The Fitzroy Peeper Big Mac Contracting April 2012

April 2012
The Fitzroy Peeper
The newsletter of the Fitzroy Harbour Community Association
This month’s Peeper, brought to you by:
Big Mac Contracting
Tom MacIntyre 613-836-4675
Big Mac Contracting
Contact Fitzroy Harbour’s Tom MacInytre at Big Mac
Contracting for all your excavating and septic system
at or call 613-836-4675.
Well Water Testing from the City of Ottawa
Drop off at the Harbour Store on Tuesday, May 8th from 7
a.m. to 9 p.m. IMPORTANT: Water samples must be
collected in Ministry of Health sample bottles and returned by
the collection date, within 24-hours of the sample being taken.
For more information contact Kim Ou, Public Health Nurse at
613-580-6744, ext. 26234 or This service
is offered by Ottawa Public Health.
Men’s Fastball League seeks players
The Fitzroy Harbour Men’s Fastball League is a recreational
league open to all skill levels. Games are once a week from
May to August on Wednesdays at the Community Centre.
New players welcome – please contact Brendan Coker at 613229-6838 to register or for more information.
Fitzroy Ladies Softball seeks players
The Fitzroy Ladies Softball League is looking for players who
would like to come out and play softball. No experience
If interested please contact Jody at or call 613.622.0402
Library Nook
From the Ottawa Public Library – Fitzroy Harbour branch
Check out a book from Valerie’s “Exciting Yarns” display!
Choose from fiction titles such as: “The Friday Night Knitting
Club” and “Divas Don’t Knit” or “How to Knit a Heart Back
Home.” Plenty of non-fiction too: “Knitted Critters for Kids to
Wear,” “Beaded Bracelets to Knit” and “Wacky Baby Knits”
just to mention a few. There are new bestsellers in the Express
collection and new movie releases in the Express DVD’s.
Come in and see for yourself!
Remember to mark your calendars for May 5 - sign up for the
fundraiser for OPL’s West Carleton libraries: The
Diefenbooker Classic: Run, Walk or Cycle. More info at the
library or
The Quyon Ferry opened March 30th .
FHCA est. 1976
Volume ix – Issue IV
Annual Adult Ball Hockey Tournament
The Fitzroy Harbour Annual Adult Ball Hockey
tournament is tentatively scheduled for May 12
at the Community Centre. Watch the May
Peeper for more information or contact Lacey
Dolan at 613-622-7919 or
FHCA Annual General Meeting
Thanks to all that attended the Fitzroy Harbour
Community Association Annual General
Meeting. Your new FHCA executive for 201213 is: Karen Taylor, Mark D’Arcy, Lacey Dolan,
Leigh Ann Kyte, Debbie Baker, Kellie
Shrimpton, Rob Roesler, Kevin Mayhew, Sarah
Hanniman, Sean Ovington and Brittany
Summer Employment at the FHCC
Attention Students: Are you interested in working at the
Fitzroy Harbour Community Centre this summer? The
FHCA offers summer employment opportunities to local
youth for outside grounds work, canteen duties and our
summer day camp. Please send a letter indicating your
interest, which job you are applying for, and a brief
summary of your experience to: FHCA, Attn: President,
100 Clifford Campbell St., Fitzroy Harbour ON K0A
1X0. Recommended minimum ages are 12 for canteen
duty and 14 for outside work and the day camp.
Norma Dixon’s Poem of the Month
Eastertime and April 2012
Spring is on its way again
a wonder to behold
crocus spreading out we see
amongst the touch of gold
so we're remembering soon
apple blossoms will pop their eyes again
a photographer's delight..
for April is springtime we know
morning, noon and night
so if fancy hat tops hit the streets
that will be good to see
even if there's April showers
we can sing along with glee
Eastertime this April is
Jesus suffering for us his woeful pain
as Christians the symbolism for everyone shall remain.
City of Ottawa – Youth Connexion activities
Sporty Kids!
A fun time for sporty kids! Children participate in active
games, sports and more!
St. Michael, Fitzroy Catholic School
3-5 yrs Wed 5:30-6:30 pm
Apr 11-May 23 $38.50 698459
7-12 yrs Wed 6:30-7:30 pm
Apr 11- May 23 $38.50 698471
Open Gym
St. Michael Fitzroy Catholic School
7:30-8:30pm $2 /night
Ages: 10yrs to 15yrs
Apr 11- May 23
Come out with your friends and play any sports or games
you would like. Please note that these are drop ins so you
do not have to pre register! Just show up with indoor shoes
and water.
Rural Root Theatre
Rural Root Theatre Company presents “The Curious
Savage” directed by Roy Ballantine, written by John
Patrick. May 2 -5 at 8pm at the Contance and
Buckham’s Bay Community Centre. 613-832-1070 or
Congrats to Penny’s Fudge Factory
Penny’s Fudge Factory. It was voted “Best in Ontario”
by Ontario Travel. Penny’s will open for the season on
May 1st.
Much Music Dance
Friday May 4th 7:30pm-9:55pm
Fitzroy Harbour Community Centre
Grades 5 to 8
Tickets: $10 in advance (at the Harbour Store or The
Connexion Lounge) or $15 at the door
Connexion Lounge
The Connexion Lounge is open at the Community Centre
every Monday and Thursday from 6:30-8:30pm for $2,
Regular drop-in activities include gaming, movies, music,
games, air hockey and more!
Attention Ice Fishermen
Friendly reminder from a concerned resident
Now that ice is off the Ottawa River, it’s time to move your
ice shack away from the government dock back to
wherever you store it for the summer. Soon enough, it will
be the summer fishing season and anglers will need the
room at the dock to put their boats in.
Walk for Lupus
Saturday May 12th
Location: Ottawa RA Centre, Riverside Drive
This is a family event with the goal of bringing those living
with Lupus and those affected by Lupus together for one
day. Event length is short - approximately 5 KM walk
along the canal. Bring dogs, Kids and friends. Don’t
forget to wear red. T-Shirt and walker bags are provided for
all participants. Lunch is available plus children’s games.
If you could gather some donations for the cause it would
really help with the battle of finding a cure for this
multifaceted disease. Pledge forms will be left at the
Harbour Store. For more information, please contact Nancy
Conners at
Email or call 613-623-8867
to get in the next edition
City of Ottawa Coaching Course
As part of Ontario coaches’ celebration week City of
Ottawa - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services would
like to encourage residents of the ward to become
NCCP certified. They want to encourage residents who
would be interested in taking part in new sport
development to participate in the National Coaching
Certification Program (NCCP) Introduction to
Competition A. This two day program for ages 16+
will be held at the Kinburn Community Centre on
Saturday-Sunday, Apr 14/15 from 9 am - 5 pm at no
cost to the first 20 interested residents. For more
information or to register please call Andy Wilson at
613-580-2424 extension 33230.
Local Business offers landscaping service
B&T Landscaping is gearing up for another season.
We are now accepting new customers for grass cutting,
spring cleanups, landscaping, junk removal and any
other maintenance you may need done around the yard.
Feel free to contact us by phone or email for a free
quote. Also make sure to check out our website.
Phone: 613-623-2228, Email:
Interested in booking the Fitzroy
Harbour Community Centre for an
event? Call the FHCA at 613-6235241 or email for
rates and available dates