Safety Management System Manual CHC Controlled Document no.1 Issued: 14th of August 2013 Date last updated: 19 June 2014 This manual outlines the structure of Cowes Harbour Commissions Safety Management System. Furthermore, it describes in detail the key functions and responsibilities of the Commission, and contains advice for its officers on fulfilling those duties in a way that is commensurate with best practice(s). Amendment Record Amendment Number Amendment Date Revision History 1/2013 24/08/2013 SMS reviewed in 2013 by Marine Officer and Deputy Harbour Master. 1/2014 12/05/2014 SMS Reviewed in 2014 by the Deputy Harbour Master. 2/2014 12/05/2014 Section 7 - Risk Assessment Chapter Replaced with details of the HAZMAN II software. 3/2014 12/05/2014 Accident and Incident Forms deleted from Annexes and replaced with new combined form available from 4/2014 26/05/2014 Navigational Safety Policy Inserted i Amendment Record ............................................................................................................... i Section 1 - Background ..................................................................................................... 1-1 Section 2 - Introduction ..................................................................................................... 2-1 Section 3 - Accountability for Marine Safety .................................................................... 3-1 Operational Responsibilities of the CHC Officers ........................................................... 3-1 Section 4 - Schedule of Policies ........................................................................................ 4-1 Section 5 - Harbour Authority Duties and Powers ........................................................... 5-1 General Duties and Powers .............................................................................................. 5-1 Harbour authority powers ................................................................................................. 5-3 Reviewing Existing Powers ............................................................................................... 5-6 Section 6 - Specific Duties and Powers and Risk Control Measures ............................. 6-1 Directions (usually referred to as special directions) ..................................................... 6-1 General Directions (GDs) .................................................................................................. 6-2 Byelaws .............................................................................................................................. 6-2 Incidents threatening pollution or safety......................................................................... 6-3 Vessel traffic services ....................................................................................................... 6-6 Pilotage .............................................................................................................................. 6-6 Ship towage ....................................................................................................................... 6-7 The General Lighthouse Authorities ................................................................................ 6-8 Section 7 - The Risk Assessment ...................................................................................... 7-1 Defining Risk ..................................................................................................................... 7-2 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 7-2 Navigation Risk Assessment Methodology ..................................................................... 7-3 Permit to Work ................................................................................................................ 7-10 Section 8 - Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences ................................... 8-1 ii Incidents Involving Death or Crime .................................................................................. 8-2 National Regulatory Framework ...................................................................................... 8-3 Statutory Reporting Requirements .................................................................................. 8-5 Local CHC Reporting Requirements (marine accidents, haz incidents, injuries) ......... 8-5 Purpose and Conduct of Marine Incident Investigations ............................................... 8-6 Reporting Accidents to the MAIB ..................................................................................... 8-9 Summary Reporting Procedures .................................................................................... 8-12 Accident Investigation..................................................................................................... 8-17 Legal Framework for Non-Marine Accidents and Occurrences ................................... 8-20 Section 9 - Emergency Preparedness and Response ..................................................... 9-1 Oil Pollution and Dangerous Vessels ............................................................................... 9-2 National and Other Plans ................................................................................................. 9-5 Section 10 - Regulation and Management of Navigation ............................................ 10-1 Public Right to Navigate ................................................................................................. 10-1 Existing Controls.............................................................................................................. 10-3 Harbour Service(s) .......................................................................................................... 10-9 Recreational Navigation .............................................................................................. 10-10 Section 11 - Conservancy .............................................................................................. 11-1 Section 12 - Pilotage ...................................................................................................... 12-1 The Competent Harbour Authority ................................................................................. 12-1 Pilotage Exemption Certificates ..................................................................................... 12-9 Section 13 - Auditing & Reviewing Performance .......................................................... 13-1 The Audit & Review Process ........................................................................................... 13-2 Section 14 ANNEX A. Document Control ..................................................................................... 14-3 Organisational Structure ................................................................................ A-1 iii iv Section 1 - Background Cowes Harbour is a ‘trust port’, controlled by the independent statutory body Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC), and governed by Cowes Harbour Acts 1897-2012 and various other relevant statute laws, common laws, and fiduciary duties. As a trust port, ‘there are no shareholders or owner(s)’… and through the commercial undertakings of CHC ‘any financial surplus is ploughed back into the port for the benefit of the stakeholders of the trust port’ (Modernising Trust Ports [Second Edition] ii. Background, 2009). Also relevant to undertakings of CHC, is ‘The Port Marine Safety Code’ (PMSC, latest edition 2012) which ‘applies to all harbour authorities in the UK that have statutory powers and duties’. The PMSC has established the principle of a national standard for every aspect of port marine safety; and since its publication, CHC has maintained a policy of measuring its performance in relation to this code (see Chapter 3 - CHC Schedule of Policies). A significant requirement of the PMSC is to ‘develop an effective marine safety management system (SMS), which employs formal risk assessment techniques’ to ‘eliminate or reduce risks to as low as reasonably practicable’. A SMS, in the context of the PMSC, is intended to ‘manage the hazards and risks’ of the port, and to confirm that ‘preparations for emergencies’, that the port is likely to experience, are appropriate and proportional to risk(s). The PMSC ‘relies upon the principle that all harbours will base their policies, procedures, and control measures relating to marine operations, on a formal assessment of hazards and risks to marine operations’ (A Guide to Good Practice on Port Marine Operations, 2013). This is representative of a trend in recent decades to move away from prescriptive rules, and focus instead on implementing appropriate controls based on an assessment of the risks. 1-1 Section 2 - Introduction This manual sets out the provisions of the Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) Safety Management System (SMS). Background of the SMS The SMS is the formalised on-going process of implementing, maintaining, reviewing, and improving the management control mechanisms in place for the safety of navigation and marine operations within the jurisdiction of CHC (see figure 1 below). Figure 1 illustrates the jurisdiction of Cowes Harbour Commission. 2-1 Summary and Principles of the CHC SMS One of CHCs objectives is to ‘manage effectively the safety of the harbour’ (Cowes Harbour Commission Annual Report 2011/12). Managing the safety of the harbour is one of CHC’s primary objectives, and in this respect CHC takes a proactive approach. The PMSC has established a set of minimum standards which all ports are expected to comply with. A very clear requirement of this code is that a SMS will be developed, implemented, and maintained; this manual describes and explains how CHC achieves this. The SMS developed by CHC is applicable to its duties as both a Statutory/Competent Harbour Authority. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE, 1997) outlines the essential components of any SMS, irrespective of its particular application (see figure 2). Figure 2 Key elements of the CHC safety management system With figure 2 in mind, the functional requirements of the CHC SMS include: 1. A safety and environmental protection policy (See CHC Schedule of Policies); 2. Defined levels of authority and lines of communication between, and amongst, CHC personnel; 3. Instructions and procedures for staff, stakeholders, and harbour users, to ensure the safe management of the port area and the environment; 4. Procedures for internal audits and reviews. 2-2 The objectives of the CHC SMS are therefore to: 1. Ensure safe practices in port operations through effective communication across all levels of the organisation and stakeholders regarding port safety; 2. Establish safeguards against identifiable risk(s) by identifying any risk(s) concerning the safety of navigation and implement suitable controls through ongoing assessments of the identifiable risk(s); 3. Continuously improve the management of safety within the harbour so that the SMS remains effective and efficient (fit for purpose). 4. Ensure that provisions for emergency situations, which are appropriate and proportional to the risk(s), are in place and ready for use. Cowes Harbour and its Port Marine Safety Requirements Cowes Harbour is the largest port on the Isle of Wight, and handled approximately 227,000 tonnes of cargo and approximately 3,000,000 passengers, in 2012. Additionally, Cowes is a popular destination for sailors and leisure craft, and plays host to a relatively large number of sailing and recreational events throughout the year. CHC has to therefore liaise with and manage a diverse range of commercial interests and stakeholders. Each stakeholder offers a different viewpoint and it is for CHC to manage the potential conflicts of interest safely. CHC under the guide to good governance facilitates a CHC Advisory Committee. This committee provides an authoritative forum which promotes communication between stakeholders and recommendations to CHC’s board of Commissioners. 2-3 Section 3 - Accountability for Marine Safety The Code clearly states that the ‘executive and operational responsibilities for marine safety must be clearly assigned, and those entrusted with these responsibilities must be answerable for their performance’; this chapter identifies who is accountable for port safety in Cowes harbour waters and their approaches. The Board of Commissioners as the duty holder, on behalf of the harbour authority is accountable for managing operations within the port safely and efficiently. CHC has appointed the Deputy Harbour Master as the Port Safety Officer. The Port Safety Officer is tasked with the day to day management of safety within the Port of Cowes. The Commissioner for Safety, Security & Environment, acts as the ‘Designated Person’ and provides independent assurances to the Board on matters concerning safety. Operational Responsibilities of the CHC Officers The key to effective discharge of the functions described in the Port Marine Safety Code is the development and operation of this marine safety management system for marine operations. That in turn depends upon a clear assignment and organisation of relevant executive and operational responsibilities to the authority's officers. The Duty Holder The Cowes Harbour Commission Board of Commissioners shall accept responsibility for ensuring Cowes Harbour Authority discharges its duties and powers to the appropriate standard. Board members are collectively and individually responsible for the proper exercise of their authority’s legal duties. It follows clearly that it and they are severally and collectively the ‘duty holder’. Board members may not abdicate accountability on the grounds that they do not have particular skills. They retain strategic oversight and direction in all aspects of the harbour. They shall ensure that all powers are discharged but not exceeded. 3-1 The role of the duty holder includes: Maintaining strategic oversight and direction of all aspects of the harbour operation, including marine safety; Responsibility for the development of policies, plans, systems and procedures for safe navigation; Ensuring that assessments and reviews are undertaken as required, to maintain and improve marine safety; Ensuring that the harbour authority seeks and adopts appropriate powers for the effective enforcement of their regulations, and for setting dues at a level, which adequately funds the discharge of all their duties. Cowes Harbour Commission has the power to appoint a harbour master, to authorise pilots, and may properly entrust the operation of the harbour to such professional people; but the duty holder cannot assign or delegate its accountability for compliance with the Code. All board members should take time to gain an appropriate insight and understanding of the port’s marine activities, marine safety management system and supporting systems. This can be accommodated through briefings and operational visits. CHC, holds itself publicly accountable for the duties they have to the public interest, these duties are primary. The Board is accountable for the standards they set, the resources they allocate to safety and for the effectiveness of systems they choose to adopt. The Board members approach to safety will be judged by the decisions they make. The Designated Person Cowes Harbour Authority has appointed the Commissioner for Safety, Security, and Environment as the designated person to provide independent assurance directly to the duty holder that the marine safety management system, for which the duty holder is responsible, is working effectively. His main responsibility is to determine, through assessment and audit, and whether or not the marine SMS is in compliance with the Code. In order to fulfil this function the designated person must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the requirements of this code (and supporting Guide to Good Practice) and associated port and marine legislation. Their role does not obscure the accountability of the authority and its board members. 3-2 Chief Executive/Harbour Master The Chief Executive is accountable for the operational and financial control of the authority. The CE/HM will advise the authority on all matters related to its duties and powers, with appropriate advice from other officers. He or she will: a. Oversee the implementation of its policies and decisions; b. Have overall executive responsibility for the safety of operations and staff; and; c. Will oversee the recruitment and training of staff. The harbour master has day-to-day responsibility for the safe operation of navigation and other marine activities in the harbour and its approaches. The post holder must be competent and a suitably qualified person, with sufficient experience for the role. They must also be competent to undertake other relevant duties, in relation to Health & Safety at Work and Merchant Shipping legislation. The Harbour Master: a. Has powers of direction to regulate the time and manner of ships' entry to, departure from and movement within the harbour waters, and related marine safety purposes. b. Ensures the co-ordination and regulation of all vessels within the harbour and its approaches. He may also be responsible for developing and implementing emergency plans and procedures, for regulating dangerous goods in transit on ships and for counter-pollution and waste disposal plans. In relation to the authority's conservancy duties, the harbour master has overall responsibility for the provision and maintenance of aids to navigation (see Chapter on Conservancy). The Authority's Officers The appointment of officers is a matter for the authority. Delegations must be clear, formal and must not obscure the accountability of the authority and its board members. It is important that: a. Executive and operational responsibilities are appropriately assigned to properly trained people, b. If some of the functions are combined, a proper separation of safety and commercial activities needs to be maintained; and 3-3 c. All employees must have training that is appropriate for their level of responsibility. Within Cowes Harbour Commission the following officers are appointed: Harbour Master is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day management of the harbour but these duties may be delegated to the Deputy Harbour Master. Port Safety Officer is the Deputy Harbour Master, who is responsible for the operational implementation of the Code and the Marine SMS, and ensuring that safe working practices are written, followed and reviewed. Cowes Pilots are responsible for implementing the competent pilotage service that is provided by the authority to individual vessels visiting the port. Berthing Masters are responsible for the local enforcement of the authorities General Directions, Byelaws and Local Notice to Mariners by giving advice, directions and warnings where appropriate. Marine Services Manager is responsible for the Commissions commercial activities and is reportable to the Harbour Master and to the Port Safety Officer on any matters relating to safety. Marine Officer appointed to assist the Deputy Harbour Master in their role as the Port Safety Officer. Delegations are no substitute for the duty holder being directly involved in safety management. Therefore, at least one principal officer, holding delegated responsibilities for safety, should attend board meetings. 3-4 Section 4 - Schedule of Policies General Management The Harbour Authority will support the commercial and recreational activities of the Port of Cowes through the provision of appropriate services at competitive cost, and the safe and efficient regulation of shipping / users within Harbour limits. The ‘Designated Person' is the Commissioner who holds the Safety Portfolio. The policy of the Board of Commissioners and Management is to: i. Manage the assets of the Harbour Authority safely, economically and efficiently; ii. Maintain harbour craft and equipment to the highest industry standards; iii. Pursue modern, cost effective methods of dredging and surveying; iv. Train operational staff to the highest professional standards; and v. Ensure that their staff is properly trained in emergency and contingency procedures. Cowes Harbour Navigational Safety Policy Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has a primary responsibility to enable the safety of navigation within Cowes harbour and the River Medina north of the Folly Inn. To this end, it is Board policy that CHC shall: Maintain an effective navigational Safety Management System based on a continuing, formal assessment and mitigation of risk in consultation with river users; i. Review regularly the effectiveness of, and if necessary seek amendments to, its legal powers, Byelaws and Directions in respect of navigational safety; ii. Provide appropriate pilotage services in accordance with the Pilotage Act 1987; iii. Make and publish hydrographic surveys; iv. Undertake maintenance dredging as appropriate; v. Remove sunken vessels and other obstructions that may impede safe navigation; 4-1 vi. Provide all necessary aids to navigation within port limits vii. Promulgate effectively navigational, tidal and other relevant information to all port and river users; viii. Provide effective management and co-ordination in respect of the CHC’s response to emergency incidents within its area of jurisdiction; ix. Consult widely with port and river users and other relevant stakeholders in respect of navigational safety issues and proposed changes to navigational arrangements; x. Ensure, through risk assessment that the licensing of works takes due regard of the safety of navigation; xi. Investigate all navigational incidents and near misses to a proportionate level to ensure that any future lessons are identified to inform the risk assessment processes. Enforcement & Prosecution Policy Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) is responsible under the Port Marine Safety Code for the effective enforcement of its regulations, which are adopted in order to assist in managing the safety of navigation within the port. In this Policy, enforcement comprises the promulgation of regulation and guidance, effective surveillance, incident investigation, and where appropriate formal warning and prosecution. Our policy is based on education in the first instance and generally only reverting to prosecution for repeat offenders, for offences bringing significant risk of serious injury or loss of life or for when users threaten or abuse our staff members. Where appropriate, and where empowered to do so, CHC will prosecute offenders for committing criminal offences, including those set out in the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 and in ancillary regulations and byelaws. To this end, it is Board policy that CHC shall: i. Maintain through regular reviews, an effective regulatory framework, which is integrated with relevant national legislation and includes local regulation resulting from risk assessment, or as otherwise made necessary; ii. Ensure that CHC regulations and associated guidance are widely promulgated; 4-2 iii. Develop and maintain effective enforcement procedures, which comply with relevant national legal requirements and guidelines; iv. Develop and maintain effective investigation procedures for use in the event of a navigational incident, which support CHC enforcement procedures, but also meet the requirements of the navigational Safety Management System in respect of identifying and promulgating any ‘lessons learned’; v. Ensure that all staff involved in an incident investigation, or who are required to follow CHC enforcement procedures, receive effective and relevant training; vi. Maintain an effective surveillance and spot check regime, to monitor compliance with, and detect breaches of, relevant national and CHC regulations; vii. Respond to breaches of regulation, where justified by the evidence and other circumstances, by the use of formal warnings and legal prosecution; viii. When bringing prosecutions observe the Code for Crown Prosecutors and evidential Codes in so far as appropriate; ix. Manage the progress of enforcement activities, including incident investigations and prosecutions, and the maintenance of appropriate records. Safety and Environmental Protection The Harbour Master is responsible for the implementation of the marine safety management system but delegates the day-to-day responsibility to the Deputy Harbour Master in his role as the Port Safety Officer. The Harbour Authority will discharge its general and specific statutory duties in respect of: i. The regulation of traffic and safety of navigation within Harbour limits; ii. The conservancy of the Harbour and its seaward approaches; iii. The protection of the environment within the Harbour and its surroundings; and iv. Ensuring so far as reasonably practicable the safety at work of its employees and other persons who may be affected by its activities; 4-3 And for these purposes will: i. Facilitate the safe movement of vessels and craft into, out of, and within the Harbour; ii. Carry out the functions of the Harbour Authority with special regard to their possible impact on the environment; i. Prevent acts of omissions which may cause personal injury to employees or others, or damage to the environment; ii. Create and promote an interest and awareness in employees and others with respect to safety and protection of the environment; and iii. Take a leading role in the implementation of any management plan. Competence standards Under the PMSC, all persons involved in the management and execution of marine services should be qualified and trained to the appropriate standard. Cowes Harbour Authority assesses the fitness and competence of all persons appointed to positions with responsibility for safe navigation using the most appropriate means available, Achieving marine port safety is a team operation and Cowes Harbour Authority recognises that the people in these roles must be competent and adequately trained. Agents and Joint Arrangements The Pilotage Act provides for the delegation of certain Harbour Authority functions or the establishment of joint arrangements with other Harbour Authorities in order to exercise given functions. Where applicable the Harbour Authority will ensure that any such arrangements are formally organised in a manner that provides for associated statutory obligations. Pilotage The Harbour Authority shall be accountable for its statutory duty to provide a pilotage service; and for keeping the need for pilotage and the service provided under constant and formal review. 4-4 The Harbour Authority shall therefore exercise control over the provision of the service, including the use of pilotage directions, and the recruitment, authorisation, examination, employment status, and training of pilots. Pilotage shall be fully integrated with other port safety services under Harbour Authority control. Authorised pilots are accountable to their authorising authority for the use they make of their authorisations: the Harbour Authority has a signed agreement in place with its authorised pilots, regulating the conditions under which they work including procedures for resolving disputes. Pilotage Exemption Certificates The Harbour Authority will issue Pilotage Exemption Certificates to appropriately qualified mariners who are the bona fide Master of Chief Officer of a vessel. The standards for exemption certificates must not be more onerous than those required for an authorised pilot; but they should be equivalent. Exemption certificate holders and their employers are accountable to the Cowes Harbour Authority for the proper use of any certificate. The Harbour Authority shall have formal written agreements with certificate holders and their employers to regulate the use of certificates, these agreements are contained within the Pilotage Directions. Health and Safety at Work Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees. CHC recognises its responsibility to its employees and will do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure their health, safety and welfare at work. CHC will, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that the health and safety of other persons is not put at risk by its undertaking. 4-5 The CHC Board of Commissioners give matters of health and safety equal importance to those of economy and productivity. Improvement in health and safety performance year after year is one of CHC's main business objectives. The CHC Board of Commissioners believes that injuries and ill health suffered at work can be prevented through effective management control and action. CHC will provide health and safety information, instruction and training to its employees at all levels. The CHC Board of Commissioners will monitor the implementation of this Policy and the performance of health and safety. CHC will provide competent resources in the field of health and safety to provide guidance to managers. CHC seeks co-operation from all employees in matters of health and safety at work. We are all directly responsible for health and safety at work. CHC, through its health and safety programmes, will promote off-the-job health and safety amongst its employees. CHC intends to set high standards in the industry. CHC recognises the important and valuable role played by staff safety representatives. Safety Committees will be set up to facilitate consultation on health and safety issues. CHC will review the Company's Health and Safety Policy on a regular basis, and at least once per annum. Safety Assessment and Management The Harbour Authority approach to safety assessment and management is aimed at enhancing marine safety within its jurisdiction, including protection of life, health, the marine environment and property. The ‘ALARP' Principle (As Low as Reasonably Practicable). The Harbour Authority will, so far as is practicable take measures to eliminate any risks identified, through the assessment / review process as intolerable. 4-6 Risk Assessment The Harbour Authority has undertaken a formal, documented marine risk assessment of the port and established a system designed to review the findings of the assessments continuously. The risk assessment process provides a means of checking the existence and sufficiency of measures that are already in place as part of marine operational practices to prevent, minimise, or at least contain, a hazardous incident. The risk assessment and implementation of safety management arrangements provide a means of formal identification of safety issues, ratification of control measures, and auditable management control so as to assess system effectiveness. The Harbour Authority will monitor its performance in relation to port-marine safety. The process of port marine safety assessment is continuous and therefore will be a living and evolving system. This will ensure that new hazards and changing risks are properly identified and addressed. A strong commitment is needed to ensure continuous improvement involving the constant development of policies, systems and techniques of risk control. It will therefore need to be effectively managed and maintained to remain effective and to change with the changes in both the internal and external environment. All final decisions about risk control methods will take into account relevant legislation, minimum standards, cost benefit analysis and human factors. In considering the safe operation and management of the Port of Cowes, the CHA will monitor and review its performance against a number of predetermined indicators, which will be derived from the port's risk assessment reporting system. Cowes Harbour Commission maintains risk assessments covering all identified marine risks; these risk assessments are reviewed at least once per year and when any significant change occurs or after an incident, accident or near miss. 4-7 Good Practice The Harbour Authority will ensure that the safety management system is prepared and updated with reference to the Port Marine Safety Code and the Guide to Good Practice on Marine Operations in Ports. Stakeholder Consultation The Harbour Authority will seek to consult with all Harbour users and interested parties when considering port marine safety related matters. This will be done using the CHC website and the Advisory Committee. Cowes Recreational Users: Cowes Yacht Haven East Cowes Marina Royal Yacht Squadron Royal London Yacht Club Royal Corinthian Yacht Club Island Sailing Club East Cowes Sailing Club the Royal Ocean Racing Club Gurnard Sailing Club Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club Cowes Combined Clubs UKSA Cowes Harbour Advisory Committee: Cowes Harbour will hold an Advisory Committee Meeting, chaired by a nominated chairman every three months. The following organisations are represented on the committee: Commercial Wharfs Cowes Town Waterfront Trust Cowes Business Association Cowes Clubs and Classes Assoc. Cowes Marine Cluster Cowes Town Council East Cowes Town Council Medina Combined Clubs Red Funnel Group Newport Harbour Authority Dean and Reddyhoff Cowes Sailing Schools 4-8 Pilotage Operational Meetings At a minimum of every six months (although any item may be discussed at any time) a meeting is held between the Harbour Master and the Cowes Pilot’s representative to discuss any of the following: Matters arising from operations and risk assessment forms; Pilot and ship statistics; Pilot launch operations; and Any other matters. Solent Pilotage Co-ordination Committee Held quarterly, with membership consisting of the Harbour Authorities of: Cowes Southampton Portsmouth (Commercial) Portsmouth (HM Dockyard) Langstone Solent Forum Solent Forum is a partnership of over 50 organisations that share a commitment to the unique marine environment of the Solent. The Solent Forum was formed in 1992 and has published a ‘Strategic Guidance for the Solent’, which aims to ensure that all the issues relating to the use of the Solent are fully understood and managed in an informed and environmentally effective manner. Solent European Marine Site (SEMS) The Solent European Marine Sites (SEMS) is a collective name, which covers internationally important areas in the Solent. It includes areas designated under the EU Habitats Directive as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), areas designated under the EU Birds Directive as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and areas designated as Ramsar sites. The Directive requires that all European sites are sustainable in order to protect the features for which the area has been designated. 4-9 The Habitats Regulations outline specific provisions which need to be considered for new ‘Plans and Projects' in European sites. The Habitats Regulations identify specific provisions for European marine sites including methods for considering the management of ‘on-going activities' through the production of a management scheme for each European marine site. ABP Cowes is one of the relevant authorities involved in the European Marines Sites Management scheme for Cowes Water, as well as providing funding for a SEMS website and Project Officer. SEMS Management Scheme The relevant authorities responsible for the SEMS are working together to produce a management scheme. The management scheme will guide the way in which relevant authorities will exercise their functions so as to secure compliance with the requirements of the Habitats Directive Management Group (MG) The SEMS MG is made up of all relevant authorities in the Solent including the Harbour Authorities, Local Authorities, Sea Fisheries Committees, English Nature, MMO, Trinity House and Southern Water. Conservancy The Harbour Authority will endeavour to conserve the harbour to ensure it is reasonably fit for use as a port, taking reasonable care to ensure that it is in a fit condition for a vessel to resort to it. Hydrography The Harbour Authority will use all appropriate means to find, mark and monitor the best navigable channel or channels in the Harbour. The Authority will promulgate, as appropriate, relevant hydrographic information associated with its ports and harbours, including information relating to navigational hazards. 4-10 Admiralty Charts The Harbour Authority will seek to work closely with the Hydrographic Office to ensure that relevant information required for inclusion within Admiralty Charts and publications is proactively made available. Local Lighthouse Authority Dues The Harbour Authority, in its role as a local lighthouse authority, will seek to maintain applicable aids to navigation in accordance with the availability criteria laid down by the General Lighthouse Authorities. Tugs The Harbour Authority will ensure that, where applicable, appropriate guidance is provided for the use of tugs, including recommendations on the number of tugs required where appropriate. Vessel Traffic Services The Harbour Authority will determine, through a process of formal risk assessment, circumstances in which a functional radar vessel traffic service should be established and operated in accordance with internationally agreed guidelines. Cowes Harbour is located in the central Solent and is bordered on both approaches by the Port of Southampton and any vessel bound for Cowes benefits from the coverage of Southampton VTS. Prevailing Conditions The Harbour Authority will ensure, so far as practicable, that information is made available regarding prevailing and forecast meteorological conditions and, where necessary, their effect on the operation of the Harbour. Enforcement The Harbour Authority will monitor and, where appropriate, actively enforce, compliance with the Port of Cowes General Directions, Byelaws and Special Directions. 4-11 It is to be noted that an apparent contravention of such byelaws or directions may result in the prosecution of the offender. Collision Regulations The Harbour Authority will, where necessary, seek to ensure that the Port of Cowes General Directions provide for circumstances that the collision regulations do not consider. Dangerous Vessels The Harbour Authority will ensure that due notice is provided to the directions that may need to be given in relation to a dangerous vessel that may wish to enter the Harbour. Waiving Directions The Harbour Authority acknowledges the need for directions to be carefully drafted to ensure that special circumstances in which they would otherwise apply are properly covered. Emergency Planning and Prevention of Pollution The Harbour Authority will ensure that appropriately detailed emergency plans are published and periodically exercised, such plans included: Oil Pollution Response Plan Emergency Plan Crisis Management Plan Works in Harbours The Harbour Authority will ensure that its marine safety management systems have appropriate provision for works undertaken in the harbour, in particular for the regulation of dredgers and other craft associated with such works. 4-12 Wrecks The Harbour Authority will ensure that its marine safety management systems require a risk assessment to be undertaken of any wreck in, or in the approaches to the Harbour, which may cause a danger to navigation. Moorings The Harbour Authority will make appropriate use of mooring plans and, where practicable, ensure that mooring parties meet the industry's competence standards. 4-13 Section 5 - Harbour Authority Duties and Powers General Duties and Powers For the purposes of the PMSC, the Board of Commissioners as the duty holder will ensure that the harbour authority discharges its responsibilities to: Take reasonable care, so long as the harbour is open for the public use, that all who may choose to navigate in it may do so without danger to their lives or property; Conserve and promote the safe use of the harbour; and prevent loss or injury caused by the authority’s negligence; Have regard to efficiency, economy and safety of operation as respects the services and facilities provided. Take such action that is necessary or desirable for the maintenance, operation, improvement or conservancy of the harbour. In addition, the duty holder must ensure that enough resources are available to discharge their marine safety obligations and set the level of dues accordingly. ‘Open port duty’ Cowes Harbour Commissions statutory powers are subject to what is called the ‘open port duty’. This means that the harbour, dock, or pier must be open to anyone for the shipping and unshipping of goods and the embarking and landing of passengers, on payment of the rates and other conditions set by the local legislation for that port. This provision is fundamental to the statutory powers of harbour authorities. The provision of harbour facilities is of the nature of a monopoly created by Parliament and undertakers benefiting from the powers conferred are obliged to serve the public interest in certain specified ways. The shipper of goods has a right to bring them on 5-1 to the dock premises and through these premises to the ship on which they are shipped. The dock company can reasonably regulate the order and place of shipping so long as they do not destroy or unreasonably limit the shipper’s right to ship. Conservancy duty Cowes harbour authority has a duty to conserve the harbour so that it is fit for use as a port, and a duty of reasonable care to see that the harbour is in a fit condition for a vessel to utilise it safely. Cowes harbour authority provides users with adequate information about conditions in the harbour. This duty covers several specific requirements: a) To survey as regularly as necessary and find the best navigable channels. As a minimum the whole of the CHC area of jurisdiction is surveyed at intervals not exceeding 3 years. Additional surveys may be conducted if deemed necessary this includes in and around commercial wharves, marinas and areas where works have taken place. The results of all bathymetric surveys are supplied to the UK Hydrographic Office for the updating of navigational charts. b) To place and maintain navigation marks in the optimum positions, which are suitable for all conditions. CHC ensures that an inspection and maintenance program of the navigation marks within Cowes Harbour is undertaken c) To keep a ‘vigilant watch’ for any changes in the sea or riverbed affecting the channel or channels and move or review the navigation marks as appropriate; d) To keep proper hydrographic and hydrological records; e) To ensure that hydrographic information is published in a timely manner; and f) To provide regular returns and other information about the authorities’ local aids to navigation as the General Lighthouse Authority may require. Where Cowes harbour authority has established that there is a certain depth of water at a part of the harbour over which vessels may be obliged to pass, it will use reasonable care to provide that the approaches to that part are sufficient, under normal conditions, or give warning that the advertised depth has not been maintained. CHC will supply the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) with information that may be needed for their Admiralty charts and other publications. 5-2 Environmental duty Cowes harbour authority has a general duty to exercise their functions with regard to nature conservation and other related environmental considerations and may where appropriate seek additional powers for these purposes. CHC also has an obligation, where a Special Protection Area for Birds or a Special Area of Conservation has been designated under the Wild Birds or Habitats Directives, to have regard to the requirements of the Habitats Directive so far as they may be affected by the exercise of those functions. Cowes harbour authority also has to comply with The Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, which strengthened the requirement for public bodies, including statutory undertakers, to have regard for bio-diversity in undertaking their activities. Civil contingencies duty The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 provides a framework for civil protection in the event of an emergency that threatens serious damage to human welfare, the environment or security. Cowes harbour authority is classified as a category 2 “cooperating body”, and is involved in the associated planning work, and will be heavily involved in incidents that affect the port. Cowes harbour authority is responsible for co-operating and sharing relevant information with Category 1 (emergency services and local authorities) and other Category 2 responders. Harbour authority powers Cowes harbour authority has the power to make the use of services and facilities provided by them at the harbour subject to the terms and conditions as they think fit. The Harbour Authority will keep its powers and the extent of its jurisdiction under review to ensure that they are appropriate for maintaining the overall safety of the port, promoting changes where necessary. Revising duties and powers A harbour revision order can be used to amend statutory powers to the authority’s local legislation. It can be used to achieve various outcomes, one of which is to 5-3 impose or confer additional duties or powers on the harbour authority. It can also be used in the context of the Code to substitute or amend existing duties and powers. It could be used for the purpose of (but not limited to): a) Improving, maintaining or managing the harbour (including harbour reorganisation schemes); b) Marking or lighting the harbour, raising wrecks or otherwise making navigation safer; or c) Regulating the activities of other individuals and groups in connection with the harbour and the marine/shore side interface. d) Extending controls into the approaches of a harbour (for example, to extend compulsory pilotage beyond the harbour). Harbour orders are made by the Secretary of State in England. Before making an order, the appropriate Minister will need to be satisfied that the order would: a) Secure the improvement, maintenance or management of the harbour in an efficient and economical manner; or b) Facilitate the efficient and economic transport of goods by sea; or c) Be in the interests of sea-going leisure vessels. There are similar provisions for varying or abolishing such powers. Dues Cowes harbour authority has powers to collect dues from users and should raise enough to provide resources to enable them to pay for the discharge of their statutory functions. Members of the harbour board are responsible for ensuring that adequate resources are provided to its officers to enable them to operate the policies, procedures and systems effectively. It is obligatory for the purposes of meeting the standards in the Code that measures are taken to reduce all risk associated with port marine operations to a tolerable degree, and even where this remains impossible the risk should be made to be ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ (ALARP). This includes adequate resource for training. There should be no presumption that dues levied on 5-4 a specific group or type of user should be exclusively reinvested in improving services and facilities on offer to that user. Pilotage Charges The Cowes Pilotage authority may make reasonable charges in respect of any vessel subject to its pilotage directions. Such charges apply to vessels with an authorised pilot aboard, or to vessels where the master or first mate hold a pilotage exemption certificate in respect of the area and vessel in question. Charges may include: Charges for the services of an authorised pilot; Charges for expenses incurred by the pilot in providing his services; Penalties for failure to keep an estimated arrival or departure time; Charges for providing, maintaining and operating a pilot boat; and Any other costs in providing and maintaining the authority’s pilot organisation. Pilotage directions and schedule of charges are reviewed annually and published in such a manner as to bring them to the notice of those persons likely to be interested and are available on the CHC website. Appeals against Dues The Cowes Harbour Authority power to levy dues is subject to a statutory right of objection to the Secretary of State. This is to ensure that the right to use the harbour is not prejudiced by the imposition of unreasonable dues. An objector must have a substantial interest and the objection may relate to one of the following: That the charge ought not to be imposed at all; That the charge ought to be imposed at a lower rate; That particular classes ought to be excluded from the scope of a charge. The statutory right to use a harbour is expressed to be subject to payment of dues. As a general principle, all those who use facilities for the shipping and unshipping of goods or the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers should contribute through dues to the safe operation of the harbour. Exceptional reasons are therefore needed to justify any exemption - whether total or partial. 5-5 Where any appeal against dues is made to the Secretary of State, consideration will be given - among all other relevant considerations - to the need for resources to discharge fully the duties of the harbour authority, and the requirements of this Code and other related regulations. The right of objection to harbour dues has been extended to pilotage charges. Enforcement and Prosecution CHC shall be responsible for the effective enforcement of its regulations, which are adopted in order to assist in the safe management of the Port. Enforcement comprises the promulgation of regulation and guidance, effective surveillance, incident investigation and where appropriate formal warning and prosecution. Where appropriate, and where empowered to do so, CHC shall prosecute offenders for committing criminal offences, including those set out in the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 and in ancillary regulations and byelaws. Reviewing Existing Powers Existing powers are reviewed on a periodic basis, to avoid a failure in discharging its duties or risk exceeding its powers. A summary of the main duties and powers for harbour authorities are included under chapters four & five of the PMSC; not all of these are relevant to Cowes harbour authority. CHC understands the local legislation - harbour acts, harbour orders and byelaws - as well as the procedures and systems that are in place. Additional powers will be sought if a risk assessment concludes that this would be the best means of meeting its safety obligations. The updated PMSC advises harbour authorities to secure powers of general direction to support the effective management of vessels in their harbour waters; CHC obtained these powers in 2013. 5-6 Section 6 - Specific Duties and Powers and Risk Control Measures Cowes Harbour Commission has specific duties and powers, which are relevant to port safety, to ensure: The safety of navigation within the harbour area; That dangerous vessels and dangerous substances (including pollution) are effectively managed; A pilotage service is provided when required in the interests of safety. That as a local lighthouse authority aids to navigation are appropriate to reduce danger to navigation from wrecks or obstructions. Directions (usually referred to as special directions) The harbour master duly appointed by CHC has powers of direction to regulate the time and manner of ships' entry to, departure from and movement within Cowes harbour waters, and related purposes. These powers are given for the purpose of giving specific directions to specific vessels for specific movements. The Harbour Master's directions may be referred to as 'special directions'. Special directions are not for setting general rules but relate to specific vessels – or in an emergency, to a class of vessels - on particular occasions. The powers of direction are also exercisable by a harbour master's assistant - or any other person designated for the purpose in accordance with the authority's statutory powers. It is an offence not to comply with directions but the master - or pilot - of a vessel is not obliged to obey directions if he believes that compliance would endanger the vessel. It is the duty of the harbour master in exercising these powers to consider the interests of all shipping in the harbour. Directions may include the use of tugs and other forms of assistance. 6-1 General Directions (GDs) The Cowes Harbour Revision Order 2012, allows Cowes Harbour Commission to give general directions to promote ‘conditions conducive to the ease, convenience or safety of navigation, the safety of persons and the protection of property, flora and fauna of the harbour’. New GDs have largely superseded the existing CHC Byelaws; however, there are currently (2013) both Byelaws and GDs whilst further consultation on particular issues takes place. More details are contained in the Cowes HRO 2012, and the current Cowes Harbour GDs. Byelaws Byelaws can be made by Cowes harbour authority, as laid down in the Cowes Harbour Act 1964. The procedure for making and confirming byelaws is modelled on the one used for local authority byelaws. Byelaws empower harbour authorities to regulate activities for specific purposes, reflecting the local circumstances and enabling business to be conducted efficiently and safely. This power goes beyond simple management to include a power to create and prosecute in the Courts for offences in which fines may be levied. Priority In the event of any conflict arising between the provisions of these General Directions, the Byelaws, any Mooring Licences issued by the Cowes Harbour Commissioners and any Special Directions: Special Directions shall take precedence over all others; General Directions shall take precedence over the Byelaws and any Mooring Licence. Directions and passage plans The development of a port passage plan and the continuous monitoring of the vessel’s progress during the execution of the plan are essential for safe navigation and protection of the marine environment. ‘Harbour authorities’ and ‘harbour masters’ powers to regulate the time and manner of ships entry to, departure from 6-2 and movement within their waters serve to complement port passage planning. Passage plans are currently only enforced using the pilotage directions. Incidents threatening pollution or safety The Secretary of State has power to give directions to a harbour authority, a harbour master, and certain other persons where an accident has occurred to or in a ship and, in his opinion, there is a risk to safety or that there is a risk of pollution by a hazardous substance. The Secretary of State’s Representative (SOSREP) has been appointed to exercise these functions. The person directed may be required to take, or to refrain from taking, such action as may be specified. Among other things, the direction may require that the ship is moved or not moved to or from a specified area, locality or place, that any oil or cargo should or should not be discharged, or that specified salvage measures should be taken. The Secretary of State also has wide powers to take action or authorise others to do so where it is considered that issuing directions would not be sufficient. Directions may or may not be given in writing (though if not given in writing they will be confirmed in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable). Persons to whom a direction is given must try to comply with the direction in a manner which avoids risk to human life. A person who does not comply with the direction or intentionally obstructs anyone acting on behalf of the Secretary of State is subject, on summary conviction, to a fine of up to £50,000 on summary conviction (there is no limit to the fine following a conviction on indictment). Dangerous Vessels Act 1985 The harbour master may give directions prohibiting the entry into, or requiring the removal from, the harbour of any vessel if, in his opinion, the condition of that vessel, or the nature or condition of anything it contains, is such that its presence in the harbour might involve a grave and imminent danger to the safety of persons or property or risk that the vessel may, by sinking or foundering in the harbour, prevent or seriously prejudice the use of the harbour by other vessels. The harbour master will have regard to all the circumstances and to the safety of any person or vessel. 6-3 Such directions may be over-ridden by SOSREP who may issue contrary directions to the harbour master. Dangerous Substances in Harbour Area Regulations (DSHAR) 1987 The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Area regulations 1987 defines the meaning of a dangerous substance and sets out the requirements for its entry into the harbour area. It includes the harbour masters powers, marking and navigation of vessels, handling of dangerous substances, bulk liquids, packaging and labelling, storage and explosives. The harbour master also has powers to prohibit the entry into a harbour of any vessel carrying dangerous goods, if the condition of those goods, or their packaging, or the vessel carrying them is such as to create a risk to health and safety, and to control similarly the entry on to dock estates of dangerous substances brought from inland. The harbour master also has powers to regulate the movement of vessels carrying dangerous goods. Prior notice must be given to bring dangerous substances into a harbour area from sea or inland. The period of notice is normally 24 hours, although the harbour master has some powers of discretion on both the period and form of the notice. The purpose of notification is to ensure adequate preparation can be made to store and handle the appropriate substance. The harbour master shall consider the safety of any person either within or outside the harbour area when giving directions. The harbour master shall consult the police before directing the removal of dangerous substances from the port. CHC has prepared an emergency plan for dealing with dangerous substances (See CHC Emergency Plan). Dangerous Substances Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods and Marine Pollutants) Regulations 1997 defines the various categories of substances classified as Dangerous and refers to International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) for individual definitions and classifications. These Regulations apply if dangerous substances transit, or are handled, within the harbour area. Part V of the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Area Regulations 1987 covers Liquid Dangerous Substances in Bulk. 6-4 Prevention of pollution The harbour master may detain a vessel if he has reason to believe that it has committed an offence by discharging oil, or a mixture containing oil, into the waters of a harbour. Notice must be given to a harbour master before oil is transferred at night to or from a ship in Cowes harbour. All oil spills into harbour waters must be reported to the harbour authority. Harbour masters have powers to board ships to investigate possible offences. CHC’s powers are considered to be wide enough to empower them to clear oil spills from their harbour. CHC has prepared an Oil Spill Contingency Plan that has been approved on behalf of the Secretary of State by the MCA. Drink and drugs Under the provisions of the Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003, the harbour master has the power to detain a vessel if he suspects that a mariner (master, pilot, seaman) has committed a drink or drugs related offence when on duty. The power can be exercised only if the harbour master summons a police officer before, or immediately after the vessel is detained. The power of detention lapses after the police officer has decided whether to administer a preliminary test and has notified the harbour master of that decision. Vessel traffic monitoring reporting requirements The owner or master of a ship which is subject to these requirements must provide information about the vessel, cargo and its passage to the harbour authority as required. The port is required to forward this information to the MCA by the quickest possible means. For ships visiting Cowes the relevant ships agent inputs the required data directly into the Agents Online Portal, this information is stored at the Southampton VTS centre, the data is also available to the MCA via the CEMS database. 6-5 Vessel traffic services Harbour Authorities have the power to establish Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) to mitigate risk, enhance vessel safety and to protect the environment. To be recognised as a VTS, the service must conform to IMO and national standards and operated by personnel trained to the appropriate standard. The VTS must be designated as such by the MCA in its capacity as the National Competent Authority for VTS (MGN 401(M+F) contains further information). Southampton VTS has been established and covers the areas of the port of Southampton and Portsmouth which includes the approaches to Cowes harbour. Vessels that enter a harbour authority’s VTS area (operated in accordance with the IMO guidelines) must comply with the rules of that service. Pilotage Competent harbour authorities have specific powers under the Pilotage Act to enable them to discharge the duties imposed under that Act. Authorities should determine, through risk assessment a. Whether any and, if so, what pilotage services need to be provided to secure the safety of ships (including those carrying dangerous goods or harmful substances) navigating in or in the approaches to its harbour; and b. Whether in the interests of safety, pilotage should be compulsory for ships navigating in any part of that harbour or its approaches and, if so, for which ships and in which circumstances and what pilotage services need to be provided for those ships. Cowes as a competent harbour authority provides such a pilotage services as is necessary. Pilotage directions CHC as a competent harbour authority has specific powers and duties for marine pilotage and issues pilotage directions based on its assessment of the risks, and considers that pilotage should be compulsory. The directions specify how and to 6-6 which vessels they apply. Ship owners and any other interested parties who use the port on a regular basis, are consulted before the directions are implemented or changed. The master of a vessel not subject to pilotage directions has a right to request a pilot. In these circumstances, the authority will decide in the interests of safe navigation, whether pilotage services are applicable. Pilotage exemption certificates Cowes Harbour Authority will grant a bona fide master or first mate of any vessel a ‘pilotage exemption certificate, if they demonstrate they have sufficient skill, experience and local knowledge to pilot the vessel within the harbour. The requirements for granting an exemption do not exceed and are no more onerous than those needed for an authorised pilot. Authorisation of pilots CHC may, as a competent harbour authority, authorise suitably qualified pilots in its area. Authorisations may relate to ships of a particular description and to particular parts of the harbour. The authority determines the qualifications for authorisation in respect of medical fitness standards, time of service, local knowledge, skill, character and otherwise. It may also - after giving notice and allowing a reasonable opportunity to make representations - suspend or revoke an authorisation if it appears to the authority that the authorised person is guilty of any incompetence or misconduct affecting his capability as a pilot, or has ceased to have the required qualifications or failed to provide evidence that he still has them. An authorisation may also be suspended or revoked, on reasonable notice, if any contract or other arrangement under which the services of pilots are provided is terminated. Ship towage While any contract for the use of tugs is formally for the master of a vessel, the use of harbour tugs is one of the principal and most direct means open to a harbour authority to control risk. Cowes Harbour Authority do not own or operate any tugs but the authority has determined, through risk assessment, appropriate guidance on the 6-7 use of tugs in harbour areas when the nature of the vessel, tow or weather conditions deem it appropriate. At present this guidance can only be enforced using a special direction where a master or pilot proposes that the guidelines should not be applied in some respect. The General Lighthouse Authorities The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) are responsible for the superintendence and management of all lighthouses, buoys or beacons within their respective areas. They have a duty to inspect all lighthouses, buoys, beacons and other navigational aids belonging to, or under the management of a local lighthouse authority. They may also give directions concerning the provision and positioning of aids to navigation. Local lighthouse authority duties CHC is a local lighthouse authority for its area. They have the power to carry out and maintain the marking or lighting of any part of the harbour within the authority's area. A local lighthouse authority shall not, without the General Lighthouse Authority's consent, erect, remove or vary the character of any lighthouse, buoy or beacon. All aids to navigation maintained by CHC are maintained in accordance with the availability criteria laid down by the GLAs, and are subject to periodic review. The characteristics of these aids to navigation must comply with the ‘International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Guidelines and Recommendations’. Information and periodic returns must be supplied, when required, to the appropriate General Lighthouse Authority. Wrecks Where there is a wreck in, or near the approaches to, a harbour, which is or is likely to become a danger to navigation, the harbour authority may take possession of, remove or destroy it. They may also light or buoy it until it is raised, removed, or destroyed. Harbour authorities must exercise their wreck marking and removal powers where, in their opinion, a wreck is - or is likely to become - an obstruction or danger to 6-8 navigation. They have a duty to have regard to the environment in the exercise of this and all other duties and powers. 6-9 Section 7 - The Risk Assessment The risks associated with marine operations need to be assessed and a means of controlling them needs to be deployed. The aim of this process is to eliminate the risk or, failing that, to reduce risks to as low as reasonably practicable. Formal risk assessments are used to: Identify hazards and analyse risks; Assess those risks against an appropriate standard of acceptability; and Where appropriate, consider a cost-benefit assessment of risk reducing measures. The risk assessments are undertaken by the Port Safety Officer who has been determined to be appropriately skilled to do so. The risks are judged against objective criteria, without being influenced by the financial position of the authority, to ensure they are kept as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). The greater the risk, the more likely it is that it is reasonable to go to the expense, trouble and invention to reduce it. There is a preferred hierarchy of risk control principles: Eliminate risks - by avoiding a hazardous procedure, or substituting a less dangerous one; Combat risks - by taking protective measures to prevent risk; Minimise risk - by suitable systems of working. The Port Safety Officer, Designated Person and Harbour Master review all the risk assessments annually and when there is a need for an update or a new hazard is identified. Risk assessment files have been developed for each cost centre, each employee is actively encouraged to take ownership of the risk assessments and be proactive in their review and development. Any new hazards or risks are to be brought to the attention of the line manager and Port Marine Safety Officer as soon as practicable. 7-1 The process of assessment is continuous, so that new hazards to navigation and marine operations and changed risks are properly identified and addressed. Where appropriate, Cowes harbour authority will consider publishing relevant details of the risk assessments. Defining Risk A hazard is a source of potential harm or damage or a situation with potential for harm or damage. Risk has two elements: The likelihood that a hazard may occur; and The consequences of the hazardous event. Scope Regulation requires that a suitable and sufficient assessment be made of the risks to the health and safety of workers arising in the normal course of their duties. This requirement to assess risk relates only to risks which arise directly from the work activity being undertaken and which have the potential to harm the person(s) actually undertaking that work, or those that may be directly affected by that work. The requirement to assess risk does not extend to any consequential peril resulting from the particular work activity, nor to any external hazard, which may cause harm to others. The assessment of risk must be ‘suitable and sufficient’. The process need not be overcomplicated. This means that the amount of effort that is put into an assessment should depend on the level of risks identified and whether those risks are already controlled by satisfactory precautions or procedures to ensure that they are ALARP. Risk assessments should be seen as a continuous process. In practice, the risks in the workplace should be assessed before work begins on any task for which no valid risk assessment exists. An assessment must be reviewed and updated as necessary, to ensure that it reflects any significant changes of equipment or procedure. 7-2 Navigation Risk Assessment Methodology (HAZMAN II) CHC subscribe to the HAZMAN II software provided by Marico Marine. The NRA methodology, used for this assessment, has been specifically developed for navigational use in ports/harbours. It is fundamentally based on concepts of the “Most Likely” (ML) and “Worst Credible” (WC) scenarios that reflect the range of outcomes arising from a navigation hazard (see Figure 1). This approach fits the available marine incident data, as data shows a high frequency of minor events, separated from a much lower frequency of worst credible events. Figure 1: MARICO hazard identification and risk assessment process. The NRA process is based on the Formal Safety Assessment methodology as adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and follows the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC). The NRA uses the proprietary Marico Marine “Hazman II®” programme to undertake the risk assessment process. . 7-3 IMO guidelines define a hazard as “something with the potential to cause harm, loss or injury”, the realisation of which results in an accident. The potential for a hazard to be realised can be combined with an estimate or known consequence of outcome. This combination is termed “risk”. Risk is therefore a measure of the frequency and consequence of a particular hazard and in order to compare risk levels a matrix is used. At the low end of the scale, frequency is extremely remote, consequence insignificant and risk can be said to be negligible. At the high end, where hazards are defined as frequent and the consequence catastrophic, then risk is termed intolerable. Between the two is an area defined “As Low As Reasonably Practicable” (ALARP). The IMO guidelines allow the selection of definitions of frequency and consequence to be made by the organisation carrying out the NRA. This is important, as it allows risk to be applied in a qualitative and comparative way. To identify high risk levels using a quantitative mathematical approach would require a large volume of casualty Catastrophic Severe INTOLERABLE Minor Significant CONSEQUENCE data, which is not generally available. ACCEPTABLE Extremely Remote Remote Reasonably Probable FREQUENCY General Risk Matrix Figure 2: Frequency/Consequence chart. 7-4 Frequent ALARP can be defined as “Tolerable”, if the reduction of the risk is impracticable, or if the cost of such reduction is disproportionate to the improvement (see Figure 2). 1.2 RISK MATRIX CRITERIA 1.2.1 Frequency In this study, each hazard was reviewed with respect to cause and effect, with frequency of occurrence derived for notional “most likely” and “worst credible” hazard events based on Table 1. Scale Description Definition Operational Interpretation F5 F4 Frequent Likely An event occurring in the range once a week to One or more times in once an operating year. 1 year An event occurring in the range once a year to One or more times in once every 10 operating years. 10 years 1 - 9 years F3 Possible An event occurring in the range once every 10 One or more times in operating years to once in 100 operating years. 100 years 10 – 99 years F2 Unlikely An event occurring in the range less than once in One or more times in 100 operating years. 1,000 years 100 – 999 years F1 Remote Considered to occur less than once in 1,000 Less than once in operating years (e.g. it may have occurred at a 1,000 years similar site, elsewhere in the world). >1,000 years Table 1: Hazard frequency ranges. 1.2.2 Consequence Consequence (or impact of risk realisation) was assessed in four key categories: • People - Personal injury, fatality etc.; • Property - Port and third party; • Environment - Oil pollution etc.; and • Stakeholder/ Business - Reputation, financial loss, public perception, etc. 7-5 Consequence is assessed against “most likely” and “worst credible” outcomes. It should be noted that in terms of property, the risk assessment process by necessity considers that the loss of a large commercial vessel is of wider implication than the loss of a private leisure cruiser. This assessment criterion is not intended to undervalue damage suffered by the leisure user, whose personal loss may be very significant in relative terms, however, it is recognised that the loss of a commercial vessel often has a wider implication in terms of business and negative media exposure. The rating applied is such that the consequences are of broadly equivalent value across the categories (see Table 2). Table 2: Consequence categories (costs in £). 7-6 1.3 PROJECT RISK MATRIX Navigation hazards were identified by the project team, and scored for “frequency” and “consequence”, in terms of a “most likely” (ML) and “worst credible” (WC) Consequences outcome, with results documented in a “Hazard Log”. Cat 5 5.1 5.9 7.0 8.3 10.0 Cat 4 4.1 4.9 5.9 7.4 9.4 Cat 3 2.9 3.5 4.4 5.9 8.3 Cat 2 1.5 1.8 2.4 3.5 5.9 Cat 1 0 0 0 0 0 Frequency >1,000 years 100-1,000 10-100 years 1 to 10 years Scale [F1] years [F2] [F3} [F4] Yearly [F5] Table 3: Projected Risk Matrix 1.3.1 Risk Treatment Criteria Risk scores are calculated for each hazard under the “most likely” and “worst credible” scenarios for each of the consequence criteria (people, property, environment and business) based on the scores in the hazard log, using a risk matrix (see Table 3). This generates eight individual risk scores per hazard which are documented in the “Ranked Hazard List”. The individual risk scores for each consequence category are then combined, using a proprietary algorithm in Hazman II, to derive an overall risk score. The overall baseline risk scores are used to create a ranked hazard list. All risk scores, whether individual related to a hazard consequence category, or overall combined for an individual hazard are scored on a scale of 0 (low risk) to 10 (high risk) (see Table 4 for more details). 7-7 Matrix Risk Definition Action Taken 0&1 Negligible Risk A level where operational safety is unaffected. 2&3 Low risk A level where operational safety is assumed. 4 ,5 and 6 As Low As A level defined by study at which risk control in place is Reasonably reviewed. It should be kept under review in the ensuing Practicable Safety Management System. Outcome (ALARP) 7&8 Significant Risk A level where existing risk control is automatically reviewed and suggestions made where additional risk control could be applied if appropriate. Significant risk can occur in the average case or in individual categories. New risk controls identified should be introduced in a timescale of two years. 9 & 10 High Risk A level requiring immediate mitigation. Table 4: Risk bands. 1.4 REDUCING RISK It is possible to reduce the risk of a hazard occurring by implementing risk controls. Risk controls are generally considered as barriers / mitigation, as they are designed to reduce either the consequences or likelihood of a hazard. It is possible to estimate a risk control’s effectiveness, by determining the extent to which it reduces the likelihood of a hazard occurring, or the magnitude of a hazard’s consequences. This is beneficial in determining the merits (either absolute or relative) of implementing risk controls, which can also lead on to effective cost benefit analysis. There are two assessments of risk required for most projects; • Baseline Risk: The assessed risk score of the project which includes all current risk controls in place; and 7-8 • Residual Risk: The baseline risk score with additional risk controls in place that were not included when the risk assessment was undertaken. Risk Reduction Procedural risk controls Physical risk controls … Table 5: Risk reduction levels. The effectiveness of risk controls is assessed against a nominal scale, which applies differing percentage reductions, based on their estimated effectiveness (e.g. see Table 5). The percentage reduction is then made to both the likelihood or consequence values, essentially entailing a further calculation using the risk matrix, and a “residual” risk score is calculated using proprietary Hazman II software. As an example, take a hazard with a “property” score equivalent to £100,000. A risk control judged to reduce the consequence of this hazard by 20% will generate a residual “property” value, equivalent to £80,000. The same reduction is applied to the other consequence categories (e.g. people, environment and business) for the “most likely” and the “worst credible” scenarios, and the risk matrix used to determine the residual risk scores. The combined risk score is calculated the same as for baseline risk. It is therefore possible to determine the reduction in risk score from the difference between the baseline and residual risk, enabling an assessment of total risk reduction for each hazard. The application of risk control measures is assessed using a compound calculation. From the example above, a further risk control could be applied at 20%, which would reduce the “property” cost, from £80,000 to £64,000. A third risk control, with 10% effectiveness, would reduce the same property cost from £64,000 to £57,600, and so on. The residual risk score, with all these risk control measures in place, would therefore utilise the £57,600 “property” value in the calculation of risk. 7-9 It should be noted that as risk by definition is a non-dimensional number (being a combination of likeliness and consequence), a 50% reduction in frequency of hazard occurrence will not result in a 50% reduction in risk, because no similar reduction in consequences have been applied. A further complexity is added by the nonlinearity of the risk matrix (which is in part due to societal aversion to large scale consequence hazards); thus risk reduction is not uniform over either frequency or consequence ranges. Also, it is often very difficult to determine the exact effectiveness of risk controls in a dynamic and changing system such as a port and, as such, a significant degree of subjectivity is commonly used. However, given that a standardised framework is applied across all hazards, then the resulting scores can be used to judge the relative and absolute merits of implementing additional risk controls. Permit to Work Based on the findings of the risk assessment, appropriate control measures shall be put into place to protect those who may be affected. There are many types of port operations where the routine actions of one person may inadvertently endanger another or when a series of action steps needs to be taken to ensure the safety of those engaged in a specific operation. In all instances it is necessary, before the work is done, to identify the hazards and then to ensure they are eliminated or effectively controlled. The permit to work system consists of an organised and predefined safety procedure. A permit to work does not in itself make the job safe, but contributes to measures for safe working. In using a permit to work, the following principles apply: The permit should be relevant and as accurate as possible. It should state the location and details of work to be done, the nature and results of any preliminary tests undertaken, the measures undertaken to make the job safe and the safeguards that need to be taken during the operation. 7-10 The permit should specify the period of its validity (which should not exceed 24 hours) and at any time limits applicable to the work, which it authorises. Only the work specified on the permit should be undertaken. Before signing the permit, the authorising person shall ensure that all measures specified as necessary have in fact been taken. The authorising person retains responsibility for the work until he / she has either cancelled the permit or formally transferred it to another authorised person who should be made fully conversant with the situation. Anyone who takes over, either as a matter of routine or in an emergency, from the authorising person, should sign the permit to indicate transfer of full responsibility. The person responsible for carrying out the specified work shall countersign the permit to indicate his understanding of the safety precautions to be observed. On completion of the work, that person should notify the authorised person and get the permit cancelled. Copies of the following permits to work can be found in the company Health and Safety File and in the Risk Assessment files: Hot work Entry into Enclosed Spaces Maintenance to Machinery or Electrical Systems Working Aloft 7-11 Section 8 - Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences The Code relies upon the principle that duties and powers in relation to marine operations in ports should be discharged in accordance with a Safety Management System. This system is informed by and based upon a formal risk assessment. The aim is to establish a system covering all marine operations, which ensures that risks are both tolerable and ALARP. It is recognised however, that no matter how informed the risk assessment process and how effective the safety management regime is, accidents and incidents do occur in harbours. Such accidents and incidents may involve death, serious injury, collision, pollution and other undesirable outcomes and they may involve breaches of national or local laws. It is, therefore, essential that this Safety Management System addresses the potential for incidents to occur and provides instruction and guidance on any investigations that may be required as a result. The duty holder can be assured that their obligations for compliance have been addressed by ensuring that a robust, rigorous, independent investigation has been carried out. Investigations of accidents and incidents have two essential purposes: To determine the cause of the accident or incident, with a view to preventing a recurrence of that accident or incident; and To determine if an offence has been committed: if so, there may be the need on the part of a harbour authority to initiate criminal proceedings in their own right or through the agency of another authority such as the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or the MCA. In the first case, the role of the harbour authority is similar to that of the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) and it is quite likely that the MAIB will be involved in an investigation. 8-1 In the event that an offence has been committed, the police may also have a duty to investigate. The legal framework for incident investigation is effectively summarised in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the MCA, the MAIB and the HSE for health and safety enforcement activities at the water margin and offshore. The police will investigate any incident in the event of death - both in relation to any possible offence (possible homicide - murder or manslaughter) and on behalf of the coroner. A police investigation may also be necessary to see if other criminal offences have been committed and to consider whether a prosecution should be brought. However all accidents, incidents and near misses that occur within the jurisdiction of Cowes harbour will be investigated internally, commensurate with the severity of the accident, incident or near miss. This will be carried out irrespective if the accident, incident or near miss is required to be reportable to the MAIB or HSE as required by Marine Guidance Note MGN 458 [M+F]. The guidance found in is this chapter will be used when determining the method of investigation. Incidents Involving Death or Crime When someone dies in a work-related incident, a number of different organisations will require to work together to ensure that the incident is investigated and that the reasons for the death are understood. The police will investigate any incident in the event of death - both in relation to any possible offence (possible homicide - murder or manslaughter) and on behalf of the coroner. A police investigation may also be necessary to see if other criminal offences have been committed and to consider whether a prosecution should be brought. Different organisations have different but important roles in this process and good coordination is vital to ensure that the investigation is as smooth and as seamless as possible. Close liaison with the police, therefore, is essential in such incidents. 8-2 National Regulatory Framework Legal Framework The Merchant Shipping Act 1995 and the Merchant Shipping (Accident Reporting and Investigation Regulations 2005 (SI No. 881) mainly govern procedures. Enforcing Authorities The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) is responsible for the investigation of all types of marine accidents, both to ships and to those on-board. The MAIB is a separate branch within the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) and is not part of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. The MAIB’s fundamental purpose in investigating an accident under the Regulations is to determine its circumstances and the causes with the aim of improving the safety of life at sea and the avoidance of accidents in the future. It is not the purpose to apportion liability, nor, except as far as is necessary to achieve the fundamental purpose, to apportion blame. The MAIB is not an enforcement or prosecuting agency MCA-HSE-MAIB The legal framework for incident investigation is effectively summarised in the MoU between the MCA, the MAIB and the HSE for health and safety enforcement activities at the water margin and offshore: The MCA is responsible throughout the UK for implementing the Government’s maritime safety policy; The MAIB investigates accidents related to ships and crew; The HSE investigates land based accidents, and accidents occurring on offshore installations. The MoU aims to identify which organisation will take the lead in investigations where they share a common interest, particularly at the ship/shore interface. Its purpose is to ensure effective co-ordination between those organisations, where their duties for health and safety enforcement and accident investigation overlap at the water margin, offshore and on inland waterways. 8-3 The organisations undertake to use their best endeavours to co-operate effectively to enable and assist each other to carry out their responsibilities and functions, and to maintain effective working arrangements for that purpose. Such co-operation should improve the effectiveness of each of the parties and avoid difficulties, which may arise from uncoordinated approaches by the organisations. MAIB- Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) A MoU also exists between the MAIB and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). The aim of this MOU is to ensure effective investigation of marine accidents in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, while maintaining the independence of all parties and reinforcing the importance of close co-operation between MAIB and the police. In summary: MAIB investigates accidents related to ships and crew; HSE investigates land based and offshore accidents; The Police will investigate accidents involving death. In general, the HSE is responsible for enforcing the Health and Safety At Work Act (HSWA) in respect of land based and offshore work activities, including loading and unloading a ship, and for all work activities carried out in a dry dock. The MCA is responsible for enforcing all Merchant Shipping Regulations in respect of occupational health and safety, the safety of vessels, safe navigation and operation (including manning levels and crew competency). Merchant Shipping health and safety regulations extend to all those working on the ship and to all shipboard activities carried out by the crew under the control of the ship's master. Where there is overlapping legislation, the accident investigation provisions are set out in the appropriate chapter of the MoU, but each organisation is able to call on the expertise of the other as the need arises. It should be noted that there may be situations where there is a duty to report the same accident to both the HSE (under 'RIDDOR' regulations) and the MAIB (under Merchant Shipping Accident Reporting Regulations). In these situations, the person 8-4 filing the report with one organisation will be advised and the report passed to the other. Statutory Reporting Requirements Marine Guidance Note MGN 458 [M+F] “ACCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION” is addressed, inter alia, to harbour authorities. It explains the reporting requirements of the MERCHANT SHIPPING (ACCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION) REGULATIONS 2005 - ‘the Regulations’. Details of what should be reported are given in Annex A of the Notice and are given in detail in the Guide to Good Practice. In particular, harbour authorities should report any accident of which they are aware to the Chief Inspector of the MAIB by the quickest means available. Accidents on board ships in ports, with the exception of those involving stevedores or workers ashore, are covered by the Regulations and should be reported. Incidents involving shore-based workers should be reported to the Health and Safety Executive. The MAIB’s Incident Reporting Form (IRF) provides a convenient format for reports but plain narrative giving the above information may be used if the form is not available. As full an account as possible should be given whether or not the form is used; the list of items given in the M Notice is not intended to be limiting and any matter should be included which will help to make the circumstances clear or to show how similar incidents may be prevented. Sketches, plans and photographs of the damaged areas, taken both before and after the event, are often helpful and may be attached to the report. Local CHC Reporting Requirements (marine accidents, hazardous incidents and injuries) Cowes Harbour Commission Area of Jurisdiction All marine accidents, hazardous incidents and injuries, as previously defined, which occur within the CHC area of jurisdiction, shall be reported to the harbour authority as soon as possible using the ‘Solent Incident and Accident Reporting Form’ or if 8-5 appropriate the ‘Leisure Incident Report Form’ also available to download from the harbour website: CHC will also investigate incidents and accidents that do not require statutory reports. The process of continual improvement envisaged by the Code can only be achieved if there is a mechanism by which non-compliance with the objectives of the SMS is identified, analysed, and steps are taken to mitigate such non-compliances; for example, as a result of an accident or incident. Such incidents, therefore, need to be reported and to be investigated at an appropriate level. All stakeholders are encouraged to report an accident, incident or dangerous occurrence using the ‘Solent Incident and Accident Reporting Form’ or if appropriate the ‘Leisure Incident Report Form’. Local CHC Investigations CHC has a responsibility to investigate marine incidents in harbour waters and the Port Safety Officer (PSO) will carry out the initial investigation reporting to the Harbour Master and Designated Person. A decision will then be made on the further course of action. This may include further internal investigation or identify the need to engage external resources to assist in furthering the investigation. It is noted that other bodies such as the MAIB may rely upon the investigation undertaken by CHC. If the investigating officer is directly involved in the incident to be investigated, for example the PSO when acting as an authorised pilot on a vessel involved in an incident, an alternative officer will be required to carry out the investigation to ensure that the investigating officer is independent of the incident. Purpose and Conduct of Marine Incident Investigations The Solent Accident Investigation Handbook has clear guidelines on the procedures to be adopted with respect to accident and incident investigation. These guidelines provide clear indicators to the authority’s officers on how to determine, at an early stage, whether the purpose of the investigation is either for safety purposes or for enforcement purposes. The guidance also establishes and maintains procedures for 8-6 a consistent approach to safety and environmental accidents, incidents and breaches of regulations. Such procedures clearly establish the stages of an accident investigation which include: reporting; investigating; analysing; and documenting A reported incident should be investigated as soon as possible so that essential facts are not overlooked or the evidence destroyed by other activities. The initial stage of fact gathering will often take place under time and resource pressures. It is essential that as much factual detail about the accident is obtained as soon as possible. Whatever the purpose of an investigation - i.e., is it to determine cause and to prevent recurrence or is it to determine if an offence has been committed? - The investigation should be carried out in a robust and rigorous manner such that all possible aspects are covered. Where it becomes appropriate to carry out an accident or incident investigation to determine if an offence has been committed, a harbour authority may need to initiate criminal proceedings, either in their own right or through the agency of a prosecuting authority such as the police, the MCA or the HSE. The involvement of these agencies will be determined, in part, by the statutory requirements for reporting accidents and incidents. Under these circumstances it may become necessary to determine which authority will take the lead, also known as primacy. Not all investigations undertaken for enforcement will result in further action. If the regulator or prosecuting authority decides that it is not appropriate to continue with an investigation or that a prosecution is inappropriate, CHC may decide after conclusion of the investigation, that a written warning will be a sufficient response. Alternatively, or additionally, it may become apparent that there is a need for some form of disciplinary action against a harbour authority employee. The investigation should be carried out in an independent manner - as noted above, it would be 8-7 inappropriate for the harbour master / duty pilot to carry out an investigation into his own incident. The IMO adopted an Assembly Resolution A.849 (20) - CODE FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF MARINE CASUALTIES AND ACCIDENTS. The aim of this Code is “to promote a common approach to the safety investigation of marine casualties and incidents.” The Annex to the Resolution provides the detail of the Code and the Appendix gives ‘Guidelines to assist investigators in the implementation of the Code’. Publishing Information Where CHC determines that an accident investigation will be carried out to determine the cause of the accident or incident, with a view to preventing a recurrence of that accident or incident, it will ensure that appropriate results of the investigation are made widely available to the employees of the Authority as soon as possible. The causes of the accident and the recommendations and requirements for further accident prevention will be clearly identified. Such recommendations will be disseminated by internal memos or by Notices to Mariners for the benefit of all stakeholders. Any marine accidents or incidents within Cowes harbour are reported to the Solent Operators Group (SOG) who meet quarterly and discuss incidents in the Solent area. Training Cowes Harbour Commission will aim to keep the personnel responsible for accident and incident investigation trained, and will look to source courses that will keep such skills up to date. Training programs should be based around, but not limited to, the following: 1. PMSC 2. Guide to Good Practice. 3. The IMO Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents A.849(20) 4. Amendments to the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents (IMO Resolution A.849(20) & A.884(21) 8-8 5. MAIB Handbook 6. HSE Enforcement Guide Reporting Accidents to the MAIB The Regulations require Masters, Skippers and Owners to report accidents. Accidents must be reported initially within 24 hours. Serious injuries must be reported within 14 days. Although there is no requirement to report hazardous incidents, Owners, Masters and Skippers and others are strongly urged to do so voluntarily since useful lessons can always be learnt. Accident Reports should be sent by the quickest means available, including telephone, facsimile, telex or e-mail, to the MAIB. Disclosure of Records Unless a Court determines otherwise, the names, addresses and any other details of anyone who has given evidence to an inspector shall not be disclosed. Reporting Requirements MGN 458(M&F), PMSC 3.17 1. Accidents involving or occurring on-board: a. Any United Kingdom ship (must be reported under the Regulations). 2. Accidents involving or occurring aboard: a. A pleasure vessel; b. A recreational craft hired on a bareboat basis, and c. Any other craft or boat, other than one carrying passengers, which is in commercial use in a Harbour or on an inland waterway and is less than 8 metre in length, do not need to be reported to the MAIB, unless the accident involves: i. Explosion; ii. Fire; iii. Death; iv. Major injury; 8-9 v. Capsize of a power driven craft or boat, or vi. Pollution causing significant harm to the environment. 3. Accidents involving or occurring aboard: a. Any ship within the jurisdiction of a Harbour master or Queen’s Harbour master appointed, or required to be appointed; b. Any ship carrying passengers to or from a port in the United Kingdom must be reported to the MAIB under the Regulations. 4. Accidents involving shore based workers while a ship is in port or in a shipyard within the United Kingdom should be reported by the person’s employer to the Health and Safety Executive. No report to the MAIB is required. 5. Accidents involving divers whilst diving are not covered by the Regulations. Any such incident should be reported to the British Sub Aqua Club. No report to the MAIB is required. Accidents, and Major and Serious Injuries An accident means any occurrence on board a ship or involving a ship whereby: 1. There is loss of life or major injury to any person on board, or any person is lost or falls overboard from, a ship or ship’s boat; a. A ship: i. Causes any loss of life, major injury or material damage; ii. Is lost or is presumed to be lost; iii. Is abandoned; iv. Is materially damaged by fire, explosion, weather or other cause; v. Grounds; vi. Is in collision; vii. Is disabled; or viii. Causes serious harm to the environment. b. Any of the following occur: i. A collapse or bursting of any pressure vessel, pipeline or valve; 8-10 ii. A collapse or failure of any lifting equipment, access equipment, hatch cover, staging or boatswain’s chair or any associated load bearing parts; iii. A collapse of cargo, unintended movement of cargo or ballast sufficient to cause a list, or loss of cargo overboard; iv. A snagging of fishing gear which results in the vessel heeling to a dangerous angle; v. A contact by a person with loose asbestos fibre except when full protective clothing is warn; or vi. An escape of any harmful substance or agent. Provided these occurrences, taking into account their circumstances, might have been liable to cause serious injury or to cause damage to the health of any person. 2. Major injury means: a. Any fracture, other than to the fingers, thumbs or toes; b. Any loss of a limb or part of a limb; c. Dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine; d. Loss of sight (whether temporary or permanent) e. Penetrating injury to the eye; or f. Any other injury: g. Leading to hypothermia or to unconsciousness, or h. Requiring resuscitation, or i. Requiring admittance to hospital or similar for more than 24 hours or if at sea requiring confinement to bed for more than 24 hours. 3. Serious injury means an injury, other than a major injury, to a person employed or carried in a ship which occurs on board or during access which results in incapacity for more than three consecutive days excluding the day of the accident, or as a result of which the person concerned is put ashore and the ship sails without that person, unless the incapacity is known or advised to be of three consecutive days or less, excluding the day of the incident. 8-11 4. “Hazardous incident” means any event, other than an accident, associated with the operation of a ship which involves circumstances indicating that an accident nearly occurred. Summary Reporting Procedures INCIDENT INITIAL FOLLOW UP PROCEDURE REQUIREMENT Accident (Includes Major The master or senior An additional report must Injury) surviving officer (being be sent to the MAIB using either the senior surviving the quickest means officer in the deck available. department or if there is no senior surviving officer in the deck department, the senior surviving engineer officer), and the ship’s owner are responsible for sending a report to the Chief Inspector by the quickest means available. In addition, the following shall report any accident / serious injury of which they are aware; The appropriate Harbour authority in respect of an incident within or adjacent to its Harbour limits; The appropriate authority 8-12 INCIDENT INITIAL FOLLOW UP PROCEDURE REQUIREMENT having responsibility for the particular waters concerned in respect of any accident on any inland waterway in the United Kingdom; The Maritime and Coastguard Agency in respect of an accident within United Kingdom waters. Serious Injury No requirement. A report outlining the Onboard examination of the circumstances of the circumstances of the serious injury to be sent to serious injury required. the Chief Inspector within 14 days of the incident. Hazardous Incident (Non- No requirement. specified) It is strongly recommended that a report be sent to the MAIB. Contact Details Marine Accident Investigation Branch Mountbatten House, Grosvenor Square, Southampton, SO15 2JU, United Kingdom Telephone: Office Hours 023 80 395500 8-13 Telephone: 24 Hours 023 80 232527 Fax: 023 80 232459 Telex: 477917 MAIB SO G E-mail: Internet: Reporting Information Initial reports of accidents should include as much of the following as possible: Name of vessel and IMO, official number; Name and address of owners; Name of master, skipper or person in charge; Date and time of incident; Where from and where bound; Latitude and longitude or geographical position in which the incident occurred; Part of ship where accident occurred on board; Weather conditions; Name and port of registry of any other ship involved; Number of people killed or injured together with their names, addresses and gender; Brief details of the accident, including sequence of events leading to the accident, extent of damage and whether accident caused pollution or hazard to navigation. If the vessel is fitted with a voyage data recorder, the make and model of the recorder. Follow up accident reports and initial reports of serious injuries should include the above information as well as the conclusions of any on board examination covering the cause, how a future similar incident might be avoided and what action has been taken or recommended. 8-14 The MAIB’s Incident Reporting Form (IRF) provides a convenient format for reports but plain narrative giving the above information may be used if the form is not available. As full an account as possible should be given whether or not the form is used; the list of items above is not intended to be limiting and any matter should be included which will help to make the circumstances clear or to show how similar incidents may be prevented. Sketches, plans and photographs of the damaged areas, taken both before and after the event, are often helpful and may be attached to the report. The reports should be signed by the master, skipper or owner’s representative and by the ship’s safety officer if one is carried. Reporting of Potential Risk The Cowes Harbour Commission, SMS, endeavours to reduce the risks arising from the day-to-day operations in the harbour and pilotage areas to as low a level as reasonably practical. In accordance with the requirements of the Code CHC has undertaken, in consultation with stakeholders, a formal safety assessment of the hazards in the port, assessed the associated risks and introduced or verified control measures, to minimise the risks. To ensure the control measures remain valid, it is essential that all the port's stakeholders (port staff, PEC holders, agents, berth operators, recreational users) advise CHC of 'potential risks', which, in their opinion, could indicate a weakness in a particular control measure or risk assessment. 8-15 Figure 3 shows the relationship between Safety Management System and Risk Assessment. The process will only be effective if all stakeholders participate in it to achieve an incident free harbour and pilotage area. The ‘Solent Incident and Accident Report Form’ contains a section to report any 'potential risks' encountered in harbour or pilotage waters and shall be completed and submitted. The form is available to download from the website: 8-16 Accident Investigation Port Safety Officer The Port Safety Officer to investigate all such accidents and dangerous occurrences is the Deputy Harbour Master. Investigations are conducted to fulfil the requirements of safety management under the Port Marine Safety Code. Upon receiving reports the Designated Person will review and evaluate to determine corrective action and to ensure that reoccurrences are avoided. The evaluation of reports may result in: Corrective action being taken; Distribution of experiences throughout the organisation; Amendment to existing SMS procedures and instructions; and The development of new SMS procedures. The PSO will report to the Designated Person and Harbour Master who shall discuss all such items at safety and management meetings. The Designated Person shall report to the Board of Commissioners on all matters of Health and Safety and Pollution. Conduct of Investigation The following provides guidance and a common framework for the conduct of accident investigation. General A reported incident should be investigated as soon as possible so that essential facts are not destroyed by other activities; the initial stage of fact gathering often takes place under time and resource pressure. Gather as much factual detail about the incident as soon as possible. 8-17 Aim of the Investigation Initially focus on what caused the accident; however, the investigation should also try to discover latent failures and other contributory causes. Facts should be gathered with two aims: Establish what actually caused the incident; and What happened as a result of the incident? Facts should be assembled in a logical sequence to establish what failures in management terms occurred and why the failure happened. As the structure of an event and casual diagram is developed, the relevance of facts gathered will emerge. Facts that contribute to an understanding of any elements will be seen as relevant. Other facts may be discarded at a later stage. Prior to an investigation, establish a framework on which to build enquires. A guiding principle is to align the framework to the construction of the final report. Although the framework will almost certainly change as the investigation proceeds, it is essential to have it in mind that vital evidence will not be lost. Draft an outline account of what occurred within 24 hours of starting an investigation. This will help clarify your mind and provides a foundation on which to base your actual report. At the initial stage of an investigation, establish who needs to give evidence. Every person has his or her own method of interviewing. In general the sooner an interview can be carried out the better. Very often his or her memory may be faulty and the immediate (and usually accurate) recollection of events has been replaced by an interpretation of what occurred. Interviewing is best done with two or more persons present. Short questions requiring a short answer of the facts are the most effective. In addition to establishing names, age, function, qualifications etc. of any witness, it is essential that the individual’s involvement in the accident be carefully stated. The investigator should state why the investigation is being carried out and on what authority / jurisdiction. 8-18 Gathering Evidence Evidence shall be gathered from the following areas: Environmental; Standing Instructions / Orders; Safety Policy; Management; and Human Factors: o Activities before the accident; o Duties at the time of the accident; o Actual behaviour at the time of the accident; o Physical condition; o Workload / complexity of tasks; and o Work and rest periods / recreational pattern. Methods of collecting evidence Evidence shall be collected from the following sources: Interviewing witnesses; Measurement; Photography (still and video); Examination of documentation / material evidence; Computer records; Data recorders; Certification; Invoices; Weather forecasts and actual weather reports; Manufacturer’s handbooks; Company annual reports; Media reports; and Standing orders / instructions. 8-19 Final Incident Report Format Introduction o Who carried out the Investigation? o Time of incident and persons / vessels involved. Executive Summary o Brief outline of what happened; and o Environmental / weather conditions. Factual Information o Location of incident; o Key personalities; o Particulars of persons / vessels involved; and o Injuries to persons / damage to vessels. Narrative o Of whole incident. Analysis o What were causes? Conclusions o Root and contributory causes; and o Outcome of investigation. Recommendations o Post event actions. Legal Framework for Non-Marine Accidents and Occurrences The legal requirements for recording and reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences at work other than at sea or on vessels are laid down in: Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations 1979 Social Security Administration Act 1992 Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995. 8-20 Enforcing Authorities The enforcing authority is the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or Local Authority. Port Safety Officer The Port Safety Officer will also record all such accidents, dangerous occurrences and investigate where appropriate. Data Protection Act To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), all personal details entered into accident reports must be kept confidential. Recording Accidents The employer must keep a record of all injuries that happen to employees. The employee must inform the employer as soon as possible when you are injured at work. All accidents, dangerous occurrences and injuries are to be reported to the Designated Person and recorded in the Accident Book (BI 510); an accident book is held at each site and is supplemented by the appropriate Cowes Harbour Commission SMS Form. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) In addition to recording accidents in the Accident Book (BI 510), deaths and some injuries arising from accidents at work must be notified under RIDDOR. The Port Safety Officer must notify the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or the Local Authority as soon as possible. A full report must be made within ten days. Reportable major injuries: Fractures other than to fingers, thumbs or toes; Amputation; Dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine; and Loss of sight (temporary or permanent). 8-21 Chemical or hot metal burn to the eye or any penetrating injury to the eye; Injury resulting from electric shock or electrical burn leading to unconsciousness or requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours; Any other injury leading to hypothermia or unconsciousness; or requiring resuscitation; or requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours; Unconsciousness caused by asphyxia or exposure to harmful substance or biological agent; Acute illness requiring medical treatment, or loss of consciousness arising from absorption of any substance by inhalation, ingestion or through the skin; Acute illness requiring medical treatment where there is reason to believe that this resulted from exposure to a biological agent or its toxins or infested material; and Any injuries to people not at work as a result of an accident ‘arising out of or in connection with work’ where they are taken to hospital from the scene of the accident. Over-Seven-Day Injuries The Designated Person is to notify the HSE or Local Authority with a full report within ten days. An over-three-day injury is when a person at work is injured as a result of an accident and is away from work or not able to do the full range of their normal work for more than three consecutive days (excluding the day of the accident). Dangerous Occurrence If something happens which does not result in a reportable injury, but which might have done, then this might be a dangerous occurrence. The Port Safety Officer is to notify the HSE or Local Authority as soon as possible. A full report is to be made within ten days. For a full list consult the guide to RIDDOR. 8-22 Notification and Reporting The quickest way is for the Designated Person to call: Incident Contact Centre Monday to Friday, 0830 am to 5.00 pm 0845 300 9923. Notification and Reporting Incident Contact Centre Telephone: 0845 300 9923 Fax: 0845 300 9924 Internet reports: or link in via the HSE website E-mail: Post: Incident Contact Centre Caerphilly Business Park Caerphilly CF83 3GG Record Keeping The Port Safety Officer will keep records of any reportable death, injury, disease or dangerous occurrence for three years after the date on which it happened. This must include the date and method of reporting; the date, time and place of the event; personal details of those involved; and a brief description of the nature of the injury, event or disease. Records can be kept in any form, e.g. paper or electronically. The Port safety Officer must produce the records when asked by the HSE or Local Authority inspectors. They must also be available to safety representatives for inspection on request. 8-23 Cowes Harbour Commission recognizes that accidents may occur ashore at CHC owned and operated premises the procedure to be followed in the event of such an accident is covered in the company Health and Safety Policy. 8-24 Section 9 - Emergency Preparedness and Response Summary The SMS includes preparations for emergencies and these are identified as far as practicable from the formal risk assessment. Emergency plans have been published and exercised. Planning an effective response to all emergencies, whether foreseen or not because it secures the following: A pre-designed structure to work; A swift reaction; Measured decisions; Prioritisation; and Co-ordination between other agencies. Dangerous Substances Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods and Marine Pollutants) Regulations 1997 define the various categories of substances classified as Dangerous and refers to International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) for individual definitions and classifications. These Regulations apply if dangerous substances transit, or are handled, within the harbour area. Part V of the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Area Regulations 1987 covers Liquid Dangerous Substances in Bulk. Dangerous Substances in Harbour Area Regulations (DSHAR) 1987 The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Area regulations 1987 defines the meaning of a dangerous substance and sets out the requirements for entry into the harbour area. It includes the harbour masters powers, marking and navigation of vessels, handling of dangerous substances, bulk liquids, packaging and labelling, storage and 9-1 explosives. Most importantly, it requires the preparation of an emergency plan by the Harbour Authority. The harbour master must record the granting or revoking of an exemption from the requirement to notify the entry of a dangerous substance. The purpose of notification is to ensure adequate preparation can be made to store and handle the appropriate substance. The harbour master shall consider the safety of any person either within or outside the harbour area when giving directions. The harbour master shall consult the police before directing the removal of dangerous substances from the port. Oil Pollution and Dangerous Vessels The Secretary of State has power to give directions to a Harbour Authority, a Harbour master, master of a vessel, pilot, or salvor or owner of a vessel, where an accident has occurred to or in a ship and, in his opinion, oil from the ship will or may cause pollution on a large scale. The Secretary of State, or persons authorised by him, may take any action they may direct to be taken; and that a representative of the Secretary of State (SOSREP) has been appointed to exercise these functions. The Harbour master may detain a vessel if they have reason to believe that it has committed an offence by discharging oil, or mixture containing oil, into the waters of a Harbour. All oil spills into Harbour waters are to be reported and Harbour masters have powers to board ships to investigate possible offences. Under the Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations1998 (the OPRC Regulations), Cowes Harbour Authority has prepared a plan to respond to oil spills in their waters. The plan is approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) every 3 years. Scope of Harbour Authority Responsibilities The OPRC obligation arises if a port has oil handling facilities (vessels over 400 GT or oil tankers over 150 GT), bunker vessels, or a turnover in excess of £1 million; the 9-2 1998 Regulations are now the principal legislation on counter pollution from a Harbour Authority perspective. The obligation in the Regulations relates to pollution, or risk of pollution, by oil being discharged into harbour waters. The requirement is to plan to remove oil pollution from the harbour waters; and from structures owned by the Harbour Authority. The National Contingency Plan assumes that the cleaning of the shoreline is assigned to local authorities and the landowners. Cowes Harbour Authority has in place sufficient equipment to adequately deal with what the Regulations term a Tier 1 response. Cowes Harbour Authority also has in place a contract with a competent response company that has the capability to respond to what the Regulations term a Tier 2 spillage. The effect of these provisions is to limit the quantity of spilled oil for which a Harbour Authority must plan removal. See controlled document number 2, Oil Spill Response Plan. Government Support for Large Spills (TIER 3) Under the Merchant Shipping Act, the UK Government has prepared a National Contingency Plan to manage very large spillages. The plan is a good guide particularly on Harbour Authority powers and SOSREPs function. Consultation The Cowes Harbour Authority Oil Spill Contingency Plan has been compiled in consultation with adjacent ports, Local Authorities, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), the Environment Agency and Natural England. The plan was submitted to the MCA for formal approval in November 2005 and will be submitted for re-approval after consultation with the above every 5 years. Resources CHC has an adequate number of proficiently trained personnel capable of managing a pollution incident. Additional resources needed to cope with a Tier 2 spillage includes mutual help agreements with other ports, oil companies and local authorities, and a formal contract is in place with an oil spill contracting company to ensure that a response will be guaranteed in the event of an accident. 9-3 Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Oil Pollution) Regulations 1996 This legislation is directed mainly at a satisfactory operational capability of the vessel, when navigating within the vicinity of the coast. The Harbour Authority must report to the MCA any noticeable defect of a vessel when operating within harbour limits or when a pilot is on board. Dangerous Vessels Act 1985 Under this Act, the harbour master may give directions prohibiting the entry into, or requiring the removal from, the harbour of any vessel if, in his opinion, the condition of that vessel, or the nature or condition of anything it contains, is such that its presence in the harbour might involve a grave and imminent danger to the safety of persons or property or risk that the vessel may, by sinking or foundering in the harbour, prevent or seriously prejudice the use of the harbour by other vessels. The harbour master must have regard to all the circumstances and to the safety of any person or vessel. Directions given under the Act by a harbour master may be over-ridden by the Secretary of State. This power is likely to be exercised through SOSREP, having assumed powers of intervention relating to the salvage of the casualty. Police The role of the police is to: Act as overall co-ordinators of any major incident on land; Secure and protect the scene; Investigate the incident; Collect casualty information; Identification of the dead on behalf of the coroner; Prevent crime. In the event of a major incident outside of the port area, which to all intents and purposes from police is private, then the police are overall co-ordinators but this is not the case in the event of a port marine incident. 9-4 Emergency Services The harbour master, and the master of any vessel involved, shall give every reasonable assistance to the fire, police ambulance and other emergency services for dealing with, alleviating or preventing any emergency. At any fire, the Senior Fire Brigade Officer shall have sole charge and control of all operations subject to the overall authority of the master if on board ship (Fire Services Act of 1947 and Fire Precautions Act 1971) although they are not in charge of ship safety and other matters within the marine sense. The Environment Agency The Environment Agency is a non-departmental public body with statutory duties and powers in relation to water resources, pollution control, flood defence, fisheries, recreation, conservation and navigation in England and Wales. Under the Water Resources Act 1991, the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Environment Act 1995. The Environment Agency is responsible for the control of pollution and water quality in all controlled waters, which include ground waters, fresh waters, estuaries and relevant territorial waters (these extend 3 miles seaward from specific baselines). Search and rescue It is the responsibility of HM Coastguard to co-ordinate the search and rescue phase of any distress within harbour limits. HM Coastguard will assist a Harbour Authority and provide co-ordination in the search and rescue phase of any incident, which is being carried out under the Port Emergency Plan. The Harbour Authority will remain responsible for managing the overall response to a port emergency. National and Other Plans Major Incident Plan In England and Wales the Home Office has instructed the Police to draw up a plan to manage a major incident. Its main modus operandi is based upon a tiered level of response: 9-5 Gold (strategic); Silver (tactical); and Bronze (operational). The gold, silver and bronze categorisations relate to the function of the post rather than the seniority of the officer dealing with the emergency. The plan works on the basis of mutual support with each organisation involved in the incident providing personnel to provide the relevant expertise. Search and Rescue The MCA have a national plan to manage major sea borne incidents. This is an integrated response relying upon voluntary bodies such as the RNLI and local resources. Arrangements have been made with various fire services and the RAF to provide helicopter support. Regional Plans Each region within the UK has a Marine Rescue Co-ordinating Centre (MRCC) specifically designed to manage offshore and inshore incidents. The MRCC also has a resident Counter Pollution Officer for that region who is responsible for managing pollution incidents that occur outside Port Limits. Pollution Some areas have regional counter pollution plans, which have been compiled with the input of all relevant agencies they detail: Sensitivity of information; Prioritisation; and Locations for shoreline response centres and marine response centres. These plans act as an umbrella support to individual; port and organisational plans and provide a bridge to The NCP plan. Local non-port Plans Environment Agency-flooding; and 9-6 Local Authority, IWCC Emergency Response Plan. Port Plans Cowes Harbour Emergency Plan; Oil Spill Contingency Plan; Port Facility Security Plan 9-7 Section 10 - Regulation and Management of Navigation Public Right to Navigate There is a general public right to navigate in tidal waters, subject to the payment of proper tolls and dues, and to the provision of any laws regulating the operation of the harbour. These laws may impose special restrictions on the otherwise general freedom of navigation. Therefore CHC’s right to regulate the entry and movement of ships within the port to ensure the safety of navigation must be conferred by statute. CHC’s Powers Cowes Harbour Authority has special directions, and rules in General Directions and byelaws, which every harbour user must obey as a condition of his or her right to use the harbour. Cowes harbour also issues guidance in the form of Local Notices to Mariners. Cowes Harbour Authority has a duty to make proper use of its powers to make General Directions and byelaws, and to give special directions and make pilotage directions, to regulate vessel movements in their waters. The powers shall be exercised in support of the policies and procedures developed in CHC's safety management system, and shall be used to manage the navigation of all vessels. Powers of direction would amongst other items be used to require the use of port passage plans in appropriate cases - whether vessels are piloted or not. Available Powers There are five main powers currently available to Cowes Harbour Authority to regulate ship movements: 10-1 Special Directions Given by the harbour master. These directions are time and vessel specific, and are most apt for operational purposes and for emergencies. Directions should apply to all vessels, including where a pilot or the holder of a pilotage exemption certificate conducts a vessel. Dangerous Vessel Directions a special case, permitting the harbour master to remove a vessel from the harbour in clearly defined circumstances: they may be over-ruled by the Secretary of State. General Directions Apply to all vessels navigating within Cowes harbour, and can be issued to promote conditions conducive to the ease or safety of navigation, the safety of persons and the protection of property, flora and fauna of the harbour. The power to issue General Directions has been granted through the Cowes Harbour Revision Order 2012. Byelaws provide a general framework for rules of navigation, which apply to all vessels including speed limits, defining fairways, anchorages, etc. -, and which can be treated as unlikely to require frequent or short term amendment. Pilotage Directions Given by Competent Harbour Authority which have the power to regulate navigation. These determine the circumstances in which pilotage is to be compulsory. The use of all these powers shall be governed by the authority's formal risk assessment, and shall support the safety management system. It is to be noted, in this connection, that the master or pilot of a vessel is not obliged to obey directions if he believes that compliance would endanger the vessel. It is therefore essential that the use of any of these powers should be clearly based on a proper assessment of the risk(s). 10-2 Existing Controls Collision Regulations The Collision Regulations apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by sea-going vessels. Nothing in the rules interferes with the operation of special rules by an appropriate authority (including a Harbour Authority). Such special rules should conform as closely as possible to those in the Regulations. Thus, a General Direction or byelaw made by a Harbour Authority will prevail if inconsistent with the Regulations, but there must be strong reasons for making or confirming such a byelaw. General Directions and byelaws should be considered to meet circumstances for which the Collision Regulations do not provide. Port Control CHC’s primary duty is to ensure the safe and efficient use of the harbour by those who have a right to use its facilities and navigate its waters. This includes a duty to regulate navigation. The extent to which port control is required depends upon: Traffic density; Traffic patterns and intersections; Port and river regimes, depth of water, sand banks, bars, shoaling patterns, meteorological conditions, tides and currents; Hazardous and pollutant cargo trades; Berth locations; Proximity of the navigation channel to shore structures; and Recreational craft. The need to regulate is determined by an appropriate assessment of the risk(s). Management is achieved by various measures: observing, advising, educating as well as enforcing formal rules. The resources required to manage navigation effectively depend on the measures, which need to be taken. These may be simple and inexpensive, or involve sophisticated equipment and specially trained operators. 10-3 Communicating with Port Traffic Port control depends upon effective two-way communication between port personnel ashore and vessels using the harbour. A number of different methods are used to monitor the movement of traffic within the Cowes port areas. They include: Visual observation; VHF surveillance; Closed Circuit Television (CCTV); and Automatic Identification System (AIS). A person managing traffic movements in a port may use any of the following to communicate with waterborne users: VHF radio; and Telephones (fixed and mobile); E-mail; Visual signalling equipment (signal lights, shapes, etc.); In-Port Communications In-port communication links are needed in addition to links provided for communication with vessels. These include: VHF communications with tugs, pilot cutters, and other harbour craft; Low power UHF radio for use in berthing/docking operations; Computer networks and mobile telephones; Fixed data links (analogue and digital) for transmission of remote sensor information; and Fibre optic landlines for transmission of broadband sensor and other data. Procedures Navigational information or assistance is most commonly provided as advice. In managing navigation, in the interests of safety however, it will often be necessary to require vessels to alter their navigation in some way. Such requirements may be 10-4 expressed in the form of a request, but it should be made clear that the Harbour Master or an assigned deputy has the power to issue special directions, and should consider doing so, if a vessel ignores, or declines to comply with a direction, for reasons other than safety. Passage Planning The Harbour Masters powers to regulate the time and manner of ships entry to, departure from and movement within their waters will then serve to complement port passage planning. Port Passage Guidance Port passage guidance is given legal force by CHC's statutory powers currently only under the pilotage directions. It is to be used in conjunction with master/pilot exchange forms, which ensure that both have information needed for an agreed pilotage passage plan. The object of port passage guidance is to ensure that: All parties know relevant details of any particular port passage in advance; There is a clear, shared understanding of potential hazards, margins of safety, and the ships characteristics; Intentions and required actions are agreed for the conduct of the port passage including the use of tugs and their availability and any significant deviation should it become necessary. CHC intend to use directions not only to require the use of plans, but also the advance preparation of appropriate passage plans by visiting ships masters, whether using a pilot or not. Cowes Harbour Authority shall monitor compliance with such requirements. Passage plans are not immutable. It is the responsibility of a pilot, on embarkation, to brief the master on his proposals for the pilotage passage plan within the pilotage area. This plan should be agreed with the master as soon as practicable. The plan will make allowance for any variations of tide and other local circumstances such as vessel movements, berth availability etc. It is important not to constrain the pilots 10-5 need to react to unforeseen circumstances; but deviations from the agreed plan should be discussed with the master and, when relevant, with port control, and recorded with reasons. Scope of Passage Planning Requirements The use of passage planning is not confined to vessels conducted by a pilot, but shall also be required for vessels conducted by a certificated PEC holder, and on vessels exempted from the CHC's pilotage directions. Passage plans may be dispensed with for particular kinds of vessel if the formal risk assessment has established that they are not necessary for the management of risk in such cases. As a general rule it is acceptable to exclude those vessels for which CHC's GDs and byelaws give sufficient control; for example, recreational vessels. However, such vessels shall be included if that is necessary and practicable. Role of Harbour Authority on Port Passage Guidance CHC shall take the lead in promoting the use of passage planning. CHC shall seek to establish general guidance in simple cases for any entry to the port; in others, elaborated for particular berths, ship sizes, cargoes, conditions, tidal constraints, tug allocation, holding areas, etc. Particular attention should be paid to critical port movements, for example the movement of deep draught vessels to particular berths. Publication of Port Passage Guidance CHC shall take appropriate steps to publish up to date guidance or general plans adopted by the port. Passage Record Keeping Access to proper records is required for the port to monitor the ports safety management system, and to investigate incidents. It is also in the interest of all concerned that, in the event of an incident, it is possible to demonstrate the master was properly briefed by the pilot (if one is used), and that there was an agreed pilotage passage plan. Plans adopted for particular passages shall be recorded. Recordings of VHF and CCTV may well also provide evidence. 10-6 Master / Pilot Exchange IMO Assembly Resolution A485 (xii) is being amended to include, at Annex 2, a summary of the respective responsibilities of master and pilot. It recommends that they should exchange information regarding navigational procedures, local conditions and the ships characteristics, and that this information exchange should be a continuous process that generally continues for the duration of the pilotage. The pilot’s presence on board does not relieve the master or officer in charge of the navigational watch from their duties and obligations for the safety of the ship. It is important that, upon the pilot boarding the ship and before the pilotage commences the pilot, the master and the bridge personnel are aware of their respective roles in the safe passage of the ship. The master, bridge officers and pilot share a responsibility for good communications and understanding of each other’s role for the safe conduct of the vessel in pilotage waters. Masters and bridge officers have a duty to support the pilot and to ensure that his actions are monitored at all times. Port passage guidance provides a general framework for the preparation and agreement of specific passage plans for particular transits in the port. This preparation depends upon an exchange of information between master and pilot. This includes but goes further than the statutory requirements. The Pilotage Act 1987 requires a certain minimum exchange of information between the master of a ship and the pilot. In addition, the Merchant Shipping (Port State Control) Regulations 1995 (SI 1995 No. 3128) requires a pilot to report to the Port State (MCA), through his harbour authority where appropriate, any ship deficiencies that may affect its safe navigation. The master / pilot exchange of information needs to be both detailed and structured, if the respective roles of the pilot and the master are to be integrated to best effect. It should include as a minimum the following: The provision by the pilot of detailed local navigational information, including his recommended pilotage passage plan such details will assist the master to update his own plan and charts. 10-7 Details on how the bridge is managed, and who fulfils what functions will also assist the pilot to integrate into the bridge team. Presentation by the master to the pilot of a completed standard Pilot Card in addition information should be provided on rate of turns at different speeds, turning circles, stopping distances and, if available, other appropriate data. General agreement on plans and procedures, including contingency plans, for the anticipated passage. Discussion of any special conditions such as weather, depth of water, tidal currents and marine traffic, which may be expected during the passage. Discussion of any unusual ship-handling characteristics, machinery difficulties, navigational equipment problems or crew limitations, which could affect the operation, handling or safe manoeuvring of the ship. Information on berthing arrangements; use, characteristics and number of tugs; mooring boats and other external facilities. Information on mooring arrangements. Confirmation of the language to be used on the bridge and with external parties. This should ensure that the vessel has an agreed pilotage passage plan, and that the vessels position can be monitored independently on the bridge whilst the pilot has the conduct of the ship. In order to help avoid misunderstandings, and to overcome any possible language problems, an oral exchange between master and pilot should be complemented by written details. Such details will also facilitate the provision of a record of the exchange, should it ever be necessary to establish who said what. The paper-based records should include the following: Master Pilot Exchange Master to pilot The Pilot Card This should provide, in clear, written / diagrammatic format all relevant information and details regarding the vessel and its 10-8 Master Pilot Exchange equipment. Pilot to master Pilotage Passage Plan This should provide a written / chart / schematic containing all information relevant to the passage from pilot station to berth, including any tidal constraints and abort plans. Pilot to CHA/MCA Pilots have a statutory duty to report ship deficiencies that may affect adversely its safe navigation. These should be reported to the Harbour Authority, which should, in turn, inform the MCA. (If any such defects are of major concern, the pilot should not commit the vessel to a passage in confined waters but instead abort the proposed movement to a place of safety). Master to pilot HAZMAT checklist The master of any vessel carrying dangerous or polluting goods must supply to the pilot an appropriate checklist. If the checklist is not satisfactorily completed, or it is not supplied, the pilot must report this fact to the Harbour Authority immediately. The Harbour Authority in turn must pass this information to the MCA. CHC pilots shall ensure that they allocated adequate time to prepare passage plans prior to boarding a vessel. Harbour Service(s) CHC patrols play an important role in the management of navigation within port limits. The object of the harbour service function includes: Maintaining a visual presence in the port area, and in so doing representing the harbour master on the water; 10-9 Enforcing port byelaws and Directions; Collecting evidence following an incident and conducting preliminary investigations; Conducting spot checks on vessel navigational documentation; Assisting craft in difficulty, and responding to other emergencies; Acting as Forward Control/On-Scene Commander respectively during port emergencies and SAR incidents; Escorting vessel as required (e.g. vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre); Control and Directing vessel traffic (e.g. during partial port closures); Monitoring jetty and other navigation lights and aids; and Conducting routine surveillance of licensed works and moorings. Recreational Navigation Recreational users are not all well-trained, safety conscious, experienced boat handlers affiliated to local clubs; or the RYA; neither do they all have detailed knowledge of the harbour. CHC has traditionally given passage-planning advice to recreational users without making a distinction regarding their affiliation or experience. There is, however, a need for educating recreational users about the CHC’s role and responsibilities as they relate to different harbour functions. Recreational navigation includes a wide range of differing activities and craft types, ranging from off-shore power boats, cabin cruisers, yachts, sailing dinghies, rowing sculls, canoes, personal watercraft, and water-ski boats. The requirements and priorities of such sports are often at variance both with each other and with other harbour users and interests (including conservation of the environment). Good management, use of appropriate powers, and consultation are all needed to strike a balance. CHC General Directions and byelaws provide the main formal statutory mechanism for managing recreational navigation. Subjects covered include: Requirement to maintain VHF communications; 10-10 Speed limitations in specified areas; Prohibitions on defined recreational activities close to beaches, navigational channel, or environmentally sensitive areas, Navigation restrictions in the vicinity of specified port infrastructure; The timing and manner of races, or other events, which may interfere with the safe use of the navigable channels Event Planning Cowes Harbour Authority regularly consults with organisers of recreational events in their waters about the need for risk assessments. The need will be proportional to the activity. CHC may be able to agree that formal assessments are not needed for some low-key leisure activities. Those intending to hold a recreational event for which any form of risk assessment will be required should consult the Harbour Master at the earliest opportunity. Formal approval for such events can then be made subject to a proper risk assessment conducted by the event organiser. In approving any event, the harbour master needs to be satisfied that the risk(s) to the safety of navigation, or other port users have been effectively mitigated. The harbour master also needs to ensure that the event organiser has consulted with, and has met the requirements of, the MCA (Coastguard), local emergency services, and local authority where appropriate. Any requirement for additional CHC resources, be they additional navigational marks, craft to patrol, control, or escort the event, or any emergency or SAR response resources, will normally be at the expense of the event organiser. Having conducted a risk assessment, and following any advice or requirement of the Harbour Master, the event organiser shall be required to promulgate clear details of the event, including where appropriate: Names of event organisers and officials; List of participants; List of authorities consulted; Timetable and programme of events; 10-11 Arrangements for controlling the event, including any special communications, i.e. contact telephone numbers, VHF channels and call signs; Any navigational constraints being imposed, e.g. restricted areas, or partial port closures; Emergency arrangements; and Media arrangements. Depending on the scope of the event, it may be appropriate to publish also the full risk assessment and associated mitigating measures. Dialogue with the Recreational Port User CHC shall make available to all users of the port, including recreational users, published material relevant to the safety of navigation, including the following: Byelaws and General Directions; Local Notices to mariners; Port guides; Details of the facilities available to visiting recreational users; Advice on passage planning, including the identification of any areas of high density recreational activity; Port emergency arrangements; and The International Collision Regulations. The promulgation of this information is achieved by direct provision to local sailing and boating clubs, through articles and features in local press and radio, and by the use of notice boards in key locations and using the port website. The CHC web site assists with promoting general awareness of the port and the details of its regulatory regime. Regular dialogue with the recreational users shall also be achieved by means of liaison meetings, and participation on working groups and committees. With the advent of the SMS, there is a need for all port users, including the recreational user, 10-12 to contribute to the hazard identification and risk assessment process, and subsequently to assist in reviewing the safety of navigation. Education and Training In discharging its responsibilities for the safety of navigation, CHC shall take a keen interest in helping to educate recreational users and others about safety on the water. To this end, CHC shall encourage recreational users to attend training courses run by the RYA and other associations. Facilities for the Recreational User Facilities provided for the recreational user often require specialised management. These include: Moorings design and specification of moorings and mooring areas, maintenance schedules etc.; Alongside berths maintenance, access, security, collection of charges, provision of services, waste disposal, emergency arrangements etc.; Drying grids, safety inspections maintenance of safe drying area including MMO consent for works below MHW; Slipways for launching/recovery of trailed craft. Requirement for maintenance and manning, supervision of launching and recovery where necessary, enforcement and collection, parking of trailers; Slipways for careening and repairs. Health & safety requirements, waste reception for contaminants; Boat lifts, cranes, hoists health & safety requirements, training for crane operators etc., storage, shoring arrangements ashore; Provision of fuel health & safety, pollution prevention, emergency procedures, formal safety inspections for installations; Supply of electricity health & safety, prevention of misuse, failsafe devices; Shore side services including showers, toilets etc. repair and maintenance, compliance with regulations, access for people with disabilities, security; and 10-13 Conservancy facilities in addition to those necessary for large vessels marking of secondary channels, maintaining depth in secondary channels and other areas, removing obstructions in areas of recreational activity. Leisure Moorings CHC license and regulate leisure moorings on the seabed in the harbour limits. to facilitate the safety of navigation. Whilst providing leisure moorings CHC shall take into consideration the need to: Maintain safe navigational channels; Ensure that a selected position takes into account size and type of craft, swinging areas, depths of water, type of seabed, and the need for safe access to and from the mooring areas; and Ensure that environmental / hydrographic regimes are not adversely affected. In providing and licensing moorings, those owned by CHC shall ensue that they are fit for the purpose, regularly maintained and checked. A published mooring plan of each area of the harbour shall be maintained, which clearly identifies the positions of all moorings. Marinas The resulting density of boat traffic will need to be reflected in port pollution and other emergency plans. All marinas are required to put into operation waste reception management plans. Traffic management procedures may be needed to facilitate entry into, and departure from, a marina. Lighting levels in and around a marina, whilst serving their purpose, must not impede the safety of navigation at night in the port area adjacent to a marina. Noise levels within marinas may need to be controlled. Access to shore from a marina must be safe, and fit for purpose. The maintenance of lifesaving appliances throughout the marina is a fundamental responsibility of the marina operator. 10-14 An effective liaison shall be maintained between the marina operators and CHC. In particular, the movement of craft to and from a marina may need to be confirmed from marina records, which should be available for scrutiny by CHC. Shore Side Life Saving Appliances The provision of shore side lifesaving equipment is the responsibility of the relevant riparian landowner, including, where appropriate, CHC. The availability of such equipment should be taken into account when conducting risk assessments. Riparian authorities have a duty of care to ensure that adequate lifesaving equipment is made available, despite its vulnerability to abuse by vandals. 10-15 Section 11 - Conservancy CHC has a duty to conserve the harbour so that it is reasonably fit for use as a port, and a duty of reasonable care to see that the harbour is in a fit condition for a vessel to resort to it. The conservancy duty covers several specific requirements, as mentioned in the Code (PMSC, 2012): To survey (and re-survey as regularly as necessary) and find the best navigable channel or channels; To place and maintain navigation marks where they will be of the best advantage to navigation (marked appropriately by day and night); To keep a vigilant watch for any changes in the sea or river bed affecting the channel or channels and move or renew navigation marks as appropriate; To keep proper hydrographic and hydrological records; and To publish as conspicuously as possible such further information as will supplement the guidance given by navigation marks. Provide regular returns and other information about the authorities local aids to navigation as the General Lighthouse Authority may require. Where CHC states that there is a certain depth of water at a part of the harbour over which vessels may be obliged to pass, it shall use reasonable care to provide that the approaches to that part are sufficient, under normal conditions, or give warning that the advertised depth has not been maintained. Conservancy includes not only monitoring but also management of the hydrographic regime in a harbour, and so covers the licensing of construction and dredging in order that the safety of navigation is not adversely affected. Conservancy therefore involves a number of functions: Hydrography; Promulgation of survey and navigation information; Dredging; 11-1 Maintaining aids to navigation; Managing wrecks; and Regulating construction works. Hydrography Hydrography is the precise determination of navigational information, and the provision of charts and other navigational products for use by the mariner and those with a responsibility for conservancy. Aids to Navigation CHC shall ensure that all aids to navigation, both fixed and floating, have their positions accurately determined. Lighted fixed marks will have their characteristics regularly checked. The mean positions of floating marks are determined from observations taken at full ebb and at full flood. Frequency of Survey The frequency of surveys shall be determined by formal risk assessment. It shall reflect the stability of the seabed and its susceptibility to siltation or erosion. The depth of available water, in relation to the draught of vessels using that water, shall also be a consideration. Surveys are needed firstly to facilitate the production of charts. The intervals between surveys of the whole harbour below high water shall vary from two to ten years. The interval may be different for different parts of the harbour. More frequent periodic surveys will be necessary where the depth of water is known to fluctuate in areas critical to navigation. Incident assessments may also indicate a survey requirement. For example, where a vessel has grounded, it is important for the area to be re-surveyed as soon as possible to check the accuracy of published information; and to ensure that any resultant disturbance to the bed does not present a hazard to other vessels. It is also prudent in the event of a grounding, to establish promptly the depth of water available at the time of the incident in case of subsequent dispute. Post-incident 11-2 surveys shall also be conducted whenever there is a risk that the navigation channel has been compromised in some way, such as might happen when a large object is known to have fallen in the water. Promulgation of survey and navigation information Cowes Harbour Authority is responsible for ensuring that the mariner is provided with the necessary information to ensure that they can safely navigate through the port. The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has the responsibility of compiling and publishing charts for all tidal waters around the UK, and the Admiralty Sailing Directions. CHC when conducting surveys shall arrange to provide the UKHO with the results of their surveys. The UKHO has a standard form of agreement for these arrangements. It has also published a code of practice on the provision of hydrographic information by ports (Provision of Hydrographic Information, A Code of Practice for United Kingdom Ports and Harbours). CHC shall issue a suitable warning as soon as they become aware, through survey or other means, that the water available to the mariner is less than that promulgated in nautical charts and publications. CHC will normally broadcast such warnings in the first instance over the appropriate VHF channel(s). Where a local Notice to Mariners is issued, distribution shall include the UKHO, all pilots authorised by the authority, all current PEC holders and Masters of vessels not subject to compulsory pilotage where appropriate, and other Masters and vessels not subject to compulsory pilotage. Shipping agents shall also be included, so that they are alerted to the changes. The UKHO will decide if the local notice to mariners should be promulgated more widely as a chart correcting Admiralty Notice to Mariners. In order to avoid the need for frequent chart corrections it is sensible to arrange with UKHO that in areas prone to depth fluctuations the minimum water available is that shown on the admiralty chart. Where changes within harbour limits may impact on the safe navigation of passing coastal traffic or vessels approaching the port, CHC, as the local lighthouse authority 11-3 (see below), shall inform the UKHO Radio Navigation Warning section. The UKHO will determine if a Coastal Navigation Warning will be issued on Navtex and/or through the Coastguard Coast Radio Stations. Such changes may include: Casualties to aids to navigation particularly a principal Fairway Buoy or major Category 1 lights with ranges beyond Harbour limits; New wrecks or shoals and their marking located towards the outer limits of the port; Closure of a port or anchorage in exceptional circumstances; and The failure of local VHF radio navigation services. The UKHO issues these warnings, but the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) is responsible for their transmission. MCA may invoice CHC for this service to help cover costs. CHC shall therefore make provision for these expenses. Where tidal heights vary significantly from those predicted, periodic warnings shall be made over the appropriate VHF channel. Where tidal variations potentially affect vessels alongside or at a mooring, consideration shall be given to alerting the relevant shipping agents if the vessel risks taking the ground or could otherwise be put at risk. The tidal information available to CHC may be useful for warning of possible local flooding. Arrangements shall be made in such cases for the appropriate local authority and/or the Environment Agency to be informed. Dredging Cowes Harbour Authority has statutory powers in local legislation to dredge for the maintenance and improvement of channels. The latter is commonly referred to as capital dredging, although the distinction between the two kinds may be blurred in practice. Maintenance Dredging Maintenance dredging is that which is required to maintain existing access to the port and discharges the responsibility to ensure that all vessels using the port may do so safely. It is done on a routine basis to maintain the level of water at the depth advertised on charts. It is important that risk assessments deal with this 11-4 requirement. Maintenance dredging shall be planned for the sake of efficiency and to minimise environmental effects. Advertised depths shall be determined and reviewed having regard to the need to ensure the safety of commercial and recreational vessels using the port. Water depth may be reduced to a level less than that charted, or otherwise promulgated, for example because no user any longer requires the charted depth to be maintained. However, appropriate warnings to mariners must be given and charts up-dated as soon as reasonably practicable. Capital Dredging Capital dredging can take the form of deepening or widening an existing channel or to construct an entirely new channel to facilitate access to a new facility. Capital dredging may often be prompted by commercial considerations. However, a risk assessment might also identify a safety requirement for better access even for vessels already using the port. Controls on Dredging Where the Crown Estate or another person owns the bed of the harbour their permission for dredging operations is likely to be needed. CHC's statutory power to dredge is subject to consent to dispose of dredged materials in tidal waters. This consent is required from Marine Management Organisation. This requirement is usually found in the Harbour Authority's local legislation alongside the power to dredge. It mirrors and takes the place of the requirement in Part II of the Coast Protection Act 1949. The1949 Act will also apply if dredging is proposed beyond the limit (usually the harbour limit) of the Harbour Authority's power to dredge. The consenting Department can advise which control applies. Capital dredging may require additional powers, for which a harbour order is required. Consent to dredge is subject to the Harbour Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 1999. The Directive, which these regulations transpose, imposes controls on projects. This means that consideration must be given to the dredging and disposal of material, even though the consent requirement may relate 11-5 to the disposal only. Consents may also be subject to the Habitats Regulations 2000, which impose severe restrictions and special tests on works, which may adversely affect a European site. There are similar controls on harbour orders in Schedule 3 of the Harbours Act 1964 (as amended). It is even more likely in these cases that an environmental assessment will be required, or that adverse effects on a European site will have to be considered. All applications for consent have to be advertised by the consenting Department and will take at least ten weeks after application and submission of all relevant information. The advertising periods are longer where an environmental assessment is required and decisions may take months. Early dialogue with the consenting Department is essential. A licence to dispose of dredged spoil at sea must also first be obtained from DEFRA, in accordance with the Food and Environmental Protection Act. Seabed samples will be required from the areas in which it is proposed to dredge, for chemical analysis by DEFRA. The means and location for spoil disposal must also be agreed and approved with all the relevant authorities. Early consultation with all parties concerned, including those who navigate or fish in the area is strongly advised. Dredging and Hydrography CHC shall undertake a hydrographic survey before dredging work commences and when it has been completed. This will establish the need and the basis for any contract, as well as ensuring that the contract has been fulfilled. Post dredging survey information shall always be supplied to the UKHO. Regulating Harbour Works CHC has powers to license works where they extend below the high watermark, and are thus liable to have an effect on navigation. Where necessary, consideration shall be given to requiring the planning applicants to conduct a risk assessment in order to establish that the safety of navigation is not about to be put at risk. Examples of where navigation could be so affected include: 11-6 High constructions, which inhibit line of sight of microwave transmissions, or the performance of port radar, or interfere with the line of sight of aids to navigation; High constructions, which potentially affect wind patterns; and Lighting of a shore development in such a manner that the night vision of mariners is impeded, or that navigation lights, either ashore and on-board vessels are masked, or made less conspicuous. An obstruction is created in the harbour Aids to Navigation CHC is the Local Lighthouse Authority (LLA) for its area of jurisdiction. The LLA has the power to carry out and maintain the marking or lighting of its harbour or any part of its harbour within the Harbour Authority's area or on harbour land. General Lighthouse Authority The General Lighthouse Authority (GLA) has prepared guidance on the provision and maintenance of aids to navigation by the LLA. This guidance contains information concerning the revised local aids to navigation inspection regime that is to come into effect from January 2002. The GLA has the general superintendence and management of all lighthouses, buoys or beacons within their respective areas. They have a duty to inspect all lighthouses, buoys, beacons and other navigational aids belonging to or under the management of a LLA, and may give directions to a LLA. The LLA may not, without the GLA consent, erect, remove or vary the character of any lighthouse, buoy or beacon. The GLA for England and Wales is Trinity House. Where aids to navigation lie within the limits of a port, but are solely or mainly used by vessels transiting through the area en route to another port, then it is usual for the GLA to retain responsibility. Local Lighthouse Authority The LLA has a responsibility for providing and maintaining buoys and lights within its limits, but the establishment of a light or mark, or any alteration to existing lights and 11-7 marks, may only be done with the approval of the GLA. All approved alterations should be notified to the UKHO. The LLA shall give the GLA all such returns, explanations or information concerning the lighthouses, buoys and beacons under their management as the GLA may require. Availability Criteria The LLA shall establish and maintain aids to navigation within its area of responsibility in accordance with the availability criteria laid down by the GLA unless otherwise agreed by the GLA. The characteristics of local aids to navigation should comply with IALA Guidelines and recommendations. The GLA has a responsibility for ensuring that any aids to navigation within the port established and/or maintained by another party meet these standards. The categories, detailed below, are based on Guidelines developed by the IALA. The three categories are to be applied according to the importance of a particular aid for safety of navigation: Category Availability Category 1 99.8% Category 2 99.0% Category 3 97.0% Each LLA needs to adopt state and accomplish the availability targets and response priorities for individual aids to navigation, in consultation with the GLA. GLA Superintendence The LLA shall report quarterly to the GLA on the availability criteria of its aids to navigation. Reports are made through the GLA’s reporting programme ‘Ports Aids to Navigation Reporting’ (PANAR). Inspections announced / unannounced are carried out by the GLA. Casualties and Alterations The LLA is responsible for notifying users of casualties to any aids to navigation within the port. The LLA shall also notify the UKHO where appropriate. This notification shall normally be by means of local broadcasts but may involve Coastal 11-8 Navigational Warnings on Navtex and/or through the Coastguard Coast Radio stations. However, the issue of a Local Notice to Mariners may be more appropriate in cases where the casualty is likely to take more than seven days to rectify. Alterations to aids to navigation must be notified to users and the UKHO, where such alterations affect the advertised characteristics of the aids to navigation. Wherever possible, this notification shall be carried out in advance of any change taking place. The procedures laid down in respect of Notices to Mariners shall take into account the UKHO timescales for publishing Admiralty Weekly Notices to Mariners. Wrecks In the event of a vessel becoming a wreck in or near the approaches to port limits, the process of removing the wreck is laid down in Section 252 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. CHC's SMS shall require a risk assessment to be undertaken of any wreck in, or near the approaches to a harbour. The authority's powers to raise, remove, destroy and mark a wreck which is, or is likely to become, a danger to navigation shall be exercised having regard to that assessment, with the aim of reducing the risk to as low as reasonably practicable. The UKHO should be informed of wrecks within port limits. Salvage CHC may: Take possession of, raise, remove or destroy the whole, or any part of the vessel, and any other property to which the power extends; Light or buoy the vessel until it is raised, removed or destroyed; and Subject to various restrictions, sell the vessel or part of the vessel so raised or removed and any other property recovered during the exercise of the above powers. If a vessel is abandoned, or if the owner has made no valid attempt to remove a vessel that has been sunk or stranded, then CHC may act to raise or remove or 11-9 destroy the vessel if it is an obstruction or danger to navigation. Before embarking on the removal of the vessel a CHC shall ensure that: There is a well-documented reason for the authority to require the removal of the vessel; That ownership of the vessel is established beyond any doubt or evidence obtained to show that the vessel has been abandoned; Notice is given to the owner (if known), or posted on the vessel or in a public place that the authority intends to take possession of the vessel and raise, remove or destroy it (so that the owner has a reasonable opportunity to remove the vessel himself); Any sale is well advertised in the local press; Where the wreck has not sunk, and is still visible, a photographic record of the vessels condition is made before any attempt is made to salvage it; If the vessel is beyond the salvage or dispersal capabilities of the authority, a reputable salvor or wreck removal contractor is engaged to carry out the work under a recognised wreck removal contract (wreck hire, wreck con, wreck fixed, etc.); It has suitable insurance to cover any residual liability; Any such salvor or wreck removal contractor submits a detailed salvage plan covering; The method of raising the vessel including whether explosives are to be used; Any temporary lay-by berth for the vessel; Arrangements for limiting environmental damage; If pollution does occur, how it will be dealt with; Agreed delivery location/beaching site/drying berth; Diving operations connected with the salvage operation, and an assurance that they are to be carried out in accordance with the relevant diving regulations; and A suitable plan for the final disposal of the vessel, whether this involves sale of the entire vessel or part thereof 11-10 Section 12 - Pilotage The Competent Harbour Authority CHC shall, through the Board of Commissioners, play a formal role in the recruitment, training, authorisation and discipline of pilots. They shall also approve the granting of Pilotage Exemption Certificates (PECs) and the discipline of PEC holders. The Harbour Master shall be responsible for the management of pilotage and the Deputy Harbour Master shall administer the service with the assistance of the Finance Officer. Providing a service The pilotage service provided by CHC shall be based upon a continuing process of risk assessment. This process will be composed of the following elements: Safety assessment; Agents and joint arrangements; Pilotage directions; Boarding and landing; Consultation; Pilotage regulations; Authorisation of pilots; Contracts with authorised pilots; Training; Rostering pilots; and Incident and disciplinary procedures. Safety Assessment The Harbour Authority shall keep under consideration: 12-1 Whether any and, if so, what pilotage services need to be provided to secure the safety of ships navigating in or in the approaches to its harbour; and Whether in the interests of safety, pilotage should be compulsory for ships navigating in any part of that harbour or its approaches and, if so, for which ships and in which circumstances and what pilotage services need to be provided for those ships. The hazards involved in the carriage of dangerous goods, pollutants or harmful substances by ship have to be particularly considered. These requirements are clearly best addressed as part of CHC's overall risk assessment and SMS. For the purposes of the SMS, pilotage is to be treated as a risk control measure, to be considered with other possible measures to mitigate the risks in question. There may be no need for a pilotage service where other measures are considered sufficient. It is important to note that the Harbour Authority has two separate decisions to make: To identify the pilotage service required in the interests of safety; and The scope of pilotage directions. The service provided must obviously cover all vessels required to have a pilot by the directions. However, the Harbour Authority must also consider two other points: That some vessels subject to directions may not require a pilot because the master or first mate is entitled to use a pilotage exemption certificate; and A vessel not subject to directions may nevertheless need a pilot in the interests of safety (for example in unusual conditions such as poor weather, reduced visibility, unfamiliarity with, or lack of knowledge of, the port or due to fatigue). A master entitled to conduct their vessel under an exemption certificate may nevertheless ask for a pilot for assistance. The Harbour Authority has a duty to provide the service required in the interests of safety. 12-2 Where necessary to ensure that pilots retain the required currency and competence they are to trip in vessels, which are excepted, from compulsory pilotage covered by a PEC holder. In providing a pilotage service, the Harbour Authority incurs an obligation to find and maintain the resources and expertise. Agents and Joint Arrangements A Competent Harbour Authority may arrange for certain pilotage functions to be exercised on its behalf by such other persons as its sees fit, including a company established for the purpose, or another Competent Harbour Authority. A Competent Harbour Authority may assign all its pilotage functions to another Competent Harbour Authority; however the following arrangements may not be assigned or shared: The duty to keep the need for pilotage under review; The authorisation of pilots; The arrangement under which its authorised pilots are engaged; The approval of pilot launches; The issue of pilotage directions; and The issue of exemption certificates. These are all key elements of the CHC SMS. Cowes Competent Harbour Authority has a memorandum of understanding with Southampton Competent Harbour Authority Pilotage Directions (Controlled Document Number 16) Where the Competent Harbour Authority decides in the interests of safety that pilotage should be compulsory in the harbour or any part thereof, it must issue pilotage directions. Vessels are subjected to pilotage directions where the authority has decided that the management of safety so requires. Such vessels may nevertheless be conducted by PEC holders who have been assessed for skills, experience, local knowledge and knowledge of English. The authority will need to satisfy itself that the risks relating to vessels that are not 12-3 subject to compulsory pilotage are appropriately managed. This applies both to vessels which the authority decides to exclude under its pilotage directions, as well as those excepted by statute. The authority's pilotage directions define the geographic area within which pilotage is compulsory, describes how pilotage applies to vessels using the port and specify the ships or type of ship, and the geographical area, to which they apply; and in any circumstances in which an assistant pilot must accompany an authorised pilot. (Cowes Harbour Pilotage Directions, Controlled Document Number 16) (Solent Pilotage Directions Guide, Controlled Document Number 17) Boarding and Landing Attention is drawn to the British Ports Associations Code of Practice entitled The Boarding and Landing of Pilots by Pilot Boat and the Merchant Shipping (Pilot Transfer Arrangements) Regulations 1999 and revised 2007. In designating pilot boarding and landing positions the following considerations shall apply to the fixing of these positions, especially the seaward position: It must be in a safe place to transfer a pilot to and from a vessel; It must allow for a pilot to be on board where the pilotage directions so require; and It must be where there is sufficient time and sea room to allow a proper master pilot information exchange. Requirements might also vary according to different kinds of vessel and for other temporary reasons, such as adverse weather. There is no power for the Harbour Authority or for any pilot or port control officer to waive the pilotage directions. Pursuant to the above boarding and landing position would normally be at the limit to which the relevant pilotage direction applies. Consultation Before issuing a new direction, the authority shall consult with ship owners whose vessels use the port, or those who represent them, and with those who conduct 12-4 operations within the harbour. The authority shall publish its directions so that they are readily available to all who require them, or are likely to be interested in them. Pilotage Regulations Pilotage directions exist to define formally the broad structure of a pilotage service, and in particular to define where, and for whom, compulsory pilotage applies. Pilotage regulations provide a method of publishing administrative requirements and details, which support these directions. These may include: Arrangements for the application, assessment, approval, renewal and use of Pilotage Exemption Certificates; Pilot authorisation procedures; Any conditions governing the provision of the pilotage service; How vessels should obtain the services of a pilot; Details of the local radio communications allocated for pilotage; and Criteria for excepted ship status. Authorisation of Pilots The competent Harbour Authority shall authorise suitably qualified pilots in its area. Authorisations may relate to ships of a particular description and to particular parts of the port. The authority determines the qualifications for authorisation in respect of age, medical fitness standards, time of service, local knowledge, skill, character and otherwise. Subject to the principle that it is for the Harbour Authority alone to decide (using appropriate procedures for delegation to its officers) that an authorisation should be given, it is for the authority, to determine that a particular authorised pilot is appropriately qualified and fit to pilot any ship on any occasion. The authority shall have discretion to decide not to allocate an authorised pilot for a period, or for particular ships, and this shall be an accepted condition of every authorisation. The authority may also suspend or revoke an authorisation after giving notice and allowing a reasonable opportunity for representations to be made, if it appears to the authority that the authorised person is guilty of any incompetence or misconduct 12-5 affecting their capability as a pilot. The same applies if an authorised pilot has ceased to have the required qualifications; or level of medical fitness; or failed to provide evidence of continuing to meet any of the criteria. An authorisation may also be suspended or revoked, on reasonable notice, if any contract or other arrangement under which the services of pilots are provided is terminated. The authority shall have formal procedures for these circumstances; incorporated in the contracts they have with authorised pilots. It is obviously good practice and in the interests of all concerned, for the authority to act on legal advice in such matters. The authority shall have procedures for re-validating authorisations not less than every five years. The authority shall not allow pilot authorisations to be held by persons who have not been rostered as working pilots for more than two years. Revalidation shall include an assessment of competence sufficient to satisfy the authority that the pilot remains qualified to be authorised. The authority shall reassess any authorised pilot who has not been active for any reason if it considers that competence may be in question. It shall do the assessment, and arrange appropriate training, before allowing the pilot to be rostered. Contracts with Authorised Pilots (Controlled Document Number 15, Memorandum of Understanding Cowes Pilots) For the purposes of being able to regulate the provision of its pilotage service, the authority shall have a contractual arrangement with its authorised pilots (whether under a contract of employment or a contract for services). This shall be individual with each pilot. The contract should reflect the general conditions under which people are employed by the authority, including regulation of hours, leave, medical standards, training, incident reporting, discipline, employment protection, grievance and complaints procedures. The purpose of the contract is to regulate the relationship between the authority and its pilots in the proper interests of both. In the authority's case, it should retain sufficient control over the provision of the service, which it has a statutory duty to provide. 12-6 The contract between the authority and its authorised pilots shall also take account of any contract the authority has made with another body or authority to have pilotage functions discharged on its behalf. An authorised pilot’s contract shall enable the authority to decide that a particular pilot may, or shall not be allocated to a particular ship on a particular occasion. The authority shall ensure that any arrangements, by which the operation of the pilotage service is delegated, reserve their control over rostering. Training The Harbour Authority shall ensure that all their authorised pilots are trained and qualified to conduct the vessels to which they are likely to be allocated. The authority shall not allow any pilot to be allocated if not appropriately trained and qualified. The training standards should be appropriate to the National Occupational Standards. Every authorised pilots training needs to be kept under review, with additional training provided as necessary before allocation to different types of vessels or to the use of new types of tugs. It is good practice for shipping companies, particularly regularly trading ferries under PECs, to also participate in pilot training programmes. These programmes promote shared good practice and team working. Rostering Pilots The shift patterns for any given pilotage service will vary depending on local circumstances, including the length of act, density of shipping, proximity of boarding and landing areas, etc. In designing shift patterns, care shall be taken to ensure that pilots are suitably rested before commencing an act of pilotage, and that time has been allocated for the proper development of the pilotage passage plan. The formal risk assessment shall be used to identify any circumstances in which more than one pilot would be needed to conduct the navigation of a vessel safely. Pilot Launches and Workboats 12-7 (Memorandum of Understanding Solent and Wightline Cruises, Controlled Document Number 13,) The Harbour Authority shall ensure that only those vessels that are specifically approved for the purpose will be used as pilot vessels. Pilot launches and workboats used in the port will, where applicable, comply with the Merchant Shipping (Small Workboats and Pilot Boats) Regulations 1998 and the associated Safety of Small Workboat and the Pilot Boat Code of Practice. Pilotage and the Port State The Harbour Authority shall ensure that the Maritime and Coastguard Agency are informed whenever reports are received from pilots that a vessel has deficiencies which may prejudice the safe navigation of that vessel, or may pose a threat to the harm of the environment. Pilotage Charges The Harbour Authority shall ensure that pilotage charges are published to those persons likely to be interested. Directions and Passage Plans The Harbour Authority will use and promote the use of appropriately detailed passage plans. Publication of Port Passage Guidance The Harbour Authority shall provide, in the most appropriate format, up to date passage guidance applicable to the harbour. Incident and Disciplinary Procedures The authority shall have a formal incident and discipline procedure in the event of a marine incident. The Harbour Authority shall make provision for ship Masters to make reports, including confidential ones, of unsatisfactory performance by an authorised pilot, whether or not there has been an incident. Such provision must, however, be coupled with an equitable investigation procedure. 12-8 Pilotage Exemption Certificates Eligibility for a PEC The Competent Harbour Authority (CHA) will issue a PEC to applicants who are bona fide the master or chief officer of a vessel. In practice, a large proportion of commercial shipping movements, especially ferries, are conducted by such officers with PECs. Many are highly trained and experienced not only to be familiar with their ship but also harbours which they visit regularly. The arrangements whereby applicants may qualify, obtain, and use a PEC shall be laid down in the pilotage regulations, which normally accompany the pilotage directions. The pilotage directions will specify the type and size of vessels which are subject to pilotage and therefore, by definition, the vessels to which PECs apply. Bona Fide Master and First Mate PECs shall be granted only to persons who are bona fide the master or chief officer of a ship. The chief officer is the person on board who will take command in the event of the master being indisposed. Award of Certificates Once the requirements have been determined, an applicant who satisfies them has a right to exemption whilst serving as bona fide master or chief officer on the vessel for which they hold a certificate whether they choose to use it or not. The authority has a duty to issue pilotage exemption certificates to appropriately qualified mariners, and is not allowed to withhold one for reasons unconnected with an applicant’s skill and experience, local knowledge and knowledge of English. A risk assessment may show for example that special requirements apply if the vessel were to take tugs. In that case, the authority has to choose whether it is reasonable to make the related skills a requirement for exemption; or whether to adopt an alternative risk management device. If the ship for which the master holds a PEC requires the services of tugs on a 12-9 regular basis then this particular experience and ability should be covered with other relevant matters in the assessment prior to granting a PEC. Responsibility of the Authority PECs are valid for one year from date of issue. Renewal shall depend upon the CHA being satisfied with the conduct of the PEC holder. The PEC shall only be renewed on confirmation that the holder’s certificate of competency remains valid and that a predetermined number and frequency of trips, with conduct of the vessel, have been undertaken by the applicant within the harbour during the previous year. A system for recording all trips made by individual PEC holders will facilitate confirmation that the prescribed number of trips has been taken. There shall be procedures to ensure that a PEC holder’s local knowledge is kept permanently up to date. In cases where a PEC is not renewed continuously, any subsequent application by the previous PEC holder shall require a further assessment and/or examination. Where a PEC is continuously renewed, the holder shall be fully reassessed, and/or re-examined every five years. Training The CHA shall offer the training and examination required without undue delay. The CHA shall also provide to the PEC holder, and the PEC holders employer relevant up to-date navigation information. Assessment of Competence The qualifications required for exemption are determined by the CHA under its safety management system. The user of a PEC conducts a vessel in a harbour in conditions where a pilot is normally required. The guidelines shall identify necessarily in general terms the competencies and knowledge (general and local) agreed to be required to do this safely. These will cover what a PEC holder must know and be able to do. The authority shall set out an agreed assessment methodology for assessing how the CHA shall be satisfied that the PEC holder has that competence and knowledge. 12-10 Assessment of Local Knowledge The local knowledge shall be assessed practically and by written and/or by oral examination. The level should be sufficient for the applicant to pilot his vessel with safety throughout the area covered by the PEC. It shall also confirm that the applicant: Has a good knowledge of local byelaws, directions and notices to mariners; Has a comprehensive knowledge of all channels, and charted features, including navigation marks; Is able to prepare and implement a pilotage passage plan; Is aware of any navigational constraint or hazard that can arise, particularly in poor visibility, or unexpected tidal variation; Has a working knowledge of port emergency plans, and how they potentially affect vessels in port; and Is able to communicate effectively in English. Certificates of Competency His or her certificate of competency in principle, confirms a mariner’s level of skill. It is fundamental that PEC applicants hold valid certificates of competency, which entitles them to hold the position as master or chief officer in the ship(s) named in the application. The authority is not bound to rely upon certificates of competency from whatever country as sufficient evidence of an applicant’s suitability for exemption. It is good practice to confirm the overall competency of an applicant, together with his or her ability to communicate effectively in English, during a practical assessment of his or her local pilotage knowledge. The CHA shall also ensure that the applicant’s certificate of competency is applicable to the type and size of ship being navigated. Masters, or chief officers certificate of competency should reflect achievement of a reliable and stringently examined standard in respect of the safe operation of a ship, and a minimum time spent at sea. It is not a record of service on ships of particular types and sizes. Requiring PEC applicants to complete a number of training acts in 12-11 the company of an authorised pilot thereof, shall ensure experience of the relevant area, or part, or the holder of a valid PEC for the area concerned. Practical Assessment It is good practice for shipping companies to ensure that officers seeking exemption have tripped with a master holding a PEC or an authorised pilot before applying. It is good practice for the Harbour Authority to promulgate a requirement for such prior experience as part of the qualifications necessary for exemption. This will involve specifying a reasonable period over which the trips are undertaken and the number required in daylight and at night. It may also specify whether any trips should be undertaken with an authorised pilot, rather than a PEC holder. The proportion of inward trips to outward trips might also be defined. In order to minimise the risk of qualifying trips being falsely claimed or denied, the use of a tripping log is recommended, so that the accompanying pilot or PEC holder can countersign to the effect that the PEC applicant had responsibility for the navigation of the vessel throughout the qualifying trip. Tripping logs can also be validated by comparison with port records. The CHA may not make qualifying for a PEC more onerous than qualifying for an authorisation as a pilot, the requirements should be equivalent. It should be borne in mind that a PEC relates to one particular vessel whereas a pilots authorisation can cover a wide range of different vessel types and sizes. Knowledge of English The CHA shall consider whether a sufficient knowledge of English is required in the interest of safety. This shall be ascertained during an oral examination or a practical assessment. Signed affirmations by third parties that the applicants English is adequate shall be avoided. Sufficient knowledge of English can be ascertained by the production of an education certificate, during tripping, and at the examination panel. Additional Vessels It is often the case that a PEC applicant will require his/her certificates to be valid for more than one vessel. However, where the other vessels involved differ significantly 12-12 in size or manoeuvring characteristics, from that named in the original application, the applicant shall have to demonstrate proficiency in those different vessels, before approval from the CHA to the addition of such vessels to his certificate. Additional Areas A PEC holder may require that his certificate be extended to embrace additional areas of the port. In these circumstances, the requirements for additional tripping and/or further assessment shall be specified in the pilotage directions, and shall be fully satisfied before any such extension is approved. Authority not to Grant a PEC The CHA may apply to the Secretary of State to be allowed not to grant certificates, if the CHA believes that exceptional navigational hazards exist within its pilotage district, such that safety considerations dictates that all vessels navigating within the district must take an authorised pilot. Suspension or Revocation of a PEC The CHA may suspend or revoke a PEC if it appears that the holder has been guilty of negligence, incompetence or misconduct. Before doing so, prior written warning of the suspension or revocation must be given, as must the right to make representations. The procedure for suspending, or revoking a PEC shall be documented in pilotage regulations. This procedure can often be lengthy, even when the evidence supporting a charge of misconduct or incompetence is overwhelming. Meanwhile, the PEC holder remains legally authorised to continue conducting pilotage in accordance with his certificate. To overcome the obvious risk to safety inherent in these circumstances, consideration shall be given to employing a letter of agreement between the CHA and the PEC holder and his employer, which defines the criteria to be met by the holder for his certificate to remain valid. Such a mechanism, following a serious incident and pending formal investigation and disciplinary processes, would allow the CHA, to invalidate a PEC immediately, and thus minimise the risk of safety being further compromised. 12-13 Vessels Operated by the CHA Pilotage directions and regulations also bind any vessels operated, or owned by the CHA. 12-14 Section 13 - Auditing & Reviewing Performance The SMS depends upon systematic review of performance using information from monitoring and from independent audits of the whole system. A strong commitment is needed to continuous improvement involving the constant development of policies, systems and techniques of risk control. Performance can be assessed by internal reference to performance indicators and by external comparison with the performance of business competitors and good practice. Performance can be measured either proactively or reactively. Performance is best measured by a combination of both proactive and reactive assessments. Examples may include: Proactive Safety inspections; Periodic reviews; Reviews; and Continuous appraisal. Reactive Accident / incident reporting; Hazardous incident reporting; and Informal reporting and observation. The Designated Person shall ensure that the internal SMS audits are prepared and conducted in accordance with accepted audit principles. The Designated Person will plan effective internal audits conducted by suitably experienced and qualified personnel. Internal audits of the SMS will take place at least annually. The following principles are to be understood: 13-1 The audit is to measure the performance of the SMS meeting its stated objectives of the Code; On completion, the conclusions drawn from the audit are to be fed back into the SMS for corrective action; Each audit is to be conducted in an objective manner; and Each audit is to be carried out by personnel who, at the time of the audit, are independent of the area, office or department or activity being audited. The Designated Person shall report to the Board of Commissioners at least annually on the performance of the SMS. The Audit & Review Process The audit process should include the whole of the SMS and must be proactive in searching for weaknesses and failings in current procedures and systems. The audit is conducted in house by the Designated Person annually and an external audit is conducted every 3 years the results of which are reported to the duty holders. Periodic reviews may be a detailed examination of one or more parts of the system or a comprehensive review of larger elements of the system if an audit or significant changes to the operating environment deem it necessary. Auditors should ensure that the audit reports are distributed to relevant personnel in the SMS. The auditee(s) should be provided with a copy, the auditor should retain a copy, and the Designated Person should be provided with a copy. The identification of a non-conformity should have an immediate effect on the operation of the SMS. In identifying a non-conformity it is also essential to identify appropriate corrective actions, including agreement on a time scale for effective close out. During the introduction of the SMS or subsequently, should a serious deficiency in the system become apparent, unscheduled audits maybe initiated by instruction of the Board of Commissioners or at the discretion of the Designated Person. 13-2 Section 14 - Document Control The Port Safety Officer (PSO) is responsible for the implementation, controlling and maintaining of documents in the safety management system. It is important to ensure that latest revisions, including new documents, are properly introduced into controlled manuals and that superseded or obsolete documents are removed and destroyed. Two concurrent versions of the SMS manual will be in force at any given time, namely, an abridged public version and a comprehensive private version. It is the responsibility of the PSO and his/her team to ensure that the latest version of these documents is promulgated through the agreed distribution channels. One hard copy of the full SMS will be held at the harbour office and an electronic copy available at each of the company sites. An abridged public version will be available to download from the company website. 14-3 Government, Secretary of State & Department for Transport ANNEX A. Cowes Harbour Act 1897 & Cowes Harbour (Constitution) Revision Order 2001 Board of Commissioners CHC Organisational Structure KEY: Designated Person CHC Commercial Activities Stautory Harbour Authority / Competent Harbour Authority (see accompanying diagram next page) Harbour Dues Group/Role Activity Schedule of Policies Responsibility Harbour Master Cost-Centre Finance Officer & Admin. Team Deputy Harbour Master Legislation Marine Officer Harbour Office Pilotage Act 1987 ISPS Code Port Waste Reception Facilities Regulations 2003 Port Marine Safety Code Habours Docks & Piers Act 1847, Harbours Act 1964, Cowes HRO 2012 OPRC Regulations 1998 Security Plan Port Waste Management Plan Safety Management System General Directions & Byelaws Oill Spill Contingenecy Plan Solent Pilotage Committee CHC Pilotage Authority Cowes Harbour Pilotage Directions Pilots Formal Safety Assessment Policies, Implementation, Review and Auditing Procedures CHC Methods/Lines of Communication: LNTMs - Website (s) - eNewsletter - CHC Public Meetings - Other Methods PEC Holder(s) Harbour User(s) / Stakeholders A-1 CHC Organisational Structure Continued Board of Commissioners Stautory Harbour Authority / Competent Harbour Authority CHC Commercial Activities (see accompanying diagram previous page) Policies Harbour Master Deputy Harbour Master Marine Officer Finance Officer & Admin Team Harbour Office Legislation affecting operations, HSWA 1974 & MHSWA 1992 etc. (see SMS Manual for more details) KEY: Deputy Harbour Master Marine Services Manager Shepards Kingston Group/Role CHM CHF SWM KMB KMS Berthing Masters Fuel Operatives Port Operatives Port Operatives Port Operatives Activity Responsibility Cost-Centre CHC Methods/Lines of Communication: Website (s) - eNewsletter - CHC Public Meetings - Other Methods Legislation Customer(s) / Stakeholders A-2 KMP A-1
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