-7333 E-mail: cednoe@cincilaw.net Donald K. Swartz, Chair Phone: (513) 732-0900 E-mail: Donald.swartz@swartzlawoffice.com (2nd Tuesday – bi-monthly @ 810 Sycamore St.) May 13, 2014 July 8, 2014 September 9, 2014 November 11, 2014 January 13, 2015 March 10, 2015 April L. Butler, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 977-8200 E-mail: april.butler@dinsmore.com Andrew C. Emmert, Secretary Phone: (513) 698-9357 E-mail: ace@kgnlaw.com M. Zack Hohl, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 621-6464 E-mail: zhohl@graydon.com Non-profit Law Allison H. Kropp, Chair Phone: (513) 977-8200 E-mail: Allison.kropp@dinsmore.com Sara Marie Cooperrider, Co- Vice Chair Phone: (513) 585-7600 E-mail: sara.cooperrider@uchealth.com Ronald C. Christian, Co-Vice Chair Phone: (513) 381-2838 E-mail: Christian@taftlaw.com Matthew B. Lake, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 621-6464 E-mail: mlake@graydon.com (Meeting schedule TBD) (3rd Thursday, monthly) May 15, 2014 July 17, 2014 August 21, 2014 September 18, 2014 October 16, 2014 November 20, 2014 January 15, 2015 February 19, 2015 March 19, 2015 April 16, 2015 Social Security Kendall Verrett Shaw, Secretary Phone: (513) 381-4700 E-mail: kvshaw@porterwright.com 44 Real Property Law David W. Kapor, Chair Phone: (513) 721-2820 E-mail: kaporlawoffice@gmail.com (4th Thursday, monthly) May 22, 2014 June 26, 2014 July 24, 2014 August 28, 2014 September 18, 2014 (3rd Thursday) October 23, 2014 November 20, 2014 (3rd Thursday) January 22, 2015 February 26, 2015 March 26, 2015 April 23, 2015 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Solo/Small Firm Practitioners Women Lawyers John E. Stillpass, Chair Phone: (513) 936-0800 E-mail: jstillpss@stillpass.com Jodie Drees Ganote, Chair Phone: (513) 739-5634 E-mail: Jodie@ganotelaw.com Charles E. Strain, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 621-2889 E-mail: duiguy1@yahoo.com Magistrate Ann K. Schooley, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 785-6550 E-mail: schooleyak@butlercountyohio.org Benjamin D. Cramer, Secretary Phone: (513) 245-4170 E-mail: ben@cramerlegal.com Victoria D. Garry, Program Coordinator Phone: (513) 852-3497 E-mail: Victoria.garry@ohioattorneygeneral.gov (4th Tuesday, Monthly) June 24, 2014 July 22, 2014 August 26, 2014 September 23, 2014 October 28, 2014 November 25, 2014 December 16 or 23 – CLE? January 27, 2015 February 24, 2015 March 24, 2015 April 28, 2015 Danielle L. Lorenz, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 721-1311 E-mail: dlorenz@reminger.com Taxation Joel S. Brant, Chair Phone: (513) 721-4532 Email: jsbrant@katzteller.com (Last Wednesday, quarterly) Veterans & Military Law Dale A. Stalf, Chair Phone: (513) 852-6078 E-mail: dastalf@woodlamping.com Michael J. Gray, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 977-8200 E-mail: Michael.gray@dinsmore.com Meeting Schedule based on programs and events. Workers’ Compensation Everett L. Greene, Chair Phone: (513) 629-2824 E-mail: egreene@graydon.com Julie M. Bruns, Vice Chair Phone: (513) 651-6115 E-mail: jbruns@fbtlaw.com Amy E. Lippert, Secretary Phone: (513) 241-1950 E-mail: amyelippert@gmail.com Danielle L. Harris, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 891-3270 E-mail: dharris@harrisworkerscomp.com (2nd Thursday, quarterly) June 12, 2014 September 11, 2014 December – seminar ? March 12, 2015 Ryan J. Ruehle, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 777-0880 E-mail: info@getreallylegal.com (2nd Wednesday, quarterly July 9, 2014 October 8, 2014 January 14, 2015 April 8, 2015 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 45 Professional Development Committees Board Committees CALL Administration & Finance Alan H. Abes, Chair Chad S. Levine, Treasurer BLAC-CBA Round Table Admissions & Legal Education Timothy S. Black & Hon. John A. West, Co-Conveners H. Toby Schisler, Chair Communications Health and Well Being John C. Greiner, Chair Tabitha M. Hochscheid, Chair Phone: (513) 338-1818 E-mail: tmh@hochscheidlaw.com Community Service (1st Wednesday, monthly) Continuing Legal Education Richard L. Moore, Chair Inn of Court (By invitation) Douglas R. Dennis, Chair Dorothy Schultz/Dimity Orlet, CBA Liaisons Ethics & Professional Responsibility Samuel M. Duran, Chair Legal Research & Information Resources Fee Arbitration Kenneth E. Peller, Chair Melissa M. Barney, Chair Phone: (513) 946-5268 E-mail: mbarney@cms.hmilton-co.org Grievance Peter Rosenwald, Chair Meredith H. Conner,Vice Chair Phone: (513) 698-5000 E-mail: mconner@ulmer.com Lawyer Referral Service Angela S. Jansen, Secretary Phone: (513) 977-8200 E-mail: angela.jansen@dinsmore.com Membership Services & Development James Bogen, Chair David D. Black, Chair Shannon L. Kemen, CLE Coordinator Phone: (513) 556-0156 E-mail: shnnon.kemen@uc.edu Nominating (LRIR) (1st Wednesday, bi-monthly) May 7, 2014 July 2, 2014 September 3, 2014 November 5, 2014 January 7, 2015 March 4, 2015 Professionalism Jean Geoppinger McCoy, Chair Neal J. Weill, Chair Unauthorized Practice of Law Gregory A. Napolitano, Chair Young Lawyers Section (CBA Members age 36 or younger and/or practicing five years or less are eligible to join a YLS committee.) Alison De Villiers, Chair Amy E. Pennekamp, Chair-Elect Julie Hein,Vice-Chair Faith Whittaker, Secretary Kathy Grant, CBA Liaison 46 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Who to Contact at the CBA Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 47 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Officers John P. Tafaro, President Eric K. Combs, President-Elect Douglas R. Dennis, Vice President Laura S. Raines, Secretary Chad S. Levin, Treasurer trustees Jean Geoppinger McCoy, Immediate Past President Erin Manahan Alkire Stacy Christman Blomeke Edward J. Boll III Kent A. Britt Hon. Ethna M. Cooper Alison A. De Villiers Jodie Drees Ganote William R. Graf Joseph D. Heyd Daniel N. Moore Kelly Mulloy Myers R. Guy Taft Christopher A. Wagner Neal J. Weill John J. Williams John M. Williams John B. Pinney ABA Delegate John C. Norwine ex officio Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 49 CBA & CBF Staff Kate Christoff-Scheetz CLE Program Coordinator kbchristoff-scheetz@cincybar.org (513) 699-4015 Nicole R. Hampton Receptionist Receptionist@cincybar.org (513) 381-8213 Terrie A. Minniti Assistant Executive Director taminniti@cincybar.org (513) 699-1399 Anthony W. Riley Clerk (513) 381-8213 Angela R. DeMoss CLE Assistant ardemoss@cincybar.org (513) 699-4010 Karen J. Johnson Erin L. Emerson Director of Communications lmgaffin@cincybar.org (513) 699-1391 Monica L. Kittrell Marilyn C. Marks René T. McPhedran CLE Program Coordinator mlowens@cincybar.org (513) 699-4015 John C. Norwine Dimity V. Orlet Kathleen M. Schmidt Executive Coordinator kmschmidt@cincybar.org (513) 699-1390 Andrew M. Wells Information Systems Manager amwells@cincybar.org (513) 699-1409 Laura M. Gaffin Membership Administrator hmfritz@cincybar.org (513) 699-1406 Notary Administrator kjjohnson@cincybar.org (513) 699-1405 Executive Director jcnorwine@cincybar.org (513) 699-1400 Haley M. Fritz Director of Marketing elemerson@cincybar.org (513) 699-4019 Assistant Counsel/ Director of CLE dvorlet@cincybar.org (513) 699-1401 Dorothy J. Schultz LRS Assistant mcmarks@cincybar.org (513) 699-1396 Maria C. Palermo Assistant Counsel mcpalermo@cincybar.org (513) 699-1402 Jamie L. Shiverdecker Director of Cincinnati Bar Foundation rtmcphedran@cincybar.org (513) 699-1393 Edwin W. Patterson III General Counsel ewpatterson@cincybar.org (513) 699-1403 LaDonna Wallace Smith Chief Administrative Secretary Director of LRS/Project Manager Director of Community Service djschultz@cincybar.org jlshiverdecker@cincybar.org lwsmith@cincybar.org (513) 699-1404 (513) 699-4013 (513) 699-1392 Jessica M. Whyte CLE Program Coordinator jmwhyte@cincybar.org (513) 699-1397 Eileen M. Witker LRS Assistant emwitker@cincybar.org (513) 699-1408 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Kathleen A. Grant Director of Member Services kagrant@cincybar.org (513) 699-4016 Lisa G. McPherson Membership Services Coordinator lgmcpherson@cincybar.org (513) 699-1398 Stephanie W. Powell Paralegal swpowell@cincybar.org (513) 699-1407 Monica O. Weber Marketing Designer moweber@cincybar.org (513) 699-1395 Amy K. Zerhusen Accounting Administrator akzerhusen@cincybar.org (513) 699-4014 51 Contact List 1. Committee resolutions or policy questions: Kathy Grant (513) 699-4016 2. Filling Committee officer vacancies: Dorothy Schultz (513) 699-1404 3. Committee budget procedures: Kathy Grant (513) 699-4016 4. Scheduling non-CLE meetings, reserving space, notices, agendas and minutes: Dorothy Schultz (513) 699-1404 5. Anything CLE-related: Dimity V. Orlet (513) 699-1401 6. Committee publicity and Report submissions: Laura Gaffin (513) 699-1391 Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual 53 Committee Organizational Chart Executive Committee Board of Trustees Board & Select Committees Appointments on these committees require board approval. Administration & Finance Admissions Awards Committee Communications Community Service Ethics & Professional Responsibility Executive Committee Fee Arbitration Grievance Lawyer Referral Service Practice Committees These committees hold regular meetings to discuss current issues and developments in the named field of practice. Meetings may consist of a guest speaker, a special CLE presentation or case law updates.These committees also plan and present CLE seminars. ADR COMMITTEE Appellate Practice Committee BANKRUPTCY COMMITTEE BUSINESS/CORPORATE LAW CONSTRUCTION LAW Domestic Relations ELDER LAW Employee Benefits ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ESTATE PLANNING & PROBATE HEALTH CARE LAW HISPANIC AFFAIRS IMMIGRATION LAW INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Joint Committee w/ Board of Realtors LITIGATION JUVENILE LAW LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW LAWYERS FOR THE ARTS LGBT INTERESTS LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAW Municipal Court - Civil Practice NON-PROFIT LAW REAL PROPERTY LAW SOCIAL SECURITY SOLO/SMALL FIRM PRACTITIONERS TAXATION VETERANS & MILITARY LAW WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Cincinnati Bar Association Member Committee 2014-2015 Officers’ Manual Membership Services & Development Nominating Committee Professionalism Unauthorized Practice of Law Professional Development Committees These committees are intended to serve the unique needs of a broader audience. Arbitration Services (CBAAS) BLAC-CBA Round Table CALL Health & Well Being Judges Committee on Notaries Public Legal Research & Information Resources Senior Lawyers Division Women Lawyers Young Lawyer Section Young Lawyers Section Committees These committees are intended for CBA members age 36 or younger and/or practicing law for five years or less. Community Service Continuing Legal Education Membership Mentoring Mock Trial Public Relations Run For Kids Social 55 225 E. Sixth St., Second Floor Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 381-8213 www.cincybar.org
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