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Wednesday & Thursday, October 1 & 2
NEW! Show Hours: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Vancouver Convention Centre, West I 1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 0C3
Reading this manual
will save you time and money!
NEW! Show Hours........................................................... P. 2
Overnight Parking (Great Rates!).....................................P. 2
Main Room Block: Pan Pacific Hotel................................P. 2
Tailgate Party!..................................................................P. 2
Best of Show Awards Presentation.................................. P. 2
Show Services...................................................................P. 2
Exhibitor Badges...............................................................P. 4
Booth Set-Up: Rules & Regulations...................................P. 5
Move-In Schedule & Procedure.........................................P. 6
Ice......................................................................................P. 7
Job Posting & Industry Information Board........................P. 7
Booth Awards Judging Criteria......................................... P. 7
Move-Out Procedure..........................................................P. 8
CanWest 2015 - NEW LOCATION! .................................P. 8
Clinics & Seminars............................................................P. 9
Attendee Prize Draw.........................................................P. 9
Show Staff Contact Information.........................................P. 9
On-Site Show Office .........................................................P. 9
The CanWest Hort Show will be taking place at the
Vancouver Convention Centre, West (‘Under the Green
Roof’). The address is 1055 Canada Place, V6C 0C3
(located at the foot of Burrard Street).
11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Holding Lot: The holding lot has been reserved for the
entire length of the CanWest show. If you have an oversized vehicle or wish to park your vehicle at the holding
lot until move-out, or for any part of your duration at the
show, please complete the ‘Overnight Parking’ form
found on the CanWest website. A security guard will be
onsite. And a shuttle service will be operating each day.
3 Day Access! One Flat Rate!
$20 (vehicle size less than 20ft)
$30 (vehicle size more than 20ft)
The shuttle service hours are:
Tuesday, September 30: 6:30 am - 9:00 pm
Wednesday, October 1: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 2: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Note: Service hours may be shortened depending on
demand. The holding lot will not be available on Friday,
October 3.
Other Parking Options:
VCC (West): This facility has a great parkade that can
accommodate 440 vehicles. Space is based on a first
come - first served basis. Meter parking costs $30/day.
Cash and all major credit cards are accepted. The
maximum height of a vehicle that can park in this
parkade is 7.6’.
The main room block for exhibitors and delegates is at
the Pan Pacific Hotel. This hotel is adjacent to VCC
West. Check it out at
Deluxe Room: $199
Deluxe Harbourview: $219
For reservations: 604.662.3223;
Toll-Free: Canada: 1.800.663.1515; USA:1.800.937.1515
Ask for the CanWest Hort Show Room Block - CANW0914
Room Block Deadline: August 29
There are four other hotels offering great rates and
holding room space for CanWest; check out the
CanWest website for details. Be sure to ask for the
‘CanWest Room Block’.
The Tailgate Party will kick off on Wednesday,
October 1 at 6:00. Additional bars will be open and
treats will be available for delegates and exhibitors on
the show floor.
Wednesday, October 1 - During Tailgate Party
Exhibitors are invited to gather around the Gemstone
Biergarten, centrally located on the show floor, to hear
the announcement of the winners of both the ‘Best of
Show Booth Awards’, and the ‘Container Competition’.
All forms can be accessed from the CanWest website at; go to the ‘Exhibitor Page’ and
scroll down to ‘FORMS’.
1. Levy Show Services - Official Decorator
Our official show decorator is Levy Show Service Inc.
(i.e. booth furnishings, tables, chairs, exhibit hardware,
accessories, etc.) All their forms can be downloaded from
the CanWest website. Or you can order online at Click on the ‘Online Ordering’ near
the top right side of the page. Simply register as a ‘New’
exhibitor and go through the info request form. The
show code is ‘CanWest2014’.
Levy will be on-site during move-in for any last minute
orders you may have. Deadline for best rates:
September 17.
submitted 21 days in advance of move-in.
Deadline: September 8. And, banners must be delivered
by September 22.
Booth drape will be Pale Grey/Silver. Aisle carpet will
remain black. However, you can opt to choose from a
variety of carpet or curtain color for your own booth via
Levy Show Services.
3. AVW - TELAV: Audio Visual Rentals
Note: The exhibition hall floors are completely cement;
there are no sections of permanent carpet. We
encourage the use of carpet to improve the
professional look of your booth.
2. Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC)
Online ordering is available for all VCC services. Go to and click on the
‘Exhibitor’ area of the website.
Please order electrical power and connections for your
booth using the Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC)
order form found on the CanWest website. Deadline for
best rates: September 19
Exhibit Booth Vacuuming
Booth vacuuming is not included in the pre-show clean,
so your booth will not be cleaned. This service must be
ordered from the VCC. Complete the VCC booth
vacuuming form found on the CanWest website.
Recommendation: Bring your own broom or vacuum.
Deadline for best rates: September 19.
Internet Request
The cost for wired internet is very high. Wireless is
available and can be ordered via Bell when onsite, at an
extremely reasonable rate. Wired internet service is
available via the VCC. All the details and the order form
can be found on the CanWest website. Deadline for best
rates: September 19.
Sign Banner Installation & Dismantle
Banners are a great way to attract attention to your
booth. The VCC will install and dismantle your banner.
Rates are based on banners 25lbs or less and do not
exceed 8 feet. Note: Request for this service must be
Are you planning to conduct any ‘in booth’ presentations?
For audio visual rentals, see the ‘AVW - TELAV Audio
Visual Equipment form on the CanWest website.
Equipment available on a first come - first serve basis.
4. Conexsys: Attendee Data Collection
New Smart Phone APP Available! Contact Conexsys
for details.
Build your database of hot leads instantly! Collect
detailed demographic information from attendees by
scanning badges with a data collection wand provided by
Conexsys. Download the Conexsys order form for the
bar-coded Lead Retrieval Service from the CanWest
Event Code for Online Access: CWHS14
Deadline for best rates: September 19.
5. ‘Events on the Move’
Shipping and Customs Brokerage
‘Events on the Move’ manage shipping, offer advance
warehousing, customs brokerage and international freight
forwarding for exhibitors. Using this company will make
move-in and move-out much easier. Download their service
order form found on the CanWest website or call them
directly at:
Tel: 604-647-0130
Toll Free: 1-877-355-1116
Important Shipping Notes:
Shipping With Another Carrier On Move In Day?
Please advise your carrier of your scheduled move-in
time and move-in procedure (see page 6-7). They must
adhere to the same procedure as all other exhibitors
when accessing the exhibit halls with their vehicles.
Shipping With Another Carrier Before Move-In Day?
If you are using another carrier to ship your booth
materials to the show, you can ship in advance to
Events On The Move warehouse. They will store and
deliver your materials to the show (at your scheduled
move-in time), but there is a charge for this - please call
Events On The Move for pricing.
The address for advance warehousing provided by
Events on the Move is: #150 - 12340 Horseshoe Way,
Richmond, BC V7A 4Z1.
Please do not ship your booth material directly to the
VCC; they do not have facilities for receiving and storing
material in advance of the show.
Courier Deliveries
The VCC will NOT accept courier deliveries at any time,
as they have no facilities for receiving and storing
material. All deliveries of booth material must adhere to
the move-in process.
Recommendation: For small packages, ship to your
hotel; call ahead for their storage rates.
Important Note:
There are no drayage fees. CanWest provides free forklift service to unload your materials and deliver to your
booth. Pallet jacks and student volunteers are available
to help unload and deliver your materials to your booth.
Additional Notes for US Exhibitors:
• All agricultural products require a phytosanitary
• A "Canada Bound" information package containing
Canada Customs documents will be forwarded to you
upon request via ‘Events on the Move’.
• Canada Customs documents are required regardless of
whether materials are shipped in advance or driven by
private vehicle.
• If carrying agricultural goods, cross the border from
8:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday to Friday.
• If using private vehicles to bring in materials, contact
Events on the Move for brokerage process and pricing.
• At the border, you will go to the office of Events on the
Move, who will bond you to the Vancouver Convention
• All shipments will clear Customs at the Convention
Temporary Importation of Display Goods
• Canada Customs has given out-of-country exhibitors
the right to temporarily import their display goods under
tariff item 9993.00.00 if display goods are NOT sold in
Canada. A copy of the ‘Temporary Importation of
Goods’ letter is available for US exhibitors (available on
the CanWest website or contact Karen De Jong - Ellery
for a copy at 604-575-3504). This letter will help
expedite your entry of goods into Canada.
• An itemized list of articles giving description, quantity
and value should accompany the goods.
• Upon entry into Canada, the goods may be documented
on a temporary admission permit, form E29B, with a
security deposit taken.
• If you have more questions, contact your customs
broker or Canada Customs at 604.666.1493.
6. Show Management Requires the
Following from Exhibitors:
Exhibitor Registration / Badge Requests
Pre-register all booth personnel online. Go to the
Exhibitor Page on the CanWest website and click on
‘Booth Staff Registration’. Scroll and click on your
company name.The ‘Exhibitor Code’ is CW2014.
Or download the form from the CanWest website. Please
register all your booth staff by September 5.
Badges will not be mailed but available for pick-up:
• Move-In Day: Tuesday September 30 at the show office
• Show Days: Wednesday & Thursday October 1 &
2 at Registration in the VCC Lobby - go directly to the
'Exhibitor' wicket.
Company Identification Signage
A $25 charge will apply to exhibitors ordering a company
sign. If you require a sign, please return the ‘Exhibitor
Badges & Company Sign’ form no later than September
5. Download this form from the CanWest website.
New Product Showcase
This is your opportunity to showcase your new/unique
product(s). Access the ‘New Product Showcase’
registration form from the CanWest website. Registration
deadline: September 5 - no extensions.
• Products must be delivered to the show hall by 5:00 pm
Tuesday, September 30
• Products must be picked up immediately following
the close of the show - Thursday, October 2 at
6:00 pm.
will be accountable if they obstruct their neighbours.
2. Each booth is provided with a 10 ft wide by 8-ft high
backdrop, plus 3 ft high side curtains, separating you
from your neighbour. You may have solid material for a
maximum distance of 5 ft. (from the back of your
booth). The next 5 ft to the front of your booth must be
kept clear or have only ‘see through’ type material (as
approved by the show management). Display racks or
any other solid structures will not be permitted if
exceeding the 3-ft height.
The 3-ft high curtain found on either side of your booth
will extend 5ft in length from the back of your
booth; leaving the front 5 feet with no divider. This will
promote a more open design while also softening the
standard ‘trade show’ look.
Note: If you are building a customized exhibit,
remember that it should be limited to 9.6 feet rather
than 10 feet wide, otherwise it may not fit into the
Each year there are problems with the way some
exhibitors set-up their display within the confines of their
booth. Please view or download the diagrams from the
CanWest website so you understand what you can and
cannot do. If you have any questions, call now!
3. Exhibitors with ‘End Caps’, a double booth on the end
of a row, are allowed a 10ft wide backdrop. If booth
height extends above 8 ft at the backdrop, please
ensure that all visible sides of your booth are
Common Infractions:
4. Use ‘SURE’ double sided carpet tape to secure
carpets and all other materials to the floor. Duct tape is
not approved. Removal, clean-up and/or floor repair
charges will be passed on to the exhibitor. Levy Show
Services will have tape available for purchase.
• Blocking the view/visibility of the exhibitor next to you.
Remember, the first 5 ft into your booth can only have
display materials up to 3 ft high - the height of the side
drape (feature booths must abide by the 5 ft rule
around the perimeter of their booth).
• Display material hanging out into the aisle beyond
your booth. Please ensure all material stays within the
confines of your booth so that the laying of the aisle
carpet and cleaning can properly take place.
Follow these simple rules and regulations:
1. Don’t block the exhibitor beside you! There are certain
limitations regarding blocking off neighboring booths.
The regulations for CanWest are the same as most
other shows. These limits will be enforced. Exhibitors
5. If you are bringing in material that could damage the
floor (scrapes, stains etc.), please be sure to place a
plastic covering on the floor.
6. Do not use spray paint on or near the show floor.
Exhibitors will be responsible for any marks, scuffs or
floor discolouring. Note: Any costs incurred for
damaged floors and walls will be passed on to the
The Schedule:
• The convention centre boasts a private 2-way road that
leads to the exhibition halls. We anticipate a
smooth move-in, and appreciate everyone’s effort and
• Move-in Time Schedule:
Monday, Sept 29: Exhibitors requiring access inside the
show hall with their trucks/vehicles (i.e. need to drive
onto the show floor) can only do so on Monday,
September 29 starting at 12:00 Noon. A forklift will be
available from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 pm. Exhibitors may
set up their booth throughout the evening.
Tuesday, Sept 30: Exhibitors with trucks and vehicles
requiring access to a loading bay will be scheduled to
move in on Tuesday, Sept 30 between 6:00 am - 4:00
pm. Vehicles can not drive onto the show floor on this
day. Exhibitors can stay until 12:00 midnight to complete
their setup.
• YOUR designated move-in time will be sent to you
by the end of August.
• Problems with the designated time? To request a
change please call Karen at the show office no later
than Friday, September 5 - 604.575.3504. We will
do our best to accommodate requests, but cannot
guarantee to satisfy everyone.
The Procedure:
The move-in procedure is designed to make move-in as
easy as possible. This policy is strictly enforced. Please
proceed as follows:
Arrival at the Holding Lot
(i) Exhibitors must report to the holding lot first. Please
arrive 15 minutes prior to your allotted time. The
holding lot is located on Waterfront Road - look for the
CanWest sign. You will receive an ‘Exhibit Hall Access
Pass’ from show staff at the holding lot. They will
instruct you as to when you can proceed to the halls.
VCC security will send vehicles back to the holding lot
if drivers do not have an access pass.
(ii Exhibitors who are late may be moved to a time slot
near the end of the day; it is not fair to delay those
who have been on time. This will be enforced.
If you are delayed, please contact the show office;
knowing how long you may be delayed will help the
logistics crew. The show office phone number is:
Unloading Inside the Convention Centre
(i) Once you’ve made it into the exhibit hall, a CanWest
rep will check you in at the door and direct you to a
loading bay where a forklift, or students with carts, will
be available to unload your vehicle and transport your
goods to your booth. Vehicles will not be permitted
to off load on the show floor. Pallet jacks will also
available. Volunteers will be wearing bright orange
ii) After you have unloaded, please drive your vehicle
back out once security gives you clearance. You can
park in the holding lot.
(iii) Shuttle Service To/From Holding Lot:
A shuttle van, identified with a ‘CanWest Shuttle’ sign,
will run between the holding lot and the exhibition halls
during move-in/out hours. The shuttle will meet you
just outside the show office.
Shuttle Hours of Operation:
Move-In: Tues. Sept. 30, 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Move-Out: Thurs. Oct 2, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Service hours may be shortened depending on
demand. Reminder: The holding lot will be available
for parking on Wednesday, Oct 1with shuttle
service operating from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm.
Setting Up Your Display
(i) Move-in ends at approximately 4:00 pm, however, you
have until 12:00 midnight on move-in day to set up
your booth.
(ii) Please ensure your display material is within
the confines of your booth when the aisle carpets are
being placed. It is also your responsibility to put your
display containers, etc. into the storage area.
Garbage may be left in the centre aisle for the night
cleaning crew to pick up.
(iii) Storage Space Procedure: Packing materials
(boxes, pallets, cartons etc.) must be put in the
storage area at the far end of Hall B1. Get a ‘Storage
Sticker’ from the Show Office or Levy Show Services
Desk, place it on your materials, then take the
materials to the storage area.
(iv) Freight Elevator Available for Hand-Carried Booth
Material: If you do not require vehicle access to a
loading bay at the exhibit hall, and you can hand carry
your material, your booth will be ready as per your
move-in time. Simply drive to the underground parkade
at VCC West and proceed to the north east corner of
the parkade where the freight elevator is located. You
can access the freight elevator between 12:00 pm 6:00 pm. The maximum height of a vehicle that the
parkade can accommodate is 7.6’.
(v) Wednesday Morning Set-Up: There will be no move-in
allowed on October 1other than hand-carried
materials. You must be set up no later than 10:00 am.
Be sure to get your badge first, at the Registration desk
in the VCC lobby - go directly to the ‘Exhibitor’ wicket.
(vi) Access to Show Hall: You can access the show hall at
8:00 am on both days of the show. Please ensure you
are wearing your ‘Gold’ badge.
(vii) No Children on Show Floor During Move-In &
Move-Out: Due to WCB regulations and the
prevalence of heavy equipment, machinery, vehicles
and forklifts on the show floor, children will not be
allowed in the exhibit halls during move-in and moveout hours. We understand the burden this may create
for many of our exhibitors who have family-owned
businesses, but safety concerns for all individuals on
the show floor will require that this is strictly enforced.
Please help yourself to the ice. Two freezers will be
located near the show office located at the end of the main
A bulletin board will be placed outside the show entrance
for you to post jobs, upcoming events, etc. Bring your
one-page flyer; push pins will be provided.
Please report to the show office any person or persons
who are soliciting on the show but are not exhibitors. In
fairness to our exhibitors who have paid for their booth
space, this solicitation will not be tolerated. Thank you for
your assistance.
Booth Judging Day: Wednesday, October 1
NOTE: Only one award can be received by each exhibiting
Booth Categories:
- Best Exhibit Overall
(selected from the categories below)
- Most Original Exhibit
- Best Nursery/Floriculture Exhibit
- Best Horticultural Supplier Exhibit (includes hard
goods, equipment, greenhouse, supplies)
- Best Small Booth Exhibit (1 ‘10 x 10’ booth)
- Best Medium Booth Exhibit (2-3 ‘10 x 10’ booths)
- Best Large Booth Exhibit (4+ ‘10 x 10’ booths)
Judging Procedure & Criteria
Three judges will tour the show independently, making
their own lists of potential winners. Together they create a
short-list, tour the show again and make the final
decisions. Booths will be judged according to the following
Theme: 35% (‘Oktoberfest!’)
Visual Impact / Overall Impression: 20%
-Appeal to senses, eye catching
-Bright, good lighting, use of colour
-Visual hook to see more
Information Availability / Quality: 10%
-Identified products and services
-Provides company contact information
-Quality of media
Marketability: 5%
-Adaptiveness to potential buyers’ needs
-Effective marketing of company and product
Display Quality: 20%
-Condition of display and props
-Plant and/or product quality
-Professionalism of staff
Innovation: 10%
-Demonstrates imagination and creativity
-Dares to be different, yet effective
-Has effectively incorporated show theme into
Exhibitors not complying with booth set up rules and
regulations will be disqualified from the competition.
There will be a winner in each category as displays permit.
Exhibiting companies can win only one award. Winners
will be presented with a keepsake at the Tailgate Party on
Wednesday, October 1.
All items must be picked up by Friday, October 3 at
12:00 Noon.
Thursday, October 2
At 6:00 pm
Display take-down may begin at 6:00 pm but all activity
must remain within the confines of the booth space until
the carpet is completely rolled up. Please DO NOT begin
dismantling booths prior to 6:00 pm - anyone doing so
may be barred from next year’s show.
At 7:00 pm
At approximately 7:00 pm the carpet should be rolled up
and the following system will be followed:
#1 Priority: Determined by Show Management - exhibitors
required to move out as authorized by the show office.
#2 Priority: By Special Request - these requests will
only be considered if received in the Show Office on the
first day of the show - Wednesday, October 1, no later
than 6:00 pm.
#3 Priority: All Exhibitors are permitted to move out (this
should occur at about 7:00 pm). You must first line up at
the Holding Lot. Show staff/security will indicate when you
can access the show hall.
Friday, October 3: 7:00 am - 12:00 Noon
Remaining exhibitors can move-out at this time. Proceed
directly to the exhibit halls - you do not need to report to
the holding lot. Everyone must be out by 12:00 NOON.
CanWest is not responsible for your booth after this time.
A fee will be charged to exhibitors after 12:00 noon for
removal costs.
Move-out proceeds like move-in, with everyone lining up at
the holding lot (located on Waterfront Road).
Any exhibitors proceeding to the exhibition halls without
permission from the holding lot security guard, will be
turned back and put at the end of the line.
If you have display material that needs to be picked up by
a courier, please clearly mark your company name on all
items with the appropriate paperwork, and leave in your
booth or outside the show office. Note: Events on the
Move will be available onsite with your outbound orders.
The CanWest Hort Show is moving to Tradex Exhibition
Centre in Abbotsford - September 9 & 10. A 2015
Exhibit Space Contract will be provided at the show. Take
advantage of a 5% discount on your 2015 booth cost if
you submit a completed contract with full payment to the
show office on October 1 or 2, 2014. Cheque or credit
card accepted. Exhibitors will select their 2015 booth
space based on their priority number.
CanWest has a stellar educational program! Be sure to
take in a seminar or two. You can register online or access
the registration form on the CanWest website.
Early Bird Deadling: Register by September 12 for best
Web Site:
Follow us on Twitter:
Join us on Facebook:
The Show Office will be open (at the end of the main
aisle). See Karen De Jong - Ellery, Show Manager or
Barb Nelson for assistance.
CanWest is offering a fantastic prize for attendees to help
encourage order writing at the show. For every order that
is written, delegates can receive one ballot for the $1,000
‘cash prize.
Onsite Show Office Phone #: 604.202.6446
Show Office Hours:
September 30th:
6:00 am - 9:00 pm
October 1st:
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
October 2nd:
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
$1,000 Cash Prize
Ballots will be given to exhibitors at the show. They will be
incorporated in your ‘Welcome Package’. Be sure to pick
these up at the show office at some point during your
move in. Additional ballots will be available at the show
office. The draw will take place at 5:30 pm on October 2 at
the CanWest Main Stage.
The CanWest Hort Show is managed by the BC
Landscape & Nursery Association. Please contact us at
any time.
Karen De Jong - Ellery, Show Manager
Direct Line: 604.575.3504
Suvan Breen, Booth Sales, Advertising & Sponsorship
Direct Line: 604.575.3516
Christina Wiebe, Registration
Direct Line: 604.575.3513
Show Office
#102, 5783 - 176A Street, Surrey, BC V3S 6S6
Phone: 604.575.3500; Fax: 604.574.7773
Toll Free (BC Only) 1.800.421.7963
A photocopier will be available at the show office for your