Trust Admin Use Only: Invited Objectives Attachments Budget Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Environmental Research Program Application Form Closing Date: 5pm 1 June 2012 General information a) Applications are by invitation only, based on expression of interest (EOI). You will need to read the Environmental Trust’s Guidelines for Applicants for Major Grants. See or phone (02) 8837 6093. b) Please answer every question. Where a question does not apply to your application, write ‘not applicable’ or preferably briefly explain why. c) Grants available: Minor category up to $100,000. Major category, in general up to $200,000. Section A – registration and administration A1 Insert your reference number Name of organisation 2012 / RD / Project title (maximum of 68 characters including spaces) A2 A3 Minor categories (maximum grant, $100,000) Biophysical or No Social Economic Biodiversity and Conservation Resource Efficiency and Sustainability Time frame - your project timeline and reporting to the Environmental Trust Proposed start date Your project cannot start before 1 January 2013 but must start before 01 March 2013 A progress report should be submitted for each year of the project. Reporting dates should be at month end e.g. 30/11/2013 Grants can be a maximum of 3 years duration Submit progress report 1 Submit progress report 2 Submit final report A5 Yes Project category – tick the category that best describes your project. Tick only ONE box Major category: Climate Change (in general not exceeding $200,000) A4 Is this project title the same as your EOI project title? Budget - amount you are seeking from the Environmental Trust Year 1 $ Year 2 $ Year 3 $ Major category grants in general should not exceed $200,000. Minor category grants cannot exceed $100,000 Total amount requested $ These amounts must equal the amounts in section C1 Note: if your project is more than a year in length, not all Trust funding can be received in year 1 Geographic reach (either specify particular LGA/s, CMA areas and electorates or write ‘statewide’ if your project has a statewide benefit). Main Local Government area/s A6 CMA area/s Central West State Electorate/s 1 Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form A7 Yes Has your organisation previously received Environmental Trust funding? or No If YES, please provide project reference number or name of project(s) Applicant details A8 Organisation’s details Name of organisation What is your ABN? Registered for GST Yes or No Postal address Suburb State Postcode Contact for correspondence - If University; provide Research Office contact A9 Title First Name Surname Position Fax Daytime phone (0 ) A10 (0 ) Email Contact details for Principal Investigator Title First Name Surname Position Email Daytime Phone (0 ) Mobile Fax (0 ) Administrator details (only if being administered by a different organisation) A11 Administrator Name of organisation Administrator’s ABN? Registered for GST Yes or No Postal address Suburb A12 State Contact details for Administrator Title First Name Surname Position Fax Daytime phone (0 ) A13 2 (0 ) Email Nominate one primary contact for correspondence Applicant A14 Postcode Administrator Are the contact details above the same as the contact details in your EOI? Environmental Research Program application form 2012 Yes or No Section B – details of project Questions B1 – B5 (relevant to assessment criterion 1 ‘Relevance and originality’) B1 Project description Please describe your environmental research project in 100 words or less. (Please note that this summary will be used for all promotional material relating to the grant, i.e. media, web site etc.) B2 Please explain your reasons for developing this project (include comment on knowledge/information gaps that the project seeks to fill) and why you/your team are best suited to deliver it. B3 Who will benefit from this new knowledge? (Include reference to which decisions and decision-makers this research will inform.) B4 What tangible environmental benefits could result from this research? Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form 3 B5 What are the objectives of this project? (Ensure you provide a list of objectives and not a list of activities and outputs). B6 What is innovative or original about your project? Questions B7 – B8 (relevant to assessment criterion 2 ‘Technical feasibility – soundness’) B7(a) 4 Please describe your research method/experimental design. (Include how you will monitor your progress against objectives, how you will analyse your data, and quality assurance and quality control procedures). Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form B7(b) What outcomes will your project achieve? Ensure these are measurable and tied to the project objectives listed in B5. B7(c) Summarise the literature and consultation used to develop your project B8(a) Please tell us your project timetable by year (or major stage) with dates against each task. Tell us how you will measure progress each year (or stage). Activities in each year should relate to the annual amounts requested (see section C1). Year 1/stage 1 Activities Team member(s) involved Completion date (dd/mm/yy) Submit first progress report (or final report) to Environmental Trust. How do you propose to measure progress and determine if activities are working towards achieving your objectives during the first year/stage? Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form 5 Year 2/stage 2 Activities Team member(s) involved Completion date (dd/mm/yy) Submit second progress report (or final report) to Environmental Trust. How do you propose to measure progress and determine if activities are working towards achieving your objectives during the second year/stage? Year 3/stage 3 Activities Team member(s) involved Completion date (dd/mm/yy) Submit final report (or final report) to Environmental Trust. How do you propose to measure progress and determine if activities are working towards achieving your objectives during the final year/stage? 6 Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form B8(b) What are some of the potential risks that could hinder progress on the project and how will you manage them? Risk factor How risk will be managed B8(c) If you have applied to another organisation for additional funding for this project or wish to use Trust funds as matching funds, please describe the likely impact on the nature or scale of your project if that application is unsuccessful and how you intend to mitigate that effect. Questions B9 – B11 (relevant to assessment criteria 3 & 5 ‘Dissemination’ and ‘Value for money’) B9 Dissemination In addition to the final report submitted to the Trust, how will you communicate the results of the research to people who could benefit from this knowledge? Include who you will be targeting and also include your communication expertise. B10 Will any part of the research be ‘commercial-in-confidence’? If the answer is ‘yes’, please provide an overview as to which parts are ‘commercial-in-confidence’ and which parts are ‘public good’. Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form 7 B11 Commercial output Will the results or product of the research be sold or licensed? Unit cost $ Retail price $ Estimated number of sales/licences Estimated profit (if any) from sales/licensing $ Questions B12 – B15 (relevant to assessment criteria 4 & 5, ‘Project team’ and ‘Value for money’) Project team – include people who will communicate results. Refer to page 6 of the Guidelines for Applicants for Major Grants before completing questions B12 (a), (b) and (c). Appropriate answers to be entered in the ‘Paid by whom?’ column are: Trust, Applicant, Combined or Other. You should submit a CV for all people who are conducting the research. B12(a) Project leader(s) Name B12(b) Job brief/ CV attached? Job/function Paid by whom? Job brief/ CV attached? Job/function Paid by whom? Job brief/ CV attached? Consultants/subcontractors Name 8 Paid by whom? Project employees Name B12(c) Job/function Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form B13 What selection criteria will you use to employ each project staff member and who will be making the selections? B14 What in-kind contributions (e.g. advice, analysis, equipment, labour) are being made to this project, either by your own organisation or by another? (Please include estimated value) Name (e.g. applicant, other organisation) Job/function $ Value if applicable B15 Please declare any real, potential or perceived conflict of interest you may be aware of and how you intend to manage the conflict. (Refer to page 9 of the Guidelines for Applicants for Major Grants) B16 If applicable, please list any specific issues from the EOI process that you were asked to address in your application and detail how you have addressed them. Please include both the question asked and your response. Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form 9 B17 It is a condition of your grant that you have adequate insurance cover including public liability insurance of $20 million, workers compensation and volunteer insurance. Please provide details of your insurance(s) below. Company Policy No/s Coverage Currency (expiry date) Section C – financial information This part of the Application Form is a separate Excel document and can be downloaded from our website. See ‘Application Form Excel – Financial Section’ Please complete the Excel document and submit it with this Application Form. Section D – referees We require two referees who can assess your project as part of the Trust’s peer review process. They must be available in the period 18 June to 13 July 2012. Referees should be external to your organisation and not actively involved in the project and be able to attest to your organisation’s capability to undertake the project, and the merits of the project. Referee 1 Organisation: Name: Phone no: (0 ) Mobile E-mail: Title/position: Fax no: (0 ) Referee 2 Organisation: Name: Phone no: (0 ) Mobile E-mail: Title/position: Fax no: 10 (0 ) Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form Section E – authorisations APPLICANT Community: Include the names of two office-bearers in your organisation (e.g. Chairperson, Treasurer, Chief Executive Officer or Executive Officer) who are able to attest to the accuracy of the information in the application. Government: Include the name of your General Manager or Chief Executive Officer who can attest to the accuracy of the information in the application. University: Include the name of the Head of School/Department AND Head of Research Office who can attest to the accuracy of the information in the application. Applicant authorisation 1 Applicant authorisation 2 Organisation: Organisation: Name: Name: Position: Position: Date: Date: ADMINISTRATOR (only necessary if the grant is being administered by another organisation) Please provide the name of a senior manager within the administering organisation who can confirm that the organisation is prepared to act as administrator should the application be successful. Administrator authorisation Organisation: Name: Position: Date: Section F – inquiries For any inquiries please contact: Street Address: The Program Administrator Environmental Trust Level 2, 1 Fitzwilliam St, PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 Phone: (02) 8837 6093 Email: Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form 11 Section G – submission details Use the following checklist to make sure that your application is complete and accurately represents your project. You should read the Guidelines for Applicants for Major Grants, particularly those sections covering the objectives of the Trust and the program, eligibility, assessment criteria and GST. Grant application check list Answer all the questions in the application. Type only in the spaces provided in the application form. The boxes provided for answers to questions are a set size; the boxes will not expand to accommodate additional text if you continue to type beyond the bottom of the text box. Please ensure answers to questions are fully contained within the limits of the text boxes. Do not make your application longer than 10 pages. Complete and attach Section C – Financial Information to this document. If applicable, attach only A4-size maps and pages, and clearly show the location and size of the area (including a scale). Attach all required supporting information: CVs (curricula vitae, maximum 2-page summary), briefs and job descriptions, letter(s) confirming other funding. Additional information should be kept to a minimum. DO NOT fax any part of your application. Submit your application by the closing date – 5pm 1 June 2012. Submit your entire application by ONE of the methods below. (i.e. DO NOT email AND post) Email to: If emailing your application, ensure you email your entire application, including all attachments, e.g. maps; CVs. Trust staff will not attach posted information to emailed applications. Therefore, if you cannot email your entire application, including attachments, please use post or hand delivery. NB: Emailed applications must not be larger than 10MB including all attachments. Please email the application form as a Word document and the budget spreadsheet as an Excel document (DO NOT PDF). Attachments can be emailed as Word, Excel or PDF documents. The Administrator Environmental Trust PO Box 644 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Post to: Hand deliver to: Environmental Trust Level 2, 1 Fitzwilliam St PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 If posting your application please send 2 copies of your application form and attachments to the Trust. Do not bind or staple your application or attachments. Colour printing is not required. If hand delivering your application please deliver 2 copies of your application form and attachments to the Trust. Do not bind or staple your application or attachments. Colour printing is not required. Any Application that is late, incomplete or ineligible will not be considered. Published by the NSW Environmental Trust, PO Box 644, Parramatta 2124 Phone: 02 8837 6093 Fax: 02 8837 6099 Email: Website: OEH 2012/0005 December 2011 12 Environmental Research Program 2012 – Application Form
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