2015- Budget Time In The Harbour Are Dues Going Up and How Much? Deal or No Deal for the Rescue Squad? Online Magazine for Aquia Harbour Residents Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 All residents who are up to date on their dues should have the 2015 stickers on their motor vehicles. Our calendar year began in October. Technically if you still have a 2014 sticker on your vehicle you should be entering through the visitor’s side, as your sticker has expired. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 2 Policies of Aquia Harbour Living TM Unless written by Aquia Harbour Living articles and editorials do not reflect the opinion of the owner or publisher of Aquia Harbour Living, residents, the BOD (Board of Directors) for Aquia Harbour or Aquia Harbour Property Owners Association. Committees and clubs are encouraged to provide jpegs of photos to accompany their article. Use will be determined based on their article size. We will make every effort to allow ½ page for committees and ¼ page for clubs each month. Harbour Committees and Clubs are not charged for their space. We have a read more button available for articles needing additional space. Click here for advertising information. Deadlines Articles and ads must be submitted no later than the 15th of the month for publication in the next issue. A subscriber may print 1 copy of an article for their personal use only. Any other reproduction of articles, photos, or advertising is strictly prohibited without written permission of the publisher. You may contact No Ink Publishing here. Copyright ©All rights reserved 2015 No Ink Publishing LLC. Important Aquia Harbour Numbers Front Gate (540) 659-5224 AHPOA Business Office Hours: M-F 8 -7pm Emergency AHPOA Police Rescue Squad (non-emergency) Country Club Restaurant Golf Course Pro Shop Marina Stables Pool Country Club Pool Harbour Inn Preschool (540) 659-3050) 911 (540) 659-4600 (540) 659-8911 (540) 288-0091 (540) 659-4478 (540) 659-4232 (540) 659-5024 (540) 659-1258 (540) 659-4003 (540) 659-5771 Aquia Harbour Board of Directors President, Chip Collins (540) 659-3691 email: ccccpa@aol.com Treasurer, Barb Cole (540) 842-1033 email: barbcole.ahpoa@verizon.net VP Director, Christopher Greene (540) 437-4590 email: cgreeneahpoa@gmail.com Director, Robert Stephens (540)657-0865 email: robert_175@hotmail.com Director, Mike Shepherd (540)659-0032 email: vettemike1959@verizon.net VP Director, Don Winter (540) 659-6886 email: dcwinter@comcast.net Director, Debe Caldwell dcaldwell.ahpoa@gmail.com Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 3 TM January 2015 Goals Of Aquia Harbour Living: In This Issue page Articles AH Rescue AH Golf AH Preschool AH Calendar Budget Calendar For Homeowners Country Club Specials Desk of the Chief Golf Harbouritis (New guest writer) Host Lions Club Hot Topic Rescue Squad Land In This Issue/Policy Neighbor to Neighbor New Years Resolutions Opportunity Preschool Unofficial BOD News Stafford County Winter Emergency Preparedness Women’s Club 9 21-22 8 19 24-30 32 5 6 11 20 2 11 3-4 18 12 33 8 18 31 15 14 We appreciate those committees, clubs, and residents who took the time to send articles for inclusion this month. We wish to thank all for the positive feedback and encouragement! Thank You Neighbors in the Harbour! To help raise awareness in residents about the changing needs of our community. Facilitate communication to residents regarding Harbour events, committees, schools, and clubs. To keep residents informed about “Hot Topics” of the AHPOA and BOD actions. Provide articles/tips on home maintenance and DIY landscaping/gardening ideas. To showcase amenities. Have “the talk” about “curb appeal” in the Harbour. Provide discussion on the best ways to maintain our property values; our homes and our community. Provide quality business information to residents. TM Our Style: Aquia Harbour Living (AHL) is owned & published by No Ink Publishing LLC. The owner is a current resident, Phyllis Filoso. It is written in an informal, conversational style. All articles and photos are written/taken by the owner unless there is a byline for an article or photo credit. AHL encourages comments and articles written by other Harbour residents. Use our contact form found here. Articles selected will be in keeping with the goals stated above. Be sure to sign up for your free subscription before you leave today. It’s a monthly reminder sent to your email when our next issue is available. (1st of each month) A couple of pieces of information- words underlined or that say website are hyperlinked. Please allow your browser to open them. We don’t use cookies or collect data on you other than your email when you subscribe. Please make sure you have confirmed your subscription. And we never share email addresses! Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 4 Website Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 5 Patricia S. Harman, Chief of Police Aquia Harbour Police Department 1040 Aquia Drive Stafford, Va. 22554 C 703-407-6106 O 540-659-4600 chiefharmanahpd@aol.com AH Police DISTRACTED DRIVING Back in the spring, a truck driver was seriously injured in the 2200 block of Aquia Drive when a texting driving drifted into his lane and forced his vehicle into a grove of trees and recently there have been several near misses in Harbour that have been the result of apparent distracted driving. Distracted driving isn’t just about texting and certainly isn’t just about inexperienced drivers; it’s can also be about trying pick up a dropped phone, putting your seatbelt on while in motion, trying to catch a spilling a drink or tuning in a radio station. These are all examples of distracted driving. I know it’s inconvenient, but so is a traffic accident. Pull over to safe location, fix your situation or answer your text and get back on the road. The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute reports that even hands free phone can be distracting and dangerous for some drivers; not everyone can sufficiently master hands free multitasking. Texting however, still rate as the highest risk to everyone on the road with regards to distraction and it’s our biggest threat. Here are some statistics to keep you awake at night; The average text read or typing is 4.6 seconds. Just three seconds of texting while driving at 65 mph is equal to driving 100 yards, or the length of a football field, blindfolded. Text messaging creates a crash risk 23 times higher than driving while not distracted. Parents who engage in distracting behaviors more frequently have teens who engage in distracting behaviors. Teens read or send text messages 26 times more often than their parents think they do. We all do it more often than we should. I picked up my phone yesterday in my car when a text chimed in and my friend said “You’re not going to read that are you?” I wasn’t. I was going to turn the volume to vibrate so the chime wouldn’t aggravate me but even the act of finding the phone and changing the sound… was a distraction. I should have done it before I put the car in drive. We all have to make a pledge. To ourselves, to our families and to the other people with whom we share the road. We have to be more disciplined, more vigilant and more committed to just pulling off the road to someplace safe if the text just can’t wait. This is especially true in our neighborhood. Our roads are unforgiving. No shoulders, no sidewalks, and very little lighting at night – 4.6 seconds can change a life, don’t let it change yours. IT CAN WAIT. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 6 Nationwide Insurance Auto Home Annuities Life Retirement Boats & RVs Cakes Truffles Cupcakes and more… For All Occasions Call today for a free policy review to see if you’re up-to-date on needs or if Nationwide can save you money. Mark Smith (540) 659-5433 Website Affairs by Ayres Lovely Sweets & Treats (570) 886-0822 website LOVE COFFEE? You haven’t had great coffee until you’ve enjoyed a cup using fresh roasted coffee beans from Rick’s Roasters. Website Custom floral designs for your special occasions! (703) 994-8557 website Weddings are our specialty! Aquia Harbour Living January 2014 S.E.R.V.E. Helps families in the Stafford area throughout the year. Please consider donating canned goods today. Weddings, Senior Portraits, Special Occasions with a Fine Arts Flair (540) 300-1385 website 13 Aquia Harbour Preschool By: Linda Cline Email: aquiapreschool@gmail.com www.aquiaharbourpreschool.org 540-659-5771 We wish you a Happy New Year! As January temperatures drop, we hope you enjoy the warmth of your loved ones and the smiles of children. At Aquia Harbour Preschool, our children are moving forward learning and growing. In December we collected children’s gloves and mittens to donate to the local Head Start chapter. The kids also learned about holidays, made decorations, met Santa, and prepared their own sweet gifts. Registration for the 2015-2016 School Year: It’s that time already, so mark your calendars! We are holding our annual Aquia Harbour Preschool Fall Registration on Saturday, February 7th. Our classes fill quickly, so reserve a spot for your child now! Aquia Harbour Preschool is available to both residents and nonresidents of Aquia Harbour. Your child must be the required class age by September 30 th, 2015. Our classes are as follows: Our 4 Year old classes meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Our 3 Year old classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday. We offer AM class and PM classes: AM Class: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PM Class: 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Registration will be at our preschool: 1106 Spain Drive, Stafford VA 22554, located next to the Aquia Harbour Business Office on Washington Drive. Registration Time: Saturday, February 8th, 2015 10:00AM – 10:30AM Currently Enrolled Families 10:30AM – 11:00AM Aquia Harbour Residents 11:00AM – 12:00PM Open to Public In order to register you will need: * Completed Registration Form * Your Child’s Birth Certificate * $50 Registration Fee (make checks payable to: AHPS) Please click here to continue reading. All forms are available on our website: www.aquiaharbourpreschool.org. Any questions, please email us at aquiapreschool@gmail.com . Teacher’s Corner Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 8 January 2015 Chris Schoon, President, AHVRS HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Membership at the Aquia Harbour Volunteer Rescue Squad wishes all of you a very Happy New Year and hope your Christmas was a safe one. In December I received a “thank you” and a hug from a child when she saw the duty crew at breakfast. That was the best Christmas present. Our New Year’s resolutions include more training and serving the community in as many ways as we can. Health and Wellness Night You may have been reading with interest about the negotiations for the land on which the rescue squad building sits. As of this writing they are still in the works, but the Squad has tentatively agreed to transfer our lease to Stafford County from the AHPOA. The terms of the lease will remain the same with only the “Landlord” changing from the POA to the County until the current lease expires May 2020. Our Volunteers are happy to be serving the Aquia Harbour community and Stafford County. Kids Expo 2014 If your New Year’s resolutions include community service, please think about joining the Rescue Squad. There are many roles for our members as not all are EMTs and Paramedics. Have a Great year! Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 9 Join us Monday and Wednesday mornings @ 9:30 for Pilates at the Country Club. $5/class Allow the Love Smith Team to take care of all your home needs. Whether you’re buying or selling we treat you like family. For more info email Terry Hudson at Terryhudson413@ hotmail.com or Text/call 540-850-6091 Weddings by Ginny Full Service Planner-Coordinator, Florist, Decorator, Venues Manager Virginia B. Chilton Marriage Commissioner For All Your Real Estate Needs 321 Wallace St., Suite 7 Fredericksburg, Va 22401 Give the Love Smith Team a call at 540-657-7981 or visit our website today! Website (540) 710-1230 The Love Smith Team Wish You and Yours The best in 2015! 6:3 Networking Stafford As small business owners we network each Friday at the Quantico Regus Corp. Center. Located at 800 Corporate Dr., 3rd floor. Join us for meetings at 8 :30 am. Visitors are always welcome. Visit us on the web for more information. Website Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 10 AH Fire and Rescue Squad Land Transfer Update On December 17th a special BOD session was held regarding the possible land transfer of the AH Rescue Squad. Director Cole provided a recap of Harbour needs and where things currently stood. Supervisor Cavalier gave a brief presentation. Let’s recap the needs of the AH Rescue Squad: o The rescue squad needs money for repairs o The rescue squad needs a place for training Let’s recap the needs of the county: o A permanent fire and rescue station at our current location o An additional bay for possibly another fire engine and an upstairs training area o Additional parking on the lot between the fire station and the police station Let’s recap the needs of the Harbour: o To have a 24/7 fire and rescue squad ( for safety and reduced insurance cost) o To be adequately compensated for any exchange of land o To have a guarantee of reversion back to the Harbour at no cost should the county ever stop providing either fire or rescue at that location o Compensation for the added wear and tear on our entrance road due to the heavy engine and the number of calls outside the Harbour The BOD had asked about the possibility of the county extending the visitor’s lane. The county said no because it’s a private road. However, according to Supervisor Cavalier there is the possibility of money on the table to purchase the lot that could be used by the Harbour for the visitor lane extension. Based on what the BOD said before they went into executive session to draw up a list of requirements, they intend to vote on the issue without the residents voting. AHL would like the opportunity for residents to at least be able to read and speak before the BOD one more time PRIOR to the BOD voting on the actual deal. Aquia Harbour Living January 2014 11 We all make them but how quickly most of them are forgotten. Here’s a few for you to consider adding to your list and really making an effort to keep this year. Let’s all pledge 2015 as the year of revitalization for the Harbour. Work smarter not harder on keeping the outside appearance of our homes and yards maintained. AHL will help you with helpful tips and reminders each month. How about volunteering in the Harbour? Starting in February AHL will be highlighting information about committees and clubs in the Harbour. There really are a lot of talented residents and people with big hearts that can make a difference. Most of the clubs in the Harbour are involved with giving back to the community and help with local charities. Avoiding the dreaded “Harbouritis” and “Unsightlyitis” diseases. Having an occasional meal at the country club. It helps support a Harbour amenity, good food, and a nice change of pace. Exploring amenities the Harbour has to offer. From walking paths, fishing areas to beautiful surroundings –we truly have it all here in the Harbour. The Chief remaindered us all about how dangerous it is to text and drive. Let’s pledge no texting and driving and to set a good example for our kids as well. Doing the speed limit in the Harbour. Yes, we know there are school buses etc. But our roads don’t have shoulders and most ditches are deep. Let’s not forget the innocents in the car you just may avoid hitting either. It goes without saying no drinking and driving. If you do drink, have a designated driver, the number a family member, friend, or taxi cab to come pick you up. Pass it on. Have you ever bought a meal or even desert for someone behind you in line? Why not use this idea to help an older neighbor or one with an illness with a yard mowing or leaf raking? Here’s To Making 2015 A GREAT Year! Have a resolution you’d like to share? Use our contact form. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 12 Anytime Limousines Great for sporting events, wine tours or a night out. Call now to make your reservations. 540-412-9025 Visit our website to see specials. A man’s home is his Newly engaged? 540-412-9025 Fredericksburg castle and castles Don’t know where always need work to begin? Brides use and TLC. our free Wedding Planning Guide. Lovely Sweets and Treats Cakes Truffles Cupcakes and more… For All Occasions (570) 886-0822 Website When the King’s honey do list becomes too long or simply isn’t getting done… Who are you going to call? New Castle Construction, LLC offers handyman services for all those honey do’s and more. Heling brides plan simply fabulous weddings in the local area. No job too small or too big. Give us a call today at (540) 907-0722 Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 13 Aquia Harbour Women’s Club by Candace R. Schmidt, Women’s Club Secretary. Email: cschmidt@crrl.org Happy New Year from the Aquia Harbour Women’s Club. If one of your resolutions for 2015 is to become more involved in your community, we can help you with that! Please consider joining the Aquia Harbour Women’s Club. If you have thought about joining, but just haven’t gotten around to it, now is the time. Our first meeting of the new year will be held at 7:15 on Tuesday, January 13th at the home of Missy Hadinger. The address is 1105 Cape Cod Dr. Please email Missy at msekg1@gmail.com if you plan on attending. This is our annual PJ party and white elephant auction. Pajamas are encouraged! And if you received a holiday gift that just didn’t quite suit you, bring it along and auction it off. Also bring a roll of dimes so you can bid on someone else’s treasure. Please contact our membership chair, are Yvonne Garcia atatwysnagarcia@aol.com or our New members welcome this meeting! president, Rosanne Martino at roro715@me.com if you have questions about joining. The Kids’Holiday Party on December 7th was small but fun. Those attending enjoyed snacks, crafts and a chance to visit with Santa. Thanks again to Aquia Episcopal Church for letting us use their facility. Hopefully, next year, we will be back in the Harbour for this annual event. Our December meeting was held at the festively decorated home of our vice-president, Dolena Sinclair. Members enjoyed great food and lots of fun with a spirited version of Pirate Santa. Adopt-a-family gifts were collected for two local families and two senior residents. The women’s club annual coat drive continues until the end of January. Please drop off new or gently used coats and jackets at the business office. All sizes are needed – children and adult. At the end of the month all coats will be donated to Stafford county’s Head Start program. Signboard Contact Information: If you need to post a community message on the signboard in January, please contact:Dawn Teague at: teague12003@yahoo.com February, contact Missy Hadinger at: msekg1@gmail.com If you encounter problems contacting any of the above, please email cschmidt@crrl.org or contact the Business Office at 540-659-3050. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 14 We all know how important it is to be prepared for the possibility of a tornado, hurricane, or even a prolonged power outage in the heat of summer. But what about emergency preparedness in the winter? Occasionally the area does experience large snow falls, ice storms, fallen trees and power outages. Here are a few quick reminders: Have a supply of unscented candles and extra batteries for flashlight/radio Fill your propane tank and consider a spare for cooking If you have a generator- test it now. Don’t wait until you have to use it. Do you have gasoline for your generator? Do you have extra cash on hand? Do you have a 3 day supply of nonperishable food and water on hand for each person? Don’t forget pets and a nonelectric can opener. Make sure any prescription medications are filled at least a few days ahead of time. Have an emergency first aid kit on hand. Keep cell phones charged and consider an automobile charger. Have emergency numbers already programmed into your cell phone. Text instead of calling to conserve your battery. Keep firewood covered and dry. Make sure everyone has proper winter clothing to include boots, hats, and gloves. Consider dressing in layers. Don’t over exert yourself shoveling snow. See the December issue of AHL for suggestions on how to prevent frozen pipes. Time to dig out your show shovels and have them near the door for use. Have a bag of salt/sand accessible. Make sure your car is ready as well. Keep a full tank, top off the antifreeze; clean your batteries terminals if necessary. Have a shovel, sand, jumper cables, blanket, granola bars and water in your car in case you become stranded. Consider replacing an old car battery that doesn’t work as quick on cold mornings. Check on neighbors and have board/card games to keep you entertained. If you know a big snow storm is coming, consider making a large pot of chili or soup that can last a couple of days. And don’t forget the hot chocolate. Have other favorite tips? Send them to us so we can share. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 15 There were some simply gorgeous Christmas displays this year! Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 16 Concepts Diamond Custom Jewelers Perfect for smaller weddings, parties, or meetings, The Garden Room in Fredericksburg. Website That’s My Dress Bridal and Prom CHAMILIA Custom Floral Arrangements & Bouquets For Your Wedding Day Affairs by Ayres “Jewelry that defines you.” Professional Jewelry Services Include: (703) 994-8557 Website The Host Lions and Evening Lions wish to thank all of you who purchased White House Ornamanents, Christmas trees, poinsettas, or had a Santa visit. It is through your generousity they are able to help those in need in our community! Large Selection of Diamonds (GIA-EGL) Certified Custom Designs Jewelry & Watch Repair on Premises Free Jewelry Inspection (checking prongs) & Cleaning Appraisals We Buy Gold Jewelry Engraving 296 Garrisonville Road (Rt. 610) Suite 103 Stafford, Virginia 22554 (540) 628-2761 Mon.-Sat 10am-6pm Website Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 17 is a must visit boutique for: Bridal Gowns Prom and Homecoming Galas & Balls Pageants Gowns Located at 1 Towne Center Blvd. Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 370-8574 Website Hours Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sundays Closed/Appt. only Visit their “sister store” for all your cosmetic needs. 5759 Plank Rd. @ Harrison Crossing Last month AHL wrote an editorial about the events committee and club in the Harbour and how to fund them. Donna from section 2 summed up opinions we received nicely. I agree, the events committee should generate money for its events. The Harbour’s funds should not be used to support a club's activities. If the Events Committee raises its own money, then it can do as it wishes. The Harbour’s money should be used to support our amenities, logistics and administrative staff. Clubs and Committees are not included in that. AHL and the beautification committee would like to thank the residents we’ve seen out raking leaves at the 9/11 Memorial! Nice Job! Unofficial BOD News: Several BOD members are serious about enforcing the rules in here regarding the condition of the outside of our homes and yards. It affects all of our property values. At a recent training section by the AHPOA attorney, the attorney specifically told the BOD it was their responsibility to maintain and improve property values. One of the biggest ways to do that is through enforcing the by-laws we already have in place regarding unsightly conditions. You can take a look at the checklist they will begin tighter enforcement of. Additionally the ACC, LCC, and Beautification Committee will begin coordination between the committees for better enforcement as well. Three BOD members recently took a road trip and identified over 30 vehicles in section I alone with either dead tags/inspection stickers or in pieces. The county calls them inoperable vehicles. They are considered a health nuisance by the county as they are likely to attract vermin. More information will be coming next month from the BOD on this. The BOD knows its winter. But as you’re out and about in your yard taking down Christmas decorations, take a good look at the condition of your home and yard. We can all do better and as the weather conditions begin to warm. Don’t be surprised if you’re not addressing unsightly conditions you’ll receive a letter from the Compliance Violation Officer (CVO). Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 18 Brought to you by: Brought to you by: Mark Your Calendar for January Cruise Planners Happenings: call BUSINESS OFFICE HOLIDAY CLOSING – The business office will close at noon on Wednesday, December 31st for the New Year holiday and will re-open at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, January 5th. Jan 1st CLUBHOUSE HOLIDAY HOURS – The Clubhouse restaurant will be open from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Mindy Batien (540) 220-2775 Associate of Lina Cola Independently owned and operated January 2nd TRASH COLLECTION CHANGE household waste collection has been rescheduled to Saturday, January 3rd. Jan 5th&6th TEMPORARY CHANGE IN BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS - will close at 5:00 p.m. Normal office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., will resume on Wednesday, January 7th. For All Your Travel Needs! Jan 13th Women’s Club open meeting for new members. See info in their article Jan 21st BOD work session Jan 24th Host Lions Reverse Raffle at the Country Club (see ad) Jan 24th HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION – The collection will take place at Aquia Park in the 2100 block of Aquia Drive from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday Jan 28th BOD meeting 7p.m. at the Country Club. All association members are welcome to attend. Coat Drive continues until the end of Jan. All sizes adult and children are needed. Please drop off at the business office. Tues Happy Hour Specials at the Country Club bar 4-8pm Visit our Sunday Brunches 10am-2pm at the Country Club website Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 19 250 Suzi, a fellow Harbour resident has a “wicked” good sense of humor and has kindly volunteered to contribute articles to AHL. Here’s her public debut with a very timely piece. What does that mean? Harbouritis: "It’s the reader’s inferred definition, reaction and/or perception of someone else's words". Not to be confused with "what was really stated" nor "what was really inferred", but again "the readers inferred definition, reaction and/or perception". We all suffer from Harbouritis from time to time, including myself, believing that the "someone else" has inferred something or that the "someone else" is perceiving something, therefore causing a "reaction." Quite possibly, that inference and/or perception is inaccurate, incorrect, and perhaps even insulting which in turn resulted in a less than desirable reaction. Harbouritis is highly contagious. One instance of Harbouritis can spread like wildfire in the dim light of social media communications. The unknown intension of another unknown individual who "the reader" professes to know the intended inference made. That said, the unknown intention “MUST”be a personal attack by an unknown individual who "the reader" must immediately defend themselves from. Before you know it, Harbouritis has spread. Common symptoms of Harbouritis: Self-righteousness, Defense mode, Quickness of response. If you or a loved one is currently suffering from Harbouritis, it is best to disconnect from the dim light of social media communications, taking the opportunity to re-read the author's words as written/spoken without making an inference and if in doubt, ask a direct question to the author while attempting to maintain objectivity. By Suzi Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 20 Aquia Harbour Golf Club January 2015 by: Scott Marshall, Manager New Year Resolution for Golfers – Play Ready Golf! One of the most frequent complaints of golfers is slow play. This new year make a resolution to play faster. Ready golf is simple and allows the golfers within a group to take their swings when each member of the group is ready to play, rather than always playing “honors.” Here are some simple guidelines to speed up your round of golf: On the Tee Tee off as soon as the group ahead is clear. The player who is ready should hit. Shorter hitters should hit first. Carry an extra ball in your pocket on holes with a more-than-usual opportunity for a lost ball. Hit a provisional ball if your first ball appears to be in trouble. On the Fairway Don’t everyone “cluster” at one ball. Go to your own ball! Hit when ready without delay. If you see another player is ready to hit, whether you’re away or not, point to them to go ahead. Take your practice swings now if it does not disturb the player hitting. Watch their shot land if it’s a possibility for a lost ball, then go through your routine and swing away. If you are the first one at your ball and you’re ready to safely hit, let the others know you are hitting. Have your group watch where each shot goes. If you are more than 20 yards from a lost ball, hit your shot first before helping search for the ball. Limit lost ball search to 3 minutes. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 Study your putt while others are putting. 21 Aquia Harbour Golf Club January 2015 Cont Never go back to the tee! If your ball is found to be out of bounds or just lost and you did not hit a provisional from the tee, hit the ball from near where it went out and take a two-stroke penalty. On the Green Place your clubs between the green and the next tee. If the furthest away has not yet reached his ball or read his putt and others are ready to putt, they should go ahead and putt while the away player makes a read. Study your putt while others are putting. Continue putting until holed out. Don’t mark unless you will step on someone’s line or it’s a really tricky putt. Leave the green immediately after holing out and proceed to the next tee. Discuss your shots later! Complete your scorecard after you're off the green. It’s that time of year when old man winter likes to give us an occasional morning to sleep in from the fluffy white stuff that falls from the sky. Get the sleds ready! The Farmer’s Almanac says that we will have plenty of snow this coming winter. On snow days, folks will head to the golf course for some exciting sledding action. The golf driving range is an excellent place to do some sledding. However, please do not use golf hole number 9 behind the Country Club to sled. The snow sleds will damage the golf green, and the trees and pond at the bottom of the hill pose a safety risk. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 22 Beautification Committee We have a DIY project for you. We made these for the AH Rescue Squad barrels. Alright admit it.. You’ve driven by them and thought they were real. We can’t claim credit for the idea but we can share the directions we found on Pinterest with you. You’ll never guess what they’re made from either! Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 23 Editorial After having set through over 10 hours of budget meetings on 5 different nights AHL wants to thank the individuals who volunteered to serve on this year’s finance committee. This was my first time of attending the budget meetings and I have good and bad reviews of the process I’ll share as we go along. Here goes: Have you ever wondered who decides how our dues are spent? It really isn’t a mystery. All the different amenity managers, departments, and committees submit their budget request to the General Manager (GM). The GM tweaks their requests some and has them put into a massive excel spreadsheet. From there it goes to the finance committee. You know the committee they asked for volunteers to submit a resume to serve on. They call each manager or department head in one at a time and go through the budget requested by that amenity or department and ask questions about where their number came from or for an explanation of an amount on a line that glares out at them. Before your eyes glaze over from number and information overload it really is important to read not just the recommended final dollar amount the committee proposed for the dues increase but also take into consideration the looming problems on the horizon. It happens every year. As soon as residents start seeing the recommendations presented to the BOD at the January meetings by the finance committee people will start pointing fingers at employee costs, special events, mismanagement etc. Special interest groups start mounting their campaigns to keep/ protect their share of the pie and for their user fees not to go up. It’s nothing new. It’s been that way since almost day one in the Harbour and directors for the BOD have been elected far too often to protect a special interest group. Please keep in mind, as of this printing on January 1, 2015, the numbers are not in stone and are only a suggestion for the BOD from the finance committee. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 24 Cont. Let’s do a quick review of what our dues are supposed to pay for before we begin: SECTION 3. "COMMON AREA" shall mean all real estate owned of record at any time, now and in the future, by the ASSOCIATION for the common and exclusive use and enjoyment of the active members of the ASSOCIATION and shall consist of the following, herein mentioned by way of illustration and not limitation: a. all roads f. swimming pools b. golf course g. tennis courts c. country club h. riding stables d. yacht club i. marshlands e. marina j. riding paths f. swimming pools k. channels g. tennis courts l. all land under Virginia Electric and Power Company easement h. riding stables m. entrance easement i. riding paths salary of employees and administrative costs Issue of concern: Yes, our by-laws require us to maintain the above items until the year 2039. But the by-laws don’t specify how fancy and expanded they have to be. It seems every year some amenity or department WANTS more and more. Here are some examples from this year’s budget; the stables want a new indoor riding arena. It’s only $50,000! The police want 4 new body cameras when Stafford and Pr. William don’t even have them. The AHPOA has given employees a 2% raise for at least each of the last 4 years. The events committee wanted $43,500 and it goes on and on. This has to stop! Past BODs have when there’s any slack in the budget, SPENT the money on wants instead of needs and allowed amenities and departments to expand far beyond what is required by the AHPOA by-laws. The Harbour simply can’t afford all the bells and whistles everyone wants. The committee, by majority vote in order to limit our dues increase took out items, such as: road rejuvenation, reduced part of the road paving, passed on some of the increased health insurance costs to employees, but didn’t really address the smaller cost items, and raised most user fees. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 25 Cont. Second issue of concern: The lack of data the committee had to work from. Yes, the department had submitted numbers but often times committee members asked for comparable rental/user fees from the surrounding area and there were none. Let me give you a couple of examples. What are the dues collected by other associations in Stafford or slip rental fees for other marinas? In AHL opinion this information should be collected and presented to the committee along with their budget request. Third issue of concern: Failure to go through the budget line by line and justify each and every amount as to need or want. Amounts and items have been added over the years and have just been passed on each year just because they’re there. (The previous general manager really allowed an awful lot of padding/expansion in a number of areas.) Some may call it nickel and dime but each $$$$ adds up. Fourth issue of concern: Major issues regarding roads are being deferred. There’s a process the BOD has studied called rejuvenation. It is applied to the road surface and significantly expands the life of the road. It’s estimated to save ~$100,000 in road cost each year by expanding the life of our roads. It cost ~$500,000 spread over a 5 yr. period. That was scrubbed. A new BOD member and at least 2 committee members had no idea what rejuvenation was. Also needed is a list of deep culverts, such as, the ones that collapsed this past spring that are on the horizon. Most of the pipes under our roads are 30+ years old and at the end of their lifespan. The Harbour has over 300 pipes under our roads. Yes, our road and grounds crew can handle the less deep ones but it’s still an expense for materials and asphalting the areas that are redone. Fifth issue of concern: The increased cost of dredging. The last time we dredged (about 5 years ago) it cost ~$300,000. Now it will cost ~$500,000. Erosion from both inside and outside the Harbour contributes to it. It appears that no one is looking/applying for grants or soliciting assistance from county, state, or Army Corp of Engineers for help with the cost. The Harbour must do a better job of addressing erosion within the Harbour as well. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 26 Cont. Sixth issue of concern: Employee health insurance. Currently 100% of an employee’s individual health insurance is paid and 50% for family coverage. We have employees who also have coverage under their spouse’s healthcare plans. Most businesses now charge an employee for this privilege We currently have 29 full time employees. That makes us small business. A comparison for health insurance coverage and cost must be a top priority. The employee who negotiated the current plan retired in October . The Harbour currently uses Aetna Blue Cross/Blue Shield and rates are based on the employee’s age. Any employee over 48 and the rate significantly increase. Seventh issue of concern: Employees are given an across the board pay raise of 2%. This has been going on each year for the last 5 years. There is no comparison available for what Stafford County, Stafford County schools or local business pay for a comparable position. Pay raises without employee evaluations, in this economy, and above the inflation rate are unheard of as is employee bonuses. Eighth issue of concern: Chairman of the Committee, Director Cole wanted to continue the meetings and address the line items in the budget that weren’t the “BIG” ticket items but do add up. But by majority vote the committee voted to send it to the BOD and let them make those decisions. AHL calls it kicking the can down the road and with what the BOD already has on their plate it probably means it won’t get done. Ray of Hope: There is a recommendation from the finance committee for an Ad Hoc committee to be formed to address the concern of lack of information needed for the next budget cycle. AHL strongly encourages the BOD to form this committee. Recommendation from AHL: AHL would also like to see the Ad Hoc committee go through each department/amenity line by line and make further recommendations to the board for cuts and to do some cost analysis. It’s that need versus want thing. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 27 Cont. Sixth issue of concern: Employee health insurance. Currently 100% of an employee’s health insurance is paid and 50% for family coverage. We have employees who also have coverage under their spouse’s healthcare plans. Why aren’t these employees required to pay $100/pay check for this luxury or more? Why wasn’t the total cost of the healthcare increase passed onto employees? What small business is able to offer 100% healthcare coverage? We currently have 29 full time employees. That makes us small business. And I would like to know why there wasn’t a comparison done for health insurance companies benefits/costs. The one the Harbour currently uses Aetna Blue Cross/Blue Shield rates are based on the employees age. Anyone over 48 and the rate significantly increase. Who negotiated this? Seven issue of concern: An across the board pay raise of 2%. This has been going on each year for the last 5 years. There is no comparison available for what Stafford County, Stafford County schools or local business pay for a comparable position. Pay raises without employee evaluations, in this economy, and above the inflation rate are unheard of. Did you know an employee is vested in their 401 match after 90 days? Who does this in the real world? Most companies its 3-5 years minimum. Recommendation: AHL would also like to see an Ad Hoc committee formed that would go through each department/amenity line by line and make further recommendations to the board for cuts. It’s that need versus want thing. It is unacceptable for a BOD member to make the comment that, “We haven’t had a dues increase for how many years and that he sees no problem with a 2%/yr increase each year. Ray of Hope: There is a recommendation from the finance committee for an Ad Hoc committee to be formed to address the concern of lack of information needed for the next budget cycle. AHL strongly encourages the BOD to form this committee. Maybe task this committee with the above recommendation as well. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 28 Cont. Proposed User Fee Increases: Storage Lot- $5 to $10/month based on size Pool Passes- $125 to $135/family Individual $90-$100 $90/25, $50/10 punches Associate (nonresident) membership $310 family of 4 & $25 for additional family member $125 Associate(nonresident) swim team member Country Club rental downstairs- $250 to $300 members nonmembers $400 to $500 Harbour Inn rental-$300 to $350 members nonmembers $500 to $650 Stables- members $145to $175/mo nonmembers $200 to $250/month AH Preschool- recommended due to improvements, current lease through 5/31/16 Golf Memberships- 10% increase for financed memberships for 2016 10% increase for annual memberships 10% monthly resident memberships 10% monthly associate memberships Driving range increase Marina slip fee- 5%/yr increase member, 10% /yr nonresident Canoe storage- $50 to $55 Late fee for dues $25 to $50 Annual Surcharge $20 to $40 for quarterly billing Lot owners- $24/year dues increase Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 29 Cont. Amenity/Department Cost Breakdown Finance/Accounting Police Gate Roads and Grounds Building Maintenance Parks/Waterways Pools Country Club Harbour Inn Stables Preschool Golf course Pro shop Marina Expense/16 Total Expense Total Income $4,400,137 $4,402,691 $499,775 $291,580 $739,859 $92,125 $343,770 $140,175 $66,316 $21,176 $68,213 $918 $331,660 $115,687 $220,475 No amenity breaks even on costs. The marina appears to do so until you add the cost of the dredging back into the marina costs. AHL strongly recommends to the BOD for an Ad Hoc committee to continue reviewing the budget and to go through each item line by line looking for more efficiency and cost saving. Line items need to be further broken down instead of lumped together as well. Remember the proposed budget is based on a $24/lot increase in dues. As soon as the proposed budget is presented to the BOD, AHL will provide a link for you to view the proposed budget yourself. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 30 By Supervisor Jack Cavalier A successful “Trail to Freedom” celebration was held November 1 to honor African Americans experiences in and contributions to Stafford County. The event was part of Stafford’s 350 th Anniversary Celebration and included outstanding first-person interpreters stationed at the Government Center, Mt. Hope Baptist Church, Aquia Landing, and Chatham, and the unveiling of the African American History Mural at the Rowser Building. The public is invited to view the mural at Rowser during regular business hours of 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. More than 250 students in Stafford County schools will receive new warm coats this winter. The Stafford Fire and Rescue Department joined forces with Stafford schools to participate in the Coats for Kids Foundation’s “Operation Warm.” Walmart was a significant contributor along with Wawa, the Ruritan Club, the Rotary, the Eagles, the American Legion and a slew of private individuals. This is Fire and Rescue’s fourth year participating in the effort for Coats for Kids. Over the years, they have provided approximately 700 coats for Stafford’s neediest schoolchildren. Enhancements to Stafford’s community alert system will provide users with several new features while still delivering emergency information, such as severe weather alerts. To register for Stafford Alert, visit the County’s official website at www.staffordcountyva.gov and click on the “Stafford Alert” link on the left hand side. Anyone with questions may also call Stafford’s 311 Center for information (dial 311) or send an email to staffordalertinfo@staffordcountyva.gov. Virginia’s Secretary of Technology Karen Jackson joined Stafford’s Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Jack Cavalier and Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Dominion Virginia Power Dan Weekley at the Quantico Corporate Center in November to announce the first certified Data Center site in Stafford. Dominion’s Data Center Program evaluates and analyzes more than 30 specific factors, ranging from topography and geology to available fiber, utilities, transportation networks and risk factors such as flooding and storms. Dominion’s third-party engineering partner, The Timmons Group, performs a stringent and detailed field analysis. The certification process reduces both time and risk for any business selecting a site. Stafford’s Department of Social Services was chosen as one of 10 local agencies to participate in a Learning Collaborative Series with Casey Family Programs. The goal of the series is to bring together local teams to learn about and implement innovative strategies to enhance their work with abused and neglected children and their families. The project began in November and will conclude in July 2015. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 31 January 2015 Outside Keep a clear area around heat pumps with snow falls. Make sure to keep gutters free of debris to help prevent ice dams. Close crawl space vents, if not already done. If you don’t have a snow plow consider hiring teenagers to help remove any snow from driveways and walk areas. Consider using a “warmer” day in January to remove holiday decorations. Inside Remember candles, kerosene heaters, and fireplaces can negatively affect indoor air quality. Have any outside critters taken up residents in your home/garage? A rodent trap may be necessary. Test carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are working properly. Never leave burning candles unattended. If you regularly use a humidifier consider shutting bathroom fans off and leaving the bathroom door slightly open during showers to bring extra moisture into the home. Regularly clean the humidifier. Do you have an emergency supply of food/supplies in case of a prolonged power outage? Consider cleaning out kitchen/bathroom cabinets As you take down holiday decorations consider going through and make a donate box of items you no longer want or use. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 32 AHL realizes most of you work long hours and often have a long commute. But sometimes there’s also an opportunity to give back to the community. Next month AHL will provide space for clubs/organization in the Harbour to reach out to residents and let them know who they are and what they do. Here’s your opportunity to connect with residents who may know a club’s name but don’t know all the benefits of membership. Sometimes all it takes is a couple of hours a month to make a difference. So if you know someone in a club/organization who may not be a reader of AHL (shame on them) please spread the word as this is their opportunity to encourage new members/volunteers. AHL will provide ½ page to each club/organization who contacts us at no charge to them. You can provide photos/logos. Please provide contact info, meeting time and location each month. AHL reached out to each organization when we first began back in June 2014. If you know a club/organization who you think should participate, please pass this information along to them. In March we will provide Harbour Committees the opportunity to talk about what they do. Remember, volunteering not only gives back to the community but also helps keep operating costs down. Please use our contact form found here. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 33 Aquia Harbour Living is declaring this the year of REVITALIZATION for the Harbour. It’s about bringing back both the appearance in the Harbour and about the financial health of the Harbour. Honestly, do you know anyone living in here who wants their property values to decline or have to worry that their house may not sell one day because of the “mess” in their neighbor’s yard? Do the 3/4 of residents who pay their dues want to continue subsidizing those who are choosing not to pay their dues? According to the BOD Treasurer’s report for December 2014 the AHPOA is owed $561,289.32 in delinquent accounts. That’s ~24 % of residents not paying their dues. Click here to see the report for yourself. According to the AHPOA attorney ~ 10-11% is typically the amount of delinquent owners for a POA. We’re setting at double that. Why? Is the Harbour attracting the type of owners who thinks its okay not to pay dues? Has the BOD been remiss in going after delinquent accounts? Are the residents in here affected more by the economy than other neighborhoods? Does the AHPOA make it too comfortable for someone not to make paying their dues a priority? Is the Harbour becoming a rental community where landlords aren’t paying their dues? AHL would love to hear comments from dues paying residents and encourage residents to speak at BOD meetings as well. Contact us. There are consequences for all of us when the appearance of property is not a priority and this much debt is uncollected. Aquia Harbour Living January 2015 34
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