Register and pay online at You can also view the CLE programme and purchase booklets online. The Paperless Office – how to get there! CENTRE OR TITLE FIRST NAME WEBINAR LAST NAME CPD HRS WEBINAR 1PM – 4PM CENTRE D A T E VENUE Christchurch 25 February The George Wellington 26 February NZICA Auckland 27 February Stamford Plaza 2.5 CPD HRS SEMINAR SEMINAR LIVE WEBINAR – FOR SMALLER CENTRES FIRM/ORGANISATION 9.30AM – 10.30AM PO BOX 1 P R E S E N TAT I O N D E TA I L S DX TOWN/CITYPOSTCODE PHONEFAX W E D N E S D AY 2 6 F E B R U A R Y Venue – your office or wherever you like. A condensed one-hour version of this seminar will be presented by live webinar for smaller centres. Webinar registrations close 3pm Tuesday 25 February The Paperless Office – how to get there! EMAIL FEE (INCL GST) Registrations will not be actioned until payment is received. Seminar (3 hours) $255 – NZLS members and NZLS Associate members $305 – Non-members Live webinar (1 hour) - note the closing date - 3pm 25 February $91– NZLS members and NZLS Associate members $121 – Non-members Total amount due: $ PAY M E N T I attach a cheque made payable to NZLS CLE Ltd Please debit my credit card Mastercard Visa Amex To find out more information about webinars see Webinars.html CARD NUMBER EXPIRY CARD SECURITY CODE NAME ON CARD SIGNATURE OF CARDHOLDER S E N D T O : NZLS CLE Ltd, PO Box 5041, Wellington 6145 DX SP20202, or Fax 04 463 2986 I N Q U I R I E S : 0800 333 111 or C A N C E L L AT I O N A N D REFUND POLICY If written notice of cancellation of a registration arrives before the day of the seminar we will refund the registration fee, less the cost of the booklet and less an administration fee of $75. If you are unable to attend, you may send a substitute. NZLS CLE Ltd reserves the right to cancel or reschedule seminars if necessary. + To participate in the webinar you will need: • A broadband connection • Headphones to plug into your computer • For PC users – Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003 Server • For Macintosh users – Mac OS (R) X10.5 or newer operating system • If you have a dial-up connection, contact us for an alternative arrangement so you can still access the webinar. Contact P R I VAC Y AC T 1 9 9 3 The information requested on this registration form is for NZLS CLE Ltd and the sponsors only. If you do not wish the sponsors to receive your contact details in order to send you related information, please indicate below. I do NOT wish the sponsors to receive my contact details. FEBRUARY 2014 • How to become paperless • The benefits • The challenges •Implementation To be sure you receive your materials before the seminar, your registration form and payment should reach NZLS CLE at least five working days before the presentation. D I D YO U K N O W … The CLE website holds the contents pages of seminar, intensive and conference booklets presented since 1997. You can search by key word or phrase w w w. l a w y e r s e d u c a t i o n . c o . n z w w w. l a w y e r s e d u c a t i o n . c o . n z The Paperless Office – how to get there! How do you become a paperless office? What are the benefits? What are the challenges? How do you get there? This seminar provides a practical discussion from first hand experience of the challenges and benefits in becoming a paperless office including the efficiencies to be gained. In two parts: Part one of the seminar canvasses the key factors that you need to think about when contemplating the decision to become a paperless office. Part two focusses on the implementation of a paperless office - how you get there! Attend this seminar to find out how you can make your firm a paperless office simply by utilising the resources that you have available to you now. - - court matters re-commitment. Time will be left for questions and discussion. LEARNING OBJECTIVES You will: • Enhance your understanding of the key issues that need to be considered in contemplating the decision to go paperless. • Have a practical understanding of how to implement a paperless system. W H O S H O U L D AT T E N D This seminar is a must for anyone contemplating a move to a paperless environment especially office managers, managing partners and sole practitioners. M AT E R I A L S A background booklet written by the presenters will be sent to participants before the seminar. THIS SEMINAR WILL COVER • the key law in relation to electronic documents • client relationship issues • benefits of reducing paper use • making the decision - commitment from partners and staff - dedicated and resolute implementation team • implementation - equipment and systems - how paperless are you already? - implementation team - scanning completed files - keeping deeds - mail handling/ incoming and outgoing - dictation - workflows - transaction requests - client meetings F O R M AT Presenters will take a practical approach and use examples to illustrate the various points. FEE (INCL GST) NZLS members and NZLS Associate members – $255 for the seminar and $91 for the webinar. Non-members – $305 for the seminar and $121 for the webinar. PRESENTERS STUART SPICER DIRECTOR WRMK LAWYERS WHANGAREI Stuart is a commercial and property lawyer and has spent over 20 years as managing partner of WRMK Lawyers. He has played an active part in implementing a comprehensive paperless system in his firm. The firm now opens no paper files and relies totally on electronic storage for its records. H AY L E Y W E B E R OFFICE MANAGER WRMK LAWYERS WHANGAREI Hayley has been with WRMK Lawyers since 1990. She is part of the management team and assists the Practice Manager with the day to day management of the firm. Hayley was part of the implementation team that developed and supervised the paperless system within the firm.
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