March 2015 - Aquia Harbour Living

Time to Revitalize
Unsightly Yards and
Inoperable Vehicles
Introducing- Ask the
Yes, Dues Went Up
Opportunity Knocks
Free Online Magazine for Aquia Harbour Residents
Independent Magazine written by a Harbour Resident
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
7:00 PM
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All proceeds go to benefit the Sight and Hearing Programs
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Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Policies of
Aquia Harbour Living
Aquia Harbour Living is not affiliated
with the BOD (Board of Directors) for
Aquia Harbour or Aquia Harbour
Property Owners Association. Articles
with a byline were written by that
individual. All other articles are written
by Phyllis Filoso, owner and long time
resident of Aquia Harbour.
Committees and clubs are encouraged
to provide jpegs of photos to accompany
their article. Use will be determined
based on their article size. We will make
every effort to allow ½ page for
committees and ¼ page for clubs each
month. Harbour Committees and Clubs
are not charged for their space. We
have a read more button available for
articles needing additional space.
Click here for advertising information.
Articles and ads must be submitted no
later than the 15th of the month for
publication in the next issue.
A subscriber may print 1 copy of an
article for their personal use only. Any
other reproduction of articles, photos, or
advertising is strictly prohibited without
written permission of the publisher. You
may contact No Ink Publishing here.
Copyright ©All rights reserved 2015
No Ink Publishing LLC.
Important Aquia Harbour Numbers
Front Gate (540) 659-5224
AHPOA Business Office Hours: M-F 8 -7pm
AHPOA Police
Rescue Squad (non-emergency)
Country Club Restaurant
Golf Course Pro Shop
Pool Country Club
Pool Harbour Inn
(540) 659-3050)
(540) 659-4600
(540) 659-8911
(540) 288-0091
(540) 659-4478
(540) 659-4232
(540) 659-5024
(540) 659-1258
(540) 659-4003
(540) 659-5771
Aquia Harbour Board of Directors
President, Chip Collins
(540) 659-3691 email:
Treasurer, Barb Cole
(540) 842-1033 email:
VP Director, Christopher Greene
(540) 437-4590 email:
Director, Robert Stephens
(540)657-0865 email:
Director, Mike Shepherd
(540)659-0032 email:
VP Director, Don Winter
(540) 659-6886 email:
Director, Debe Caldwell
Aquia Harbour Living Match 2015
Goals Of Aquia Harbour Living:
In This Issue
AH Rescue
AH Golf
AH Preschool
AH Calendar
Ask An Expert
Blame Game
Budget Time & 4th of July
by Suzi
Calendar For Homeowners
Chat With the GM
Desk of the Chief
Easter Egg Hunt
General Manager Report
Hot Topic Aquia Towne Center
In This Issue/Policy
Opt- Out Form
Rescue Squad
Unofficial BOD Highlights
Stafford County
Treasurer’s Report
Unofficial Board Highlights
Women’s Club
We’re So Excited!
Yard Snippets
We appreciate those committees, clubs, and
residents who took the time to send articles
for inclusion this month.
We wish to thank all for the positive
feedback and encouragement!
Thank You Neighbors in the Harbour!
 To help raise awareness in residents about the
changing needs of our community.
 Facilitate communication to residents regarding
Harbour events, committees, schools, and clubs.
 To keep residents informed about “Hot Topics”
of the AHPOA and BOD actions.
 Provide articles/tips on home maintenance and
DIY landscaping/gardening ideas.
 To showcase amenities.
 Have “the talk” about “curb appeal” in the
 Provide discussion on the best ways to maintain
our property values; our homes and our
 Provide quality business information to residents.
Our Style: Aquia Harbour Living
(AHL) is owned &
published by No Ink Publishing LLC. The owner is a
current resident, Phyllis Filoso. It is written in an informal,
conversational style. All articles and photos are
written/taken by the owner unless there is a byline for an
article or photo credit. AHL encourages comments and
articles written by other Harbour residents. Use our contact
form found here. Articles selected will be in keeping with
the goals stated above.
Be sure to sign up for your
free subscription before you leave today.
It’s a monthly reminder sent to your email
when our next issue is available.
(1st of each month)
A couple of pieces of information- words
underlined or that say website are
hyperlinked. Please allow your browser to
open them. We don’t use cookies or
collect data on you other than your email
when you subscribe. Please make sure you
have confirmed your subscription.
And we never share email addresses!
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Aquia Harbour Phonebook
Aquia Harbour’s
Women’s Club
The 2015 edition of the Aquia Harbour Telephone Directory is being prepared by the Aquia Harbour
Women's Club and the Aquia Evening Lions Club for direct mail distribution to all Harbour residents.
Your name, address and telephone number will appear in this directory, even if you have opted
out in previous years, or notified the AHOPA in the past,
UNLESS you notify us via this Opt-Out form by mailing it to :
Aquia Harbour Womens's Club
Partnering with
Aquia Evening Lions Club
P.O. Box 506
Stafford, VA 22555
or by e-mail to:
Questions can be addressed to the above e-mail.
July 15, 2015
_____ I opt to EXCLUDE my name, address and phone number from this directory.
_____ Please make the following
to my listing: ________________________________________________
Please PRINT your name and address: ________________________________________________________________
Click here to print a copy of the OPT-OUT Form.
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
Saint Patrick’s Day Goings On
George at the Country Club will have
Corn Beef and Cabbage on the menu!
Happy Hour, a Leprechauns’ Favorite
Past Time
will be from 4-8 on the 17th
So put on your favorite spot of green and join us!
One of the things AHL loves about the Harbour is there’s always something going on.
Whether it’s a special dinner at the Country Club ,the Easter Egg Hunt being put on
by the AH Women’s Club, or Monte Carlo night by the Evening Lions all this month.
Residents can be as involved in community events as they’d like. There’s no
shortage of opportunities to get out and meet your neighbors and fellow residents.
AHL challenges you to find at least one Harbour club, organization, or committee
that peaks your interest. And let’s not forgot all the opportunities for children in the
Harbour to be involved in clubs and sports as well.
Why not make 2015 the year of exploring all the wonderful possibilities the
Harbour has to offer?
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
Anytime Limousines
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Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
March 2015 Chris Schoon, President, AHVRS
The Aquia Harbour Volunteer Rescue Squad is all
about service to the community. I have written to
this cause many times in this space. Our volunteers
respond to 911 calls with certified Emergency
Medical Technicians (EMTs) and paramedics. The
squad teaches baby-sitting classes, CPR and First aid
classes and welcomes groups from the scouts to
daycare centers at the station for tours and
demonstrations. We are a part of this community,
Aquia Harbour and the larger Stafford County
At our membership meeting last month the
membership voted to accept the lease transfer from
the AH POA to Stafford County. There are still some
details to work out but these should be settled by
the time this issue hits your mailbox.
Spring is just around the corner and time to renew
our efforts at recruitment. We are always in need of
volunteers. You can join as young as 16 (parental
permission is required). EMTs are needed but so are
administrative members. They can assist at the
scouting events, health fairs and expos. We have inhouse instructors for the first aid and CPR class you
will need. EMT class takes about 4month to
complete and requires passing a national exam.
Many have done it in the past while holding full time
jobs. After joining there is a 24 hour a month
commitment. For more information on
membership/volunteer requirements see our
web site at
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Aquia Harbour Preschool
By: Linda Cline
March is here and we have lots of learning to do in our little Preschool. We
will see the end of Winter and welcome Spring!
We had a successful February with Dad’s Day, Valentine’s Day and
President’s Day celebrations, ground hog predictions, field trips to the
Public Library, and a VERY successful Fall Registration.
Thank you to all the families who came to our Fall Registration to enroll
your 3 and 4-year-old preschoolers! We have some amazing families joining
our school. If you would like to join our AHPS family, please email us at or visit our website: for more information!! BIG welcome to all
of our new families joining us next year!
In the Classroom
This month our classes will be learning about Spring and discussing and
charting the weather patterns that go along with the season. The children
will participate in reading graphs and interpreting some of the information
contained on the graph. In class, we will study some animals that come
from eggs to coincide with our discussions about Spring.
Our Preschoolers will start identifying the beginning, middle, and end of a
story. We will work on retelling a story and recognizing the difference
between real and make believe. To continue reading…..
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Aquia Harbour Women’s Club
February 2015
Submitted by Candace R. Schmidt, Women’s Club Secretary. Email:
The club had a great February meeting at the home of Trisha Englman. We were treated
to an informative and entertaining wine tutorial by local wine expert Dena McNorton.
Join us on Tuesday, March 10th for a Pilates/Yoga program taught by Harbour resident,
Terri Hudson. We will meet downstairs at the Country Club at 7:15. Dress comfortably
and bring a mat or towel. We will have dinner and our business meeting after the
class. A soup and salad bar will be available for purchase. The cost is $13.08 and
includes dessert, non-alcoholic beverage, tax and gratuity. Members need to RSVP and
deliver payment to Dawn Teague prior to March 1st. If you are not a member, but
would like to attend the March meeting, please contact our president, Rosanne
Martino at or our membership chair, Yvonne Garcia at
Members are reminded to bring wrapped Easter candy to the March meeting for our Annual
Easter Egg Hunt on March 29th. Please see our Easter Egg Hunt information on page 23.
AHWC Scholarship: Each year the AHWC awards $750.00 scholarship to a graduating Harbour
resident. To qualify for consideration, a student must be a graduating female from Brook Point High
School or from an accredited private school or home school curriculum. The 2015 application form
and scholarship guidelines are available on the BPHS website and at the business office.
The AHWC is holding a breakfast fund-raiser at Applebee’s on Saturday, April 18th from 8am-10am.
Tickets are $10.00 and the meal includes pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, and beverage. You
may purchase tickets from any club member.
Signboard Contact Information:
If you need to post a community message on the signboard in March, contact Maggie
Bacheller at
For April, contact Jeanette Reed at jnette24@msn.comIf you encounter problems contacting
any of the above, please email or contact the Business Office at 540-6593050.
Happy Easter and Happy Hunting from the Aquia Harbour Women’s Club!
Aquia Harbour Living March
PROPERTY APPEARANCE: I would like to encourage all residents to a survey of their property and take
From the desk of the General Manager, Ken Langer
care of the items that do not meet the requirements of the Harbour’s. controlling documents. Typical
include grass
on houses,
and inoperable
is getting
to completion
but there
will be continue
will issue citations
as necessary.
a couple
of significant
to be and
The County
did give Itusprotects
our waiver
if we keeplighting
the Harbour
in good
the outdoor
will save
us. about $40,000 but the bad news is
the lead time to obtain the lights is ten weeks. Hopefully the County will give us a
temporary Occupancy Permit and we can move into the building in early March. We
have gotten the Boards approval to order the office furniture.
Selling of Land to County: The Board of Directors and Stafford County have come to an
agreement on the selling of the land where the Fire Department & Rescue Squad is
located. The proper legal paperwork is being prepared at this time by the County. It is
my understanding that Aquia Harbour Volunteer Rescue is now in favor of the sale and
will be working with the County on a new lease agreement.
Collections: The present Board of Directors is very concerned with the number of
residents that are delinquent in the payment of dues and other monies owed to the
Association. We have recently hired a new Attorney and he will be taking aggressive
actions to collect monies owed to the Harbour. He will be filing liens on the properties
and doing Warrants in Debts on the individuals. He will also do garnishments on wages
and rental fees. All of the costs of these actions will be passed on to the resident. It is
imperative that individuals that are delinquent in payments pay their bills or come into
the office and negotiate a payment plan.
Revitalization of the Harbour: The Board of Directors is also very concerned with the
appearance of many properties in the Harbour and will be taking an aggressive
approach in correcting these situations. One of the bigger violations that have been
observed is the number of inoperable vehicles on the property. We will be citing those
individuals and if corrective action is not taken, the vehicles will be towed at the
owner’s expense. There are numerous other properties that need general
maintenance, trees trimmed, grass mowing, mold removed from house, ditches
overgrown, etc. If the items are not corrected after being cited, an assessment of
$10.00 per day will be levied. For everyone’s benefit please take the time to spruce up
your property.
FY-2016 Budget: The Board of Directors has approved the FY-2016 Budget which
includes a $24.00 annual dues increase.
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
PROPERTY APPEARANCE: I would like to encourage all residents to a survey of their property and take
From the desk of the General Manager, Ken Langer contTypical
care of the items that do not meet the requirements of the Harbour’s. controlling documents.
include grass
tree trimming,
on houses,
untidy ditches,
and inoperabletovehicles.
GKY, is mold
the necessary
submit The
will be continue
to make
and areas
will issue
as necessary.
It protects
are several
we have
our needs
values if so
we they
keep will
the Harbour
good repair.
have toinreturn
to the. Harbour and do the necessary
to starting
be submitted
to theinvarious
Development oftothe
Work will be
this spring
the construction
of 156 apartments in the town center. The developer is also in negotiations with a
major food chain to build a 76,000 square feet grocery store in the center. It is
estimated that it would take at least 18 months before the store could open.
I received a letter from the AHPOA’s attorney asking if I would make sure that residents know
Aquia Harbour LivingTMis not an official publication or affiliated with the AHPOA or the BOD. They
also wanted me to change the name. (Name change ain’t going to happen. You see my TM claim?)
I couldn’t help but laugh at the letter when I read it after the initial off shock and disbelief wore off.
Anyone who reads AHL knows it isn’t a product of the BOD or AHPOA. So I am slightly rewording
and putting an updated disclaimer in red on the policy page in the front of each issue so there isn’t
a remote possibility of even the most casual reader having confusion.
Aquia Harbour Living is not affiliated with the BOD (Board of Directors) of Aquia Harbour or Aquia
Harbour Property Owners Association. Articles with a byline are written by that individual. All other
articles are written by Phyllis Filoso, owner and long time resident of Aquia Harbour.
They also expressed concern about my pointing out deficiencies in the Harbour or relaying
information I gather at BOD meetings. I guess some of their feet were feeling a little toasty.
The letter was obviously intended to try and scare me off from doing what I do. Hello! It’s called
Freedom of the Press and First Amendment Rights.
Here’s my comment for the old BOD (prior to the Oct .elections) as this began on their watch,
although, it’s taken their attorney 5 months or more to get around to mailing me the letter.
If the BOD were doing their job, there wouldn’t be a problem with the appearance in the Harbour
for me to even comment on. And if the BOD were doing a better job with delinquent accounts
maybe there wouldn’t be a need to share the Treasurer’s report.
I will say this. I believe there are at least 4 BOD members on our current BOD who are interested in
positive change in the Harbour. I hope the others will get behind moving the Harbour in a positive
direction as well. It’s time to remove the same old stumbling blocks and attitudes that got the
Harbour in the position of needing a Revitalization Committee to do what the BOD should have
been doing all along. I’m just sayin. BOD members who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
or attorney letters. AHL is here to stay! Phyllis Filoso, owner of Aquia Harbour Living. TM
By Michael Nichols
AHL is pleased to announce Manager Michael Nichols from our local Stafford Home
Depot store will be joining AHL. He will answer common household and yard questions
most homeowners experience at some point in time.
Question: Every spring I get weeds in my yard. I never know what to use to try and
stop them or when I should fertilize my yard or what to use. Can you help me?
Spring time brings Mother-nature back to life and with
that the emergence of weeds. Let me start by saying
there are 2 types of defense when it comes to weed
control. They are pre-emergent meaning it’s applied
before the weed has a chance to grow and then a
post-emergent meaning it is applied after the weed has
Your first line of defense should be a pre-emergent this
time of year. It includes a crabgrass killer which is a
common stubborn weed in our local lawns and it also has a fertilizer for lawn food to
give the grass a shot in the arm after old man winter has had his fun destroying the
Step 1 (halts) fertilizers come in 2 forms granulated and liquid both are very effective.
The best time to apply this weed prevention is around Late February to Mid-March.
The granular should be applied while the ground is dry and expecting some rain within
the next 48-72 hours. The liquid it is applied to a dry lawn as well but, with No rain for
48 hours. The next stage to controlling those weeds comes around Mid-April and the
product is called step 2 or weed & feed which also comes in granular or liquid form.
Now there is some confusion when it comes to applying step 2. Remember I said there
are 2 types of defense when it comes to weed control this is the
Post-emergent. Most of us think we want to apply this at the first sight of a dandelion
or other weeds. That is when the weed control works it’s best as it kills the weed
completely so it will not come back in a few days. Again trust me WAIT and you will
have a green and weed freeAquia
all summer.
March 2015
have a green and weed free lawn all summer.
As for the application of step 2 fertilizer again the best time to apply is around MidApril to June. The granular fertilizer needs the grass and weeds to be damp like a
morning dew or late night watering then apply the fertilizer to the lawn this gives the
weed control agent a chance to stick to the weed and kill it to the root. As for the
liquid form it is best applied around sunset before the dew settles in.
All of these weed control fertilizers can be found at your Local Home Depot stores with
varying sizes to accommodate the size of your lawn. All weed control fertilizers are very
easy to apply as well.
One last tidbit of information I like to use something called the E.M.I.L. system. And
what does E.M.I.L. stand for you ask? Well it stands for E-Easter, M-Memorial Day, IIndependence day, L-Labor Day. The holidays are a great reminder when to apply
fertilizers. I hope the chart below helps. I recommend writing this chart on the wall of
your garage or shed to just as a reference.
Easter-Lawn food and Crabgrass killer Step1
Memorial Day- Weed & Feed Step 2
Independence Day- Lawn Food helps our lawn survive the heat of the summer Step 3
Labor Day- Winterizer/Fall feeding helps the lawn survive the winter by slow release
feeding Step 4
Have a question for Michael? Click here to send it to AHL so we can get you an answer.
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
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Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Just because its winter time doesn’t mean
Jane Gill and Beth Barge aren’t out
working around the Harbour. These ladies
took advantage of a warmer day to do some
trimming on the rose bushes and liriope by
the Harbour Inn just before the cold spell
hit us.
Work smarter not harder. I personally love working in the garden when I can wear
sweat pants and a sweat shirt. I’m not one of those gardeners who wait until the sun is
high in the sky on one of those 90+ degree days to do yard work. Give me a 60 or 70
degree day and I’m out there but, by May, I’m just maintaining with watering and an
occasional fertilizing.
I took advantage of that 60 something degree day just before the cold snap and did
some much needed trimming.
Next month Maria will be back with her Rose Corner and gardening tips.
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
It would be easy for AHL to sit here and point fingers at why the Harbour’s appearance is
what it is today. Rather than waste the time and energy doing that, why not roll up our
sleeves and get to work fixing the problems?
Let’s begin by explaining how various AHPOA committees will work together:
The AHPOA has notified each property owner of stricter enforcement in a letter
along with our dues notice a set of existing rules regarding the outside appearance
of our homes and yards.
The CODE VIOLATION OFFICER (CVO) is tasked with stricter citing of violations.
The Legal Compliance Committee, who works with the CVO, will begin meeting
twice a month. This will allow a faster turnaround time between the time a violation
letter is sent out and when property owners who fail to comply with the request to
fix/repair the problem will be held accountable.
The Beautification Committee will work with the BOD to address issues of
maintenance with AHPOA property so that it isn’t part of the problem.
The Architectural Committee (ACC) will ensure that structures are in compliance
with building requirements in our covenants.
Property owners are asked to take a good look at the outside of their property using
the criteria in the letter they received and address any necessary repairs or
maintenance of the home and yard.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the business office by phone
540-659-3050 or email your question to Please remember the
Harbour didn’t get this way overnight and it won’t get fixed overnight.
However, with your help BOD members AHL has spoken with believes there will be a
significant change in appearance throughout the Harbour this spring and summer.
Most of the problems can be fixed with little expense. You’d be surprised at what
weeding, mowing of grass, a little paint, de-cluttering your yard, cleaning of siding, and
some elbow grease will do to the overall appearance in the Harbour.
Let’s Work Together to Make Aquia Harbour a Premier Community!
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
Revitalization- To impart new life or vigor to.
The Harbour has entered the phase of a “mature” community. With the exception of a
few lots, the Harbour is built out and has been for several years now.
Is there anyone who doesn’t believe that as a home ages it requires more work to
maintain not less? With most homes in here between 20-40 years young I’d say we fall
into that category.
Unfortunately all too often “mature” communities fall into the trap of failing to
adequately plan for and maintain their properties. This can result in conditions that
can turn off potential buyers and ultimately affect all our property values. You can
have the nicest home/yard possible, but if your neighbors or HOA fail to maintain their
property it can send the wrong message to potential buyers.
The AHPOA is trying to do their part. Over the last few years a new pool, marina, police
station, and soon to be completed business office have been built. There’s still more to
do but the AHPOA is definitely on the right track.
Now it’s time for us as home owners to step-up and do our part. The AHPOA is asking
you as a homeowner to take a good look at the outside appearance of your home and
yard. Are there things that need some paint, cleaning, or simply some tidying up? You
know that honey do list you have.
Beginning April 1st homes will once again be cited for having green/black mold on their
siding. We’re a water community and with the extra moisture in the air it seems like
we’re always battling it on the North side of our houses.
Let’s declare April as clean our siding month.
There’ll be an article in the April issue next month with some tips and tricks to help
make the cleaning process easier. Be sure to check it out.
The AHPOA BOD thanks all residents for their
time and efforts in helping maintain their homes and yards!
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
By now you should have already received the notice of the $24 dues increase. That
means the BOD has passed the budget for 2016. When you pay your dues you will
receive 2016 stickers for your car. Please take the time to put them on your car.
Beginning in April cars not displaying the 2016 sticker will
increasingly be directed to enter the visitor’s side of the gate.
After having sat through all the finance committee meetings and the subsequent BOD
meetings regarding the budget, I can safely say we need to do better. I’m not blaming
the individuals who volunteered their time. I’m saying the process needs to be
Take a month off. A lot of hours were put into this process. AHL’s suggestion would be
to have a standing committee that meets at least monthly to address the
recommendations and areas that became crystal clear as needing additional
information. While the issues are still fresh in everyone’s mind let’s fix the process.
Issues I’m referring to:
Comparison costs of similar amenities in the area.
Comparison cost of other HOA’s fees and their amenities.
Breakdown of line items so they aren’t bundled.
Breakdown as to how our amenities are advertised and how effective the
advertising is.
An up to date review of culverts under our roads.
Use of purchase orders.
Short and Long range planning provided by our amenity managers for attracting
new users and cost saving ideas.
Address the cost of the roads and dredging that were removed from the budget.
Review the cost of telecommunications costs.
Do a thorough comparison of Harbour positions and benefit packages to
equivalent positions in Stafford.
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
While our dues only went up $24/yr, if you use an amenity other than a park you’ll find
it will cost you more out of pocket. All our user fees went up including the surcharge
for paying dues quarterly. That will now cost you $40 plus the $24/yr increase for a
total of $64/yr. And don’t be late with a payment. That’s an extra $50 each time you
are late. Please check our January issue of AHL for the budget breakdown increases.
The 4th of July Fireworks were saved in the budget. While it is a luxury, it’s a free
event every Harbour resident can enjoy. The BOD did cut back on the amount
requested by the Community Events Committee (CEC). The Harbour will basically pay
for the fireworks , and the barge, with some left over. Some of the costs for items had
gotten way out of hand and have been reigned in.
There are new people now on the Community Events Committee. I heard the report
given by the new chairman of the committee at a recent BOD meeting. Monies from
vendors are to go to the AHPOA not a club. One of the number one issues with the old
committee was the money collection. Additionally, all Harbour clubs are being asked
to participate with the activities.
I for one say let’s give the revamped committee and opportunity to prove themselves
this year.
Chief issues that will need to be worked out are parking, liability, safety, and security
Where does this leave us for the 4th of July? We can still have events in addition to the
fireworks that will be budget neutral/or actually bring in money. Things like the
parade, fun run and the car show. Those can be morning events and then the food
vendors and fireworks in the evening.
Please weigh in and voice your opinion on this. Voice your opinion in AHL, attend a
BOD meeting, or contact the CEC directly. But don’t delay as plans have to be made.
The BOD also needs to have a serious conversation about
liability, safety, and security concerns.
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Nationwide Insurance
Boats & RVs
Call today for a free policy review to
see if you’re up-to-date on needs or
if Nationwide can save you money.
Mark Smith
(540) 659-5433 Website
and more…
For All
Helps families in the
Stafford area
throughout the year.
Please consider
donating canned
goods today.
Lovely Sweets & Treats
(570) 886-0822
You haven’t had great
coffee until you’ve enjoyed
a cup using fresh roasted
coffee beans from
Rick’s Roasters.
Affairs by Ayres
Custom floral designs
for your special
(703) 994-8557
We broker CDs for FDIC
Insured banks. Promotional
incentive may be included to
obtain yield.
Certain restrictions apply.
Rates may vary depending on
deposit amount.
Quantico Corporate Center
800 Corporate Drive, Suite
301 Stafford, VA 22554
(703) 884-3884
Weddings, Senior Portraits,
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Walding Associates
Full Accounting
and Consulting
Small businesses are
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What you don’t know can
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Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Brought to you by:
Brought to you by:
Mark Your Calendar for March
Cruise Planners
March 7th Monte Carlo Night sponsored by the Aquia
Evening Lions. 7PM at the Country Club, Cost: $20.00/ticket.
See Ad in this issue for more information about this fun
March 9th-13 SERVE food drive at AH preschool.
March 10th- Join the AH Women’s Club for a special
Pilates/Yoga class at 7:15 downstairs at the Country Club.
Please see the AH Woman’s Club article for more info on
March 17th- Happy St. Patrick’s Day! George is cooking up
Corn Beef and Cabbage at the Country Club. Please see the
St. Patrick’s Day Ad for more info on p. 6.
Mindy Batien
(540) 220-2775
Associate of Lina Cola
owned and
For All Your
Travel Needs!
March 20th- Annual Moncure Clothing Sale
Want to shop early? We need volunteers and all our
volunteers get to early shop Friday, March 20 th from
8:00-10:00 and get a higher consignor percentage.
Volunteer shifts will be posted on the Clothing Sale
website February 21st.
March 29th AHWC Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Please see the
AHWC article for more details on p. 9.
Scholarship information from the AHWC form is available on
the BPHS website and at the Harbour’s business office.
Visit our
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
Common Sense or Common Since? by Suzi
Common Sense
Of or relating to a community at large; known to the community
Belonging to or shared by two or more individuals or things or by all members of a
Occurring or appearing frequently; widespread, general
Falling below ordinary standards; lacking refinement
Sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception ofhe situation or facts
From a definite past time until now
Before the present time; after a time in the past
Why is common sense so uncommon? Why is common so prevalent today? These are some of
the questions that I ponder.
When did the children and grandchildren of the Greatest Generation fail so miserably in the next
generation? It appears that there is an entire generation who rely too heavily on Wikipedia, Google
and GPS. An entire populous who are unable to navigate their way out of a corrugated sack, lacking
basic common sense and life tools to allow for productive lives.
Inexplicably, there is a generation of individuals who rush to the newest release of an Apple
product but fail to participate in the vote. It would be common sense to attempt to be a part of the
solution as opposed to a part of the problem. All great civilizations before our own have risen and
fallen to be replaced by another, is that our destiny? Is that our future?
When did it become common to respond to another in a negative fashion without due cause?
Sarcasm is not wit. Lost is the art of open, informative dialogue, listening to understand and learn;
perhaps enlightenment. Gone is the ability to effectively communicate, having been replaced by hastily
drafted, misspelled and snide comments solely for the shock value; Devoid of decorum and taste.
Common sense would dictate that there is a need to modify your behavior, lifestyle or finances if
it can be reasonably foreseen that the expected trajectory of the path you are currently on is
unsustainable. Translation: Rudeness begets rudeness, if you’re unhappy, change and if you can’t
afford it don’t buy it.
Unfortunately, the lack of common sense cannot be measured by the individual who is deficient
because he or she isn’t aware of its absence. Conversely, an individual who can be accurately defined
as “common since” is fully aware of their contemptible and despicable behavioral traits as they have
been present for a life time and likely will be in the future.
Common sense.
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Think Spring! The Aquia Harbour Women’s Club (AHWC) Annual Easter Egg Hunt is only
4 weeks away!
Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 29th. Children 10 and under are invited to hunt
for Easter Eggs, search for the Golden Egg, visit with the Easter Bunny and enjoy
refreshments. The hunt will take place in the Business Office/Preschool/ Playground
areas in Section One. The hunt begins at 1:30 pm.
In order for everyone to participate and have an enjoyable experience, there are a few
guidelines for the hunt and your cooperation is appreciated.
The hunt is divided by age categories:
1:30 PM Children ages 7-10 will hunt
1:40 pm – Children 4-6 will hunt.
1:50 pm – Children 3 and under will hunt. ****(CHILD MUST BE ABLE TO HUNT
THE HUNTING AREA.) Women’s Club members and other volunteers will be on
hand to make sure everyone finds some eggs.
Children need to bring their own basket or bag to the hunt.
There is no fee for this event. The Women’s Club provides eggs, candy, baked goods
and refreshments. However, donations of wrapped candy would be greatly
appreciated. All donated candy should be dropped off at the business office no later
than March 18th.
A couple of reminders about the Easter Egg Hunt – both the business office and the
preschool will be closed, so there are no restroom facilities. Parking is tight on the day
of the hunt, so walking and carpooling are recommended. As always, we hope it will be
a beautiful spring day, but in case of rain, the event is cancelled.
Happy Easter and Happy Hunting from the Aquia Harbour Women’s Club!
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
Submitted by: Scott Marshall, Manager
It’s time to get your golf membership!
Spring and prime golfing season is just around the corner. Starting March 1st the pro
shop will begin selling golf memberships for this coming year. Aquia Harbour Golf
Course offers one of the best values in the area. A single membership with golf cart is
only $575.00 for the year or $63.00 per month. Compare that to Augustine Golf Course
at $4,150.00 per year, or Forest Greens Golf Course at $209.00 per month. The
following are annual membership rates for Aquia Harbour Residents.
Single Family (2) Family (3)
Want more flexibility, then a monthly membership might be just what you need.
Monthly memberships require a $50.00 initiation fee and your first month's
membership payment. Thereafter, the pro shop will bill your credit card each month
for your membership. A four month commitment is all that is required, and then you
can cancel if you like. Keep your monthly membership through December and get your
January and February membership fees for free! Boy isn’t that better than those
annoying cell phone contracts we have to deal with! Monthly membership rates are as
Family (2)
Family (3)
Family (4+)
For more details call the pro shop at 659-4478, or
check out our website
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
By Supervisor Jack Cavalier
Stafford County Highlights
Stafford received good news in January regarding grant applications for the Purchase of
Development Rights program. The County was awarded $286,983 from the Virginia
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and $50,000 from the Virginia Land
Conservation Fund. Stafford has $588,148 in County funds to more than match the
amounts received from the state. The Agricultural/Purchase of Development Rights
Committee will analyze potential properties to purchase and will bring a recommendation
to the Board of Supervisors. Currently, the PDR program has preserved a total of 303 acres
and retired 63 development rights. The program enables the Stafford County Government
to acquire conservation easements voluntarily offered by property owners as a way to
ensure that Stafford’s resources are protected and efficiently used, and limits further
residential development on a property. The program is proposed to preserve open space
and rural lands; farm and forest land; water resources and environmentally sensitive
lands; and wildlife and aquatic habitat.
The filling of Lake Mooney in the southern area of the county continues. To date, the lake
holds 1.7 billion gallons of a total 5.5 billion capacity. The level has risen to 194 feet of an
eventual 226 feet. The Utilities Department projects that the lake will be filled by late
Stafford’s Economic Development Department held a Strategic Planning Open Forum on
Retail on January 12. The purpose of the meeting was to allow businesses and citizens the
opportunity to pass along their “retail wish list” to the County. Their suggestions will be
incorporated into the Economic Development Strategic Plan and presented to the Board
for review when complete.
Stafford’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) logged some impressive numbers
in 2014. Volunteers served 2,012 hours. The team assisted in the funeral of volunteer
firefighter chief John McDonald, several 350th events and National Night Out. This diverse
group of trained citizens from throughout the county continues to be a valuable asset to
Stafford, and they stand ready to assist with special events, preparedness initiatives,
training and natural disasters.
The County has partnered with Germanna to further enhance employees’ customer
service skills. Staff worked with Germanna to create a series of classes focused on
enriching our customers’ experience (both external and internal). Continue reading….
Aquia weekly
Harbour Living
2015 of May.
classes started in January and runs
the first
AHL chatted with the GM (Ken Laenger) a few days ago about some questions we’ve
seen pop up on Facebook or in general conversations.
Who is responsible for trimming trees limbs by the road?
GM- Generally the AHPOA maintains trees that are within 30 ft of the center of the
road. The center of the road may be off in some places but in general 30ft from center.
So if you have branches hanging over the road from trees not in the 30ft area the lot
owner is responsible.
Who is responsible for maintaining the culverts and ditches in front of our homes?
GM- Our covenants are very clear about this. The AHPOA owns the ditches but they
are the responsibility of the lot owner to maintain. The AHPOA does occasionally
scoop out some ditches for erosion control purposes. That’s one of the reasons the
AHPOA has the ownership of 30ft from the center of the road on both sides. So 60 feet
total. They also have easements on the side of our houses.
Does anyone check the height of power lines and cables in the Harbour?
GM- both Verizon and Virginia Power were here after the incident on John Paul Jones
about a year ago and verified all lines going across roads are at or higher than minimum
requirements. Additionally the Harbour does a process called milling so that when new
pavement is laid down it doesn’t increase the height of the road. The BOD asked the
GM to have them come out again for certain locations. According to the Chief the
poles/lines have a tendency to sag when wet.
When will the new business office be open?
GM- As of right now it looks like March. We’re hopeful that the county will give us an
occupancy permit while the finishing touches to the outside lights are completed.
Thank you Ken Laenger for taking the time to answer residents questions/concerns.
AHL invites residents to contact us with questions and we will endeavor to find the
answers for you.
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
Custom Jewelers
Perfect for smaller weddings,
parties, or meetings,
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Fredericksburg. Website
That’s My Dress
Bridal and Prom
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Arrangements &
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Affairs by Ayres
defines you.”
Professional Jewelry
Services Include:
(703) 994-8557
Have you read the
yellow letter with
your dues?
Coming to the
Large Selection of
Diamonds (GIA-EGL)
Custom Designs
Jewelry & Watch
Repair on Premises
Free Jewelry
Inspection (checking
prongs) & Cleaning
We Buy Gold Jewelry
296 Garrisonville Road
(Rt. 610) Suite 103
Stafford, Virginia 22554
(540) 628-2761
Mon.-Sat 10am-6pm
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
is a must visit boutique for:
Bridal Gowns
Prom and
Galas & Balls
Pageants Gowns
Located at
1 Towne Center Blvd.
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
(540) 370-8574
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sundays Closed/Appt. only
Visit their “sister store” for all
your cosmetic needs. 5759
Plank Rd. @ Harrison Crossing
Unoffical Board Meeting Highlights February 2015
Supervisor Jack Cavalier gave the board a bombshell.
by Phyllis Filoso
According to Supervisor Cavalier a major grocery store chain is
interested in the Aquia Towne Center (ATC) location. The catch is they want a
second entrance onto Washington Dr. and they want an answer yesterday.
Personally, I would love it if Shopper’s moved back into the Towne Center. Not in
the cards. Although Supervisor Cavalier couldn’t say what chain store it will be he
hinted if it went through we wouldn’t be disappointed.
More Questions than Answers:
Who would pay for the second entrance from the ATC?
Who will pay for the upkeep of the entrance?
Does the entrance involve any transfer/sale of Harbour property?
Since potentially 1000’s of cars daily will once again be able to access RT1 via
the entrance we currently have- who is going to pay for the ongoing
maintenance of Washington Dr for the extra wear and tear on the roadway?
Will this involve having to relocate the guard shack? If it does who is going to
pay for the relocation?
Opportunity Knocking
Opinion- This could be a win/win for everyone. The owners of the ATC get a
nationally known chain grocery store for an anchor store. This will attract other
stores. The eyesore the Harbour has been living next to will finally get cleaned up
and we’ll have and a grocery store at our front door. And let’s not forget the tax
revenue the County will collect.
But let’s not give away the store (no pun intended) without really considering ALL
the potential cost involved with making such a potentially huge and costly decision.
AHL for one would like a town hall meeting ASAP with someone recording
resident’s questions and concerns.
After all it was following the town hall meetings and the synergy of ideas and
alternatives that the county came up with a real money offer for the rescue
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Unoffical Board Meeting Highlights February 2015
The Harbour will be negotiating our trash services. Since gasoline prices
have dropped our current provider said they are receiving about 60% less for
recycling. Translation- we will most likely see a decrease in the rebate we see
from them as well. There’s also discussion to cut back the number of pick-up
days. Right now with trash, recycling, and yard waste it seems there’s always
a trashcan sitting out by the curb. If we can consolidate or reduce the
number of pick-ups things would look tidier, save on waste truck traffic, and
possibly save on costs.
Town meeting. It has been suggested to hold a Town Hall either quarterly or
Accounting software. It has been recommended that it is time to update
our accounting software. The current software was purchased in the 1990’s
and won’t even interface with our bank. There will be presentation by
companies made to the BOD. Opinion- Form a committee.
There’s discussion about offering a couple of free months membership for
the golf course and the marina to attract new users.
The GM is recommending a company named ADP to use for Human
Resource purposes. They would do such things as payroll, OSHA
compliance, safety, personnel matters, etc.
Opinion- The BOD needs to take a serious look at either ADP or a similar
company. AHL has sat through enough BOD meetings to know there are a
number of areas the Harbour needs to address ASAP.
The country club is getting a badly needed new roof.
Building of apartments in the ATC is on hold as someone forgot to add a
couple of million dollars into the cost for water and sewer.
Breaking news-The BOD voted to hire ADP.
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
Chief Patricia S. Harman
Aquia Harbour Police Department
1040 Aquia Drive Stafford, Va. 22554
C 703-407-6106 O 540-659-4600
Gate (540) 659-5224
Aquia Harbour
Ready for July 4th? No, I haven’t been nipping at the breathalyzer tester…
It will be here before you know it and things are going to be a little different this year so I
wanted all of us to start planning early.
There have been some budget cuts this year so we won’t be having as many activities this
year – there will be more on that in upcoming newletters as the planners do their
planning. I am happy to report, however, that your fireworks have been saved! Now that
we are on YEAR #3 of the fireworks show - word is starting to get around Stafford County
that Aquia Harbour is the place to be on July 4th! Which is great… if you LIVE in Aquia
Harbour. We hit max capacity last year for finding places to park vehicles for fireworks
viewing and since we are not sure about whether or not there will be shuttle vans this
year we are really going to have find a way to limit outside traffic so that our residents will
have room to park. After all – you are the ones paying for this right?
So, in order to facilitate this, the Front Gate will be very tightly restricted that night. If you
are expecting guests on July 4th and they have been preregistered by name, they will be
able to get in and come to your home – all others will be turned away (sometimes on
holidays residents will ask that their address be left “open” for parties – this will not be
permitted after 5pm). A second screening may also take place at viewing locations and
non-residents or vehicles without Harbour stickers or Harbour sponsors will be turned
away. It’s the only way to insure that our residents get the seat so your cooperation will
be appreciated.
We’re going to try not to be the skunk at the picnic, we just want to make sure that your
fireworks party isn’t overrun and our roads aren’t blocked. If you are going to be around
this July 4th (it’s on Saturday this year) and you are interested in maybe helping out with
whatever activities might be going on that day, shoot me an email and I will pass your info
on to the movers and shakers. Thanks!
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
Well it’s sort of yard snippets.
While the snow may have
given some cabin fever, others
chose to enjoy the beautiful
white fluffy stuff Mother
Nature provided.
Sledding at the golf course is
always a favorite past time of
our young folks. And they
weren’t disappointed with the
several days’ worth of sledding
due to the
AHL would like to give a
shout out to our roads and
grounds crews. They were
on the job throughout the
storm sanding and plowing
so that residents could
more safely navigate our
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
March 2015
If you haven’t already done so, now is a good time to trim crepe myrtles,
liriope, rake leaves from flower gardens and begin yard clean-up as weather
permits. (Remember work smarter not harder. Do a little at a time so it’s not
overwhelming and it’s pleasant to be outside.)
Begin taking a look and making a list of repairs/maintenance items to be
addressed when warmer weather returns.
THE AHPOA sent out a letter with your dues notice. Please read the letter
carefully so you don’t get surprises regarding the appearance/condition of
your home and yard.
Now is the time to apply pre-emergent weed killers to your yard. See article
page 12 & 13 for more information.
Please tell us all holiday decorations from Christmas are safely stored away
until next year.
Test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Push the red button each
month to ensure they are functioning properly.
Replace or wash air filters.
Time to think about spring cleaning. Consider cleaning carpets, washing
windows, vacuum/wash drapes, clean your oven.
Consider donating clothing/items as you do some spring cleaning or keep
and donate/sell at the Evening Lions annual yard sale in June. Now would
be a good time to start filling some boxes with items you no longer need.
Open windows and doors on a nice day to air out your house. If you do it
this month with a 70 degree day you should be able to avoid pollen issues.
Aquia Harbour Living March 2015
The stars are aligning in the Harbour’s favor. Stars don’t align like this very often.
AHL believes we have to seize the opportunity we are being handed and with careful
planning good things will happen.
What in the world am I talking about?
The county is purchasing the rescue squad so the Harbour is basically guaranteed a fire
and rescue squad at our front door forever. Our location to 95 is ideal. And the county
will finance all the upgrades needed.
With the purchase of the rescue squad the Harbour will have available funds to widen
the entrance on Washington Dr and possibly install a security arm.
The Aquia Towne Center looks to finally being on track for a major grocery store as an
anchor store. The BOD has given the county/developer a tentative go ahead for
another entrance. If this works that EYESORE next door will once again be a booming
shopping area.
The AHPOA has replaced several buildings and structures over the past couple of years
without having to finance any of it. With planning and the Reserves the Harbour was
able to write the check.
At least 4 BOD members are serious about the appearance of homes/yards in the
Harbour. We have the requirements of maintaining our property in our by-laws and
covenants and stricter enforcement of the codes will be enforced as of
April 1. See the yellow letter sent out with your dues or click here to read.
The BOD is taking steps to address homeowners who are not paying their dues! It is
outrageous that we have over $600,000 owed to the Harbour. There can be additional
consequences beyond what was in the letter everyone received. More about that next
The Beautification committee was tasked with rewriting the Recycling Resolution so
that funding of projects to help improve the appearance of AHPOA property can more
easily occur and be used to improve those areas most visible to residents and guests.
AHL is vocal and active with input, suggestions, and providing readers information so
they can help encourage the BOD. 
Folks, this is amazing! But, it will take all of us being diligent, staying on top of it and voicing
your support to make this happen! This opportunity may never come again and we can’t
afford to waste it!
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind
be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm
upon your face and the rain fall softly on your
fields. And until we meet again, May God hold
you in the hollow of his hand.
AHL wishes everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Aquia Harbour Living
March 2015