63822 GPhC pre-reg manual cover.qxp:Layout 1 28/6/11 20:23 Page 2 Pre-registration Manual Contents Contact details 2 Section 1 - Introduction and Overview 5 Glossary The Pre-registration Year Section 2 - Requirements relating to the Scheme Pre-registration Scheme requirements 3 7 11 11 Registration Assessment Regulations 16 The Registration Assessment Syllabus 38 The Performance Standards Section 3 - What does this all mean in Practice? A- B- C- Training Registration Assessment Applying to Register 24 45 45 53 54 Section 4 - Forms 55 Change of training details 59 Learning Contract 57 Progress Report 61 First Placement Declaration 65 Assessment Summary Final Declaration Final Declaration for joint schemes © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 63 67 69 1 Contact details Pre-registration Regulatory Services Directorate General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) 129 Lambeth Road London SE1 7BT For confirmation that we have received your documents in the office, you must enclose a stamped self addressed postcard or sealed envelope that we will date stamp and return to you. Due to the volume of trainees submitting information, it is not possible to confirm receipt over the telephone. GPhC website: www.pharmacyregulation.org Items can be easily found by entering the document title or other keyword into the search engine field General Pre-registration enquiries: E-mail: prereg@pharmacyregulation.org Tel: 020 3365 3620 Training Facilitator enquiries: E-mail: ptf@pharmacyregulation.org Registration Assessment enquiries: E-mail: regexam@pharmacyregulation.org Tel: 020 3365 3624 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 2 Glossary of terms GPhC General Pharmaceutical Council The Regulator for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy premises in Great Britain CPD Continuing Professional Development The Pre-registration Manager This is the person within the organisation that oversees the Pre-registration Scheme. This person will not necessarily be based at the training site; in large companies this person is often based at head office. In smaller companies this may be the tutor. This person is usually responsible for resources and training events during the Pre-registration year. Pre-registration trainee pharmacists should ensure that they find out who this person is and how to contact them at the outset of training, as they will be a suitable person to refer to if an issue is not resolved between themselves and their tutor. It is important that this person is made aware of any problems encountered during training. Aspects of training that have been particularly good are equally as important to feedback. The Pre-registration Tutor This is the individual named as the tutor for an individual trainee who is responsible for assessing whether their trainee can demonstrate the level of competence expected of a newly registered pharmacist. There should be at least a 1:1 ratio of full-time equivalent pharmacists to Pre-registration trainee pharmacists at the site.The tutor must fulfil the GPhC’s criteria for eligibility to tutor and their responsibilities include: • • • • • • • • Making a judgement on the trainee’s performance Maintaining at least 28 hours contact time with the trainee over at least 4 days in a normal working week Overseeing the training provided Liaising with appropriate funding bodies Completing progress reports at 13, 26 & 39 weeks and informing the GPhC of unsatisfactory progress Completing the tutor part of the Registration Assessment entry form Completing the final declaration (or first placement declaration if applicable) Completing the appropriate parts of the application to register as a pharmacist Tutors must be fit for purpose to fulfil the tutoring role and are encouraged to utilise the tutor competencies when completing their personal CPD as required by the GPhC. Practice Supervisors These are people that supervise and train in their area of expertise. A tutor may ask that practice supervisors oversee a specific skill development. The tutor however is always responsible for the formal sign offs. It is important that practice supervisors are aware of the training requirements and the Performance Standards. They should provide appropriate feedback, providing evidence to allow the tutor to make an assessment of the trainee in a specific area. It is the responsibility of the tutor to ensure that these people have the necessary knowledge and skills to undertake this role. Mentors This will be someone who is not directly involved in assessing the trainee’s performance but can provide pastoral support and guidance to them. An ideal person to fulfil this role would be a newly registered pharmacist who has recently been through the training process themselves. It is important to note that this should not be the tutor. Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacist (Hereafter referred to as trainee(s).) This is an individual who has graduated with an MPharm, or Overseas Pharmacists’ Assessment Programme (OSPAP) award or is an undergraduate MPharm sandwich student at Bradford University. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 3 MPharm graduates A graduate from a UK School of Pharmacy, undertaking a 52 week training programme to prepare them for registration with the GPhC. Sandwich students These MPharm students at Bradford University undertake two six month blocks of Pre-registration training integral to their degree. The first period is undertaken in the third year and the second in the fifth year. OSPAP graduates Overseas pharmacists who have passed an OSPAP at a School of Pharmacy in Great Britain and wish to register as a pharmacist in GB need to complete the same Pre-registration training and assessment as MPharm graduates. European qualified pharmacists undertaking adaptation training Following assessment by the GPhC, these adaptation trainee pharmacists will have been given individual training requirements and will be undertaking some training in a specific area to develop their competence. Training programme - Single sector 52 weeks spent in a patient facing sector i.e. community pharmacy or the pharmacy department within a hospital. Trainees are expected to remain at their named community site or within establishments linked to the hospital for the full period of training as stated in the training plan approved by the GPhC. Training programme - Split scheme Generally this will involve 26 weeks in each of the patient facing sectors i.e. six months in both a community pharmacy and the pharmacy department within a hospital as stated in the training plan approved by the GPhC. Training programme - Joint scheme This will involve at least 26 weeks in either of the patient facing sectors and up to 26 weeks in another pharmacy related establishment (e.g. industry, Primary Care Trust (or equivalent), academia) to total 52 weeks, as stated in the training plan approved by the GPhC. Sandwich placement This applies to pharmacy undergraduates studying at the Bradford School of Pharmacy and involves placements that are integral to the degree course. The last placement must be patient facing. Cross Sector Experience (CSE) The objectives of spending a period of time in another patient facing sector of practice are to enable the trainee to: • • gain an appreciation of the complete patient experience across primary, secondary and if possible tertiary care boundaries and identify the impact and importance of the pharmacist’s role; gather additional evidence that can contribute to their portfolio for assessment by the Pre-registration tutor. This will also enable the trainee to meet all the Performance Standards. This is an integral part of the training year and trainees should still be paid their regular salary by their employer at their main Pre-registration training site for any period spent in another patient facing sector for the purposes of CSE. If trainees do not undertake CSE, it is the responsibility of the tutor to provide other learning opportunities to ensure that all of the Performance Standards can be met and that the objectives for CSE are addressed. The tutor must read and sign the declaration on the back of the final declaration form to confirm that this has been achieved. Trainees who undertake split placements and sandwich placements that have been in two different patient facing sectors of practice should achieve the objectives without a discrete CSE placement. Trainees on joint placements should undertake their CSE whilst at the non patient facing establishment. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 4 Section 1 - Introduction and Overview Pre-registration Training Welcome to the GPhC Welcome to the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and the Pre-registration Scheme. This is a special year as this is the first year that the GPhC will be overseeing the Scheme in its entirety. The Pre-registration Scheme is a one-year training programme for MPharm and Overseas Pharmacists’ Assessment Programme (OSPAP) graduates or MPharm sandwich students. It is designed to give trainees a range of experience and enable them to learn and develop from a student to registered professional, enabling them to take on the responsibility for patient care. As you will no doubt be aware, the GPhC is the new, independent regulator for the pharmacy professions and its remit is to protect, promote and maintain the health, safety and wellbeing of patients, the public and of all those who use pharmaceutical services. This means that patients and the public will be at the heart of everything the GPhC does. The GPhC sets the education standards for all parts of pharmacist education and training in Great Britain. The standards that must be met in the Pre-registration Scheme are the: • Performance Standards • Registration Assessment I expect that trainees will seek all opportunities to learn and gain experience throughout the year and remind you that the year is not just about assessments. I hope that you enjoy your training year and look forward to you successfully completing pre-registration and applying for registration as a pharmacist If you are a pre-registration tutor then thank you for agreeing to be a tutor for the Pre-registration Scheme. This is an extremely valuable role for the future of the profession and I appreciate your commitment to it. I hope that you enjoy the experience of training the pharmacists of the future. If you have any queries or feedback on the Pre-registration Scheme, please do contact us through the Pre-registration Team (E-mail: prereg@pharmacyregulation.org or Tel: 020 3365 3620). Chief Executive and Registrar © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 5 Role and function of the GPhC The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) is the independent regulator for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy premises in Great Britain. The regulation of the healthcare professions is designed to protect the health, safety and well-being of people using their services. The GPhC’s standards and rules provide a practicable, workable framework for pharmacy professionals to deliver services safely. They are intended to be proportionate and useful, helping practitioners to improve quality. More detailed information is available at:www.pharmacyregulation.org Definition of Pre-registration training Pre-registration training is a minimum of 52 weeks workbased training under the supervision of a tutor, following a training programme and in a premises approved by the GPhC for this purpose. Standards of conduct, ethics and performance Trainees will be expected to abide by the same standards as registrants in the context of Pre-registration training. A booklet of these standards will be sent to trainees and this must be retained for use in the Registration Assessment as copied versions will not be permitted. For reference these are available on the website: www.pharmacyregulation.org Purpose of this guide This guide provides an overview of Pre-registration training and the GPhC requirements for the training year. Collation of evidence - use of CPD format Trainees are provided with a username and password which permits access to individual profiles on the CPD recording website: www.uptodate.org.uk Trainees may wish to use this format for presenting evidence of their performance. Trainee GPhC number Trainees will be allocated a unique trainee reference (GPhC number) that should be quoted in any correspondence with the GPhC. Trainees will be informed of this number via a training record and this should be passed to the employer in community pharmacy as proof of training for submission to the Primary Care Trust, Local Health Board or NES (for trainees in Scotland) as applicable. It is essential that any errors on this training record are highlighted to the GPhC. Bulletins These are produced by the GPhC in Autumn and Spring. They contain important information and should be read by tutors and trainees to get updates relating to the current training year. They are available on the GPhC website. Registration Assessment Sample Papers Half- sized papers are produced by the GPhC in Autumn and Spring. These are to help you familiarise yourself with the format of the Assessment. Answers are also provided to the tutor and are available on the GPhC website (approximately 4 weeks after distribution to the tutors). © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 6 The Pre-registration year Purpose ? STUDENT INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONER The purpose is for the trainee to demonstrate to their tutor through practical experience and through showing the GPhC by way of assessment, that they have the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes to undertake the pharmacist’s role properly and consistently to the standard expected of a newly registered pharmacist. Assessment Trainees are assessed in two ways, through the Performance Standards and the Registration Assessment. Evidence of Performance in skills and behaviours that have been demonstrated in the workplace mapped against the relevant Performance Standards and assessed by the tutor. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 Registration Assessment of knowledge and the application of it, assessed by the GPhC. 7 The theory behind assessment in the pre-registration year is broadly based on Miller’s triangle. This triangle is used to describe the levels of competence. It progresses upwards where every underlying step is the building block for the next level. Tested through the Performance Standards Does Shows how Tested through the Registration Assessment Knows How Knows Adapted from Miller (1990) The foundation block is the knowledge needed to be able to fulfil future tasks and what the trainee “knows” should have been tested by way of a written examination in the MPharm or OSPAP course. The next layer that is underpinned by this knowledge is “knowing how” to apply this knowledge which should also have been tested to some degree by way of a written examination in the MPharm or OSPAP course. Based on this underpinning knowledge the trainee should then be able to “show how” they would apply this knowledge in a simulated environment. The last step in the process is when the trainee “does” this independently in the complex situation of an everyday context competently. The Pre-registration year really focuses on this last step in the process, climbing from “showing how” to really “doing”. Whilst the earlier steps are often based on logic and are easy to plan, the last step demands thorough analysis in how to incorporate a skill into an everyday situation and still being able to reflect on it as a learning experience. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 8 Another “Progress Report” as at 13 weeks with unsatisfactory reports to be sent to the GPhC. Copies must be retained by trainees and tutors in all instances. “First Placement Declaration” for 6 month joint/split/sandwich to be sent in w r ee 1 ks 3 Fr st om tr a r th ai t o e ni f ng fte A A f w te r ee 3 ks 9 A f W te r ee 2 ks 6 All tutors and trainees to complete a “Progress Report”. For trainees whose performance is unsatisfactory, the “Progress Report” must be sent to the GPhC. Copies must be retained by trainees and tutors in all instances Another “Progress Report” as at 13 weeks but the originals for all outcomes must be sent to the GPhC and accompanied by the Registration Assessment entry documents for those eligible A f w te r ee 4 ks 9 Timeline of our requirements Tutor and trainee to complete a “Learning Contract” and the original sent to the GPhC. Inform GPhC of any changes throughout year via “Change of Training Details” form Once all of the Performance Standards have been achieved, the completed “Final Declaration” and other registration documents to be sent in Registration To be eligible to register you must have: • A final declaration signed off by your tutor that states that you have satisfactorily achieved all of the Performance Standards • Completed a minimum period of 52 weeks Pre-registration training • Signed a Fitness to Practise declaration confirming that you are a fit and proper person to be registered • • Successfully passed the Registration Assessment Successfully completed an application to register Once registered You must: • • • Regularly reflect on your practice, completing at least nine CPD entries a year in order to maintain and update your professional knowledge and skills Continue to abide by the Standards of conduct, ethics and performance Ensure continued registration © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 9 Training Sites Trainees entering Pre-registration training commit to the 52 week training plan at the training site as stated on the “Application to enter Pre-registration” form submitted to the GPhC. This application should have been sent at least 8 weeks before the start of the period of training. Application forms are on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). The training programme must be agreed by the GPhC prior to the start of training and the training site must have current approval for training (www.pharmacyregulation.org/theregister/lookingfortrainingpremises/index.aspx). Resources required at the site All approved training sites are expected to provide specified reference sources. These are updated from time to time. It is acceptable for these references to be available in electronic format provided that they can be easily accessed at the same time as labelling or using patient medication records. The current list of reference sources can be accessed on the GPhC website, but here is a summary of what that may include: These are split into 3 categories: Category A - Specific texts in the most current edition available These include • • • • • • • British National Formulary Medicines Ethics and Practice Guide (under review) Drug Tariff Martindale - The Complete Drug Reference Introduction to Pharmaceutical Calculations (Rees, Smith and Smith) Stockley’s Drug Interactions British National Formulary for Children Category B - Specific topics that can be addressed by any chosen reliable reference source These include: • Adverse Drug reactions • Responding to Symptoms • Nutrition • Health Promotion • Evidence-based medicine • Pharmacy Law and Ethics It is a recommendation that the following topics also be covered: • Professionalism and Governance (separate from Law and Ethics) • Drug Monitoring (interpreting and using Patient and Laboratory Data) • Devolved NHS pharmacy policy Category C - Suggested reference sources that would be beneficial to support training This includes links to organisations who specifically deal with publications to support and facilitate learning that would be beneficial to trainees. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 10 Section 2 - Requirements relating to the scheme This section contains all of the different documents that detail how the scheme operates and the standards that must be achieved. These documents are as follows: The The The The Pre-registration Scheme Requirements Registration Assessment Regulations Performance Standards Registration Assessment Syllabus Pre-registration Scheme Requirements Pre-registration Training 1. 2. The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) must be notified as early as possible by individuals if they expect to exceed the maximum permitted time to gain their qualification and apply to register as a pharmacist. The maximum permitted time is 8 years for those wanting to qualify through the MPharm route and 4 years for the Overseas Pharmacists’ Assessment Programme (OSPAP) route. Any extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis and on the basis of documented evidence. Pre-registration training shall commence no earlier than the first Monday in July. The dates of the two sittings of the registration assessment are linked to the start dates. a. Those wishing to sit the Summer sitting need to start training between the first Monday in July and the second Friday in August b. Those wishing to sit the Autumn sitting need to start training between the third Monday in August and the second Friday in November Notification of the dates will be posted in the ‘GPhC Newsletter’ on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). 3. Trainees are not permitted to start training outside of the set dates. 5. Trainees must abide by the Standards of conduct, ethics and performance. 4. 6. 7. Applications to enter the Pre-registration Scheme must be made in accordance with the ‘Procedures for the Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians’, which is available on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). Pre-registration training must not be undertaken in an establishment in which the trainee has a significant financial interest or where the trainee is related to a director, or has a relationship (including being a relative) with a director or employee of the pharmacy where they will be training. Trainees must complete a minimum of 52 weeks of pre-registration training and are expected to do this on a full-time basis. Full-time training is between 35 and 45 hours a week. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 11 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Requests for part-time pre-registration training will be considered where there are valid reasons. A request must be submitted as part of the application for the Pre-registration Scheme and will be approved on a case by case basis. Further guidance ‘Requests for Part-Time Training’ can be found on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). The Performance Standards are the outcomes that describe what you should be able to do and how you should behave in order to make an application to register as a pharmacist and these must be achieved (at the level of a newly registered pharmacist) during the course of the training. A learning contract must be signed between the trainee and tutor and returned to the GPhC. Progress reports and assessment summaries must be completed every 13 weeks. If a progress report has been failed then this must be sent to the GPhC. Tutors and trainees must retain copies of all progress reports, which may be requested by the GPhC at any time. Trainees are expected to complete the 52 weeks of training provided by their employer. If for whatever reason a trainee leaves their employer then the GPhC requires trainees to disclose all completed progress reports to their new tutor. If trainees are undertaking a split, joint or sandwich training scheme then a ‘Declaration by First Placement Tutor ‘ form must be completed and sent to the GPhC at the end of 26 weeks. The maximum leave entitlement including public holidays, sickness and annual leave should not exceed 40 days. If this period is exceeded for whatever reason then the GPhC should be notified. There should be a designated tutor for each trainee unless previously agreed with the GPhC. Tutees must be directly supervised by a pharmacist at all times. In some cases a trainee may take longer than 52 weeks to achieve competence in all of the Performance Standards and in these cases a tutor is permitted to train two trainees for a maximum of 13 weeks. To enhance competence development, the GPhC will allow training outside the main training organisation for one week in an unlisted training site (i.e. a site that is not approved for pre-registration training) without prior agreement. This can happen once within the training year. The GPhC will also allow training outside the main training organisation for four weeks in a listed training site, without prior agreement. This can also happen once within the training year. All Performance Standards must be achieved before the final declaration document can be signed by the tutor. Trainees should complete a training survey provided by the GPhC towards the end of the 52 weeks. Trainees who are starting an extra period of further training (because they have not achieved competence in all of the Performance Standards and have had their training extended) should follow these regulations and leave entitlements will apply pro rata. As part of the 52 week Pre-registration Scheme, up to 13 weeks may be undertaken in a pharmacy establishment in another member state of the European Union. This placement must be continuous and be completed between the 13th and 26th weeks of training. The training outcomes must form part of the 52-week training plan, which must be approved by the GPhC in advance of a trainee applying to enter the Pre-registration Scheme. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 12 Registration Assessment 1. 2. The syllabus for the registration assessment is set by the Board of Assessors and is updated periodically. Any changes will be communicated to trainees at least six months before an assessment sitting. The ‘Assessment Regulations’ detail the rules governing the setting, sitting, marking and awarding of results for the registration assessment. These can be found in the ‘Pre-registration Manual’ and on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). Trainees should read these and must agree to be bound by them. Requirements for Extra Training following failure in the Registration Assessment 1. 2. 3. In compliance with schedule 1 to the assessment regulations, a trainee must complete a further period of six months supervised employment in a patient facing establishment, in the following cases: a. If the assessment has been failed on two occasions b. If more than 18 months has elapsed between the first and second assessment sittings. c. If more than 12 months has elapsed since the completion of six months supervised employment or since the completion of training d. If more than 18 months has elapsed from the first assessment sitting and the completion of training. All trainees must notify the GPhC of the name of the supervising pharmacist and the location of the pharmacy on the Notification of Six Month Work Placement form, in advance of starting the period of employment. These forms are sent to trainees, who have failed the assessment on two occasions. Trainees who exceed the set timeframes above, should request a copy from the Assessment Manager. Approval for the supervising pharmacist and establishment must be given by the GPhC prior to the commencement. At the end of the period of supervised practise, the supervising pharmacist is accountable for and must certify that: a. the trainee has completed the period b. the supervising pharmacist would support the registration of the trainee as a pharmacist. Pre-Registration Training Sites/Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. All training sites and plans must be approved in advance as stated in the ‘Procedures for the Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians’. Premises (owners, superintendents or tutors) can apply at any time for approval as a training site subject to meeting requirements. ‘Premises Application Forms’ can be found on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). All training plans must demonstrate how the trainee will be supported to achieve the Performance Standards. A trainee should be provided with a copy of his or her training plan by their employer or tutor. Training can be completed in a variety of pharmacy settings, but must include a minimum of 26 weeks in a patient facing sector, that is, a community or hospital pharmacy during the 52 weeks of pre-registration training. This must form part of the 52 week training plan. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 13 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Training can be undertaken in non patient facing sites for a maximum of 26 weeks and must form part of the 52-week training plan. Non patient facing training sites can include; the Pharmaceutical Industry, Prison Pharmacy, Primary Care Organisations (or their equivalent), Academia, Veterinary Pharmacy. The list is not limited to these sectors of practice. An application for training in any other non patient facing site should be made to the GPhC in advance. Training can be undertaken in a variety of blocks of time across various sectors (as stated above). Examples of training plans can include the following: a. The full 52 weeks in a single patient facing sector b. Split training plans that include for example six (or perhaps nine) months in community pharmacy and six (or perhaps three) months in hospital pharmacy c. Joint training plans that include six (or perhaps nine) months in a patient facing sector and six (or perhaps three) months in a non patient facing sector A minimum of 13 weeks (3 months) must be spent in any one location as part of a joint or split training plan. In the case of registered retail community pharmacies, the premises must have been registered with the GPhC for at least one year before the start of a period of pre-registration training. Moving to a different training site within the same organisation is permitted provided the GPhC is notified in advance via a Change of Training Details form (found in the Pre-registration Manual and on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org)) and the site appears on the List of Pre-registration Training Premises on the GPhC website at: www.pharmacyregulation.org/theregister/lookingfortrainingpremises/index.aspx . Completed forms need to be signed and can be posted in hard copy or scanned and e-mailed to the GPhC (prereg@pharmacyregulation.org). Requests to move to a different training site outside the original organisation will require prior approval from the GPhC. Training sites must have adequate resources in place to support training such as: • • • • • Access to core reference texts as stated in the Pre-registration Manual Sufficient staff in place to enable learning Provision of a private study area either on or off site Sufficient services to give varied training or access to such services Opportunities for the trainee to give prescribing and responding to symptoms advice. For more information on applying to become a training site, please see the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). Pre-registration Tutors 1. 2. 3. Tutors should assess themselves against the tutor competencies (found in the ’Tutor Resource’ at www.pharmacyregulation.org). A tutor must abide by the Standards of conduct, ethics and performance. If a tutor is under investigation for an alleged breach of these standards, the GPhC will carry out an assessment to determine their continuing suitability to act as a tutor pending the outcome of the investigation. A tutor must undertake Continuing Professional Development; some of which should be relevant to being a tutor. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 14 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A tutor should have worked for at least three years in the sector of practice in which they plan to tutor a trainee. Applications outside this requirement will be considered on a case by case basis and must be submitted to the GPhC in advance of tutoring a trainee. Each trainee should have their own designated tutor. Where a tutor cannot work full time with their trainee the GPhC will consider the approval of more than one tutor (known as a joint tutoring arrangement). These agreements must be approved prior to the commencement of any training. A tutor should work together with their trainee ensuring appropriate support and should directly supervise their work on a regular basis. The tutor must ensure that a pharmacist is directly supervising a trainee at all times. If a tutor leaves the training site they must be replaced with another tutor (or a pharmacist who could meet these requirements) and the GPhC must be notified within 7 days. Tutors are expected to meet with their trainees at least once per fortnight to ensure regular feedback is provided. Tutors should complete a training survey provided by the GPhC towards the end of the 52 weeks. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 15 Registration Assessment Regulations These regulations apply to Registration Assessment sittings taking place in and from 2012. These regulations supersede the regulations in the 2011-entry ‘Pre-registration Manual’. NOTE: Entry to the Assessment constitutes an agreement to be bound by the terms of these regulations, schedules and other materials concerning the Registration Assessment published by the GPhC. 1 General information 1.2 In these regulations, ‘the Assessment’ means the Registration Assessment of the GPhC. The Assessment comprises two papers, both of which must be taken on a single day. For the 'open book' paper, candidates will have access to reference texts specified by the Assessors. For the 'closed book' paper, candidates will not have access to any reference text. 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 These regulations should be read in conjunction with the GPhC’s ‘Pre-registration Scheme Requirements’. In these regulations, ‘pre-registration training’ means the period of training undertaken by a candidate prior to registration in accordance with the GPhC’s ‘Pre-registration Scheme Requirements’. In these regulations, ‘the Assessors’ means the Assessors appointed by the GPhC to conduct the Registration Assessment. In these regulations, ‘the Registrar’ means the Registrar of the GPhC, appointed under the Pharmacy Order 2010. The Assessors' interpretation of these regulations will be final. The Assessors’ primary purpose is to protect patients and the public by ensuring the standard of the Assessment is maintained: this will take precedence over all other considerations. These regulations apply to every candidate entering the Assessment, whether he or she has successfully completed an MPharm degree or Overseas Pharmacists’ Assessment Programme (OSPAP) postgraduate diploma. Where these regulations stipulate that certain items must be submitted to, or received by, the GPhC, candidates must address the correspondence to ‘The Customer Care Team (Pre-registration)’. Eligibility to sit the Assessment for the first, second or third time is governed by the GPhC’s ‘Pre-registration Scheme Requirements’. Schedule 1 to these regulations sets out the procedures for entry to the Assessment. 1.10 The Registrar reserves the right to bar from sitting the Assessment any candidate who fails to comply with the requirements for entry that apply to him or her. Where the GPhC receives the required entry documents after the specified date for their receipt, the Registrar will only consider permitting a candidate to enter the Assessment sitting in question where he or she can prove that the required materials were posted to the GPhC before the specified date for their receipt. Alternatively, that their non-receipt by the GPhC was due to circumstances that were unforeseeable, beyond the candidate's control and impossible for him or her to circumvent. 1.11 The Syllabus for the Assessment will be as defined by the GPhC. The Syllabus will be provided to first-entry candidates in the pre-registration training manual sent to them at the start of their pre-registration training. Changes to the Assessment Syllabus will be disseminated to all potential candidates at least six months before the sitting at which the new syllabus will apply, using the last mailing address notified by each candidate to the GPhC. Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 16 1.12 The GPhC will provide to candidates with the Assessment Syllabus a set of ‘Assessment guidance notes’ which will notify candidates of the Assessment format, the pass mark and other important information. 1.13 It is the responsibility of each candidate to keep the GPhC informed of his or her current mailing address. 1.14 All aspects of the Assessment and associated procedures will be subject to review and amendment, either by the Assessors or by the GPhC. 1.15 The Assessment must be passed in one sitting on one day. 1.16 Dates for submitting documents – ‘the specified date’ – will be posted on the GPhC’s website. On each date, the deadline for receipt of documents will be noon. 1.17 Candidates must ensure that documents are sent to the GPhC securely and in such a way posting dates can be verified and documents can be tracked. 2 2.1 Dates of Assessments As a minimum, Assessments will be held at several venues on a single day in the summer each year (late June/early July) and at one or more venues on a single day in the autumn each year (late September/early October). The exact date of each Assessment sitting will be announced by the GPhC at least six months before that sitting. 3 Assessment centres and special arrangements for disability 3.2 Candidates will be able to request a change of Assessment centre on a form provided for that purpose by the GPhC, the request to be received by the GPhC by the specified date. Candidates will be notified of this date with the centre allocation letter referred to in paragraph 3.1 above. Only when a request for a change of centre is with reasonable cause, and there is sufficient space at the centre to accommodate the candidate, will the request be granted. A request for a change of centre on newly arising medical grounds, supported by corroborating evidence, will be considered by the GPhC beyond the specified date for requests for changes of centre. 3.1 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 Candidates will be allocated to an Assessment centre according to the geographical location of their pre-registration training placement. Candidates will be informed of their allocated centre using the last mailing address they notified to the GPhC. Due to the capacity of venues and other operational considerations, candidates may not always be allocated to the venue of their choice. A candidate who wishes to request special arrangements at an Assessment centre to cater for a permanent or temporary disability should submit the request to the GPhC by the specified date. The request should include a description of the disability and the nature of the special arrangements sought. The Board of Assessors’ Adjustments Panel will decide whether the special arrangements requested will be provided. Candidates who develop a disability shortly before the Assessment which may necessitate special arrangements should inform the GPhC as soon as possible. Admission to and conduct of the Assessment Final instructions will be sent to candidates by the GPhC within the two weeks before the Assessment sitting. Candidates will be admitted to the Assessment at their assigned centre provided the check-in staff at the centre are satisfied that (i) the person presenting him or herself is the person shown on a certified photograph and (ii) the signature of the person matches that on his or her application form. Candidates will be admitted to the sitting of an Assessment paper at any time during the first hour after its commencement. After the first hour of a paper, candidates will not be admitted. Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 17 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 No extension to the normal finishing time of a paper will be given for candidates who arrive late: candidates will only have until the allotted end time of the paper to answer the Assessment questions. The identity and circumstances of latecomers will be recorded by an invigilator at the Assessment centre. Candidates will be required to bring to the Assessment specified writing materials for each paper and reference books for the open book paper. Candidates will be advised of these and the restrictions regarding annotations via the Assessment guidance notes available on the GPhC’s website and again in the final instructions (see 4.1 above). A candidate who does not bring to the open book paper any of the specified reference sources will have to attempt the paper without the item or items; no copies of these will be provided at Assessment centres. Photocopies of sources may not be used. No books, documents, writing materials or equipment other than the items specified by the GPhC (see 4.4 above) may be taken to a candidate's desk in the Assessment room, unless by prior arrangement under the provisions of regulation 3.3. Any bag brought by a candidate to the Assessment must be surrendered to the care of an invigilator before the commencement of the Assessment. No liability for loss of any item so surrendered will be accepted by the invigilator or the GPhC. Candidates must follow all instructions given to them by the invigilators at their Assessment centre. In particular, candidates must write only on papers provided to them by invigilators. Candidates will not be permitted to leave the Assessment room during the closed book paper, except in an emergency. During the open book paper, candidates will not be permitted to leave the Assessment room during the first hour of the paper, nor within the last 15 minutes of the paper, except in an emergency. Assessment question booklets, answer sheets and any other papers provided by the invigilators at the Assessment centre must be returned by candidates to the invigilators at the end of each Assessment paper and are the property of the GPhC. Question papers and individual questions are the property of the GPhC. Removing papers or questions from an assessment hall constitutes serious misconduct. If this is proven, it will result in a candidate being failed. Questions may not be copied into reference sources during the open book paper, they may not be distributed by email or text message, or posted on social networking sites. This list is not exhaustive. 4.10 Contravention of any part of regulations 4.5 to 4.9 by a candidate will render him or her liable to disqualification of any pass performance at the Assessment sitting he or she might achieve. 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 Withdrawal from the Assessment before it commences A candidate may withdraw from an Assessment sitting for which he or she has been entered at any time up to the start of the Assessment. The Assessors advise any candidate not to sit the Assessment if he or she considers that his or her performance is likely to be adversely affected by illness or other circumstance (see also regulations 6.2 to 6.6). A candidate who decides not to take the Assessment before the day of the Assessment sitting for which he or she has been entered, or on the day of the Assessment before the Assessment commences, must inform the GPhC by letter postmarked on or before the specified date. A candidate who withdraws from the Assessment may, in accordance with paragraph 28 of the GPhC’s Pre-registration Scheme Requirements, be required to meet conditions stipulated by the Registrar, before being permitted to take the Assessment on another occasion. Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 18 5.4 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Assessment fees will not normally be refunded to candidates who withdraw from an Assessment sitting for which they have made an application to enter. Where a candidate has notified the GPhC in accordance with regulation 5.2, the fee will be transferred to his or her next attempt, removing the need for payment of a fee for that attempt. Where a candidate has not complied with regulation 5.2, not notifying the GPhC of his or her withdrawal within the time stipulated, he or she will be required to pay a new entry fee for the Assessment sitting he or she next applies to enter. Sitting the Assessment although affected by illness or other adverse circumstance A candidate who is affected by illness or other adverse circumstance before or on the day of the Assessment but decides nevertheless to continue with the Assessment, will be assumed by the Assessors to have intended to complete the Assessment. If the candidate wishes his or her circumstances to be considered by the Assessors under the provision of regulation 6.4 or 6.5 below, he or she must draw the circumstances to the attention of an invigilator at the Assessment centre in order for the invigilator to make a written report, the report to be signed by the candidate. One copy of the report will be given to the candidate and one will be forwarded to the Assessors. The candidate must then submit a written request to the Assessors, via the GPhC, for his or her adverse circumstance to be considered either under the provisions of regulation 6.4 below or under the provisions of regulation 6.5 below, but not both. A candidate who is taken ill during the Assessment such that he or she cannot continue with the Assessment must draw this to the attention of an invigilator at the Assessment centre at once, in order for the invigilator to assist with the indisposition and to prepare a written report to be signed by the candidate. One copy of the report will be given to the candidate and one will be forwarded to the Assessors. If the candidate wishes his or her circumstances to be considered by the Assessors under the provision of regulation 6.4 or 6.5, he or she must then submit a written request to the Assessors, via the GPhC, for his or her illness to be considered either under the provisions of regulation 6.4 below or under the provisions of regulation 6.5 below, but not both. A candidate who submits a written request to the Assessors for his or her illness or adverse circumstances to be considered must state whether the request is for consideration under the provision of either regulation 6.4 or regulation 6.5, but not both. The Assessors will not decide on the candidate's behalf under which regulation consideration is to be given. If a candidate requests consideration under the provisions of one of these two regulations (namely 6.4 or 6.5) the Assessors will not subsequently give consideration under the other of those two regulations. Request to be granted a pass Where a candidate's actual performance in the Assessment narrowly fails to meet the pass criteria, the Assessors may take into account the candidate's illness or adverse circumstances and grant him or her a pass. A candidate who believes that his or her performance has been adversely affected by his or her illness or other circumstance before or during the Assessment, and who has acted in accordance with regulation 6.1 or 6.2, and 6.3, may request in writing to the GPhC that his or her illness or circumstance be taken into account by the Assessors at their meeting to award results, and a pass granted. The candidate must send appropriate corroborating evidence with his or her request. The request must be received no later than the specified date after the Assessment, to ensure that it is contemporary and available for consideration by the Assessors at their meeting to award results. It will be solely for the Assessors to decide whether the candidate's illness or adverse circumstance is likely to have been the cause of the candidate's narrow failure such that he or she should be granted a pass. Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 19 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 Request for an Assessment attempt to be nullified A candidate who considers that his or her performance has been severely affected by illness or other circumstance on the day of the Assessment, and who has acted in accordance with regulation 6.1 or 6.2, and 6.3, may request in writing to the Assessors that he or she be deemed not to have made an entry on this occasion, and that his or her Assessment attempt be nullified. The candidate must send appropriate corroborating evidence with his or her request. The request must be received no later than the specified date after the Assessment, to ensure that it is contemporary and available for consideration by the Assessors at their meeting to award results. When considering a candidate's request for his or her Assessment attempt to be nullified, the Assessors will do so before undertaking the process of awarding results and without knowing the candidate's marks. If the Assessors grant the candidate's request, the candidate will not be informed about any marks he or she might have obtained and he or she will be deemed not to have made an entry. He or she may be required by the Registrar to undertake additional practice experience before being permitted to take the Assessment on another occasion, in accordance with the GPhC’s Pre-registration Scheme Requirements. For such a further sitting, the candidate will be required to pay a new fee. If a candidate's request for his or her Assessment attempt to be nullified is not granted, the Assessors will go on to consider his or her marks with those of other candidates within the process of awarding results. The Assessors will not pay further regard to the candidate's reported illness or other adverse circumstance. When considering a candidate's illness or adverse circumstances under regulation 6.4 or 6.5, the Assessors will do so without knowing either the candidate's identity or the number of his or her Assessment attempt. Notification of results Notification of pass or failure will normally be by post to candidates within four weeks of the date of the Assessment. Candidates who fail the Assessment will be supplied with a profile of their performance. The criteria and timetable for registration as pharmacists for candidates passing the Assessment are shown in Schedule 2 to these Regulations. Results will not be given out over the phone or by email. Results will not be given out to anyone other than the candidate. Alleged misconduct The Registrar reserves the right to withhold notification of an Assessment result to a candidate if misconduct by the candidate in the Assessment, or pertaining to the Assessment, is alleged. Notification of the candidate's result will be withheld while the alleged misconduct is investigated. If it is concluded that no or only minor misconduct has taken place, the candidate will be notified of his or her result. If it is concluded that serious misconduct has taken place, the candidate will be deemed to have failed that sitting of the Assessment, irrespective of the marks he or she obtained. Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 20 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10 Cases of alleged misconduct will be heard by a panel drawn from the Board of Assessors. Cases will be judged on the balance of probabilities. Cases will be heard on the papers. Appeals against outcomes of hearings of alleged misconduct may be made to the Registrar. Checking of candidates' marks The answer sheets of all candidates who fail the Assessment will be checked manually to confirm that the correct number of marks has been awarded. A candidate who fails the Assessment and wishes to have an independent check of his or her marks (that is, by someone not otherwise connected with the Assessors or the GPhC) should address his or her request in writing to the GPhC. The request must be received by the specified date. The identity of the independent marker will be decided by the Registrar of the GPhC. A fee will be charged for this service and must be paid by the candidate before the remarking takes place. The fee will be refunded in the event that there is any discrepancy with the original marks awarded. Appeals procedure 10.1 A candidate who wishes to appeal against the result of an assessment attempt may normally do so on procedural grounds only, i.e. that some aspect of the assessment procedures or systems has not been applied correctly in his or her case. He or she must set out the grounds of the appeal in writing to the GPhC and the appeal must be received by the specified date. 10.2 Appeals will be considered by the Registrar. The Registrar will not know the candidate's identity or the number of his or her Assessment attempt. 10.3 The Registrar will not admit as grounds for an appeal under this regulation, any illness or circumstances reported by a candidate which could have formed the basis of a request to the Board of Assessors to be granted a pass under regulation 6.4 or for nullification of the Assessment attempt under regulation 6.5. 10.4 Appeals will be heard before the next sitting of the Assessment and candidates will be notified of the outcome of their appeal before the next sitting. Note: Because the Autumn sitting is only three months after the Summer sitting, it is not possible to hear Summer appeals before the deadline for applying to sit in the Autumn. Candidates who have appealed against a Summer sitting result and who wish to sit in the Autumn if their appeal is not upheld should apply before the deadline for applying to sit in the Autumn. 10.5 Appeals submitted after the specified date in 10.1 will not be heard. Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 21 Schedules to the Regulations for the Registration Assessment of the GPhC Schedule 1 Criteria and procedures for entry to the Assessment for candidates whose pharmacy degree is awarded by a United Kingdom School of Pharmacy and accredited by the GPhC. 1A Entering the Assessment for the first time Graduates with an MPharm or an OSPAP or students undertaking a sandwich pharmacy degree course who wish to enter the Registration Assessment for the first time may do so after satisfactory completion of at least 45 weeks' pre-registration training in accordance with the GPhC’s Pre-registration Scheme Requirements. To make an application to enter an Assessment sitting for the first time, such students must submit to the GPhC by the specified deadline: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the GPhC’s 39 week appraisal/progress report form graded 'Satisfactory' by the pre-registration tutor and signed by the tutor a correctly completed Assessment fee payment form a correctly completed application form for entry to the Assessment one passport size photograph bearing on the reverse side the following hand-written declaration by the pre-registration tutor "I certify that this is a true likeness of [trainee's name and GPhC number]"; this declaration is also to be signed and dated by the tutor on reverse of the photograph. Eligibility to sit the Assessment for the first time will lapse at 18 months after the Satisfactory completion of pre-registration training. In such circumstances the candidate will have to meet such requirements as are stipulated by the Registrar before again becoming eligible for first entry to the Assessment. 1B Entering the Assessment for a second time Candidates who fail the Assessment at their first attempt will be eligible to re-sit the Assessment within 18 months and will not be required to undertake practice experience beyond their initial satisfactorily completed pre-registration training period. To make an application to enter an Assessment sitting for a second time, candidates must submit to the GPhC by the specified deadline: i) a correctly completed application form for entry to the Assessment (iii) a passport size photograph certified on the reverse by the supervising pharmacist, in the manner described in para 1A (iv) above (ii) a correctly completed Assessment fee payment form © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 22 1C Entering the Assessment for a third time Candidates who fail the Assessment at their second attempt will be eligible to re-sit the Assessment for a third time only on satisfactory completion of a further six-month period of practice experience in a community or hospital pharmacy acceptable to the Registrar for this purpose, and then only within 12 months of completion of such further practice experience. To make an application to enter an Assessment sitting for a third time, candidates must submit to the GPhC by the specified deadline: i) a correctly completed application form for entry to the Assessment ii) a correctly completed Assessment fee payment form iv) a passport size photograph certified on the reverse by the supervising pharmacist, in the manner described in para 1A (iv) above iii) confirmation, by the supervising pharmacist at the establishment concerned and in the specified form, of the satisfactory completion of a six-month period of pharmacy practice experience Candidates who do not re-sit the Assessment within the periods of time specified will have to meet such requirements as are stipulated by the Registrar before becoming eligible to re-sit the Assessment, as per the GPhC’s Pre-registration Scheme Requirements. Schedule 2 Criteria and timetable for registration as a pharmacist after the Registration Assessment: Having passed the Registration Assessment and applied for registration, trainees can only be registered on the 1st and 15th day of each month. Delays may occur if there are issues with the paperwork. Other information relating to registration is available on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 23 The Performance Standards The Performance Standards are a list of 76 performance outcomes which must be signed off by the pre-registration tutor. These are grouped into three areas addressing: UNIT A Personal Effectiveness UNIT B Interpersonal Skills UNIT C Medicines & Health The Standards are statements of what the GPhC expects that trainees must be able to do and how they should behave in order to register as a pharmacist. They must be met consistently in order to be assessed as competent. They contain notes to clarify the terminology or to explain the various situations or circumstances in which competence must be demonstrated. Knowledge and assessment requirements These describe specific experiences that trainees are expected to gain or specific methods of assessment towards demonstrating competence in all of the Performance Standards. They identify some of the sections of the Registration Assessment Syllabus relative to specific areas of the standards. They list things in addition to the Registration Assessment Syllabus that trainees are expected to know that are integral to competent practice and should be assessed by observation in the work place The meaning of appropriate or appropriately It is not possible to describe all the ways in which a skill or behaviour could be demonstrated appropriately and so it is the responsibility of the Pre-registration tutor to use their professional judgement to decide whether a particular action or behaviour is acceptable in the prevailing circumstances. In the case of B1.12 for example, it would not be appropriate for a trainee to become aggressive when faced with aggression, to shrug their shoulders when faced with a complaint or to take sides in a disagreement between colleagues. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 24 UNIT A Personal Effectiveness These standards encompass aspects of performance and behaviour that underpin effective professional activity. They can be applied to any situation. Conduct must be consistent with ethical behaviour expected by the GPhC, and trainees must: • have due regard for accepted standards of behaviour both within and beyond professional practise; • promote and safeguard the interests of the public; • justify public trust in the pharmacist's knowledge, ability and judgement; • promote the good standing of the profession; • avoid any act or omission which would impair confidence in the profession. Manage self (Performance Standard A1) Trainees must at all times demonstrate a level of self-awareness, responsibility and self-management that will enable effective practice both independently and within teams or groups. As a trainee you must show that you: A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 Behave in a manner consistent with membership of the profession Manage your time effectively* * This will include time at work and using time outside work for personal and professional development. It will include prioritising tasks, planning, timekeeping and management of interruptions. Recognise your personal and professional limitations and refer appropriately* * In this context, appropriately means referral when necessary, to the correct person, in a suitable manner Respond with willingness and flexibility to new situations and to change Remain composed and personally effective* in all situations** * This may, in extreme circumstances, include removing self from situation in order to maintain self-control and to minimise risk to patients A1.6 A1.7 A1.8 **Situations will include challenging behaviour from colleagues or clients, periods of heavy workload and times of stress Make decisions which demonstrate clear and logical thought Take responsibility for, and accept outcomes of, your own decisions Amend your behaviour, when necessary, based on evaluation of your performance by yourself or others Knowledge requirements The knowledge represented by Section 1 Part I of the Registration Assessment Syllabus is needed to underpin these standards. In addition, trainees must show that they have a working knowledge of, and can apply, the following: • Management of change; • Principles of decision-making; • Principles of effective time management; • Principles of long and short term planning; • Principles of stress management; • Team roles (generic). © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 25 Manage work (Performance Standard A2) Trainees must at all times work efficiently and effectively, and within legal and ethical constraints. As a trainee you must show that you: A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 Carry out tasks effectively* * Effectively in this context means correctly, in an organised manner, with sufficient attention to detail and at a pace appropriate to the level of business. It includes prioritisation and completion of tasks within agreed deadlines Approach tasks and situations in accordance with the law and with the GPhC Standards of conduct,ethics and performance Follow work systems correctly* * Work systems include your own working practices, standard operating procedures, Sale of Medicines protocol, your organisation’s systems and security procedures Use resources* effectively * Resources include colleagues, other healthcare workers, workspace, equipment/material and both text-based and electronic references Knowledge requirements The knowledge represented by Section 1 Parts I & II of the Registration Assessment Syllabus is needed to underpin these standards. In addition, trainees must show that they have a working knowledge of, and can apply, the following: • Principles of effective delegation; • Principles of effective time management; • Principles of long and short term planning; • Principles of objective setting; • Sale of Medicines protocol in your pharmacy; • Roles of healthcare professionals; • Use of information technology. Manage problems (Performance Standard A3) Trainees must demonstrate that they can handle a wide variety of problems, whether by resolving them themselves or by contributing to their resolution. As a trainee you must show that you: A3.1 A3.2 Recognise and define actual or potential problems* * Problems include difficulties, minor and serious, needing resolution Identify workable options to resolve the problem A3.3 Select the best solution, based on sound analysis* and appropriate evidence A3.4 Suggest and, if appropriate, implement solutions to problems A3.5 * Sound analysis will include: • exploring the strengths and weaknesses of options • considering barriers to resolving the problem • discussion with others Evaluate the outcome of the solution after implementation, and if necessary redefine the problem (see A3.1) © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 26 Assessment requirements In order to demonstrate these behaviours, it will be essential that trainees are given sufficient opportunity to deal with problems themselves. Knowledge requirements Trainees must show that they have a working knowledge of, and can apply, the following: • Principles of effective negotiation; • Problem solving techniques and processes; • Team roles (generic). Demonstrate a commitment to quality (Performance Standard A4) Products and services should be delivered of the highest standard by ensuring quality. The prime concern must be the welfare of the patient and other members of the public. As a trainee you must show that you: A4.1 Work to an acceptable standard* when preparing products and delivering services A4.2 Check your own work effectively A4.3 A4.4 A4.5 A4.6 A4.7 A4.8 * As defined by GPhC Standards of conduct, ethics and performance, with patients' needs paramount Minimise error by others through effective supervision Identify and rectify your own and others’ mistakes promptly and effectively Minimise health and safety risks to yourself and others Base your actions, advice and decisions on evidence* * Rather than assumption, anecdote or hearsay Obtain and process the evidence you need to meet A4.6* * By the effective gathering, review, evaluation and application of research evidence Have successfully carried out a small, planned audit assignment Knowledge requirements The knowledge represented by Section 1 Parts I & II of the Registration Assessment Syllabus is needed to underpin these standards. In addition, trainees must show that they have a working knowledge of, and can apply, the following: • • • • • Local Health and Safety standards and procedures; Principles of data and literature evaluation; Use of information sources; Use of information technology; Principles of audit. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 27 Demonstrate ongoing learning & development (Performance Standard A5) Trainees must provide evidence that they are continually developing professional competence by applying what has been learned from daily activities and incidents and from formal learning opportunities. As a trainee you must show that you: A5.1 Identify and prioritise your own learning and development* needs A5.2 Develop your own plans to meet identified needs, using SMART learning objectives * Based on self reflection/evaluation and on feedback from others Plans should include a variety of learning activities, such as: • using reference sources • undertaking distance or IT learning packages • work shadowing [observation of others at work] • discussion with tutor or colleagues in and outside the pharmacy • attending local practice forum meetings • attending Inspectors talks • giving talks/presentations • attending events e.g. courses, seminars, conferences A5.3 • BPSA Make full use of learning and development opportunities* * Opportunities will arise from the activities listed in A5.2 and from daily activities (e.g. dealing with new tasks and situations, handling problems) A5.4 Evaluate whether your learning objectives have been met A5.6 Record your own learning and development process and outcomes A5.5 A5.7 Identify your further learning needs Apply learning to practice Knowledge requirements Knowledge represented by the whole of the Registration Assessment Syllabus is needed to underpin these standards. In addition, trainees must show that they have a working knowledge of, and can apply, the following: • The learning cycle and styles; • How to keep meaningful CPD records; • Principles of evaluating learning; • SMART objectives; • Providers of learning activities for pharmacists ; • Use of information sources. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 28 UNIT B Interpersonal skills These standards encompass aspects of performance and behaviour that involve any interaction with others. Trainees must demonstrate their ability to communicate at all levels and to work with others in the pharmacy and healthcare team. In so doing, it will demonstrate possession of the core characteristics of an empathic healthcare professional: • seeing and understanding things from the perspective of others, especially patients; • communicating effectively; • working with people from other disciplines. Communicate effectively (Performance Standard B1) Trainees must demonstrate communication skills that promote the provision of a quality service. As a trainee you must show that you: B1.1 Communicate effectively* in English * Effectively here means that you are sufficiently competent in English to understand and be understood in writing, on the telephone and in person B1.2 Behave in a polite and helpful manner B1.4 Elicit all relevant information by the use of appropriate questions B1.3 B1.5 B1.6 B1.7 B1.8 B1.9 Sensitively approach people who need or who may need assistance Listen effectively to the whole message* * This includes spoken word, body language and tone of voice Respect and observe confidentiality Act appropriately in response to spoken and unspoken needs of others* * Others will include people with special needs and those from different backgrounds and with different lifestyles Behave in a manner which instills confidence Behave assertively B1.10 Use appropriate body language B1.11 Provide information and advice appropriate to the needs of the recipient(s)* * Recipients must include individuals, groups and those with particular needs, e.g. people with diabetes, asthma etc B1.12 Handle conflict* appropriately** * This will include taking action to prevent conflict wherever possible **Evidence must cover conflict arising from complaints, aggressive behaviour and from disagreements with or amongst colleagues © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 29 Assessment requirements • • • • • • • • • Trainees must meet the performance indicators for any person or group with whom they have contact. In particular: general medical practitioners and other prescribers e.g. dentists, vets and opticians; senior hospital doctors; doctors in training; nurses; medical support staff; officials e.g. the GPhC inspectors, police, environmental health inspectors; patients, carers and patients’ representatives; colleagues including managers; members of the public. Knowledge requirements The knowledge represented by Sections 2 and 3 of the Registration Assessment syllabus is needed to underpin standard B1.11. In addition, trainees must show that they have a working knowledge of, and can apply, the following: • • • • • • Principles of effective oral communication including body language; Principles of assertive behaviour; Principles of conflict resolution; Roles of healthcare professionals; How to question effectively; How to produce reports and other written material so that it is clear and logical to the reader; • Equal Opportunities legislation. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 30 Work effectively with others (Performance Standard B2) Trainees must contribute positively to any team or group they are associated with, so that targets and goals are achieved. They must develop and demonstrate skills involved in the management and/or supervision of others. This recognises the inclusion of these responsibilities in the roles of the majority of pharmacists. As a trainee you must show that you: B2.1 Acknowledge the ideas and opinions of others* and act on them when appropriate B2.2 Present your own ideas and opinions appropriately when speaking and in writing * Others must include junior and senior colleagues and external contacts B2.3 Meet commitments* made to others within agreed deadlines B2.4 Give constructive feedback* to others based on accurate evaluation of their performance B2.5 B2.6 B2.7 B2.8 B2.9 * This will include giving clear explanations if commitments cannot be met * This must include both positive and negative feedback Secure help from others when necessary in an appropriate manner Assist others when necessary Delegate tasks appropriately* * When necessary and in a manner conducive to teamworking Supervise others in an appropriate manner to ensure that agreed outcomes are achieved Use your knowledge and skills effectively when helping others learn Assessment requirements Evidence should include proof that trainees are sufficiently skilled in the management/supervision of others to be an effective pharmacist on qualification. Therefore it is essential that opportunities are provided to develop and demonstrate basic supervisory/management skills. Knowledge requirements As a trainee you must show that you have a working knowledge of, and can apply, the following: • How to structure learning; • The Learning Cycle and styles; • Principles of effective coaching; • Principles of effective feedback; • How to influence others; • Principles of effective negotiation; • Principles of presenting information orally in an effective way; • Principles of setting objectives; • Roles of other staff members; • Roles undertaken by pharmacists; • Team Roles (generic). © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 31 UNIT C Medicines and Health These standards encompass aspects of performance and behaviour that are specific to pharmacy practice and trainees must demonstrate their ability to provide an effective pharmaceutical service. Development of the following characteristics will underpin the role as a provider of pharmaceutical care: • identifying health needs and understanding the opportunities for health promotion as well as treatment and care; • working with patients and carers to manage their medicines and ensure that they can play an active part in the decisions and choices affecting their treatment or care; • understanding and utilising the whole health and social care system for the benefit of patients. Experience or awareness of all the following is required for this unit to be achieved: • the pharmacist’s role in both community and hospital; • the way the healthcare system operates for patients in community and hospital; • supply of medicines from both community and hospital; • provision of advice about medicines and health; • use of patient medication records and histories; • working with local formularies and prescribing guidelines; • use of the full range of reference sources as specified by the GPhC; • use of a full range of dispensary equipment. Manage the dispensing process (Performance Standard C1) Trainees must be able to provide an effective service for the supply of prescribed medicines, dressings and appliances. The ability to deliver such a service should be demonstrated by undertaking dispensing and by the effective management of dispensing undertaken by others. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 32 As a trainee you must show that you: C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 Correctly* receive prescriptions into the pharmacy * Correctly includes following protocols, correct charging and exemption procedures, providing necessary information Check the prescription is valid* * Valid means legible, accurate, complete and complying with legal requirements, not fraudulent Assess the prescription for safety and clinical appropriateness This will include: • appropriateness according to patient's condition, if known • meeting the patient's need with view to minimising waste • dosage within therapeutic range • appropriate dosage form • appropriate route of administration • appropriateness according to patient's parameters (age, weight, etc) and previous medication • compatibility with other medication, if known • consistency with formularies, clinical guidelines and protocols, if known • possible side effects • risk of adverse drug reactions C1.4 C1.5 • potential for non-compliance, inappropriate use or misuse by patient • any other contra-indications Resolve any identified problems* appropriately *This will include any problem arising from C1.2, C1.3 or stock availability Perform calculations* correctly * Calculations must include all of the following: • formulation for creams and ointments, complex solutions and suspensions, IV formulations including cytotoxics, parenteral nutrition and infusions • doses and dosing schedules • dose adjustment in paediatrics, in particular conditions e.g. renal failure, IV dosing • quantity to supply • loading dose/steady state calculations C1.6 C1.7 C1.8 C1.9 • calculations for syringe pumps and drivers, infusion pumps and nutrition pumps Assemble* the prescription correctly * This includes packaging and producing computer-generated labels Supply* extemporaneously prepared products according to the correct formula * Both by preparing and by ordering from a specialist manufacturing unit Correctly issue dispensed item(s) to patient or representative, with appropriate information and advice. Ensure stock is managed* correctly * This will include ordering, checking on delivery and dealing with discrepancies, stock rotation, dealing with recalls and returned items, storage and disposal C1.10 Respond appropriately to requests* to dispense prescription-only items without a prescription ** * Requests from patients or their representatives and from prescribers **It is a legal requirement that a pharmacist has interviewed the patient and makes the decision to supply. In order to meet this criterion, you should, with the patient's consent, listen to the interview, dispense the product and make the entry in the register (with checking by the pharmacist) C1.11 Correctly process necessary documentation* * This includes endorsing in both hospital and community, filing, stock control and completion of PMRs, CD records and prescription register C1.12 Effectively check prescriptions dispensed by others © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 33 Assessment requirements Evidence provided for assessment should include: • proof from a wide variety of prescriptions, including those for: - controlled drugs (including when prescribed on forms allowing installments); borderline substances; disallowed items; hosiery; stoma products; dressings; cytotoxic agents. NB if 'real' prescriptions are not available, simulations based on prescriptions obtained from elsewhere should be used. • proof of dealing with both private and NHS prescriptions. Knowledge requirements Most of the knowledge represented by the whole Registration Assessment Syllabus is needed to underpin these standards. In addition, trainees must demonstrate a working knowledge of: • Principles of effective written communication; • Meaning and principles of seamless care; • Use of information sources. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 34 Provide additional clinical and pharmaceutical services (Performance Standard C2) Trainees must demonstrate the application of up-to-date clinical and pharmaceutical knowledge. It must be used effectively in the following areas: • the management of prescribed medicines, long term conditions and common ailments; • the promotion and support of healthy lifestyles; • the provision of advice and support to patients and other healthcare professionals. Competence in this element underpins the ability to manage medicines and provide pharmaceutical care. As a trainee you must show that you: C2.1 Provide considered and correct answers to queries, founded on research-based evidence* * Evidence sources will include clinical textbooks, journals and pharmaceutical company information (whether paper- C2.2 based or electronic) Pro-actively* assist patients** to obtain maximum benefit from their treatment * This will include identifying opportunities to assist, providing information, positive reinforcement, reassurance, testing understanding and encouraging recipient to ask questions C2.3 C2.4 C2.5 C2.6 C2.7 C2.8 C2.9 **Directly or via their representatives Identify and take action to minimise risk to patients from their treatment Actively provide information and advice to healthcare professionals Construct medication histories* using a range of sources * These must include basic and comprehensive histories Use medication histories correctly* * Access existing information, record new information and apply the information Recognise possible adverse drug reactions, evaluate risks and take action* accordingly * This may include advising and informing patient or representative, discussion with colleagues and reporting to CSM Provide appropriate information and advice on the management of minor and common ailments* * Information and advice must incorporate both appropriate self-medication and appropriate non-drug actions Effectively use opportunities* to promote and support healthy lifestyles and prevent disease * With individual patients and at formal events such as presentations to patient or public groups C2.10 Demonstrate awareness* of emergency first aid * By successfully completing a training course from a recognised provider e.g. St John Ambulance (refer to special guidance on the following pages) C2.11 Refer, or direct the person, to a more suitable source* of help or information, when necessary * For example: support groups, GP, hospital A&E dept © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 35 Assessment requirements Evidence provided for assessment should include: • proof of provision of pharmaceutical services in both community and hospital practice; • proof of provision of advice or supply of non-prescribed medicines for a wide range of conditions, including those affecting: - the respiratory tract; the gastro-intestinal tract; the oropharynx; the skin; the ear(s); the eye(s); musculoskeletal, connective and neurological tissue; women; babies and children; elderly patients; patients with long term health management needs. Knowledge requirements Most of the knowledge needed to underpin these standards is in the Registration Assessment Syllabus. In addition, trainees must show that they have a working knowledge of, and can apply, the following: • Compliance aids - availability and use; • Use of inhalers and other devices; • Dispensing for residential and nursing homes; • Emergency first aid; • Government healthcare priorities; • Local healthcare priorities; • Patient information leaflets; • How to evaluate literature and data; • Referral agencies in emergency or for provision of further advice; • Roles of healthcare professionals; • Sale of medicines protocol in your pharmacy; • Techniques for effective questioning; • Use of information sources. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 36 C2.10 Special guidance on first aid The public's expectation is that a pharmacist will be able to assist if an accident or emergency occurs in the vicinity of the pharmacy or in the pharmacy itself; also, that a pharmacist is an appropriate person to telephone for advice in emergency situations. The GPhC wants to make sure that all new pharmacists are ready for this role should it be required of them, however most employers have a policy of designating certain members of staff as first-aiders to handle all health emergency situations which may not be the pharmacist. Pharmacists can take professional indemnity insurance to cover for first aid activities. This standard can be met by attending a first aid course by a recognised provider such as St John’s Ambulance. Alternatively it may be appropriate for a registered first-aider at the training site to train and assess the Pre-registration trainee(s). The course or training should teach you how to assess and identify the nature of emergency situations and after this, the appropriate action you should take including referral where appropriate. As a minimum, training should cover the following conditions: • obstruction to airways; • CPR; • shock; • electric shock; • overdoses and poisoning; • a seizure; • hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia; • loss of consciousness; • severe bleeding; • burns and scalds; • head injuries and concussion; • severe pain in head, chest or abdomen; • allergic reactions. In addition, training for situations that require first aid but are not normally life threatening as a minimum should include: • minor allergic reactions; • foreign bodies or chemicals in the eye; • mild shock; • minor burns and scalds; • injuries to bones, muscles, joints; • minor bleeding. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 37 Registration Assessment Syllabus The Registration Assessment checks you have the prerequisite knowledge and understanding required for effective professional practice. In the assessment you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding by analysing and evaluating practice-based problems. The knowledge is examinable in its own right, that is, irrespective of whether, at the time of taking the assessment, you have had an opportunity to undertake activities that are supported by the knowledge. Section 1 - Professional and Legal Practice This section contains all the examinable knowledge elements underpinning the legal and professional practice of pharmacy. • • Part l Professional Practice of Pharmacy Part ll Legal Aspects of Providing a Pharmaceutical Service Section 2 - Clinical and Pharmaceutical Practice This section contains all the examinable knowledge elements underpinning the clinical and pharmaceutical aspects of pharmacy practice. • • Part l Clinical Practice Part ll Pharmaceutical Aspects of Practice Section 3 - Systems and Procedures This section contains all the examinable knowledge elements underpinning the systems and procedural aspects of pharmacy practice. Reference Sources for the Assessment Please refer to the list of required and suggested reference sources for pre-registration pharmacist training, (published in the Pre-registration Manual) many of which will support your learning and preparation for the assessment. There are two reference sources that you will need to take to the open book paper of the Assessment: 1. British National Formulary 62 (September 2011), and 2. Standards of conduct, ethics and performance (GPhC 2010). Please refer to the Assessment guidance notes and the Pre-registration Bulletins sent to you from the GPhC to find out which editions of these you will need for specific Assessment sittings. Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 38 Syllabus Section 1 - Professional and Legal Practice Part l - Professional Practice of Pharmacy TOPIC a) Conduct, Ethics and Performance LEARNING OUTCOMES You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge of and be able to interpret and apply, the Standards of Conduct, Ethics and Performance including: •the concepts of ethical decision-making, liability, accountability, professional responsibility, protecting patient safety and whistle-blowing •dealing with vulnerable people •equality, fairness and diversity b) Confidentiality and consent •the standards of good professional practice required to be a pharmacist You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the relevant regulatory standards, statutory legislation and interpretations of law that pertain to: •the maintenance of confidentiality and obtaining consent to disclosure, including requests under the Freedom of Information Act •information governance of data kept on computer and in other recording systems •obtaining consent for all professional services c) Clinical governance You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •the purpose and principles of clinical governance •the application of clinical governance in pharmacy practice •the application of risk management and root cause analysis to identify the reasons for medication errors •the systems in place to minimise medication errors including patient safety incident reporting d) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •Continuing Professional Development •the regulatory system for undertaking, recording and reviewing professional development e) Principles of audit f) Roles and training requirements for pharmacy professionals and support staff g) Roles of the multidisciplinary team You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •the purpose and process of audit and its application in improving practice You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •the roles commonly undertaken by pharmacy professionals and pharmacy support staff You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •the roles commonly undertaken by other healthcare professionals •how pharmacists can contribute to multidisciplinary teams Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 39 Syllabus Section 1 - Professional and Legal Practice Part ll - Legal aspects of Providing a Pharmaceutical Service TOPIC a) Sale and supply of medicines LEARNING OUTCOMES You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •the principles underpinning the sale and supply of medicines and controlled drugs from pharmacies •the implications and liability attached to the supply of licensed, "off-label" or unlicensed medicines •the principles underpinning the sale and supply of poisons, chemical reagents and denatured alcohols from pharmacies •the requirements for the labelling and packaging of all the above substances •the requirements for the supply of supplementary information for all the above substances, eg PILs or anticoagulant cards the requirements for dealing with medicines returned to the pharmacy b) Conditions for operating a registered pharmacy You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: c) Health Policy in Pharmacy You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •the requirement to register a pharmacy •the meaning and application of the role of the Responsible Pharmacist •the role of the superintendent pharmacist •aspects of NHS legislation of relevance to pharmacy d) Health and safety •the broad implications of the differences between the devolved Government’s (England, Scotland and Wales) Health policies of practical relevance to pharmacy practitioners You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •the employer and employee's legal responsibilities for the health and safety of themselves and others, including employees, customers and patients •the principles of risk assessment and management e) Environmental protection f) Consumer protection You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •statutory legislation that pertains to the safe disposal of special and controlled waste from the pharmacy You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •statutory legislation that pertains to the protection of consumers of pharmacy related products and services Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 40 Syllabus Section 2 - Clinical and Pharmaceutical Practice Part l - Clinical Practice TOPIC a) Evidence-based practice LEARNING OUTCOMES You must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: •the principles of obtaining and applying evidence to inform and enhance practice b) Action and uses of drugs You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •the mechanism of action, administration, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of commonly prescribed and purchased licensed medicines •the principle uses of these medicines •the appropriate duration of drug treatment c) Non-prescription remedies d) Differentiating minor illness from more serious disease •the correct dosages and dose adjustments for patients with particular needs because of their age or condition You must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: •the actions and licensed uses of medicinal products available without prescription that are commonly used to treat minor ailments You must be able to identify and to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: •the symptoms of conditions that require referral to a medical or other healthcare practitioner •conditions not requiring referral and how they may appropriately be treated by nonprescription medicines, by short -term action that does not involve medication or by lifestyle change e) Adverse effects of medicines (see also section 3 item e) You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: f) Contra-indications You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •the recognised adverse effects of commonly prescribed and purchased medicines •the reasons for treatment failures and common adverse drug reactions including those resulting from co-morbidities and variances in pharmacogenetics •the circumstances in which commonly prescribed and purchased licensed medicines are contra-indicated g) Drug interactions You must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: •the principal interactions that can occur between medicines, prescribed and purchased, and between these medicines and foods or other substances h) Counselling requirements You must be able to identify and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of : •circumstances or situations in which patients or other clients require information •the importance of instructing patients in the safe and effective use of their medicines and devices •the nature of that information and the most appropriate way to provide it to the individual Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 41 Syllabus Section 2 - Clinical and Pharmaceutical Practice Part l - Clinical Practice cont’d TOPIC LEARNING OUTCOMES i) Optimising patients’ drug therapy You must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: j) Interpretation of test results You must be able to interpret, and to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: •the purpose and principles of medicines management and pharmaceutical care •the normal ranges for blood pressure and key blood components •the normal ranges for key parameters of bodily function •the normal ranges for therapeutic blood levels of commonly used drugs with a narrow therapeutic index •the implications of figures outside these ranges •the selection of appropriate diagnostic or physiological testing techniques to inform clinical decision making k) Health promotion and disease prevention You must be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of: •the concepts of health promotion and health education •health improvement programmes based on national and local health priorities and parameters •the social, environmental, lifestyle and dietary factors that influence health •the stages of behavioural change as a tool to support health promotion and help the pharmacist make interventions appropriate to the individual •actions the pharmacist and pharmacy support staff can take to promote health and prevent disease •the appropriate diagnostic or physiological testing techniques to promote health Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 42 Syllabus Section 2 - Clinical and Pharmaceutical Practice Part ll - Pharmaceutical Aspects of Practice TOPIC LEARNING OUTCOMES a) Calculation You must be able to: b) Dilution You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: c) Formulation and preparation You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •perform accurately all types of calculations relating to pharmacy practice* *see Assessment guidance notes •the correct procedures for the dilution of solid, semi-solid and liquid dosage forms, including selection of the correct diluent •development of suitable formulae for preparing sterile and non-sterile products in community and hospital practice •procedures for the preparation of sterile and non-sterile products d) Good dispensing practice You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: e) Special Handling Requirements You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: f) Stability of dispensed preparations You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •the principles and practices involved in ensuring an accurate and efficient dispensing process •the additional precautions necessary when preparing and dispensing cytotoxic and other products requiring health and safety precautions, including COSHH assessment •the factors affecting the stability of medicinal products (including those dispensed extemporaneously) and the impact of these factors on storage and labelling Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 43 Syllabus Section 3 - Systems and Procedures TOPIC a) NHS funding for pharmacy services LEARNING OUTCOMES You must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: •the purpose of the Drug Tariff •the situations in which prescription charges apply •the procedure for calculating the correct charges for prescriptions b) Prescribing guidelines, data and formularies You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •the purpose of prescribing guidelines and of data from pricing authorities including the right to access confidential data •the purpose and use of local and national formularies •the sources of evidence used in the development of prescribing guidelines, data and formularies •NHS limited list •Borderline substances list c) Operating procedures in primary and secondary care You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •the reasons for standardising operating procedures in hospital and community pharmacies •the main areas covered by such procedures/protocols •the roles and remits under SOPs e.g. accountable officers d) Quality Assurance of stock You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •the principles of and methods for assuring the quality of pharmacy products, materials and pharmaceutical devices supplied to and from the pharmacy •the actions to be taken when manufacturers recall products •the procedures in place to deal with counterfeit stock •Procedures and precautions for handling unlicensed medicines, named-patient medicines and imported products •Record keeping e) Responding to adverse drug reactions You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: f) Dealing with complaints You must be able to demonstrate an understanding of: •the correct actions to take in response to a client reporting an adverse drug reaction, including the national reporting scheme and including local arrangements •the principles of the NHS complaint procedure with reference to complaints about pharmaceutical services •error management and associated complaints, and the national systems in place to deal with them Revised October 2011 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 44 A Section 3 - What does this all mean in Practice? Training Getting started You will find some information below on what to do to in preparation for and during the first few weeks of training. Developing a rapport between tutor and trainee Good communication between a tutor and trainee is vital right from the outset. It is important to establish each others’ expectations, plan the training period ahead and clarify the trainee and tutor roles. An initial meeting must take place as soon as possible, at least by the end of the first week, to prevent any misconceptions about the training. It is vital that regular and frequent communication is maintained throughout the training. A weekly or fortnightly meeting to reflect on progress and review objectives is recommended. It is good practice to document and agree the key points discussed at these meetings for later referral. Signing a learning contract form At the start of a new training arrangement between trainee and tutor, both parties must commit fully to the training period. As confirmation of this commitment, we require a learning contract to be sent to us, signed by both tutor and trainee, at the start of the training period. A copy of this contract should be kept in the trainee’s portfolio. This is not a contract of employment but an agreement of engagement and commitment by both parties linked to provision and receipt of training. A copy of the GPhC recommended version of a learning contract is included in the forms section. A different version such an employers’ own version can be used but it must cover the same ground as the GPhC version as a minimum. Assessing a baseline level of competence At the start of training, there should be a discussion between tutor and trainee regarding the trainee’s current level of competence to help identify their learning and development needs. To be judged competent in any of the Performance Standards at this stage there needs to be evidence to support this e.g. a Portfolio from previous work experience or from previous Pre-registration training. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 45 Some trainees start here Some trainees start here Need to be here at least to register [unaware of own development needs and limitations] [aware of need to develop but if too ‘conscious’, may be very lacking in confidence] [able, but newly developed skills may require lots of thought and slow performance ] Subconsciously incompetent Consciously incompetent Consciously competent Most experienced pharmacists Subconsciously competent [able, confident and up to speed, but danger of complacency ‘automatic pilot’] This table details the journey from graduate to independent professional practitioner Developing an outline plan We require a structured training plan looking at how the Performance Standards could be achieved to be sent to us as part of the approval of the training site. It would be a good starting point to review this training plan together and produce a tailored outline of the training year to ensure that everything can be covered in the time available. This should ideally be a week by week plan including dates for the quarterly progress reviews, annual leave and training days. It should also give an indication of the area of practice either on or off site that will be the focus of the week(s). Whether a plan is provided by the employer or produced jointly at the start of the training period, it should provide sufficient scope of practice and appropriate supervision to achieve all of the Performance Standards which should be mapped to the weekly activities. Setting SMART objectives Once an outline plan has been developed, it is important to set some short term goals for the forthcoming weeks. These should ideally take the form of SMART objectives. These objectives should be: • • • • • SPECIFIC to what you want to achieve MEASURABLE to enable you to quantify whether you have met the objective ACHIEVABLE with the resources available to you REALISTIC and relevant to what you need to achieve TIMED to give a target by when the objective should be achieved Some examples of SMART learning objectives: “By the end of my fourth week in the dispensary, I aim to have completed a continuous log of 200 dispensed items without any errors” “Whilst on my 2 week hospital placement, I aim to take an accurate medication history from 3 different patients, under the supervision of a pharmacist, using the resources available” “I plan to organise a health promotion event within the local community, on national no smoking day and aim to provide smoking cessation advice to at least 5 active smokers” “By the end of this week, I aim to have learnt about 5 significant drug interactions and what recommendations if any I should make to the prescriber.” © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 46 Demonstrating and assessing competence Assess current competence REGISTER Pass Registration Assessment Gather portfolio of evidence and prove your competence TRAINEE Develop competence Develop an outline plan Agree a Learning contract Agree development objectives Provide feedback and undertake progress reviews TUTOR Facilitate trainee’s development Assess competence and knowledge Trainees are encouraged to make entries into a learning log of daily activities and significant events that can later feed into a CPD entry or other reflective account to provide evidence of competence against the relevant Performance Standards. Satisfactorily performing any activity once is unlikely to be sufficient to prove competence. It must be demonstrated consistently, in a variety of circumstances, to the standard expected of a newly registered pharmacist. It is the responsibility of the tutor to make a judgement once the desired level of competence has been achieved. This should be evidence based and not purely a subjective decision. It should be supported with written and observed examples. Where there is conflicting opinion between tutor and trainee on this judgement, practice examples should be used to clarify this decision. Whilst the Registration Assessment examines much of the underpinning knowledge required for competent practice, it is vital that the tutor assesses this knowledge as part of the ongoing monitoring of the trainee’s performance. This should be done by open questioning such as: • • • • • What would you have done if…..? What factors did you take into account when you decided to….? What else would be important if….? In what circumstances would you….? How would you….? © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 47 Once a Performance Standard has been achieved to the level required of a newly registered Pharmacist, it can be signed off by the tutor on the cumulative assessment summary. No further evidence needs to be collected against these standards but trainees will still be expected to demonstrate them in practice. Tutors may, if justified, revoke a decision later in the training period, if performance becomes impaired against any of the Performance Standards. Feedback Feedback gives the trainee an indication of how they are progressing. It may be motivational focussing on where the trainee has performed well. Conversely it may be developmental around the areas that are yet to be achieved, identified as areas for improvement or perhaps needing progressive ownership of tasks and decision making processes by the trainee. Constructive feedback should: • • • • • • • • • be trainee led, with the tutor seeking the trainee’s views on their performance before commenting. be evidence based using facts and observed examples rather than hearsay or assumption. be given in a timely manner, in a suitable environment that allows honesty and openness in the discussion. be discussed using the appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication such as tone, pitch and body language. be given regularly so as not to leave the trainee feeling overwhelmed. be accepted positively and acted upon by the trainee as an aid to their personal development. reflect on the potential consequences of the course of action that was taken and consider the possible outcome, whether better or worse, if an alternative course of action had been chosen. result in the trainee identifying and agreeing ways to improve their performance with an appropriate timeframe to reassess the trainee’s performance in that particular area. be a two way mechanism whereby the trainee also provides constructive feedback to the tutor for the tutor’s development. Managing Problems When issues occur within the work place, it is important to try and resolve these locally and in a timely manner. However difficult the issue may appear, the ability to recognise, manage and resolve the underlying problems can be beneficial in developing the skills to manage difficult situations that are bound to arise during future practice. If the problem is irreconcilable between the tutor and trainee, assistance should first be sought in the workplace either from a more experienced colleague or senior manager. The Pre-registration manager should be consulted to give guidance. For larger organisations support is available from the regional or national Pre-registration co-ordinators and it is important to keep them informed of any significant issues. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 48 Changing sites We do not recommend that trainees change training sites or tutors during their training. We do, however, recognise that situations beyond our control occur and we then need to react in a proportionate manner. Here are some guidelines about what has previously been agreed. Within the same organisation If the circumstances at the named training site change and the trainee needs to relocate within the organisation, provided that the same training programme is being followed, trainees will be permitted to move to another approved training site. The GPhC must be notified using the change of training details form and a new learning contract should be completed if there is a change of tutor. To another organisation This is strongly discouraged and trainees should consider that: • • • • • • • • They may have a contractual obligation to their employer for the full training period It could be considered as unprofessional conduct to revoke on the agreement that has been made with the employer Resolution of difficult issues at this stage can contribute to professional development The site must have current approval as a training site from the GPhC Eligibility to sit the Registration Assessment for the first time may be affected All previous Progress Reports must be disclosed to the new tutor You must abide by all of the Pre-registration Scheme requirements Requests to move must be approved by the GPhC Changing Tutors This may be necessary for a number of reasons and trainees should notify the GPhC using the change of training details form and complete a new learning contract. The new tutor should fulfil all of the GPhC requirements. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 49 Recording progress Trainees should produce a portfolio of evidence throughout the training period which includes copies of all of their documentation and evidence to support their performance. It is recommended that they utilise the CPD plan and record format to prepare them for future practice. The importance of keeping an up to date working portfolio should not be underestimated. In the event of an unforeseen change in circumstances, for example a period of absence or relocation to a different training site, this will be invaluable to assist a seamless progression of training. The GPhC does not stipulate a quantity of evidence to be produced to meet the satisfactory level of competence. One piece of evidence would rarely be sufficient to demonstrate competence. There are exceptions and an example of this is a first aid certificate to achieve C2.10. In the main it is the quality of the evidence and assessment that is of paramount importance. One piece of evidence might demonstrate competence against several of the Performance Standards and it is expected that this will be documented in the written evidence. Trainees should ensure that they can justify, if challenged, why they consider the evidence demonstrates competence against any of the Standards claimed and conversely tutors should provide guidance where the evidence clearly demonstrates competence against Standards that the trainees may not have considered. Summative assessment This is a formal assessment at the end of a set activity. This should be planned in advance and is an assessment of learning where marks are awarded or in this context where a Performance Standard may be signed off. Formative assessment This is a reflective process and involves feedback following the assessment of a set activity. This should be used as a platform for highlighting good practice or areas for improvement. This is a guide of the types of evidence and assessment that could be used to demonstrate competence in the Performance Standards, but this is not an exhaustive list. Observed evidence There are various forms that this can take and some examples are listed as follows. These may be supplemented with written evidence. Examples of a summative assessment could include: • In-patient medication history taken in hospital • Demonstrating the use of inhalers or measuring and fitting hosiery • Preparations prepared extemporaneously including formula, calculation and procedures • An accuracy log of dispensed or final checked medications Examples of a formative assessment could include: • Counselling a patient who has come to the pharmacy to collect their prescription • Dealing with a request for an immediate supply of a prescription only medication • Involvement in a heated discussion with other staff members, either as a participant or pacifier • Challenging a prescriber directly to change a prescription • Answering the telephone and managing the enquiry © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 50 Simulation This is observation of a hypothetical situation. It could be based on an issue previously managed in practice, an Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) or a role play within a study day setting. Examples could include undertaking and completing: • A case presentation or care plan based on actual or hypothetical problems • Patient counselling examples practiced with other staff members • A one to one hypothetical discussion with the Practice Supervisor • Case studies within an on-line or paper based training package Written evidence There are various forms that this can take and some examples are listed as follows. CPD entry Trainees using the on-line recording format at www.uptodate.org.uk can print off copies of their entries to share with their tutor or give permission on the site for their tutor to view on-line. Witnessed accounts Trainees may make a written account of how they managed a task that they have undertaken or a situation that has arisen. They may have this verified by a witness that was present at the time but does not have a responsibility for training or supervising their practice. This could even be in the form of patient feedback. Projects and assignments in the work place A classic example that will be applicable to all trainees is to undertake an audit in order to meet Performance Standard A4.8. Accredited certificates for internal and external learning events A first aid certificate would fall within this category. Documented work place assessments Examples could include: • A sterile technique broth test • Dispensing accuracy logs • Use of clinical assessment tools as used by doctors in training or pharmacy diploma practitioners, such as mini-cex and mini-pat. Anonymised copies of prescriptions and other patient related information These can be excellent examples for trainees to demonstrate where they have identified a clinical issue such as a drug interaction and subsequent endorsements can show how the trainee resolved the issue. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 51 Reporting progress to the GPhC In addition to regular feedback discussions, the GPhC requires that a formal review occurs every 13 weeks and a progress report form is completed. The cumulative assessment summary showing how much progress the trainee has made towards demonstrating the Performance Standards should also be completed. Progress must be assessed as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. An action plan for the next period of training should be devised, based on any development needs identified at the Progress review. If the progress reviews cannot be undertaken at or near the appropriate time, the GPhC should be notified and in the case of the 39 week report, the situation discussed. For split, joint and sandwich placements, a Declaration by first placement tutor form must be submitted at the 26 week stage i.e. at the end of that placement. This will ensure that the GPhC is aware that the training at that site has been completed successfully. If a progress report is unsatisfactory at the 13 or 26 week stage then this must be sent to the GPhC. Copies of all reports should be retained by the tutor and trainee. The GPhC may ask for these to be submitted at anytime. Progress report 3 at the 39 week stage forms part of the application to sit the Registration Assessment and must be sent to the GPhC. GPhC requirements A trainee can only be considered for entry into the Registration Assessment once they have achieved a 39 week progress report that is marked as satisfactory. If a trainee is marked unsatisfactory at the 39 week point, an action plan including SMART objectives should be developed to address the trainee’s shortfalls against the Performance Standards and a date for another 39 week assessment to be performed should be identified. The judgement made at the 39 week progress review should be against the same principles as the previous reviews, based on the quality of the evidence and performance of the trainee, rather than considered in the context of entry to the Registration Assessment. A more lenient assessment must not be made at this point purely to facilitate entry to the Registration Assessment. Absence Trainees are permitted to be absent for a combined total (sickness and authorised leave e.g. annual leave and bank holidays) of 40 days. Anything in excess of this may affect their eligibility to enter the Registration Assessment or ability to register on a set date. Any significant periods of absence (except annual leave) exceeding 5 working days must be reported to the GPhC. To be eligible to sit the Registration Assessment trainees must have been in training for at least 45 weeks by the date of the assessment. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 52 B Registration Assessment A Registration Assessment is usually held on the last Friday in June and the last Friday in September. All information about the assessment, including a set of guidance notes can be found on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). There are two papers and all of the questions in the Assessment are of a multiple choice format. Trainees must score 70% across both papers (and 70% in the calculation style questions). Closed Book (no reference material can be used) 90 questions in 90 minutes (1.5 hours) Open Book (permitted reference sources may be used) 80 questions in 150 minutes (2.5 hours): • 60 non calculation-style • 20 calculation-style (pass mark 70%) Syllabus This is available on the GPhC website and listed in section 2 of this manual. Reference Sources The relevant open book texts that will be required for the respective Registration Assessment can be found on the GPhC website. Any updates will be sent via the bulletins. Assessment Regulations The relevant regulations for any sitting will be issued at least six months before the respective sitting. The version that is current for the 2011 sitting can be found in section 2 of this manual. Sample papers The GPhC provides a series of sample papers to help both trainees and tutors get familiar with the style of assessment and to test competence. These are half the size of the real paper and it may be helpful to attempt these under mock examination conditions adjusting the time allowed accordingly. Applications for entry to the Registration Assessment Information detailing which national assessment centre has been allocated to a named trainee will be sent from the GPhC. This does not mean that the trainee has been entered into the Assessment. It is the responsibility of the trainee to submit the necessary entry documents once they meet all of the eligibility criteria. The deadline for entries is 6 weeks before the date of the Registration Assessment as stated in the Regulations. Centre allocations are generally distributed before the end of April for trainees that may be eligible for the Summer Assessment and in August for those that may be eligible for the Autumn Assessment. The allocation is based on the original training dates submitted. If for whatever reason the GPhC have not been informed of changes to these dates, an allocation letter may erroneously be sent out to trainees. Full details of the requirements for entry submission are available on the website and will include a satisfactory 39 week progress report, a completed entry form, payment and certified photograph(s). © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 53 C Applying to register An application form and accompanying guidance will be posted on the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org) towards the end of the training year. All of the requirements must be adhered to as failure to do so will delay registration. This requirement includes copies of various documents that must be certified by a Solicitor or Notary. To be eligible to apply to join the register, trainees must have: • • • • Completed all 52 weeks of training and achieved all of the Performance Standards Demonstrated their competence to their tutor (final assessment from 49 weeks onwards) Attempted the Registration Assessment (although the results may not yet be known) First entered the MPharm course within the last 8 years or in the case of OSPAP qualifications within the past 4 years Final declaration This should be completed by the tutor. If the tutor is due to be absent at the time that this needs to be completed, a previously agreed arrangement for another pharmacist to complete this should be made by the tutor and a covering letter should be provided to the GPhC. If the tutor is unable to sign the final declaration because further development is required, the case should be discussed with the GPhC Pre-registration Team. Tutors and trainees are encouraged to document any performance issues that have arisen throughout the year as well as related meetings held or actions taken to improve performance in these areas. If the Performance Standards have not all been met due to problems or slow progress and an extension to training is deemed necessary, it is hoped that this has been identified and discussed before entry to the Registration Assessment. Training can continue at the site, funded by the employer if appropriate, for the length of time deemed necessary to achieve the required standard taking into account the 8 year limit from entry into the MPharm (4 years for OSPAP qualifications). Where an employer is unable to extend the training period and the trainee has to relocate, a minimum period of 6 months in the new establishment is usually required. Trainees in industry and academia need to complete the respective final declaration that can be found in the forms section (page 69). Registration Registration occurs on the 1st and 15th day of every month. Once a completed application has been assessed to meet all of the GPhC requirements, the applicant will be entered onto the Register at the next registration date. Registration will be for one calendar year and at this point a unique GPhC registration number will be issued. A registration number must be received before practice is permitted. The Register can be searched on the GPhC website. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 54 Section 4 - Forms The following section contains copies of forms that the GPhC requires to be completed at certain times during the training period dependent on the individual trainee’s circumstances. Only one copy of each is included and you should reproduce further copies as required. This publication and the forms therein can also be downloaded from the GPhC website (www.pharmacyregulation.org). There will be other forms that need to be completed including the Registration Assessment application form and others required as a prerequisite to registration. Any such information can be found on the GPhC website. It is recommended that both tutors and trainees take copies of these forms once completed for later reference. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 55 This page is intentionally blank © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 56 Pre-registration learning contract Full name of trainee: Trainee’s GPhC number: This contract details the agreement between the Pre-registration tutor and trainee of key aspects of working together. It clarifies what is expected of each party. It should be discussed and signed by both parties at the outset of any training period commencing with a new tutor. I, Part One - Tutor's Undertaking (insert your name and GPhC registration number) make the following commitments to you, (insert trainee’s name) for the duration of your Pre-registration training with me. I will • abide by the GPhC Pre-registration Scheme requirements • provide and arrange training that will enable you to develop all the skills, attitudes and knowledge defined by the GPhC Performance Standards including the GPhC Standards of conduct, ethics and performance • work with you to identify your individual learning needs • ensure that we both keep up-to-date with GPhC requirements and endeavour at all times to meet them • treat you in a manner that is conducive to your learning. This will include: - giving you the opportunity to contribute and put forward your views • • • • • • - providing you with appropriate time to study and reflect on your learning (by mutual agreement) - being approachable and providing help when asked or referring you to a more appropriate source of help - setting targets for you through a process of negotiation with you - explaining and repeating explanations as necessary - challenging and questioning you to check your understanding - encouraging and supporting you when you find situations challenging adapt plans as appropriate enable you to have access to off-the-job study days and training events, as appropriate inform, support and confer with others involved in your training set aside time to review your progress regularly, both informally and formally provide you with constructive and honest feedback to aid your development provide feedback on your progress to the Pre-registration Team at the set times and in the required manner • assess you objectively - or arrange for others to do so - in all the Performance Standards specified by the GPhC based on a range of evidence which you provide to me and taking account of feedback from other people involved in your training • identify and address my own learning needs in relation to being a tutor • welcome feedback from you to help me develop my tutoring skills • endeavour to ensure that, in my absence or when you are working elsewhere, a suitable person is available to support and guide you. Signature of tutor: Signature of trainee: © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 Date: Date: 57 Part Two - Trainee's Undertaking I, (insert your name) make the following commitments for the duration of my Pre-registration training while being tutored by (insert tutor’s name) I will • abide by the GPhC Pre-registration Scheme requirements • adhere to the rules and regulations of the organisation I am working for • acquaint myself with the learning outcomes required by the GPhC to register i.e. the Performance Standards and the Registration Assessment Syllabus • take responsibility for my own learning and development by: - taking steps to be aware of my own learning style • • • • • • • - participating fully in the development of my learning plans - being pro-active in seeking learning opportunities, in work activities or whilst at training events or study days - seeking solutions to problems without necessarily asking you, if the answer might be found elsewhere but asking if not doing so would compromise your professionalism - developing a portfolio of evidence for all the GPhC Performance Standards - reflecting on my learning and experience - identifying my further learning needs and developing targets for myself - using the time you or other trainers spend with me to best advantage respect and be prepared to learn from colleagues at all levels be a reliable and trustworthy member of your pharmacy team endeavour to contribute to the overall goals and work targets of the pharmacy team admit to not knowing, understanding or being comfortable if that is the case be honest in my interactions with you and other colleagues receive feedback and use it to help me to develop further provide constructive feedback to you, where this may help you to develop your skills as a tutor. Signature of trainee: Date: Signature of tutor: Date: © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 58 Change of training details to be sent to the GPhC as soon as changes are known This form should be completed if there is a change to your training placement and/or your tutor. Full name of trainee: Trainee’s GPhC number: Full name and address of training establishment, existing or which you have recently moved from: Change of placement Full name and address of new training establishment: Start date at new establishment: PLEASE NOTE: All correspondence from the GPhC will be sent to this address. It will take at least 2 weeks from receipt of this form for correspondence to start arriving at this new address so please make arrangements for any mail to be forwarded from your previous training establishment. Change of tutor A Learning Contract should also be completed. Full name of new tutor: Date of initial registration as a pharmacist: GPhC number: Telephone no: Date of change: YOUR NEW TUTOR NEEDS TO COMPLETE THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS FORM. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Premises code Trainee file updated Training record sent Initials Date 59 Agreement to tutor a Pre-registration trainee I, (insert your name) • will abide by the GPhC Pre-registration Scheme requirements* • wish to be involved in developing a future pharmacist and willingly undertake the role of Pre-registration tutor • am committed to enabling my trainee to benefit as much as possible from the Pre-registration year • have or will take steps to develop the necessary skills to be a tutor • will provide and arrange training to enable my trainee to develop all the skills, attitudes and knowledge defined by the GPhC training programme and Registration Assessment Syllabus • will inform, support and confer with others involved in training or supervising my trainee * It is essential that the Pre-registration Scheme requirements are read and understood. You should especially read the section about pre-registration tutors. Signed: Date: © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 60 Progress Report Trainee’s full name: delete as applicable 1(week 13)/ 2(week 26)/ 3(week 39) Trainee’s GPhC Number: Name and address of training premises: Tutor’s full name: Tutor’s GPhC Number: Date of report: Time since start of training weeks Has someone other than the trainee’s tutor completed this report? If YES, please complete the following three boxes. Name of person completing the report: Position: Reason for the tutor not completing the report: Comments on your trainee’s progress with the Performance Standards, Registration Assessment Syllabus and calculation questions to date: Further comments can be made on an extra sheet of paper if necessary Do you feel that any problems, work-related or personal, have affected your trainee’s performance? If YES, please give details (if the trainee is happy for them to be divulged): © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 NOTE: When requested by the GPhC, please return the original Progress Report and attach a copy of the assessment summary 61 Number of days absence of trainee since commencing Pre-registration training Annual leave Sickness Other (please specify) For this stage in their Pre-registration year, rate your trainee’s overall performance? (please tick ONE of the following boxes only) SATISFACTORY This report must be kept safely and submitted on request to the GPhC UNSATISFACTORY This report must now be submitted to the GPhC Any other comments by tutor (or other person completing this report)? Signature of tutor (or other person completing this report) Any comments by trainee? NOTE: When required by the GPhC, please return the original Progress Report and attach a copy of the assessment summary Signature of trainee Trainee GPhC number (please repeat) © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 62 Assessment summary Trainee’s GPhC number: Tutor’s full name: Tutor’s GPhC number: DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL Trainee’s full name: Tutor :- Please date and sign when a Performance Standard has been achieved consistently by the trainee. ONLY MAKE ENTRIES ONCE THE PERFORMANCE STANDARD HAS BEEN COMPLETED TO THE STANDARD EXPECTED OF A NEWLY REGISTERED PHARMACIST. Over the year this will be a cumulative record of the Performance Standards your trainee has achieved so far. Copy and send it to the GPhC with each submitted Progress Report. Standard Date Signature of assessor Standard A1.1 A4.1 A1.2 A4.2 A1.3 A4.3 A1.4 A4.4 A1.5 A4.5 A1.6 A4.6 A1.7 A4.7 A1.8 A4.8 A2.1 A5.1 A2.2 A5.2 A2.3 A5.3 A2.4 A5.4 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A3.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.7 Date Signature of assessor A3.5 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 63 Standard Date Signature of assessor Standard B1.1 C1.1 B1.2 C1.2 B1.3 C1.3 B1.4 C1.4 B1.5 C1.5 B1.6 C1.6 B1.7 C1.7 B1.8 C1.8 B1.9 C1.9 B1.10 C1.10 B1.11 C1.11 B1.12 C1.12 B2.1 C2.1 B2.2 C2.2 B2.3 C2.3 B2.4 C2.4 B2.5 C2.5 B2.6 C2.6 B2.7 C2.7 B2.8 C2.8 B2.9 C2.9 Date Signature of assessor C2.10 C2.11 © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 64 Declaration by first placement tutor To be completed by the tutor of a first period within a split/joint/sandwich scheme as defined in the manual (delete as applicable)* Full name of trainee: Trainee’s GPhC number: Full home address of trainee: I I, (insert full name of tutor) being the Pre-registration tutor of the above named trainee, based at the following establishment (insert full name and address of training establishment) hereby declare that (i) they have completed a period of Pre-registration training in the above named establishment totalling calendar weeks between and (insert dates of training period) (ii) the Pre-registration training conformed with the requirements of the GPhC. (iii) subject to satisfactory completion of the remainder of their Pre-registration training, I see no reason why will not be fit to practise as a registered pharmacist. (insert name of trainee) Signed: Date: GPhC registration number.: THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH THE SECOND PROGRESS REPORT. © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 65 This page is intentionally blank © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 66 Final declaration by tutor To be completed by the Pre-registration tutor at the end of the training year. (Not for joint schemes e.g. involving the industry or academia - please use separate declaration) (full name of tutor) Full name of trainee: Trainee’s GPhC number: Full home address of trainee: I, (full name of tutor) being the Pre-registration tutor of the above named trainee, based at the following establishment hereby declare that: (i) they scored: and: (full name and address of training establishment) Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory* at 13 weeks (*delete as applicable) Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory* at 26 weeks (*delete as applicable) (ii) they have demonstrated competence appropriate to a registered pharmacist in all of the Performance Standards required by the GPhC (iii) they have a professional attitude and sense of responsibility sufficient for a registered pharmacist (iv) they will have completed a period totalling calendar weeks of Pre-registration training in accordance with the GPhC requirements from to (insert dates) (v) they will have completed a minimum of two calendar weeks cross sector experience (CSE) or undertaken the equivalent at (insert details of establishment) From to OR:Please read and sign declaration B on the next page if your trainee did not undertake CSE but all the Performance Standards have been met. (vi) In my opinion,they are able to apply in practice, knowledge of the law relating to the practice of pharmacy and are a fit and proper person to be a registered pharmacist. (vii)I do not know of, nor have observed, any mental or physical ill-health problems which I believe may compromise their ability to discharge properly the duties and responsibilities of a registered pharmacist. P.T.O. Signed: Date: Registration number.: © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 67 In cases where it has not been possible for the tutor (in community pharmacy) to observe the trainee for a sufficient length of time to be able to sign (vi), the pharmacy superintendent of the corporate body which has employed the trainee should complete declaration A below. (full name) I being the superintendent pharmacist of (name of corporate body) hereby declare that: In respect of the above named trainee, I have not become aware of any mental or physical ill-health problems which I believe may compromise their ability to discharge properly the duties and responsibilities of a registered pharmacist. Signature of superintendent pharmacist: GPhC registration number: In cases where it has not been possible for the trainee to undertake a CSE placement but where all the Performance Standards have been met, the trainee’s tutor should read and complete declaration B below. I (full name of tutor) certify that, although my trainee did not undertake a CSE placement, they have been adequately supported to meet all the Performance Standards. Signed: Date: GPhC registration number: © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 68 Final declaration by tutors of trainees who have undertaken a joint training programme e.g. with industry or academia To be completed by both the hospital or community tutor and the tutor at the non patient facing establishment. Full name of trainee: Trainee’s GPhC number: Full home address of trainee: Establishment A (where the above trainee undertook their first 6 month training placement) Full name of tutor: Full name of placement: Full address of placement: Establishment B (where the above trainee undertook their second 6 month training placement) Full name of tutor: Full name of placement: Full address of placement: © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 69 Full name of trainee: (insert name of tutor A) I, being the Pre-registration tutor of the above named trainee, based at establishment A overleaf (insert name of tutor B) and I, being the Pre-registration tutor of the above named trainee, based at establishment B overleaf hereby declare that: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory* at 13 weeks (*delete as applicable) (i) they scored: and: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory* at 26 weeks (*delete as applicable) (ii) they have demonstrated competence appropriate to a registered pharmacist in all of the Performance Standards required by the GPhC (iii) they have a professional attitude and sense of responsibility sufficient for a registered pharmacist (iv) they will have completed a period totalling calendar weeks of Pre-registration training in accordance with the GPhC requirements from to (insert dates of full training period) (v) in my opinion they are able to apply in practice knowledge of the law relating to the practice of pharmacy and are a fit and proper person to be registered as a pharmacist. (vi) I do not know of, nor have observed, any mental or physical ill-health problems which I believe may compromise their ability to discharge properly the duties and responsibilities of a registered pharmacist.* Signed: (tutor A) Date: GPhC registration number: Date: GPhC registration number: Signed: (tutor B) * In cases where it has not been possible for the tutor (in community pharmacy) to observe the trainee for a sufficient length of time to be able to sign (v), the pharmacy superintendent of the corporate body which has employed the trainee should complete the declaration below. (full name) *I being the superintendent pharmacist of hereby declare that: (name of corporate body) In respect of the above named trainee, I have not become aware of any mental or physical ill-health problems which I believe may compromise their ability to discharge properly the duties and responsibilities of a registered pharmacist. Signature of superintendent pharmacist: Date: © General Pharmaceutical Council 2011 GPhC registration number: 70 63822 GPhC pre-reg manual cover.qxp:Layout 1 28/6/11 20:23 Page 1
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