MANUAL OF DISTRICT COURT AT BAGESHWAR UTTARAKHAND UNDER SECTION 4 (1)(b) AND 19(8)(VI) OF RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005 SECTION 4(1)(b)(i) The particulars of Establishment of District Judge Bageshwar Uttarakhand , functions and duties; Particulars: District Court Bageshwar. Functions: It is a Court of record as per Article 215 of the Constitution of India. Duties: (1) Administrative. (2) Judicial. Details of Sanctioned & Working Strength of the Establishment of District Judge, Bageshwar. 1. Total Sanctioned Post-93 2. Categoriwise Sanctioned Post. Class Sanctioned Strength 02 06 52 31 04 95 A B C D 4 Part Time Sweeper TOTAL Working Strength Vacant 02 05 51 27 04 89 01 01 04 6 Roster Prepared against the Sanctioned and Working Strength. Class A B C D Fixed General Category Scheduled Cast 2 05 31 18 04 12 07 02 O.B.C Others 06 01 - 02 01 2 SECTION 4(1)(b)(ii) The powers and duties of officers and employees of District Court Bageshwar, Uttarakhand; Powers and duties of District Judge :- Judicial and administrative work as per provisions of the law . Powers & Duties of Officers of the District Courts :- District Judge and the other Judicial Officers discharge their duties as per the provisions of Law. The Civil Courts subordinate to the High Court of Uttarakhand also discharge their duties as per Circular Letters of the High Court , General rule(Civil), General rule(Criminal), Govt. Orders and other rules made in this behalf. The duties of Senior Administrative Officers And Employees are as under :SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER:- To discharge all the duties and responsibilities under the Direction and supervision of District Judge as well as of the Hon’ble High Court. It needs to be mentioned that the holders of the following posts are common in each Court and office of a judgeship. Therefore, their duties and functions are similar.The duties and function of the ministerial staff is given below:1). SADAR MUNSARIM :- To receive all presentations relating to courts and Offices. Maintenance of MACP accounts etc. 2). CHIEF READER :- To discharge duties of Reader in court’s business . 3). SESSION CLERK :- To deal with all Criminal/Sessions cases. 4). SUITS CLERK :- To deal with all civil matters. 5). MISC CLERK :- To deal with all Civil Misc. matters. 6). APPEAL CLERK:- All civil and criminal appeals etc. 7). II nd CLERK :- To maintain all the administrative records, guard files, registers as provided in rule 429 to 446 of G.R. Civil and G.Os etc. 8). MISC CLERK (ADMIN OFFICE) :9). CENTRAL NAZIR :- To maintain all misc. work of administrative office. To maintain Parasible and non-Parasible registers of property of a Judgeship, other registers, supervision of the work of process server and other works entrusted by District judge like purchasing of article for the use of Courts and office. 10). ASST. NAZIR :11). RECORD KEEPER (Civil and Criminal) :-. 12). CASHIER :- To maintain accounts and service records of class fourth employees and other works. To maintain records of civil and criminal cases.He is also custodian of all to record room as per G.R. Civil and Criminal. To maintain civil courts accounts and registers relating to Courts and Offices.He also keeps petty amounts, permanent advance. 13). ACCOUNTS CLERK :- To prepare salary of officers and staff etc, to maiservice records of all the service employees. 14). HEAD COPYIST:15).COPYIST CIVIL:- To Maintain Register for Civil & Criminal Copying Section for Preparation of Copies/Case diary. To Prepare Civil &Criminal Copies. 16). COPYIST CASE DIARY:-To Prepare Case Diary. 17).ASST ACC. CLERK :- To assist the accountant . 18).LIBRARY CLERK : To maintain the library of District Courts. 19).STATIONARY CLERK:- To purchase and supply of stationary in all the Courts and offices. 20). AMIN :- To make simple measurements and survey of land. He also executes important processes of the Courts. 21).PA/STENOGRAPHERS :-Take dictation of the P.Os and typing out of orders, Judgement etc. 22). PROCESS SERVERS :- To serve all the processes of the Civil Courts established in India, process of the Hon’ble Supreme court and High Courts. 23). DAFTARI:- He is attached in the office for maintaining the records. 24).BUNDLE LIFTER :- To keep the bundles in the racks etc. 25). ORDALY :- Attached in courts. 26).PEON :- Attached in courts and offices. 27). CHOWKIDAR :- To watch Court Buildings etc. SECTION 4(1)(b)(iii) The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability; 1). The cases are decided as per the provisions of Law. 2). Administrative decisions are taken by the District Judge as per rules, G.O.s , Circular letters of the Hon’ble High Court and Law of judicial services Manual 1989 and 1993. SECTION 4(1)(b)(iv) The norms set for the discharge of the functions of the District Court Bageshwar Uttarakhand; 1). UP/UA Judicial Services Manual 1989 and 1993. 2). Circular letters of the Hon’ble High Court. 3). General Rules Civil and Criminal. 4). Government Orders. 5). Law and Judgements / Rulings of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Courts. SECTION 4(1)(b)(v) The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions; (1) All the laws are applicable and Bengal , Assam and Awadh. Civil Courts Act. 1889. (2). General Rules Civil . (3). General Rules Criminal. (4). Circular letters of the Hon’ble High Courts. (5). Government Orders and Notifications. (6). High Courts Notifications. (7). Important Judgements of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Courts. (8). Other relevant Rules etc. SECTION 4(1)(b)(vi) A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control; (1) Judicial Record. (2) Administrative Record. (3). Miscellaneous records. SECTION 4(1)(b)(vii) The particulars of any arrangements that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof; That is not required as per the provisions of the law. SECTION 4(1)(b)(viii) A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public; District Judge and other Judicial officers. SECTION 4(1)(b)(ix) A directory of officers and employees of the District Court Uttarakhand (At Bageshwar); DISTRICT COURT BAGESHWAR TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 2009 FAX : (05963) – 220394 E-MAIL : Contact No. : (05963)-220394 OFFICERS OF DISTRICT COURT BAGESHWAR UTTARAKHAND NAME AND DESIGNATION OFFICE / MOBILE NO 220394, RESIDENCE FAX 220457 220394 220963 220962 - Naseem Ahamad C.J.M,Bageshwar - - - Ms. Neha Kushwaha Civil Judge(Junior Division) Bageshwar - Ms.Simranjit Kuar Judicial Magistrate Bageshwar --- - Mr N.S.Dhanik, District judge Bageshwar Mrs. Neelam Ratra, A.D.J. Bageshwar Mrs Seema Dungrakoti Civil Judge Garur - - - - - - - 220394 - 220394 Civil Judge S.D.Bageshwar(Vacant) Mr D.D.Kandpal S.A.O.Bageshwar. IMPORTANT EMPLOYEES OF DISTRICT COURTS Mr. Lalita Prasad Joshi, PA/Stenographer Grade-I Mr. Prem Singh Rawat, Reader Grade-I Ms. Shweta Sah, Second Clerk,Administrative Office Mr. Bhupendra Ram, Central Nazir Mr. Anand Singh Rawal, Record Keeper, (Criminal) Mr. Manoj Kumar, Record keeper, (Civil) Mr. Vinod Kumar Tripathi, Reader,C.J.M Court,Bageshwar. Ms.Anita Chowdhary, Reader,Civil Judge,(J.D),Bageshwar. 9412930119 - - 9012282517 - - 9410163777 - - 9412166672 - - 9411319794 - - 9410480501 - - 9837516339 - - 9410501812 - - SECTION 4(1)(b)(x) The monthly remuneration received by the establishment of District Courts including officers and employees of Judgeship Bageshwar. Monthly remuneration received by the establishment of District Judge,Bageshwar for the month of March 2013 S.No Name Designation Pay scale District Judge,Bageshwar. A.D.J. Bageshwar Chief Judicial Magistrate. Civil Judge (S.D) Civil Judge(J.D.) J.M J.D.Garur Senior Administrative Officer Stenographer Grade – I Sadar Munsarim Reader Grade-I Record Keeper (Criminal) Second Clerk. Record Keeper (Civil) Reader,C.J.M Head Copyist (Criminal) Central Nazir Misc,Clerk Ahalmad,C.J.M Munsarim, C.J (S.D) Reader C.J (S.D) Stenographer,C.J.M Stenographer,C.J (S.D) Stenographer,C.J (J.D) Reader,C.J (J.D) Cashier Misc.Clerk,C.J (J.D) Suits Clerk,D.J Court Suits Clerk C.J (S.D) Appeal Clerk D.J Court Session Clerk Appeal Clerk C.J (S.D) Munsarim C.J (J.D) Ahalmad, J.M Account Clerk Misc.Clerk D.J Court. 18750-22850 51550-1230-5893012850-17550 37. 38. 39. 40 41 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50 Sri N.S.Dhanik Smt. Neelam Ratra Sri Naseem Ahamah Vacant Ms. Neha Kushwaha Ms. Simranjit Kuar Mrs. Seema Dungrakoti Sri D.D.Kandpal Sri Lalita Prasad Joshi Sri Mohan Singh Mehta Sri Prem Singh Rawat Sri Anand Singh Rawal Km. Shweta Sah Sri Manoj Kumar Sri Vinod Kumar Tripathi Sri Chanchal Singh Fartiyal Sri Bhupendra Ram Sri Rajesh Kumar Sri Ravindra Lal Verma Sri Naiem Ahmed Sri Feroj Khan Sri Ashok Kumar Srivastava Sri Shailendra Kumar Smt Leelawati Smt Anita Chaudhary Sri Dinesh Singh Bhakuni Sri Kundan Singh Negi Sri Owais Ahmed Sri Vineet Chaudhary Sri Sanjay Prasad Tamta Smt Munni Dugtal Sri Alok Shulka Sri Manish Lohani Smt Seema Dasila Sri Gulab Singh Rawat Sri Davendra Prasad Tripathi Sri Anurag Singh Sri Sudhir Kumar Chauhan Sri Soban Singh Papola Km. Mamta Bachkheti Sri Vijay Kumar Sri Vinod Singh Seepal Sri Mahipal Singh Baseda Sri Krishna Singh Markana Sri Vinay Suyal Sri Hem Chandra Joshi Sri Chandan Kumar Sri Vinod Kumar Smt Ganga Dhapola Smt Geeta Arya Suits Clerk C.J (J.D) Asstt .Nazir Asstt. Account Clerk Typist Copyist (Criminal) Amin Grade-II Stationary Clerk Copyist (Criminal) Copyist (Civil) Asstt.Record Keeper (Civil) Asstt.Nazir Amin Grade-II Asstt.Record Keeper (Criminal) Copyist (Civil) 51. 52. Sri Anand Singh Karki Driver Sri Ramesh Singh Nagarkoti Driver 1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20 21 22 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 31 32 33. 34. 35 36. Basic Pay 21400 Total Emoluments 49157 13500 Grade Pay 8900 - 15600-39100 9300-34800 9300-34800 9300-34800 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 18590 17140 12310 10230 10180 10180 10490 10490 8990 8990 8990 8990 8990 8990 9940 9940 9940 8990 8990 8990 8990 9120 9120 9120 8790 8790 7740 7740 7720 5400 4600 4200 4200 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 28833 26298 19917 17394 15812 15712 16171 16071 14331 14376 13812 13812 13812 13812 15069 15069 15069 13812 13812 13722 13722 13873 13873 13873 13490 13490 12272 12272 12249 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 7720 7120 7090 7090 7120 7090 7090 7090 7090 7090 7090 7090 7090 7090 2400 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 12249 11018 11926 10883 11018 11083 10883 10883 10883 10983 10883 11083 10983 10883 5200-20200 5200-20200 7080 7080 1900 1900 10802 10802 33473 Class-IV Employees 51. Sri Gulab Ram Process Server 5200-20200 6210 1800 12332 52. 53. 54. 55. Sri Bachi Singh Parihar Sri Ganesh Dutt Joshi Sri Prem Singh Mehta Sri Bhuwan Chand Kandpal Sri Sundar Singh Sri Jagdish Prasad Sri Chandan Ram Sri Ramesh Prasad Sri Nayan Prakash Sri Daleep Singh Bisht Process server Process Server Process Server Process Server 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 5200-20200 6690 6080 6080 6080 1800 1800 1800 1800 10423 9716 9716 9716 Process Server 5200-20200 Daftary C.J.(J.D.) 4440-7440 Daftary Admin Section 4440-7440 Daftary D.J. Court 4440-7440 Daftary, C.J.(S.D.) 4440-7440 Bundle Lifter, Record 4440-7440 Room (Civil) Sri Bhawan Singh Bisht Bundle Lifter, Record 4440-7440 Room(Criminal) Sri Govind Singh Peon 4440-7440 Sri Santosh Matiyani Peon 4440-7440 Sri Mahesh Kandpal Peon 4440-7440 Sri Harish Chaube Peon 4440-7440 Sri Prakash Singh Negi Peon 4440-7440 Sri Bipin Chandra Ordali C.J.(CJM) 4440-7440 Rikhadi Smt Savitri Devi Ordali C.J.(S.D.) 4440-7440 Sri Jagdish Singh Rawat Ordali , J.M. 4440-7440 Sri Arjun Sigh Bonal Ordali, C.J.(J.D.) 4440-7440 Sri Diwan Singh Negi Ordali D.J. Court 4440-7440 Sri Nirmal Kandpal Notice Server 4440-7440 Smt Anita Devi Chawkidar 4440-7440 Sri Ashok Kumar Chawkidar 4440-7440 Smt Suman Adhoc Part-time Sweeper on fixed pay Sri Bhagwan Chaudhary Adhoc Part-time Sweeper on fixed pay 5910 5910 5910 5930 5910 5910 1800 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 9479 9105 9105 9128 9105 9265 5930 1650 9193 5800 5540 4990 5750 4440 5540 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 8536 8214 8306 8478 7604 8244 6510 5540 5540 7780 5540 5440 4440 1300 1300 1300 1800 1300 1300 1300 2000 2000 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 9435 8214 8214 11543 8244 8098 7604 SECTION 4(1)(b)(xi) The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; District Court Bageshwar 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 2 02-Mazdoori 03-D.A 04-T.A 05- T.T.A. 06- O.A. 08- Office Expenses 09- Electric Charge 10- Water Tax 11- Purchase of Stationary 12- Office Furniture 13- Telephone Charge 15- Maintance of Staff Car 17- Rent and Taxes 22- Sumptuary Allowance 25- Petty Work 27- Medical Reimbursement 29- Maintance 42- Other Expenses 45- L.T.C. 46- Computer H.W. and S.W. 47- Purchase & Computer Stationary 48- Dearness Pay --720000 10000 29000 226000 12000 2000 ----10000 --415716 4099 28990 179151 11980 1841 ---9845 304284 5901 10 46849 20 159 ----155 -------10000 ----7331 ----2669 80000 78949 1051 --------- ------- --------- ----5000 ---198 ----4802 ----5000 --------- ------------- ----5000 --------- 5000 4325 675 470000 272921 197079 2014- Administration of Justice 00105- Civil and Session Court. 03- District and Session Judge. S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Name of the Head 01- Pay 02-Mazdoori 03-D.A 04-T.A 05- T.T.A. 06- O.A. 08- Office Expenses 09- Electric Charge 10- Water Tax 11- Purchase of Stationary 12- Office Furniture 13- Telephone Charge 15- Maintance of Staff Car 17- Rent and Taxes 22- Sumptuary Allowance 25- Petty Work 27- Medical Reimbursement 29- Maintance 42- Other Expenses 45- L.T.C. 46- Computer H.W. and S.W. 47- Purchase & Computer Stationary 48- Dearness Pay Total Budget Sanctiond 11096000 ----4365000 20000 81500 1500000 300000 150000 5000 40000 Total Budget Expenditure 7740465 ---2401651 6295 70942 838628 299799 60269 --39975 Balance/Available budget 3355535 ----1963349 13705 10558 661372 201 89731 5000 25 ----50000 100000 ---49706 99684 ----294 316 ----10000 ------ ----46000 ---35821 ----10179 ----5000 --------- ---600 ------- ----4400 --------- 20000 19900 2650000 1508873 ----10000 100 1141127 Total sanctioned budget by the Government, under head 4059-Capital Outlay on Public Works-60-Other Buildings-051-Construction-03-Construction of Buildings for Judicial Work-24-Major Construction Work for the Financial Year 2013-2014 S.No. Name of the Head NIL NIL Total Budget Sanctioned by the Government NIL SECTION 4(1)(b)(xii) The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes; There are no subsidy programmes in the District Court Bageshwar. SECTION 4(1)(b)(xiii) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it; Not applicable in the District Court Bageshwar. SECTION 4(1)(b)(xiv) Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in electronic form; Judgments, Cause lists and information of District Court is accessible worldwide for litigant public at website : SECTION 4(1)(b)(xv) The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use; (1) The litigant public can visit the website of the District Court Bageshwar. Presently website is in Developing Phase (2) An enquiry Counter has been set up at the District Court by whom the litigant public may know the status of their cases. (3) Apart from it, the litigant public may also enquire status of their cases by moving application at the District Court Bageshwar. SECTION 4(1)(b)(xvi) The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers; Civil Judge (Junior Division) Bageshwar, Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 Tel. No.: 05963-221756 (Office); 05963-221571 (Residence) Mr. D.D Kandpal, Senior Administrative Officer, Public Information Officer under Section 5(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 Tel. No.: 05963-220394 (Office):Cell No.: +919412438855. SECTION 4(1)(b)(xvii) Such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year; NIL.
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