STANDARD 1 RIGHTS INCLUDING POLICY ON PRIVACY, DIGNITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY Date Adopted June 2011 Last Review July 2013 Date Revised February 2014 (6 Standards) 1. BACKGROUND Nambucca Valley Phoenix Inc. (NVP) is a non-profit organisation established for the purpose of supporting people with disabilities and their families living in the Nambucca Valley and immediate environs. The services offered by NVP include Business Services (Australian Disability Employment of ADE), Community Participation, Transition to Work, Life Choices and Active Ageing; plus a Transition Program for service users leaving Phoenix for another service. Nambucca Valley Phoenix is a non-profit, community organisation which is governed by a management committee elected annually by the members. Nambucca Valley Phoenix receives operating funds from the New South Wales and Federal Governments plus income generated from sales and services and, donations and grants. 2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this policy is to establish the right of individuals to respect for their human worth and dignity and to full participation in Australian society. The policy aims to establish standards of privacy, dignity and confidentiality in the organisation’s dealings with prospective, current and past users of the organisation’s services. The policy has been framed around individuals’ rights as they are specified in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability Articles 3(a) & (c), 5, 16 and 22; Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection Act 2012 on 12 March 2014; Freedom of Information Act (1982); Disability Services Act (1993); NSW Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 (including the Carers Charter) and Standard 1 of the Disability Services Standards: Standards in Action NSW (2012). This policy applies to all of the organisation’s programs and activities. 3. POLICY STATEMENT The organisation is committed to ensuring that all service user/supported employees of the organisation have the same level of rights as is expected by the rest of the community. NVP Policy on Rights including Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality (Standard 1) Version February 2014 ajb 2 4. PROCEDURES The following procedures are to be implemented to ensure that the organisation meets its policy objective of ensuring that all service user/supported employees of the organisation have the same Rights (4a. 1-5) (4b.1-4) including level of privacy, dignity and confidentiality (4c.1-7) as is expected by the rest of the community. 4a Nambucca Valley Phoenix will provide a service: 4a.1 that maximises individual choice for social participation and cultural inclusion; 4a.2 that is free from discrimination, abuse (financial, sexual, physical or emotional), neglect and exploitation; 4a.3 that acknowledges, respects and supports an individual’s cultural and religious (or non-religious) beliefs; 4a.4 that supports and encourages self protective strategies and behaviours that take into account each person’s individual and cultural needs; 4a.5 that upholds each person’s right to make decisions, including medical treatments, nutritional and behaviour management practices and interventions, in line with relevant legislation, convention, policies and practices. When this is not possible, assisted or substituted (alternative) decision making is in line with the person’s expressed wishes, if known and if not, with their best interest; 4a.6 encourages and supports access to advocacy services that promote each person’s rights, interests and well being. Note: Phoenix acknowledges that Phoenix staff cannot be advocates for service users/supported employees of Phoenix. 4b To uphold and promote the legal and human rights of each person Nambucca Valley Phoenix will: 4b.1 gain consent from each individual service user/supported employee, or their person responsible or legal representative, for medical treatments and interventions; 4b.2 provide opportunities for service users/supported employees to participate in the development and review of organisational policy and procedures that promote strategies for equality and upholding human rights; 4b.3 ensure management and staff have the knowledge and skills to implement reporting processes on incidents of alleged or known discrimination, abuse, neglect or exploitation; 4b.4 offer appropriate support to the service user/supported employee and their family or carer when they raise or pursue allegations of discrimination, abuse, neglect or exploitation; NVP Policy on Rights including Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality (Standard 1) Version February 2014 ajb 3 4c Nambucca Valley Phoenix will only collect information about the service user/supported employee that can be shown to be directly relevant to effective service delivery and the organisation’s duty of care responsibilities. In upholding an individual’s right to privacy, dignity and confidentiality Phoenix will: 4c.1 Seek the written consent of the service user/supported employee or family prior to obtaining information from any other source. For those who do not wish to sign the consent form, or restrict consent, NVP will: * explain carefully the need for certain consents and, where it continues to be withheld document the efforts to obtain consent and reason why consent was not given; 4c.2 Seek the written consent of the service user/supported employee or family prior to releasing information to any other source; 4c.3 Ensure that personal information is stored securely and is not left on view to unauthorised organisation staff or the general public; 4c.3 Ensure that only those organisational staff who need access to the above information will be granted access; 4c.4 Advise the service user/supported employee and family of the nature of the personal information that is held by the organisation about the service user/supported employee; 4c.5 Advise the service user/supported employee and family of their right to view the information that the organisation keeps in respect of the service user/supported employee; 4c.6 Ensure that personal information about a service user/supported employee is only held by the organisation as long as it is remains relevant to the delivery of effective services and the organisation’s duty of care obligations. 4c.7 Promptly investigate, remedy and document any consumer grievance regarding privacy, dignity or confidentiality. NVP Policy on Rights including Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality (Standard 1) Version February 2014 ajb 4 5. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The following performance standards must be met to: a. ensure that the procedures specified in Section 4 are implemented effectively; b. attain the following identified Key Performance Indicators – KP I Proportion of service users/supported employees who express that Nambucca Valley Phoenix promotes the rights of individuals; KPI 2 Nambucca Valley Phoenix has policies, procedures, and informational material that promotes the rights of individuals KPI 3 Proportion of service users/supported employees express that they are supported to exercise their rights all the time 5.1 All service user/supported employees and their families have been provided with a copy of the organisation’s Rights including Policy on Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality. 5.2 All employees have been provided with a copy of the organisation’s Policy on Rights including Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality and a staff copy of the policy is kept in each service outlet. 5.3 Service user/supported employees and families have been informed why the information sought is required by the organisation. 5.4 Authority to Release Information forms have been completed by service user/supported employees or families prior to information being collected from other sources. 5.5 The organisation maintains a service user/supported employee information system that houses all personal information pertaining to an individual service user/supported employee in the one locality. 5.6 Service user/supported employee files are stored in lockable filing cabinets in a nonpublic place in the office and files are returned to their proper location as soon as they are no longer required. 5.7 Service user/supported employee names or other identifying information is not displayed on whiteboards or notice boards that may be open to view by other service user/supported employees or the general public. 5.8 Photographic, video or other identifying images are not displayed or aired publicly without the written prior permission of the service user/supported employee or family. 5.9 Service user/supported employee files have been periodically reviewed to ensure that personal information that is no longer relevant, and unlikely to be relevant in the future, is culled from files. 5.10 Any grievances have been addressed in accordance with the privacy, dignity and confidentiality principles outlined in this policy and the Policy Feedback and Complaints (Standard 4). NVP Policy on Rights including Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality (Standard 1) Version February 2014 ajb 5 6. REVIEW OF THE POLICY This policy will be reviewed on a two yearly basis. However, if at any time the legislative, policy or funding environment is so altered that the policy is no longer appropriate in its current form, the policy will be reviewed immediately and amended accordingly. Information/References on Standard 1: Rights Legislative obligations Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Commonwealth) Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Commonwealth) Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 (NSW) Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993 (NSW) Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth) Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Commonwealth) Guardianship Act 1987 (NSW) Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW) Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) Public Health Act 1991 (NSW) Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Commonwealth) Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Commonwealth) For links to legislation refer to: or (Commonwealth legislation) (NSW legislation) Resources Australian Human Rights Commission Intellectual Disability Rights Service Legal Aid Anti Discrimination Board Guardianship Tribunal NSW Public Guardian NSW Trustee and Guardian NVP Policy on Rights including Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality (Standard 1) Version February 2014 ajb 6 Information on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Information on nutritional and behaviour management practices Behaviour Support Policy 2009 Nutrition and Swallowing Policy and Procedures 2010 Information on advocacy refer to Information on privacy refer to Privacy NSW Information and Privacy Commissioner Information on: refer to: complaint handling Community Handling Kit for Community Services NSW Ombudsman 2009, which can be accessed at Standard on feedback and complaints person centred approaches Standard on individual outcomes working with people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island (ATSI) communities Standard on individual outcomes working with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities Standard on individual outcomes working with children and young people Standard on feedback and complaints NVP Policy on Rights including Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality (Standard 1) Version February 2014 ajb 7
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